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... Gateway to the Federal Statistical System ... create custom demographic-economic files from Web-based datasets ... use structured, menu-based API tools to extract data you need ... for both developers & users with no coding experience ... DEDE updated frequently .. see about installation below ... see about upcoming data access below .. about Census 2020 DHC data September 2024 .. Important public use geostatistical data made by Federal statistical agencies is often difficult to learn about, let alone access. The Demographic Economic Data Explorer (DEDE) provides a Gateway to the Federal Statistical System, enabling users to more easily learn about, access and use these data. DEDE is a Windows-based software tool developed, maintained and supported by ProximityOne providing a solution to these issues. DEDE is used to develop standardized demographic-economic datasets that can be easily merged for use with other user application software. The user selects the statistical program, time-frame, specific type and scope of geography and specific subject matter (fields) to be extracted via the DEDE user interface. Datasets are created in GIS friendly dbase structure and Excel. DEDE makes use of Application Programming Interface (APIs, see below) that makes for a small footprint on your computer. DEDE is updated frequently helping to insure to most recent data are available. DEDE can also be used to develop the Situation & Outlook and Insights reports that integrate data from these diverse resource to consume as HTML/Web document and spreadsheet files. This section provides information about the scope and use of DEDE. Updated 09.14.24 version now available. See details below Join us in the weekly Web sessions to learn more about accessing and using demographic-economic data and using DEDE. Every Tuesday at 3:00 pm ET. Main Menu/Topics Installation News & Updates Overview .. Quick Start Examples User Interface ..Getting Started Operations .. S&O Report .. Comparative Analysis Report Data Resources - Monthly Permit Issuing Places - Census 2020 DHC .. detailed subject matter at block level Applications: Integrating DEDE Output with GIS Examples - Quick Start Example - Build All U.S. 2020 Block Groups Dataset - Create county-to-county migration dataset Terms of Use FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions News & Updates .. goto top Recently released Click to toggle expanding view. 09.14.24 .. DEDE 09.14.24 Version Released.. install DEDE on a Windows computer. Click to run installer.. 2024Q1 County Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) .. American Community Survey 2023 1 year estimates (released 9/12/24) supported in this version. - there is a new (ACS 2023-1) statistical program available in the upper left drop-down. .. view/use these illustrative DEDE generated national scope ACS files (DBF) developed using this version: - All CDs 118 2022 ACS-1 using 2022 SMIF Base File - All CDs 118 2023 ACS-1 using 2023 SMIF Base File - All 65K+ Metros 2022 ACS-1 using 2022 SMIF Base File - All 65K+ Metros 2023 ACS-1 using 2023 SMIF Base File 06.05.24 .. New data releases/DEDE access.. 2023Q4 County Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)03.06.24 .. New data releases/DEDE access.. 2023Q3 County Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)12.20.23 .. New data releases; DEDE updates.. 2023Q2 County Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)new data released 12/7/23; available via DEDE .. ACS 2022 1-year data release/availability via DEDE: 9/14/23 detailed demographics; areas 65,000 population and over .. ACS 2022 5-year data release/availability via DEDE: 12/7/23 detailed demographics; all tabulation areas 12.07.23 .. Version 12.07.23 release.. new DEDE installer is released frequently; operations reviewed in Web Sessions every Tuesday.. this release supports these new/updated features .. 2023Q2 County Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) new data released 12/7/23; available via DEDE .. ACS 2022 1-year data release/availability via DEDE: 9/14/23 detailed demographics; areas 65,000 population and over .. ACS 2022 5-year data release/availability via DEDE: 12/7/23 detailed demographics; all tabulation areas Additional details for this release .. there are new "base" subject matter item files for ACS 2021 and 2022 .. these apply to 1-year and 5-year estimates these files (api_items_acs21_base.txt and api_items_acs22_base.txt) contain the same scope of subject matter. below are the items included for api_items_acs21_base.txt (note this is 50 items, the max items for one run) - api_items_acs22_base.txt varies only by output field name (A22 rather than A21) B01001_001E TotPopA21 Total Population B01001_002E MPopA21 Male B01001_026E FPopA21 Female B02001_002E White1A21 White alone B02001_003E Black1A21 Black or African American alone B02001_004E AIAN1A21 American Indian and Alaska Native alone B02001_005E Asian1A21 Asian alone B02001_006E NHOPI1A21 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone B02001_007E Other1A21 Some other race alone B02001_008E MultiA21 Two or more races B03002_012E HispA21 Hispanic (any race) B01001_003E A0004MA21 Male: Under 5 years B01001_004E A0509MA21 Male: 5 to 9 years B01001_005E A1014MA21 Male: 10 to 14 years B01001_006E A1517MA21 Male: 15 to 17 years B01001_027E A0004FA21 Female: Under 5 years B01001_028E A0509FA21 Female: 5 to 9 years B01001_029E A1014FA21 Female: 10 to 14 years B01001_030E A1517FA21 Female: 15 to 17 years B09020_001E Pop65upA21 Population 65 years and over B11002_001E PopHHA21 Population in Households B11001_001E HHA21 Total Households B11001_002E FamA21 Family Households B15002_001E Pop25upA21 Population 25 years and over B15002_011E EAHSMA21 Male: High school graduate (includes equivalency) B15002_015E EABMA21 Male: Bachelor's degree B15002_016E EAMMA21 Male: Master's degree B15002_017E EAPMA21 Male: Professional school degree B15002_018E EADMA21 Male: Doctorate degree B15002_028E EAHSFA21 Female: High school graduate (includes equivalency) B15002_032E EABFA21 Female: Bachelor's degree B15002_033E EAMFA21 Female: Master's degree B15002_034E EAPFA21 Female: Professional school degree B15002_035E EADFA21 Female: Doctorate degree B29001_001E VATOTA21 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population B29001_002E VA1829A21 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 18 to 29 years B29001_003E VA3044A21 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 30 to 44 years B29001_004E VA4564A21 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 45 to 64 years B29001_005E VA65UPA21 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 65 or more years B25003_001E TotHsgA21 Total housing units B25003_002E OwnOccA21 Owner occupied units B25003_003E RntOccA21 Renter occupied units B25002_003E VacantA21 Vacant units B25105_001E MDMTHHCA21 Median Monthly Housing Costs (Dollars) B19013_001E MHIA21 Median Household Income B19113_001E MFIA21 Median Family Income B25077_001E MHVA21 Median housing value B25064_001E MdRentA21 Median gross rent B19083_001E GiniA21 Gini Index of Income Inequality NAME NAME NAME Ahead .. goto top UpcomingAgency release date, as applicable, shown at end of item. 09.15.24 .. DEDE 09.15.24 new release; software and these data - BLS QCEW 2024Q1 - quarterly establishments, employment, earnings by 6-digit NAICS (9/4) - Census American Community Survey 2023 1-year estimates (9/12) - Census County Business Patterns through 2022 - County (6/24) - Census County Business Patterns through 2022 - Congressional Districts - 2 digit (6/24) - Example: Health care and social assistance Estab, Emp, Wages by ZIP Code - Census County Business Patterns through 2022 - ZIP Code (6/24) - Example: Hospital Estab, Emp, Wages by ZIP Code .. possible additions: - BJS - ERS - NASS - NCES - NCHS - Transportation 12.15.24 .. DEDE 12.15.24 new release; software & these data - BEA Personal Income by County and Metropolitan Area, 2023 (11/14) - BEA Gross Domestic Product by County and Metropolitan Area, 2023 (12/4) - Census American Community Survey 2023 5-year estimates (12/12) - BLS QCEW 2024Q2 - quarterly establishments, employment, earnings by 6-digit NAICS (12/5) - BEA Real Personal Consumption Expenditures by State and Real Personal Income by State and Metropolitan Area, 2023 (12/12) - Census -- supporting both 118th & 119th Congressional Districts .. possible additions: - ProximityOne Estimates & Projections Data Access & Use Issues .. goto top Topicsin development .. Privacy Data/record linkage GDP Measuring unemployment Importance of official statistics Quick Start Examples .. goto top Example 1 -- start-up Viewing & creating a grid data view and file extract DEDE start-up automatically retrieves and displays these data in the grid: 1. Statistical Program (upper left) .. ACS 2022_5 .. American Community Survey 5-year estimates ACS 2022 2. Geographic Level .. 140 Census Tracts .. if data request is for ZIP Codes, use 860 ZIP Code Areas in drop-down. 3. Subject Matter Items File .. C:\dede\api_items_acs22_base.txt 4. Query (top right) .. stab='DC' .. leave this query edit box empty to process all U.S. geography. 5. Click Start button to start process. .. processing status shows "done" in statusbar at bottom of user interface when process is complete. The start-up view with all defaults is shown below. As shown in the grid, the total population based on ACS 2022 for census tract 11001000101 is 1,097. ![]() The "Subject Matter Items File" (SMIF) used for this operation is shown below (scroll section). .. see that the headers in the grid shown above are the same as the second column in the SMIF. .. modify the SMIF to select other subject matter. .. this SMIF uses "A22" in the field names to reference the source data are from ACS 2022 .. another run might use "A17" (a modified SMIF) and select data from ACS 2017 .. then, use these two output datasets to compare the 5-year change for these tracts for this subject matter. B01001_001E TotPopA22 Total Population B01001_002E MPopA22 Male B01001_026E FPopA22 Female B02001_002E White1A22 White alone B02001_003E Black1A22 Black or African American alone B02001_004E AIAN1A22 American Indian and Alaska Native alone B02001_005E Asian1A22 Asian alone B02001_006E NHOPI1A22 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone B02001_007E Other1A22 Some other race alone B02001_008E MultiA22 Two or more races B03002_012E HispA22 Hispanic (any race) B01001_003E A0004MA22 Male: Under 5 years B01001_004E A0509MA22 Male: 5 to 9 years B01001_005E A1014MA22 Male: 10 to 14 years B01001_006E A1517MA22 Male: 15 to 17 years B01001_027E A0004FA22 Female: Under 5 years B01001_028E A0509FA22 Female: 5 to 9 years B01001_029E A1014FA22 Female: 10 to 14 years B01001_030E A1517FA22 Female: 15 to 17 years B09020_001E Pop65upA22 Population 65 years and over B11002_001E PopHHA22 Population in Households B11001_001E HHA22 Total Households B11001_002E FamA22 Family Households B15002_001E Pop25upA22 Population 25 years and over B15002_011E EAHSMA22 Male: High school graduate (includes equivalency) B15002_015E EABMA22 Male: Bachelor's degree B15002_016E EAMMA22 Male: Master's degree B15002_017E EAPMA22 Male: Professional school degree B15002_018E EADMA22 Male: Doctorate degree B15002_028E EAHSFA22 Female: High school graduate (includes equivalency) B15002_032E EABFA22 Female: Bachelor's degree B15002_033E EAMFA22 Female: Master's degree B15002_034E EAPFA22 Female: Professional school degree B15002_035E EADFA22 Female: Doctorate degree B29001_001E VATOTA22 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population B29001_002E VA1829A22 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 18 to 29 years B29001_003E VA3044A22 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 30 to 44 years B29001_004E VA4564A22 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 45 to 64 years B29001_005E VA65UPA22 Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 65 or more years B25003_001E TotHsgA22 Total housing units B25003_002E OwnOccA22 Owner occupied units B25003_003E RntOccA22 Renter occupied units B25002_003E VacantA22 Vacant units B25105_001E MDMTHHCA22 Median Monthly Housing Costs (Dollars) B19013_001E MHIA22 Median Household Income B19113_001E MFIA22 Median Family Income B25077_001E MHVA22 Median housing value B25064_001E MdRentA22 Median gross rent B19083_001E GiniA22 Gini Index of Income Inequality NAME NAME NAME Example 2 -- California Census 2020 Census Tracts Viewing & creating a grid data view and file extract 1. Select Statistical Program (upper left) .. CEN 2020PL 2. Select Geographic Level .. 140 Census Tracts 3. Open Subject Matter Items File .. C:\dede\api_items_2020pl_base.txt 4. Set Query (top right) .. stab='CA' 5. click Start button .. wait for processing to complete; grid populates. View of a California Census 2020 Tracts File Settings & Grid/Data Display ![]() The first row in the grid shows data for tract 06-001-400100. The Census 2020 total population (POP20 column) in this tract is 3,038; the White alone (WH20) population is 1,870. See description of subject matter items shown in columns. Build your own subject matter items file and create the dataset to meet your needs. How to Build All U.S. 2020 Block Groups ACS 2020 Dataset .. goto top .. create all U.S. 2020 block group data file (click Start button when settings ready) - there is a row in the grid for every U.S. 2020 block group (select other geographies like CBSAs, cities, tracts ...) - 239,780 block groups; lowest level geography for which ACS 2020 data are tabulated - output file is named d:\dede\api_items_acs20_basebg.dbf - optionally integrate directly into a shapefile for GIS applications; or click button to save as Excel. .. highlighted cell in grid shows 674 total population estimate for 2020 BG 01-001-0201-1 .. uses this subject matter items file to specify items to be extracted ("A20" code in field name indicates ACS 2020). .. perform this operation with DEDE version or later ![]() Illustrative View of Mapping these Data ![]() Examples An example of what you can do with DEDE for health-related analyses .. find out that there are 117 ZIP Code areas in the U.S. where the number of "Health technologists and technicians" is greater then 20 percent of total employment. Create your own national ZIP code occupational dataset using DEDE and obtain the list of ZIP codes and related employment by occupation data among the results of a DEDE application .. see details. Where are people moving from and to by county? Create your own dataset for any county showing the number of movers in (by county of origin) and out (by county of destination) based on residence one year ago. Use these data for analysis and/or view in context of related demographic-economic data. See example. Generate reports like this using DEDE. Create county-to-county migration datasets .. goto top The following graphic shows a view focused on California by county. A movers-in, movers-out and net movers dataset was developed using DEDE for a selected county -- Fresno County, CA (build such a dataset for any county). Using CV XE GIS those data were then merged into a county shapefile and a GIS project developed. Layers were added showing patterns movers-in, movers-out and net movers. Patterns of net movers is shown below. ![]() S&O Reports .. goto top Situation & Outlook Reports are created by DEDE by clicking an area name in the geography listbox. Details about Section 2.4.1. New Authorized Residential Construction. The S&O Report provides these leading economic indicator data, updated monthly, for counties and places issuing building permits monthly. The report also provides these data updated annually for most all counties and places. Consider these three examples: Fresno County, CA The profile shows: .. the county by month for two years, followed by .. the city of Fresno (selected by user) for two years .. the county by year, 2015 through 2020 San Diego County, CA. The profile shows: .. the county by month for two years, followed by .. the city of San Diego (selected by user) for two years .. the county by year, 2015 through 2020 Monterey County, CA ... The profile shows: .. the county by month for two years ... is not shown; there are no countywide permits reported .. the city of Greenfield (selected by user) for two years .. the county by year, 2015 through 2020 More generally use the S&O Reports to examine a wide range of demographic-economic activity ... What is the economic/industry structure of a county of interest? How has it changed in the past several years? How does it compare the related state or metro? Create an "on-demand" demographic-economic report for a selected area (e.g. any county). Select the year/quarter of subject matter to be included. Select from alternative levels of subject matter detail to be included in the report. See this illustrative DEDE generated S&O report. See more about S&O reports here. The Demographic Economic Data Explorer (DEDE) is a Windows-based software tool used to develop standardized demographic-economic datasets that can be easily merged for use with other user application software. DEDE makes use of Application Programming Interface (APIs, see below) that makes for a small footprint on your computer. This section provides information about how to install and use DEDE. Overview .. goto top Use the Demographic Economic Data Explorer (DEDE) software to extract demographic-economic data from various statistical programs and datasets. Use DEDE to extract data from statistical programs including: Census 2000 & Census 2010 American Community Survey 2010 through ACS 2019 Census 2020 & ACS 2020 coming up BEA Economic Time Series BLS Economic Time Series Situation & Outlook Many other statistical programs - see operations details for complete list. DEDE is a companion tool of the ProximityOne CV XE GIS software. DEDE includes the ability to setup custom data extraction (geographic code lists and subject matter code lists) that can be re-used and completely controlled by the user. Downloaded data may be saved as XLS, CSV, or dBase (.dbf) files that can be converted to other formats. Use the data with your preferred statistical analysis software. The dBase structure lends itself to easy merger of multi-sourced subject matter data for the same geography (e.g., Census 2010 and ACS 2012). The dBase structure also enables easy integration of subject matter data into corresponding shapefiles. DEDE makes use of Application Programming Interface (API) operations that enable downloading data directly from servers. As a result, the data extraction application makes little use of locally stored data. An Internet connection is required for most applications. DEDE is a batch-oriented application that makes use of a nominal user interface. The follow topics review DEDE operations focused on block group level data extraction. User Interface & Start-up .. goto top The DEDE Start-up view is shown in the following graphic. Click graphic for larger view. ![]() At start-up the spreadgrid shows census tract level data for the state of California. Each row shows data for a census tract with subject matter arrayed across the columns. The statusbar (below grid) shows that there are 8,057 tracts in the state. The highlighted cell shows that the ACS 2019 total population estimate is 3,120. The subject matter displayed is determined by the Subject Matter Items File. This display was generated by clicking the Start button. With DEDE running, try it yourself. As the processing completes, the data showing in the grid are output to the Output File name shown in the edit box above the grid. Operations .. goto top View QuickStart Structure of the User Interface Toolbar -- at top .. Database .. Settings .. Help Control Panel -- at left of SpreadGrid .. Statistical Program Selection Dropdown .. Geographic Level Selection Dropdown .. Start button .. Create/Open XLS .. GetOne .. ACS Metadata Query .. View ACS Metadata .. Areas Listbox -- create a profile for an area Notepad Panel -- below Control Panel .. details SpreadGrid -- majority of screen Files Management Panel -- above the SpreadGrid .. Subject Matter Files - Viewing the subject matter selections file .. Output File Statusbar -- bottom of window Each of the above items is reviewed below. Toolbar -- Database .. goto operations dBCreate/Modify -- create, view, modify attributes/fields for a database file (any dbf) dBrowse -- view, sort, query database file (any dbf) dBMerge -- merge two database files on common key Toolbar -- Settings .. goto operations Several operational settings are controlled by DEDE configuration file. Modify these settings using by selecting Settings>Start-up Settings from the main menu. When selected the Start-up (INI) Settings form opens as shown below. The installer defaults to drive c: and folder dede (c:\dede) - the default settings are recommended to be consistent with documentation. - DEDE may be be installed on any drive and in any folder. - the configuration file (dede.ini) is created by the installer. .. the drive and folder settings in the ini file must agree with the actual file locations. - if DEDE is installed to "D:\dede" the drive and folder would appear as shown below. - if DEDE is installed elsewhere, like "u:\dede", references to d:\dede must be replaced with "U:\dede". .. changes may be done with the Settings>Startup Settings feature from the main menu toolbar. .. drive and folder names are not case sensitive. .. modify the Execution Folder, for example: (u:\dede) and Data Folder (u:\dede\1) ![]() After the Settings form is modified, click the Save button then the apply button toward the bottom of the form and then close the form. Toolbar -- Help .. goto operations Many reference and supplement information features are located here. Statistical Program Selection Dropdown -- Control Panel .. goto operations Use the Statistical Program Selection dropdown to select the statistical program. S&O -- Situation & Outlook ProximityOne current estimates and projections CEN 2010 CEN 2020 DHC DP CEN 2020PL ACS 2021_5 ACS 2021_1 ACS 2020_5 ACS 2019_5 ACS 2019_1 ACS 2018_5 ACS 2018_1 ACS 2017_5 ACS 2017_1 ACS 2016_5 ACS 2016_1 ACS 2015_5 ACS 2015_1 ACS 2014_5 ACS 2014_1 ACS 2013_5 ACS 2013_1 ACS 2012_5 ACS 2012_1 QCEW EstEmpEarn19 EstEmpEarn18 EstEmpEarn17 Geographic Level Selection Dropdown -- Control Panel .. goto operations Use the Geographic Level Selection dropdown to select the geographic level. .. note that data are not available for all geographic levels for all statistical programs .. a summary level (SUMLEV) is a 3-digit code for a geographic area of tabulation. 100 Census Block 150 Block Group 140 Census Tract 050 County 160 City/Place 970 School District, Unified 960 School District, Secondary 950 School District, Elementary 500 Congressional District 300 CBSA (MSA/MISA) 320 Combined Statistical Area 040 State 795 PUMA Public Use Microdata Areas 860 ZIP Code Area 400 Urban Area 010 United States Start Button -- Control Panel .. goto operations Click this button to start processing. Reconfirm that all other relevant settings/selections are correct. Create XLS/Open XLS -- Control Panel .. goto operations Click the Create XLS button to save the Grid content as an XLS file. If the Open XLS checkbox is checked, the XLS file will be opened when the Create XLS is clicked. GetOne -- Control Panel .. goto operations Click the GetOne button to view attributes for one selected geographic area. Operates with ACS The Geocode edit box at right of GetOne button sets the geographic area selection. Easily switch specifications with a keystoke or two. default: 140-19-5-04013216813 structure: SUM-YR-T-GEOCODE SUM .. summary level YR .. ACS year T .. type .. 1 for one year, 5 for 5 year GEOCODE The items edit box below the GetOne button contains the ITEMS variable names to be used. default: NAME,B01001_001E,B19103_001E default "says" get/show area name, total population, median household income. this is the items value that would be entered in the Census API, it must match those rules. ACS Metadata Query -- Control Panel .. goto operations Sets the query to operate on the ACS Metadata described below View ACS Metadata -- Control Panel .. goto operations Click View button displays the ACS Metadata in "grid2" temporarily replacing "grid1" the normal data/spreadgrid. Notepad .. goto operations Notepad ... .. populated by operations performed on Grid, such as the value of summed cells. .. selected cells in Grid are summed when Grid is right-clicked. .. the sum is displayed immediately in Notepad; subsequent sums displayed as previous sums retained in Notepad. .. clear Notepad by dbl-clicking .. other uses: key in your own notes. Create a Situation & Outlook Report .. goto operations While a primary purpose of DEDE is to develop data files, extracted from larger databases, DEDE also creates custom reports, Situation & Outlook (S&O) report and Comparative Analysis report, examples shown below. S&O reports (detailed multi-sourced attributes for a county): . Maricopa, AZ using DEDE version 011723 . Wichita/Sedgwick County, KS using DEDE version 011723 .. significance of version is that more recent versions reflect more recent subject matter and possibly scope of data. . Fresno, CA . San Diego, CA . Jackson County/Kansas City, MO . Oklahoma, OK . Travis, TX . Williamson, TX . Dallas, TX . Fort Bend, TX . Houston/Harris, TX . Tallahassee, FL . Pemiscot, MO . Pickens, SC . Laurens, SC . Greenville, SC . Anderson, SC The Situation & Outlook report provides a summary report for the selected area comprised of multi-sourced data. It provides a snapshot containing key data for one area as opposed to developing a dataset across a range of geographic areas. Its purpose is to provide immediate insights rather that develop a data file for use by other applications. The report includes these sections: Lead narrative section .. the default content is modifiable by the user Summary of personal income and GDP How & Why Demographics are Changing Population & Components of Change .. derived from Census Bureau model-based population estimates program .. time series; updated annually Component Area Cities .. includes Census Bureau model-based population estimates program; time series; updated annually .. includes link to more detailed data Mobility -- County to County (and Country) .. based on ACS special tabulation .. updated annually; updates September 2021 Extended Demographic Economic Data .. includes ACS 2019 5 or 1 year data - user selectable based on Statistical Program selection .. includes options Situation & Outlook estimates and projections .. General demographics .. Social characteristics .. Economic Characteristics .. Housing Situation - housing unit trends - new authorized residential construction (where available) - Housing Characteristics Establishments, Employment, Earnings .. based on BLS QCEW data .. user selectable: a) 5 digit NAICS code type of business or b) divisional levels .. user selectable quarterly or annual data .. updated quarterly Census Tracts in County .. report shows attributes of all tracts in county .. user selectable subject matter Steps to include tracts table .. the Tracts ckeckbox must be checked on (lower right section) .. the top right Query must be set to the state containing the county (e.g. "stab='CA'" for Orange County, CA) .. set the subject matter items file to the subject matter to be included in the profile (default recommended) .. dbl-click the county area to start profile generation .. in the final step the tracts API will be run - the statistical program must be an ACS 5 year program - the geography must be set to 140 census tract Usage. Dbl-Click on a area in the Areas Listbox located in lower section of control panel to display a profile in the grid. Click the Fresno County, CA item in the Areas listbox; a profile is displayed in the Grid. .. the profile is generated for the year or quarter shown in the Year/Qtr edit box in the control panel. Click the Open XLS and click Create XLS button and an XLS file similar to the grid display is created/displayed. .. see the XLS file generated here: http://proximityone.com/dede/qcew0601920Q4.xls What industry in Sedgwick County, KS (Wichita) had the highest average weekly wages in 4th quarter 2020? -- follow the above procedure, selecting/dbl-clicking 20173 Sedgwick County, KS from Areas listbox. -- profile appears in grid; click Create XLS button with Open XLS checked. -- when the file opens in Excel, sort descending on col I to obtain this view: ![]() -- the highest average weekly wages is industry NAICS 3241 -- Petroleum and coal products manufacturing ($7,998) -- or 55111 -- Management of companies and enterprises, as it has a larger number of businesses/employees Note that a similar view can be obtained by dbl-clicking the header cell on AWW using the grid -- the grid is sortable. Level of Industry Detail The profiles show QCEW data by detailed private ownership type of industry for the selected area. There is one row for each NAICS code (2 through 5 digits NAICS levels). Columns include the NAICS title, NAICS code, disclosure indicator, number of establishments, monthly employment (three months), total payroll and average weekly wages. To show only divisional industry level of detail, check the Divisional checkbox above the geography listbox before dbl-clicking the geographic item. The following example illustrates results of using the divisions checkbox for San Diego County, CA. This view shows that there were 118,195 total private ownership establishments in San Diego County as of the 4th quarter 2020. Divisional levels of detail follow in subsequent rows. ![]() Create a Comparative Analysis Report .. goto operations Comparative Analysis reports (compare attributes of two geographic areas): .. Los Angeles Cty & Orange Cty . San Diego Cty & California .. McKinney Sch Dist TX & Collin Cty TX . Tract 32003000101 & Las Vegas city The Comparative Analysis report is a summary report that shows demographic-economic attributes for two user selected geographic areas, such as two counties or a census tract and corresponding county or a county and state. Select from several summary levels as further described below. Start this feature by selecting Tools>Insights from the DEDE user interface main menu toolbar. A new form opens as shown below. ![]() As this form opens, it automatically creates a comparative analysis profile for Los Angeles county compared to Orange county and displays the results in the grid. To view/save the report as an HTML page, check the Open buttom to left of HTML checkbox then click the HTML button. The report opens and displays in the default Web browser. See example. Single Area Profile .. a part of the comparative profile The Insights operation may be used to create a single area profile .. dbl-click an area name in the GeoList box (lower left) .. Note .. the area must qualify for ACS statistical program selected - see in control panel upper left - defaults to ACS 2021 1-year estimates - if an area is not available and error message is reported. .. after the dbl-click the profile is shown in grid. .. optionally export to HTML or Excel. Using the "Run from File" button/operation Settings and Operations Run the default application by clicking the Run from File button (see in above graphic) .. the Run from File button operates on the file in the GeoFile edit box .. in this example the GeoFile is d:\dede\1\dei_lacty_orcty.txt .. the content of that text file consists of two records: 05006037 05006059 .. record one shows the geography for area 1 .. record two shows the geograohy for area 2 Content of GeoFile: .. two records required. .. characters 1-3 must be a valid summary level for the area. .. characters 4 and beyond is the geocode for the area. Summary levels supported and codes 050 County 140 Census Tract 160 City/Place 250 American Indian/Alaska Native/Hawaii Homeland 300 Metro CBSA 500 Congressional District 860 ZIP Code area 970 School District (unified) Selected Examples of GeoFile: The third line shows the GeoFilter (see below) for this geography and is not part of the file. Two counties: 05006037 05006059 "at('CA',name)>0 .and. sumlev='050'" County (San Diego) and State (California) 05006073 04006000 applicable GeoFilter: "at('CA',name)>0 .and. (sumlev='040' .or. sumlev='050')" sample HTML output School District (McKinney, TX) and County (Collin County, TX) 9704829850 05048085 applicable GeoFilter: "at('TX',name)>0 .and. (sumlev='050' .or. sumlev='970')" sample HTML output Census 2020 Census Tract (32003000101) and City (Las Vegas, NV) 14032003000101 1603240000 applicable GeoFilter: "sumlev='140' .or. sumlev='160'" sample HTML output This example uses ACS 2020 data 5 year data because tract data are only available from 5-year estimates/ Map graphic developed using VDA Web GIS, shows .. schools in context census tract 32003000101 (cross-hatched) .. tracts labeled with tract code and Low & Moderate Inocme Index. .. patterns of economio prosperity (median household income) by block group. ![]() Important GeoFilter setting "Run from File" operates on the geography available in the GeoList section (lower left) This list is created/controlled by the GeoFilter (above the grid) The default value is "at('CA',name)>0 .and. sumlev='050'" This says, populate the GeoList with counties in California. After modifying the GeoFilter, click the "Apply New Filter" button to refresh the GeoList. SpreadGrid .. goto operations The SpreadGrid is used to display the results of a data download initiated by the Start button or to display metadata or other reference text. Once data have been displayed in the grid, other operations may be performed on the content of the grid. Subject Matter Items Files .. goto operations The Subject Matter Items file (SMF) specifies the subject matter items to be used in the current operation. The SMF is required for ACS and Census operations; it is not used for the Establishments data operations. The user can create these files using the procedure described below. Alternatively the user can select from one of the predeveloped SMFs included with the installer. Available ACS SMFs include: Source: api_items_acs_yearmovedinB25026_tenure_units_in_structureB25032_yearbuiltB25034.txt api_items_acs_base.txt -- default api_items_acs_hsgrentB25056.txt api_items_acs_hsgvalueB25075.txt api_items_acs_movers_b07204.txt api_items_acs_hh_fam_inc.txt api_items_acs_age49.txt The default SMF (api_items_acs_base.txt) content is shown below. It is a text file that can be modified with any text editor. B01001_001E TotPop Total Population B01001_002E MalePop Male B01001_026E FemalePop Female B02001_002E White1 White alone B02001_003E Black1 Black or African American alone B02001_004E AIAN1 American Indian and Alaska Native alone B02001_005E Asian1 Asian alone B02001_006E NHOPI1 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone B02001_007E OtherRace1 Some other race alone B02001_008E TwoUpRaces Two or more races B03002_012E Hispanic Hispanic (any race) B09020_001E Pop65up Population 65 years and over B11002_001E PopHshlds Population in Households B11001_001E Households Total Households B11001_002E Families Family Households B15002_001E Pop25up Population 25 years and over B15002_011E HSGradM High school graduate (Male, age 25+) B15002_028E HSGradF High school graduate (Female, age 25+) B25003_001E TotHsgUnts Total housing units B25003_002E OwnOccUnts Owner occupied units B25003_003E RntOccUnts Renter occupied units B25002_003E VacUnits Vacant units B19013_001E MedHHInc Median Household Income B19113_001E MedFamInc Median Family Income B25077_001E MedHsgVal Median housing value B25064_001E MedRent Median gross rent Creating a Subject Matter Items File At least one subject matter item is required. The subject matter item starts in column 1. The subject matter item value must be the exact subject matter item as described in the Census API .. unless not a Census-sourced item. .. 