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America's Demographics .. Frisco, TX .. 4827684

The ACS 2022 1 Year total population of Frisco, TX was 219,571 and had a dependency ratio of 59.0.
The United States had a dependency ratio of 64.1 (ACS 2022 1 year estimate) and 63.0 (ACS 2022 5 year estimate).

Knowing about demographic characteristics of an area provides essential information for planning and analysis to meet policy, management and stakeholder needs. The ability to compare attributes of one area to another amplifies potential insights.

This document provides four demographic-economic profiles based on the Census Bureau's 2022 American Community Survey (ACS) which is the most recent one available. Profiles shown here have been developed using the ProximityOne's Demographic Analytics (DA) tool. The DA tool has been developed to facilitate access and use of data for selected summary levels (e.g., U.S., states, counties, places, congressional districts, among others). An important feature of the DA tool is to provide access to/use of data for geography beyond the summary levels accessible from the Census Bureau. Among these geographies are Congressional Communities.

The VDAGIS Visual Data Analysis Geographic Information System allow users to map and geospatially analyze these different summary levels in combination with other data. Click to start Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW). Click for more information about OVDAW.

Unlike the Census Bureau sourced data and tools, the Demographic Analytics tool enables the ACS data to be integrated/analyzed with other data including updated estimates and projections and other non-Census sourced data.

These data assist stakeholders with planning and evaluation analyses. Integrate these with other data to provide a broader range of insights. Use the VDAGIS tools to access, create maps and perform geospatial analyses.

Tools and data used to develop this document and scope of content update periodically. Register to receive updates. E-mail us or call 800.364.7656 with questions about these and related data/data analyses.

    General Demographics (below)
    Social Characteristics
    Economic Characteristics
    Housing Characteristics

DP1 General Demographics ACS 2022 1 Year
  Item Value Percent
     Total population 219,571 100.0
       Male 109,853 50.0
       Female 109,718 50.0
       Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 100.1 -8.0
       Under 5 years 11,509 5.2
       5 to 9 years 18,380 8.4
       10 to 14 years 18,402 8.4
       15 to 19 years 18,988 8.6
       20 to 24 years 9,283 4.2
       25 to 34 years 23,827 10.9
       35 to 44 years 38,780 17.7
       45 to 54 years 38,581 17.6
       55 to 59 years 13,294 6.1
       60 to 64 years 8,495 3.9
       65 to 74 years 9,153 4.2
       75 to 84 years 8,814 4.0
       85 years and over 2,065 0.9
       Median age (years) 38.3 -8.0
       Under 18 years 61,485 28.0
       16 years and over 166,382 75.8
       18 years and over 158,086 72.0
       21 years and over 151,370 68.9
       62 years and over 24,663 11.2
       65 years and over 20,032 9.1
       18 years and over 158,086 100.0
         Male 77,321 48.9
         Female 80,765 51.1
         Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 95.7 -8.0
       65 years and over 20,032 100.0
         Male 9,146 45.7
         Female 10,886 54.3
         Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 84 -8.0
     Total population 219,571 100.0
       One race 192,274 87.6
       Two or More Races 27,297 12.4
       One race 192,274 87.6
         White 105,661 48.1
           Cherokee tribal grouping -999,999,999 100.0
           Chippewa tribal grouping -999,999,999 100.0
           Navajo tribal grouping -999,999,999 100.0
           Sioux tribal grouping -999,999,999 100.0
         Asian 58,623 26.7
           Asian Indian 39,532 18.0
           Chinese 4,268 1.9
           Filipino 2,518 1.1
           Japanese 1,610 0.7
           Korean 3,577 1.6
           Vietnamese 2,758 1.3
           Other Asian 4,360 2.0
         Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 142 0.1
           Chamorro -999,999,999 100.0
           Native Hawaiian -999,999,999 100.0
           Samoan -999,999,999 100.0
           Other Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander -999,999,999 100.0
         Some Other Race 7,165 3.3
       Two or More Races 27,297 12.4
         White and Asian 3,549 1.6
         White and Some Other Race 17,224 7.8
   Race alone or in combination with one or more other races
     Total population 219,571 100.0
       White 132,159 60.2
       Asian 62,636 28.5
       Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 1,812 0.8
       Some Other Race 27,438 12.5
     Total population 219,571 100.0
       Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 30,989 14.1
         Mexican 16,970 7.7
         Puerto Rican 3,443 1.6
         Cuban 663 0.3
         Other Hispanic or Latino 9,913 4.5
       Not Hispanic or Latino 188,582 85.9
         White alone 99,839 45.5
         Asian alone 58,252 26.5
         Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 27 0.0
         Some Other Race alone 1,629 0.7
         Two or More Races 8,701 4.0
           Two races including Some Other Race 2,155 1.0
           Two races excluding Some Other Race, and three or more races 6,546 3.0
   Total housing units 79,879 -8.0
     Citizen, 18 and over population 135,954 100.0
       Male 65,856 48.4
       Female 70,098 51.6

