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America's Demographics .. Denton, TX .. 4819972

The ACS 2022 1 Year total population of Denton, TX was 150,357 and had a dependency ratio of 44.4.
The United States had a dependency ratio of 64.1 (ACS 2022 1 year estimate) and 63.0 (ACS 2022 5 year estimate).

Knowing about demographic characteristics of an area provides essential information for planning and analysis to meet policy, management and stakeholder needs. The ability to compare attributes of one area to another amplifies potential insights.

This document provides four demographic-economic profiles based on the Census Bureau's 2022 American Community Survey (ACS) which is the most recent one available. Profiles shown here have been developed using the ProximityOne's Demographic Analytics (DA) tool. The DA tool has been developed to facilitate access and use of data for selected summary levels (e.g., U.S., states, counties, places, congressional districts, among others). An important feature of the DA tool is to provide access to/use of data for geography beyond the summary levels accessible from the Census Bureau. Among these geographies are Congressional Communities.

The VDAGIS Visual Data Analysis Geographic Information System allow users to map and geospatially analyze these different summary levels in combination with other data. Click to start Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW). Click for more information about OVDAW.

Unlike the Census Bureau sourced data and tools, the Demographic Analytics tool enables the ACS data to be integrated/analyzed with other data including updated estimates and projections and other non-Census sourced data.

These data assist stakeholders with planning and evaluation analyses. Integrate these with other data to provide a broader range of insights. Use the VDAGIS tools to access, create maps and perform geospatial analyses.

Tools and data used to develop this document and scope of content update periodically. Register to receive updates. E-mail us or call 800.364.7656 with questions about these and related data/data analyses.

    General Demographics (below)
    Social Characteristics
    Economic Characteristics
    Housing Characteristics

DP1 General Demographics ACS 2022 1 Year
  Item Value Percent
     Total population 150,357 100.0
       Male 74,660 49.7
       Female 75,697 50.3
       Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 98.6 -8.0
       Under 5 years 5,690 3.8
       5 to 9 years 7,000 4.7
       10 to 14 years 7,608 5.1
       15 to 19 years 15,753 10.5
       20 to 24 years 19,122 12.7
       25 to 34 years 26,868 17.9
       35 to 44 years 17,402 11.6
       45 to 54 years 15,107 10.0
       55 to 59 years 6,648 4.4
       60 to 64 years 8,039 5.3
       65 to 74 years 12,656 8.4
       75 to 84 years 6,160 4.1
       85 years and over 2,304 1.5
       Median age (years) 32.4 -8.0
       Under 18 years 25,108 16.7
       16 years and over 127,818 85.0
       18 years and over 125,249 83.3
       21 years and over 108,762 72.3
       62 years and over 27,247 18.1
       65 years and over 21,120 14.0
       18 years and over 125,249 100.0
         Male 62,329 49.8
         Female 62,920 50.2
         Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 99.1 -8.0
       65 years and over 21,120 100.0
         Male 9,702 45.9
         Female 11,418 54.1
         Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 85 -8.0
     Total population 150,357 100.0
       One race 125,225 83.3
       Two or More Races 25,132 16.7
       One race 125,225 83.3
         White 92,332 61.4
           Cherokee tribal grouping -999,999,999 100.0
           Chippewa tribal grouping -999,999,999 100.0
           Navajo tribal grouping -999,999,999 100.0
           Sioux tribal grouping -999,999,999 100.0
         Asian 4,415 2.9
           Asian Indian 1,545 1.0
           Chinese 527 0.4
           Filipino 1,144 0.8
           Japanese 0 100.0
           Korean 310 0.2
           Vietnamese 466 0.3
           Other Asian 423 0.3
         Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0 100.0
           Chamorro -999,999,999 100.0
           Native Hawaiian -999,999,999 100.0
           Samoan -999,999,999 100.0
           Other Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander -999,999,999 100.0
         Some Other Race 12,303 8.2
       Two or More Races 25,132 16.7
         White and Asian 2,140 1.4
         White and Some Other Race 16,384 10.9
   Race alone or in combination with one or more other races
     Total population 150,357 100.0
       White 116,754 77.7
       Asian 7,123 4.7
       Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander -999,999,999 100.0
       Some Other Race 29,686 19.7
     Total population 150,357 100.0
       Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 37,421 24.9
         Mexican 29,931 19.9
         Puerto Rican 1,490 1.0
         Cuban 305 0.2
         Other Hispanic or Latino 5,695 3.8
       Not Hispanic or Latino 112,936 75.1
         White alone 83,524 55.6
         Asian alone 4,369 2.9
         Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 0 100.0
         Some Other Race alone 866 0.6
         Two or More Races 8,787 5.8
           Two races including Some Other Race 2,731 1.8
           Two races excluding Some Other Race, and three or more races 6,056 4.0
   Total housing units 59,244 -8.0
     Citizen, 18 and over population 115,648 100.0
       Male 56,879 49.2
       Female 58,769 50.8