2019 ACS Detailed Tables Variables provides a list of these items. As an example, note that the item B01001_001E as shown above is shown in the above web page in the name column. Note that SMFs are named in the manner "api_items_ ..." and located in the execution folder (c:\dede). This is not required but makes the documentation compatible and file management easier. Create an SMF using for Vacancy by Type One question might be what are the variable names for Vacancy Status While the above link can be used to obtain that answer, here is an alternative: More general details are explained elsewhere. With DEDE running, enter this query in the ACS Metadata Query edit box: table='1' .and. at('VACANCY',stub)>0 The click the View ACS Metadata button. The Grid refreshes with the metadata. The query says .. show only table titles (table='1' ) and only those rows where the description contains the characters VACANCY (at('VACANCY',stub)>0) This graphic illustrates the query result: ![]() The preferred table might be BB25004. Replace the query with "at('B25004',tableid)>0" (no quotes) and click View ACS Metadata Query .. the grid now shows all items in table B25004. copy these items from the grid and paste into empty notepad (notepad++ preferred) file: B25004_001 Total: B25004_002 For rent B25004_003 Rented, not occupied B25004_004 For sale only B25004_005 Sold, not occupied B25004_006 For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use B25004_007 For migrant workers B25004_008 Other vacant (make sure the tab is removed) now edit this list to show (note total population has been added): B01001_001E TotPop Total Population B25004_001E VacUnits Vacant Housing Units B25004_002E Vforrent For rent B25004_003E VRntdunocc Rented, not occupied B25004_004E Vforsale For sale only B25004_005E VSoldunocc Sold, not occupied B25004_006E Voccuse For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use B25004_007E Vmigwkr For migrant workers B25004_008E Vother Other vacant Save this file as c:\dede\api_items_acs_vacancystatus Click Close button to close metadata grid. With DEDE running, open this SMF and click start. The table displays for California tracts. Click Filter Output button ... discuss. Quick Start .. goto operations To run a block group data extraction .. for Hawaii .. using ACS 2019 5-year estimates .. using default subject matter selection proceed as follows: Change the geographic level, dropdown near top in Contrl Panel, to 150 Block Group Change top right Query edit box to ST='HI' Click Start button Processing results are displayed in grid See in statusbar there are 875 BGs in Hawaii. Note the total population is 1,876 in Grid row 1 block group 150010201001 or 15-001-020100-1 Dbl-click the TotPop header cell to see that in all of Hawaii, BG 15-003-008406-1 is 7,073. Data Resources .. goto top S&O Situation & Outlook ACS American Community Survey ACP America's Communities Cen Decennial Census - Census 2020 DHC .. detailed subject matter at block level BP New Authorized Residential Construction QCEW Quarterly, County up, Short lag, Establishments. Employment & Earnings by 6-dgit NAICS CBP Annual, County up, Long lag, Establishments. Employment & Earnings by 6-digit NAICS .. compare CBP & QCEW REIS Regional Economic Information System Situation & Outlook .. goto data resources http://proximityone.com/situation&outlook.htm Situation & Outlook (S&O) estimates (2020/2021) and projections (2021 and future years) are available to Level 3 DEDE users. S&O county estimates projections are available for the scope of subject matter described in the S&O report in these sections: General Demographics Social Characteristics Economic Characteristics Housing Characteristics S&O estimates and projections are available two ways; Using the API dataset development feature Embedded in S&O reports Situation & Outlook Estimates & Projections Schedule The S&O 2020 estimates and projections are scheduled for DEDE availability: October 2021 (reflecting use of initial Census 2020 data and ACS 2020 1-year estimates March 2022 (reflecting use of extended Census 2020 data and ACS 2020 5-year estimates S&O 2022 vintage estimates and projections are updated to reflect new historical data as those data become available. The next vintage 2022.1 update (following above) is scheduled for mid 2022. American Community Survey (ACS) .. goto data resources http://proximityone.com/acs.htm America's Communities Program (ACP) .. goto data resources http://proximityone.com/acp.htm The evolving America's Communities Program (ACP) data access through DEDE is supported in these ways: in the ACS data access API -- create your own city/place dataset in the cities section of the Situation & Outlook report extended, structured profiles via links provided for each city in the Situation & Outlook report Decennial Census .. goto data resources Census 2010 -- http://proximityone.com/cen2010.htm Census 2020 -- http://proximityone.com/cen2020.htm Census 2020 Data .. goto data resources The first sub-state Census 2020 data, the P.L. 94-171 redistricting data, became available on August 12, 2021. DEDE supports generation of these data; partial use in S&O report .. September 2021 evolving into future. Census Sourced P.L. 94-171 File Structure .. 2020 PL SummaryFile FieldNames (xlsx) ProximityOne Standardized/Evolving Census 2020 datasets Files with a standardized structure are available for: U.S. & State 010/040 Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA -- Metro: MSA/MD/MISA) 3xx Combined Statistical Area (CSA 330) Congressional District (CD 500) Congressional Community (CC 550) State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) (SLDU 610) State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) (SLDL 620) Voting District 700 County 050 County Subdivision (CCD 060) Urban Area (UA 400) School District (9xx; 950, 960, 970) Place 160 ZIP Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA 860) Census Tract 140 Block Group 150 Block 750 (by state) ** available as VDA premium layers -- maps & create interactive ranking tables Initial standardized file structure:
Census 2020 Demographic Profile Fields .. under development Census 2020 SF1/DHC Fields .. under development Census 2020 DHC .. detailed subject matter to block level .. goto data resources .. goto top This subsection is focused on accessing/using data from the the Census 2020 Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) files. These data are similar in scope to the Census 2010 Summary File 1. See related Census 2020 DHC section. Features described in this Census 2020 DHC section require DEDE version June 6, 2023 or more recent. These Census 2020 DHC data were released May 25, 2023. In this DHC subsection: 1. 2020 DHC API Variables 2. Block files generated by DEDE 3. Single Year of Age (SYOA - PCT012) Tract files generated by DEDE 4. Demographic Profile Tract files generated by DEDE 5. Using the DHC Geographic Reference File (GRF) These provisional notes summarize use of DEDE to access 2020 Census DHC data using the statistical program option CEN 2020 DHC Block. This feature is "self-contained." 2. Census 2020 DHC - Structure of Block Files Generated by DEDE Select this "Statistical Program" (CEN 2020 DHC Block), then click the Start button. There are no other settings required. At the prompt for the state+county FIPS code, enter the state+county FIPS code to be processsed. This version processes one county; it may be used for any county. The processing then creates three block level files that contains a record for all blocks in that county (each further descibed below): blk2020a_stcty.dbf a selection of widely used items blk2020p12_stcty.dbf table P12 - population under 20 years of age by single year of age by gender blk2020p14_stcty.dbf table P14 - population by widely used age groups by gender; inluding 5-year age cohorts .. where stcty is the state+county FIPS code Sample files for Fresno County, CA (06019) may be downloaded and viewed as described here: blk2020a_06019.dbf blk2020p12_06019.dbf blk2020p14_06019.dbf .. these files may be opened using Excel. They are structured as GIS friendly dbf/base files. Census 2020 DHC - Structure of Block Files Generated by DEDE The block files generated by DEDE contain one record for each block in a county. The Census 2020 block GEOID is contained in column one (SSCCCTTTTTTBBBB - 15 character code uniquely identifying the block). Subject matter fields are arrayed across the columns. This structure enables the subject matter from the separate files to be merged together on a common key or selected fields merged into block shapefiles -- using CV XE GIS or VDAD dBmerge feature. Intuitively understandable subject matter field names have been assigned by ProximityOne replacing the Census sourced field names. Where applicable, these field names are equivalenced to Census sourced field names. blk2020a file items
GEOID - 15 character block code SSCCCTTTTTTBBBB
TOTPOP - P3_001N WHITE1 - P3_002N BLACK1 - P3_003N AIAN1 - P3_004N ASIAN1- P3_005N NHOPI1 - P3_006N OTHER1 - P3_007N MULTIRACE - P3_008N HISPANIC - P4_003N WHITE1NH - P5_003N BLACK1NH - P5_004N HSGUNITS - H10_001N OWNOCC - H10_002N RNTOCC - H10_010N OWNOCCF - H14_003N RNTOCCF - H14_037N OWNOCCWC - H15_003N RNTOCCWC - H15_006N blk2020p12 file items
GEOID - 15 character block code SSCCCTTTTTTBBBB
TOTPOP MALEPOP AGEM0005 AGEM0509 AGEM1014 AGEM1517 AGEM1819 AGEM20 AGEM21 AGEM2224 AGEM2529 AGEM3034 AGEM3539 AGEM4044 AGEM4549 AGEM5054 AGEM5559 AGEM6061 AGEM6264 AGEM6566 AGEM6769 AGEM7074 AGEM7579 AGEM8084 AGEM85UP FEMALEPOP AGEF0005 AGEF0509 AGEF1014 AGEF1517 AGEF1819 AGEF20 AGEF21 AGEF2224 AGEF2529 AGEF3034 AGEF3539 AGEF4044 AGEF4549 AGEF5054 AGEF5559 AGEF6061 AGEF6264 AGEF6566 AGEF6769 AGEF7074 AGEF7579 AGEF8084 AGEF85UP blk2020p14 file items
GEOID - 15 character block code SSCCCTTTTTTBBBB
AGE20TOT AGE20M AGEM0 AGEM1 AGEM2 AGEM3 AGEM4 AGEM5 AGEM6 AGEM7 AGEM8 AGEM9 AGEM10 AGEM11 AGEM12 AGEM13 AGEM14 AGEM15 AGEM16 AGEM17 AGEM18 AGEM19 AGE20F AGEF0 AGEF1 AGEF2 AGEF3 AGEF4 AGEF5 AGEF6 AGEF7 AGEF8 AGEF9 AGEF10 AGEF11 AGEF12 AGEF13 AGEF14 AGEF15 AGEF16 AGEF17 AGEF18 AGEF19 3. Census 2020 DHC - Structure of "Single Year of Age" Table PCT012 Tract Files Generated by DEDE Select this "Statistical Program" (CEN 2020 DHC PCT012 Tract), then click the Start button. There are no other settings required. The DP1 tract file (one national file) is generated by DEDE contain one record for each tract in the U.S. The Census 2020 tract GEOID is contained in column one (SSCCCTTTTTT - 11 character code uniquely identifying the tract). Subject matter fields are arrayed across the columns. This structure enables the subject matter from the separate files to be merged together on a common key or selected fields merged into tract shapefiles -- using CV XE GIS or VDAD dBmerge feature. Single Year of Age PCT12 file items
GEOID - 11 character block code SSCCCTTTTTT
P20 PCT12_001N !!Total population P20M PCT12_002N !!Total:!!Male: AGEM0 PCT12_003N !!Total:!!Male:!!Under 1 year AGEM1 PCT12_004N !!Total:!!Male:!!1 year AGEM2 PCT12_005N !!Total:!!Male:!!2 years AGEM3 PCT12_006N !!Total:!!Male:!!3 years AGEM4 PCT12_007N !!Total:!!Male:!!4 years AGEM5 PCT12_008N !!Total:!!Male:!!5 years AGEM6 PCT12_009N !!Total:!!Male:!!6 years AGEM7 PCT12_010N !!Total:!!Male:!!7 years AGEM8 PCT12_011N !!Total:!!Male:!!8 years AGEM9 PCT12_012N !!Total:!!Male:!!9 years AGEM10 PCT12_013N !!Total:!!Male:!!10 years AGEM11 PCT12_014N !!Total:!!Male:!!11 years AGEM12 PCT12_015N !!Total:!!Male:!!12 years AGEM13 PCT12_016N !!Total:!!Male:!!13 years AGEM14 PCT12_017N !!Total:!!Male:!!14 years AGEM15 PCT12_018N !!Total:!!Male:!!15 years AGEM16 PCT12_019N !!Total:!!Male:!!16 years AGEM17 PCT12_020N !!Total:!!Male:!!17 years AGEM18 PCT12_021N !!Total:!!Male:!!18 years AGEM19 PCT12_022N !!Total:!!Male:!!19 years AGEM20 PCT12_023N !!Total:!!Male:!!20 years AGEM21 PCT12_024N !!Total:!!Male:!!21 years AGEM22 PCT12_025N !!Total:!!Male:!!22 years AGEM23 PCT12_026N !!Total:!!Male:!!23 years AGEM24 PCT12_027N !!Total:!!Male:!!24 years AGEM25 PCT12_028N !!Total:!!Male:!!25 years AGEM26 PCT12_029N !!Total:!!Male:!!26 years AGEM27 PCT12_030N !!Total:!!Male:!!27 years AGEM28 PCT12_031N !!Total:!!Male:!!28 years AGEM29 PCT12_032N !!Total:!!Male:!!29 years AGEM30 PCT12_033N !!Total:!!Male:!!30 years AGEM31 PCT12_034N !!Total:!!Male:!!31 years AGEM32 PCT12_035N !!Total:!!Male:!!32 years AGEM33 PCT12_036N !!Total:!!Male:!!33 years AGEM34 PCT12_037N !!Total:!!Male:!!34 years AGEM35 PCT12_038N !!Total:!!Male:!!35 years AGEM36 PCT12_039N !!Total:!!Male:!!36 years AGEM37 PCT12_040N !!Total:!!Male:!!37 years AGEM38 PCT12_041N !!Total:!!Male:!!38 years AGEM39 PCT12_042N !!Total:!!Male:!!39 years AGEM40 PCT12_043N !!Total:!!Male:!!40 years AGEM41 PCT12_044N !!Total:!!Male:!!41 years AGEM42 PCT12_045N !!Total:!!Male:!!42 years AGEM43 PCT12_046N !!Total:!!Male:!!43 years AGEM44 PCT12_047N !!Total:!!Male:!!44 years AGEM45 PCT12_048N !!Total:!!Male:!!45 years AGEM46 PCT12_049N !!Total:!!Male:!!46 years AGEM47 PCT12_050N !!Total:!!Male:!!47 years AGEM48 PCT12_051N !!Total:!!Male:!!48 years AGEM49 PCT12_052N !!Total:!!Male:!!49 years AGEM50 PCT12_053N !!Total:!!Male:!!50 years AGEM51 PCT12_054N !!Total:!!Male:!!51 years AGEM52 PCT12_055N !!Total:!!Male:!!52 years AGEM53 PCT12_056N !!Total:!!Male:!!53 years AGEM54 PCT12_057N !!Total:!!Male:!!54 years AGEM55 PCT12_058N !!Total:!!Male:!!55 years AGEM56 PCT12_059N !!Total:!!Male:!!56 years AGEM57 PCT12_060N !!Total:!!Male:!!57 years AGEM58 PCT12_061N !!Total:!!Male:!!58 years AGEM59 PCT12_062N !!Total:!!Male:!!59 years AGEM60 PCT12_063N !!Total:!!Male:!!60 years AGEM61 PCT12_064N !!Total:!!Male:!!61 years AGEM62 PCT12_065N !!Total:!!Male:!!62 years AGEM63 PCT12_066N !!Total:!!Male:!!63 years AGEM64 PCT12_067N !!Total:!!Male:!!64 years AGEM65 PCT12_068N !!Total:!!Male:!!65 years AGEM66 PCT12_069N !!Total:!!Male:!!66 years AGEM67 PCT12_070N !!Total:!!Male:!!67 years AGEM68 PCT12_071N !!Total:!!Male:!!68 years AGEM69 PCT12_072N !!Total:!!Male:!!69 years AGEM70 PCT12_073N !!Total:!!Male:!!70 years AGEM71 PCT12_074N !!Total:!!Male:!!71 years AGEM72 PCT12_075N !!Total:!!Male:!!72 years AGEM73 PCT12_076N !!Total:!!Male:!!73 years AGEM74 PCT12_077N !!Total:!!Male:!!74 years AGEM75 PCT12_078N !!Total:!!Male:!!75 years AGEM76 PCT12_079N !!Total:!!Male:!!76 years AGEM77 PCT12_080N !!Total:!!Male:!!77 years AGEM78 PCT12_081N !!Total:!!Male:!!78 years AGEM79 PCT12_082N !!Total:!!Male:!!79 years AGEM80 PCT12_083N !!Total:!!Male:!!80 years AGEM81 PCT12_084N !!Total:!!Male:!!81 years AGEM82 PCT12_085N !!Total:!!Male:!!82 years AGEM83 PCT12_086N !!Total:!!Male:!!83 years AGEM84 PCT12_087N !!Total:!!Male:!!84 years AGEM85 PCT12_088N !!Total:!!Male:!!85 years AGEM86 PCT12_089N !!Total:!!Male:!!86 years AGEM87 PCT12_090N !!Total:!!Male:!!87 years AGEM88 PCT12_091N !!Total:!!Male:!!88 years AGEM89 PCT12_092N !!Total:!!Male:!!89 years AGEM90 PCT12_093N !!Total:!!Male:!!90 years AGEM91 PCT12_094N !!Total:!!Male:!!91 years AGEM92 PCT12_095N !!Total:!!Male:!!92 years AGEM93 PCT12_096N !!Total:!!Male:!!93 years AGEM94 PCT12_097N !!Total:!!Male:!!94 years AGEM95 PCT12_098N !!Total:!!Male:!!95 years AGEM96 PCT12_099N !!Total:!!Male:!!96 years AGEM97 PCT12_100N !!Total:!!Male:!!97 years AGEM98 PCT12_101N !!Total:!!Male:!!98 years AGEM99 PCT12_102N !!Total:!!Male:!!99 years AGEM100104 PCT12_103N !!Total:!!Male:!!100 to 104 years AGEM105109 PCT12_104N !!Total:!!Male:!!105 to 109 years AGEM110UP PCT12_105N !!Total:!!Male:!!110 years and over P20F PCT12_106N !!Total:!!Female: AGEF0 PCT12_107N !!Total:!!Female:!!Under 1 year AGEF1 PCT12_108N !!Total:!!Female:!!1 year AGEF2 PCT12_109N !!Total:!!Female:!!2 years AGEF3 PCT12_110N !!Total:!!Female:!!3 years AGEF4 PCT12_111N !!Total:!!Female:!!4 years AGEF5 PCT12_112N !!Total:!!Female:!!5 years AGEF6 PCT12_113N !!Total:!!Female:!!6 years AGEF7 PCT12_114N !!Total:!!Female:!!7 years AGEF8 PCT12_115N !!Total:!!Female:!!8 years AGEF9 PCT12_116N !!Total:!!Female:!!9 years AGEF10 PCT12_117N !!Total:!!Female:!!10 years AGEF11 PCT12_118N !!Total:!!Female:!!11 years AGEF12 PCT12_119N !!Total:!!Female:!!12 years AGEF13 PCT12_120N !!Total:!!Female:!!13 years AGEF14 PCT12_121N !!Total:!!Female:!!14 years AGEF15 PCT12_122N !!Total:!!Female:!!15 years AGEF16 PCT12_123N !!Total:!!Female:!!16 years AGEF17 PCT12_124N !!Total:!!Female:!!17 years AGEF18 PCT12_125N !!Total:!!Female:!!18 years AGEF19 PCT12_126N !!Total:!!Female:!!19 years AGEF20 PCT12_127N !!Total:!!Female:!!20 years AGEF21 PCT12_128N !!Total:!!Female:!!21 years AGEF22 PCT12_129N !!Total:!!Female:!!22 years AGEF23 PCT12_130N !!Total:!!Female:!!23 years AGEF24 PCT12_131N !!Total:!!Female:!!24 years AGEF25 PCT12_132N !!Total:!!Female:!!25 years AGEF26 PCT12_133N !!Total:!!Female:!!26 years AGEF27 PCT12_134N !!Total:!!Female:!!27 years AGEF28 PCT12_135N !!Total:!!Female:!!28 years AGEF29 PCT12_136N !!Total:!!Female:!!29 years AGEF30 PCT12_137N !!Total:!!Female:!!30 years AGEF31 PCT12_138N !!Total:!!Female:!!31 years AGEF32 PCT12_139N !!Total:!!Female:!!32 years AGEF33 PCT12_140N !!Total:!!Female:!!33 years AGEF34 PCT12_141N !!Total:!!Female:!!34 years AGEF35 PCT12_142N !!Total:!!Female:!!35 years AGEF36 PCT12_143N !!Total:!!Female:!!36 years AGEF37 PCT12_144N !!Total:!!Female:!!37 years AGEF38 PCT12_145N !!Total:!!Female:!!38 years AGEF39 PCT12_146N !!Total:!!Female:!!39 years AGEF40 PCT12_147N !!Total:!!Female:!!40 years AGEF41 PCT12_148N !!Total:!!Female:!!41 years AGEF42 PCT12_149N !!Total:!!Female:!!42 years AGEF43 PCT12_150N !!Total:!!Female:!!43 years AGEF44 PCT12_151N !!Total:!!Female:!!44 years AGEF45 PCT12_152N !!Total:!!Female:!!45 years AGEF46 PCT12_153N !!Total:!!Female:!!46 years AGEF47 PCT12_154N !!Total:!!Female:!!47 years AGEF48 PCT12_155N !!Total:!!Female:!!48 years AGEF49 PCT12_156N !!Total:!!Female:!!49 years AGEF50 PCT12_157N !!Total:!!Female:!!50 years AGEF51 PCT12_158N !!Total:!!Female:!!51 years AGEF52 PCT12_159N !!Total:!!Female:!!52 years AGEF53 PCT12_160N !!Total:!!Female:!!53 years AGEF54 PCT12_161N !!Total:!!Female:!!54 years AGEF55 PCT12_162N !!Total:!!Female:!!55 years AGEF56 PCT12_163N !!Total:!!Female:!!56 years AGEF57 PCT12_164N !!Total:!!Female:!!57 years AGEF58 PCT12_165N !!Total:!!Female:!!58 years AGEF59 PCT12_166N !!Total:!!Female:!!59 years AGEF60 PCT12_167N !!Total:!!Female:!!60 years AGEF61 PCT12_168N !!Total:!!Female:!!61 years AGEF62 PCT12_169N !!Total:!!Female:!!62 years AGEF63 PCT12_170N !!Total:!!Female:!!63 years AGEF64 PCT12_171N !!Total:!!Female:!!64 years AGEF65 PCT12_172N !!Total:!!Female:!!65 years AGEF66 PCT12_173N !!Total:!!Female:!!66 years AGEF67 PCT12_174N !!Total:!!Female:!!67 years AGEF68 PCT12_175N !!Total:!!Female:!!68 years AGEF69 PCT12_176N !!Total:!!Female:!!69 years AGEF70 PCT12_177N !!Total:!!Female:!!70 years AGEF71 PCT12_178N !!Total:!!Female:!!71 years AGEF72 PCT12_179N !!Total:!!Female:!!72 years AGEF73 PCT12_180N !!Total:!!Female:!!73 years AGEF74 PCT12_181N !!Total:!!Female:!!74 years AGEF75 PCT12_182N !!Total:!!Female:!!75 years AGEF76 PCT12_183N !!Total:!!Female:!!76 years AGEF77 PCT12_184N !!Total:!!Female:!!77 years AGEF78 PCT12_185N !!Total:!!Female:!!78 years AGEF79 PCT12_186N !!Total:!!Female:!!79 years AGEF80 PCT12_187N !!Total:!!Female:!!80 years AGEF81 PCT12_188N !!Total:!!Female:!!81 years AGEF82 PCT12_189N !!Total:!!Female:!!82 years AGEF83 PCT12_190N !!Total:!!Female:!!83 years AGEF84 PCT12_191N !!Total:!!Female:!!84 years AGEF85 PCT12_192N !!Total:!!Female:!!85 years AGEF86 PCT12_193N !!Total:!!Female:!!86 years AGEF87 PCT12_194N !!Total:!!Female:!!87 years AGEF88 PCT12_195N !!Total:!!Female:!!88 years AGEF89 PCT12_196N !!Total:!!Female:!!89 years AGEF90 PCT12_197N !!Total:!!Female:!!90 years AGEF91 PCT12_198N !!Total:!!Female:!!91 years AGEF92 PCT12_199N !!Total:!!Female:!!92 years AGEF93 PCT12_200N !!Total:!!Female:!!93 years AGEF94 PCT12_201N !!Total:!!Female:!!94 years AGEF95 PCT12_202N !!Total:!!Female:!!95 years AGEF96 PCT12_203N !!Total:!!Female:!!96 years AGEF97 PCT12_204N !!Total:!!Female:!!97 years AGEF98 PCT12_205N !!Total:!!Female:!!98 years AGEF99 PCT12_206N !!Total:!!Female:!!99 years AGEF100104 PCT12_207N !!Total:!!Female:!!100 to 104 years AGEF105109 PCT12_208N !!Total:!!Female:!!105 to 109 years AGEF110UP PCT12_209N !!Total:!!Female:!!110 years and over None MILLENNIAL None GENZ 4. Census 2020 DHC - Structure of "Demographic Profile" (DP1) Tract Files Generated by DEDE Select this "Statistical Program" (CEN 2020 DHC DP Tract), then click the Start button. There are no other settings required. The DP1 tract file (one national file) is generated by DEDE contain one record for each tract in the U.S. The Census 2020 tract GEOID is contained in column one (SSCCCTTTTTT - 11 character code uniquely identifying the tract). Subject matter fields are arrayed across the columns. This structure enables the subject matter from the separate files to be merged together on a common key or selected fields merged into tract shapefiles -- using CV XE GIS or VDAD dBmerge feature. Demographic Profile file items
GEOID - 11 character block code SSCCCTTTTTT
0.8 GENDER AND AGE........ DP1_0001C 1 ..Total population...... DP1_0002C 2 ....Under 5 years.... DP1_0003C 3 ....5 to 9 years.... DP1_0004C 4 ....10 to 14 years.... DP1_0005C 5 ....15 to 19 years.... DP1_0006C 6 ....20 to 24 years.... DP1_0007C 7 ....25 to 29 years.... DP1_0008C 8 ....30 to 34 years.... DP1_0009C 9 ....35 to 39 years.... DP1_0010C 10 ....40 to 44 years.... DP1_0011C 11 ....45 to 49 years.... DP1_0012C 12 ....50 to 54 years.... DP1_0013C 13 ....55 to 59 years.... DP1_0014C 14 ....60 to 64 years.... DP1_0015C 15 ....65 to 69 years.... DP1_0016C 16 ....70 to 74 years.... DP1_0017C 17 ....75 to 79 years.... DP1_0018C 18 ....80 to 84 years.... DP1_0019C 19 ....85 years and over.... 19.5 ....Selected Age Categories.... DP1_0020C 20 ......16 years and over.. DP1_0021C 21 ......18 years and over.. DP1_0022C 22 ......21 years and over.. DP1_0023C 23 ......62 years and over.. DP1_0024C 24 ......65 years and over.. DP1_0025C 25 ..Male population...... DP1_0026C 26 ....Under 5 years.... DP1_0027C 27 ....5 to 9 years.... DP1_0028C 28 ....10 to 14 years.... DP1_0029C 29 ....15 to 19 years.... DP1_0030C 30 ....20 to 24 years.... DP1_0031C 31 ....25 to 29 years.... DP1_0032C 32 ....30 to 34 years.... DP1_0033C 33 ....35 to 39 years.... DP1_0034C 34 ....40 to 44 years.... DP1_0035C 35 ....45 to 49 years.... DP1_0036C 36 ....50 to 54 years.... DP1_0037C 37 ....55 to 59 years.... DP1_0038C 38 ....60 to 64 years.... DP1_0039C 39 ....65 to 69 years.... DP1_0040C 40 ....70 to 74 years.... DP1_0041C 41 ....75 to 79 years.... DP1_0042C 42 ....80 to 84 years.... DP1_0043C 43 ....85 years and over.... 43.5 ....Selected Age Categories.... DP1_0044C 44 ......16 years and over.. DP1_0045C 45 ......18 years and over.. DP1_0046C 46 ......21 years and over.. DP1_0047C 47 ......62 years and over.. DP1_0048C 48 ......65 years and over.. DP1_0049C 49 ..Female population...... DP1_0050C 50 ....Under 5 years.... DP1_0051C 51 ....5 to 9 years.... DP1_0052C 52 ....10 to 14 years.... DP1_0053C 53 ....15 to 19 years.... DP1_0054C 54 ....20 to 24 years.... DP1_0055C 55 ....25 to 29 years.... DP1_0056C 56 ....30 to 34 years.... DP1_0057C 57 ....35 to 39 years.... DP1_0058C 58 ....40 to 44 years.... DP1_0059C 59 ....45 to 49 years.... DP1_0060C 60 ....50 to 54 years.... DP1_0061C 61 ....55 to 59 years.... DP1_0062C 62 ....60 to 64 years.... DP1_0063C 63 ....65 to 69 years.... DP1_0064C 64 ....70 to 74 years.... DP1_0065C 65 ....75 to 79 years.... DP1_0066C 66 ....80 to 84 years.... DP1_0067C 67 ....85 years and over.... 67.5 ....Selected Age Categories.... DP1_0068C 68 ......16 years and over.. DP1_0069C 69 ......18 years and over.. DP1_0070C 70 ......21 years and over.. DP1_0071C 71 ......62 years and over.. DP1_0072C 72 ......65 years and over.. 72.5 MEDIAN AGE BY SEX........ DP1_0073C 73 ..Both sexes...... DP1_0074C 74 ..Male...... DP1_0075C 75 ..Female...... 75.5 RACE........ DP1_0076C 76 ..Total population...... DP1_0077C 77 ....One Race.... DP1_0078C 78 ......White.. DP1_0079C 79 ......Black or African American.. DP1_0080C 80 ......American Indian and Alaska Native.. DP1_0081C 81 ......Asian.. DP1_0082C 82 ......Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander.. DP1_0083C 83 ......Some Other Race.. DP1_0084C 84 ....Two or More Races.... 84.5 TOTAL RACES TALLIED [1]........ DP1_0085C 85 ..Total races tallied...... DP1_0086C 86 ....White alone or in combination with one or more other races.... DP1_0087C 87 ....Black or African American alone or in combination with one or more other races.... DP1_0088C 88 ....American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination with one or more other races.... DP1_0089C 89 ....Asian alone or in combination with one or more other races.... DP1_0090C 90 ....Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with one or more other races.... DP1_0091C 91 ....Some Other Race alone or in combination with one or more other races.... 91.5 HISPANIC OR LATINO........ DP1_0092C 92 ..Total population...... DP1_0093C 93 ....Hispanic or Latino (of any race).... DP1_0094C 94 ....Not Hispanic or Latino.... 94.5 HISPANIC OR LATINO BY RACE........ DP1_0095C 95 ..Total population...... DP1_0096C 96 ....Hispanic or Latino.... DP1_0097C 97 ......White alone.. DP1_0098C 98 ......Black or African American alone.. DP1_0099C 99 ......American Indian and Alaska Native alone.. DP1_0100C 100 ......Asian alone.. DP1_0101C 101 ......Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone.. DP1_0102C 102 ......Some Other Race alone.. DP1_0103C 103 ......Two or More Races.. DP1_0104C 104 ....Not Hispanic or Latino.... DP1_0105C 105 ......White alone.. DP1_0106C 106 ......Black or African American alone.. DP1_0107C 107 ......American Indian and Alaska Native alone.. DP1_0108C 108 ......Asian alone.. DP1_0109C 109 ......Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone.. DP1_0110C 110 ......Some Other Race alone.. DP1_0111C 111 ......Two or More Races.. 111.5 RELATIONSHIP........ DP1_0112C 112 ..Total population...... DP1_0113C 113 ....In households.... DP1_0114C 114 ......Householder.. DP1_0115C 115 ......Opposite-sex spouse.. DP1_0116C 116 ......Same-sex spouse.. DP1_0117C 117 ......Opposite-sex unmarried partner.. DP1_0118C 118 ......Same-sex unmarried partner.. DP1_0119C 119 ......Child [2].. DP1_0120C 120 ........Under 18 years DP1_0121C 121 ......Grandchild.. DP1_0122C 122 ........Under 18 years DP1_0123C 123 ......Other relatives.. DP1_0124C 124 ......Nonrelatives.. DP1_0125C 125 ....In group quarters.... DP1_0126C 126 ......Institutionalized population:.. DP1_0127C 127 ........Male DP1_0128C 128 ........Female DP1_0129C 129 ......Noninstitutionalized population:.. DP1_0130C 130 ........Male DP1_0131C 131 ........Female 131.5 HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE........ DP1_0132C 132 ..Total households...... DP1_0133C 133 ....Married couple household.... DP1_0134C 134 ......With own children under 18 [3].. DP1_0135C 135 ....Cohabiting couple household:.... DP1_0136C 136 ......With own children under 18 [3].. DP1_0137C 137 ....Male householder, no spouse or partner present:.... DP1_0138C 138 ......Living alone.. DP1_0139C 139 ........65 years and over DP1_0140C 140 ......With own children under 18 [3].. DP1_0141C 141 ....Female householder, no spouse or partner present:.... DP1_0142C 142 ......Living alone.. DP1_0143C 143 ........65 years and over DP1_0144C 144 ......With own children under 18 [3].. DP1_0145C 145 ....Households with individuals under 18 years.... DP1_0146C 146 ....Households with individuals 65 years and over.... 146.5 HOUSING OCCUPANCY........ DP1_0147C 147 ..Total housing units...... DP1_0148C 148 ....Occupied housing units.... DP1_0149C 149 ....Vacant housing units.... DP1_0150C 150 ......For rent.. DP1_0151C 151 ......Rented, not occupied.. DP1_0152C 152 ......For sale only.. DP1_0153C 153 ......Sold, not occupied.. DP1_0154C 154 ......For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use.. DP1_0155C 155 ......All other vacants.. 155.5 VACANCY RATES........ DP1_0156C 156 ..Homeowner vacancy rate (percent) [4]...... DP1_0157C 157 ..Rental vacancy rate (percent) [5]...... 157.5 HOUSING TENURE........ DP1_0158C 158 ..Occupied housing units...... DP1_0159C 159 ....Owner-occupied housing units.... DP1_0160C 160 ....Renter-occupied housing units.. 5. Census 2020 DHC - Using the Geographic Reference File & Aggregation of Block Data The Census 2020 DHC Geographic Reference File is not required to access/use the DHC data using DEDE. This is an additional data resource that can supplement data development applications. As one example, Census block level data may be aggregated to other geographic levels using the Census 2020 DHC Geographic Reference File (GRF). These files are available for downloading on a state by state basis as a part of Census 2020 DHC summary data file. Download any state Census 2020 DHC file from this Web folder. There is one zip file for each state that contains 44 data segment files and the geographic reference file. For example, the California file (ca2020.dhc.zip) unzips to a set of files with a "DHC" extension. These files are all in a pipe-delimited structure. The cageo2020.dhc file (from the zip file) is imported into the ProximityOne cageo2020.dbf (same field layout as the cageo2020.dhc file). For illustrative purposes, the California statewide GRF is reduced to include only summary level 100 (census block) and Fresno County (06019). This file may be download here in zip format. Census 2020 DHC - Use of Block Files Generated by DEDE View of the Newport Beach, CA Area by Census Block The VDA Desktop GIS is used with the County/Regional Trends GIS project to create the following view of the Newport Beach, CA area. The graphic shows census blocks with salmon color where the 2020 DHC age 17 population is greater than zero; other blocks have white fill pattern. Click graphic for larger view that shows blocks labeled with the age 17 population. The larger view also shows a tabular profile with other 2020 DHC items for a selected block. ![]() View of Anaheim, CA Area by Census Block .. site analysis .. patterns of the population 17 years of age (as of 2020) by census block. this can only be analyzed using the 2020 DHC data. .. perform the following type of analysis for anywhere in the U.S., any DHC or derived subject matter item, any radius. .. census block data from above described three files were integrated into the Orange County by block shapefile. .. using VDA Desktop GIS, a query was placed on that shapefile only blocks in Anaheim, CA and only blocks with population 17 years of age resulting in salmon colored blocks; labeled with population 17 years of age. .. the VDA Desktop GIS site analysis tool was started. a 1-mile radius block selection was created by clicking at the T on Disneyland Tomorrowland. block codes for the 205 blocks selected, an area of 4.27 square miles, are shown in the listbox. As of 2020 there were 966 persons 17 years of age in the circular area selection (see highlighted tabular profile at right in graphic). ![]() .. click graphic for larger, improved view Census 2020 DHC - about other subject matter and geography .. End of 2020 Ceneus DHC file subsection Monthly New Authorized Residential Construction .. goto data resources Monthly New Authorized Residential Construction, or building permits (BP), data are based on the Census Bureau C-404 data collection program. These data are not estimates; the data are administratively reported by local governments. Related Data. Estimates of the universe of housing units by units in structure are provided in the related section of the S&O report "Housing Characteristics" and displayed in the section following "Monthly New Authorized Residential Construction". These data are only available in the DEDE Situation & Outlook (S&O) report and will only be displayed for those counties providing monthly data. The S&O report shows monthly BP data for 2020 and monthly in 2021 as released. Valuation data are shown in thousands of dollars in the S&O report and in dollars in the data file (below). When the S&O report is generated, the underlying data shown in the table are also written to a local file. The CSV file name and folder are shown in the report, above the BP table. Access a sample of the file. The record layout is shown below:
DATE Reference Date, "YYYYMM"