DP2 Social Characteristics ACS 2022 1 Year .. goto top
  Item Value Percent
     Total households 77,063 100.0
       Married-couple household 49,861 64.7
         With children of the householder under 18 years 29,835 38.7
       Cohabiting couple household 3,675 4.8
         With children of the householder under 18 years 1,146 1.5
       Male householder, no spouse/partner present 9,916 12.9
         With children of the householder under 18 years 954 1.2
         Householder living alone 7,613 9.9
           65 years and over 1,086 1.4
       Female householder, no spouse/partner present 13,611 17.7
         With children of the householder under 18 years 2,811 3.6
         Householder living alone 8,387 10.9
           65 years and over 2,334 3.0
       Households with one or more people under 18 years 36,049 46.8
       Households with one or more people 65 years and over 13,845 18.0
       Average household size 2.8 -8.0
       Average family size 3.3 -8.0
     Population in households 218,849 100.0
       Householder 77,063 35.2
       Spouse 48,856 22.3
       Unmarried partner 3,537 1.6
       Child 74,618 34.1
       Other relatives 10,803 4.9
       Other nonrelatives 3,972 1.8
     Males 15 years and over 83,664 100.0
       Never married 20,920 25.0
       Now married, except separated 54,333 64.9
       Separated 1,617 1.9
       Widowed 1,096 1.3
       Divorced 5,698 6.8
     Females 15 years and over 87,616 100.0
       Never married 23,157 26.4
       Now married, except separated 51,404 58.7
       Separated 380 0.4
       Widowed 5,364 6.1
       Divorced 7,311 8.3
     Number of women 15 to 50 years old who had a birth in the past 12 months 3,030 100.0
       Unmarried women (widowed, divorced, and never married) 0 100.0
         Per 1,000 unmarried women 0 -8.0
       Per 1,000 women 15 to 50 years old 52 -8.0
       Per 1,000 women 15 to 19 years old 0 -8.0
       Per 1,000 women 20 to 34 years old 90 -8.0
       Per 1,000 women 35 to 50 years old 46 -8.0
     Number of grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years -999,999,999 100.0
       Grandparents responsible for grandchildren -999,999,999 100.0
       Years responsible for grandchildren
         Less than 1 year -999,999,999 100.0
         1 or 2 years -999,999,999 100.0
         3 or 4 years -999,999,999 100.0
         5 or more years -999,999,999 100.0
     Number of grandparents responsible for own grandchildren under 18 years -999,999,999 100.0
       Who are female -999,999,999 100.0
       Who are married -999,999,999 100.0
     Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 67,884 100.0
       Nursery school, preschool 5,245 7.7
       Kindergarten 3,903 5.7
       Elementary school (grades 1-8) 27,986 41.2
       High school (grades 9-12) 17,695 26.1
       College or graduate school 13,055 19.2
     Population 25 years and over 143,009 100.0
       Less than 9th grade 880 0.6
       9th to 12th grade, no diploma 1,939 1.4
       High school graduate (includes equivalency) 15,439 10.8
       Some college, no degree 19,050 13.3
       Associate's degree 10,376 7.3
       Bachelor's degree 54,919 38.4
       Graduate or professional degree 40,406 28.3