DP2 Social Characteristics ACS 2022 1 Year .. goto top
  Item Value Percent
     Total households 56,771 100.0
       Married-couple household 23,367 41.2
         With children of the householder under 18 years 9,028 15.9
       Cohabiting couple household 5,687 10.0
         With children of the householder under 18 years 1,185 2.1
       Male householder, no spouse/partner present 13,428 23.7
         With children of the householder under 18 years 1,486 2.6
         Householder living alone 7,803 13.7
           65 years and over 2,145 3.8
       Female householder, no spouse/partner present 14,289 25.2
         With children of the householder under 18 years 1,802 3.2
         Householder living alone 7,981 14.1
           65 years and over 2,702 4.8
       Households with one or more people under 18 years 15,047 26.5
       Households with one or more people 65 years and over 13,823 24.3
       Average household size 2.5 -8.0
       Average family size 3.1 -8.0
     Population in households 141,614 100.0
       Householder 56,771 40.1
       Spouse 22,964 16.2
       Unmarried partner 5,376 3.8
       Child 35,681 25.2
       Other relatives 9,477 6.7
       Other nonrelatives 11,345 8.0
     Males 15 years and over 65,391 100.0
       Never married 30,881 47.2
       Now married, except separated 26,013 39.8
       Separated 483 0.7
       Widowed 1,139 1.7
       Divorced 6,875 10.5
     Females 15 years and over 64,668 100.0
       Never married 26,942 41.7
       Now married, except separated 24,892 38.5
       Separated 679 1.0
       Widowed 4,401 6.8
       Divorced 7,754 12.0
     Number of women 15 to 50 years old who had a birth in the past 12 months 1,585 100.0
       Unmarried women (widowed, divorced, and never married) 117 7.4
         Per 1,000 unmarried women 4 -8.0
       Per 1,000 women 15 to 50 years old 37 -8.0
       Per 1,000 women 15 to 19 years old 0 -8.0
       Per 1,000 women 20 to 34 years old 58 -8.0
       Per 1,000 women 35 to 50 years old 24 -8.0
     Number of grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years -999,999,999 100.0
       Grandparents responsible for grandchildren -999,999,999 100.0
       Years responsible for grandchildren
         Less than 1 year -999,999,999 100.0
         1 or 2 years -999,999,999 100.0
         3 or 4 years -999,999,999 100.0
         5 or more years -999,999,999 100.0
     Number of grandparents responsible for own grandchildren under 18 years -999,999,999 100.0
       Who are female -999,999,999 100.0
       Who are married -999,999,999 100.0
     Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 46,974 100.0
       Nursery school, preschool 1,695 3.6
       Kindergarten 1,483 3.2
       Elementary school (grades 1-8) 10,855 23.1
       High school (grades 9-12) 6,721 14.3
       College or graduate school 26,220 55.8
     Population 25 years and over 95,184 100.0
       Less than 9th grade 5,201 5.5
       9th to 12th grade, no diploma 3,089 3.2
       High school graduate (includes equivalency) 18,143 19.1
       Some college, no degree 20,127 21.1
       Associate's degree 9,317 9.8
       Bachelor's degree 23,121 24.3