ST Two-digit FIPS state code. CTY Three-digit County code. RGN Census region code: 1 Northeast 2 Midwest 3 South 4 West DIV Census division code: 1 New England 2 Middle Atlantic 3 East North Central 4 West North Central 5 South Atlantic 6 East South Central 7 West South Central 8 Mountain 9 Pacific NAME County name BLDGS1 - single family number of buildings UNITS1 - single family number of units VALUE1 - single family valuation (dollars) BLDGS2 - 2-unit number of buildings UNITS2 - 2-unit number of units VALUE2 - 2-unit valuation (dollars) BLDGS3 - 3-4 unit number of buildings UNITS3 - 3-4 unit number of units VALUE3 - 3-4 unit valuation (dollars) BLDGS5 - 5+ unit number of buildings UNITS5 - 5+ unit number of units VALUE5 - 5+ unit valuation (dollars) The report shows these data for several types of units in structure: Single family 2 unit 3-4 unit 5 or more units For each units in structure category, data are shown for number of units, number of buildings and valuation. Place Codes .. goto top The following scroll section provides a list of places that issue monthly building permits. The list is sorted on state FIPS (St1) then county FIPS (Cty) then name. Place Name St1 St2 Cty Place MCD Prattville 01 AL 001 62328 00000 Baldwin County Unincorporated Area 01 AL 003 99990 00000 Bay Minette 01 AL 003 04660 00000 Daphne 01 AL 003 19648 00000 Fairhope 01 AL 003 25240 00000 Foley 01 AL 003 26992 00000 Gulf Shores 01 AL 003 32272 00000 Spanish Fort 01 AL 003 71976 00000 Centreville 01 AL 007 13672 00000 Woodstock town 01 AL 007 83640 00000 Blountsville town 01 AL 009 07456 00000 Highland Lake town 01 AL 009 34480 00000 Oneonta 01 AL 009 57000 00000 Ohatchee town 01 AL 015 56472 00000 Oxford 01 AL 015 57576 00000 Weaver 01 AL 015 80352 00000 Clanton 01 AL 021 15136 00000 Jemison 01 AL 021 38608 00000 Thorsby town 01 AL 021 76080 00000 Ashland 01 AL 027 02860 00000 Enterprise 01 AL 031 24184 00000 Cherokee town 01 AL 033 14152 00000 Littleville town 01 AL 033 43648 00000 Muscle Shoals 01 AL 033 53016 00000 Sheffield 01 AL 033 69648 00000 Cullman 01 AL 043 18976 00000 Midland City town 01 AL 045 48400 00000 Ozark 01 AL 045 57648 00000 Dallas County Unincorporated Area 01 AL 047 99990 00000 Mentone town 01 AL 049 48064 00000 Rainsville 01 AL 049 63336 00000 Valley Head town 01 AL 049 78240 00000 Millbrook 01 AL 051 48712 00000 Wetumpka 01 AL 051 81720 00000 Reece City town 01 AL 055 63984 00000 Southside 01 AL 055 71832 00000 Red Bay 01 AL 059 63576 00000 Headland 01 AL 067 33856 00000 Dothan 01 AL 069 21184 00000 Gordon town 01 AL 069 30760 00000 Adamsville 01 AL 073 00460 00000 Bessemer 01 AL 073 05980 00000 Birmingham 01 AL 073 07000 00000 Brighton 01 AL 073 09400 00000 Brookside town 01 AL 073 09736 00000 Center Point 01 AL 073 13264 00000 Clay 01 AL 073 15256 00000 County Line town 01 AL 073 17968 00000 Fairfield 01 AL 073 25120 00000 Fultondale 01 AL 073 28552 00000 Gardendale 01 AL 073 29056 00000 Graysville 01 AL 073 31384 00000 Homewood 01 AL 073 35800 00000 Hoover 01 AL 073 35896 00000 Hueytown 01 AL 073 36448 00000 Irondale 01 AL 073 37864 00000 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 01 AL 073 99990 00000 Kimberly 01 AL 073 39856 00000 Leeds 01 AL 073 41968 00000 Lipscomb 01 AL 073 43336 00000 Midfield 01 AL 073 48376 00000 Morris town 01 AL 073 51456 00000 Mountain Brook 01 AL 073 51696 00000 Pleasant Grove 01 AL 073 61008 00000 Sylvan Springs town 01 AL 073 74424 00000 Tarrant 01 AL 073 74976 00000 Trafford town 01 AL 073 76680 00000 Trussville 01 AL 073 76944 00000 Vestavia Hills 01 AL 073 78552 00000 Warrior 01 AL 073 79944 00000 West Jefferson town 01 AL 073 81336 00000 Vernon 01 AL 075 78480 00000 Florence 01 AL 077 26896 00000 Auburn 01 AL 081 03076 00000 Lee County Unincorporated Area 01 AL 081 99990 00000 Opelika 01 AL 081 57048 00000 Ardmore town 01 AL 083 02260 00000 Athens 01 AL 083 02956 00000 Gurley town 01 AL 089 32440 00000 Huntsville 01 AL 089 37000 00000 Madison 01 AL 089 45784 00000 Madison County Unincorporated Area 01 AL 089 99990 00000 New Hope 01 AL 089 54168 00000 Owens Cross Roads town 01 AL 089 57504 00000 Triana town 01 AL 089 76824 00000 Linden 01 AL 091 43240 00000 Creola 01 AL 097 18304 00000 Dauphin Island town 01 AL 097 19744 00000 Mobile 01 AL 097 50000 00000 Mobile County Unincorporated Area 01 AL 097 99990 00000 Prichard 01 AL 097 62496 00000 Saraland 01 AL 097 68160 00000 Semmes 01 AL 097 69240 00000 Montgomery 01 AL 101 51000 00000 Pike Road town 01 AL 101 59760 00000 Decatur 01 AL 103 20104 00000 Hartselle 01 AL 103 33448 00000 Priceville town 01 AL 103 62472 00000 Troy 01 AL 109 76920 00000 Phenix City 01 AL 113 59472 00000 Russell County Unincorporated Area 01 AL 113 99990 00000 Ashville 01 AL 115 02908 00000 Margaret town 01 AL 115 46696 00000 Moody 01 AL 115 51096 00000 Pell City 01 AL 115 58896 00000 Riverside 01 AL 115 64920 00000 Springville 01 AL 115 72600 00000 Alabaster 01 AL 117 00820 00000 Calera 01 AL 117 11416 00000 Chelsea 01 AL 117 14104 00000 Columbiana 01 AL 117 16768 00000 Harpersville town 01 AL 117 33256 00000 Helena 01 AL 117 34024 00000 Indian Springs Village 01 AL 117 37465 00000 Montevallo 01 AL 117 50312 00000 Pelham 01 AL 117 58848 00000 Shelby County Unincorporated Area 01 AL 117 99990 00000 Vincent 01 AL 117 79008 00000 Westover 01 AL 117 81504 00000 Wilsonville town 01 AL 117 82848 00000 Wilton town 01 AL 117 82872 00000 Childersburg 01 AL 121 14464 00000 Lincoln 01 AL 121 43120 00000 Alexander City 01 AL 123 01132 00000 Tallapoosa County Unincorporated Area 01 AL 123 99990 00000 Northport 01 AL 125 55200 00000 Tuscaloosa 01 AL 125 77256 00000 Cordova 01 AL 127 17368 00000 Dora 01 AL 127 21136 00000 Eldridge town 01 AL 127 23344 00000 Jasper 01 AL 127 38416 00000 Oakman town 01 AL 127 55992 00000 Akutan 02 AK 013 01090 00000 King Cove 02 AK 013 39410 00000 Sand Point 02 AK 013 67020 00000 St. Paul 02 AK 016 66470 00000 Unalaska 02 AK 016 80770 00000 Municipality of Anchorage 02 AK 020 03000 00000 Bethel 02 AK 050 06520 00000 Bristol Bay Borough 02 AK 060 99990 00000 Dillingham 02 AK 070 18950 00000 Fairbanks 02 AK 090 24230 00000 North Pole 02 AK 090 55910 00000 Haines Borough 02 AK 100 99990 00000 Angoon 02 AK 105 03440 00000 Hoonah 02 AK 105 33360 00000 Pelican 02 AK 105 59650 00000 Tenakee Springs 02 AK 105 76260 00000 Juneau city and borough 02 AK 110 99990 00000 Homer 02 AK 122 33140 00000 Kenai 02 AK 122 38420 00000 Seldovia 02 AK 122 68340 00000 Seward 02 AK 122 68560 00000 Soldotna 02 AK 122 71640 00000 Ketchikan Gateway Borough 02 AK 130 99990 00000 Kodiak City-Kodiak Island Borough 02 AK 150 40950 00000 Emmonak 02 AK 158 22910 00000 Houston 02 AK 170 33800 00000 Palmer 02 AK 170 58660 00000 Wasilla 02 AK 170 83080 00000 Nome 02 AK 180 54920 00000 North Slope Borough 02 AK 185 99990 00000 Kotzebue 02 AK 188 41830 00000 Northwest Arctic Borough Unincorporated Area 02 AK 188 99990 00000 Petersburg Borough 02 AK 195 99990 00000 Craig 02 AK 198 17740 00000 Sitka city and borough 02 AK 220 99990 00000 Municipality of Skagway 02 AK 230 70760 00000 Cordova 02 AK 261 17410 00000 Valdez 02 AK 261 82200 00000 Whittier 02 AK 261 84510 00000 Wrangell city and borough 02 AK 275 86380 00000 Yakutat city and borough 02 AK 282 86490 00000 Nikolai 02 AK 290 54150 00000 Apache County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 001 99990 00000 Cochise County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 003 99990 00000 Douglas 04 AZ 003 20050 00000 Sierra Vista 04 AZ 003 66820 00000 Coconino County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 005 99990 00000 Flagstaff 04 AZ 005 23620 00000 Fredonia town 04 AZ 005 25720 00000 Gila County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 007 99990 00000 Hayden town 04 AZ 007 32020 00000 Payson town 04 AZ 007 53700 00000 Graham County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 009 99990 00000 Safford 04 AZ 009 62000 00000 Avondale 04 AZ 013 04720 00000 Buckeye 04 AZ 013 07940 00000 Carefree town 04 AZ 013 10180 00000 Cave Creek town 04 AZ 013 11300 00000 Chandler 04 AZ 013 12000 00000 El Mirage 04 AZ 013 22220 00000 Fountain Hills town 04 AZ 013 25300 00000 Gila Bend town 04 AZ 013 27050 00000 Gilbert town 04 AZ 013 27400 00000 Glendale 04 AZ 013 27820 00000 Goodyear 04 AZ 013 28380 00000 Guadalupe town 04 AZ 013 30270 00000 Litchfield Park 04 AZ 013 41330 00000 Maricopa County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 013 99990 00000 Mesa 04 AZ 013 46000 00000 Paradise Valley town 04 AZ 013 52930 00000 Peoria 04 AZ 013 54050 00000 Phoenix 04 AZ 013 55000 00000 Queen Creek town 04 AZ 013 58150 00000 Scottsdale 04 AZ 013 65000 00000 Surprise 04 AZ 013 71510 00000 Tempe 04 AZ 013 73000 00000 Tolleson 04 AZ 013 74190 00000 Wickenburg town 04 AZ 013 82740 00000 Youngtown town 04 AZ 013 85400 00000 Bullhead City 04 AZ 015 08220 00000 Kingman 04 AZ 015 37620 00000 Lake Havasu City 04 AZ 015 39370 00000 Mohave County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 015 99990 00000 Navajo County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 017 99990 00000 Show Low 04 AZ 017 66470 00000 Taylor town 04 AZ 017 72420 00000 Marana town 04 AZ 019 44270 00000 Oro Valley town 04 AZ 019 51600 00000 Pima County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 019 99990 00000 Sahuarita town 04 AZ 019 62140 00000 South Tucson 04 AZ 019 68850 00000 Tucson 04 AZ 019 77000 00000 Apache Junction 04 AZ 021 02830 00000 Casa Grande 04 AZ 021 10530 00000 Coolidge 04 AZ 021 15500 00000 Eloy 04 AZ 021 22360 00000 Florence town 04 AZ 021 23760 00000 Maricopa 04 AZ 021 44410 00000 Pinal County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 021 99990 00000 Santa Cruz County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 023 99990 00000 Prescott 04 AZ 025 57380 00000 Prescott Valley town 04 AZ 025 57450 00000 Yavapai County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 025 99990 00000 San Luis 04 AZ 027 63470 00000 Somerton 04 AZ 027 68080 00000 Yuma 04 AZ 027 85540 00000 Yuma County Unincorporated Area 04 AZ 027 99990 00000 Humphrey 05 AR 001 33850 00000 Stuttgart 05 AR 001 67490 00000 Mountain Home 05 AR 005 47390 00000 Bella Vista 05 AR 007 04840 00000 Benton County Unincorporated Area 05 AR 007 99990 00000 Bentonville 05 AR 007 05320 00000 Cave Springs 05 AR 007 12340 00000 Centerton 05 AR 007 12820 00000 Decatur 05 AR 007 17740 00000 Gentry 05 AR 007 26290 00000 Gravette 05 AR 007 28360 00000 Highfill town 05 AR 007 32200 00000 Little Flock 05 AR 007 40120 00000 Lowell 05 AR 007 41720 00000 Pea Ridge 05 AR 007 54200 00000 Rogers 05 AR 007 60410 00000 Siloam Springs 05 AR 007 64370 00000 Sulphur Springs 05 AR 007 67760 00000 Diamond City 05 AR 009 18850 00000 Harrison 05 AR 009 30460 00000 Warren 05 AR 011 73310 00000 Hampton 05 AR 013 29650 00000 Rison 05 AR 025 59480 00000 Brookland 05 AR 031 09100 00000 Jonesboro 05 AR 031 35710 00000 Alma 05 AR 033 00970 00000 Van Buren 05 AR 033 71480 00000 Crittenden County Unincorporated Area 05 AR 035 99990 00000 Earle 05 AR 035 20320 00000 Edmondson town 05 AR 035 20830 00000 Horseshoe Lake town 05 AR 035 33375 00000 Marion 05 AR 035 44180 00000 Sunset town 05 AR 035 68060 00000 Turrell 05 AR 035 70430 00000 West Memphis 05 AR 035 74540 00000 Cherry Valley 05 AR 037 13540 00000 Parkin 05 AR 037 53600 00000 Wynne 05 AR 037 77090 00000 Monticello 05 AR 043 46580 00000 Conway 05 AR 045 15190 00000 Greenbrier 05 AR 045 28510 00000 Mayflower 05 AR 045 44750 00000 Vilonia 05 AR 045 71960 00000 Wooster town 05 AR 045 76820 00000 Hot Springs 05 AR 051 33400 00000 Sheridan 05 AR 053 63710 00000 Oak Grove Heights town 05 AR 055 51060 00000 Paragould 05 AR 055 53390 00000 Washington 05 AR 057 73370 00000 Nashville 05 AR 061 48560 00000 Batesville 05 AR 063 04030 00000 Horseshoe Bend 05 AR 065 33370 00000 Pine Bluff 05 AR 069 55310 00000 Redfield 05 AR 069 58580 00000 Austin 05 AR 085 02860 00000 Cabot 05 AR 085 10300 00000 Carlisle 05 AR 085 11500 00000 England 05 AR 085 21730 00000 Humnoke 05 AR 085 33820 00000 Keo town 05 AR 085 36550 00000 Lonoke 05 AR 085 41420 00000 Ward 05 AR 085 73130 00000 Huntsville 05 AR 087 33970 00000 Marion County Unincorporated Area 05 AR 089 99990 00000 Summit 05 AR 089 67940 00000 Texarkana AR 05 AR 091 68810 00000 Blytheville 05 AR 093 07330 00000 Perry town 05 AR 105 54650 00000 Perryville 05 AR 105 54710 00000 Lepanto 05 AR 111 39370 00000 Pottsville 05 AR 115 56990 00000 Russellville 05 AR 115 61670 00000 Cammack Village 05 AR 119 10780 00000 Jacksonville 05 AR 119 34750 00000 Little Rock 05 AR 119 41000 00000 Maumelle 05 AR 119 44600 00000 North Little Rock 05 AR 119 50450 00000 Sherwood 05 AR 119 63800 00000 Forrest City 05 AR 123 24430 00000 Madison 05 AR 123 43280 00000 Benton 05 AR 125 05290 00000 Bryant 05 AR 125 09460 00000 Haskell 05 AR 125 30640 00000 Shannon Hills 05 AR 125 63470 00000 Marshall 05 AR 129 44300 00000 Fort Smith 05 AR 131 24550 00000 Greenwood 05 AR 131 28780 00000 Hackett 05 AR 131 29290 00000 Mansfield 05 AR 131 43880 00000 Evening Shade 05 AR 135 22360 00000 Hardy 05 AR 135 29920 00000 El Dorado 05 AR 139 21070 00000 Fairfield Bay 05 AR 141 22660 00000 Elkins 05 AR 143 21190 00000 Elm Springs 05 AR 143 21430 00000 Farmington 05 AR 143 23170 00000 Fayetteville 05 AR 143 23290 00000 Goshen 05 AR 143 27670 00000 Greenland 05 AR 143 28660 00000 Johnson 05 AR 143 35500 00000 Lincoln 05 AR 143 39970 00000 Prairie Grove 05 AR 143 57170 00000 Springdale 05 AR 143 66080 00000 Tontitown 05 AR 143 69740 00000 West Fork 05 AR 143 74360 00000 Beebe 05 AR 145 04600 00000 Searcy 05 AR 145 63020 00000 Alameda 06 CA 001 00562 00000 Alameda County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 001 99990 00000 Albany 06 CA 001 00674 00000 Berkeley 06 CA 001 06000 00000 Dublin 06 CA 001 20018 00000 Emeryville 06 CA 001 22594 00000 Fremont 06 CA 001 26000 00000 Hayward 06 CA 001 33000 00000 Livermore 06 CA 001 41992 00000 Newark 06 CA 001 50916 00000 Oakland 06 CA 001 53000 00000 Piedmont 06 CA 001 56938 00000 Pleasanton 06 CA 001 57792 00000 San Leandro 06 CA 001 68084 00000 Union City 06 CA 001 81204 00000 Chico 06 CA 007 13014 00000 Oroville 06 CA 007 54386 00000 Antioch 06 CA 013 02252 00000 Brentwood 06 CA 013 08142 00000 Concord 06 CA 013 16000 00000 Contra Costa County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 013 99990 00000 Danville town 06 CA 013 17988 00000 El Cerrito 06 CA 013 21796 00000 Martinez 06 CA 013 46114 00000 Oakley 06 CA 013 53070 00000 Pinole 06 CA 013 57288 00000 Pittsburg 06 CA 013 57456 00000 Pleasant Hill 06 CA 013 57764 00000 Richmond 06 CA 013 60620 00000 San Pablo 06 CA 013 68294 00000 San Ramon 06 CA 013 68378 00000 Walnut Creek 06 CA 013 83346 00000 El Dorado County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 017 99990 00000 Placerville 06 CA 017 57540 00000 South Lake Tahoe 06 CA 017 73108 00000 Clovis 06 CA 019 14218 00000 Coalinga 06 CA 019 14274 00000 Firebaugh 06 CA 019 24134 00000 Fowler 06 CA 019 25436 00000 Fresno 06 CA 019 27000 00000 Fresno County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 019 99990 00000 Huron 06 CA 019 36084 00000 Kerman 06 CA 019 38226 00000 Kingsburg 06 CA 019 38562 00000 Mendota 06 CA 019 46828 00000 Orange Cove 06 CA 019 54008 00000 Parlier 06 CA 019 55856 00000 Reedley 06 CA 019 60242 00000 San Joaquin 06 CA 019 67126 00000 Sanger 06 CA 019 67056 00000 Selma 06 CA 019 70882 00000 Willows 06 CA 021 85684 00000 Humboldt County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 023 99990 00000 El Centro 06 CA 025 21782 00000 Holtville 06 CA 025 34246 00000 Imperial 06 CA 025 36280 00000 Imperial County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 025 99990 00000 Bishop 06 CA 027 06798 00000 Bakersfield 06 CA 029 03526 00000 Delano 06 CA 029 18394 00000 Kern County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 029 99990 00000 Taft 06 CA 029 77574 00000 Agoura Hills 06 CA 037 00394 00000 Alhambra 06 CA 037 00884 00000 Arcadia 06 CA 037 02462 00000 Artesia 06 CA 037 02896 00000 Avalon 06 CA 037 03274 00000 Azusa 06 CA 037 03386 00000 Baldwin Park 06 CA 037 03666 00000 Bell 06 CA 037 04870 00000 Bell Gardens 06 CA 037 04996 00000 Bellflower 06 CA 037 04982 00000 Beverly Hills 06 CA 037 06308 00000 Bradbury 06 CA 037 07946 00000 Burbank 06 CA 037 08954 00000 Calabasas 06 CA 037 09598 00000 Carson 06 CA 037 11530 00000 Cerritos 06 CA 037 12552 00000 Claremont 06 CA 037 13756 00000 Commerce 06 CA 037 14974 00000 Compton 06 CA 037 15044 00000 Covina 06 CA 037 16742 00000 Cudahy 06 CA 037 17498 00000 Culver City 06 CA 037 17568 00000 Diamond Bar 06 CA 037 19192 00000 Downey 06 CA 037 19766 00000 Duarte 06 CA 037 19990 00000 El Monte 06 CA 037 22230 00000 El Segundo 06 CA 037 22412 00000 Gardena 06 CA 037 28168 00000 Glendale 06 CA 037 30000 00000 Glendora 06 CA 037 30014 00000 Hawaiian Gardens 06 CA 037 32506 00000 Hawthorne 06 CA 037 32548 00000 Hermosa Beach 06 CA 037 33364 00000 Hidden Hills 06 CA 037 33518 00000 Huntington Park 06 CA 037 36056 00000 Industry 06 CA 037 36490 00000 Inglewood 06 CA 037 36546 00000 Irwindale 06 CA 037 36826 00000 La Canada Flintridge 06 CA 037 39003 00000 La Habra Heights 06 CA 037 39304 00000 La Mirada 06 CA 037 40032 00000 La Puente 06 CA 037 40340 00000 La Verne 06 CA 037 40830 00000 Lakewood 06 CA 037 39892 00000 Lancaster 06 CA 037 40130 00000 Lawndale 06 CA 037 40886 00000 Lomita 06 CA 037 42468 00000 Long Beach 06 CA 037 43000 00000 Los Angeles 06 CA 037 44000 00000 Los Angeles County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 037 99990 00000 Lynwood 06 CA 037 44574 00000 Malibu 06 CA 037 45246 00000 Manhattan Beach 06 CA 037 45400 00000 Maywood 06 CA 037 46492 00000 Monrovia 06 CA 037 48648 00000 Montebello 06 CA 037 48816 00000 Monterey Park 06 CA 037 48914 00000 Norwalk 06 CA 037 52526 00000 Palmdale 06 CA 037 55156 00000 Palos Verdes Estates 06 CA 037 55380 00000 Paramount 06 CA 037 55618 00000 Pasadena 06 CA 037 56000 00000 Pico Rivera 06 CA 037 56924 00000 Pomona 06 CA 037 58072 00000 Rancho Palos Verdes 06 CA 037 59514 00000 Redondo Beach 06 CA 037 60018 00000 Rolling Hills 06 CA 037 62602 00000 Rolling Hills Estates 06 CA 037 62644 00000 Rosemead 06 CA 037 62896 00000 San Dimas 06 CA 037 66070 00000 San Fernando 06 CA 037 66140 00000 San Gabriel 06 CA 037 67042 00000 San Marino 06 CA 037 68224 00000 Santa Clarita 06 CA 037 69088 00000 Santa Fe Springs 06 CA 037 69154 00000 Santa Monica 06 CA 037 70000 00000 Sierra Madre 06 CA 037 71806 00000 Signal Hill 06 CA 037 71876 00000 South El Monte 06 CA 037 72996 00000 South Gate 06 CA 037 73080 00000 South Pasadena 06 CA 037 73220 00000 Temple City 06 CA 037 78148 00000 Torrance 06 CA 037 80000 00000 Vernon 06 CA 037 82422 00000 Walnut 06 CA 037 83332 00000 West Covina 06 CA 037 84200 00000 West Hollywood 06 CA 037 84410 00000 Westlake Village 06 CA 037 84438 00000 Whittier 06 CA 037 85292 00000 Madera 06 CA 039 45022 00000 Madera County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 039 99990 00000 Belvedere 06 CA 041 05164 00000 Corte Madera town 06 CA 041 16462 00000 Fairfax town 06 CA 041 23168 00000 Larkspur 06 CA 041 40438 00000 Marin County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 041 99990 00000 Mill Valley 06 CA 041 47710 00000 Novato 06 CA 041 52582 00000 Ross town 06 CA 041 62980 00000 San Anselmo town 06 CA 041 64434 00000 San Rafael 06 CA 041 68364 00000 Sausalito 06 CA 041 70364 00000 Tiburon town 06 CA 041 78666 00000 Mendocino County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 045 99990 00000 Livingston 06 CA 047 42006 00000 Merced County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 047 99990 00000 Mammoth Lakes town 06 CA 051 45358 00000 Gonzales 06 CA 053 30392 00000 Greenfield 06 CA 053 30994 00000 Monterey County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 053 99990 00000 Salinas 06 CA 053 64224 00000 Nevada County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 057 99990 00000 Aliso Viejo 06 CA 059 00947 00000 Anaheim 06 CA 059 02000 00000 Brea 06 CA 059 08100 00000 Buena Park 06 CA 059 08786 00000 Costa Mesa 06 CA 059 16532 00000 Cypress 06 CA 059 17750 00000 Dana Point 06 CA 059 17946 00000 Fountain Valley 06 CA 059 25380 00000 Fullerton 06 CA 059 28000 00000 Garden Grove 06 CA 059 29000 00000 Huntington Beach 06 CA 059 36000 00000 Irvine 06 CA 059 36770 00000 La Habra 06 CA 059 39290 00000 La Palma 06 CA 059 40256 00000 Laguna Beach 06 CA 059 39178 00000 Laguna Hills 06 CA 059 39220 00000 Laguna Niguel 06 CA 059 39248 00000 Laguna Woods 06 CA 059 39259 00000 Lake Forest 06 CA 059 39496 00000 Los Alamitos 06 CA 059 43224 00000 Mission Viejo 06 CA 059 48256 00000 Newport Beach 06 CA 059 51182 00000 Orange 06 CA 059 53980 00000 Orange County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 059 99990 00000 Placentia 06 CA 059 57526 00000 Rancho Santa Margarita 06 CA 059 59587 00000 San Clemente 06 CA 059 65084 00000 San Juan Capistrano 06 CA 059 68028 00000 Santa Ana 06 CA 059 69000 00000 Seal Beach 06 CA 059 70686 00000 Stanton 06 CA 059 73962 00000 Tustin 06 CA 059 80854 00000 Villa Park 06 CA 059 82744 00000 Westminster 06 CA 059 84550 00000 Yorba Linda 06 CA 059 86832 00000 Auburn 06 CA 061 03204 00000 Colfax 06 CA 061 14498 00000 Lincoln 06 CA 061 41474 00000 Loomis town 06 CA 061 43140 00000 Placer County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 061 99990 00000 Rocklin 06 CA 061 62364 00000 Roseville 06 CA 061 62938 00000 Plumas County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 063 99990 00000 Portola 06 CA 063 58352 00000 Banning 06 CA 065 03820 00000 Beaumont 06 CA 065 04758 00000 Blythe 06 CA 065 07218 00000 Calimesa 06 CA 065 09864 00000 Canyon Lake 06 CA 065 10928 00000 Cathedral City 06 CA 065 12048 00000 Coachella 06 CA 065 14260 00000 Corona 06 CA 065 16350 00000 Desert Hot Springs 06 CA 065 18996 00000 Hemet 06 CA 065 33182 00000 Indian Wells 06 CA 065 36434 00000 Indio 06 CA 065 36448 00000 La Quinta 06 CA 065 40354 00000 Lake Elsinore 06 CA 065 39486 00000 Menifee 06 CA 065 46842 00000 Moreno Valley 06 CA 065 49270 00000 Murrieta 06 CA 065 50076 00000 Norco 06 CA 065 51560 00000 Palm Desert 06 CA 065 55184 00000 Palm Springs 06 CA 065 55254 00000 Perris 06 CA 065 56700 00000 Rancho Mirage 06 CA 065 59500 00000 Riverside 06 CA 065 62000 00000 Riverside County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 065 99990 00000 San Jacinto 06 CA 065 67112 00000 Temecula 06 CA 065 78120 00000 Wildomar 06 CA 065 85446 00000 Citrus Heights 06 CA 067 13588 00000 Elk Grove 06 CA 067 22020 00000 Folsom 06 CA 067 24638 00000 Galt 06 CA 067 28112 00000 Isleton 06 CA 067 36882 00000 Rancho Cordova 06 CA 067 59444 00000 Sacramento 06 CA 067 64000 00000 Sacramento County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 067 99990 00000 Hollister 06 CA 069 34120 00000 San Benito County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 069 99990 00000 San Juan Bautista 06 CA 069 68014 00000 Adelanto 06 CA 071 00296 00000 Apple Valley town 06 CA 071 02364 00000 Barstow 06 CA 071 04030 00000 Big Bear Lake 06 CA 071 06434 00000 Chino 06 CA 071 13210 00000 Chino Hills 06 CA 071 13214 00000 Colton 06 CA 071 14890 00000 Fontana 06 CA 071 24680 00000 Grand Terrace 06 CA 071 30658 00000 Hesperia 06 CA 071 33434 00000 Highland 06 CA 071 33588 00000 Loma Linda 06 CA 071 42370 00000 Montclair 06 CA 071 48788 00000 Needles 06 CA 071 50734 00000 Ontario 06 CA 071 53896 00000 Rancho Cucamonga 06 CA 071 59451 00000 Redlands 06 CA 071 59962 00000 Rialto 06 CA 071 60466 00000 San Bernardino 06 CA 071 65000 00000 San Bernardino County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 071 99990 00000 Twentynine Palms 06 CA 071 80994 00000 Upland 06 CA 071 81344 00000 Victorville 06 CA 071 82590 00000 Yucaipa 06 CA 071 87042 00000 Yucca Valley town 06 CA 071 87056 00000 Carlsbad 06 CA 073 11194 00000 Chula Vista 06 CA 073 13392 00000 Coronado 06 CA 073 16378 00000 Del Mar 06 CA 073 18506 00000 El Cajon 06 CA 073 21712 00000 Encinitas 06 CA 073 22678 00000 Escondido 06 CA 073 22804 00000 Imperial Beach 06 CA 073 36294 00000 La Mesa 06 CA 073 40004 00000 Lemon Grove 06 CA 073 41124 00000 National City 06 CA 073 50398 00000 Oceanside 06 CA 073 53322 00000 Poway 06 CA 073 58520 00000 San Diego 06 CA 073 66000 00000 San Diego County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 073 99990 00000 San Marcos 06 CA 073 68196 00000 Santee 06 CA 073 70224 00000 Solana Beach 06 CA 073 72506 00000 Vista 06 CA 073 82996 00000 San Francisco 06 CA 075 67000 00000 Lathrop 06 CA 077 40704 00000 Manteca 06 CA 077 45484 00000 San Joaquin County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 077 99990 00000 Stockton 06 CA 077 75000 00000 San Luis Obispo County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 079 99990 00000 Atherton town 06 CA 081 03092 00000 Belmont 06 CA 081 05108 00000 Brisbane 06 CA 081 08310 00000 Burlingame 06 CA 081 09066 00000 Colma town 06 CA 081 14736 00000 Daly City 06 CA 081 17918 00000 East Palo Alto 06 CA 081 20956 00000 Foster City 06 CA 081 25338 00000 Half Moon Bay 06 CA 081 31708 00000 Hillsborough town 06 CA 081 33798 00000 Menlo Park 06 CA 081 46870 00000 Millbrae 06 CA 081 47486 00000 Pacifica 06 CA 081 54806 00000 Portola Valley town 06 CA 081 58380 00000 Redwood City 06 CA 081 60102 00000 San Bruno 06 CA 081 65028 00000 San Carlos 06 CA 081 65070 00000 San Mateo 06 CA 081 68252 00000 San Mateo County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 081 99990 00000 South San Francisco 06 CA 081 73262 00000 Woodside town 06 CA 081 86440 00000 Santa Barbara County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 083 99990 00000 Campbell 06 CA 085 10345 00000 Cupertino 06 CA 085 17610 00000 Gilroy 06 CA 085 29504 00000 Los Altos 06 CA 085 43280 00000 Los Altos Hills town 06 CA 085 43294 00000 Los Gatos town 06 CA 085 44112 00000 Milpitas 06 CA 085 47766 00000 Monte Sereno 06 CA 085 48956 00000 Morgan Hill 06 CA 085 49278 00000 Mountain View 06 CA 085 49670 00000 Palo Alto 06 CA 085 55282 00000 San Jose 06 CA 085 68000 00000 Santa Clara 06 CA 085 69084 00000 Santa Clara County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 085 99990 00000 Saratoga 06 CA 085 70280 00000 Sunnyvale 06 CA 085 77000 00000 Santa Cruz County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 087 99990 00000 Scotts Valley 06 CA 087 70588 00000 Redding 06 CA 089 59920 00000 Sierra County 06 CA 091 00000 00000 Benicia 06 CA 095 05290 00000 Fairfield 06 CA 095 23182 00000 Solano County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 095 99990 00000 Vacaville 06 CA 095 81554 00000 Vallejo 06 CA 095 81666 00000 Healdsburg 06 CA 097 33056 00000 Rohnert Park 06 CA 097 62546 00000 Santa Rosa 06 CA 097 70098 00000 Sonoma 06 CA 097 72646 00000 Sonoma County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 097 99990 00000 Riverbank 06 CA 099 61068 00000 Dinuba 06 CA 107 19318 00000 Porterville 06 CA 107 58240 00000 Tulare 06 CA 107 80644 00000 Tulare County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 107 99990 00000 Visalia 06 CA 107 82954 00000 Woodlake 06 CA 107 86300 00000 Sonora 06 CA 109 72674 00000 Camarillo 06 CA 111 10046 00000 Oxnard 06 CA 111 54652 00000 San Buenaventura 06 CA 111 65042 00000 Davis 06 CA 113 18100 00000 West Sacramento 06 CA 113 84816 00000 Winters 06 CA 113 86034 00000 Woodland 06 CA 113 86328 00000 Yolo County Unincorporated Area 06 CA 113 99990 00000 Adams County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 001 99990 00000 Bennett town 08 CO 001 06090 00000 Brighton 08 CO 001 08675 00000 Commerce City 08 CO 001 16495 00000 Federal Heights 08 CO 001 26270 00000 Northglenn 08 CO 001 54330 00000 Thornton 08 CO 001 77290 00000 Westminster 08 CO 001 83835 00000 Alamosa 08 CO 003 01090 00000 Arapahoe County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 005 99990 00000 Aurora 08 CO 005 04000 00000 Bow Mar town 08 CO 005 08070 00000 Centennial 08 CO 005 12815 00000 Cherry Hills Village 08 CO 005 13845 00000 Columbine Valley town 08 CO 005 16385 00000 Deer Trail town 08 CO 005 19630 00000 Englewood 08 CO 005 24785 00000 Foxfield town 08 CO 005 28105 00000 Glendale 08 CO 005 30340 00000 Greenwood Village 08 CO 005 33035 00000 Littleton 08 CO 005 45255 00000 Sheridan 08 CO 005 69645 00000 Boulder 08 CO 013 07850 00000 Boulder County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 013 99990 00000 Lafayette 08 CO 013 41835 00000 Longmont 08 CO 013 45970 00000 Louisville 08 CO 013 46355 00000 Broomfield 08 CO 014 09280 00000 Chaffee County 08 CO 015 00000 00000 Cheyenne County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 017 99990 00000 Clear Creek County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 019 99990 00000 Georgetown town 08 CO 019 29735 00000 Idaho Springs 08 CO 019 38370 00000 Silver Plume town 08 CO 019 70360 00000 Sugar City town 08 CO 025 74815 00000 Custer County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 027 99990 00000 Denver 08 CO 031 20000 00000 Castle Pines 08 CO 035 12387 00000 Castle Rock town 08 CO 035 12415 00000 Douglas County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 035 99990 00000 Lone Tree 08 CO 035 45955 00000 Parker town 08 CO 035 57630 00000 Eagle town 08 CO 037 22200 00000 Elbert County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 039 99990 00000 Elizabeth town 08 CO 039 23740 00000 Kiowa town 08 CO 039 40790 00000 Simla town 08 CO 039 70635 00000 Calhan town 08 CO 041 11260 00000 El Paso County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 041 99990 00000 Ramah town 08 CO 041 62660 00000 Brookside town 08 CO 043 09115 00000 Canon City 08 CO 043 11810 00000 Black Hawk 08 CO 047 07025 00000 Central City 08 CO 047 12910 00000 Gilpin County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 047 99990 00000 Grand County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 049 99990 00000 Arvada 08 CO 059 03455 00000 Edgewater 08 CO 059 23135 00000 Golden 08 CO 059 30835 00000 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 059 99990 00000 Lakewood 08 CO 059 43000 00000 Morrison town 08 CO 059 52075 00000 Mountain View town 08 CO 059 52350 00000 Wheat Ridge 08 CO 059 84440 00000 La Plata County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 067 99990 00000 Berthoud town 08 CO 069 06255 00000 Estes Park town 08 CO 069 25115 00000 Fort Collins 08 CO 069 27425 00000 Larimer County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 069 99990 00000 Loveland 08 CO 069 46465 00000 Timnath town 08 CO 069 77510 00000 Wellington town 08 CO 069 83230 00000 Las Animas County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 071 99990 00000 Hugo town 08 CO 073 37875 00000 Mesa County 08 CO 077 00000 00000 City of Creede town 08 CO 079 14765 00000 Dolores town 08 CO 083 20770 00000 Mancos town 08 CO 083 48115 00000 Olathe town 08 CO 085 55540 00000 Alma town 08 CO 093 01530 00000 Fairplay town 08 CO 093 25610 00000 Park County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 093 99990 00000 Lamar 08 CO 099 43110 00000 Pueblo County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 101 99990 00000 Saguache town 08 CO 109 67005 00000 Silverthorne town 08 CO 117 70525 00000 Cripple Creek 08 CO 119 18530 00000 Teller County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 119 99990 00000 Victor 08 CO 119 80865 00000 Woodland Park 08 CO 119 86090 00000 Dacono 08 CO 123 19080 00000 Erie town 08 CO 123 24950 00000 Evans 08 CO 123 25280 00000 Firestone town 08 CO 123 26600 00000 Frederick town 08 CO 123 28360 00000 Greeley 08 CO 123 32155 00000 Grover town 08 CO 123 33310 00000 Johnstown town 08 CO 123 39855 00000 Keenesburg town 08 CO 123 40185 00000 Severance town 08 CO 123 69150 00000 Weld County Unincorporated Area 08 CO 123 99990 00000 Windsor town 08 CO 123 85485 00000 Bethel town 09 CT 001 00000 04720 Bridgeport 09 CT 001 08000 08070 Brookfield town 09 CT 001 00000 08980 Danbury 09 CT 001 18430 18500 Darien town 09 CT 001 00000 18850 Easton town 09 CT 001 00000 23890 Fairfield town 09 CT 001 00000 26620 Greenwich town 09 CT 001 00000 33620 Monroe town 09 CT 001 00000 48620 New Canaan town 09 CT 001 00000 50580 New Fairfield town 09 CT 001 00000 50860 Newtown town 09 CT 001 00000 52980 Norwalk 09 CT 001 55990 56060 Redding town 09 CT 001 00000 63480 Ridgefield town 09 CT 001 00000 63970 Shelton 09 CT 001 68100 68170 Sherman town 09 CT 001 00000 68310 Stamford 09 CT 001 73000 73070 Stratford town 09 CT 001 00000 74190 Trumbull town 09 CT 001 00000 77200 Weston town 09 CT 001 00000 83430 Westport town 09 CT 001 00000 83500 Wilton town 09 CT 001 00000 86370 Avon town 09 CT 003 00000 02060 Berlin town 09 CT 003 00000 04300 Bloomfield town 09 CT 003 00000 05910 Bristol 09 CT 003 08420 08490 Burlington town 09 CT 003 00000 10100 Canton town 09 CT 003 00000 12270 East Granby town 09 CT 003 00000 22070 East Hartford town 09 CT 003 00000 22630 East Windsor town 09 CT 003 00000 24800 Enfield town 09 CT 003 00000 25990 Farmington town 09 CT 003 00000 27600 Glastonbury town 09 CT 003 00000 31240 Granby town 09 CT 003 00000 32640 Hartford 09 CT 003 37000 37070 Hartland town 09 CT 003 00000 37140 Manchester town 09 CT 003 00000 44700 Marlborough town 09 CT 003 00000 45820 New Britain 09 CT 003 50370 50440 Newington town 09 CT 003 00000 52140 Plainville town 09 CT 003 00000 60120 Rocky Hill town 09 CT 003 00000 65370 Simsbury town 09 CT 003 00000 68940 South Windsor town 09 CT 003 00000 71390 Southington town 09 CT 003 00000 70550 Suffield town 09 CT 003 00000 74540 West Hartford town 09 CT 003 00000 82590 Wethersfield town 09 CT 003 00000 84900 Windsor Locks town 09 CT 003 00000 87070 Windsor town 09 CT 003 00000 87000 Bridgewater town 09 CT 005 00000 08210 Kent town 09 CT 005 00000 40290 Woodbury town 09 CT 005 00000 87910 Chester town 09 CT 007 00000 14300 Clinton town 09 CT 007 00000 15350 Cromwell town 09 CT 007 00000 18080 Deep River town 09 CT 007 00000 19130 Durham town 09 CT 007 00000 20810 East Haddam town 09 CT 007 00000 22280 East Hampton town 09 CT 007 00000 22490 Essex town 09 CT 007 00000 26270 Fenwick borough 09 CT 007 27810 57320 Haddam town 09 CT 007 00000 35230 Killingworth town 09 CT 007 00000 40710 Middlefield town 09 CT 007 00000 47080 Middletown 09 CT 007 47290 47360 Old Saybrook town 09 CT 007 00000 57320 Portland town 09 CT 007 00000 61800 Westbrook town 09 CT 007 00000 81680 Branford town 09 CT 009 00000 07310 Cheshire town 09 CT 009 00000 14160 Milford town 09 CT 009 00000 47535 New Haven 09 CT 009 52000 52070 Oxford town 09 CT 009 00000 58300 Prospect town 09 CT 009 00000 62290 Wallingford town 09 CT 009 00000 78740 Waterbury 09 CT 009 80000 80070 Wolcott town 09 CT 009 00000 87560 Colchester town 09 CT 011 00000 15910 East Lyme town 09 CT 011 00000 23400 Griswold town 09 CT 011 00000 33900 Lebanon town 09 CT 011 00000 42390 Lyme town 09 CT 011 00000 44210 New London 09 CT 011 52280 52350 Norwich 09 CT 011 56200 56270 Preston town 09 CT 011 00000 62150 Sprague town 09 CT 011 00000 71670 Voluntown town 09 CT 011 00000 78600 Andover town 09 CT 013 00000 01080 Bolton