       High school graduate or higher 140,190 98.0
       Bachelor's degree or higher 95,325 66.7
     Civilian population 18 years and over 158,009 100.0
       Civilian veterans 6,556 4.1
     Total Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population 218,824 100.0
       With a disability 14,640 6.7
     Under 18 years 61,485 100.0
       With a disability 2,254 3.7
     18 to 64 years 137,881 100.0
       With a disability 6,683 4.8
     65 years and over 19,458 100.0
       With a disability 5,703 29.3
     Population 1 year and over 216,452 100.0
       Same house 186,615 86.2
       Different house (in the U.S. or abroad) 29,837 13.8
         Different house in the U.S. 26,911 12.4
           Same county 10,209 4.7
           Different county 16,702 7.7
             Same state 7,244 3.3
             Different state 9,458 4.4
         Abroad 2,926 1.4
     Total population 219,571 100.0
       Native 164,927 75.1
         Born in United States 159,653 72.7
           State of residence 75,364 34.3
           Different state 84,289 38.4
       Foreign born 54,644 24.9
     Foreign-born population 54,644 100.0
       Naturalized U.S. citizen 29,866 54.7
       Not a U.S. citizen 24,778 45.3
     Population born outside the United States 59,918 100.0
       Native 5,274 100.0
         Entered 2010 or later 1,614 30.6
         Entered before 2010 3,660 69.4
       Foreign born 54,644 100.0
         Entered 2010 or later 21,537 39.4
         Entered before 2010 33,107 60.6
     Foreign-born population, excluding population born at sea -999,999,999 100.0
       Europe -999,999,999 100.0
       Asia -999,999,999 100.0
       Africa -999,999,999 100.0
       Oceania -999,999,999 100.0
     Population 5 years and over 208,062 100.0
       English only 144,767 69.6
       Language other than English 63,295 30.4
         Speak English less than very well" " 13,626 6.5
       Spanish 14,638 7.0
         Speak English less than very well" " 4,029 1.9
       Other Indo-European languages 17,083 8.2
         Speak English less than very well" " 3,248 1.6
       Asian and Pacific Islander languages 29,185 14.0
         Speak English less than very well" " 5,851 2.8
       Other languages 2,389 1.1
         Speak English less than very well" " 498 0.2
     Total population 219,571 100.0
       Arab 2,254 1.0
       Czech 783 0.4
       Danish 791 0.4
       Dutch 711 0.3
       English 19,433 8.9
       French (except Basque) 4,395 2.0
       French Canadian 0 100.0
       German 25,864 11.8
       Greek 1,109 0.5
       Hungarian 297 0.1
       Irish 13,444 6.1
       Italian 9,069 4.1
       Lithuanian 81 0.0
       Norwegian 1,960 0.9
       Polish 3,766 1.7
       Portuguese 1,187 0.5
       Russian 1,797 0.8
       Scotch-Irish 1,542 0.7
       Scottish 3,079 1.4
       Slovak 0 100.0
       Subsaharan African 2,540 1.2
       Swedish 865 0.4
       Swiss 93 0.0
       Ukrainian 1,181 0.5
       Welsh 818 0.4
       West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) 759 0.3
     Total households 77,063 100.0
       With a computer 76,545 99.3
       With a broadband Internet subscription 75,163 97.5

