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Congressional Districts & the Employment Situation
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When examining the state of the economy, the labor force and employment situation are among the top issues. This section provides access to selected labor force and employment measures by congressional district for 2007 through 2009. 2010 updates will be available in September 2011.

09.26.11. See this update --

Using the ranking table, you can determine district with:
  • highest 2009 unemployment rate included MI 3 (25.9%) and MI 14 (23.5%)
  • highest 2009 unemployment included MI 3 (70,470) and GA 4(62,014)
  • lowest 2009 unemployment rate included ND 00 (3.8%) and NE 3 (4.2%)
  • lowest 2009 unemployment included NE 3 (12,496) and ND 00 (13,663)
  • largest 2007-09 employment change included LA 2 (50,952) and MA 8 (44,775)
  • largest 2007-09 unemployment rate change included FL 3 (9.8%) and CA 43 (8.2%)
    (%unemployment change column (rightmost) shows 2007-09 change (2009 minus 2007)

Data in the ranking table are based on 2007 - 2009 American Community Survey estimates. The table includes a selection of items for three years from the economic characteristics profile (items E001-E009). See congressional district profiles to view integrated demographics for individual districts. Yellow columns highlight the unemployment rate. See column/subject matter descriptions below table.

111th Congressional District Labor Force & Employment Characteristics
  Interactive Ranking Table; click column header to sort; click again to sort other direction.
  See other demographic-economic ranking tables.

Ranking Table Column Descriptions
Emp07 2007 Employment
UnEmp07 2007 Unemployment
%UnEmp072007 Unemployment Rate
Emp08 2008 Employment
UnEmp08 2008 Unemployment
%UnEmp082008 Unemployment Rate
Emp09 2009 Employment
UnEmp09 2009 Unemployment
%UnEmp092009 Unemployment Rate
ChEmp0709 Employment Change, 2007-2009
ChUnEmp0709 Unemployment Change, 2007-2009
Ch%UnEmp0709Unemployment Rate Change, 2007-2009

The ranking table includes 435 congressional districts and the District of Columbia thereby covering the total United States population. The table excludes delegates for Puerto Rico and U.S. territorial areas.

Using the Filters. To select CDs within a state, after clicking the Show All button, select the state with the State filter dropdown below table. To select CDs with a party incumbency, after clicking the Show All button, select the party with the Party filter dropdown below table. For example, selecting Party=D the table shows just the 257 districts that have a Democrat incumbent. Once either the State or Party filter has been applied, re-sort on attributes to view ranking based on that item. To restore to view to all CDs, click the Show All button. To find a member name (any partial string) in Incumbent column, click Show All button, key in the text (case-sensitive), then click Find in Name button. To restore to start-up view, refresh the page.

Within State Analysis. To examine attributes of a party within a state proceed as follows. Click Show All button. Select a state (e.g., CA). Select a party (e.g. D). Note there are 33 rows/incumbents (CA and D). Now click a header column to sort this group in either direction. Repeat as desired.

Additional Information
Proximity develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Contact Proximity (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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