town 09 CT 013 00000 06260 Columbia town 09 CT 013 00000 16400 Coventry town 09 CT 013 00000 17800 Ellington town 09 CT 013 00000 25360 Hebron town 09 CT 013 00000 37910 Mansfield town 09 CT 013 00000 44910 Somers town 09 CT 013 00000 69220 Stafford town 09 CT 013 00000 72090 Tolland town 09 CT 013 00000 76290 Union town 09 CT 013 00000 77830 Vernon town 09 CT 013 00000 78250 Willington town 09 CT 013 00000 85950 Brooklyn town 09 CT 015 00000 09190 Windham town 09 CT 015 00000 86790 Camden town 10 DE 001 10760 00000 Cheswold town 10 DE 001 14660 00000 Clayton town 10 DE 001 15440 00000 Dover 10 DE 001 21200 00000 Harrington 10 DE 001 33120 00000 Kent County Unincorporated Area 10 DE 001 99990 00000 Milford 10 DE 001 47420 00000 Smyrna town 10 DE 001 67310 00000 Wyoming town 10 DE 001 81350 00000 Elsmere town 10 DE 003 24540 00000 Middletown town 10 DE 003 47030 00000 New Castle 10 DE 003 50800 00000 New Castle County Unincorporated Area 10 DE 003 99990 00000 Newark 10 DE 003 50670 00000 Newport town 10 DE 003 51190 00000 Odessa town 10 DE 003 54050 00000 Townsend town 10 DE 003 72510 00000 Wilmington 10 DE 003 77580 00000 Sussex County 10 DE 005 00000 00000 Washington 11 DC 001 50000 99001 Alachua County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 001 99990 00000 Gainesville 12 FL 001 25175 00000 Waldo 12 FL 001 74925 00000 Baker County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 003 99990 00000 Macclenny 12 FL 003 41950 00000 Bay County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 005 99990 00000 Panama City 12 FL 005 54700 00000 Brevard County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 009 99990 00000 Grant-Valkaria town 12 FL 009 27256 00000 Melbourne 12 FL 009 43975 00000 Palm Bay 12 FL 009 54000 00000 West Melbourne 12 FL 009 76500 00000 Broward County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 011 99990 00000 Coconut Creek 12 FL 011 13275 00000 Cooper City 12 FL 011 14125 00000 Coral Springs 12 FL 011 14400 00000 Dania Beach 12 FL 011 16335 00000 Davie town 12 FL 011 16475 00000 Deerfield Beach 12 FL 011 16725 00000 Fort Lauderdale 12 FL 011 24000 00000 Hallandale Beach 12 FL 011 28452 00000 Hillsboro Beach town 12 FL 011 30850 00000 Hollywood 12 FL 011 32000 00000 Lauderdale Lakes 12 FL 011 39525 00000 Lauderhill 12 FL 011 39550 00000 Lighthouse Point 12 FL 011 40450 00000 Margate 12 FL 011 43125 00000 Miramar 12 FL 011 45975 00000 North Lauderdale 12 FL 011 49425 00000 Oakland Park 12 FL 011 50575 00000 Parkland 12 FL 011 55125 00000 Pembroke Park town 12 FL 011 55750 00000 Pembroke Pines 12 FL 011 55775 00000 Plantation 12 FL 011 57425 00000 Pompano Beach 12 FL 011 58050 00000 Sea Ranch Lakes village 12 FL 011 64725 00000 Sunrise 12 FL 011 69700 00000 Tamarac 12 FL 011 70675 00000 Weston 12 FL 011 76582 00000 Wilton Manors 12 FL 011 78000 00000 Blountstown 12 FL 013 06925 00000 Charlotte County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 015 99990 00000 Citrus County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 017 99990 00000 Clay County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 019 99990 00000 Green Cove Springs 12 FL 019 27400 00000 Orange Park town 12 FL 019 52125 00000 Penney Farms town 12 FL 019 55875 00000 Collier County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 021 99990 00000 Naples 12 FL 021 47625 00000 Columbia County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 023 99990 00000 Dixie County 12 FL 029 99990 00000 Atlantic Beach 12 FL 031 02400 00000 Baldwin town 12 FL 031 03250 00000 Jacksonville Beach 12 FL 031 35050 00000 Jacksonville-Duval County 12 FL 031 35000 00000 Neptune Beach 12 FL 031 48100 00000 Escambia County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 033 99990 00000 Pensacola 12 FL 033 55925 00000 Palm Coast 12 FL 035 54200 00000 Gretna 12 FL 039 27650 00000 Brooksville 12 FL 053 08800 00000 Hernando County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 053 99990 00000 Hillsborough County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 057 99990 00000 Plant City 12 FL 057 57550 00000 Tampa 12 FL 057 71000 00000 Temple Terrace 12 FL 057 71400 00000 Indian River County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 061 99990 00000 Lafayette County 12 FL 067 00000 00000 Clermont 12 FL 069 12925 00000 Eustis 12 FL 069 21350 00000 Fruitland Park 12 FL 069 24975 00000 Groveland 12 FL 069 27800 00000 Howey-in-the-Hills town 12 FL 069 32775 00000 Lady Lake town 12 FL 069 37375 00000 Lake County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 069 99990 00000 Leesburg 12 FL 069 39875 00000 Mascotte 12 FL 069 43425 00000 Minneola 12 FL 069 45900 00000 Mount Dora 12 FL 069 47050 00000 Tavares 12 FL 069 71225 00000 Bonita Springs 12 FL 071 07525 00000 Cape Coral 12 FL 071 10275 00000 Estero village 12 FL 071 21150 00000 Fort Myers 12 FL 071 24125 00000 Fort Myers Beach town 12 FL 071 24150 00000 Lee County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 071 99990 00000 Sanibel 12 FL 071 63700 00000 Leon County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 073 99990 00000 Tallahassee 12 FL 073 70600 00000 Anna Maria 12 FL 081 01475 00000 Bradenton 12 FL 081 07950 00000 Bradenton Beach 12 FL 081 07975 00000 Holmes Beach 12 FL 081 32150 00000 Manatee County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 081 99990 00000 Palmetto 12 FL 081 54250 00000 Belleview 12 FL 083 05375 00000 Marion County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 083 99990 00000 Ocala 12 FL 083 50750 00000 Indiantown village 12 FL 085 33700 00000 Martin County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 085 99990 00000 Aventura 12 FL 086 02681 00000 Bal Harbour village 12 FL 086 03275 00000 Bay Harbor Islands town 12 FL 086 03975 00000 Biscayne Park village 12 FL 086 06600 00000 Coral Gables 12 FL 086 14250 00000 Cutler Bay town 12 FL 086 15968 00000 Doral 12 FL 086 17935 00000 El Portal village 12 FL 086 20650 00000 Florida City 12 FL 086 22975 00000 Golden Beach town 12 FL 086 26250 00000 Hialeah 12 FL 086 30000 00000 Hialeah Gardens 12 FL 086 30025 00000 Homestead 12 FL 086 32275 00000 Indian Creek village 12 FL 086 33425 00000 Key Biscayne village 12 FL 086 36300 00000 Medley town 12 FL 086 43900 00000 Miami 12 FL 086 45000 00000 Miami Beach 12 FL 086 45025 00000 Miami Gardens 12 FL 086 45060 00000 Miami Lakes town 12 FL 086 45100 00000 Miami Shores village 12 FL 086 45175 00000 Miami Springs 12 FL 086 45200 00000 Miami-Dade County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 086 99990 00000 North Bay Village 12 FL 086 49225 00000 North Miami 12 FL 086 49450 00000 North Miami Beach 12 FL 086 49475 00000 Opa-locka 12 FL 086 51650 00000 Palmetto Bay village 12 FL 086 54275 00000 South Miami 12 FL 086 67550 00000 Sunny Isles Beach 12 FL 086 69555 00000 Surfside town 12 FL 086 70075 00000 Sweetwater 12 FL 086 70345 00000 Village of Pinecrest 12 FL 086 56625 00000 Virginia Gardens village 12 FL 086 74575 00000 West Miami 12 FL 086 76525 00000 Islamorada Village of Islands village 12 FL 087 34132 00000 Key Colony Beach 12 FL 087 36325 00000 Marathon 12 FL 087 43000 00000 Monroe County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 087 99990 00000 Callahan town 12 FL 089 09700 00000 Fernandina Beach 12 FL 089 22175 00000 Hilliard town 12 FL 089 30750 00000 Nassau County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 089 99990 00000 Crestview 12 FL 091 15475 00000 Destin 12 FL 091 17325 00000 Fort Walton Beach 12 FL 091 24475 00000 Niceville 12 FL 091 48750 00000 Okaloosa County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 091 99990 00000 Valparaiso 12 FL 091 73675 00000 Apopka 12 FL 095 01700 00000 Bay Lake 12 FL 095 04150 00000 Eatonville town 12 FL 095 19650 00000 Lake Buena Vista 12 FL 095 37625 00000 Maitland 12 FL 095 42575 00000 Ocoee 12 FL 095 51075 00000 Orange County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 095 99990 00000 Orlando 12 FL 095 53000 00000 Winter Garden 12 FL 095 78250 00000 Winter Park 12 FL 095 78300 00000 Kissimmee 12 FL 097 36950 00000 Osceola County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 097 99990 00000 St. Cloud 12 FL 097 62625 00000 Atlantis 12 FL 099 02500 00000 Belle Glade 12 FL 099 05200 00000 Boca Raton 12 FL 099 07300 00000 Boynton Beach 12 FL 099 07875 00000 Briny Breezes town 12 FL 099 08575 00000 Cloud Lake town 12 FL 099 13050 00000 Delray Beach 12 FL 099 17100 00000 Glen Ridge town 12 FL 099 26050 00000 Golf village 12 FL 099 26550 00000 Greenacres 12 FL 099 27322 00000 Gulf Stream town 12 FL 099 28275 00000 Haverhill town 12 FL 099 29200 00000 Highland Beach town 12 FL 099 30200 00000 Hypoluxo town 12 FL 099 33150 00000 Juno Beach town 12 FL 099 35850 00000 Jupiter Inlet Colony town 12 FL 099 35900 00000 Jupiter town 12 FL 099 35875 00000 Lake Clarke Shores town 12 FL 099 37800 00000 Lake Park town 12 FL 099 38600 00000 Lake Worth Beach 12 FL 099 39081 00000 Lantana town 12 FL 099 39375 00000 Manalapan town 12 FL 099 42700 00000 Mangonia Park town 12 FL 099 42900 00000 North Palm Beach village 12 FL 099 49600 00000 Ocean Ridge town 12 FL 099 50950 00000 Pahokee 12 FL 099 53800 00000 Palm Beach County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 099 99990 00000 Palm Beach Gardens 12 FL 099 54075 00000 Palm Beach Shores town 12 FL 099 54150 00000 Palm Beach town 12 FL 099 54025 00000 Palm Springs village 12 FL 099 54450 00000 Riviera Beach 12 FL 099 60975 00000 Royal Palm Beach village 12 FL 099 62100 00000 South Bay 12 FL 099 67175 00000 South Palm Beach town 12 FL 099 67650 00000 Tequesta village 12 FL 099 71525 00000 Wellington village 12 FL 099 75812 00000 West Palm Beach 12 FL 099 76600 00000 Westlake 12 FL 099 76417 00000 Dade City 12 FL 101 16125 00000 New Port Richey 12 FL 101 48500 00000 Pasco County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 101 99990 00000 Port Richey 12 FL 101 58600 00000 San Antonio 12 FL 101 63375 00000 St. Leo town 12 FL 101 62775 00000 Zephyrhills 12 FL 101 79225 00000 Belleair town 12 FL 103 05075 00000 Clearwater 12 FL 103 12875 00000 Dunedin 12 FL 103 18575 00000 Gulfport 12 FL 103 28175 00000 Indian Shores town 12 FL 103 33675 00000 Kenneth City town 12 FL 103 36175 00000 Largo 12 FL 103 39425 00000 Madeira Beach 12 FL 103 42400 00000 North Redington Beach town 12 FL 103 49725 00000 Oldsmar 12 FL 103 51350 00000 Pinellas County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 103 99990 00000 Pinellas Park 12 FL 103 56975 00000 Redington Beach town 12 FL 103 59725 00000 Redington Shores town 12 FL 103 59750 00000 Seminole 12 FL 103 64975 00000 South Pasadena 12 FL 103 67675 00000 St. Pete Beach 12 FL 103 62885 00000 St. Petersburg 12 FL 103 63000 00000 Tarpon Springs 12 FL 103 71150 00000 Treasure Island 12 FL 103 72325 00000 Auburndale 12 FL 105 02550 00000 Bartow 12 FL 105 03675 00000 Davenport 12 FL 105 16450 00000 Fort Meade 12 FL 105 24100 00000 Haines City 12 FL 105 28400 00000 Lakeland 12 FL 105 38250 00000 Mulberry 12 FL 105 47200 00000 Polk County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 105 99990 00000 Winter Haven 12 FL 105 78275 00000 St. Augustine 12 FL 109 62500 00000 St. Augustine Beach 12 FL 109 62525 00000 St. Johns County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 109 99990 00000 Port St. Lucie 12 FL 111 58715 00000 Santa Rosa County 12 FL 113 00000 00000 Longboat Key town 12 FL 115 41150 00000 North Port 12 FL 115 49675 00000 Sarasota 12 FL 115 64175 00000 Sarasota County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 115 99990 00000 Venice 12 FL 115 73900 00000 Altamonte Springs 12 FL 117 00950 00000 Casselberry 12 FL 117 11050 00000 Lake Mary 12 FL 117 38425 00000 Longwood 12 FL 117 41250 00000 Oviedo 12 FL 117 53575 00000 Sanford 12 FL 117 63650 00000 Seminole County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 117 99990 00000 Winter Springs 12 FL 117 78325 00000 Bushnell 12 FL 119 09625 00000 Sumter County Unincorporated Area 12 FL 119 99990 00000 Daytona Beach 12 FL 127 16525 00000 DeLand 12 FL 127 16875 00000 Deltona 12 FL 127 17200 00000 New Smyrna Beach 12 FL 127 48625 00000 Port Orange 12 FL 127 58575 00000 South Daytona 12 FL 127 67325 00000 Wakulla County 12 FL 129 00000 00000 Walton County 12 FL 131 00000 00000 Washington County 12 FL 133 00000 00000 Newton 13 GA 007 55244 00000 Baldwin County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 009 99990 00000 Auburn 13 GA 013 04140 00000 Barrow County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 013 99990 00000 Statham 13 GA 013 73312 00000 Winder 13 GA 013 83420 00000 Bartow County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 015 99990 00000 Cartersville 13 GA 015 13688 00000 Emerson 13 GA 015 27344 00000 Euharlee 13 GA 015 27988 00000 Kingston 13 GA 015 43668 00000 White 13 GA 015 82468 00000 Berrien County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 019 99990 00000 Ray City 13 GA 019 63728 00000 Macon-Bibb County 13 GA 021 49008 00000 Bryan County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 029 99990 00000 Richmond Hill 13 GA 029 65044 00000 Bulloch County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 031 99990 00000 Statesboro 13 GA 031 73256 00000 Burke County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 033 99990 00000 Waynesboro 13 GA 033 80984 00000 Butts County 13 GA 035 00000 00000 Kingsland 13 GA 039 43640 00000 St. Marys 13 GA 039 67984 00000 Bowdon 13 GA 045 09544 00000 Bremen 13 GA 045 10132 00000 Carroll County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 045 99990 00000 Carrollton 13 GA 045 13492 00000 Mount Zion 13 GA 045 53620 00000 Temple 13 GA 045 75832 00000 Villa Rica 13 GA 045 79528 00000 Catoosa County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 047 99990 00000 Bloomingdale 13 GA 051 08844 00000 Chatham County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 051 99990 00000 Garden City 13 GA 051 32048 00000 Pooler 13 GA 051 62104 00000 Port Wentworth 13 GA 051 62328 00000 Savannah 13 GA 051 69000 00000 Thunderbolt town 13 GA 051 76364 00000 Tybee Island 13 GA 051 78036 00000 Vernonburg town 13 GA 051 79164 00000 Ball Ground 13 GA 057 05036 00000 Canton 13 GA 057 12988 00000 Cherokee County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 057 99990 00000 Holly Springs 13 GA 057 39524 00000 Woodstock 13 GA 057 84176 00000 Athens-Clarke County 13 GA 059 00000 00000 Clayton County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 063 99990 00000 Forest Park 13 GA 063 30536 00000 Jonesboro 13 GA 063 42604 00000 Lake City 13 GA 063 44508 00000 Lovejoy 13 GA 063 47616 00000 Morrow 13 GA 063 53004 00000 Riverdale 13 GA 063 65464 00000 Acworth 13 GA 067 00408 00000 Austell 13 GA 067 04252 00000 Cobb County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 067 99990 00000 Kennesaw 13 GA 067 43192 00000 Marietta 13 GA 067 49756 00000 Powder Springs 13 GA 067 62524 00000 Smyrna 13 GA 067 71492 00000 Colquitt County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 071 99990 00000 Columbia County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 073 99990 00000 Grovetown 13 GA 073 35716 00000 Harlem 13 GA 073 36696 00000 Adel 13 GA 075 00576 00000 Coweta County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 077 99990 00000 Grantville 13 GA 077 34428 00000 Haralson town 13 GA 077 36528 00000 Moreland town 13 GA 077 52668 00000 Newnan 13 GA 077 55020 00000 Senoia 13 GA 077 69672 00000 Sharpsburg town 13 GA 077 69980 00000 Turin town 13 GA 077 77764 00000 Dawson County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 085 99990 00000 Dawsonville 13 GA 085 21940 00000 Avondale Estates 13 GA 089 04644 00000 Brookhaven 13 GA 089 10944 00000 Chamblee 13 GA 089 15172 00000 Clarkston 13 GA 089 16544 00000 Decatur 13 GA 089 22052 00000 DeKalb County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 089 99990 00000 Doraville 13 GA 089 23536 00000 Dunwoody 13 GA 089 24768 00000 Pine Lake 13 GA 089 61040 00000 Stone Mountain 13 GA 089 73816 00000 Stonecrest 13 GA 089 73784 90150 Tucker 13 GA 089 77652 00000 Albany 13 GA 095 01052 00000 Douglas County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 097 99990 00000 Douglasville 13 GA 097 23900 00000 Effingham County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 103 99990 00000 Guyton 13 GA 103 35884 00000 Rincon 13 GA 103 65296 00000 Fannin County 13 GA 111 00000 00000 Fayette County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 113 99990 00000 Fayetteville 13 GA 113 28968 00000 Peachtree City 13 GA 113 59724 00000 Tyrone town 13 GA 113 78044 00000 Floyd County 13 GA 115 99990 00000 Cumming 13 GA 117 20932 00000 Forsyth County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 117 99990 00000 Alpharetta 13 GA 121 01696 00000 Atlanta 13 GA 121 04000 00000 Chattahoochee Hills 13 GA 121 15552 00000 College Park 13 GA 121 17776 00000 East Point 13 GA 121 25720 00000 Fairburn 13 GA 121 28380 00000 Fulton County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 121 99990 00000 Hapeville 13 GA 121 36472 00000 Johns Creek 13 GA 121 42425 00000 Milton 13 GA 121 51670 00000 Mountain Park 13 GA 121 53172 00000 Palmetto 13 GA 121 58884 00000 Roswell 13 GA 121 67284 00000 Sandy Springs 13 GA 121 68516 00000 South Fulton 13 GA 121 72122 00000 Union City 13 GA 121 78324 00000 Gilmer County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 123 99990 00000 Glynn County 13 GA 127 00000 00000 Grady County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 131 99990 00000 Greene County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 133 99990 00000 Berkeley Lake 13 GA 135 07248 00000 Buford 13 GA 135 11784 00000 Dacula 13 GA 135 21184 00000 Duluth 13 GA 135 24600 00000 Grayson 13 GA 135 34596 00000 Gwinnett County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 135 99990 00000 Lawrenceville 13 GA 135 45488 00000 Lilburn 13 GA 135 46356 00000 Norcross 13 GA 135 55776 00000 Peachtree Corners 13 GA 135 59735 00000 Rest Haven town 13 GA 135 64792 00000 Snellville 13 GA 135 71604 00000 Sugar Hill 13 GA 135 74180 00000 Suwanee 13 GA 135 74936 00000 Clarkesville 13 GA 137 16460 00000 Gainesville 13 GA 139 31908 00000 Hall County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 139 99990 00000 Buchanan 13 GA 143 11616 00000 Haralson County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 143 99990 00000 Tallapoosa 13 GA 143 75300 00000 Harris County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 145 99990 00000 Centralhatchee town 13 GA 149 15026 00000 Franklin 13 GA 149 31292 00000 Heard County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 149 99990 00000 Hampton 13 GA 151 36276 00000 Henry County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 151 99990 00000 Locust Grove 13 GA 151 47140 00000 McDonough 13 GA 151 48624 00000 Stockbridge 13 GA 151 73704 00000 Houston County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 153 99990 00000 Perry 13 GA 153 60340 00000 Warner Robins 13 GA 153 80508 00000 Arcade 13 GA 157 02648 00000 Jasper County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 159 99990 00000 Shady Dale town 13 GA 159 69784 00000 Adrian 13 GA 167 00660 00000 Kite 13 GA 167 43892 00000 Barnesville 13 GA 171 05344 00000 Lamar County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 171 99990 00000 Milner 13 GA 171 51604 00000 Lakeland 13 GA 173 44592 00000 Lee County 13 GA 177 00000 00000 Hinesville 13 GA 179 38964 00000 Liberty County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 179 99990 00000 Lincolnton 13 GA 181 46552 00000 Lowndes County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 185 99990 00000 Valdosta 13 GA 185 78800 00000 McDuffie County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 189 99990 00000 McIntosh County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 191 99990 00000 Gay town 13 GA 199 32384 00000 Greenville 13 GA 199 35016 00000 Manchester 13 GA 199 49532 00000 Meriwether County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 199 99990 00000 Warm Springs 13 GA 199 80480 00000 Woodbury 13 GA 199 83896 00000 Miller County 13 GA 201 00000 00000 Monroe County 13 GA 207 99990 00000 Ailey 13 GA 209 00828 00000 Montgomery County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 209 99990 00000 Columbus 13 GA 215 19000 00000 Covington 13 GA 217 20064 00000 Newton County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 217 99990 00000 Oxford 13 GA 217 58744 00000 Porterdale 13 GA 217 62244 00000 Oconee County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 219 99990 00000 Dallas 13 GA 223 21324 00000 Paulding County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 223 99990 00000 Jasper 13 GA 227 41932 00000 Nelson 13 GA 227 54572 00000 Pickens County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 227 99990 00000 Talking Rock town 13 GA 227 75272 00000 Pike County 13 GA 231 99990 00000 Cedartown 13 GA 233 14500 00000 Pulaski County 13 GA 235 00000 00000 Clayton 13 GA 241 16656 00000 Mountain City town 13 GA 241 53116 00000 Rabun County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 241 99990 00000 Augusta-Richmond County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 245 99990 00000 Blythe 13 GA 245 09040 00000 Hephzibah 13 GA 245 38040 00000 Conyers 13 GA 247 19336 00000 Rockdale County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 247 99990 00000 Schley County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 249 99990 00000 Griffin 13 GA 255 35324 00000 Spalding County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 255 99990 00000 Stewart County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 259 99990 00000 Terrell County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 273 99990 00000 Thomas County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 275 99990 00000 Thomasville 13 GA 275 76224 00000 Hiawassee 13 GA 281 38124 00000 Towns County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 281 99990 00000 Union County 13 GA 291 00000 00000 Thomaston 13 GA 293 76168 00000 Yatesville town 13 GA 293 84708 00000 Walker County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 295 99990 00000 Good Hope 13 GA 297 33896 00000 Jersey 13 GA 297 42184 00000 Loganville 13 GA 297 47196 00000 Monroe 13 GA 297 52192 00000 Social Circle 13 GA 297 71660 00000 Walnut Grove 13 GA 297 80228 00000 Walton County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 297 99990 00000 Ware County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 299 99990 00000 White County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 311 99990 00000 Wilkes County Unincorporated Area 13 GA 317 99990 00000 Hawaii County 15 HI 001 00000 00000 Honolulu County 15 HI 003 00000 00000 Kauai County 15 HI 007 00000 00000 Maui County 15 HI 009 00000 00000 Ada County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 001 99990 00000 Boise City 16 ID 001 08830 92668 Eagle 16 ID 001 23410 90345 Garden City 16 ID 001 29620 90345 Kuna 16 ID 001 44290 91863 Meridian 16 ID 001 52120 90345 Star 16 ID 001 76870 90805 Arimo 16 ID 005 03340 93289 Bannock County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 005 99990 00000 Chubbuck 16 ID 005 14680 92852 Pocatello 16 ID 005 64090 93289 St. Charles 16 ID 007 71110 92691 Bingham County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 011 99990 00000 Bellevue 16 ID 013 06220 91380 Boise County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 015 99990 00000 Horseshoe Bend 16 ID 015 38620 91541 Idaho City 16 ID 015 39610 91633 Placerville 16 ID 015 63550 91541 East Hope 16 ID 017 23680 90598 Sandpoint 16 ID 017 72100 93197 Ammon 16 ID 019 01990 91656 Bonneville County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 019 99990 00000 Idaho Falls 16 ID 019 39700 91656 Iona 16 ID 019 40420 91656 Swan Valley 16 ID 019 79120 93404 Boundary County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 021 99990 00000 Butte County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 023 99990 00000 Fairfield 16 ID 025 26290 93749 Caldwell 16 ID 027 12250 90483 Canyon County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 027 99990 00000 Greenleaf 16 ID 027 33490 90483 Melba 16 ID 027 51850 92093 Middleton 16 ID 027 52660 92116 Nampa 16 ID 027 56260 92438 Notus 16 ID 027 58060 90483 Parma 16 ID 027 60940 92714 Wilder 16 ID 027 87670 93841 Cassia County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 031 99990 00000 Elk River 16 ID 035 25120 90920 Mountain Home 16 ID 039 54730 92300 Fremont County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 043 99990 00000 Emmett 16 ID 045 25570 90966 Gem County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 045 99990 00000 Grangeville 16 ID 049 32950 91334 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 051 99990 00000 Lewisville 16 ID 051 46720 91978 Ririe 16 ID 051 67960 93036 Roberts 16 ID 051 68500 93059 Jerome 16 ID 053 41320 91748 Jerome County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 053 99990 00000 Coeur dAlene 16 ID 055 16750 90621 Harrison 16 ID 055 35200 91426 Hayden 16 ID 055 36370 90621 Kootenai County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 055 99990 00000 Post Falls 16 ID 055 64810 92875 Latah County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 057 99990 00000 Moscow 16 ID 057 54550 92277 Craigmont 16 ID 061 19270 90690 Rexburg 16 ID 065 67420 93381 Grand View 16 ID 073 32770 91311 Homedale 16 ID 073 38170 91518 Marsing 16 ID 073 50950 92070 Owyhee County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 073 99990 00000 Payette 16 ID 075 61300 92783 Osburn 16 ID 079 59590 93634 Shoshone County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 079 99990 00000 Tetonia 16 ID 081 80470 93473 Twin Falls 16 ID 083 82810 93565 Twin Falls County Unincorporated Area 16 ID 083 99990 00000 Quincy 17 IL 001 62367 62380 Bond County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 005 99990 00000 Greenville 17 IL 005 31589 12112 Keyesport village 17 IL 005 39753 74418 Mulberry Grove village 17 IL 005 51284 51297 Pierron village 17 IL 005 59709 09694 Pocahontas village 17 IL 005 60872 09694 Smithboro village 17 IL 005 70213 60586 Sorento village 17 IL 005 70525 69641 Calhoun County 17 IL 013 00000 00000 Virginia 17 IL 017 78201 67600 Champaign 17 IL 019 12385 12411 Gifford village 17 IL 019 29145 33422 Ogden village 17 IL 019 55275 55288 Mount Auburn village 17 IL 021 50829 50842 Clay City village 17 IL 025 14715 14728 Albers village 17 IL 027 00555 44667 Aviston village 17 IL 027 03181 73365 Beckemeyer village 17 IL 027 04533 78344 Breese 17 IL 027 07913 07926 Carlyle 17 IL 027 11228 11241 Clinton County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 027 99990 00000 Damiansville village 17 IL 027 18472 44667 Hoffman village 17 IL 027 35398 40871 Huey village 17 IL 027 36477 14884 New Baden village 17 IL 027 52142 44667 Trenton 17 IL 027 75991 73365 Charleston 17 IL 029 12567 12580 Alsip village 17 IL 031 01010 83531 Arlington Heights village 17 IL 031 02154 81100 Barrington Hills village 17 IL 031 03883 03831 Barrington village 17 IL 031 03844 03831 Bedford Park village 17 IL 031 04572 45447 Bellwood village 17 IL 031 04975 62133 Berkeley village 17 IL 031 05404 62133 Berwyn 17 IL 031 05573 05586 Blue Island 17 IL 031 06704 07939 Bridgeview village 17 IL 031 08225 83531 Broadview village 17 IL 031 08446 62133 Brookfield village 17 IL 031 08576 62133 Burbank 17 IL 031 09642 72689 Burnham village 17 IL 031 09798 75198 Calumet City 17 IL 031 10487 75198 Calumet Park village 17 IL 031 10513 10474 Chicago 17 IL 031 14000 14000 Chicago Heights 17 IL 031 14026 06561 Chicago Ridge village 17 IL 031 14065 83531 Cicero town 17 IL 031 14351 14364 Cook County Part Unincorporated Area 17 IL 031 99990 00000 Country Club Hills 17 IL 031 16691 63498 Countryside 17 IL 031 16873 45447 Crestwood village 17 IL 031 17497 07939 Des Plaines 17 IL 031 19642 23243 Dixmoor village 17 IL 031 20149 75198 Dolton village 17 IL 031 20292 75198 East Hazel Crest village 17 IL 031 21904 75198 Elk Grove Village village 17 IL 031 23256 23243 Elmwood Park village 17 IL 031 23724 43120 Evanston 17 IL 031 24582 24582 Evergreen Park village 17 IL 031 24634 83531 Flossmoor village 17 IL 031 26571 63498 Ford Heights village 17 IL 031 26710 06561 Forest Park village 17 IL 031 26935 62133 Forest View village 17 IL 031 26987 72689 Franklin Park village 17 IL 031 27702 43120 Glencoe village 17 IL 031 29652 52909 Glenview village 17 IL 031 29938 52909 Glenwood village 17 IL 031 30029 06561 Golf village 17 IL 031 30328 53013 Hanover Park village 17 IL 031 32746 68016 Harvey 17 IL 031 33383 07939 Harwood Heights village 17 IL 031 33435 54430 Hazel Crest village 17 IL 031 33695 63498 Hickory Hills 17 IL 031 34514 45447 Hillside village 17 IL 031 35086 62133 Hodgkins village 17 IL 031 35385 45447 Hoffman Estates village 17 IL 031 35411 68016 Hometown 17 IL 031 35866 83531 Homewood village 17 IL 031 35879 63498 Indian Head Park village 17 IL 031 37257 45447 Inverness village 17 IL 031 37608 57238 Justice village 17 IL 031 38830 45447 Kenilworth village 17 IL 031 39519 52909 La Grange Park village 17 IL 031 40793 62133 La Grange village 17 IL 031 40767 45447 Lansing village 17 IL 031 42028 75198 Lemont village 17 IL 031 42795 42808 Lincolnwood village 17 IL 031 43744 53013 Lynwood village 17 IL 031 45421 06561 Lyons village 17 IL 031 45434 45447 Markham 17 IL 031 47007 07939 Matteson village 17 IL 031 47540 63498 Maywood village 17 IL 031 47774 62133 McCook village 17 IL 031 45564 45447 Melrose Park village 17 IL 031 48242 62133 Merrionette Park village 17 IL 031 48554 83531 Midlothian village 17 IL 031 48892 07939 Morton Grove village 17 IL 031 50647 46162 Mount Prospect village 17 IL 031 51089 46162 Niles village 17 IL 031 53000 46162 Norridge village 17 IL 031 53377 43120 North Riverside village 17 IL 031 54144 62133 Northbrook village 17 IL 031 53481 53676 Northfield village 17 IL 031 53663 52909 Northlake 17 IL 031 53871 62133 Oak Forest 17 IL 031 54638 07939 Oak Lawn village 17 IL 031 54820 83531 Oak Park village 17 IL 031 54885 54898 Olympia Fields village 17 IL 031 55938 63498 Orland Hills village 17 IL 031 56627 56614 Orland Park village 17 IL 031 56640 07939 Palatine village 17 IL 031 57225 57238 Palos Heights 17 IL 031 57381 57355 Palos Hills 17 IL 031 57394 57355 Palos Park village 17 IL 031 57407 57355 Park Forest village 17 IL 031 57732 63498 Park Ridge 17 IL 031 57875 43120 Phoenix village 17 IL 031 59572 75198 Posen village 17 IL 031 61314 75198 Prospect Heights 17 IL 031 62016 81100 Richton Park village 17 IL 031 63706 63498 River Forest village 17 IL 031 64304 64317 River Grove village 17 IL 031 64343 43120 Riverdale village 17 IL 031 64278 75198 Riverside village 17 IL 031 64421 45447 Robbins village 17 IL 031 64616 83531 Rolling Meadows 17 IL 031 65338 23243 Rosemont village 17 IL 031 65819 46162 Sauk Village village 17 IL 031 67769 06561 Schaumburg village 17 IL 031 68003 32694 Schiller Park village 17 IL 031 68081 43120 Skokie village 17 IL 031 70122 53013 South Barrington village 17 IL 031 70564 03831 South Chicago Heights village 17 IL 031 70629 06561 South Holland village 17 IL 031 70850 75198 Stickney village 17 IL 031 72676 72689 Stone Park village 17 IL 031 72923 62133 Streamwood village 17 IL 031 73157 32694 Summit village 17 IL 031 73638 45447 Thornton village 17 IL 031 75185 75198 Tinley Park village 17 IL 031 75484 63498 Westchester village 17 IL 031 80047 62133 Western Springs village 17 IL 031 80242 62133 Wheeling village 17 IL 031 81087 81100 Willow Springs village 17 IL 031 82049 57355 Wilmette village 17 IL 031 82075 52909 Winnetka village 17 IL 031 82530 52909 Worth village 17 IL 031 83518 57355 Cortland town 17 IL 037 16470 16483 DeKalb 17 IL 037 19161 19174 DeKalb County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 037 99990 00000 Genoa 17 IL 037 28898 28911 Hinckley village 17 IL 037 35268 72182 Kingston village 17 IL 037 40065 40078 Kirkland village 17 IL 037 40156 27650 Malta village 17 IL 037 46279 46292 Sandwich 17 IL 037 67548 70473 Shabbona village 17 IL 037 68822 68835 Somonauk village 17 IL 037 70460 70473 Sycamore 17 IL 037 74223 16483 Waterman village 17 IL 037 79163 14988 Clinton 17 IL 039 15001 15014 De Witt County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 039 99990 00000 Wapella village 17 IL 039 78773 78786 Hindsboro village 17 IL 041 35281 07497 Addison village 17 IL 043 00243 00250 Bartlett village 17 IL 043 04013 79410 Bensenville village 17 IL 043 05248 00250 Bloomingdale village 17 IL 043 06587 06600 Burr Ridge village 17 IL 043 09980 20604 Carol Stream village 17 IL 043 11332 49451 Clarendon Hills village 17 IL 043 14572 20604 Darien 17 IL 043 18628 20604 Downers Grove village 17 IL 043 20591 43952 DuPage County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 043 99990 00000 Elmhurst 17 IL 043 23620 00250 Glen Ellyn village 17 IL 043 29756 83947 Glendale Heights village 17 IL 043 29730 49451 Hinsdale village 17 IL 043 35307 20604 Itasca village 17 IL 043 37907 06600 Lisle village 17 IL 043 43939 49451 Lombard village 17 IL 043 44407 83947 Naperville 17 IL 043 51622 82413 Oak Brook village 17 IL 043 54534 83947 Oakbrook Terrace 17 IL 043 54560 83947 Roselle village 17 IL 043 65806 06600 Villa Park village 17 IL 043 77993 83947 Warrenville 17 IL 043 78929 51635 West Chicago 17 IL 043 80060 79410 Westmont village 17 IL 043 80645 20604 Wheaton 17 IL 043 81048 82413 Willowbrook village 17 IL 043 81919 20604 Winfield village 17 IL 043 82400 82413 Wood Dale 17 IL 043 82985 00250 Woodridge village 17 IL 043 83245 43952 Chrisman 17 IL 045 14273 65923 St. Elmo 17 IL 051 66794 03155 West Frankfort 17 IL 055 80333 27611 Braceville village 17 IL 063 07640 07653 Carbon Hill village 17 IL 063 11176 25778 Coal City village 17 IL 063 15170 25778 Diamond village 17 IL 063 19837 25778 East Brooklyn village 17 IL 063 21579 31381 Gardner village 17 IL 063 28638 28677 Grundy County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 063 99990 00000 Kinsman village 17 IL 063 40143 34657 Mazon village 17 IL 063 47787 47800 Minooka village 17 IL 063 49607 03090 Morris 17 IL 063 50491 50504 South Wilmington village 17 IL 063 71370 31381 Verona village 17 IL 063 77707 77850 Bishop Hill village 17 IL 073 06171 79722 Cleveland village 17 IL 073 14923 32642 Henry County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 073 99990 00000 Orion village 17 IL 073 56601 80190 Buckley village 17 IL 075 09317 02401 Iroquois County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 