       Graduate or professional degree 16,186 17.0
       High school graduate or higher 86,894 91.3
       Bachelor's degree or higher 39,307 41.3
     Civilian population 18 years and over 125,249 100.0
       Civilian veterans 6,897 5.5
     Total Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population 149,125 100.0
       With a disability 22,513 15.1
     Under 18 years 24,947 100.0
       With a disability 1,181 4.7
     18 to 64 years 103,521 100.0
       With a disability 14,160 13.7
     65 years and over 20,657 100.0
       With a disability 7,172 34.7
     Population 1 year and over 149,047 100.0
       Same house 109,601 73.5
       Different house (in the U.S. or abroad) 39,446 26.5
         Different house in the U.S. 37,989 25.5
           Same county 22,300 15.0
           Different county 15,689 10.5
             Same state 12,434 8.3
             Different state 3,255 2.2
         Abroad 1,457 1.0
     Total population 150,357 100.0
       Native 130,628 86.9
         Born in United States 127,748 85.0
           State of residence 81,576 54.3
           Different state 46,172 30.7
       Foreign born 19,729 13.1
     Foreign-born population 19,729 100.0
       Naturalized U.S. citizen 9,734 49.3
       Not a U.S. citizen 9,995 50.7
     Population born outside the United States 22,609 100.0
       Native 2,880 100.0
         Entered 2010 or later 1,188 41.3
         Entered before 2010 1,692 58.8
       Foreign born 19,729 100.0
         Entered 2010 or later 6,997 35.5
         Entered before 2010 12,732 64.5
     Foreign-born population, excluding population born at sea -999,999,999 100.0
       Europe -999,999,999 100.0
       Asia -999,999,999 100.0
       Africa -999,999,999 100.0
       Oceania -999,999,999 100.0
     Population 5 years and over 144,667 100.0
       English only 113,678 78.6
       Language other than English 30,989 21.4
         Speak English less than very well" " 9,756 6.7
       Spanish 23,021 15.9
         Speak English less than very well" " 7,385 5.1
       Other Indo-European languages 3,138 2.2
         Speak English less than very well" " 902 0.6
       Asian and Pacific Islander languages 2,982 2.1
         Speak English less than very well" " 1,317 0.9
       Other languages 1,848 1.3
         Speak English less than very well" " 152 0.1
     Total population 150,357 100.0
       Arab 382 0.3
       Czech 709 0.5
       Danish 603 0.4
       Dutch 601 0.4
       English 17,191 11.4
       French (except Basque) 1,744 1.2
       French Canadian 645 0.4
       German 17,021 11.3
       Greek 57 0.0
       Hungarian 376 0.3
       Irish 12,640 8.4
       Italian 4,376 2.9
       Lithuanian 311 0.2
       Norwegian 1,045 0.7
       Polish 2,709 1.8
       Portuguese 230 0.2
       Russian 985 0.7
       Scotch-Irish 2,305 1.5
       Scottish 3,320 2.2
       Slovak 318 0.2
       Subsaharan African 1,975 1.3
       Swedish 660 0.4
       Swiss 203 0.1
       Ukrainian 218 0.1
       Welsh 410 0.3
       West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) 685 0.5
     Total households 56,771 100.0
       With a computer 55,963 98.6
       With a broadband Internet subscription 53,557 94.3

