FieldName | Width | Type | Description |
DFID ** | 10 | Integer | DMD permanent face ID |
STATUS ** | 1 | String | DMD review Status |
TLID | 10 | Integer | TIGER permanent edge ID |
FULLNAME | 100 | String | Concatenation of expanded text for prefix qualifier, prefix direction, prefix type, base name, suffix type, suffix direction, and suffix qualifier (as available) with a space between each expanded text field |
NAME | 100 | String | Base name portion of the standardized name |
PREDIRABRV | 15 | String | Prefix direction description component of the feature name |
PRETYPABRV | 50 | String | Prefix type description component of the feature name |
PREQUALABR | 15 | String | Prefix qualifier description component of the feature name |
SUFDIRABRV | 15 | String | Suffix direction description component of the feature name |
SUFTYPABRV | 50 | String | Suffix type description component of the feature name |
SUFQUALABR | 15 | String | Suffix qualifier description component of the feature name |
PREDIR | 2 | String | Prefix direction code component of the feature name |
PRETYP | 3 | String | Prefix type code description component of the feature name |
PREQUAL | 2 | String | Prefix qualifier code component of the feature name |
SUFDIR | 2 | String | Suffix direction code component of the feature name |
SUFTYP | 3 | String | Suffix type code description component of the feature name |
SUFQUAL | 2 | String | Suffix qualifier code component of the feature name |
LINEARID | 22 | String | Linear feature identifier |
MTFCC | 5 | String | MAF/TIGER feature class code |
PAFLAG | 1 | String | Primary/alternate flag |