075 99990 00000 Thawville village 17 IL 075 74847 63901 Woodland village 17 IL 075 83102 05014 Willow Hill village 17 IL 079 82010 82023 Mount Vernon 17 IL 081 51180 69511 Fieldon village 17 IL 083 26012 63745 Grafton 17 IL 083 30653 62354 Jersey County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 083 99990 00000 Jerseyville 17 IL 083 38414 38401 Jo Daviess County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 085 99990 00000 Aurora 17 IL 089 03012 03025 Batavia 17 IL 089 04078 28885 Carpentersville village 17 IL 089 11358 21046 East Dundee village 17 IL 089 21696 21046 Elburn village 17 IL 089 22931 10903 Elgin 17 IL 089 23074 21046 Geneva 17 IL 089 28872 28885 Gilberts village 17 IL 089 29171 66430 Hampshire village 17 IL 089 32525 32538 Kane County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 089 99990 00000 Maple Park village 17 IL 089 46604 78188 Montgomery village 17 IL 089 50218 03025 North Aurora village 17 IL 089 53442 04091 Pingree Grove village 17 IL 089 59988 66430 Sleepy Hollow village 17 IL 089 70161 21046 South Elgin village 17 IL 089 70720 23087 St. Charles 17 IL 089 66703 66716 Sugar Grove village 17 IL 089 73391 05989 Wayne village 17 IL 089 79397 66716 West Dundee village 17 IL 089 80125 21046 Aroma Park village 17 IL 091 02258 57017 Buckingham village 17 IL 091 09304 54352 Irwin village 17 IL 091 37803 57017 Kankakee County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 091 99990 00000 Sammons Point village 17 IL 091 67372 57017 Union Hill village 17 IL 091 76771 54352 Kendall County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 093 99990 00000 Lisbon village 17 IL 093 43900 43913 Newark village 17 IL 093 52103 05872 Oswego village 17 IL 093 56887 56900 Plano 17 IL 093 60352 44043 Yorkville 17 IL 093 84038 39454 East Galesburg village 17 IL 095 21826 40403 Knox County Part Unincorporated Area 17 IL 095 99990 00000 Antioch village 17 IL 097 01595 01608 Bannockburn village 17 IL 097 03610 80112 Beach Park village 17 IL 097 04303 05326 Buffalo Grove village 17 IL 097 09447 77668 Deer Park village 17 IL 097 19083 18004 Deerfield village 17 IL 097 18992 50364 Fox Lake village 17 IL 097 27442 30952 Grayslake village 17 IL 097 31121 03220 Green Oaks village 17 IL 097 31446 43263 Gurnee village 17 IL 097 32018 78877 Hainesville village 17 IL 097 32200 03220 Hawthorn Woods village 17 IL 097 33630 27923 Highland Park 17 IL 097 34722 50364 Highwood 17 IL 097 34865 50364 Indian Creek village 17 IL 097 37218 77668 Kildeer village 17 IL 097 39883 22853 Lake Barrington village 17 IL 097 40884 79280 Lake Bluff village 17 IL 097 40910 69485 Lake County Part Unincorporated Area 17 IL 097 99990 00000 Lake Forest 17 IL 097 41105 77668 Lake Villa village 17 IL 097 41586 41599 Lake Zurich village 17 IL 097 41742 22853 Libertyville village 17 IL 097 43250 27923 Lincolnshire village 17 IL 097 43666 80112 Lindenhurst village 17 IL 097 43770 41599 Long Grove village 17 IL 097 44524 22853 Mettawa village 17 IL 097 48671 43263 Mundelein village 17 IL 097 51349 77668 North Barrington village 17 IL 097 53455 22853 North Chicago 17 IL 097 53559 79306 Old Mill Creek village 17 IL 097 55639 52753 Park City 17 IL 097 57654 78877 Riverwoods village 17 IL 097 64538 77668 Round Lake Beach village 17 IL 097 66040 41599 Round Lake Heights village 17 IL 097 66053 03220 Round Lake Park village 17 IL 097 66066 03220 Round Lake village 17 IL 097 66027 03220 Third Lake village 17 IL 097 75081 78877 Tower Lakes village 17 IL 097 75874 18004 Vernon Hills village 17 IL 097 77694 77668 Volo village 17 IL 097 78227 30952 Wadsworth village 17 IL 097 78370 78877 Wauconda village 17 IL 097 79267 79280 Waukegan 17 IL 097 79293 78877 Winthrop Harbor village 17 IL 097 82686 05326 Zion 17 IL 097 84220 84233 Millington village 17 IL 099 49308 49646 Streator 17 IL 099 73170 21436 Cornell village 17 IL 105 16405 01348 Dwight village 17 IL 105 21358 21371 Algonquin village 17 IL 111 00685 00698 Bull Valley village 17 IL 111 09531 45707 Cary village 17 IL 111 11592 00698 Crystal Lake 17 IL 111 17887 30666 Fox River Grove village 17 IL 111 27533 00698 Harvard 17 IL 111 33331 12892 Hebron village 17 IL 111 33851 33864 Holiday Hills village 17 IL 111 35515 54495 Huntley village 17 IL 111 36750 30666 Island Lake village 17 IL 111 37894 54495 Johnsburg village 17 IL 111 38479 45707 Lake in the Hills village 17 IL 111 41183 30666 Lakemoor village 17 IL 111 41326 54495 Lakewood village 17 IL 111 41651 30666 Marengo 17 IL 111 46786 64096 McCullom Lake village 17 IL 111 45616 45707 McHenry 17 IL 111 45694 45707 McHenry County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 111 99990 00000 Oakwood Hills village 17 IL 111 55041 00698 Port Barrington village 17 IL 111 61216 54495 Prairie Grove village 17 IL 111 61678 54495 Richmond village 17 IL 111 63641 63654 Spring Grove village 17 IL 111 72052 10032 Union village 17 IL 111 76706 16314 Wonder Lake village 17 IL 111 82855 31680 Woodstock 17 IL 111 83349 33305 Bellflower village 17 IL 113 04897 04910 Bloomington 17 IL 113 06613 06639 Colfax village 17 IL 113 15495 47215 Normal town 17 IL 113 53234 53247 Argenta village 17 IL 115 01972 27988 Decatur 17 IL 115 18823 71357 Long Creek village 17 IL 115 44498 44511 Macon County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 115 99990 00000 Maroa 17 IL 115 47072 47085 Benld 17 IL 117 05209 29249 Brighton village 17 IL 117 08264 08277 Dorchester village 17 IL 117 20370 29249 East Gillespie village 17 IL 117 21852 29249 Gillespie 17 IL 117 29236 29249 Lake Ka-Ho village 17 IL 117 41214 10357 Macoupin County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 117 99990 00000 Mount Olive 17 IL 117 51024 51037 Staunton 17 IL 117 72403 72416 White City village 17 IL 117 81191 51037 Alhambra village 17 IL 119 00737 00750 Alton 17 IL 119 01114 01127 Bethalto village 17 IL 119 05599 83284 Collinsville 17 IL 119 15599 15612 East Alton village 17 IL 119 21553 83284 Edwardsville 17 IL 119 22697 22710 Glen Carbon village 17 IL 119 29639 15612 Godfrey village 17 IL 119 30094 30094 Granite City 17 IL 119 30926 30939 Hartford village 17 IL 119 33279 83284 Highland 17 IL 119 34670 33981 Livingston village 17 IL 119 44160 55834 Madison 17 IL 119 45993 51583 Madison County Part Unincorporated Area 17 IL 119 99990 00000 Marine village 17 IL 119 46864 46877 Maryville village 17 IL 119 47397 15612 New Douglas village 17 IL 119 52415 52428 Pontoon Beach village 17 IL 119 61067 15612 Roxana village 17 IL 119 66131 22710 South Roxana village 17 IL 119 71240 14260 St. Jacob village 17 IL 119 66859 66872 Troy 17 IL 119 76199 38245 Venice 17 IL 119 77473 77486 Williamson village 17 IL 119 81815 55834 Wood River 17 IL 119 83271 83284 Worden village 17 IL 119 83505 56068 Salem 17 IL 121 67236 75744 Columbia 17 IL 133 15833 92555 Hecker village 17 IL 133 33877 00000 Monroe County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 133 99990 00000 Valmeyer village 17 IL 133 77265 00000 Waterloo 17 IL 133 79150 00000 Gays village 17 IL 139 28807 81451 Forreston village 17 IL 141 27065 27078 Hillcrest village 17 IL 141 34982 26298 Monroe Center village 17 IL 141 50062 50049 Mount Morris village 17 IL 141 50998 51011 Bellevue village 17 IL 143 04871 43523 Peoria 17 IL 143 59000 59013 Peoria Heights village 17 IL 143 59026 63771 Atwood village 17 IL 147 02882 76888 Bement village 17 IL 147 05144 05157 Cisco village 17 IL 147 14442 81906 De Land village 17 IL 147 19200 30523 Hammond village 17 IL 147 32499 76888 Mansfield village 17 IL 147 46487 06808 Monticello 17 IL 147 50244 50257 Piatt County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 147 99990 00000 Oak Grove village 17 IL 161 54703 06301 Rock Island County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 161 99990 00000 Belleville 17 IL 163 04845 04845 Cahokia village 17 IL 163 10370 73456 Caseyville village 17 IL 163 11644 10968 Centreville 17 IL 163 12203 12210 Dupo village 17 IL 163 21254 73456 East Carondelet village 17 IL 163 21618 73456 East St. Louis 17 IL 163 22255 22268 Fairview Heights 17 IL 163 25141 11657 Fayetteville village 17 IL 163 25713 25726 Freeburg village 17 IL 163 27806 27819 Lebanon 17 IL 163 42496 55262 Marissa village 17 IL 163 46955 46968 Mascoutah 17 IL 163 47423 47436 Millstadt village 17 IL 163 49386 49399 New Athens village 17 IL 163 52116 42873 O'Fallon 17 IL 163 55249 11657 Shiloh village 17 IL 163 69524 69550 Smithton village 17 IL 163 70252 70265 St. Clair County Part Unincorporated Area 17 IL 163 99990 00000 St. Libory village 17 IL 163 66989 25726 Summerfield village 17 IL 163 73547 42509 Swansea village 17 IL 163 74119 66729 Washington Park village 17 IL 163 79085 10968 Divernon village 17 IL 167 20045 20058 New Berlin village 17 IL 167 52168 52181 Rochester village 17 IL 167 64759 64772 Springfield 17 IL 167 72000 11046 Stewardson village 17 IL 173 72650 61522 Tremont village 17 IL 179 75965 75978 Union County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 181 99990 00000 Belgium village 17 IL 183 04689 28976 Catlin village 17 IL 183 11774 11787 Grant township 17 IL 183 00000 30965 Ridge Farm village 17 IL 183 63862 23932 Mount Carmel 17 IL 185 50868 00000 Hoyleton village 17 IL 189 36347 36360 Prophetstown 17 IL 195 61977 61990 Beecher village 17 IL 197 04585 79059 Bolingbrook village 17 IL 197 07133 21241 Braidwood 17 IL 197 07770 82114 Channahon village 17 IL 197 12476 76212 Crest Hill 17 IL 197 17458 38583 Crete village 17 IL 197 17523 17536 Elwood village 17 IL 197 23945 38076 Frankfort village 17 IL 197 27624 27631 Godley village 17 IL 197 30120 63108 Homer Glen village 17 IL 197 35835 35827 Joliet 17 IL 197 38570 60300 Lockport 17 IL 197 44225 35827 Manhattan village 17 IL 197 46357 46370 Mokena village 17 IL 197 49854 52597 Monee village 17 IL 197 49945 49958 New Lenox village 17 IL 197 52584 38583 Peotone village 17 IL 197 59052 59065 Plainfield village 17 IL 197 60287 60300 Rockdale village 17 IL 197 64902 38583 Romeoville village 17 IL 197 65442 21241 Shorewood village 17 IL 197 69758 76212 Steger village 17 IL 197 72520 17536 Symerton village 17 IL 197 74275 26519 University Park village 17 IL 197 76935 49958 Will County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 197 99990 00000 Wilmington 17 IL 197 82101 79865 Loves Park 17 IL 201 45031 65013 Machesney Park village 17 IL 201 45726 32928 Rockford 17 IL 201 65000 13087 Winnebago County Unincorporated Area 17 IL 201 99990 00000 Metamora village 17 IL 203 48606 83544 Spring Bay village 17 IL 203 71604 71611 Allen County 18 IN 003 00000 00000 Bartholomew County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 005 99990 00000 Boone County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 011 99990 00000 Jamestown town 18 IN 011 37692 36792 Lebanon 18 IN 011 42624 11242 Thorntown town 18 IN 011 75626 73844 Whitestown town 18 IN 011 84014 85580 Zionsville town 18 IN 011 86372 86372 Brown County 18 IN 013 00000 00000 Galveston town 18 IN 017 26242 36846 Charlestown 18 IN 019 12124 12142 Clark County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 019 99990 00000 Clarksville town 18 IN 019 12934 38367 Jeffersonville 18 IN 019 38358 38367 Sellersburg town 18 IN 019 68670 69696 Utica town 18 IN 019 78110 78128 Brazil 18 IN 021 07174 07192 Milltown town 18 IN 025 49716 83690 Dearborn County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 029 99990 00000 Muncie 18 IN 035 51876 51552 Elkhart County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 039 99990 00000 Floyd County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 043 99990 00000 Georgetown town 18 IN 043 27324 27342 New Albany 18 IN 043 52326 52344 Franklin County 18 IN 047 00000 00000 Marion 18 IN 053 46908 49374 Arcadia town 18 IN 057 01954 37044 Atlanta town 18 IN 057 02602 37044 Carmel 18 IN 057 10342 13060 Cicero town 18 IN 057 12628 37044 Fishers 18 IN 057 23278 22612 Hamilton County Part Unincorporated Area 18 IN 057 99990 00000 Noblesville 18 IN 057 54180 54198 Sheridan town 18 IN 057 69354 00388 Westfield 18 IN 057 82700 80666 Cumberland town 18 IN 059 16336 08794 Greenfield 18 IN 059 29520 11368 Hancock County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 059 99990 00000 McCordsville town 18 IN 059 45648 78866 New Palestine town 18 IN 059 53352 73880 Wilkinson town 18 IN 059 84302 08290 Harrison County 18 IN 061 00000 00000 Avon town 18 IN 063 02908 80702 Brownsburg town 18 IN 063 08416 08308 Clayton town 18 IN 063 13366 43290 Danville town 18 IN 063 16804 11386 Hendricks County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 063 99990 00000 Lizton town 18 IN 063 44442 77318 Pittsboro town 18 IN 063 60192 48852 Plainfield town 18 IN 063 60246 30204 Kokomo 18 IN 067 40392 11422 Huntington 18 IN 069 35302 35311 Huntington County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 069 00000 00000 Seymour 18 IN 071 68832 63414 De Motte town 18 IN 073 17722 39222 Jasper County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 073 99990 00000 Remington town 18 IN 073 63756 10396 Rensselaer 18 IN 073 63792 46944 Wheatfield town 18 IN 073 83528 83546 Bryant town 18 IN 075 08704 03844 Bargersville town 18 IN 081 03394 77390 Edinburgh town 18 IN 081 20404 06094 Franklin 18 IN 081 25450 60390 Greenwood 18 IN 081 29898 60390 Johnson County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 081 99990 00000 New Whiteland town 18 IN 081 53874 60390 Princes Lakes town 18 IN 081 62028 54000 Trafalgar town 18 IN 081 76310 33160 Whiteland town 18 IN 081 83816 25468 Kosciusko County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 085 99990 00000 Warsaw 18 IN 085 80306 60228 Lagrange County 18 IN 087 00000 00000 Cedar Lake town 18 IN 089 11062 31252 Crown Point 18 IN 089 16138 11476 Dyer town 18 IN 089 19270 66870 East Chicago 18 IN 089 19486 54414 Gary 18 IN 089 27000 09820 Griffith town 18 IN 089 30042 09820 Hammond 18 IN 089 31000 54414 Highland town 18 IN 089 33466 54414 Hobart 18 IN 089 34114 34132 Lake County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 089 99990 00000 Lake Station 18 IN 089 41535 09820 Lowell town 18 IN 089 45144 82574 Merrillville town 18 IN 089 48528 66096 Munster town 18 IN 089 51912 54414 New Chicago town 18 IN 089 52776 34132 Schererville town 18 IN 089 68220 66870 Schneider town 18 IN 089 68238 82574 St. John town 18 IN 089 66852 31252 Whiting 18 IN 089 84122 54414 Winfield town 18 IN 089 84878 84896 La Porte 18 IN 091 42246 68346 La Porte County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 091 99990 00000 Michigan City 18 IN 091 48798 15040 Pottawattomie Park town 18 IN 091 61470 48780 Frankton town 18 IN 095 25702 60156 Lapel town 18 IN 095 42228 73556 Beech Grove 18 IN 097 04204 59058 Indianapolis 18 IN 097 36000 25504 Lawrence 18 IN 097 42426 42444 Southport 18 IN 097 71486 59058 Speedway town 18 IN 097 71828 81800 Monroe County 18 IN 105 00000 00000 Montgomery County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 107 99990 00000 Martinsville 18 IN 109 47448 80846 Monrovia town 18 IN 109 50580 50400 Mooresville town 18 IN 109 50976 08344 Morgan County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 109 99990 00000 Morgantown town 18 IN 109 51102 37224 Brook town 18 IN 111 07966 36522 Goodland town 18 IN 111 28332 28872 Kentland town 18 IN 111 39546 38106 Morocco town 18 IN 111 51138 03970 Mount Ayr town 18 IN 111 51336 37242 Newton County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 111 99990 00000 Avilla town 18 IN 113 02872 01036 Noble County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 113 99990 00000 Rome City town 18 IN 113 65808 56754 Ohio County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 115 99990 00000 Rising Sun 18 IN 115 64674 62928 French Lick town 18 IN 117 25972 25990 Owen County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 119 99990 00000 Spencer town 18 IN 119 71972 80900 Perry County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 123 99990 00000 Beverly Shores town 18 IN 127 05158 59922 Burns Harbor town 18 IN 127 09370 82484 Chesterton town 18 IN 127 12412 37314 Dune Acres town 18 IN 127 18982 82484 Hebron town 18 IN 127 32818 06580 Kouts town 18 IN 127 40518 60426 Ogden Dunes town 18 IN 127 56088 61110 Portage 18 IN 127 61092 61110 Porter County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 127 99990 00000 Porter town 18 IN 127 61164 82484 Town of Pines town 18 IN 127 76256 59922 Valparaiso 18 IN 127 78326 80954 Posey County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 129 99990 00000 Greencastle 18 IN 133 29358 29376 Putnam County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 133 99990 00000 Ripley County 18 IN 137 00000 00000 Mishawaka 18 IN 141 49932 58734 St. Joseph County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 141 99990 00000 Walkerton town 18 IN 141 79694 43848 Morristown town 18 IN 145 51192 31270 Shelby County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 145 99990 00000 Shelbyville 18 IN 145 69318 07102 Angola 18 IN 151 01666 60444 Steuben County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 151 99990 00000 Lafayette 18 IN 157 40788 22342 Tippecanoe County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 157 99990 00000 West Lafayette 18 IN 157 82862 79352 Evansville 18 IN 163 22000 40212 Vanderburgh County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 163 99990 00000 Terre Haute 18 IN 167 75428 32026 Vigo County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 167 99990 00000 Warrick County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 173 99990 00000 Livonia town 18 IN 175 44424 46134 Salem 18 IN 175 67464 81116 Washington County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 175 99990 00000 Dublin town 18 IN 177 18766 37530 Richmond 18 IN 177 64260 81944 Churubusco town 18 IN 183 12610 70182 Columbia City 18 IN 183 14716 14698 South Whitley town 18 IN 183 71612 13564 Whitley County Unincorporated Area 18 IN 183 99990 00000 Stuart 19 IA 001 75990 92514 Corning 19 IA 003 16500 92193 New Albin 19 IA 005 55785 92049 Blairstown 19 IA 011 06805 92421 Cedar Falls 19 IA 013 11755 90575 Aurora 19 IA 019 03835 92751 Brandon 19 IA 019 08155 92208 Winthrop 19 IA 019 86565 90432 Aredale 19 IA 023 02620 90195 Bennett 19 IA 031 05770 92046 Clear Lake 19 IA 033 14025 90720 Plymouth 19 IA 033 63885 91308 Fredericksburg 19 IA 037 28965 91437 Osceola 19 IA 039 59835 93212 Fostoria 19 IA 041 28650 94038 Strawberry Point 19 IA 043 75855 90498 Calamus 19 IA 045 09820 93171 Grand Mound 19 IA 045 32025 93189 Deloit 19 IA 047 19765 92928 Adel 19 IA 049 00505 90018 Bouton 19 IA 049 07660 90156 Dallas Center 19 IA 049 18255 94029 Dallas County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 049 99990 00000 Dawson 19 IA 049 19135 90879 De Soto 19 IA 049 21045 94326 Dexter 19 IA 049 21225 94194 Granger 19 IA 049 32160 91647 Minburn 19 IA 049 52545 94029 Perry 19 IA 049 62355 93993 Redfield 19 IA 049 66045 94194 Van Meter 19 IA 049 80445 94326 Waukee 19 IA 049 82695 94395 Woodward 19 IA 049 86970 90972 Leon 19 IA 053 44535 92416 Superior 19 IA 059 76440 93585 Dubuque 19 IA 061 22395 91085 Epworth 19 IA 061 25725 94098 Holy Cross 19 IA 061 36885 90798 Peosta 19 IA 061 62130 94332 Estherville 19 IA 063 25860 91242 Floyd County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 067 99990 00000 Franklin County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 069 99990 00000 Fremont County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 071 99990 00000 Thurman 19 IA 071 77970 93780 Bagley 19 IA 077 04240 91008 Casey 19 IA 077 11395 94110 Guthrie Center 19 IA 077 33420 94353 Guthrie County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 077 99990 00000 Menlo 19 IA 077 51105 90162 Panora 19 IA 077 61320 90501 Yale 19 IA 077 87285 90501 Kamrar 19 IA 079 40215 92019 Webster City 19 IA 079 83145 94633 Corwith 19 IA 081 16590 92793 Kanawha 19 IA 081 40260 90069 Hardin County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 083 99990 00000 Dunlap 19 IA 085 22890 91863 Harrison County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 085 99990 00000 Little Sioux 19 IA 085 45840 92664 Logan 19 IA 085 46155 92223 Missouri Valley 19 IA 085 52860 93738 Modale 19 IA 085 52995 94101 Mondamin 19 IA 085 53175 93012 Persia 19 IA 085 62445 94503 Woodbine 19 IA 085 86835 90318 Elma 19 IA 089 25095 90024 Lime Springs 19 IA 089 45165 91368 Marengo 19 IA 095 49395 92835 Baldwin 19 IA 097 04330 92958 Bellevue 19 IA 097 05635 90180 Coralville 19 IA 103 16230 90714 Iowa City 19 IA 103 38595 92077 North Liberty 19 IA 103 57360 92766 Morley 19 IA 105 54030 93687 Wyoming 19 IA 105 87240 94794 Houghton 19 IA 111 37335 92856 Keokuk 19 IA 111 40845 92311 Cedar Rapids 19 IA 113 12000 90577 Central City 19 IA 113 12495 92142 Hiawatha 19 IA 113 35940 92976 Marion 19 IA 113 49485 92859 Grandview 19 IA 115 32115 91620 Morning Sun 19 IA 115 54120 93018 Larchwood 19 IA 119 43410 92385 Earlham 19 IA 121 23340 92775 Madison County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 121 99990 00000 Patterson 19 IA 121 61860 90846 St. Charles 19 IA 121 69915 93942 Truro 19 IA 121 79140 93165 Winterset 19 IA 121 86520 94765 Fremont 19 IA 123 29190 90552 Marshall County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 127 99990 00000 Emerson 19 IA 129 25500 92031 Glenwood 19 IA 129 31350 91575 Hastings 19 IA 129 34995 92031 Pacific Junction 19 IA 129 60825 93354 Silver City 19 IA 129 73155 92043 Stacyville 19 IA 131 74820 94002 Onawa 19 IA 133 59115 93175 Whiting 19 IA 133 85215 92577 Nichols 19 IA 139 56685 93318 Paullina 19 IA 141 61905 94251 Sutherland 19 IA 141 76485 92481 Altoona 19 IA 153 01630 90690 Ankeny 19 IA 153 02305 91056 Bondurant 19 IA 153 07390 91056 Clive 19 IA 153 14520 94410 Des Moines 19 IA 153 21000 92409 Elkhart 19 IA 153 24735 91185 Grimes 19 IA 153 33060 94629 Johnston 19 IA 153 39765 93762 Mitchellville 19 IA 153 52950 90168 Pleasant Hill 19 IA 153 63525 91371 Polk City 19 IA 153 64020 90858 Polk County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 153 99990 00000 Runnells 19 IA 153 69240 90456 Urbandale 19 IA 153 79950 94629 West Des Moines 19 IA 153 83910 90270 Windsor Heights 19 IA 153 86250 94410 Avoca 19 IA 155 03970 92325 Carson 19 IA 155 11170 90483 Carter Lake 19 IA 155 11215 92292 Council Bluffs 19 IA 155 16860 92292 Macedonia 19 IA 155 47955 92748 Minden 19 IA 155 52590 92949 Neola 19 IA 155 55560 92949 Oakland 19 IA 155 58080 90174 Pottawattamie County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 155 99990 00000 Treynor 19 IA 155 78825 92298 Underwood 19 IA 155 79500 93135 Malcom 19 IA 157 48540 92805 Montezuma 19 IA 157 53490 92154 Odebolt 19 IA 161 58575 93612 Bettendorf 19 IA 163 06355 93420 Davenport 19 IA 163 19000 90893 Maysville 19 IA 163 50655 91923 Princeton 19 IA 163 64740 93510 Scott County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 163 99990 00000 Ames 19 IA 169 01855 94566 Maxwell 19 IA 169 50520 92034 Bedford 19 IA 173 05365 90171 Ackworth 19 IA 181 00235 92625 Carlisle 19 IA 181 10765 90045 Cumming 19 IA 181 17850 92652 Hartford 19 IA 181 34680 93624 Indianola 19 IA 181 38280 92036 Lacona 19 IA 181 42285 94716 Martensdale 19 IA 181 49890 92262 Milo 19 IA 181 52455 90189 New Virginia 19 IA 181 56595 94371 Norwalk 19 IA 181 57675 92652 St. Marys 19 IA 181 70095 92169 Warren County Unincorporated Area 19 IA 181 99990 00000 Kalona 19 IA 183 40170 91236 Washington 19 IA 183 82335 94578 Moorland 19 IA 187 53895 91497 Fort Atkinson 19 IA 191 28425 94587 Lawton 19 IA 193 43905 90123 Northwood 19 IA 195 57630 91797 Eagle Grove 19 IA 197 23250 91101 Elsmore 20 KS 001 20875 20900 Atchison 20 KS 005 02900 02900 Ellinwood 20 KS 009 20425 20425 Fort Scott 20 KS 011 24000 24000 Robinson 20 KS 013 60325 60350 Andover 20 KS 015 01800 08825 Potwin 20 KS 015 57300 56850 Girard 20 KS 037 26300 26300 Dickinson County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 041 99990 00000 Highland 20 KS 043 31850 34400 Lawrence 20 KS 045 38900 38900 Hays 20 KS 051 31100 31100 Dodge City 20 KS 057 18250 18250 Ford County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 057 99990 00000 Franklin County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 059 99990 00000 Ottawa 20 KS 059 53550 53550 Pomona 20 KS 059 57000 57025 Princeton 20 KS 059 57725 52350 Wellsville 20 KS 059 76625 24375 Williamsburg 20 KS 059 79300 79325 Geary County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 061 99990 00000 Grandview Plaza 20 KS 061 27425 35200 Cimarron 20 KS 069 13275 13300 Anthony 20 KS 077 01975 01975 Mayetta 20 KS 085 45250 00000 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 087 99990 00000 Nortonville 20 KS 087 51525 51475 Oskaloosa 20 KS 087 53375 53400 De Soto 20 KS 091 17850 17850 Edgerton 20 KS 091 19825 19825 Fairway 20 KS 091 22700 22700 Gardner 20 KS 091 25425 25425 Johnson County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 091 99990 00000 Lake Quivira 20 KS 091 37975 37975 Leawood 20 KS 091 39075 39075 Lenexa 20 KS 091 39350 39350 Merriam 20 KS 091 46000 46000 Mission 20 KS 091 47225 47225 Mission Hills 20 KS 091 47350 47350 Olathe 20 KS 091 52575 52575 Overland Park 20 KS 091 53775 53775 Prairie Village 20 KS 091 57575 57575 Roeland Park 20 KS 091 60825 60825 Shawnee 20 KS 091 64500 64500 Spring Hill 20 KS 091 67625 67625 Westwood 20 KS 091 77500 77500 Basehor 20 KS 103 04400 22325 Easton 20 KS 103 19600 19625 Lansing 20 KS 103 38650 38650 Leavenworth 20 KS 103 39000 39000 Leavenworth County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 103 99990 00000 Linwood 20 KS 103 41475 65000 Tonganoxie 20 KS 103 70800 70825 Blue Mound 20 KS 107 07600 07625 La Cygne 20 KS 107 37575 40825 Linn County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 107 99990 00000 Linn Valley 20 KS 107 41465 40825 Mound City 20 KS 107 48750 48775 Parker 20 KS 107 54500 40200 Pleasanton 20 KS 107 56450 57175 Inman 20 KS 113 34275 69475 Marquette 20 KS 113 44925 44950 Hillsboro 20 KS 115 32275 32275 Louisburg 20 KS 121 42875 42875 Miami County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 121 99990 00000 Osawatomie 20 KS 121 53225 53225 Paola 20 KS 121 54250 54250 Cherryvale 20 KS 125 12925 12925 Council Grove 20 KS 127 15925 15925 Sabetha 20 KS 131 62025 62025 Chanute 20 KS 133 12500 12500 Erie 20 KS 133 21500 21525 Ransom 20 KS 135 58500 50125 Burlingame 20 KS 139 09350 09375 Scranton 20 KS 139 63675 63700 Pottawatomie County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 149 99990 00000 St. George 20 KS 149 62200 62225 Westmoreland 20 KS 149 77200 57250 Courtland 20 KS 157 16025 16050 Alden 20 KS 159 00950 73100 Rice County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 159 99990 00000 Manhattan 20 KS 161 44250 44250 McCracken 20 KS 165 43700 29812 Russell 20 KS 167 61825 61825 Salina 20 KS 169 62700 62700 Derby 20 KS 173 17800 60675 Sedgwick County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 173 99990 00000 Wichita 20 KS 173 79000 79000 Shawnee County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 177 99990 00000 Topeka 20 KS 177 71000 71000 St. John 20 KS 185 62275 52475 WaKeeney 20 KS 195 74450 74475 Alta Vista 20 KS 197 01575 25850 Eskridge 20 KS 197 21650 79525 Harveyville 20 KS 197 30575 56800 McFarland 20 KS 197 43775 50275 Wabaunsee County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 197 99990 00000 Wilson County Unincorporated Area 20 KS 205 99990 00000 Bonner Springs 20 KS 209 07975 00000 Edwardsville 20 KS 209 20000 00000 Kansas City KS 20 KS 209 36000 00000 Anderson County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 005 99990 00000 Lawrenceburg 21 KY 005 44146 00000 Barren County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 009 99990 00000 Boone County 21 KY 015 00000 00000 Bourbon County 21 KY 017 99990 00000 Danville-Boyle County 21 KY 021 00000 00000 Cloverport 21 KY 027 15904 00000 Bullitt County 21 KY 029 00000 00000 Murray 21 KY 035 54642 00000 Campbell County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 037 99990 00000 Fort Thomas 21 KY 037 28594 00000 Highland Heights 21 KY 037 36604 00000 Newport 21 KY 037 55884 00000 Wilder 21 KY 037 83172 00000 Liberty 21 KY 045 46072 00000 Christian County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 047 99990 00000 Hopkinsville 21 KY 047 37918 00000 Oak Grove 21 KY 047 57090 00000 Pembroke 21 KY 047 59934 00000 Clark County 21 KY 049 00000 00000 Clinton County 21 KY 053 00000 00000 Owensboro 21 KY 059 58620 00000 Ravenna 21 KY 065 64092 00000 Lexington-Fayette 21 KY 067 46027 00000 Flemingsburg 21 KY 069 27856 00000 Gallatin County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 077 99990 00000 Grant County 21 KY 081 00000 00000 Hancock County Part Unincorporated Area 21 KY 091 99990 00000 Elizabethtown 21 KY 093 24274 00000 Hardin County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 093 99990 00000 Radcliff 21 KY 093 63912 00000 Vine Grove 21 KY 093 79734 00000 Hart County 21 KY 099 00000 00000 Henderson 21 KY 101 35866 00000 Henderson County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 101 99990 00000 Henry County 21 KY 103 00000 00000 Hopkins County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 107 99990 00000 Jeffersontown 21 KY 111 40222 00000 Louisville-Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 111 99990 00000 Jessamine County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 113 99990 00000 Nicholasville 21 KY 113 56136 00000 Paintsville 21 KY 115 58962 00000 Bromley 21 KY 117 09856 00000 Covington 21 KY 117 17848 00000 Crescent Springs 21 KY 117 18352 00000 Crestview Hills 21 KY 117 18442 00000 Edgewood 21 KY 117 23932 00000 Elsmere 21 KY 117 24778 00000 Erlanger 21 KY 117 25300 00000 Fairview 21 KY 117 26236 00000 Fort Mitchell 21 KY 117 28558 00000 Fort Wright 21 KY 117 28612 00000 Independence 21 KY 117 39142 00000 Kenton County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 117 99990 00000 Kenton Vale 21 KY 117 42094 00000 Lakeside Park 21 KY 117 43606 00000 Ludlow 21 KY 117 48378 00000 Park Hills 21 KY 117 59255 00000 Ryland Heights 21 KY 117 67602 00000 Taylor Mill 21 KY 117 75738 00000 Villa Hills 21 KY 117 79698 00000 Barbourville 21 KY 121 03574 00000 Larue County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 123 99990 00000 Lincoln County 21 KY 137 00000 00000 McCracken County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 145 99990 00000 Paducah 21 KY 145 58836 00000 McCreary County 21 KY 147 00000 00000 Berea 21 KY 151 05842 00000 Richmond 21 KY 151 65226 00000 Marshall County 21 KY 157 99990 00000 Maysville 21 KY 161 51024 00000 Brandenburg 21 KY 163 09226 00000 Ekron 21 KY 163 24094 00000 Meade County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 163 99990 00000 Muldraugh 21 KY 163 54480 00000 Mercer County 21 KY 167 00000 00000 West Liberty 21 KY 175 81858 00000 Nelson County 21 KY 179 00000 00000 Oldham County 21 KY 185 00000 00000 Butler 21 KY 191 11530 00000 Falmouth 21 KY 191 26434 00000 Pikeville 21 KY 195 60852 00000 Burnside 21 KY 199 11278 00000 Pulaski County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 199 99990 00000 Morehead 21 KY 205 53418 00000 Scott County 21 KY 209 00000 00000 Shelby County 21 KY 211 00000 00000 Simpson County 21 KY 213 00000 00000 Spencer County 21 KY 215 00000 00000 Campbellsville 21 KY 217 12160 00000 Cadiz 21 KY 221 11692 00000 Bowling Green 21 KY 227 08902 00000 Warren County Unincorporated Area 21 KY 227 99990 00000 Woodford County 21 KY 239 00000 00000 Rayne 22 LA 001 63645 00000 Ascension Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 005 99990 00000 Gonzales 22 LA 005 29850 00000 Merryville town 22 LA 011 50010 00000 Arcadia town 22 LA 013 02655 00000 Bossier City 22 LA 015 08920 00000 Bossier Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 015 99990 00000 Haughton town 22 LA 015 33420 00000 Plain Dealing town 22 LA 015 60670 00000 Greenwood town 22 LA 017 31705 00000 Shreveport 22 LA 017 70000 00000 Calcasieu Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 019 99990 00000 Lake Charles 22 LA 019 41155 00000 Westlake town 22 LA 019 80815 00000 De Soto Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 031 99990 00000 Mansfield 22 LA 031 48365 00000 Stonewall town 22 LA 031 73395 00000 Baker 22 LA 033 03985 00000 Baton Rouge 22 LA 033 05000 00000 Central 22 LA 033 13960 94045 East Baton Rouge Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 033 99990 00000 Zachary 22 LA 033 83405 00000 East Feliciana Parish 22 LA 037 99990 00000 Iberia Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 045 99990 00000 Iberville Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 047 99990 00000 Maringouin town 22 LA 047 48610 00000 Plaquemine 22 LA 047 60880 00000 Rosedale village 22 LA 047 66060 00000 St. Gabriel 22 LA 047 67250 00000 White Castle town 22 LA 047 81375 00000 Grand Isle town 22 LA 051 30830 00000 Gretna 22 LA 051 31915 00000 Harahan 22 LA 051 32930 00000 Jean Lafitte town 22 LA 051 38092 00000 Jefferson Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 051 99990 00000 Kenner 22 LA 051 39475 00000 Westwego 22 LA 051 81165 00000 Jennings 22 LA 053 38355 00000 Broussard 22 LA 055 10075 00000 Carencro 22 LA 055 12665 00000 Duson town 22 LA 055 22255 00000 Lafayette Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 055 99990 00000 Scott 22 LA 055 68475 00000 Youngsville town 22 LA 055 83335 00000 Golden Meadow town 22 LA 057 29640 00000 Lafourche Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 057 99990 00000 Albany town 22 LA 063 00835 00000 Denham Springs 22 LA 063 20435 00000 Livingston Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 063 99990 00000 Livingston town 22 LA 063 44655 00000 Walker 22 LA 063 79240 00000 Delta village 22 LA 065 20330 00000 New Orleans 22 LA 071 55000 00000 Monroe 22 LA 073 51410 00000 Ouachita Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 073 99990 00000 Plaquemines Parish 22 LA 075 99990 00000 Pointe Coupee Parish 22 LA 077 99990 00000 Alexandria 22 LA 079 00975 00000 Rapides Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 079 99990 00000 St. Bernard Parish 22 LA 087 99990 00000 St. Charles Parish 22 LA 089 99990 00000 St. Helena Parish 22 LA 091 99990 00000 Lutcher town 22 LA 093 46720 00000 St. John the Baptist Parish 22 LA 095 99990 00000 St. Landry Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 097 99990 00000 Breaux Bridge 22 LA 099 09340 00000 Parks village 22 LA 099 59165 00000 St. Martin Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 099 99990 00000 St. Martinville 