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.. Module 3 Subject Matter: Statistical/Administrative Data Contents Main -- Course Main Section Module 1 -- About GIS; GIS Tools and Data Setup/Installation Module 2 -- Geography, Geometry & Shapefiles Module 3 (this module) -- Subject Matter: Statistical/Administrative Data Module 4 -- Integrating Subject Matter with Shapefiles Interpreting & Presenting Data Module 3 -- Subject Matter: Statistical & Administrative Data Learning Objectives Understand types and attributes of statistical data. Understand array of relevant pre-existing GIS demographic-economic data. Ability to access wide-ranging existing statistical data. Ability to transform your existing statistical/administrative data for GIS use. See assignment below Federal Statistical Data/Subject Matter There are at least 5 primary Federal statistical sources of total employment data available at the U.S. and county level. All of these data can be mapped, U.S. by county, using GIS tools. It might seem curious that there are no employment data available from Census 2020. And that the official BLS "jobs report" monthly data are not available at the county level. Which is the right one to use? The answer is that these data must be used in context and that there is no single best county level employment measure. Census Decennial Census - statistical data based count Census American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year - statistical data based on household survey Census American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year - statistical data based on household survey BEA Local Area Personal Income - statistical data based in part on administrative data - time-series Census Monthly Building Permits - statistical data based in part on administrative data Census "Population Estimates Program" -- statistical model based data - time-series BLS Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages (QCEW) - administratively reported data Census County Business Patterns (CBP)- administratively reported data one take-away: count vs model/survey vs administrative data one take-away: data reference period: month, quarter, annual, 5-year one take-away: current period data versus time-series Creating a GIS-Friendly ACS Subject Matter Dataset Using DEDE more about using the Demographic-Economic Data Explorer (DEDE) more about the American Community Survey (ACS2023) The November Course is focued on: developing skills to access use the K-12 School & School District Data from Federal sources - many Federal data resources about one "application" area. - Census Bureau API plays a limited but important role. Focus on School & School District Geography all K-12 public schools and school districts are included as layers in the VDAGIS "Base" project. - these layers are based on shapefiles that include integrated multi-sourced subject matter. School District Data Book (SDDB) 2025 The SDDB 2025, to be released in 2025, has many similarities to the original SDDB, but includes updated/current data, new database design, and new data access and analytics tools and methods. SDDB 2025 is developed by ProximityOne and features access to many Federal geostatistical data. The SDDB 2025 includes: ACS 2022 school district data profile files - ACS 2022 5-year estimates - updated with ACS 2023 DP files January 2025 - retaining ACS 2022 DP data for time series analysis ACS 2022 school district special tabulation (SDST) - ACS 2021 SDST & grade relevant children not enrolled - updated with ACS 2023 SDST May 2025 - retaining ACS 2022 SDST data for time series analysis - see about universes tabulated & grade relevancy below NCES 2022-23 School District Common Core of Data non-fiscal data - updated with 2023-24 CCD non-fiscal data in Feb 2025 - retaining 2022-23 School District Common Core of Data non-fiscal data for time series analysis NCES 2022-23 School Common Core of Data non-fiscal data - updated with 2023-24 CCD non-fiscal data in Feb 2025 - retaining 2022-23 School CCD non-fiscal data for time series analysis NCES FY 2022 School District Common Core of Data fiscal data, followed by FY 2023 CCD: May 2025 - ACS 2021 SDST & grade relevant children not enrolled - updated with FY 2023 CCD fiscal data in Feb 2025 - retaining FY 2022 CCD fiscal data time series analysis Census annually updated SAIPE School District Estimates for 2022 - SAIPE School District Estimates for 2023 (December 2024) - School Districts Finances, 2022 - time series Annually updated ProximityOne school district demographic estimates & projections; 2020 to 5-years ahead Annually updated School & School District Shapefiles with integrated multi-sourced subject matter - see more in Module 2 School attendance zone shapefiles Related geospatial & subject matter data SDDB software Locating & Accessing ACS Subject Matter Using the Census API Have an objective: create a data file containing ACS median household income (MHI) for all school districts. - this most important step. - what "sets above" this