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Pennsylvania School District Demographic Characteristics
  -- based on ACS 2009 5-year estimates, centric to mid-2007

The ranking table presented in this section provides selected demographic characteristics for Pennsylvania school districts. These data are based on the American Community Survey 2009 5-year estimates released December 2010. These are the first "richer demographics" for all school districts since Census 2000. Data reflect school district geographic boundaries for the 2009-10 school year.
Percent High School Graduate

Use the interactive ranking table below to rank/compare/examine selected demographics by school district. See the scope of additional approximate 600 subject matter items available for each district (and neighborhood) in the 4-part demographic profile ... view extended subject matter items: demographic, social, economic, housing.

Improving Education Opportunities, Efficiency & Performance
Examine how your neighborhoods have changed since 2000. Integrate geocoded student and school data with demographic estimates and projections to facilitate strategic planning.

Pennsylvania School District Demographics Interactive Ranking Table
  Data based on ACS 2009 5-Year estimates and centric to mid-2007.
  See related Ranking Tables Main Page
  Usage: click column header to sort; click again to sort other direction.

Current Estimates & Projections
Estimates shown in the table are from ACS 2009 and centric to mid-2007. We develop current (2010/2011) demographic estimates and annual projections (2015 and beyond). Contact us for additional information; mention demographic estimates & projections in text section; or call (888) 364-7656.
Column Headers; Subject Matter Items
Data are estimates based on survey data collected 2005-2009 & centric to mid-2007.
  • Population -- total population
  • %Under 5 -- population under age 5 as percent of total population
  • %Pop 5-17 -- school age population, ages 5-17, as percent of total population
  • %Pop 65+ -- population age 65 and over as percent of total population
  • Md Age -- median age
  • %White -- White population (of one race) as percent of total population
  • %Black -- Black population (of one race) as percent of total population
  • %AIAN -- American Indian/Alaska Native population (of one race) as percent of total population
  • %Asian -- Asian population (of one race) as percent of total population
  • %NHPI -- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander population (of one race) as percent of total population
  • %Hispanic -- Hispanic population (all races) as percent of total population
  • %HS Grad -- percent high school graduates (population 25 years and older)
  • %Coll Grad -- percent college graduates graduates (population 25 years and older)
  • LSAH [Language Spoken at Home] -- percent who speak language other than English & "do not speak English very well"
  • $MHI -- median household income
  • $MFI -- median family income
  • Poverty -- percent all population in poverty (with income in past 12 months below poverty level)
  • $MHV -- median housing value (owner-occupied housing units)

Ranking Table Usage Notes
  • Click on a column header to sort on that column; click column header again to sort in other direction.
  • Click ShowAll button to show all areas and restore full set of data view.
  • Click State (dropdown below table) to view metros in a selected state (click ShowAll between selections).
  • Find by Name: key in partial area name in text box to right of Find-in-Name button
      then click button to locate all matches (case sensitive).
  • See related ranking tables.

Additional Information
Proximity develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Contact Proximity (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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