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Agency/Program Ranking Table Census Bureau Highlights National Center for Education Statistics Highlights Census 2010/ACS Main Page This section will be updated/extended. Please check back. |
Federal Statistical System Budget
The share of budget resources spent on supporting Federal statistics is approximately 0.02 percent of GDP in non-Census years and roughly double that in Census years. The collection, tabulation and dissemination of Federal statistical data are almost always authorized and implemented pursuant to specific legislation or constitutional authority. These data are used by the Federal government to drive and measure activities ranging from apportionment and redistricting to shaping monetary policy at the Federal Reserve to influencing program design and allocation mechanisms (many Federal programs rely on data such as population estimates, the Consumer Price Index, and Federal poverty thresholds) to informing the economic and risk-assessment research used in regulatory policy and benefit-cost analyses. The value of these data is far broader than the Federal government use. These data are widely used for private and non-profit sector decision-making, indeed to the household and individual levels, and provide the basis for further statistical data development both governments and others. The U.S. Federal Statistical System provides access to a vast wealth of data to help the government and a diverse set of stakeholders make data driven decisions. Proximity uses many of these data resources to develop yet additional data, such as projections though modeling, and integrates these data with non-Federal data to enhance the usefulness of the combined set of data and develop decision-making information solutions. Effective use of Federal statistical data involves yet other Federal sourced data such as geographic and imagery data resources and wide-ranging computer-based tools/resources. Data Presented in Ranking Table. Data in the ranking table are taken from the Statistical Programs of the United States Government: Fiscal Year 2010 which outlines the funding proposed for Federal statistical activities in the President’s budget. The budget requests an estimated $12.4 billion for statistical work to be carried out in FY 2010. Excluding cyclical funding for the Decennial Census ($6.9 billion), 41 percent of this overall funding provides resources for 13 agencies that have statistical activities as their principal mission. The remaining funding is spread among more than seventy other agencies that carry out statistical activities in conjunction with other program missions, such as providing services or enforcing regulations. These data cover Federal agencies that have annual budgets of $500,000 or more for statistical activities. Federal Statistical System Budget Interactive ranking table -- click column header to sort; click again to sort other direction. Click link in program/agency column to connect with agency Web site. See related Ranking Tables Main Page Numeric data in millions of dollars. All data are as of November 2009. Notes. Data shown in ranking table have been provided by the agencies and are derived from “total budget authority” shown in the program and financing schedule for these agencies in the President’s FY 2010 budget. Component programs may not add to totals because of rounding. 1 NASS totals include funds for the periodic Census of Agriculture of $52, $37, and $37 million in 2008, 2009, and 2010 respectively. 2 Salaries and Expenses funds include discretionary and mandatory funds. 3 For the Periodic Censuses and Programs account, the 2008 actual includes $207 million in supplemental funds. 4 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 funding is included in totals for the Census Bureau ($1 billion for 2010 Census) and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) ($250 million for Statewide Data Systems program). 5 NCES totals include the Institute of Education Statistics grant program for State Longitudinal Data Systems which is funded at $48, $65 plus $250, and $65 million in 2008, 2009, and 2010, respectively. 6 For comparability across agencies, the following agency amounts include indirectly appropriated estimated salaries and expenses: Bureau of Justice Statistics ($6, $7, and $7 million); NCES ($16, $16, and $17 million); and Science Resources Statistics ($6, $7, and $7 million). Amounts in parentheses after each agency are for 2008, 2009, and 2010 and are rounded to nearest million dollars. Column Headers FY2008 -- actual expenditure FY2009 -- estimated expenditure FY2010 -- estimated/requested expenditure Census Bureau FY 2010 Budget Request The FY 2010 budget request of $7.4 billion will provide continuing support for the Census Bureau’s cyclical programs, including $6.9 billion for the 2010 Decennial Census program, $116.9 million for the Economic Census funding cycle, and $8.9 million for the Census of Governments funding cycle. The request for the Decennial Census program includes $200.0 million for the American Community Survey, $18.3 million for the Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Enhancements Program, and $6.7 billion to conduct major operations for the 2010 Decennial Census. In addition to the new budget authority requested for the 2010 Census program, $897.9 million in additional funding will be available from carry over of FY 2009 funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Congressional Action on FY 2009 Budget Request -- Census Bureau Highlights As requested in the President’s budget, the FY 2009 appropriation totaled $3.14 billion in discretionary funding, which includes $2.7 billion for the 2010 Decennial Census Program. The FY 2009 appropriation also included an additional $1.0 billion in funding