objective"? need for a measure of economic properity, measure of economic well-being. - why use ACS as the statistical program? - what are alternatives? There are none .. other than ACS 1-year data for larger disitricts. - assessing relative advantages and limitations? - here we examine ACS and the API. American Community Survey (ACS 2023). - ACS, like most Federal statistical programs, contain no geospatial data - select/acquire the subject matter from here, then integrate the subject matter data into a shapefile. What is an API and why is it useful/important. Census API Overview - Which ACS "program" do I use? Using the ACS 5-year estimates. - Detailed Tables or Data Profiles - what's the difference? - We will use the Detailed Tables for ACS 2022 - Why 2022? Vintages; note 2022 refers to the statistical program year - not necessisarily the date date. Determining what subject matter is available. - about tables and items -- one take-away: concept of tables and items .. item code for use in API call. - what are the codes needed for median household income? - using ctrl-F; the needed MHI code is B19013_001E Composing the API call. Three calls are required for school distrrct. https://api.census.gov/data/2022/acs/acs5?get=NAME,B19103_001Efor=school%20district%20(elementary):* https://api.census.gov/data/2022/acs/acs5?get=NAME,B19103_001Efor=school%20district%20(secondary):* https://api.census.gov/data/2022/acs/acs5?get=NAME,B19103_001Efor=school%20district%20(unifed):* Manipulating the retrieved data. Supplemental notes - Example Call: https://api.census.gov/data/2023/acs/acs1?get=NAME,B01001_001E&for=congressional%20district:* - 2023 ACS Detailed Tables Variables - ACS Technical Documentation - Examples and Supported Geography Geographic boundaries by year Using iVDA .. focused on School & School Districts .. iVDA part of Visual Data Analytics .. see more about VDAGIS below .. iVDA works on any device; iPhone (not recommended due to screen size) .. start-up view presented below is an interactive mapping window .. watch video .. iVDA is an iframe version of VDA Web GIS4 ..open related VDA Web GIS4 .. sse about using VDA Web GIS4 below .. the page being viewed now is located at https://proximityone.com/gis/1/gis12.htm In this section, examine school district geodemographics of interest using iVDA with the "Base" project. School, school district and related layers are used. See related interactive table. In this application grade relevant children enrolled in school are examined. iVDA is one part of a broader VDA GIS resource framework. See more about VDA GIS. In the iVDA frame below, enter an address or location in the searchbar and press enter. .. enter "Kansas City, MO" .. not case sensitive, no quotes .. the map view zooms to the school district containing the location and places a blue triangle at the location. In the Legend Panel at the left of the Map Window, scroll down to "School Districts GRC %Poverty" layer, check on, check + expanding intervals view. .. the map refreshes showing patterns of grade relevant children, percent in poverty. Click the blue marker and see the Kansas City MO School District highlights in the map .. and a demographic profile is displayed in the lower left. .. here you can examine selected demographic subject matter items. .. as shown in the map patterns, 25% or more of Grade Relevant Children are in poverty. .. as shown in the demographic profile, the 2022 school age population in poverty was 29,645 of a total population of 205,890. Try school districts of interest. Visual Data Analytics Web GIS iVDA is presented below in an interactive mapping window .. watch video Below is a static graphic example of using iVDA as described above. ![]() Annual ACS School District Special Tabulation .. goto top The ACS School District Special Tabulation (SDST) is an annually updated custom data collection of demographic, economic, social, and housing and economic data characteristics about school-age children and their families developed from the U.S. Census Bureau 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) data. The SDST defines a child as a person age 0 to 17 (at time of survey response) or a person age 18 or 19 who is not a high school graduate (based on the educational attainment response in the ACS questionnaire). The tables include demographic, social, economic, and housing characteristics iterated for six groups of school-age children. All iterations contain data for nation, states, and school districts. These iterations provide estimates for: Total children Grade-relevant children Grade-relevant children enrolled in school Grade-relevant children enrolled in public school from these universes, data for two other universes are derived Grade-relevant children enrolled in private (non-public) school Grade-relevant children not enrolled (RCNE) Grade Relevancy A child is relevant to a school district if he/she lives within the territory of the district and his/her assigned grade is within the grade range for which a district is financially