.. Module 1 About GIS; GIS Tools and Data Setup/Installation Contents Main -- Course Main Section Module 1 (this module) -- About GIS; GIS Tools and Data Setup/Installation Module 2 -- Geography, Geometry & Shapefiles Module 3 -- Subject Matter: Statistical/Administrative Data Module 4 -- Integrating Subject Matter with Shapefiles Interpreting & Presenting Data Module 1 -- About GIS & GIS Tools and Data Setup/Installation Learning Objectives Ability to start, operate and understand GIS tools/software with GIS project Ability to create reference and thematic pattern maps Topics 01 About Geographic Information Systems 02 Making a Map with iVDA 03 iVDA Navigation & User Interface .. Concepts, Terms 04 Using iVDA -- interactive mapping 05 Assignment 01 About Geographic Information Systems
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer -based tool that allows users to store, analyze, visualize, and interpret geographic data.
Geographic data, also known as spatial or geospatial data, identifies the location of features on earth.
GIS combines the visual elements of maps with the ability to link characteristics about those features in datasets.
This relationship allows GIS to locate, display, analyze, and model data.
GIS technology integrates geographic data with statistical and adminstrative data using statistical methods and analytics. These abilities make GIS valuable to a wide range of public and private enterprises for explaining events, predicting outcomes and planning strategies. And collaborating on those issues. We use primarily iVDA in this course. iVDA is an interactive mapping application/tool. iVDA is an HTML iframe embedded version of VDA Web GIS Verison 4. iVDA can operate with any VDAGIS project. When the Web page containing an embedded iVDA iframe, several parameters are set that control the start-up view shown in the iVDA user interface such as the one shown below. 02 Making a Map with iVDA .. goto top How & Why County Population is Changing Using iVDA (below) 03 iVDA Navigation & User Interface .. Concepts, Terms .. goto top
.. GIS Project -- this iVDA deployment uses the VDAGIS "Base" project
- see other iVDA deployments in VDAGIS Discovery .. layers in the GIS project .. a layer represents a shapefile or SQLite file with specific fields or attributes. - active layer -- click layer name to make Active Layer (turns blue) - data fields in a layer/shapefile - types of layers: point, line, polygon .. geocode, GEOID, unique geographic identifier .. data sourcing in a layer; e.g., ACS 2022 5-year estimates .. user interface components - menubar > operations - map window - legend panel - searchbar - profile panel (lower left) > clipboard button - control buttons below map window > shift+mousedown .. drag to make custom zoom window > magnify A .. open data table for active layer .. zoom navigation options .. dragging map view .. using the data table - a row for each geographic area in the Active Layer - using the SQL edit box -- to set a filter based on a layer attribute - click Query button to using the SQL edit box - showing row geography in map 04 Using iVDA .. goto top .. iVDA part of Visual Data Analytics Geographic Information System suite of tools .. see more about VDAGIS below .. iVDA works on any device; iPhone (not recommended due to screen size) .. start-up view presented below is an interactive mapping window .. watch video .. iVDA is an iframe version of VDA Web GIS4 ..open related VDA Web GIS4 .. see about using VDA Web GIS4 below .. the page being viewed now is located at https://proximityone.com/gis/1/gis11.htm Find a location .. see it on a map .. examine its demographics Click toggle button/line to view instructions. Find a location based on an address/location (zooms to block group).. enter ZIP ccde 22306 (or an address) in the searcbar or exact address:607 Oronoco St, Alexandria, VA 22314 .. the map view zooms-in to the block group (cross-hatched) containing the location shown as a blue triangle. .. view the demographic profile for this block group displayed in the lower left. .. here you can examine many demographic subject matter items for that or any block group/address. .. optionally click on other layers in the Legend Panel. .. Try a different address or location .. the view will zoom to that block group. Examine Citizen Voting Age Population by Neighborhood/Block Group.. in the Legend Panel, left of map, click "BlkGroups %CVAP A22" ckeckbox on (scroll down)... click on a block group in map to view its attributes in lower left panel. .. hide this layer by unchecking the layer checkbox. 05 Assignment .. goto top Use iVDA in this section to create an Excel file containing a profile for the block group containing the ZIP Code centroid for ZIP code 85258. E-mail your profile (an Excel file) to Warren Glimpse. About VDAGIS .. goto top Visual Data Analytics (VDA) Geographic Information Resources (GIS) resources are developed and maintained by Warren Glimpse, ProximityOne (Alexandria, VA) and Takashi Hamilton, Tsukasa Consulting (Osaka, Japan). See more about VDA resources About VDA Web GIS4 .. goto top VDA Web GIS4 is an update to VDA Web GIS which remains in operation. iVDA is an iframe version of VDA Web GIS4 (VDAW4). Not all features of VDAW4 are available in iVDA. Notably VDAW4 features the ability to import a user shapefile into the active project; reviewed in this course. iVDA operates using the VDAGIS project assigned in the iframe call. For Module 1 this is the Base Project. Using VDAW4, many different projects can be opened. Start VDAW4 and see there are many VDAGIS project available. By clicking on the "Base" project, VDAW4 opens the Base project .. which is the same project used the Module 1 iVDA.