San Diego GeoDemographic Analysis

San Diego Project

San Diego Project

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San Diego Project

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This section provides a description of CV SanDiego1 project layers and illustrations of their use.  The CV GIS project is itself a file that chains-together a set of shapefiles, and/or other geographic files, with specific attribute settings for each layer (e.g., color, transparency, labeling, filtered objects to display, patterns/intervals, etc.).  In this project, a layer is specific rendering or view based on a shapefile.  Layers are listed in the legend panel at right of map view panel.  See legend panel in view below.  While the layers described in this section parallel the list of layers in the legend panel, there is not a one-to-one relationship.  Powerful features of a desktop GIS include adding and removing layers and modifying attributes of how a shapefile is rendered in the map view.


Updates and Use

The CV GIS San Diego, CA project fileset is frequently updated. CV Level 2 and CV Level 3 users may download and use the San Diego, CA project fileset.


Users with San Diego-specific geodemographic-economic analysis interests have a ready-to-use foundation.  Add your data.  Extend the scope of analysis.


Project Start-up

The CV GIS San Diego project file is named sandiego1.gpr.  The default drive/folder for this project and related files is c:\cv\cafiles.  The geographic extent of the project is the U.S. and Mexico.  Most layers are focused on the San Diego county area.  Access layer illustration views and attributes by expanding (click +) on the San Diego Project in the navigation panel at left.


A similar project can be developed for and county or region in the U.S.  Contact Proximity for details.


CV SanDiego1 Start-up View