San Diego GeoDemographic Analysis

School Districts

School Districts

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School Districts

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School Districts

See related School/School Districts pages.








28 of the 42 San Diego County school districts have population of 20,000 or more.  Demographic updates based on the ACS 0507 are available for these districts.  These data provide the first "school district community" demographic updates since Census 2000 for this scope of school districts.  More detail is available  in a separately developed ACS 05-07 school district special tabulation.  The partial sample comparative analysis demographic profile has been prepared using the Proximity School District Dynamics (SDDynamics) integrated software and database resource.  This profile provides a side-by-side comparison of Sweetwater Union High school district with the San Diego MSA/County and the State of California.  Using SDDynamics, profiles of this type may be prepared for any combination of school districts, metros or states.


The complete Excel structured profile may be viewed here.




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