DP3 Economic Characteristics ACS 2022 1 Year .. goto top
  Item Value Percent
     Population 16 years and over 166,382 100.0
       In labor force 121,595 73.1
         Civilian labor force 121,518 73.0
           Employed 118,630 71.3
           Unemployed 2,888 1.7
         Armed Forces 77 0.0
       Not in labor force 44,787 26.9
     Civilian labor force 121,518 100.0
       Unemployment Rate -8 2.4
     Females 16 years and over 84,557 100.0
       In labor force 56,363 66.7
         Civilian labor force 56,363 66.7
           Employed 54,639 64.6
     Own children of the householder under 6 years 16,284 100.0
       All parents in family in labor force 12,327 75.7
     Own children of the householder 6 to 17 years 43,851 100.0
       All parents in family in labor force 30,585 69.7
     Workers 16 years and over 116,781 100.0
       Car, truck, or van -- drove alone 59,946 51.3
       Car, truck, or van -- carpooled 6,515 5.6
       Public transportation (excluding taxicab) 478 0.4
       Walked 1,550 1.3
       Other means 1,911 1.6
       Worked from home 46,381 39.7
       Mean travel time to work (minutes) 27.6 -8.0
     Civilian employed population 16 years and over 118,630 100.0
       Management, business, science, and arts occupations 78,659 66.3
       Service occupations 10,354 8.7
       Sales and office occupations 23,570 19.9
       Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations 1,943 1.6
       Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 4,104 3.5
     Civilian employed population 16 years and over 118,630 100.0
       Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 189 0.2
       Construction 3,005 2.5
       Manufacturing 6,604 5.6
       Wholesale trade 3,478 2.9
       Retail trade 11,836 10.0
       Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 4,100 3.5
       Information 5,188 4.4
       Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing 19,074 16.1
       Professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services 29,524 24.9
       Educational services, and health care and social assistance 21,705 18.3
       Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services 7,169 6.0
       Other services, except public administration 5,216 4.4
       Public administration 1,542 1.3
     Civilian employed population 16 years and over 118,630 100.0
       Private wage and salary workers 104,147 87.8
       Government workers 8,370 7.1
       Self-employed in own not incorporated business workers 5,974 5.0
       Unpaid family workers 139 0.1
     Total households 77,063 100.0
       Less than $10,000 1,233 1.6
       $10,000 to $14,999 1,109 1.4
       $15,000 to $24,999 891 1.2
       $25,000 to $34,999 1,920 2.5
       $35,000 to $49,999 2,825 3.7
       $50,000 to $74,999 8,555 11.1
       $75,000 to $99,999 8,158 10.6
       $100,000 to $149,999 14,986 19.4
       $150,000 to $199,999 11,618 15.1
       $200,000 or more 25,768 33.4
       Median household income (dollars) 145,914 -8.0
       Mean household income (dollars) 189,253 -8.0
       With earnings 71,183 92.4
         Mean earnings (dollars) 183,961 -8.0
       With Social Security 11,479 14.9
         Mean Social Security income (dollars) 26,460 -8.0
       With retirement income 11,123 14.4
         Mean retirement income (dollars) 35,135 -8.0
       With Supplemental Security Income 1,715 2.2
         Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars) 9,583 -8.0
       With cash public assistance income 561 0.7
         Mean cash public assistance income (dollars) 13,405 -8.0
       With Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in the past 12 months 863 1.1
     Families 57,471 100.0
       Less than $10,000 297 0.5
       $10,000 to $14,999 256 0.4
       $15,000 to $24,999 434 0.8
       $25,000 to $34,999 492 0.9
       $35,000 to $49,999 1,821 3.2
       $50,000 to $74,999 4,154 7.2
       $75,000 to $99,999 4,713 8.2
       $100,000 to $149,999 11,035 19.2
       $150,000 to $199,999 10,899 19.0
       $200,000 or more 23,370 40.7
       Median family income (dollars) 175,969 -8.0
       Mean family income (dollars) 217,441 -8.0
     Per capita income (dollars) 66,784 -8.0
     Nonfamily households 19,592 100.0
       Median nonfamily income (dollars) 81,273 -8.0
       Mean nonfamily income (dollars) 103,443 -8.0
     Median earnings for workers (dollars) 72,421 -8.0
     Median earnings for male full-time, year-round workers (dollars) 119,310 -8.0
     Median earnings for female full-time, year-round workers (dollars) 67,094 -8.0
     Civilian noninstitutionalized population 218,824 100.0
       With health insurance coverage 206,268 94.3
         With private health insurance 194,175 88.7
         With public coverage 24,934 11.4
       No health insurance coverage 12,556 5.7
     Civilian noninstitutionalized population under 19 years 64,607 100.0
       No health insurance coverage 2,362 3.7
     Civilian noninstitutionalized population 19 to 64 years 134,759 100.0
       In labor force: 113,244 100.0
         Employed: 110,669 100.0
           With health insurance coverage 103,407 93.4
             With private health insurance 102,458 92.6
             With public coverage 2,134 1.9
           No health insurance coverage 7,262 6.6
         Unemployed: 2,575 100.0
           With health insurance coverage 2,041 79.3
             With private health insurance 1,990 77.3
             With public coverage 51 2.0
           No health insurance coverage 534 20.7
       Not in labor force: 21,515 100.0
         With health insurance coverage 19,334 89.9
           With private health insurance 18,032 83.8
           With public coverage 2,160 10.0
         No health insurance coverage 2,181 10.1
     All families -8 1.7
       With related children of the householder under 18 years -8 0.9
         With related children of the householder under 5 years only -8 0.0
       Married couple families -8 1.3
         With related children of the householder under 18 years -8 0.6
           With related children of the householder under 5 years only -8 0.0
       Families with female householder, no spouse present -8 4.4
       With related children of the householder under 18 years -8 4.1
         With related children of the householder under 5 years only -8 -6.0
     All people -8 2.9
       Under 18 years -8 1.6
         Related children of the householder under 18 years -8 0.7
           Related children of the householder under 5 years -8 0.0
           Related children of the householder 5 to 17 years -8 0.9
       18 years and over -8 3.4
         18 to 64 years -8 2.9
         65 years and over -8 7.0
       People in families -8 1.2
       Unrelated individuals 15 years and over -8 15.5