DP3 Economic Characteristics ACS 2022 1 Year .. goto top
  Item Value Percent
     Population 16 years and over 127,818 100.0
       In labor force 86,785 67.9
         Civilian labor force 86,785 67.9
           Employed 82,901 64.9
           Unemployed 3,884 3.0
         Armed Forces 0 100.0
       Not in labor force 41,033 32.1
     Civilian labor force 86,785 100.0
       Unemployment Rate -8 4.5
     Females 16 years and over 63,902 100.0
       In labor force 40,903 64.0
         Civilian labor force 40,903 64.0
           Employed 39,215 61.4
     Own children of the householder under 6 years 6,780 100.0
       All parents in family in labor force 5,090 75.1
     Own children of the householder 6 to 17 years 17,568 100.0
       All parents in family in labor force 13,384 76.2
     Workers 16 years and over 81,070 100.0
       Car, truck, or van -- drove alone 55,950 69.0
       Car, truck, or van -- carpooled 7,535 9.3
       Public transportation (excluding taxicab) 837 1.0
       Walked 2,744 3.4
       Other means 3,138 3.9
       Worked from home 10,866 13.4
       Mean travel time to work (minutes) 26 -8.0
     Civilian employed population 16 years and over 82,901 100.0
       Management, business, science, and arts occupations 35,724 43.1
       Service occupations 13,651 16.5
       Sales and office occupations 15,591 18.8
       Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations 6,005 7.2
       Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 11,930 14.4
     Civilian employed population 16 years and over 82,901 100.0
       Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 70 0.1
       Construction 5,106 6.2
       Manufacturing 6,621 8.0
       Wholesale trade 1,679 2.0
       Retail trade 12,610 15.2
       Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 3,653 4.4
       Information 1,031 1.2
       Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing 4,641 5.6
       Professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services 8,687 10.5
       Educational services, and health care and social assistance 23,546 28.4
       Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services 9,523 11.5
       Other services, except public administration 3,532 4.3
       Public administration 2,202 2.7
     Civilian employed population 16 years and over 82,901 100.0
       Private wage and salary workers 63,174 76.2
       Government workers 15,897 19.2
       Self-employed in own not incorporated business workers 3,776 4.6
       Unpaid family workers 54 0.1
     Total households 56,771 100.0
       Less than $10,000 3,605 6.4
       $10,000 to $14,999 1,627 2.9
       $15,000 to $24,999 4,159 7.3
       $25,000 to $34,999 4,017 7.1
       $35,000 to $49,999 7,274 12.8
       $50,000 to $74,999 9,426 16.6
       $75,000 to $99,999 7,341 12.9
       $100,000 to $149,999 9,968 17.6
       $150,000 to $199,999 4,996 8.8
       $200,000 or more 4,358 7.7
       Median household income (dollars) 71,711 -8.0
       Mean household income (dollars) 98,304 -8.0
       With earnings 46,431 81.8
         Mean earnings (dollars) 88,525 -8.0
       With Social Security 13,804 24.3
         Mean Social Security income (dollars) 24,164 -8.0
       With retirement income 11,803 20.8
         Mean retirement income (dollars) 36,804 -8.0
       With Supplemental Security Income 1,778 3.1
         Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars) 7,512 -8.0
       With cash public assistance income 548 1.0
         Mean cash public assistance income (dollars) -999,999,999 -8.0
       With Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in the past 12 months 4,498 7.9
     Families 33,182 100.0
       Less than $10,000 1,041 3.1
       $10,000 to $14,999 322 1.0
       $15,000 to $24,999 780 2.4
       $25,000 to $34,999 1,798 5.4
       $35,000 to $49,999 2,288 6.9
       $50,000 to $74,999 6,611 19.9
       $75,000 to $99,999 5,146 15.5
       $100,000 to $149,999 7,575 22.8
       $150,000 to $199,999 3,794 11.4
       $200,000 or more 3,827 11.5
       Median family income (dollars) 94,839 -8.0
       Mean family income (dollars) 127,288 -8.0
     Per capita income (dollars) 38,503 -8.0
     Nonfamily households 23,589 100.0
       Median nonfamily income (dollars) 41,639 -8.0
       Mean nonfamily income (dollars) 53,363 -8.0
     Median earnings for workers (dollars) 31,725 -8.0
     Median earnings for male full-time, year-round workers (dollars) 61,077 -8.0
     Median earnings for female full-time, year-round workers (dollars) 46,419 -8.0
     Civilian noninstitutionalized population 149,125 100.0
       With health insurance coverage 124,368 83.4
         With private health insurance 102,695 68.9
         With public coverage 36,527 24.5
       No health insurance coverage 24,757 16.6
     Civilian noninstitutionalized population under 19 years 29,885 100.0
       No health insurance coverage 3,551 11.9
     Civilian noninstitutionalized population 19 to 64 years 98,583 100.0
       In labor force: 79,486 100.0
         Employed: 76,423 100.0
           With health insurance coverage 61,486 80.5
             With private health insurance 58,171 76.1
             With public coverage 4,605 6.0
           No health insurance coverage 14,937 19.5
         Unemployed: 3,063 100.0
           With health insurance coverage 1,626 53.1
             With private health insurance 1,541 50.3
             With public coverage 228 7.4
           No health insurance coverage 1,437 46.9
       Not in labor force: 19,097 100.0
         With health insurance coverage 14,989 78.5
           With private health insurance 10,095 52.9
           With public coverage 5,416 28.4
         No health insurance coverage 4,108 21.5
     All families -8 7.5
       With related children of the householder under 18 years -8 10.2
         With related children of the householder under 5 years only -8 10.3
       Married couple families -8 3.6
         With related children of the householder under 18 years -8 5.2
           With related children of the householder under 5 years only -8 4.1
       Families with female householder, no spouse present -8 15.8
       With related children of the householder under 18 years -8 24.2
         With related children of the householder under 5 years only -8 39.2
     All people -8 16.9
       Under 18 years -8 13.8
         Related children of the householder under 18 years -8 13.2
           Related children of the householder under 5 years -8 15.2
           Related children of the householder 5 to 17 years -8 12.6
       18 years and over -8 17.6
         18 to 64 years -8 19.7
         65 years and over -8 7.5
       People in families -8 8.9
       Unrelated individuals 15 years and over -8 36.8