responsible. One of the unique features of school district geography is the potential for multiple districts to share the same physical territory but serve children of different grade levels. These overlapping boundaries typically occur in areas organized by Elementary and Secondary school districts. In cases where district boundaries overlap, this tabulation provides data iterations that offer both a physical count (total children within district boundaries) and a functional count (children within district boundaries for whom a district is financially responsible) to address areas where school districts do not serve all grade levels. When a child's residence is located within multiple districts, it assigns the child as relevant to a single school district (based on the child's assigned grade and the district that serves that grade level). This allows children to be tabulated as part of the total child population for each applicable district, but avoids duplicate tabulation when the intent is to identify children for whom a district is financially responsible. Non-district geographies (U.S. and States) are not affected by relevancy assignments. Relevant district assignments are dependent on a number of characteristics including: a child’s grade level, the location of a child’s residence relative to school district boundaries, and the grade span served by school districts in which a child resides. These elements are discussed below: Child's Grade Level Each child is assigned a grade level based on the ACS responses for grade enrolled or age of respondent and school attainment level if the child is not enrolled in school. Location of Child’s Residence Relative to School District Boundary The SDST assigns a child to a school district based on place of residence, not place of attendance. Children who attend school outside of the district in which they reside will not be counted in their attending district. This design will affect districts with students who participate in inter-district choice plans or with students attending private schools located outside the boundaries of the public school district. Yhe SDST does not identify charter school systems unless they have geographic boundaries that are reported by a state. Similarly, it does not provide information for individual school attendance areas, except by default in those cases where a school's attendance area is the same as the school district boundary. District Grade Span The Census Bureau updates boundaries for Elementary, Secondary, and Unified school districts, but does not require districts to fit a specific grade span for classification. It relies on school district grade spans reported by states to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) for the Common Core of Data (CCD) to adjust grade responses reported in the boundary update. The Common Core of Data identifies the administrative universe of public school districts in the U.S., and it identifies the lowest and highest grades served by each district. Grades may range from Pre-Kindergarten (PK) to Grade 12. The grade range of an Elementary district may be augmented down to the 1st grade and up no farther than 8th grade. The grade range of a Secondary district may be augmented up to 12th grade and down no farther than 7th grade. The grade range of a Unified district may be augmented up to 12th grade and down to 1st grade. In areas covered exclusively by Elementary districts (i.e., without Secondary districts) the grade range is augmented to accommodate the secondary age students. Most census blocks are part of a school district (or districts) that serves all grade levels. In some cases, all grade levels may not be covered for all blocks. For example, a block may be covered by an Elementary district (PK-6) and a Secondary district (8th-12th), but not be covered for the 7th grade. If a grade is not claimed by any district, it is assigned to the districts that are present in the following order: (1) Unified, (2) Elementary, (3) Secondary district. Conversely, if a grade is claimed by more than one district, the precedence is (1) Secondary, (2) Elementary, (3) Unified district. School district grade spans are not automatically augmented to include Pre-kindergarten or Kindergarten, however in a limited number of districts, the lower grade is adjusted to include Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten. These adjustments occur after direct contact and confirmation with local districts. Topics
Assignment .. goto top Use iVDA in this section to determine how many census tracts intersect with your ZIP Code area. Consider using this interactive table as an alternative. E-mail a screen capture of the xip code area and count of intersecting census tracts to Warren Glimpse. About VDAGIS .. goto top Visual Data Analytics (VDA) Geographic Information Resources (GIS) resources are developed and maintained by Warren Glimpse, ProximityOne (Alexandria, VA) and Takashi Hamilton, Tsukasa Consulting (Osaka, Japan). See more about VDA resources |