DP4 Housing Characteristics ACS 2022 1 Year .. goto top
  Item Value Percent
     Total housing units 79,879 100.0
       Occupied housing units 77,063 96.5
       Vacant housing units 2,816 3.5
       Homeowner vacancy rate 0.9 -8.0
       Rental vacancy rate 2.5 -8.0
     Total housing units 79,879 100.0
       1-unit, detached 55,300 69.2
       1-unit, attached 2,094 2.6
       2 units 639 0.8
       3 or 4 units 344 0.4
       5 to 9 units 1,665 2.1
       10 to 19 units 2,292 2.9
       20 or more units 16,896 21.2
       Mobile home 356 0.4
       Boat, RV, van, etc. 293 0.4
     Total housing units 79,879 100.0
       Built 2020 or later 5,537 6.9
       Built 2010 to 2019 32,275 40.4
       Built 2000 to 2009 26,837 33.6
       Built 1990 to 1999 11,193 14.0
       Built 1980 to 1989 2,901 3.6
       Built 1970 to 1979 268 0.3
       Built 1960 to 1969 788 1.0
       Built 1950 to 1959 80 0.1
       Built 1940 to 1949 0 100.0
       Built 1939 or earlier 0 100.0
     Total housing units 79,879 100.0
       1 room 1,814 2.3
       2 rooms 5,267 6.6
       3 rooms 9,129 11.4
       4 rooms 6,369 8.0
       5 rooms 5,348 6.7
       6 rooms 7,452 9.3
       7 rooms 9,644 12.1
       8 rooms 8,283 10.4
       9 rooms or more 26,573 33.3
       Median rooms 7 -8.0
     Total housing units 79,879 100.0
       No bedroom 1,862 2.3
       1 bedroom 11,719 14.7
       2 bedrooms 11,124 13.9
       3 bedrooms 13,470 16.9
       4 bedrooms 26,648 33.4
       5 or more bedrooms 15,056 18.8
     Occupied housing units 77,063 100.0
       Owner-occupied 50,599 65.7
       Renter-occupied 26,464 34.3
       Average household size of owner-occupied unit 3.2 -8.0
       Average household size of renter-occupied unit 2.1 -8.0
     Occupied housing units 77,063 100.0
       Moved in 2021 or later 19,904 25.8
       Moved in 2018 to 2020 21,470 27.9
       Moved in 2010 to 2017 20,990 27.2
       Moved in 2000 to 2009 12,636 16.4
       Moved in 1990 to 1999 1,593 2.1
       Moved in 1989 and earlier 470 0.6
     Occupied housing units 77,063 100.0
       No vehicles available 2,656 3.4
       1 vehicle available 24,065 31.2
       2 vehicles available 36,228 47.0
       3 or more vehicles available 14,114 18.3
     Occupied housing units -999,999,999 100.0
       Utility gas -999,999,999 100.0
       Bottled, tank, or LP gas -999,999,999 100.0
       Electricity -999,999,999 100.0
       Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. -999,999,999 100.0
       Coal or coke -999,999,999 100.0
       Wood -999,999,999 100.0
       Solar energy -999,999,999 100.0
       Other fuel -999,999,999 100.0
       No fuel used -999,999,999 100.0
     Occupied housing units 77,063 100.0
       Lacking complete plumbing facilities 803 1.0
       Lacking complete kitchen facilities 820 1.1
       No telephone service available -999,999,999 100.0
     Occupied housing units 77,063 100.0