DP4 Housing Characteristics ACS 2022 1 Year .. goto top
  Item Value Percent
     Total housing units 59,244 100.0
       Occupied housing units 56,771 95.8
       Vacant housing units 2,473 4.2
       Homeowner vacancy rate 0.7 -8.0
       Rental vacancy rate 3.9 -8.0
     Total housing units 59,244 100.0
       1-unit, detached 36,342 61.3
       1-unit, attached 1,737 2.9
       2 units 847 1.4
       3 or 4 units 2,070 3.5
       5 to 9 units 3,533 6.0
       10 to 19 units 5,253 8.9
       20 or more units 7,758 13.1
       Mobile home 1,704 2.9
       Boat, RV, van, etc. 0 100.0
     Total housing units 59,244 100.0
       Built 2020 or later 1,881 3.2
       Built 2010 to 2019 10,921 18.4
       Built 2000 to 2009 15,351 25.9
       Built 1990 to 1999 7,281 12.3
       Built 1980 to 1989 8,156 13.8
       Built 1970 to 1979 7,961 13.4
       Built 1960 to 1969 3,502 5.9
       Built 1950 to 1959 2,025 3.4
       Built 1940 to 1949 1,527 2.6
       Built 1939 or earlier 639 1.1
     Total housing units 59,244 100.0
       1 room 1,865 3.1
       2 rooms 3,836 6.5
       3 rooms 4,435 7.5
       4 rooms 9,184 15.5
       5 rooms 9,656 16.3
       6 rooms 10,631 17.9
       7 rooms 8,006 13.5
       8 rooms 5,673 9.6
       9 rooms or more 5,958 10.1
       Median rooms 5.6 -8.0
     Total housing units 59,244 100.0
       No bedroom 2,306 3.9
       1 bedroom 7,627 12.9
       2 bedrooms 12,401 20.9
       3 bedrooms 24,493 41.3
       4 bedrooms 10,872 18.4
       5 or more bedrooms 1,545 2.6
     Occupied housing units 56,771 100.0
       Owner-occupied 29,514 52.0
       Renter-occupied 27,257 48.0
       Average household size of owner-occupied unit 2.6 -8.0
       Average household size of renter-occupied unit 2.3 -8.0
     Occupied housing units 56,771 100.0
       Moved in 2021 or later 16,582 29.2
       Moved in 2018 to 2020 16,230 28.6
       Moved in 2010 to 2017 11,578 20.4
       Moved in 2000 to 2009 7,581 13.4
       Moved in 1990 to 1999 2,267 4.0
       Moved in 1989 and earlier 2,533 4.5
     Occupied housing units 56,771 100.0
       No vehicles available 4,362 7.7
       1 vehicle available 16,309 28.7
       2 vehicles available 23,238 40.9
       3 or more vehicles available 12,862 22.7
     Occupied housing units -999,999,999 100.0
       Utility gas -999,999,999 100.0
       Bottled, tank, or LP gas -999,999,999 100.0
       Electricity -999,999,999 100.0
       Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. -999,999,999 100.0
       Coal or coke -999,999,999 100.0
       Wood -999,999,999 100.0
       Solar energy -999,999,999 100.0
       Other fuel -999,999,999 100.0
       No fuel used -999,999,999 100.0
     Occupied housing units 56,771 100.0
       Lacking complete plumbing facilities 85 0.1
       Lacking complete kitchen facilities 379 0.7
       No telephone service available 266 0.5
