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K-12 Schools and School District GeoDemographic Analytics
-- demographic-economic-geographic data & analysis

The approximately 13,500 U.S. regular school districts operate approximately 100,000 schools and provide public educarion to approximately 50 million students. Use the interactive table below to examine characteristics of one, a selected group or all school districts.

School & School District Dashboard
Welcome to this new interactive feature now in a beta mode. Start using it now.

Operation 1 - what is the school district for an address?
.. key in an address in the searchbar, press enter, view zooms to the school district.
    a profile of the school district shows in the lower left panel.
Operation 2 - find/examine a school or school district
.. key in a city name in the searchbar, try Kansas City, MO, press enter, view zooms to the Kansas City School District.
    a profile of the school district shows in the lower left panel.
.. check on the three school layers in the left legend panel. School show represented by markers.
    click the K12 Schools Elem layer name in the legend panel (it turns blue)
.. click any yellow square marker (an elementary school) in the map view.
    a profile of the school shows in the lower left panel.
.. key in a school name in the searchbar, try Longfellow elementary or George Mason elementary, va or your school
    press enter, view zooms to the school; click the yellow marker to view the school profile.
More details will be added soon.

Selected Topics .. updates irregularly

Percent Grade Relevant Children in Poverty by School District, 2022
In 2022, 12.6% of the United States population 325,521,470 for whom poverty status was determined or 40,951,625 were in poverty. Among the school districts with total population 5,000 or more (8,127), there were 4,227 districts with a percent grade relevant school age children with a poverty rate above 12.6%. Use the interactive table to view, sort, rank, query U.S. national scope school district 2022 population and income characteristics.

The yellow interval, 12-13%, corresponds to the U.S. national poverty rate. Blue and green patterns are below national rate; salmon and red color patterns are above the national rate -- areas where children might be more challenged to achieve better levels of education and higher levels of educational attainment.

.. click graphic for larger view; expand to full windoe for best quality view.

School District Finances
Which school district(s) have the highest Federal revenue as a percent of total revenue? .. what about your school districts of interest?

Consider the objective of getting a list Virginia school districts ranked in descending order based on Federal revenue as a percent of total revenue and view a map of the top ranked district.

The graphic below illustrates the answer. Lee County Public Schools has the highest Federal revenue as a percent of total revenue based on the FY 2021 (most recent data available) sources & uses of funds data available for all Virginia school districts. See steps below graphic to replicate this for any state or U.S.

Get started ... a few minutes away ...

Get a demographic-economic profile for your district using OVDAW:
about OVDAW
click to start OVDAW
• In upper left dropdown, select School Districts layer
• In searchbar above map, enter "Laguna Beach" (no quotes) and press enter
• Map view zooms to that location.
• Click blue marker; Laguna Beach school district highlights (cross-hatched)
• Profile for this district shows in lower left panel.
• Click HTML button below profile.
• Scroll down in HTML page to see "F33" (school district finances) items
• See that total revenue (for example) shows 76231 ($76,231,000)
• See full profile here (xls) .. this might differ if this dataset has been updated

Try your district!

Not sure of details? Questions? Join us in the every Tuesday Web sessions.

Topics in this section
01 School District Interactive Table & Profiles
02 Demographic-Economic Data Explorer
03 VDA GIS Tools
04 Geographic Solutions and Demographic-Economic Estimates & Projections
05 Web meetings

Interactive Table & Profiles
Use the interactive table below to view, rank, compare selected characteristics of each/all more than 13,000 school districts. New 2021-22 school year data have been recently added.

Demographic-Economic Data Explorer
Use the Demographic-Economic Data Explorer (DEDE) to access and create datasets drawn from Federal Statistical System

Use DEDE to develop Comparative Analysis Profiles
• Illustrative examples:
    ... Los Angeles Unified & Houston ISD
    ... Wichita USD KS & Kansas
• Request one for your district; use this form .. enter primary & comparison district names in text box.

• Illustrating side by side comparison of an ESD intersecting with corresponding SSD in Fresno, CA area
    ... Click to view Alvina ESD CA & Caruthers SSD CA HTML ACS 2019 5-year
        Caruthers district comprised of two separate parts

Use the Visual Data Analytics (VDA) Web GIS to map and geospatially analyze schools and school districts in context of other geography and subject matter. GIS (Geographic Information System) tools can do more than just make maps. They help us understand patterns and relationships that can only be with this technology. Below are some examples of using VDA GIS tools.

Patterns of Poverty Rate for Population Ages 5-17 by School District

.. click graphic for larger view.
.. see notes below for additional detail.

Elementary, Secondary, Unified School Districts
.. illustrative examples for the extended Los Angeles, CA area
.. most states have only unified districts
.. elementary districts

.. secondary districts

.. unified districts; LA Unified shown with darker color
.. nationally, unified districts comprise approximately ~10,000 of total ~13,000 districts

Patterns of Poverty Rate for Population Ages 5-17 by School District
.. Fresno, CA region zoom-in
.. bold boundaries show counties
.. legend shows color patterns associated with poverty rates

.. click graphic for larger view .. view poverty rates as labels by district
.. expand browser window for best quality view.
.. see notes below for additional detail.

Geographic Solutions and Demographic-Economic Estimates & Projections
- Geographic Solutions -- developing attendance zones
- Demographic-Economic Estimates & Projections

Web meetings
Join us in the weekly Web Meetings
Every Tuesday: Accessing & Using Demographic-Economic Data
Every Thursday: Using GIS Tools & GeoSpatial Analysis

School Districts 2022-23 Characteristics Interactive Table .. goto top
... Click on header to sort; click header again to sort other direction.
... Click ShowAll button between queries (resets view/table).
... View additional notes below table.

Using the Table
  • Cell value codes:
    - 1 indicates that the data are not applicable
    - 2 indicates that the data are missing
    - 3 indicates that the data do not meet data quality standards
  • See column descriptions below.
  • Click ShowAll button between queries (resets view/table).

Column descriptions

  - Name
  - St
  - St1
  - LoGr
  - HiGr
  - ZIP Code
  - Schools
  - Teachers
  - Student Teacher Ratio
  - Teachers Elem
  - Teachers Sec
  - Teachers UG
  - Total Staff
  - Total Students
  - Enrl Male
  - Enrl Female
  - Enrl Grade 1-8
  - Enrl Grade 9-12
  - Enrl Grade PK
  - Enrl Grade KG
  - Enrl Grade 1
  - Enrl Grade 2
  - Enrl Grade 3
  - Enrl Grade 4
  - Enrl Grade 5
  - Enrl Grade 6
  - Enrl Grade 7
  - Enrl Grade 8
  - Enrl Grade 9
  - Enrl Grade 10
  - Enrl Grade 11
  - Enrl Grade 12
  - Enrl Grade UG
  - Enrl AdultEd
  - Enrl AmerInd
  - Enrl Asian
  - Enrl Hispanic
  - Enrl Black
  - Enrl White
  - Enrl NHOPI
  - Enrl Multirace
  - Enrl Total Race

Support Using these Resources .. goto top
Learn more about demographic economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these Web sessions. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants.

ProximityOne User Group
Join the ProximityOne User Group to keep up-to-date with new developments relating to geographic-demographic-economic decision-making information resources. Receive updates and access to tools and resources available only to members. Use this form to join the User Group.

Additional Information
ProximityOne develops geographic-demographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our software, data and methodologies to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at Contact ProximityOne (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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