       1.00 or less 74,306 96.4
       1.01 to 1.50 1,900 2.5
       1.51 or more 857 1.1
     Owner-occupied units 50,599 100.0
       Less than $50,000 369 0.7
       $50,000 to $99,999 46 0.1
       $100,000 to $149,999 350 0.7
       $150,000 to $199,999 0 100.0
       $200,000 to $299,999 1,376 2.7
       $300,000 to $499,999 11,772 23.3
       $500,000 to $999,999 28,916 57.1
       $1,000,000 or more 7,770 15.4
       Median (dollars) 669,900 -8.0
     Owner-occupied units 50,599 100.0
       Housing units with a mortgage 37,562 74.2
       Housing units without a mortgage 13,037 25.8
     Housing units with a mortgage 37,562 100.0
       Less than $500 188 0.5
       $500 to $999 276 0.7
       $1,000 to $1,499 1,116 3.0
       $1,500 to $1,999 2,369 6.3
       $2,000 to $2,499 5,902 15.7
       $2,500 to $2,999 7,828 20.8
       $3,000 or more 19,883 52.9
       Median (dollars) 3,092 -8.0
     Housing units without a mortgage 13,037 100.0
       Less than $250 0 100.0
       $250 to $399 308 2.4
       $400 to $599 330 2.5
       $600 to $799 831 6.4
       $800 to $999 2,402 18.4
       $1,000 or more 9,166 70.3
       Median (dollars) 1,246 -8.0
     Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 37,562 100.0
       Less than 20.0 percent 18,437 49.1
       20.0 to 24.9 percent 7,646 20.4
       25.0 to 29.9 percent 2,752 7.3
       30.0 to 34.9 percent 1,714 4.6
       35.0 percent or more 7,013 18.7
       Not computed 0 -8.0
     Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 12,779 100.0
       Less than 10.0 percent 6,591 51.6
       10.0 to 14.9 percent 2,672 20.9
       15.0 to 19.9 percent 1,309 10.2
       20.0 to 24.9 percent 807 6.3
       25.0 to 29.9 percent 216 1.7
       30.0 to 34.9 percent 167 1.3
       35.0 percent or more 1,017 8.0
       Not computed 258 -8.0
     Occupied units paying rent -999,999,999 100.0
       Less than $500 -999,999,999 100.0
       $500 to $999 -999,999,999 100.0
       $1,000 to $1,499 -999,999,999 100.0
       $1,500 to $1,999 -999,999,999 100.0
       $2,000 to $2,499 -999,999,999 100.0
       $2,500 to $2,999 -999,999,999 100.0
       $3,000 or more -999,999,999 100.0
       Median (dollars) 1,851 -8.0
       No rent paid -999,999,999 -8.0
     Occupied units paying rent (excluding units where GRAPI cannot be computed) 25,965 100.0
       Less than 15.0 percent 3,042 11.7
       15.0 to 19.9 percent 3,858 14.9
       20.0 to 24.9 percent 4,250 16.4
       25.0 to 29.9 percent 3,046 11.7
       30.0 to 34.9 percent 3,366 13.0
       35.0 percent or more 8,403 32.4
       Not computed 499 -8.0
 -6 value indicates estimate could not be computed due to insufficient number of sample observations.
 -8 value indicates estimate is not applicable or not available.

.. a ProximityOne information resource based in part on American Community Survey 2022 ACS 2022 data,