     Occupied housing units 56,771 100.0
       1.00 or less 54,615 96.2
       1.01 to 1.50 1,440 2.5
       1.51 or more 716 1.3
     Owner-occupied units 29,514 100.0
       Less than $50,000 1,401 4.7
       $50,000 to $99,999 329 1.1
       $100,000 to $149,999 589 2.0
       $150,000 to $199,999 1,843 6.2
       $200,000 to $299,999 7,628 25.8
       $300,000 to $499,999 13,837 46.9
       $500,000 to $999,999 3,246 11.0
       $1,000,000 or more 641 2.2
       Median (dollars) 332,200 -8.0
     Owner-occupied units 29,514 100.0
       Housing units with a mortgage 19,340 65.5
       Housing units without a mortgage 10,174 34.5
     Housing units with a mortgage 19,340 100.0
       Less than $500 0 100.0
       $500 to $999 452 2.3
       $1,000 to $1,499 2,914 15.1
       $1,500 to $1,999 5,913 30.6
       $2,000 to $2,499 6,045 31.3
       $2,500 to $2,999 1,972 10.2
       $3,000 or more 2,044 10.6
       Median (dollars) 2,032 -8.0
     Housing units without a mortgage 10,174 100.0
       Less than $250 443 4.4
       $250 to $399 432 4.2
       $400 to $599 1,431 14.1
       $600 to $799 2,751 27.0
       $800 to $999 3,119 30.7
       $1,000 or more 1,998 19.6
       Median (dollars) 801 -8.0
     Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 19,188 100.0
       Less than 20.0 percent 7,988 41.6
       20.0 to 24.9 percent 2,945 15.3
       25.0 to 29.9 percent 1,641 8.6
       30.0 to 34.9 percent 1,958 10.2
       35.0 percent or more 4,656 24.3
       Not computed 152 -8.0
     Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 10,019 100.0
       Less than 10.0 percent 3,607 36.0
       10.0 to 14.9 percent 2,571 25.7
       15.0 to 19.9 percent 1,507 15.0
       20.0 to 24.9 percent 960 9.6
       25.0 to 29.9 percent 323 3.2
       30.0 to 34.9 percent 145 1.4
       35.0 percent or more 906 9.0
       Not computed 155 -8.0
     Occupied units paying rent 25,792 100.0
       Less than $500 316 1.2
       $500 to $999 6,228 24.1
       $1,000 to $1,499 10,302 39.9
       $1,500 to $1,999 5,176 20.1
       $2,000 to $2,499 1,482 5.7
       $2,500 to $2,999 1,761 6.8
       $3,000 or more 527 2.0
       Median (dollars) 1,271 -8.0
       No rent paid 1,465 -8.0
     Occupied units paying rent (excluding units where GRAPI cannot be computed) 25,280 100.0
       Less than 15.0 percent 1,639 6.5
       15.0 to 19.9 percent 2,618 10.4
       20.0 to 24.9 percent 3,362 13.3
       25.0 to 29.9 percent 3,233 12.8
       30.0 to 34.9 percent 2,909 11.5
       35.0 percent or more 11,519 45.6
       Not computed 1,977 -8.0
 -6 value indicates estimate could not be computed due to insufficient number of sample observations.
 -8 value indicates estimate is not applicable or not available.

.. a ProximityOne information resource based in part on American Community Survey 2022 ACS 2022 data,