22 LA 099 67600 00000 Franklin 22 LA 101 27155 00000 Abita Springs town 22 LA 103 00240 00000 Covington 22 LA 103 18125 00000 Folsom village 22 LA 103 26140 00000 Madisonville village 22 LA 103 47560 00000 Mandeville 22 LA 103 48225 00000 Pearl River town 22 LA 103 59445 00000 Slidell 22 LA 103 70805 00000 St. Tammany Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 103 99990 00000 Ponchatoula 22 LA 105 61615 00000 Tangipahoa Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 105 99990 00000 Terrebonne Parish 22 LA 109 99990 00000 Maurice village 22 LA 113 49240 00000 Vermilion Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 113 99990 00000 Leesville 22 LA 115 43010 00000 Addis town 22 LA 121 00415 00000 Brusly town 22 LA 121 10600 00000 Port Allen 22 LA 121 61790 00000 West Baton Rouge Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 121 99990 00000 St. Francisville town 22 LA 125 67215 00000 West Feliciana Parish Unincorporated Area 22 LA 125 99990 00000 Maine Unorganized Territory 23 ME 000 Auburn 23 ME 001 02060 02060 Lewiston 23 ME 001 38740 38740 Poland town 23 ME 001 00000 60020 Sabattus town 23 ME 001 00000 64570 Amity town 23 ME 003 00000 01220 Caribou 23 ME 003 10565 10565 Castle Hill town 23 ME 003 00000 11300 Chapman town 23 ME 003 00000 12000 Limestone town 23 ME 003 00000 39300 New Sweden town 23 ME 003 00000 49415 Westfield town 23 ME 003 00000 82770 Baldwin town 23 ME 005 00000 02655 Bridgton town 23 ME 005 00000 07170 Brunswick town 23 ME 005 00000 08430 Casco town 23 ME 005 00000 11125 Cumberland town 23 ME 005 00000 15430 Falmouth town 23 ME 005 00000 24495 Freeport town 23 ME 005 00000 26525 Gorham town 23 ME 005 00000 28240 Gray town 23 ME 005 00000 28870 Harpswell town 23 ME 005 00000 31390 Portland 23 ME 005 60545 60545 Scarborough town 23 ME 005 00000 66145 South Portland 23 ME 005 71990 71990 Westbrook 23 ME 005 82105 82105 Windham town 23 ME 005 00000 86025 Yarmouth town 23 ME 005 00000 87845 Weld town 23 ME 007 00000 81300 Bar Harbor town 23 ME 009 00000 02865 Castine town 23 ME 009 00000 11265 Dedham town 23 ME 009 00000 16935 Ellsworth 23 ME 009 23200 23200 Hancock town 23 ME 009 00000 30970 Surry town 23 ME 009 00000 75280 Augusta 23 ME 011 02100 02100 Fayette town 23 ME 011 00000 24950 Oakland town 23 ME 011 00000 54560 Sidney town 23 ME 011 00000 68385 Waterville 23 ME 011 80740 80740 Appleton town 23 ME 013 00000 01465 Camden town 23 ME 013 00000 09725 Hope town 23 ME 013 00000 33840 Thomaston town 23 ME 013 00000 76365 Union town 23 ME 013 00000 78115 Warren town 23 ME 013 00000 80215 Bristol town 23 ME 015 00000 07485 Jefferson town 23 ME 015 00000 35695 Nobleboro town 23 ME 015 00000 49660 Newry town 23 ME 017 00000 49275 Bangor 23 ME 019 02795 02795 Glenburn town 23 ME 019 00000 27645 Hampden town 23 ME 019 00000 30795 Hermon town 23 ME 019 00000 32510 Levant town 23 ME 019 00000 38705 Orono town 23 ME 019 00000 55565 Stacyville town 23 ME 019 00000 73600 Veazie town 23 ME 019 00000 78780 Milo town 23 ME 021 00000 46020 Bowdoin town 23 ME 023 00000 06260 Georgetown town 23 ME 023 00000 27295 Topsham town 23 ME 023 00000 76960 Woolwich town 23 ME 023 00000 87460 Starks town 23 ME 025 00000 73845 Belmont town 23 ME 027 00000 04125 Swanville town 23 ME 027 00000 75525 Addison town 23 ME 029 00000 00380 Alexander town 23 ME 029 00000 00660 Crawford town 23 ME 029 00000 14940 Steuben town 23 ME 029 00000 74125 Acton town 23 ME 031 00000 00275 Arundel town 23 ME 031 00000 01605 Berwick town 23 ME 031 00000 04720 Biddeford 23 ME 031 04860 04860 Dayton town 23 ME 031 00000 16725 Kennebunk town 23 ME 031 00000 36535 Kennebunkport town 23 ME 031 00000 36745 Kittery town 23 ME 031 00000 37270 Newfield town 23 ME 031 00000 48750 Old Orchard Beach town 23 ME 031 00000 55085 Saco 23 ME 031 64675 64675 Sanford 23 ME 031 65725 00000 South Berwick town 23 ME 031 00000 70030 Wells town 23 ME 031 00000 81475 York town 23 ME 031 00000 87985 Annapolis 24 MD 003 01600 00000 Anne Arundel County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 003 99990 00000 Baltimore County 24 MD 005 00000 00000 Calvert County 24 MD 009 00000 00000 Carroll County 24 MD 013 00000 00000 Cecil County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 015 99990 00000 Elkton town 24 MD 015 25800 00000 Rising Sun town 24 MD 015 66275 00000 Charles County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 017 99990 00000 Indian Head town 24 MD 017 41500 00000 La Plata town 24 MD 017 45750 00000 Frederick 24 MD 021 30325 00000 Frederick County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 021 99990 00000 Garrett County 24 MD 023 00000 00000 Aberdeen 24 MD 025 00125 00000 Bel Air town 24 MD 025 05550 00000 Harford County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 025 99990 00000 Havre de Grace 24 MD 025 37600 00000 Howard County 24 MD 027 00000 00000 Betterton town 24 MD 029 07200 00000 Gaithersburg 24 MD 031 31175 00000 Montgomery County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 031 99990 00000 Rockville 24 MD 031 67675 00000 Laurel 24 MD 033 45900 00000 Prince Georges County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 033 99990 00000 Barclay town 24 MD 035 04250 00000 Centreville town 24 MD 035 14950 00000 Church Hill town 24 MD 035 17100 00000 Queen Anne town 24 MD 035 64500 00000 Queen Annes County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 035 99990 00000 Queenstown town 24 MD 035 64600 00000 Sudlersville town 24 MD 035 75650 00000 Templeville town 24 MD 035 77200 00000 Leonardtown town 24 MD 037 46475 00000 St. Marys County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 037 99990 00000 Crisfield 24 MD 039 20775 00000 Princess Anne town 24 MD 039 64000 00000 Somerset County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 039 99990 00000 Easton town 24 MD 041 24475 00000 Boonsboro town 24 MD 043 08625 00000 Sharpsburg town 24 MD 043 71600 00000 Washington County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 043 99990 00000 Delmar town 24 MD 045 22600 00000 Fruitland 24 MD 045 30950 00000 Salisbury 24 MD 045 69925 00000 Sharptown town 24 MD 045 71650 00000 Wicomico County Unincorporated Area 24 MD 045 99990 00000 Willards town 24 MD 045 84950 00000 Ocean City town 24 MD 047 58225 00000 Baltimore 24 MD 510 04000 00000 Bourne town 25 MA 001 00000 07175 Harwich town 25 MA 001 00000 29020 Wellfleet town 25 MA 001 00000 74385 Alford town 25 MA 003 00000 00975 Lee town 25 MA 003 00000 34655 Acushnet town 25 MA 005 00000 00520 Attleboro 25 MA 005 02690 02690 Berkley town 25 MA 005 00000 05280 Dartmouth town 25 MA 005 00000 16425 Dighton town 25 MA 005 00000 16950 Easton town 25 MA 005 00000 20100 Fairhaven town 25 MA 005 00000 22130 Fall River 25 MA 005 23000 23000 Freetown town 25 MA 005 00000 25240 Mansfield town 25 MA 005 00000 38225 New Bedford 25 MA 005 45000 45000 North Attleborough Town 25 MA 005 46598 46598 Norton town 25 MA 005 00000 49970 Raynham town 25 MA 005 00000 56060 Rehoboth town 25 MA 005 00000 56375 Seekonk town 25 MA 005 00000 60645 Somerset town 25 MA 005 00000 62430 Swansea town 25 MA 005 00000 68750 Taunton 25 MA 005 69170 69170 Westport town 25 MA 005 00000 77570 Gosnold town 25 MA 007 00000 26325 Amesbury Town 25 MA 009 01260 01260 Andover town 25 MA 009 00000 01465 Beverly 25 MA 009 05595 05595 Boxford town 25 MA 009 00000 07420 Danvers town 25 MA 009 00000 16250 Essex town 25 MA 009 00000 21850 Georgetown town 25 MA 009 00000 25625 Gloucester 25 MA 009 26150 26150 Groveland town 25 MA 009 00000 27620 Hamilton town 25 MA 009 00000 27900 Haverhill 25 MA 009 29405 29405 Ipswich town 25 MA 009 00000 32310 Lawrence 25 MA 009 34550 34550 Lynn 25 MA 009 37490 37490 Lynnfield town 25 MA 009 00000 37560 Manchester-by-the-Sea town 25 MA 009 00000 37995 Marblehead town 25 MA 009 00000 38400 Merrimac town 25 MA 009 00000 40430 Methuen Town 25 MA 009 40710 40710 Middleton town 25 MA 009 00000 41095 Nahant town 25 MA 009 00000 43580 Newbury town 25 MA 009 00000 45175 Newburyport 25 MA 009 45245 45245 North Andover town 25 MA 009 00000 46365 Peabody 25 MA 009 52490 52490 Rockport town 25 MA 009 00000 57880 Rowley town 25 MA 009 00000 58405 Salem 25 MA 009 59105 59105 Salisbury town 25 MA 009 00000 59245 Saugus town 25 MA 009 00000 60015 Swampscott town 25 MA 009 00000 68645 Topsfield town 25 MA 009 00000 70150 Wenham town 25 MA 009 00000 74595 West Newbury town 25 MA 009 00000 77150 Conway town 25 MA 011 00000 15200 Holyoke 25 MA 013 30840 30840 Longmeadow town 25 MA 013 00000 36300 Tolland town 25 MA 013 00000 70045 West Springfield Town 25 MA 013 77890 77850 Middlefield town 25 MA 015 00000 40990 Westhampton town 25 MA 015 00000 76380 Worthington town 25 MA 015 00000 82175 Acton town 25 MA 017 00000 00380 Arlington town 25 MA 017 00000 01605 Ashby town 25 MA 017 00000 01955 Ashland town 25 MA 017 00000 02130 Ayer town 25 MA 017 00000 03005 Bedford town 25 MA 017 00000 04615 Belmont town 25 MA 017 00000 05070 Billerica town 25 MA 017 00000 05805 Boxborough town 25 MA 017 00000 07350 Burlington town 25 MA 017 00000 09840 Cambridge 25 MA 017 11000 11000 Carlisle town 25 MA 017 00000 11525 Chelmsford town 25 MA 017 00000 13135 Concord town 25 MA 017 00000 15060 Dracut town 25 MA 017 00000 17475 Dunstable town 25 MA 017 00000 17825 Everett 25 MA 017 21990 21990 Framingham 25 MA 017 24960 24960 Groton town 25 MA 017 00000 27480 Holliston town 25 MA 017 00000 30700 Hopkinton town 25 MA 017 00000 31085 Hudson town 25 MA 017 00000 31540 Lexington town 25 MA 017 00000 35215 Lincoln town 25 MA 017 00000 35425 Littleton town 25 MA 017 00000 35950 Lowell 25 MA 017 37000 37000 Malden 25 MA 017 37875 37875 Marlborough 25 MA 017 38715 38715 Maynard town 25 MA 017 00000 39625 Medford 25 MA 017 39835 39835 Melrose 25 MA 017 40115 40115 Natick town 25 MA 017 00000 43895 Newton 25 MA 017 45560 45560 North Reading town 25 MA 017 00000 48955 Pepperell town 25 MA 017 00000 52805 Reading town 25 MA 017 00000 56130 Sherborn town 25 MA 017 00000 61380 Shirley town 25 MA 017 00000 61590 Somerville 25 MA 017 62535 62535 Stoneham town 25 MA 017 00000 67665 Stow town 25 MA 017 00000 68050 Sudbury town 25 MA 017 00000 68260 Tewksbury town 25 MA 017 00000 69415 Townsend town 25 MA 017 00000 70360 Tyngsborough town 25 MA 017 00000 71025 Wakefield town 25 MA 017 00000 72215 Waltham 25 MA 017 72600 72600 Watertown Town 25 MA 017 73440 73440 Wayland town 25 MA 017 00000 73790 Westford town 25 MA 017 00000 76135 Weston town 25 MA 017 00000 77255 Wilmington town 25 MA 017 00000 80230 Winchester town 25 MA 017 00000 80510 Woburn 25 MA 017 81035 81035 Avon town 25 MA 021 00000 02935 Bellingham town 25 MA 021 00000 04930 Braintree Town 25 MA 021 07740 07740 Brookline town 25 MA 021 00000 09175 Canton town 25 MA 021 00000 11315 Cohasset town 25 MA 021 00000 14640 Dedham town 25 MA 021 00000 16495 Dover town 25 MA 021 00000 17405 Foxborough town 25 MA 021 00000 24820 Franklin Town 25 MA 021 25172 25100 Holbrook town 25 MA 021 00000 30455 Medfield town 25 MA 021 00000 39765 Medway town 25 MA 021 00000 39975 Millis town 25 MA 021 00000 41515 Milton town 25 MA 021 00000 41690 Needham town 25 MA 021 00000 44105 Norfolk town 25 MA 021 00000 46050 Norwood town 25 MA 021 00000 50250 Plainville town 25 MA 021 00000 54100 Quincy 25 MA 021 55745 55745 Randolph Town 25 MA 021 56000 56000 Sharon town 25 MA 021 00000 60785 Stoughton town 25 MA 021 00000 67945 Walpole town 25 MA 021 00000 72495 Wellesley town 25 MA 021 00000 74175 Westwood town 25 MA 021 00000 78690 Weymouth Town 25 MA 021 78972 78972 Wrentham town 25 MA 021 00000 82315 Abington town 25 MA 023 00000 00170 Bridgewater Town 25 MA 023 08130 08130 Brockton 25 MA 023 09000 09000 Carver town 25 MA 023 00000 11665 Duxbury town 25 MA 023 00000 17895 East Bridgewater town 25 MA 023 00000 18455 Halifax town 25 MA 023 00000 27795 Hanover town 25 MA 023 00000 28285 Hanson town 25 MA 023 00000 28495 Hingham town 25 MA 023 00000 30210 Hull town 25 MA 023 00000 31645 Kingston town 25 MA 023 00000 33220 Lakeville town 25 MA 023 00000 33920 Marion town 25 MA 023 00000 38540 Marshfield town 25 MA 023 00000 38855 Mattapoisett town 25 MA 023 00000 39450 Middleborough town 25 MA 023 00000 40850 Norwell town 25 MA 023 00000 50145 Pembroke town 25 MA 023 00000 52630 Plymouth town 25 MA 023 00000 54310 Plympton town 25 MA 023 00000 54415 Rochester town 25 MA 023 00000 57600 Rockland town 25 MA 023 00000 57775 Scituate town 25 MA 023 00000 60330 Wareham town 25 MA 023 00000 72985 West Bridgewater town 25 MA 023 00000 75260 Whitman town 25 MA 023 00000 79530 Boston 25 MA 025 07000 07000 Chelsea 25 MA 025 13205 13205 Revere 25 MA 025 56585 56585 Winthrop Town 25 MA 025 81005 81005 Ashburnham town 25 MA 027 00000 01885 Dudley town 25 MA 027 00000 17685 Holden town 25 MA 027 00000 30560 Lancaster town 25 MA 027 00000 34165 Lunenburg town 25 MA 027 00000 37420 Petersham town 25 MA 027 00000 53120 Rutland town 25 MA 027 00000 58825 Sturbridge town 25 MA 027 00000 68155 Balance of State 26 MI 000 00000 00000 Hopkins village 26 MI 005 39180 39200 Martin township 26 MI 005 00000 52000 Wayland 26 MI 005 84880 84880 Green township 26 MI 007 00000 34740 Ossineke township 26 MI 007 00000 61520 Arvon township 26 MI 013 00000 03660 LAnse village 26 MI 013 45540 45560 Barry County Part Unincorporated Area 26 MI 015 99990 00000 Prairieville township 26 MI 015 00000 66260 Essexville 26 MI 017 26420 26420 Merritt township 26 MI 017 00000 53220 Pinconning 26 MI 017 64160 64160 Portsmouth charter township 26 MI 017 00000 65980 Williams charter township 26 MI 017 00000 87380 Benzie County 26 MI 019 00000 00000 Berrien township 26 MI 021 00000 07820 Buchanan 26 MI 021 11400 11400 Coloma 26 MI 021 17320 17320 Coloma charter township 26 MI 021 00000 17340 Hagar township 26 MI 021 00000 35860 Athens village 26 MI 025 03880 03900 Marshall 26 MI 025 51940 51940 Newton township 26 MI 025 00000 57620 Sheridan township 26 MI 025 00000 72980 Edwardsburg village 26 MI 027 25040 60900 LaGrange township 26 MI 027 00000 44140 Charlevoix County 26 MI 029 00000 00000 Bath charter township 26 MI 037 00000 05900 Delta charter township 26 MI 045 00000 21520 Grand Ledge 26 MI 045 33420 33420 Clio 26 MI 049 16620 16620 Davison 26 MI 049 19880 19880 Davison township 26 MI 049 00000 19900 Fenton charter township 26 MI 049 00000 27780 Flint 26 MI 049 29000 29000 Grand Blanc charter township 26 MI 049 00000 33300 Bessemer township 26 MI 053 00000 07980 Grand Traverse County Part Unincorporated Area 26 MI 055 99990 00000 St. Louis 26 MI 057 71000 71000 Huron County Part Unincorporated Area 26 MI 063 99990 00000 Aurelius township 26 MI 065 00000 04240 Meridian charter township 26 MI 065 00000 53140 Webberville village 26 MI 065 85080 47080 Hanover township 26 MI 075 00000 36400 Tompkins township 26 MI 075 00000 79980 Charleston township 26 MI 077 00000 14720 Richland township 26 MI 077 00000 68260 Texas charter township 26 MI 077 00000 79300 Kalkaska County 26 MI 079 00000 00000 Bowne township 26 MI 081 00000 09780 Byron township 26 MI 081 00000 12240 Caledonia township 26 MI 081 00000 12500 Cascade charter township 26 MI 081 00000 13660 Grand Rapids 26 MI 081 34000 34000 Grattan township 26 MI 081 00000 34560 Kentwood 26 MI 081 42820 42820 Lowell 26 MI 081 49540 49540 Nelson township 26 MI 081 00000 56920 Plainfield charter township 26 MI 081 00000 64660 Sparta township 26 MI 081 00000 75440 Tyrone township 26 MI 081 00000 81140 Walker 26 MI 081 82960 82960 Wyoming 26 MI 081 88940 88940 Almont township 26 MI 087 00000 01680 Imlay township 26 MI 087 00000 40300 Lapeer 26 MI 087 46040 46040 Lapeer County Part Unincorporated Area 26 MI 087 99990 00000 Marathon township 26 MI 087 00000 51420 Metamora township 26 MI 087 00000 53360 North Branch township 26 MI 087 00000 58090 Leelanau County 26 MI 089 00000 00000 Britton village 26 MI 091 10760 68540 Clinton township 26 MI 091 00000 16500 Medina township 26 MI 091 00000 52820 Brighton 26 MI 093 10620 10620 Green Oak township 26 MI 093 00000 35060 Howell 26 MI 093 39540 39540 Livingston County Part Unincorporated Area 26 MI 093 99990 00000 Luce County 26 MI 095 00000 00000 Marquette township 26 MI 097 00000 51880 Armada township 26 MI 099 00000 03540 Armada village 26 MI 099 03520 03540 Bruce township 26 MI 099 00000 11300 Center Line 26 MI 099 14320 14320 Chesterfield township 26 MI 099 00000 15340 Clinton charter township 26 MI 099 00000 16520 Eastpointe 26 MI 099 24290 24290 Fraser 26 MI 099 30420 30420 Harrison charter township 26 MI 099 00000 36820 Lenox township 26 MI 099 00000 46900 Macomb township 26 MI 099 00000 50480 Memphis 26 MI 099 52960 52960 Mount Clemens 26 MI 099 55820 55820 New Baltimore 26 MI 099 57100 57100 New Haven village 26 MI 099 57380 46900 Ray township 26 MI 099 00000 67420 Richmond 26 MI 099 68380 68380 Richmond township 26 MI 099 00000 68400 Romeo village 26 MI 099 69400 84120 Roseville 26 MI 099 69800 69800 Shelby charter township 26 MI 099 00000 72820 St. Clair Shores 26 MI 099 70760 70760 Sterling Heights 26 MI 099 76460 76460 Utica 26 MI 099 81540 81540 Warren 26 MI 099 84000 84000 Washington charter township 26 MI 099 00000 84120 Manistee township 26 MI 101 00000 50740 Marquette County 26 MI 103 00000 00000 Pere Marquette charter township 26 MI 105 00000 63600 Midland 26 MI 111 53780 53780 Sanford village 26 MI 111 71560 41760 Monroe charter township 26 MI 115 00000 55040 Muskegon 26 MI 121 56320 56320 Addison township 26 MI 125 00000 00400 Auburn Hills 26 MI 125 04105 04105 Berkley 26 MI 125 07660 07660 Beverly Hills village 26 MI 125 08160 74920 Birmingham 26 MI 125 08640 08640 Bloomfield charter township 26 MI 125 00000 09110 Bloomfield Hills 26 MI 125 09180 09180 Brandon charter township 26 MI 125 00000 10040 Clawson 26 MI 125 16160 16160 Commerce charter township 26 MI 125 00000 17640 Farmington 26 MI 125 27380 27380 Farmington Hills 26 MI 125 27440 27440 Ferndale 26 MI 125 27880 27880 Franklin village 26 MI 125 30340 74920 Groveland township 26 MI 125 00000 35640 Hazel Park 26 MI 125 37420 37420 Highland charter township 26 MI 125 00000 38080 Holly township 26 MI 125 00000 38720 Holly village 26 MI 125 38700 38720 Huntington Woods 26 MI 125 40000 40000 Independence charter township 26 MI 125 00000 40400 Keego Harbor 26 MI 125 42460 42460 Lake Angelus 26 MI 125 44440 44440 Lake Orion village 26 MI 125 44940 61100 Lathrup Village 26 MI 125 46320 46320 Leonard village 26 MI 125 46940 00400 Lyon charter township 26 MI 125 00000 49820 Madison Heights 26 MI 125 50560 50560 Milford charter township 26 MI 125 00000 53980 Milford village 26 MI 125 53960 53980 Northville 26 MI 125 58980 58980 Novi 26 MI 125 59440 59440 Novi township 26 MI 125 00000 59460 Oak Park 26 MI 125 59920 59920 Oakland charter township 26 MI 125 00000 59820 Orchard Lake Village 26 MI 125 61020 61020 Orion charter township 26 MI 125 00000 61100 Ortonville village 26 MI 125 61220 10040 Oxford charter township 26 MI 125 00000 62040 Oxford village 26 MI 125 62020 62040 Pleasant Ridge 26 MI 125 64900 64900 Pontiac 26 MI 125 65440 65440 Rochester 26 MI 125 69020 69020 Rochester Hills 26 MI 125 69035 69035 Rose township 26 MI 125 00000 69580 Royal Oak 26 MI 125 70040 70040 Royal Oak charter township 26 MI 125 00000 70060 South Lyon 26 MI 125 75100 75100 Southfield 26 MI 125 74900 74900 Springfield charter township 26 MI 125 00000 75760 Sylvan Lake 26 MI 125 77860 77860 Troy 26 MI 125 80700 80700 Walled Lake 26 MI 125 83060 83060 Waterford charter township 26 MI 125 00000 84240 West Bloomfield charter township 26 MI 125 00000 85480 White Lake charter township 26 MI 125 00000 86860 Wixom 26 MI 125 88140 88140 Wolverine Lake village 26 MI 125 88260 17640 Otsego County 26 MI 137 00000 00000 Allendale charter township 26 MI 139 00000 01360 Crockery township 26 MI 139 00000 18800 Georgetown charter township 26 MI 139 00000 31880 Grand Haven 26 MI 139 33340 33340 Grand Haven charter township 26 MI 139 00000 33360 Holland charter township 26 MI 139 00000 38660 Zeeland charter township 26 MI 139 00000 89280 Lakefield township 26 MI 145 00000 44560 Saginaw charter township 26 MI 145 00000 70540 Swan Creek township 26 MI 145 00000 77660 Zilwaukee 26 MI 145 89320 89320 Algonac 26 MI 147 01180 01180 Berlin township 26 MI 147 00000 07760 Brockway township 26 MI 147 00000 10820 Burtchville township 26 MI 147 00000 12020 Capac village 26 MI 147 13140 56380 Casco township 26 MI 147 00000 13720 China township 26 MI 147 00000 15540 Clay township 26 MI 147 00000 16180 Clyde township 26 MI 147 00000 16760 Columbus township 26 MI 147 00000 17520 Cottrellville township 26 MI 147 00000 18400 East China township 26 MI 147 00000 23820 Emmett township 26 MI 147 00000 25960 Fort Gratiot charter township 26 MI 147 00000 29760 Grant township 26 MI 147 00000 34420 Greenwood township 26 MI 147 00000 35220 Ira township 26 MI 147 00000 40920 Kenockee township 26 MI 147 00000 42740 Kimball township 26 MI 147 00000 43160 Lynn township 26 MI 147 00000 49800 Marine City 26 MI 147 51600 51600 Marysville 26 MI 147 52080 52080 Mussey township 26 MI 147 00000 56380 Port Huron 26 MI 147 65820 65820 Port Huron charter township 26 MI 147 00000 65840 Riley township 26 MI 147 00000 68620 St. Clair 26 MI 147 70680 70680 St. Clair township 26 MI 147 00000 70700 Wales township 26 MI 147 00000 82900 Yale 26 MI 147 89000 89000 Centreville village 26 MI 149 14460 59400 Park township 26 MI 149 00000 62480 Lennon village 26 MI 155 46880 81880 Owosso 26 MI 155 61940 61940 Tuscola County Part Unincorporated Area 26 MI 157 99990 00000 Tuscola township 26 MI 157 00000 80940 Bangor township 26 MI 159 00000 05160 Ann Arbor 26 MI 161 03000 03000 Barton Hills village 26 MI 161 05660 03020 Chelsea 26 MI 161 15020 15020 Milan 26 MI 161 53920 53920 Pittsfield charter township 26 MI 161 00000 64560 Washtenaw County Part Unincorporated Area 26 MI 161 99990 00000 Allen Park 26 MI 163 01380 01380 Belleville 26 MI 163 07020 07020 Brownstown charter township 26 MI 163 00000 11220 Canton charter township 26 MI 163 00000 13120 Dearborn 26 MI 163 21000 21000 Dearborn Heights 26 MI 163 21020 21020 Detroit 26 MI 163 22000 22000 Ecorse 26 MI 163 24740 24740 Flat Rock 26 MI 163 28360 28360 Garden City 26 MI 163 31420 31420 Gibraltar 26 MI 163 32020 32020 Grosse Ile township 26 MI 163 00000 35420 Grosse Pointe 26 MI 163 35480 35480 Grosse Pointe Farms 26 MI 163 35520 35520 Grosse Pointe Park 26 MI 163 35540 35540 Grosse Pointe Woods 26 MI 163 35580 35580 Hamtramck 26 MI 163 36280 36280 Harper Woods 26 MI 163 36700 36700 Highland Park 26 MI 163 38180 38180 Huron charter township 26 MI 163 00000 40040 Inkster 26 MI 163 40680 40680 Lincoln Park 26 MI 163 47800 47800 Livonia 26 MI 163 49000 49000 Melvindale 26 MI 163 52940 52940 Northville township 26 MI 163 00000 59000 Plymouth 26 MI 163 65060 65060 Plymouth charter township 26 MI 163 00000 65080 Redford charter township 26 MI 163 00000 67625 River Rouge 26 MI 163 68760 68760 Riverview 26 MI 163 68880 68880 Rockwood 26 MI 163 69180 69180 Romulus 26 MI 163 69420 69420 Southgate 26 MI 163 74960 74960 Sumpter township 26 MI 163 00000 77360 Taylor 26 MI 163 79000 79000 Trenton 26 MI 163 80420 80420 Van Buren charter township 26 MI 163 00000 81660 Village of Grosse Pointe Shores 26 MI 163 82453 82453 Wayne 26 MI 163 84940 84940 Westland 26 MI 163 86000 86000 Woodhaven 26 MI 163 88380 88380 Wyandotte 26 MI 163 88900 88900 Andover 27 MN 003 01486 01486 Anoka 27 MN 003 01720 01720 Bethel 27 MN 003 05554 05554 Blaine 27 MN 003 06382 06382 Centerville 27 MN 003 10648 10648 Circle Pines 27 MN 003 11494 11494 Columbia Heights 27 MN 003 12700 12700 Columbus 27 MN 003 12718 12718 Coon Rapids 27 MN 003 13114 13114 East Bethel 27 MN 003 17486 17486 Fridley 27 MN 003 22814 22814 Ham Lake 27 MN 003 26738 26738 Hilltop 27 MN 003 29258 29258 Lexington 27 MN 003 36836 36836 Lino Lakes 27 MN 003 37322 37322 Linwood township 27 MN 003 00000 37376 Nowthen 27 MN 003 47536 47536 Oak Grove 27 MN 003 47690 47690 Ramsey 27 MN 003 53026 53026 Spring Lake Park 27 MN 003 61996 61996 St. Francis 27 MN 003 56950 56950 Bemidji township 27 MN 007 00000 05086 Johnson 27 MN 011 32012 43828 Madison Lake 27 MN 013 39320 39320 Mankato 27 MN 013 39878 39878 Moose Lake 27 MN 017 43954 43954 Carver 27 MN 019 10144 10144 Carver County Unincorporated Area 27 MN 019 99990 00000 Chanhassen 27 MN 019 10918 10918 Chaska 27 MN 019 10972 10972 Cologne 27 MN 019 12664 12664 Hamburg 27 MN 019 26666 26666 Mayer 27 MN 019 41138 41138 New Germany 27 MN 019 45556 45556 Norwood Young America 27 MN 019 47520 47520 Victoria 27 MN 019 67036 67036 Waconia 27 MN 019 67432 67432 Watertown 27 MN 019 68548 68548 Cass County Part Unincorporated Area 27 MN 021 99990 00000 Cass Lake 27 MN 021 10252 10252 Pillager 27 MN 021 50902 50902 Watson 27 MN 023 68656 68656 Chisago County Part Unincorporated Area 27 MN 025 99990 00000 Lent township 27 MN 025 00000 36440 North Branch 27 MN 025 46798 46798 Shafer 27 MN 025 59314 59314 Stacy 27 MN 025 62320 62320 Taylors Falls 27 MN 025 64318 64318 Wyoming 27 MN 025 72022 72022 Barnesville 27 MN 027 03574 03574 Clay County Unincorporated Area 27 MN 027 99990 00000 Dilworth 27 MN 027 15976 15976 Felton 27 MN 027 20834 20834 Georgetown 27 MN 027 23498 23498 Glyndon 27 MN 027 24182 24182 Hawley 27 MN 027 27746 27746 Moorhead 27 MN 027 43864 43864 Sabin 27 MN 027 56554 56554 Ulen 27 MN 027 66136 66136 Shevlin 27 MN 029 59782 59782 Manhattan Beach 27 MN 035 39806 39806 Apple Valley 27 MN 037 01900 01900 Burnsville 27 MN 037 08794 08794 Castle Rock township 27 MN 037 00000 10306 Coates 27 MN 037 12376 12376 Douglas township 27 MN 037 00000 16228 Eagan 27 MN 037 17288 17288 Empire township 27 MN 037 00000 19376 Eureka township 27 MN 037 00000 19871 Farmington 27 MN 037 20618 20618 Greenvale township 27 MN 037 00000 25802 Hampton 27 MN 037 26864 26864 Hampton township 27 MN 037 00000 26882 Hastings 27 MN 037 27530 27530 Inver Grove Heights 27 MN 037 31076 31076 Lakeville 27 MN 037 35180 35180 Lilydale 27 MN 037 37016 37016 Marshan township 27 MN 037 00000 40724 Mendota 27 MN 037 41678 41678 Mendota Heights 27 MN 037 41696 41696 Miesville 27 MN 037 42092 42092 New Trier 27 MN 037 46024 46024 Nininger township 27 MN 037 00000 46330 Randolph 27 MN 037 53098 53098 Randolph township 27 MN 037 00000 53116 Ravenna township 27 MN 037 00000 53260 Rosemount 27 MN 037 55726 55726 Sciota township 27 MN 037 00000 59008 South St. Paul 27 MN 037 61492 61492 Sunfish Lake 27 MN 037 63544 63544 Vermillion 27 MN 037 66802 66802 Vermillion township 27 MN 037 00000 66820 Waterford township 27 MN 037 00000 68530 West St. Paul 27 MN 037 69700 69700 Kasson 27 MN 039 32498 32498 Brandon 27 MN 041 07336 07336 Douglas County Part Unincorporated Area 27 MN 041 99990 00000 Evansville 27 MN 041 19898 19898 Walters 27 MN 043 67900 67900 Wells 27 MN 043 69106 69106 Harmony 27 MN 045 27188 27188 Bloomington 27 MN 053 06616 06616 Brooklyn Center 27 MN 053 07948 07948 Brooklyn Park 27 MN 053 07966 07966 Champlin 27 MN 053 10846 10846 Corcoran 27 MN 053 13168 13168 Crystal 27 MN 053 14158 14158 Dayton 27 MN 053 15022 15022 Deephaven 27 MN 053 15148 15148 Eden Prairie 27 MN 053 18116 18116 Edina 27 MN 053 18188 18188 Excelsior 27 MN 053 20078 20078 Golden Valley 27 MN 053 24308 24308 Greenfield 27 MN 053 25622 25622 Greenwood 27 MN 053 25918 25918 Hopkins 27 MN 053 30140 30140 Independence 27 MN 053 30842 30842 Long Lake 27 MN 053 38006 38006 Loretto 27 MN 053 38222 38222 Maple Grove 27 MN 053 40166 40166 Maple Plain 27 MN 053 40256 40256 Medicine Lake 27 MN 053 41462 41462 Medina 27 MN 053 41480 41480 Minneapolis 27 MN 053 43000 43000 Minnetonka 27 MN 053 43252 43252 Minnetonka Beach 27 MN 053 43270 43270 Minnetrista 27 MN 053 43306 43306 Mound 27 MN 053 44476 44476 New Hope 27 MN 053 45628 45628 Orono 27 MN 053 48580 48580 Osseo 27 MN 053 49012 49012 Plymouth 27 MN 053 51730 51730 Richfield 27 MN 053 54214 54214 Robbinsdale 27 MN 053 54808 54808 Rogers 27 MN 053 55186 55186 Shorewood 27 MN 053 60016 60016 Spring Park 27 MN 053 62014 62014 St. Anthony 27 MN 053 56680 56680 St. Bonifacius 27 MN 053 56770 56770 St. Louis Park 27 MN 053 57220 57220 Tonka Bay 27 MN 053 65164 65164 Wayzata 27 MN 053 68818 68818 Woodland 27 MN 053 71500 71500 Eitzen 27 MN 055 18368 18368 Hokah 27 MN 055 29510 29510 Houston 27 MN 055 30230 30230 Spring Grove 27 MN 055 61852 61852 Athens township 27 MN 059 00000 02602 Braham 27 MN 059 07282 07282 Cambridge 27 MN 059 09370 09370 Isanti 27 MN 059 31328 31328 Isanti County Part Unincorporated Area 27 MN 059 99990 00000 Grand Rapids 27 MN 061 25118 25118 Lakefield 27 MN 063 34316 34316 Wilder 27 MN 063 70258 70258 Grasston 27 MN 065 25424 25424 Hay Brook township 27 MN 065 00000 27782 Willmar 27 MN 067 70420 70420 Lake Bronson 27 MN 069 34136 34136 Madison 27 MN 073 39266 39266 Elysian 27 MN 079 19160 19160 Le Sueur 27 MN 079 36746 36746 Montgomery 27 MN 079 43738 43738 Lincoln County Unincorporated Area 27 MN 081 99990 00000 Ghent 27 MN 083 23660 23660 Taunton 27 MN 083 64264 64264 Biscay 27 MN 085 06112 06112 Hutchinson 27 MN 085 30644 30644 Warren 27 MN 089 68170 68170 Randall 27 MN 097 53080 53080 Dexter 27 MN 099 15886 15886 Courtland 27 MN 103 13582 13582 Lafayette 27 MN 103 33920 33920 Shelly 27 MN 107 59566 59566 Kalmar township 27 MN 109 00000 32282 Orion township 27 MN 109 00000 48526 Rochester 27 MN 109 54880 54880 Aurdal township 27 MN 111 00000 02836 Fergus Falls 27 MN 111 20906 20906 Fergus Falls township 27 MN 111 00000 20924 Henning 27 MN 111 28520 28520 Pelican Rapids 27 MN 111 50164 50164 Perham township 27 MN 111 00000 50488 Rush Lake township 27 MN 111 00000 56320 Underwood 27 MN 111 66172 66172 Polk Centre township 27 MN 113 00000 51802 Thief River Falls 27 MN 113 64570 64570 Clover township 27 MN 115 00000 12268 Finlayson 27 MN 115 21122 21122 Ogema township 27 MN 115 00000 48148 Pope County Unincorporated Area 27 MN 121 99990 00000 Starbuck 27 MN 121 62500 62500 Arden Hills 27 MN 123 02026 02026 Falcon Heights 27 MN 123 20420 20420 Gem Lake 27 MN 123 23318 23318 Lauderdale 27 MN 123 35738 35738 Little Canada 27 MN 123 37502 37502 Maplewood 27 MN 123 40382 40382 Mounds View 27 MN 123 44530 44530 New Brighton 27 MN 123 45430 45430 North Oaks 27 MN 123 47104 47104 North St. Paul 27 MN 123 47221 47221 Roseville 27 MN 123 55852 55852 Shoreview 27 MN 123 59998 59998 St. Paul 27 MN 123 58000 58000 Vadnais Heights 27 MN 123 66460 66460 White Bear Lake 27 MN 123 69970 69970 White Bear township 27 MN 123 00000 69916 Morgan 27 MN 127 44116 44116 Redwood Falls 27 MN 127 53656 53656 Danube 27 MN 129 14716 14716 Olivia 27 MN 129 48256 48256 Greenbush 27 MN 135 25604 25604 Gilbert 27 MN 137 23714 23714 Midway township 27 MN 137 00000 42056 Orr 27 MN 137 48634 48634 Proctor 27 MN 137 52630 52630 Tower 27 MN 137 65272 65272 Belle Plaine 27 MN 139 04834 04834 Credit River 27 MN 139 13708 13708 Elko New Market 27 MN 139 18662 18862 Jordan 27 MN 139 32174 32174 New Prague 27 MN 139 45808 45808 Prior Lake 27 MN 139 52594 52594 Savage 27 MN 139 58738 58738 Scott County Unincorporated Area 27 MN 139 99990 00000 Shakopee 27 MN 139 59350 59350 Becker 27 MN 141 04618 04618 Becker township 27 MN 141 00000 04636 Big Lake 27 MN 141 05752 05752 Clear Lake 27 MN 141 11764 11764 Elk River 27 MN 141 18674 18674 Sherburne County Part Unincorporated Area 27 MN 141 99990 00000 Zimmerman 27 MN 141 72238 72238 Gibbon 27 MN 143 23678 23678 Sibley County Unincorporated Area 27 MN 143 99990 00000 Munson township 27 MN 145 00000 44800 Mazeppa 27 MN 157 41282 41282 Afton 27 MN 163 00316 00316 Bayport 27 MN 163 04114 04114 Baytown township 27 MN 163 00000 04132 Birchwood Village 27 MN 163 06058 06058 Cottage Grove 27 MN 163 13456 13456 Dellwood 27 MN 163 15616 15616 Forest Lake 27 MN 163 21770 21770 Grant 27 MN 163 25334 25334 Hugo 27 MN 163 30392 30392 Lake Elmo 27 MN 163 34244 34244 Lake St. Croix Beach 27 MN 163 34865 34865 Lakeland 27 MN 163 34622 34622 Lakeland Shores 27 MN 163 34658 34658 Landfall 27 MN 163 35414 35414 Mahtomedi 27 MN 163 39428 39428 Marine on St. Croix 27 MN 163 40562 40562 May township 27 MN 163 00000 41120 Newport 27 MN 163 45790 45790 Oak Park Heights 27 MN 163 47914 47914 Oakdale 27 MN 163 47680 47680 Pine Springs 27 MN 163 51316 51316 Scandia 27 MN 163 58900 58900 St. Marys Point 27 MN 163 57292 57292 St. Paul Park 27 MN 163 58018 58018 Stillwater 27 MN 163 62824 62824 Stillwater township 27 MN 163 00000 62842 West Lakeland township 27 MN 163 00000 69520 Willernie 27 MN 163 70366 70366 Woodbury 27 MN 163 71428 71428 St. Charles 27 MN 169 56788 56788 Albertville 27 MN 171 00730 00730 Annandale 27 MN 171 01684 01684 Buffalo 27 MN 171 08452 08452 Clearwater 27 MN 171 11800 11800 Cokato 27 MN 171 12430 12430 Delano 27 MN 171 15454 15454 Hanover 27 MN 171 26990 26990 Howard Lake 27 MN 171 30284 30284 Maple Lake 27 MN 171 40220 40220 Middleville township 27 MN 171 00000 41966 Monticello 27 MN 171 43774 43774 Montrose 27 MN 171 43810 43810 Otsego 27 MN 171 49138 49138 Rockford 27 MN 171 55006 55006 South Haven 27 MN 171 61402 61402 St. Michael 27 MN 171 57346 57346 Stockholm township 27 MN 171 00000 62878 Waverly 27 MN 171 68764 68764 Wright County Part Unincorporated Area 27 MN 171 99990 00000 Hanley Falls 27 MN 173 26972 26972 St. Leo 27 MN 173 57202 57202 Wood Lake 27 MN 173 71446 71446 Yellow Medicine County Unincorporated Area 27 MN 173 99990 00000 Sallis town 28 MS 007 64800 00000 Benoit town 28 MS 011 05220 00000 Cleveland 28 MS 011 14260 00000 Hazlehurst 28 MS 029 31220 00000 Mount Olive town 28 MS 031 49520 00000 DeSoto County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 033 99990 00000 Hernando 28 MS 033 31780 00000 Horn Lake 28 MS 033 33700 00000 Olive Branch 28 MS 033 54040 00000 Southaven 28 MS 033 69280 00000 Walls town 28 MS 033 77400 00000 Hattiesburg 28 MS 035 31020 00000 Leakesville town 28 MS 041 39840 00000 Bay St. Louis 28 MS 045 03980 00000 Diamondhead 28 MS 045 19100 00000 Hancock County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 045 99990 00000 Waveland 28 MS 045 78200 00000 Biloxi 28 MS 047 06220 00000 DIberville 28 MS 047 19180 00000 Gulfport 28 MS 047 29700 00000 Harrison County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 047 99990 00000 Long Beach 28 MS 047 41680 00000 Pass Christian 28 MS 047 55400 00000 Byram 28 MS 049 10140 00000 Clinton 28 MS 049 14420 00000 Hinds County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 049 99990 00000 Jackson 28 MS 049 36000 00000 Raymond 28 MS 049 61160 00000 Utica town 28 MS 049 75760 00000 Goodman town 28 MS 051 28220 00000 Jackson County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 059 99990 00000 Ocean Springs 