Congressional Districts & Congressional Communities

In this section, you will learn to locate a Congressional Community (CC) based on an address/location in context of the corresponding Congressional District (CD).


iVDA is one part of a broader VDA GIS resource framework.  See more about VDA GIS.


Find a CC based on an address/location

.. enter an address or location like "Laguna Beach" (no quotes)

.. the map view zooms-in to the CD containing the location and shows the CD crosshatched.

.. view the demographic profile for this CD displayed in the lower left.

.. here you can examine many demographic subject matter items for that CD.

.. optionally click on other layers in the Legend Panel.


.. the address/location is shown by the blue marker

.. see that the CC code is 0647001.


Navigate for closer zoom-in.


Try a different address or location, maybe "Oahu" or any address of interest. The view will zoom to that CD and show CCs.


Visual Data Analytics Web GIS
iVDA is presented below in an interactive mapping window .. watch video

Below is a static graphic example of using iVDA as described above.


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