for decennial census activities under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The funding supports resources needed for vital operations, such as Address Canvassing, Group Quarters Validation, Local Update of Census Addresses, and the completion of Dress Rehearsal operational assessments. In addition, the Census Bureau will undertake major components of the Integrated Communications plan (including hiring of regional partnership specialists, other outreach and promotion efforts and beginning to purchase 2010 Census advertising), and continue overall management and integration of development and implementation efforts for the 2010 Census. The FY 2009 budget also provides $45.7 million for the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) and adds $1.4 million to the base for the Current Population Survey (CPS). The SIPP funding provides for continuation of the 2008 SIPP Panel of 45,000 households that began in September 2008. The funding also will allow for continuing improvements to the current SIPP program that are scheduled for completion by the end of 2012. The added CPS funding, along with $8.7 million added to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, will cover the rising cost of the survey. The budget also includes $8.1 million to expand the quarterly and annual surveys of service industries. In FY 2009, the Census Bureau also received $1 billion as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This funding will aid the Census Bureau in conducting a more accurate census in 2010, with more targeted efforts to reach hard to count populations, including minority communities. With this funding, the Census Bureau will devote $30 million to expanding the Coverage Follow-up operation, $120 million to enhance the partnership program, and $100 million to the advertising contract to support additional paid media and other outreach efforts. The remaining $750 million in funding will be used to support early FY 2010 operations. This approach will reduce operational and programmatic risks. National Center for Education Statistics FY 2010 Budget Request Although the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is a Federal center for collecting/developing and providing access to education statistics, Census Bureau programs, notably the decennial census and ACS, remain the primary source of Federal statistics concerning education. Through reimbursable programs, NCES sponsors the Census Bureau collection and development of the annual elementary-secondary education financial data, augmentation of the MAF/TIGER program to incorporate school district boundaries, development of annual school district demographic estimates for Title I allocations, development of the ACS school district special tabulation, among others. The NCES FY 2010 budget request would provide a total of $329.8 million, including direct funding of $312.4 million to support three major programs: Statistics, Assessment, and Statewide Data Systems. The budget request for the Statistics program includes an increase of $10 million to maintain current activities in the face of rising costs of data collections and to respond to increased demands for information. The FY 2010 request would support technical assistance to states implementing longitudinal data systems and provide funding for a new longitudinal study of teachers, a new international assessment of adult competencies, and a national survey to examine parent and family involvement in education and the participation of preschool children in non-parental education and care arrangements. The requested FY 2010 funding for the Assessment program would provide support for conducting 2010 national U.S. history, civics, and geography assessments and a pilot writing assessment; preparing for 2011 assessments in reading, math, and writing; preparing for the 2012 long-term trend assessment, the grade 12 economics assessment, and a technology literacy study; and for continued analysis and reporting of prior assessments. The requested $65 million for the Statewide Data Systems program would support designing, developing, and implementing longitudinal data systems that enable states to use individual student data to enhance education and close achievement gaps. This request is consistent with FY 2009 funding; however, in FY 2009 the Statewide Data Systems program also received $250 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds. In addition, indirect funding for NCES salaries and expenses is requested by the Institute of Education Sciences at $17.5 million, which includes an increase of $1.5 million. Congressional Action on FY 2009 Budget Request -- National Center for Education Statistics Highlights The FY 2009 direct appropriation of $302.4 million was $41.1 million below the President’s request. NCES received appropriations for three major programs: Statistics, Assessment, and Statewide Data Systems. The Statistics program received an appropriation of $98.5 million in 2009, an amount that was $6.1 million less than the President’s request. The Assessment program received the requested amount of $138.8 million, of which $130.1 million was for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and $8.7 million was for the National Assessment Governing Board. The Statewide Data Systems program received $65.0 million, which was $35.0 million less than the President’s request. The Statewide Data Systems program also received $250.0 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds in 2009. In addition, NCES indirectly received $16 million for salaries and expenses that are reflected in the Institute of Education Sciences budget. Additional Information Proximity develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Contact Proximity (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest. |