28 MS 059 53520 00000 Ellisville 28 MS 067 22020 00000 Laurel 28 MS 067 39640 00000 Lafayette County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 071 99990 00000 Oxford 28 MS 071 54840 00000 Lauderdale County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 075 99990 00000 Guntown town 28 MS 081 29940 00000 Saltillo 28 MS 081 64840 00000 Tupelo 28 MS 081 74840 00000 Lowndes County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 087 99990 00000 Madison 28 MS 089 44520 00000 Madison County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 089 99990 00000 Ridgeland 28 MS 089 62520 00000 Holly Springs 28 MS 093 33100 00000 Marshall County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 093 99990 00000 Potts Camp town 28 MS 093 59720 00000 Duck Hill town 28 MS 097 20260 00000 Starkville 28 MS 105 70240 00000 Batesville 28 MS 107 03620 00000 Courtland town 28 MS 107 15980 00000 Pearl River County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 109 99990 00000 Picayune 28 MS 109 57160 00000 Magnolia 28 MS 113 44680 00000 Baldwyn 28 MS 117 02700 00000 Brandon 28 MS 121 08300 00000 Flowood 28 MS 121 25100 00000 Pearl 28 MS 121 55760 00000 Rankin County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 121 99990 00000 Lake town 28 MS 123 38600 00000 DLo town 28 MS 127 19340 00000 Simpson County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 127 99990 00000 Taylorsville town 28 MS 129 72400 00000 Wiggins 28 MS 131 80160 00000 Moorhead 28 MS 133 48760 00000 Coldwater town 28 MS 137 14900 00000 Senatobia 28 MS 137 66440 00000 Tate County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 137 99990 00000 Tunica County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 143 99990 00000 Tunica town 28 MS 143 74760 00000 New Albany 28 MS 145 51000 00000 Vicksburg 28 MS 149 76720 00000 Greenville 28 MS 151 29180 00000 Washington County Unincorporated Area 28 MS 151 99990 00000 Adrian 29 MO 013 00244 50294 Butler 29 MO 013 10054 50546 Glen Allen village 29 MO 017 27280 44084 Sedgewickville village 29 MO 017 66476 79594 Ashland 29 MO 019 02242 12142 Boone County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 019 99990 00000 Columbia 29 MO 019 15670 73129 Breckenridge 29 MO 025 08128 08146 Caldwell County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 025 99990 00000 Hamilton 29 MO 025 30034 30052 Kingston 29 MO 025 38846 38864 Polo 29 MO 025 58916 28396 Village of Four Seasons village 29 MO 029 76157 56596 Norborne 29 MO 033 52760 21412 Archie 29 MO 037 01702 02620 Belton 29 MO 037 04384 50564 Cass County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 037 99990 00000 Cleveland 29 MO 037 14770 74536 Creighton 29 MO 037 17164 67394 Drexel 29 MO 037 20134 15382 Freeman 29 MO 037 25894 19738 Garden City 29 MO 037 26434 18604 Harrisonville 29 MO 037 30610 28252 Lake Winnebago 29 MO 037 40340 05374 Loch Lloyd village 29 MO 037 43468 50564 Peculiar 29 MO 037 56756 78892 Pleasant Hill 29 MO 037 58394 58412 Raymore 29 MO 037 60752 60770 Strasburg 29 MO 037 71098 58718 West Line village 29 MO 037 78838 78694 Nixa 29 MO 043 52616 26441 Avondale 29 MO 047 02800 26290 Birmingham village 29 MO 047 05824 13780 Clay County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 047 99990 00000 Claycomo village 29 MO 047 14554 42050 Excelsior Springs 29 MO 047 23086 24292 Gladstone 29 MO 047 27190 26290 Glenaire 29 MO 047 27262 42050 Holt 29 MO 047 32752 38090 Kearney 29 MO 047 38072 38090 Liberty 29 MO 047 42032 42050 Mosby 29 MO 047 50168 24292 North Kansas City 29 MO 047 53102 26290 Oaks village 29 MO 047 53804 26290 Oakview village 29 MO 047 53858 26290 Oakwood Park village 29 MO 047 53948 26290 Oakwood village 29 MO 047 53894 26290 Pleasant Valley 29 MO 047 58520 13780 Prathersville village 29 MO 047 59816 24292 Smithville 29 MO 047 68420 58142 Cameron 29 MO 049 10828 67592 Clinton County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 049 99990 00000 Gower 29 MO 049 28036 02332 Lathrop 29 MO 049 40826 40844 Plattsburg 29 MO 049 58250 15976 Trimble 29 MO 049 73852 30304 Boonville 29 MO 053 07318 07336 Salem 29 MO 065 65234 69775 Franklin County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 071 99990 00000 Gerald 29 MO 071 26866 07192 New Haven 29 MO 071 51914 51932 Oak Grove Village village 29 MO 071 53650 47396 Pacific 29 MO 071 55910 06958 St. Clair 29 MO 071 64136 12754 Sullivan 29 MO 071 71440 47396 Union 29 MO 071 74626 74644 Washington 29 MO 071 77416 77434 Albany 29 MO 075 00514 02386 Greene County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 077 99990 00000 Springfield 29 MO 077 70000 70009 Deepwater 29 MO 083 18730 23482 New Franklin 29 MO 089 51824 25642 Blue Springs 29 MO 095 06652 59564 Buckner 29 MO 095 09424 25282 Grain Valley 29 MO 095 28090 68438 Grandview 29 MO 095 28324 77506 Greenwood 29 MO 095 29494 59564 Independence 29 MO 095 35000 25282 Jackson County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 095 99990 00000 Kansas City MO 29 MO 095 38000 06490 Lake Lotawana 29 MO 095 39980 75598 Lake Tapawingo 29 MO 095 40196 68438 Lees Summit 29 MO 095 41348 59564 Levasy 29 MO 095 41762 25282 Lone Jack 29 MO 095 43760 75598 Oak Grove 29 MO 095 53624 68438 Raytown 29 MO 095 60788 08686 River Bend village 29 MO 095 62056 06490 Sugar Creek 29 MO 095 71368 06490 Unity Village village 29 MO 095 75202 59564 Joplin 29 MO 097 37592 48692 Oronogo 29 MO 097 54920 48692 Sarcoxie 29 MO 097 65990 66008 Arnold 29 MO 099 01972 01975 Byrnes Mill 29 MO 099 10240 32144 Cedar Hill Lakes village 29 MO 099 12376 47414 Crystal City 29 MO 099 17632 62179 De Soto 29 MO 099 19252 75400 Festus 29 MO 099 24094 62179 Herculaneum 29 MO 099 31708 37340 Hillsboro 29 MO 099 32248 12790 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 099 99990 00000 Kimmswick 29 MO 099 38684 80370 Olympian Village 29 MO 099 54686 58232 Parkdale village 29 MO 099 56226 32144 Pevely 29 MO 099 57278 37340 Leeton 29 MO 101 41402 59312 Lebanon 29 MO 105 41168 41186 Alma 29 MO 107 00802 47882 Bates City 29 MO 107 03556 68456 Concordia 29 MO 107 16102 25858 Higginsville 29 MO 107 31960 18406 Lafayette County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 107 99990 00000 Lake Lafayette 29 MO 107 39952 68456 Lexington 29 MO 107 41870 41888 Napoleon 29 MO 107 51140 14428 Odessa 29 MO 107 54038 77560 Elsberry 29 MO 113 22114 34030 Hawk Point 29 MO 113 31024 31042 Moscow Mills 29 MO 113 50204 14050 Old Monroe 29 MO 113 54416 49322 Silex village 29 MO 113 67808 74770 Troy 29 MO 113 73942 03880 Winfield 29 MO 113 80422 49322 Anderson 29 MO 119 01198 01237 Goodman 29 MO 119 27874 22550 Noel 29 MO 119 52742 21792 Pineville 29 MO 119 57818 57846 Southwest City town 29 MO 119 69230 59600 Marion County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 127 99990 00000 Wyatt 29 MO 133 81178 54128 Monroe City 29 MO 137 49394 49358 Howardville 29 MO 143 33364 41816 Matthews 29 MO 143 46730 05518 Portageville 29 MO 143 59186 59132 Hayti 29 MO 155 31132 31150 Perry County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 157 99990 00000 Rolla 29 MO 161 62912 19558 Camden Point 29 MO 165 10792 29026 Dearborn 29 MO 165 18658 29026 Edgerton 29 MO 165 21250 59924 Farley village 29 MO 165 23698 41240 Ferrelview village 29 MO 165 24058 46874 Houston Lake 29 MO 165 33292 25450 Lake Waukomis 29 MO 165 40322 46874 Northmoor 29 MO 165 53174 57242 Parkville 29 MO 165 56288 38513 Platte City 29 MO 165 58178 23230 Platte County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 165 99990 00000 Platte Woods 29 MO 165 58196 25450 Ridgely village 29 MO 165 61886 59924 Riverside 29 MO 165 62156 57242 Tracy 29 MO 165 73690 11512 Weatherby Lake 29 MO 165 78046 11512 Weston 29 MO 165 78856 78874 St. Robert 29 MO 169 65144 17740 Crystal Lakes 29 MO 177 17660 24310 Hardin 29 MO 177 30322 17398 Homestead village 29 MO 177 32806 24310 Lawson 29 MO 177 40988 58844 Orrick 29 MO 177 54938 54956 Ray County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 177 99990 00000 Richmond 29 MO 177 61670 61688 Wood Heights 29 MO 177 80767 24310 Cottleville 29 MO 183 16678 16681 Dardenne Prairie 29 MO 183 18253 07232 Flint Hill 29 MO 183 24688 78448 Lake St. Louis 29 MO 183 40043 07232 OFallon 29 MO 183 54074 78448 St. Charles 29 MO 183 64082 69434 St. Charles County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 183 99990 00000 St. Peters 29 MO 183 65126 65130 Weldon Spring Heights town 29 MO 183 78334 07232 Wentzville 29 MO 183 78442 78448 Lowry City 29 MO 185 44282 10108 Osceola 29 MO 185 55388 55406 Ste. Genevieve 29 MO 186 64180 64185 Farmington 29 MO 187 23752 64316 Ballwin 29 MO 189 03160 79801 Bella Villa 29 MO 189 04114 41456 Bellefontaine Neighbors 29 MO 189 04222 24004 Bellerive Acres 29 MO 189 04248 52814 Bel-Nor village 29 MO 189 04348 52814 Bel-Ridge village 29 MO 189 04366 00406 Berkeley 29 MO 189 04906 00406 Beverly Hills 29 MO 189 05248 52814 Breckenridge Hills 29 MO 189 08164 47918 Brentwood 29 MO 189 08236 14590 Bridgeton 29 MO 189 08398 53360 Champ village 29 MO 189 13078 53360 Clarkson Valley 29 MO 189 14176 13605 Clayton 29 MO 189 14572 14590 Cool Valley 29 MO 189 16228 52814 Creve Coeur 29 MO 189 17272 17290 Crystal Lake Park 29 MO 189 17650 48989 Des Peres 29 MO 189 19270 07066 Ellisville 29 MO 189 21898 79801 Eureka 29 MO 189 22834 47450 Ferguson 29 MO 189 23986 24004 Flordell Hills 29 MO 189 24706 52814 Florissant 29 MO 189 24778 53360 Frontenac 29 MO 189 26110 48989 Hazelwood 29 MO 189 31276 00406 Hillsdale village 29 MO 189 32266 75210 Jennings 29 MO 189 37178 53448 Kirkwood 29 MO 189 39044 07066 Ladue 29 MO 189 39656 14590 Lakeshire 29 MO 189 40088 16048 Maplewood 29 MO 189 45830 29818 Maryland Heights 29 MO 189 46586 00406 Moline Acres 29 MO 189 49088 53448 Normandy 29 MO 189 52796 52814 Northwoods 29 MO 189 53408 52814 Oakland 29 MO 189 53750 07066 Olivette 29 MO 189 54650 17290 Overland 29 MO 189 55550 17290 Pasadena Hills 29 MO 189 56396 52814 Pasadena Park village 29 MO 189 56414 52814 Pine Lawn 29 MO 189 57800 75210 Richmond Heights 29 MO 189 61706 14590 Riverview village 29 MO 189 62192 64208 Shrewsbury 29 MO 189 67700 29818 St. Ann 29 MO 189 63956 00406 St. John 29 MO 189 64478 00406 St. Louis County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 189 99990 00000 Town and Country 29 MO 189 73618 39682 University City 29 MO 189 75220 14590 Valley Park 29 MO 189 75472 60363 Velda City 29 MO 189 75796 52814 Velda Village Hills 29 MO 189 75814 75210 Vinita Park 29 MO 189 76246 47918 Webster Groves 29 MO 189 78154 14590 Wellston 29 MO 189 78370 52814 Winchester 29 MO 189 80314 79801 Benton 29 MO 201 04798 49916 Vanduser village 29 MO 201 75724 50006 Shelbina 29 MO 205 67178 65666 Advance 29 MO 207 00262 57548 Bernie 29 MO 207 04960 42356 Branson 29 MO 213 07966 07984 Taney County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 213 99990 00000 Houston 29 MO 215 33238 57890 Innsbrook village 29 MO 219 35240 13402 Truesdale 29 MO 219 73978 68702 Warren County Unincorporated Area 29 MO 219 99990 00000 Warrenton 29 MO 219 77128 68702 Wright City 29 MO 219 81124 31888 Irondale 29 MO 221 35396 16066 Potosi 29 MO 221 59330 08254 Mansfield 29 MO 229 45740 58556 St. Louis 29 MO 510 65000 65000 Balance of State 30 MT 000 00000 00000 Fromberg town 30 MT 009 29575 00000 Cascade County Unincorporated Area 30 MT 013 99990 00000 Great Falls 30 MT 013 32800 00000 Chouteau County Unincorporated Area 30 MT 015 99990 00000 Moore town 30 MT 027 51550 00000 Kalispell 30 MT 029 40075 00000 Whitefish 30 MT 029 79825 00000 Bozeman 30 MT 031 08950 00000 Gallatin County Unincorporated Area 30 MT 031 99990 00000 Jordan town 30 MT 033 39925 00000 Hill County Unincorporated Area 30 MT 041 99990 00000 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 30 MT 043 99990 00000 Polson 30 MT 047 58750 00000 Helena 30 MT 049 35600 00000 Virginia City town 30 MT 057 77125 00000 Missoula 30 MT 063 50200 00000 Missoula County Unincorporated Area 30 MT 063 99990 00000 Hamilton 30 MT 081 33775 00000 Sidney 30 MT 083 67900 00000 Bainville town 30 MT 085 03400 00000 Butte-Silver Bow 30 MT 093 11397 00000 Billings 30 MT 111 06550 00000 Adams County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 001 99990 00000 Hastings 31 NE 001 21415 00000 Antelope County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 003 99990 00000 Brown County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 017 99990 00000 Buffalo County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 019 99990 00000 Kearney 31 NE 019 25055 00000 Miller village 31 NE 019 32130 00000 Riverdale village 31 NE 019 41515 00000 Decatur village 31 NE 021 12525 00000 Cass County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 025 99990 00000 Eagle village 31 NE 025 14100 00000 Louisville 31 NE 025 29260 00000 Plattsmouth 31 NE 025 39345 00000 Cherry County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 031 99990 00000 Cheyenne County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 033 99990 00000 Potter village 31 NE 033 39870 00000 Sidney 31 NE 033 45295 00000 Howells village 31 NE 037 23340 00000 South Sioux City 31 NE 043 46030 00000 Chadron 31 NE 045 08605 00000 Chappell 31 NE 049 08885 00000 Fremont 31 NE 053 17670 00000 North Bend 31 NE 053 34720 00000 Douglas County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 055 99990 00000 Omaha 31 NE 055 37000 00000 Ralston 31 NE 055 40605 00000 Valley 31 NE 055 50020 00000 Geneva 31 NE 059 18405 00000 Eustis village 31 NE 063 16165 00000 Adams village 31 NE 067 00240 00000 Beatrice 31 NE 067 03390 00000 Cortland village 31 NE 067 10635 00000 Odell village 31 NE 067 35735 00000 Greeley County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 077 99990 00000 Wolbach village 31 NE 077 53520 00000 Grand Island 31 NE 079 19595 00000 Mullen village 31 NE 091 33250 00000 Howard City (Boelus) village 31 NE 093 23270 00000 Daykin village 31 NE 095 12455 00000 Harbine village 31 NE 095 20960 00000 Plymouth village 31 NE 095 39590 00000 Bushnell village 31 NE 105 07415 00000 Dix village 31 NE 105 13190 00000 Kimball 31 NE 105 25475 00000 Knox County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 107 99990 00000 Lancaster County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 109 99990 00000 Lincoln 31 NE 109 28000 00000 Panama village 31 NE 109 38225 00000 Roca village 31 NE 109 41830 00000 Waverly 31 NE 109 51770 00000 Lincoln County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 111 99990 00000 North Platte 31 NE 111 35000 00000 Norfolk 31 NE 119 34615 00000 Columbus 31 NE 141 10110 00000 Osceola 31 NE 143 37525 00000 Swanton village 31 NE 151 48060 00000 Bellevue 31 NE 153 03950 00000 Gretna 31 NE 153 20260 00000 La Vista 31 NE 153 26385 00000 Papillion 31 NE 153 38295 00000 Sarpy County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 153 99990 00000 Springfield 31 NE 153 46520 00000 Ashland 31 NE 155 02305 00000 Cedar Bluffs village 31 NE 155 08150 00000 Ceresco village 31 NE 155 08570 00000 Colon village 31 NE 155 10005 00000 Malmo village 31 NE 155 30380 00000 Mead village 31 NE 155 31395 00000 Memphis village 31 NE 155 31640 00000 Prague village 31 NE 155 39975 00000 Saunders County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 155 99990 00000 Valparaiso village 31 NE 155 50125 00000 Wahoo 31 NE 155 50965 00000 Weston village 31 NE 155 52540 00000 Yutan 31 NE 155 54115 00000 Lyman village 31 NE 157 29715 00000 Minatare 31 NE 157 32305 00000 Scottsbluff 31 NE 157 44245 00000 Gordon 31 NE 161 19350 00000 Hay Springs village 31 NE 161 21730 00000 Rushville 31 NE 161 42775 00000 Sioux County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 165 99990 00000 Hebron 31 NE 169 21905 00000 Blair 31 NE 177 05350 00000 Fort Calhoun 31 NE 177 17145 00000 Herman village 31 NE 177 22185 00000 Kennard village 31 NE 177 25230 00000 Washington County Unincorporated Area 31 NE 177 99990 00000 Carroll village 31 NE 179 08010 00000 Red Cloud 31 NE 181 40920 00000 Waco village 31 NE 185 50895 00000 Churchill County Unincorporated Area 32 NV 001 99990 00000 Fallon 32 NV 001 24100 00000 Boulder City 32 NV 003 06500 00000 Clark County Unincorporated Area 32 NV 003 99990 00000 Henderson 32 NV 003 31900 00000 Las Vegas 32 NV 003 40000 00000 Mesquite 32 NV 003 46000 00000 North Las Vegas 32 NV 003 51800 00000 Douglas County 32 NV 005 00000 00000 Carlin 32 NV 007 08900 00000 Elko 32 NV 007 22500 00000 Elko County Unincorporated Area 32 NV 007 99990 00000 Wells 32 NV 007 83000 00000 West Wendover 32 NV 007 83730 00000 Humboldt County Unincorporated Area 32 NV 013 99990 00000 Winnemucca 32 NV 013 84800 00000 Lander County 32 NV 015 00000 00000 Caliente 32 NV 017 08500 00000 Lincoln County Unincorporated Area 32 NV 017 99990 00000 Fernley 32 NV 019 24900 00000 Lyon County Unincorporated Area 32 NV 019 99990 00000 Yerington 32 NV 019 85400 00000 Mineral County 32 NV 021 00000 00000 Lovelock 32 NV 027 43000 00000 Pershing County Unincorporated Area 32 NV 027 99990 00000 Storey County 32 NV 029 00000 00000 Reno 32 NV 031 60600 00000 Sparks 32 NV 031 68400 00000 Washoe County Unincorporated Area 32 NV 031 99990 00000 White Pine County 32 NV 033 99990 00000 Carson City 32 NV 510 09700 00000 Laconia 33 NH 001 40180 40180 Conway town 33 NH 003 00000 14660 Hart's Location town 33 NH 003 00000 34500 Alstead town 33 NH 005 00000 00820 Chesterfield town 33 NH 005 00000 12260 Gilsum town 33 NH 005 00000 29220 Harrisville town 33 NH 005 00000 34420 Keene 33 NH 005 39300 39300 Marlborough town 33 NH 005 00000 45460 Campton town 33 NH 009 00000 08660 Lebanon 33 NH 009 41300 41300 Bedford town 33 NH 011 00000 04500 Goffstown town 33 NH 011 00000 29860 Hancock town 33 NH 011 00000 33700 Hillsborough town 33 NH 011 00000 36180 Hudson town 33 NH 011 00000 37940 Manchester 33 NH 011 45140 45140 Nashua 33 NH 011 50260 50260 Pelham town 33 NH 011 00000 59940 Weare town 33 NH 011 00000 79780 Chichester town 33 NH 013 00000 12420 Epsom town 33 NH 013 00000 24900 Henniker town 33 NH 013 00000 35540 Newbury town 33 NH 013 00000 50900 Atkinson town 33 NH 015 00000 02340 Auburn town 33 NH 015 00000 02820 Brentwood town 33 NH 015 00000 07220 Candia town 33 NH 015 00000 09300 Chester town 33 NH 015 00000 12100 Danville town 33 NH 015 00000 17140 Deerfield town 33 NH 015 00000 17460 Derry town 33 NH 015 00000 17940 East Kingston town 33 NH 015 00000 21380 Epping town 33 NH 015 00000 24660 Exeter town 33 NH 015 00000 25380 Fremont town 33 NH 015 00000 27940 Greenland town 33 NH 015 00000 31700 Hampstead town 33 NH 015 00000 32900 Hampton Falls town 33 NH 015 00000 33460 Hampton town 33 NH 015 00000 33060 Kensington town 33 NH 015 00000 39780 Kingston town 33 NH 015 00000 40100 Londonderry town 33 NH 015 00000 43220 New Castle town 33 NH 015 00000 50980 Newfields town 33 NH 015 00000 51380 Newington town 33 NH 015 00000 51620 Newmarket town 33 NH 015 00000 52340 Newton town 33 NH 015 00000 52900 North Hampton town 33 NH 015 00000 54580 Northwood town 33 NH 015 00000 56820 Nottingham town 33 NH 015 00000 57460 Plaistow town 33 NH 015 00000 62500 Portsmouth 33 NH 015 62900 62900 Raymond town 33 NH 015 00000 64020 Rye town 33 NH 015 00000 66180 Salem town 33 NH 015 00000 66660 Sandown town 33 NH 015 00000 67620 Seabrook town 33 NH 015 00000 68260 South Hampton town 33 NH 015 00000 71140 Stratham town 33 NH 015 00000 74340 Windham town 33 NH 015 00000 85780 Barrington town 33 NH 017 00000 03460 Dover 33 NH 017 18820 18820 Durham town 33 NH 017 00000 19700 Farmington town 33 NH 017 00000 26020 Lee town 33 NH 017 00000 41460 Madbury town 33 NH 017 00000 44820 Middleton town 33 NH 017 00000 47700 Milton town 33 NH 017 00000 48660 New Durham town 33 NH 017 00000 51220 Rochester 33 NH 017 65140 65140 Rollinsford town 33 NH 017 00000 65540 Somersworth 33 NH 017 69940 69940 Strafford town 33 NH 017 00000 73860 Sunapee town 33 NH 019 00000 75060 Washington town 33 NH 019 00000 78980 Absecon 34 NJ 001 00100 00100 Atlantic City 34 NJ 001 02080 02080 Brigantine 34 NJ 001 07810 07810 Buena borough 34 NJ 001 08680 08680 Buena Vista township 34 NJ 001 00000 08710 Corbin City 34 NJ 001 15160 15160 Egg Harbor City 34 NJ 001 20350 20350 Egg Harbor township 34 NJ 001 00000 20290 Estell Manor 34 NJ 001 21870 21870 Folsom borough 34 NJ 001 23940 23940 Galloway township 34 NJ 001 00000 25560 Hamilton township 34 NJ 001 00000 29280 Hammonton town 34 NJ 001 29430 29430 Linwood 34 NJ 001 40530 40530 Longport borough 34 NJ 001 41370 41370 Margate City 34 NJ 001 43890 43890 Mullica township 34 NJ 001 00000 49410 Northfield 34 NJ 001 52950 52950 Pleasantville 34 NJ 001 59640 59640 Port Republic 34 NJ 001 60600 60600 Somers Point 34 NJ 001 68430 68430 Ventnor City 34 NJ 001 75620 75620 Weymouth township 34 NJ 001 00000 80330 Allendale borough 34 NJ 003 00700 00700 Alpine borough 34 NJ 003 01090 01090 Bergenfield borough 34 NJ 003 05170 05170 Bogota borough 34 NJ 003 06490 06490 Carlstadt borough 34 NJ 003 10480 10480 Cliffside Park borough 34 NJ 003 13570 13570 Closter borough 34 NJ 003 13810 13810 Cresskill borough 34 NJ 003 15820 15820 Demarest borough 34 NJ 003 17530 17530 Dumont borough 34 NJ 003 18400 18400 East Rutherford borough 34 NJ 003 19510 19510 Edgewater borough 34 NJ 003 20020 20020 Elmwood Park borough 34 NJ 003 21300 21300 Emerson borough 34 NJ 003 21450 21450 Englewood 34 NJ 003 21480 21480 Englewood Cliffs borough 34 NJ 003 21510 21510 Fair Lawn borough 34 NJ 003 22470 22470 Fairview borough 34 NJ 003 22560 22560 Fort Lee borough 34 NJ 003 24420 24420 Franklin Lakes borough 34 NJ 003 24990 24990 Garfield 34 NJ 003 25770 25770 Glen Rock borough 34 NJ 003 26640 26640 Hackensack 34 NJ 003 28680 28680 Harrington Park borough 34 NJ 003 30150 30150 Hasbrouck Heights borough 34 NJ 003 30420 30420 Haworth borough 34 NJ 003 30540 30540 Hillsdale borough 34 NJ 003 31920 31920 Ho-Ho-Kus borough 34 NJ 003 32310 32310 Leonia borough 34 NJ 003 40020 40020 Little Ferry borough 34 NJ 003 40680 40680 Lodi borough 34 NJ 003 41100 41100 Lyndhurst township 34 NJ 003 00000 42090 Mahwah township 34 NJ 003 00000 42750 Maywood borough 34 NJ 003 44880 44880 Midland Park borough 34 NJ 003 46110 46110 Montvale borough 34 NJ 003 47610 47610 Moonachie borough 34 NJ 003 47700 47700 New Milford borough 34 NJ 003 51660 51660 North Arlington borough 34 NJ 003 52320 52320 Northvale borough 34 NJ 003 53430 53430 Norwood borough 34 NJ 003 53610 53610 Oakland borough 34 NJ 003 53850 53850 Old Tappan borough 34 NJ 003 54870 54870 Oradell borough 34 NJ 003 54990 54990 Palisades Park borough 34 NJ 003 55770 55770 Paramus borough 34 NJ 003 55950 55950 Park Ridge borough 34 NJ 003 56130 56130 Ramsey borough 34 NJ 003 61680 61680 Ridgefield borough 34 NJ 003 62910 62910 Ridgefield Park village 34 NJ 003 62940 62940 Ridgewood village 34 NJ 003 63000 63000 River Edge borough 34 NJ 003 63360 63360 River Vale township 34 NJ 003 00000 63690 Rochelle Park township 34 NJ 003 00000 63990 Rockleigh borough 34 NJ 003 64170 64170 Rutherford borough 34 NJ 003 65280 65280 Saddle Brook township 34 NJ 003 00000 65340 Saddle River borough 34 NJ 003 65400 65400 South Hackensack township 34 NJ 003 00000 68970 Teaneck township 34 NJ 003 00000 72360 Tenafly borough 34 NJ 003 72420 72420 Teterboro borough 34 NJ 003 72480 72480 Upper Saddle River borough 34 NJ 003 75140 75140 Waldwick borough 34 NJ 003 76400 76400 Wallington borough 34 NJ 003 76490 76490 Washington township 34 NJ 003 00000 77135 Westwood borough 34 NJ 003 80270 80270 Woodcliff Lake borough 34 NJ 003 82300 82300 Wood-Ridge borough 34 NJ 003 82570 82570 Wyckoff township 34 NJ 003 00000 83050 Bass River township 34 NJ 005 00000 03370 Beverly 34 NJ 005 05740 05740 Bordentown 34 NJ 005 06670 06670 Bordentown township 34 NJ 005 00000 06700 Burlington 34 NJ 005 08920 08920 Burlington township 34 NJ 005 00000 08950 Chesterfield township 34 NJ 005 00000 12670 Cinnaminson township 34 NJ 005 00000 12940 Delanco township 34 NJ 005 00000 17080 Delran township 34 NJ 005 00000 17440 Eastampton township 34 NJ 005 00000 18790 Edgewater Park township 34 NJ 005 00000 20050 Evesham township 34 NJ 005 00000 22110 Fieldsboro borough 34 NJ 005 23250 23250 Florence township 34 NJ 005 00000 23850 Hainesport township 34 NJ 005 00000 29010 Lumberton township 34 NJ 005 00000 42060 Mansfield township 34 NJ 005 00000 43290 Maple Shade township 34 NJ 005 00000 43740 Medford Lakes borough 34 NJ 005 45210 45210 Medford township 34 NJ 005 00000 45120 Moorestown township 34 NJ 005 00000 47880 Mount Holly township 34 NJ 005 00000 48900 Mount Laurel township 34 NJ 005 00000 49020 New Hanover township 34 NJ 005 00000 51510 North Hanover township 34 NJ 005 00000 53070 Palmyra borough 34 NJ 005 55800 55800 Pemberton borough 34 NJ 005 57480 57480 Pemberton township 34 NJ 005 00000 57510 Riverside township 34 NJ 005 00000 63510 Riverton borough 34 NJ 005 63660 63660 Shamong township 34 NJ 005 00000 66810 Southampton township 34 NJ 005 00000 68610 Springfield township 34 NJ 005 00000 69990 Tabernacle township 34 NJ 005 00000 72060 Washington township 34 NJ 005 00000 77150 Westampton township 34 NJ 005 00000 78200 Willingboro township 34 NJ 005 00000 81440 Woodland township 34 NJ 005 00000 82420 Wrightstown borough 34 NJ 005 82960 82960 Audubon borough 34 NJ 007 02200 02200 Audubon Park borough 34 NJ 007 02230 02230 Barrington borough 34 NJ 007 03250 03250 Bellmawr borough 34 NJ 007 04750 04750 Berlin borough 34 NJ 007 05440 05440 Berlin township 34 NJ 007 00000 05470 Brooklawn borough 34 NJ 007 08170 08170 Camden 34 NJ 007 10000 10000 Cherry Hill township 34 NJ 007 00000 12280 Chesilhurst borough 34 NJ 007 12550 12550 Clementon borough 34 NJ 007 13420 13420 Collingswood borough 34 NJ 007 14260 14260 Gibbsboro borough 34 NJ 007 26070 26070 Gloucester City 34 NJ 007 26820 26820 Gloucester township 34 NJ 007 00000 26760 Haddon Heights borough 34 NJ 007 28800 28800 Haddon township 34 NJ 007 00000 28740 Haddonfield borough 34 NJ 007 28770 28770 Hi-Nella borough 34 NJ 007 32220 32220 Laurel Springs borough 34 NJ 007 39210 39210 Lawnside borough 34 NJ 007 39420 39420 Lindenwold borough 34 NJ 007 40440 40440 Magnolia borough 34 NJ 007 42630 42630 Merchantville borough 34 NJ 007 45510 45510 Mount Ephraim borough 34 NJ 007 48750 48750 Oaklyn borough 34 NJ 007 53880 53880 Pennsauken township 34 NJ 007 00000 57660 Pine Hill borough 34 NJ 007 58770 58770 Pine Valley borough 34 NJ 007 58920 58920 Runnemede borough 34 NJ 007 65160 65160 Somerdale borough 34 NJ 007 68340 68340 Stratford borough 34 NJ 007 71220 71220 Voorhees township 34 NJ 007 00000 76220 Waterford township 34 NJ 007 00000 77630 Winslow township 34 NJ 007 00000 81740 Woodlynne borough 34 NJ 007 82450 82450 Avalon borough 34 NJ 009 02320 02320 Cape May 34 NJ 009 10270 10270 Cape May Point borough 34 NJ 009 10330 10330 Dennis township 34 NJ 009 00000 17560 Lower township 34 NJ 009 00000 41610 Middle township 34 NJ 009 00000 45810 North Wildwood 34 NJ 009 53490 53490 Ocean City 34 NJ 009 54360 54360 Sea Isle City 34 NJ 009 66390 66390 Stone Harbor borough 34 NJ 009 71010 71010 Upper township 34 NJ 009 00000 74810 West Cape May borough 34 NJ 009 78530 78530 West Wildwood borough 34 NJ 009 80210 80210 Wildwood 34 NJ 009 81170 81170 Wildwood Crest borough 34 NJ 009 81200 81200 Woodbine borough 34 NJ 009 81890 81890 Bridgeton 34 NJ 011 07600 07600 Commercial township 34 NJ 011 00000 14710 Deerfield township 34 NJ 011 00000 16900 Downe township 34 NJ 011 00000 18220 Fairfield township 34 NJ 011 00000 22350 Greenwich township 34 NJ 011 00000 28170 Hopewell township 34 NJ 011 00000 33120 Lawrence township 34 NJ 011 00000 39450 Maurice River township 34 NJ 011 00000 44580 Millville 34 NJ 011 46680 46680 Shiloh borough 34 NJ 011 67020 67020 Stow Creek township 34 NJ 011 00000 71160 Upper Deerfield township 34 NJ 011 00000 74870 Vineland 34 NJ 011 76070 76070 Belleville township 34 NJ 013 00000 04695 Bloomfield township 34 NJ 013 00000 06260 Caldwell borough 34 NJ 013 09250 09250 Cedar Grove township 34 NJ 013 00000 11200 City of Orange township 34 NJ 013 00000 13045 East Orange 34 NJ 013 19390 19390 Essex Fells borough 34 NJ 013 21840 21840 Fairfield township 34 NJ 013 00000 22385 Glen Ridge borough 34 NJ 013 26610 26610 Irvington township 34 NJ 013 00000 34450 Livingston township 34 NJ 013 00000 40890 Maplewood township 34 NJ 013 00000 43800 Millburn township 34 NJ 013 00000 46380 Montclair township 34 NJ 013 00000 47500 Newark 34 NJ 013 51000 51000 North Caldwell borough 34 NJ 013 52620 52620 Nutley township 34 NJ 013 00000 53680 Roseland borough 34 NJ 013 64590 64590 South Orange Village township 34 NJ 013 00000 69274 Verona township 34 NJ 013 00000 75815 West Caldwell township 34 NJ 013 00000 78510 West Orange township 34 NJ 013 00000 79800 Clayton borough 34 NJ 015 13360 13360 Deptford township 34 NJ 015 00000 17710 East Greenwich township 34 NJ 015 00000 19180 Elk township 34 NJ 015 00000 21060 Franklin township 34 NJ 015 00000 24840 Glassboro borough 34 NJ 015 26340 26340 Greenwich township 34 NJ 015 00000 28185 Harrison township 34 NJ 015 00000 30180 Logan township 34 NJ 015 00000 41160 Mantua township 34 NJ 015 00000 43440 Monroe township 34 NJ 015 00000 47250 National Park borough 34 NJ 015 49680 49680 Newfield borough 34 NJ 015 51390 51390 Paulsboro borough 34 NJ 015 57150 57150 Pitman borough 34 NJ 015 59070 59070 South Harrison township 34 NJ 015 00000 69030 Swedesboro borough 34 NJ 015 71850 71850 Washington township 34 NJ 015 00000 77180 Wenonah borough 34 NJ 015 78110 78110 West Deptford township 34 NJ 015 00000 78800 Westville borough 34 NJ 015 80120 80120 Woodbury 34 NJ 015 82120 82120 Woodbury Heights borough 34 NJ 015 82180 82180 Woolwich township 34 NJ 015 00000 82840 Bayonne 34 NJ 017 03580 03580 East Newark borough 34 NJ 017 19360 19360 Guttenberg town 34 NJ 017 28650 28650 Harrison town 34 NJ 017 30210 30210 Hoboken 34 NJ 017 32250 32250 Jersey City 34 NJ 017 36000 36000 Kearny town 34 NJ 017 36510 36510 North Bergen township 34 NJ 017 00000 52470 Secaucus town 34 NJ 017 66570 66570 Union City 34 NJ 017 74630 74630 Weehawken township 34 NJ 017 00000 77930 West New York town 34 NJ 017 79610 79610 Alexandria township 34 NJ 019 00000 00550 Bethlehem township 34 NJ 019 00000 05650 Bloomsbury borough 34 NJ 019 06370 06370 Califon borough 34 NJ 019 09280 09280 Clinton town 34 NJ 019 13720 13720 Clinton township 34 NJ 019 00000 13750 Delaware township 34 NJ 019 00000 17170 East Amwell township 34 NJ 019 00000 18820 Flemington borough 34 NJ 019 23700 23700 Franklin township 34 NJ 019 00000 24870 Frenchtown borough 34 NJ 019 25350 25350 Glen Gardner borough 34 NJ 019 26550 26550 Hampton borough 34 NJ 019 29460 29460 High Bridge borough 34 NJ 019 31320 31320 Holland township 34 NJ 019 00000 32460 Kingwood township 34 NJ 019 00000 37065 Lambertville 34 NJ 019 38610 38610 Lebanon borough 34 NJ 019 39630 39630 Lebanon township 34 NJ 019 00000 39660 Milford borough 34 NJ 019 46260 46260 Raritan township 34 NJ 019 00000 61920 Readington township 34 NJ 019 00000 62250 Stockton borough 34 NJ 019 70980 70980 Tewksbury township 34 NJ 019 00000 72510 Union township 34 NJ 019 00000 74420 West Amwell township 34 NJ 019 00000 78230 East Windsor township 34 NJ 021 00000 19780 Ewing township 34 NJ 021 00000 22185 Hamilton township 34 NJ 021 00000 29310 Hightstown borough 34 NJ 021 31620 31620 Hopewell borough 34 NJ 021 33150 33150 Hopewell township 34 NJ 021 00000 33180 Lawrence township 34 NJ 021 00000 39510 Pennington borough 34 NJ 021 57600 57600 Princeton 34 NJ 021 60900 60900 Robbinsville township 34 NJ 021 00000 63850 Trenton 34 NJ 021 74000 74000 West Windsor township 34 NJ 021 00000 80240 Carteret borough 34 NJ 023 10750 10750 Cranbury township 34 NJ 023 00000 15550 Dunellen borough 34 NJ 023 18490 18490 East Brunswick township 34 NJ 023 00000 19000 Edison township 34 NJ 023 00000 20230 Helmetta borough 34 NJ 023 30840 30840 Highland Park borough 34 NJ 023 31470 31470 Jamesburg borough 34 NJ 023 34890 34890 Metuchen borough 34 NJ 023 45690 45690 Middlesex borough 34 NJ 023 45900 45900 Milltown borough 34 NJ 023 46620 46620 Monroe township 34 NJ 023 00000 47280 New Brunswick 34 NJ 023 51210 51210 North Brunswick township 34 NJ 023 00000 52560 Old Bridge township 34 NJ 023 00000 54705 Perth Amboy 34 NJ 023 58200 58200 Piscataway township 34 NJ 023 00000 59010 Plainsboro township 34 NJ 023 00000 59280 Sayreville borough 34 NJ 023 65790 65790 South Amboy 34 NJ 023 68550 68550 South Brunswick township 34 NJ 023 00000 68790 South Plainfield borough 34 NJ 023 69390 69390 South River borough 34 NJ 023 69420 69420 Spotswood borough 34 NJ 023 69810 69810 Woodbridge township 34 NJ 023 00000 82000 Aberdeen township 34 NJ 025 00000 00070 Allenhurst borough 34 NJ 025 00730 00730 Allentown borough 34 NJ 025 00760 00760 Asbury Park 34 NJ 025 01960 01960 Atlantic Highlands borough 34 NJ 025 02110 02110 Avon-by-the-Sea borough 34 NJ 025 02440 02440 Belmar borough 34 NJ 025 04930 04930 Bradley Beach borough 34 NJ 025 06970 06970 Brielle borough 34 NJ 025 07750 07750 Colts Neck township 34 NJ 025 00000 14560 Deal borough 34 NJ 025 16660 16660 Eatontown borough 34 NJ 025 19840 19840 Englishtown borough 34 NJ 025 21570 21570 Fair Haven borough 34 NJ 025 22440 22440 Farmingdale borough 34 NJ 025 22950 22950 Freehold borough 34 NJ 025 25200 25200 Freehold township 34 NJ 025 00000 25230 Hazlet township 34 NJ 025 00000 30690 Highlands borough 34 NJ 025 31500 31500 Holmdel township 34 NJ 025 00000 32640 Howell township 34 NJ 025 00000 33300 Interlaken borough 34 NJ 025 34200 34200 Keansburg borough 34 NJ 025 36480 36480 Keyport borough 34 NJ 025 36810 36810 Lake Como borough 34 NJ 025 37560 37560 Little Silver borough 34 NJ 025 40770 40770 Loch Arbour village 34 NJ 025 41010 41010 Long Branch 34 NJ 025 41310 41310 Manalapan township 34 NJ 025 00000 42990 Manasquan borough 34 NJ 025 43050 43050 Marlboro township 34 NJ 025 00000 44070 Matawan borough 34 NJ 025 44520 44520 Middletown township 34 NJ 025 00000 45990 Millstone township 34 NJ 025 00000 46560 Monmouth Beach borough 34 NJ 025 47130 47130 Neptune City borough 34 NJ 025 49920 49920 Neptune township 34 NJ 025 00000 49890 Ocean township 34 NJ 025 00000 54270 Oceanport borough 34 NJ 025 54570 54570 Red Bank borough 34 NJ 025 62430 62430 Roosevelt borough 34 NJ 025 64410 64410 Rumson borough 34 NJ 025 65130 65130 Sea Bright borough 34 NJ 025 66240 66240 Sea Girt borough 34 NJ 025 66330 66330 Shrewsbury borough 34 NJ 025 67350 67350 Shrewsbury township 34 NJ 025 00000 67365 Spring Lake borough 34 NJ 025 70110 70110 Spring Lake Heights borough 34 NJ 025 70140 70140 Tinton Falls borough 34 NJ 025 73020 73020 Union Beach borough 34 NJ 025 74540 74540 Upper Freehold township 34 NJ 025 00000 74900 Wall township 34 NJ 025 00000 76460 West Long Branch borough 34 NJ 025 79310 79310 Boonton town 34 NJ 027 06610 06610 Boonton township 34 NJ 027 00000 06640 Butler borough 34 NJ 027 09040 09040 Chatham borough 34 NJ 027 12100 12100 Chatham township 34 NJ 027 00000 12130 Chester borough 34 NJ 027 12580 12580 Chester township 34 NJ 027 00000 12610 Denville township 34 NJ 027 00000 17650 Dover town 34 NJ 027 18070 18070 East Hanover township 34 NJ 027 00000 19210 Florham Park borough 34 NJ 027 23910 23910 Hanover township 34 NJ 027 00000 29550 Harding township 34 NJ 027 00000 29700 Jefferson township 34 NJ 027 00000 34980 Kinnelon borough 34 NJ 027 37110 37110 Lincoln Park borough 34 NJ 027 40290 40290 Long Hill township 34 NJ 027 00000 41362 Madison borough 34 NJ 027 42510 42510 Mendham borough 34 NJ 027 45330 45330 Mendham township 34 NJ 027 00000 45360 Mine Hill township 34 NJ 027 00000 46860 Montville township 34 NJ 027 00000 47670 Morris Plains borough 34 NJ 027 48210 48210 Morris township 34 NJ 027 00000 48090 Morristown town 34 NJ 027 48300 48300 Mount Arlington borough 34 NJ 027 48690 48690 Mount Olive township 34 NJ 027 00000 49080 Mountain Lakes borough 34 NJ 027 48480 48480 Parsippany-Troy Hills township 34 NJ 027 00000 56460 Pequannock township 34 NJ 027 00000 58110 Randolph township 34 NJ 027 00000 61890 Riverdale borough 34 NJ 027 63300 63300 Rockaway borough 34 NJ 027 64050 64050 Rockaway township 34 NJ 027 00000 64080 Roxbury township 34 NJ 027 00000 64980 Victory Gardens borough 34 NJ 027 75890 75890 Washington township 34 NJ 027 00000 77240 Wharton borough 34 NJ 027 80390 80390 Barnegat Light borough 34 NJ 029 03130 03130 Barnegat township 34 NJ 029 00000 03050 Bay Head borough 34 NJ 029 03520 03520 Beach Haven borough 34 NJ 029 03940 03940 Beachwood borough 34 NJ 029 04180 04180 Berkeley township 34 NJ 029 00000 05305 Brick township 34 NJ 029 00000 07420 Eagleswood township 34 NJ 029 00000 18670 Harvey Cedars borough 34 NJ 029 30390 30390 Island Heights borough 34 NJ 029 34530 34530 Jackson township 34 NJ 029 00000 34680 Lacey township 34 NJ 029 00000 37380 Lakehurst borough 34 NJ 029 37770 37770 Lakewood township 34 NJ 029 00000 38550 Lavallette borough 34 NJ 029 39390 39390 Little Egg Harbor township 34 NJ 029 00000 40560 Long Beach township 34 NJ 029 00000 41250 Manchester township 34 NJ 029 00000 43140 Mantoloking borough 34 NJ 029 43380 43380 Ocean Gate borough 34 NJ 029 54450 54450 Ocean township 34 NJ 029 00000 54300 Pine Beach borough 34 NJ 029 58590 58590 Plumsted township 34 NJ 029 00000 59790 Point Pleasant Beach borough 34 NJ 029 59910 59910 Point Pleasant borough 34 NJ 029 59880 59880 Seaside Heights borough 34 NJ 029 66450 66450 Seaside Park borough 34 NJ 029 66480 66480 Ship Bottom borough 34 NJ 029 67110 67110 South Toms River borough 34 NJ 029 69510 69510 Stafford township 34 NJ 029 00000 70320 Surf City borough 34 NJ 029 71640 71640 Toms River township 34 NJ 029 00000 73125 Tuckerton borough 34 NJ 029 74210 74210 Bloomingdale borough 34 NJ 031 06340 06340 Clifton 34 NJ 031 13690 13690 Haledon borough 34 NJ 031 29070 29070 Hawthorne borough 34 NJ 031 30570 30570 Little Falls township 34 NJ 031 00000 40620 North Haledon borough 34 NJ 031 53040 53040 Passaic 34 NJ 031 56550 56550 Paterson 34 NJ 031 57000 57000 Pompton Lakes borough 34 NJ 031 60090 60090 Prospect Park borough 34 NJ 031 61170 61170 Ringwood borough 34 NJ 031 63150 63150 Totowa borough 34 NJ 031 73140 73140 Wanaque borough 34 NJ 031 76730 76730 Wayne township 34 NJ 031 00000 77840 West Milford township 34 NJ 031 00000 79460 Woodland Park borough 34 NJ 031 82423 82423 Alloway township 34 NJ 033 00000 00880 Carneys Point township 34 NJ 033 00000 10610 Elmer borough 34 NJ 033 21240 21240 Elsinboro township 34 NJ 033 00000 21330 Lower Alloways Creek township 34 NJ 033 00000 41640 Mannington township 34 NJ 033 00000 43200 Oldmans township 34 NJ 033 00000 54810 Penns Grove borough 34 NJ 033 57750 57750 Pennsville township 34 NJ 033 00000 57870 Pilesgrove township 34 NJ 033 00000 58530 Pittsgrove township 34 NJ 033 00000 59130 Quinton township 34 NJ 033 00000 61470 Salem 34 NJ 033 65490 65490 Upper Pittsgrove township 34 NJ 033 00000 75110 Woodstown borough 34 NJ 033 82720 82720 Bedminster township 34 NJ 035 00000 04450 Bernards township 34 NJ 035 00000 05560 Bernardsville borough 34 NJ 035 05590 05590 Bound Brook borough 34 NJ 035 06790 06790 Branchburg township 34 NJ 035 00000 07180 Bridgewater township 34 NJ 035 00000 07720 Far Hills borough 34 NJ 035 22890 22890 Franklin township 34 NJ 035 00000 24900 Green Brook township 34 NJ 035 00000 27510 Hillsborough township 34 NJ 035 00000 31890 Manville borough 34 NJ 035 43620 43620 Millstone borough 34 NJ 035 46590 46590 Montgomery township 34 NJ 035 00000 47580 North Plainfield borough 34 NJ 035 53280 53280 Peapack and Gladstone borough 34 NJ 035 57300 57300 Raritan borough 34 NJ 035 61980 61980 Rocky Hill borough 34 NJ 035 64320 64320 Somerville borough 34 NJ 035 68460 68460 South Bound Brook borough 34 NJ 035 68730 68730 Warren township 34 NJ 035 00000 76940 Watchung borough 34 NJ 035 77600 77600 Andover borough 34 NJ 037 01330 01330 Andover township 34 NJ 037 00000 01360 Branchville borough 34 NJ 037 07300 07300 Byram township 34 NJ 037 00000 09160 Frankford township 34 NJ 037 00000 24810 Franklin borough 34 NJ 037 24930 24930 Fredon township 34 NJ 037 00000 25140 Green township 34 NJ 037 00000 27420 Hamburg borough 34 NJ 037 29220 29220 Hampton township 34 NJ 037 00000 29490 Hardyston township 34 NJ 037 00000 29850 Hopatcong borough 34 NJ 037 32910 32910 Lafayette township 34 NJ 037 00000 37440 Montague township 34 NJ 037 00000 47430 Newton town 34 NJ 037 51930 51930 Ogdensburg borough 34 NJ 037 54660 54660 Sandyston township 34 NJ 037 00000 65700 Sparta township 34 NJ 037 00000 69690 Stanhope borough 34 NJ 037 70380 70380 Stillwater township 34 NJ 037 00000 70890 Sussex borough 34 NJ 037 71670 71670 Vernon township 34 NJ 037 00000 75740 Walpack township 34 NJ 037 00000 76640 Wantage township 34 NJ 037 00000 76790 Berkeley Heights township 34 NJ 039 00000 05320 Clark township 34 NJ 039 00000 13150 Cranford township 34 NJ 039 00000 15640 Elizabeth 34 NJ 039 21000 21000 Fanwood borough 34 NJ 039 22860 22860 Garwood borough 34 NJ 039 25800 25800 Hillside township 34 NJ 039 00000 31980 Kenilworth borough 34 NJ 039 36690 36690 Linden 34 NJ 039 40350 40350 Mountainside borough 34 NJ 039 48510 48510 New Providence borough 34 NJ 039 51810 51810 Plainfield 34 NJ 039 59190 59190 Rahway 34 NJ 039 61530 61530 Roselle borough 34 NJ 039 64620 64620 Roselle Park borough 34 NJ 039 64650 64650 Scotch Plains township 34 NJ 039 00000 66060 Springfield township 34 NJ 039 00000 70020 Summit 34 NJ 039 71430 71430 Union township 34 NJ 039 00000 74480 Westfield town 34 NJ 039 79040 79040 Winfield township 34 NJ 039 00000 81650 Allamuchy township 34 NJ 041 00000 00670 Alpha borough 34 NJ 041 01030 01030 Belvidere town 34 NJ 041 04990 04990 Blairstown township 34 NJ 041 00000 06160 Franklin township 34 NJ 041 00000 24960 Frelinghuysen township 34 NJ 041 00000 25320 Greenwich township 34 NJ 041 00000 28260 Hackettstown town 34 NJ 041 28710 28710 Hardwick township 34 NJ 041 00000 29820 Harmony township 34 NJ 041 00000 30090 Hope township 34 NJ 041 00000 33060 Independence township 34 NJ 041 00000 33930 Knowlton township 34 NJ 041 00000 37320 Liberty township 34 NJ 041 00000 40110 Lopatcong township 34 NJ 041 00000 41490 Mansfield township 34 NJ 041 00000 43320 Oxford township 34 NJ 041 00000 55530 Phillipsburg town 34 NJ 041 58350 58350 Pohatcong township 34 NJ 041 00000 59820 Washington borough 34 NJ 041 77270 77270 Washington township 34 NJ 041 00000 77300 White township 34 NJ 041 00000 80570 Balance of State 35 NM 000 00000 00000 Albuquerque 35 NM 001 02000 00000 Bernalillo County Unincorporated Area 35 NM 001 99990 00000 Chaves County Unincorporated Area 35 NM 005 99990 00000 Roswell 35 NM 005 64930 00000 Clovis 35 NM 009 16420 00000 Dona Ana County Unincorporated Area 35 NM 013 99990 00000 Las Cruces 35 NM 013 39380 00000 Sunland Park 35 NM 013 75640 00000 Artesia 35 NM 015 05220 00000 Carlsbad 35 NM 015 12150 00000 Silver City town 35 NM 017 73260 00000 Hobbs 35 NM 025 32520 00000 Ruidoso Downs 35 NM 027 65280 00000 Ruidoso village 35 NM 027 65210 00000 Los Alamos County 35 NM 028 00000 00000 Deming 35 NM 029 20270 00000 Gallup 35 NM 031 28460 00000 Cloudcroft village 35 NM 035 16280 00000 Portales 35 NM 041 59260 00000 Bernalillo town 35 NM 043 06970 00000 Corrales village 35 NM 043 17960 00000 Rio Rancho 35 NM 043 63460 00000 Farmington 35 NM 045 25800 00000 San Juan County Unincorporated Area 35 NM 045 99990 00000 Las Vegas 35 NM 047 39940 00000 Santa Fe 35 NM 049 70500 00000 Taos County Unincorporated Area 35 NM 055 99990 00000 Taos Ski Valley village 35 NM 055 76480 00000 Los Lunas village 35 NM 061 43370 00000 Albany 36 NY 001 01000 01000 Altamont village 36 NY 001 01517 31104 Berne town 36 NY 001 00000 06211 Bethlehem town 36 NY 001 00000 06354 Coeymans town 36 NY 001 00000 16694 Cohoes 36 NY 001 16749 16749 Colonie town 36 NY 001 00000 17343 Colonie village 36 NY 001 17332 17343 Green Island village 36 NY 001 30521 30532 Guilderland town 36 NY 001 00000 31104 Knox town 36 NY 001 00000 40002 Menands village 36 NY 001 46536 17343 New Scotland town 36 NY 001 00000 50672 Ravena village 36 NY 001 60675 16694 Rensselaerville town 36 NY 001 00000 61181 Voorheesville village 36 NY 001 77684 50672 Watervliet 36 NY 001 78674 78674 Westerlo town 36 NY 001 00000 79851 Angelica town 36 NY 003 00000 02187 Angelica village 36 NY 003 02176 02187 Belfast town 36 NY 003 00000 05573 Belmont village 36 NY 003 05815 02011 Birdsall town 36 NY 003 00000 06717 Caneadea town 36 NY 003 00000 12243 Centerville town 36 NY 003 00000 13475 Cuba village 36 NY 003 19356 19367 Genesee town 36 NY 003 00000 28563 Hume town 36 NY 003 00000 36112 New Hudson town 36 NY 003 00000 50375 Rushford town 36 NY 003 00000 64166 Scio town 36 NY 003 00000 65772 Wellsville town 36 NY 003 00000 79103 West Almond town 36 NY 003 00000 79202 Bronx borough 36 NY 005 51000 00000 Yorkshire town 36 NY 009 00000 84055 Fleming town 36 NY 011 00000 26231 Montezuma town 36 NY 011 00000 48131 Summerhill town 36 NY 011 00000 72037 Weedsport village 36 NY 011 79015 10297 Busti town 36 NY 013 00000 11451 Mina town 36 NY 013 00000 47592 Sheridan town 36 NY 013 00000 66916 Sherman village 36 NY 013 66949 66960 Stockton town 36 NY 013 00000 71476 Horseheads village 36 NY 015 35694 35705 Chenango County Part Unincorporated Area 36 NY 017 99990 00000 Altona town 36 NY 019 00000 01583 Champlain village 36 NY 019 13739 13750 Ellenburg town 36 NY 019 00000 23921 Schuyler Falls town 36 NY 019 00000 65717 Chatham village 36 NY 021 14003 14014 Kinderhook town 36 NY 021 00000 39573 Hancock village 36 NY 025 31940 31951 Amenia town 36 NY 027 00000 01693 East Fishkill town 36 NY 027 00000 21996 Fishkill town 36 NY 027 00000 25978 Stanford town 36 NY 027 00000 70662 Akron village 36 NY 029 00441 50716 Alden town 36 NY 029 00000 01099 Alden village 36 NY 029 01088 01099 Amherst town 36 NY 029 00000 02000 Angola village 36 NY 029 02198 24801 Aurora town 36 NY 029 00000 03199 Boston town 36 NY 029 00000 07454 Brant town 36 NY 029 00000 07894 Buffalo 36 NY 029 11000 11000 Cheektowaga town 36 NY 029 00000 15011 Clarence town 36 NY 029 00000 15825 Colden town 36 NY 029 00000 16870 Collins town 36 NY 029 00000 17200 Concord town 36 NY 029 00000 17585 Depew village 36 NY 029 20313 15011 Eden town 36 NY 029 00000 23415 Elma town 36 NY 029 00000 24130 Evans town 36 NY 029 00000 24801 Farnham village 36 NY 029 25428 07894 Grand Island town 36 NY 029 00000 29828 Hamburg town 36 NY 029 00000 31654 Holland town 36 NY 029 00000 35122 Kenmore village 36 NY 029 39232 75000 Lackawanna 36 NY 029 40189 40189 Lancaster town 36 NY 029 00000 41146 Lancaster village 36 NY 029 41135 41146 Marilla town 36 NY 029 00000 45601 Newstead town 36 NY 029 00000 50716 North Collins town 36 NY 029 00000 51803 North Collins village 36 NY 029 51792 51803 Orchard Park town 36 NY 029 00000 55277 Orchard Park village 36 NY 029 55266 55277 Sardinia town 36 NY 029 00000 65277 Sloan village 36 NY 029 67686 15011 Springville village 36 NY 029 70442 17585 Tonawanda 36 NY 029 74166 74166 Tonawanda town 36 NY 029 00000 75000 Wales town 36 NY 029 00000 77871 West Seneca town 36 NY 029 00000 80918 Williamsville village 36 NY 029 82084 15011 Chesterfield town 36 NY 031 00000 15330 Bombay town 36 NY 033 00000 07278 Brandon town 36 NY 033 00000 07839 Brighton town 36 NY 033 00000 08213 Tupper Lake town 36 NY 033 00000 75676 Gloversville 36 NY 035 29443 29443 Johnstown 36 NY 035 38781 38781 Athens village 36 NY 039 02902 02913 Halcott town 36 NY 039 00000 31379 Hunter village 36 NY 039 36167 36178 Lexington town 36 NY 039 00000 42202 Tannersville village 36 NY 039 73143 36178 Hope town 36 NY 041 00000 35496 Indian Lake town 36 NY 041 00000 37374 Wells town 36 NY 041 00000 79059 Russia town 36 NY 043 00000 64254 Black River village 36 NY 045 06794 42015 Chaumont village 36 NY 045 14036 43863 Jefferson County Part Unincorporated Area 36 NY 045 99990 00000 Lyme town 36 NY 045 00000 43863 Theresa town 36 NY 045 00000 73528 Watertown 36 NY 045 78608 78608 Brooklyn borough 36 NY 047 51000 00000 Lewis County Part Unincorporated Area 36 NY 049 99990 00000 Avon town 36 NY 051 00000 03364 Avon village 36 NY 051 03353 03364 Caledonia town 36 NY 051 00000 11715 Caledonia village 36 NY 051 11704 11715 Conesus town 36 NY 051 00000 17618 Dansville village 36 NY 051 19664 51869 Geneseo town 36 NY 051 00000 28629 Geneseo village 36 NY 051 28618 28629 Groveland town 36 NY 051 00000 31016 Leicester town 36 NY 051 00000 41883 Leicester village 36 NY 051 41872 41883 Lima town 36 NY 051 00000 42334 Lima village 36 NY 051 42323 42334 Livonia town 36 NY 051 00000 42961 Livonia village 36 NY 051 42950 42961 Mount Morris town 36 NY 051 00000 48956 Mount Morris village 36 NY 051 48945 48956 North Dansville town 36 NY 051 00000 51869 Nunda town 36 NY 051 00000 54089 Nunda village 36 NY 051 54078 54089 Ossian town 36 NY 051 00000 55508 Portage town 36 NY 051 00000 59179 Sparta town 36 NY 051 00000 70101 Springwater town 36 NY 051 00000 70475 West Sparta town 36 NY 051 00000 81006 York town 36 NY 051 00000 84022 Brookfield town 36 NY 053 00000 08587 Canastota village 36 NY 053 12188 41905 Earlville village 36 NY 053 21523 31720 Hamilton town 36 NY 053 00000 31720 Hamilton village 36 NY 053 31709 31720 Lenox town 36 NY 053 00000 41905 Madison village 36 NY 053 44424 44435 Morrisville village 36 NY 053 48593 23305 Stockbridge town 36 NY 053 00000 71399 Sullivan town 36 NY 053 00000 71993 Brighton town 36 NY 055 00000 08246 Brockport village 36 NY 055 08466 15957 Chili town 36 NY 055 00000 15462 Churchville village 36 NY 055 15638 61808 Clarkson town 36 NY 055 00000 15957 East Rochester village 36 NY 055 22865 22870 Fairport village 36 NY 055 25076 57221 Gates town 36 NY 055 00000 28442 Greece town 36 NY 055 00000 30290 Hamlin town 36 NY 055 00000 31797 Henrietta town 36 NY 055 00000 34099 Hilton village 36 NY 055 34847 56561 Honeoye Falls village 36 NY 055 35364 46558 Irondequoit town 36 NY 055 00000 37726 Mendon town 36 NY 055 00000 46558 Ogden town 36 NY 055 00000 54474 Parma town 36 NY 055 00000 56561 Penfield town 36 NY 055 00000 57144 Perinton town 36 NY 055 00000 57221 Pittsford town 36 NY 055 00000 58365 Pittsford village 36 NY 055 58354 58365 Riga town 36 NY 055 00000 61808 Rochester 36 NY 055 63000 63000 Rush town 36 NY 055 00000 64144 Scottsville village 36 NY 055 65959 81402 Spencerport village 36 NY 055 70189 54474 Sweden town 36 NY 055 00000 72455 Webster town 36 NY 055 00000 78971 Webster village 36 NY 055 78960 78971 Wheatland town 36 NY 055 00000 81402 Amsterdam town 36 NY 057 00000 02077 Canajoharie village 36 NY 057 12111 12122 Charleston town 36 NY 057 00000 13816 Florida town 36 NY 057 00000 26308 Mohawk town 36 NY 057 00000 47834 Nelliston village 36 NY 057 49748 56099 Palatine Bridge village 36 NY 057 56110 56099 Palatine town 36 NY 057 00000 56099 Root town 36 NY 057 00000 63561 St. Johnsville village 36 NY 057 64639 64650 Atlantic Beach village 36 NY 059 02968 34000 Baxter Estates village 36 NY 059 04803 53000 Bayville village 36 NY 059 05034 56000 Bellerose village 36 NY 059 05639 34000 Brookville village 36 NY 059 10132 56000 Cedarhurst village 36 NY 059 13233 34000 Centre Island village 36 NY 059 13618 56000 Cove Neck village 36 NY 059 18597 56000 East Hills village 36 NY 059 22260 56000 East Rockaway village 36 NY 059 22876 34000 East Williston village 36 NY 059 23217 53000 Farmingdale village 36 NY 059 25384 56000 Floral Park village 36 NY 059 26264 34000 Flower Hill village 36 NY 059 26352 53000 Freeport village 36 NY 059 27485 34000 Garden City village 36 NY 059 28178 34000 Glen Cove 36 NY 059 29113 29113 Great Neck Estates village 36 NY 059 30191 53000 Great Neck Plaza village 36 NY 059 30213 53000 Great Neck village 36 NY 059 30169 53000 Hempstead town 36 NY 059 00000 34000 Hempstead village 36 NY 059 33139 34000 Hewlett Bay Park village 36 NY 059 34297 34000 Hewlett Harbor village 36 NY 059 34308 34000 Hewlett Neck village 36 NY 059 34319 34000 Island Park village 36 NY 059 37847 34000 Kensington village 36 NY 059 39309 53000 Kings Point village 36 NY 059 39694 53000 Lake Success village 36 NY 059 40937 53000 Lattingtown village 36 NY 059 41432 56000 Laurel Hollow village 36 NY 059 41487 56000 Lawrence village 36 NY 059 41553 34000 Long Beach 36 NY 059 43335 43335 Lynbrook village 36 NY 059 43874 34000 Malverne village 36 NY 059 44787 34000 Manorhaven village 36 NY 059 45106 53000 Massapequa Park village 36 NY 059 45997 56000 Matinecock village 36 NY 059 46107 56000 Mill Neck village 36 NY 059 47405 56000 Mineola village 36 NY 059 47636 53000 Munsey Park village 36 NY 059 49231 53000 Muttontown village 36 NY 059 49330 56000 New Hyde Park village 36 NY 059 50397 53000 North Hempstead town 36 NY 059 00000 53000 North Hills village 36 NY 059 53022 53000 Old Brookville village 36 NY 059 54562 56000 Old Westbury village 36 NY 059 54705 53000 Oyster Bay Cove village 36 NY 059 56011 56000 Oyster Bay town 36 NY 059 00000 56000 Plandome Heights village 36 NY 059 58486 53000 Plandome Manor village 36 NY 059 58497 53000 Plandome village 36 NY 059 58475 53000 Port Washington North village 36 NY 059 59531 53000 Rockville Centre village 36 NY 059 63264 34000 Roslyn Estates village 36 NY 059 63792 53000 Roslyn Harbor village 36 NY 059 63803 53000 Roslyn village 36 NY 059 63770 53000 Russell Gardens village 36 NY 059 64232 53000 Saddle Rock village 36 NY 059 64430 53000 Sands Point village 36 NY 059 65035 53000 Sea Cliff village 36 NY 059 66047 56000 South Floral Park village 36 NY 059 69023 34000 Stewart Manor village 36 NY 059 71267 34000 Thomaston village 36 NY 059 73605 53000 Upper Brookville village 36 NY 059 76331 56000 Valley Stream village 36 NY 059 76705 34000 Westbury village 36 NY 059 79444 53000 Williston Park village 36 NY 059 82117 53000 Woodsburgh village 36 NY 059 82986 34000 Manhattan borough 36 NY 061 51000 00000 Barker village 36 NY 063 04440 68330 Cambria town 36 NY 063 00000 11803 Hartland town 36 NY 063 00000 32490 Lewiston town 36 NY 063 00000 42158 Lewiston village 36 NY 063 42147 42158 Lockport 36 NY 063 43082 43082 Lockport town 36 NY 063 00000 43093 Middleport village 36 NY 063 46998 32490 Newfane town 36 NY 063 00000 50232 Niagara Falls 36 NY 063 51055 51055 Niagara town 36 NY 063 00000 51033 North Tonawanda 36 NY 063 53682 53682 Pendleton town 36 NY 063 00000 57111 Porter town 36 NY 063 00000 59267 Royalton town 36 NY 063 00000 64034 Somerset town 36 NY 063 00000 68330 Wheatfield town 36 NY 063 00000 81380 Wilson town 36 NY 063 00000 82370 Wilson village 36 NY 063 82359 82370 Youngstown village 36 NY 063 84143 59267 Kirkland town 36 NY 065 00000 39804 Sherrill 36 NY 065 66993 77123 Verona town 36 NY 065 00000 77178 Cicero town 36 NY 067 00000 15704 Clay town 36 NY 067 00000 16067 De Witt town 36 NY 067 00000 20478 Elbridge town 36 NY 067 00000 23800 Geddes town 36 NY 067 00000 28519 Lysander town 36 NY 067 00000 44039 Manlius town 36 NY 067 00000 45029 Manlius village 36 NY 067 45018 45029 Marcellus village 36 NY 067 45480 45491 Salina town 36 NY 067 00000 64815 Solvay village 36 NY 067 68286 28519 Syracuse 36 NY 067 73000 73000 Van Buren town 36 NY 067 00000 76760 Bloomfield village 36 NY 069 06945 21699 Bristol town 36 NY 069 00000 08378 Canadice town 36 NY 069 00000 12100 Canandaigua 36 NY 069 12144 12144 Canandaigua town 36 NY 069 00000 12155 Clifton Springs village 36 NY 069 16375 44864 East Bloomfield town 36 NY 069 00000 21699 Farmington town 36 NY 069 00000 25406 Geneva 36 NY 069 28640 28640 Geneva town 36 NY 069 00000 28651 Gorham town 36 NY 069 00000 29531 Hopewell town 36 NY 069 00000 35551 Manchester town 36 NY 069 00000 44864 Manchester village 36 NY 069 44853 44864 Naples town 36 NY 069 00000 49440 Naples village 36 NY 069 49429 49440 Phelps town 36 NY 069 00000 57529 Phelps village 36 NY 069 57518 57529 Richmond town 36 NY 069 00000 61544 Rushville village 36 NY 069 64199 29531 Seneca town 36 NY 069 00000 66289 Shortsville village 36 NY 069 67257 44864 South Bristol town 36 NY 069 00000 68660 Victor town 36 NY 069 00000 77387 Victor village 36 NY 069 77376 77387 West Bloomfield town 36 NY 069 00000 79356 Cornwall town 36 NY 071 00000 18300 Kiryas Joel village 36 NY 071 39853 56185 Montgomery town 36 NY 071 00000 48153 Montgomery village 36 NY 071 48142 48153 New Windsor town 36 NY 071 00000 50848 Newburgh town 36 NY 071 00000 50045 Wallkill town 36 NY 071 00000 77992 Washingtonville village 36 NY 071 78465 07003 Wawayanda town 36 NY 071 00000 78839 Albion town 36 NY 073 00000 01044 Albion village 36 NY 073 01033 27958 Barre town 36 NY 073 00000 04572 Carlton town 36 NY 073 00000 12496 Clarendon town 36 NY 073 00000 15880 Gaines town 36 NY 073 00000 27958 Holley village 36 NY 073 35155 49286 Kendall town 36 NY 073 00000 39188 Lyndonville village 36 NY 073 43918 83448 Medina village 36 NY 073 46415 61742 Murray town 36 NY 073 00000 49286 Ridgeway town 36 NY 073 00000 61742 Shelby town 36 NY 073 00000 66751 Yates town 36 NY 073 00000 83448 Cleveland village 36 NY 075 16188 17904 Constantia town 36 NY 075 00000 17904 Hastings town 36 NY 075 00000 32688 Mexico village 36 NY 075 46811 46822 Orwell town 36 NY 075 00000 55453 Oswego town 36 NY 075 00000 55585 Parish village 36 NY 075 56341 56352 Sandy Creek village 36 NY 075 65068 65079 Williamstown town 36 NY 075 00000 82073 Brewster village 36 NY 079 08070 68924 Carmel town 36 NY 079 00000 12529 Cold Spring village 36 NY 079 16936 57584 Kent town 36 NY 079 00000 39331 Nelsonville village 36 NY 079 49781 57584 Patterson town 36 NY 079 00000 56748 Philipstown town 36 NY 079 00000 57584 Putnam Valley town 36 NY 079 00000 60147 Southeast town 36 NY 079 00000 68924 Queens borough 36 NY 081 51000 00000 Berlin town 36 NY 083 00000 06189 Brunswick town 36 NY 083 00000 10275 Castleton-on-Hudson village 36 NY 083 12870 65541 East Greenbush town 36 NY 083 00000 22117 East Nassau village 36 NY 083 22557 49517 Grafton town 36 NY 083 00000 29674 Hoosick Falls village 36 NY 083 35474 35463 Hoosick town 36 NY 083 00000 35463 Nassau town 36 NY 083 00000 49517 Nassau village 36 NY 083 49506 65541 North Greenbush town 36 NY 083 00000 52100 Petersburgh town 36 NY 083 00000 57441 Pittstown town 36 NY 083 00000 58398 Poestenkill town 36 NY 083 00000 58805 Rensselaer 36 NY 083 61148 61148 Sand Lake town 36 NY 083 00000 65013 Schaghticoke village 36 NY 083 65475 65486 Schodack town 36 NY 083 00000 65541 Stephentown town 36 NY 083 00000 71102 Troy 36 NY 083 75484 75484 Valley Falls village 36 NY 083 76672 65486 Staten Island borough 36 NY 085 51000 00000 Airmont village 36 NY 087 00408 60510 Chestnut Ridge village 36 NY 087 15400 60510 Clarkstown town 36 NY 087 00000 15968 Grand View-on-Hudson village 36 NY 087 29872 55211 Haverstraw town 36 NY 087 00000 32765 Haverstraw village 36 NY 087 32754 32765 Hillburn village 36 NY 087 34660 60510 Kaser village 36 NY 087 38934 60510 Montebello village 36 NY 087 48090 60510 New Hempstead village 36 NY 087 50353 60510 New Square village 36 NY 087 50705 60510 Nyack village 36 NY 087 54100 15968 Orangetown town 36 NY 087 00000 55211 Piermont village 36 NY 087 57749 55211 Pomona village 36 NY 087 58992 60510 Ramapo town 36 NY 087 00000 60510 Sloatsburg village 36 NY 087 67708 60510 South Nyack village 36 NY 087 69441 55211 Spring Valley village 36 NY 087 70420 60510 Stony Point town 36 NY 087 00000 71674 Suffern village 36 NY 087 71894 60510 Upper Nyack village 36 NY 087 76386 15968 Wesley Hills village 36 NY 087 79174 60510 West Haverstraw village 36 NY 087 80203 32765 Hopkinton town 36 NY 089 00000 35595 Lisbon town 36 NY 089 00000 42631 Macomb town 36 NY 089 00000 44391 Parishville town 36 NY 089 00000 56374 Pitcairn town 36 NY 089 00000 58266 Richville village 36 NY 089 61621 20038 Ballston Spa village 36 NY 091 04253 47537 Ballston town 36 NY 091 00000 04220 Charlton town 36 NY 091 00000 13926 Clifton Park town 36 NY 091 00000 16353 Corinth town 36 NY 091 00000 18223 Corinth village 36 NY 091 18212 18223 Day town 36 NY 091 00000 19807 Edinburg town 36 NY 091 00000 23591 Galway town 36 NY 091 00000 28112 Galway village 36 NY 091 28101 28112 Greenfield town 36 NY 091 00000 30444 Hadley town 36 NY 091 00000 31269 Halfmoon town 36 NY 091 00000 31489 Malta town 36 NY 091 00000 44743 Mechanicville 36 NY 091 46360 46360 Milton town 36 NY 091 00000 47537 Moreau town 36 NY 091 00000 48318 Northumberland town 36 NY 091 00000 53737 Providence town 36 NY 091 00000 59949 Round Lake village 36 NY 091 63957 44743 Saratoga Springs 36 NY 091 65255 65255 Saratoga town 36 NY 091 00000 65244 Schuylerville village 36 NY 091 65750 65244 South Glens Falls village 36 NY 091 69078 48318 Stillwater town 36 NY 091 00000 71333 Stillwater village 36 NY 091 71322 71333 Victory village 36 NY 091 77431 65244 Waterford town 36 NY 091 00000 78531 Waterford village 36 NY 091 78520 78531 Wilton town 36 NY 091 00000 82403 Delanson village 36 NY 093 20082 21006 Duanesburg town 36 NY 093 00000 21006 Glenville town 36 NY 093 00000 29366 Niskayuna town 36 NY 093 00000 51264 Princetown town 36 NY 093 00000 59861 Rotterdam town 36 NY 093 00000 63935 Schenectady 36 NY 093 65508 65508 Scotia village 36 NY 093 65893 29366 Blenheim town 36 NY 095 00000 06893 Carlisle town 36 NY 095 00000 12452 Cobleskill town 36 NY 095 00000 16639 Cobleskill village 36 NY 095 16628 16639 Conesville town 36 NY 095 00000 17651 Esperance town 36 NY 095 00000 24724 Esperance village 36 NY 095 24713 24724 Gilboa town 36 NY 095 00000 28981 Middleburgh town 36 NY 095 00000 46855 Middleburgh village 36 NY 095 46866 46855 Richmondville town 36 NY 095 00000 61599 Richmondville village 36 NY 095 61588 61599 Schoharie town 36 NY 095 00000 65596 Schoharie village 36 NY 095 65585 65596 Seward town 36 NY 095 00000 66542 Sharon Springs village 36 NY 095 66663 66641 Sharon town 36 NY 095 00000 66641 Summit town 36 NY 095 00000 72070 Wright town 36 NY 095 00000 83195 Hector town 36 NY 097 00000 33073 Tyrone town 36 NY 097 00000 75924 Seneca County 36 NY 099 00000 00000 Addison village 36 NY 101 00276 00287 Corning 36 NY 101 18256 18256 Fremont town 36 NY 101 00000 27551 Hartsville town 36 NY 101 00000 32567 Hornell 36 NY 101 35672 35672 Pulteney town 36 NY 101 00000 59982 Wayland town 36 NY 101 00000 78861 Amityville village 36 NY 103 02044 04000 Asharoken village 36 NY 103 02737 37000 Babylon town 36 NY 103 00000 04000 Babylon village 36 NY 103 03408 04000 Belle Terre village 36 NY 103 05672 10000 Bellport village 36 NY 103 05771 10000 Brightwaters village 36 NY 103 08323 38000 Brookhaven town 36 NY 103 00000 10000 Dering Harbor village 36 NY 103 20379 66839 East Hampton town 36 NY 103 00000 22194 East Hampton village 36 NY 103 22183 22194 Greenport village 36 NY 103 30576 69463 Head of the Harbor village 36 NY 103 32963 68000 Huntington Bay village 36 NY 103 37022 37000 Huntington town 36 NY 103 00000 37000 Islandia village 36 NY 103 37840 38000 Islip town 36 NY 103 00000 38000 Lake Grove village 36 NY 103 40530 10000 Lindenhurst village 36 NY 103 42554 04000 Lloyd Harbor village 36 NY 103 43005 37000 Nissequogue village 36 NY 103 51286 68000 North Haven village 36 NY 103 52188 68473 Northport village 36 NY 103 53396 37000 Ocean Beach village 36 NY 103 54430 38000 Old Field village 36 NY 103 54617 10000 Patchogue village 36 NY 103 56660 10000 Poquott village 36 NY 103 59157 10000 Port Jefferson village 36 NY 103 59355 10000 Quogue village 36 NY 103 60422 68473 Riverhead town 36 NY 103 00000 61984 Sag Harbor village 36 NY 103 64485 68473 Sagaponack village 36 NY 103 64452 68473 Saltaire village 36 NY 103 64881 38000 Shelter Island town 36 NY 103 00000 66839 Shoreham village 36 NY 103 67191 10000 Smithtown town 36 NY 103 00000 68000 Southampton town 36 NY 103 00000 68473 Southampton village 36 NY 103 68462 68473 Southold town 36 NY 103 00000 69463 Village of the Branch village 36 NY 103 77519 68000 West Hampton Dunes village 36 NY 103 80186 68473 Westhampton Beach village 36 NY 103 80181 68473 Fallsburg town 36 NY 105 00000 25241 Jeffersonville village 36 NY 105 38506 11759 Lumberland town 36 NY 105 00000 43786 Mamakating town 36 NY 105 00000 44809 Candor town 36 NY 107 00000 12221 Nichols village 36 NY 107 51110 51121 Caroline town 36 NY 109 00000 12606 Ithaca town 36 NY 109 00000 38088 Gardiner town 36 NY 111 00000 28255 Kingston town 36 NY 111 00000 39738 Lloyd town 36 NY 111 00000 42994 Plattekill town 36 NY 111 00000 58552 Saugerties village 36 NY 111 65288 65299 Ulster town 36 NY 111 00000 75935 Queensbury town 36 NY 113 00000 60356 Warren County Part Unincorporated Area 36 NY 113 99990 00000 Washington County Part Unincorporated Area 36 NY 115 99990 00000 Arcadia town 36 NY 117 00000 02440 Butler town 36 NY 117 00000 11473 Clyde village 36 NY 117 16573 28013 Galen town 36 NY 117 00000 28013 Huron town 36 NY 117 00000 37165 Lyons town 36 NY 117 00000 43973 Macedon town 36 NY 117 00000 44160 Marion town 36 NY 117 00000 45645 Newark village 36 NY 117 49891 02440 Ontario town 36 NY 117 00000 55013 Palmyra town 36 NY 117 00000 56198 Red Creek village 36 NY 117 60829 82689 Rose town 36 NY 117 00000 63605 Savannah town 36 NY 117 00000 65343 Sodus Point village 36 NY 117 68242 68220 Sodus town 36 NY 117 00000 68220 Sodus village 36 NY 117 68209 68220 Walworth town 36 NY 117 00000 78102 Williamson town 36 NY 117 00000 82040 Wolcott town 36 NY 117 00000 82689 Wolcott village 36 NY 117 82678 11473 Ardsley village 36 NY 119 02506 30367 Bedford town 36 NY 119 00000 05320 Briarcliff Manor village 36 NY 119 08103 55541 Bronxville village 36 NY 119 08532 21820 Buchanan village 36 NY 119 10341 18410 Cortlandt town 36 NY 119 00000 18410 Croton-on-Hudson village 36 NY 119 19213 18410 Dobbs Ferry village 36 NY 119 20698 30367 Eastchester town 36 NY 119 00000 21820 Elmsford village 36 NY 119 24295 30367 Greenburgh town 36 NY 119 00000 30367 Harrison village 36 NY 119 32402 32413 Hastings-on-Hudson village 36 NY 119 32710 30367 Irvington village 36 NY 119 37803 30367 Larchmont village 36 NY 119 41333 44842 Lewisboro town 36 NY 119 00000 42136 Mamaroneck town 36 NY 119 00000 44842 Mamaroneck village 36 NY 119 44831 64320 Mount Kisco village 36 NY 119 48890 48895 Mount Pleasant town 36 NY 119 00000 49011 Mount Vernon 36 NY 119 49121 49121 New Castle town 36 NY 119 00000 50078 New Rochelle 36 NY 119 50617 50617 North Castle town 36 NY 119 00000 51693 North Salem town 36 NY 119 00000 53517 Ossining town 36 NY 119 00000 55541 Ossining village 36 NY 119 55530 55541 Peekskill 36 NY 119 56979 56979 Pelham Manor village 36 NY 119 57023 57012 Pelham village 36 NY 119 57001 57012 Pleasantville village 36 NY 119 58728 49011 Port Chester village 36 NY 119 59223 64320 Pound Ridge town 36 NY 119 00000 59685 Rye 36 NY 119 64309 64309 Rye Brook village 36 NY 119 64325 64320 Scarsdale town 36 NY 119 00000 65442 Sleepy Hollow village 36 NY 119 67638 49011 Somers town 36 NY 119 00000 68308 Tarrytown village 36 NY 119 73176 30367 Tuckahoe village 36 NY 119 75583 21820 White Plains 36 NY 119 81677 81677 Yonkers 36 NY 119 84000 84000 Yorktown town 36 NY 119 00000 84077 Alamance County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 001 99990 00000 Mebane 37 NC 001 42240 00000 Anson County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 007 99990 00000 Polkton town 37 NC 007 53140 00000 Avery County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 011 99990 00000 Beaufort County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 013 99990 00000 Bertie County 37 NC 015 00000 00000 Boiling Spring Lakes 37 NC 019 06760 00000 Brunswick County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 019 99990 00000 Leland town 37 NC 019 37680 00000 Asheville 37 NC 021 02140 00000 Black Mountain town 37 NC 021 06140 00000 Buncombe County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 021 99990 00000 Morganton 37 NC 023 44400 00000 Cabarrus County 37 NC 025 00000 00000 Carteret County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 031 99990 00000 Morehead City town 37 NC 031 44320 00000 Pine Knoll Shores town 37 NC 031 52000 00000 Caswell County 37 NC 033 00000 00000 Chatham County 37 NC 037 99990 00000 Fair Bluff town 37 NC 047 22240 00000 Tabor City town 37 NC 047 66520 00000 Cumberland County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 051 99990 00000 Fayetteville 37 NC 051 22920 00000 Hope Mills town 37 NC 051 32640 00000 Spring Lake town 37 NC 051 64180 00000 Currituck County 37 NC 053 00000 00000 Dare County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 055 99990 00000 Davie County 37 NC 059 00000 00000 Durham 37 NC 063 19000 00000 Durham County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 063 99990 00000 Forsyth County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 067 99990 00000 Winston-Salem 37 NC 067 75000 00000 Franklin County 37 NC 069 00000 00000 Gaston County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 071 99990 00000 Gastonia 37 NC 071 25580 00000 Granville County 37 NC 077 99990 00000 Greensboro 37 NC 081 28000 00000 Guilford County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 081 99990 00000 High Point 37 NC 081 31400 00000 Roanoke Rapids 37 NC 083 56900 00000 Harnett County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 085 99990 00000 Henderson County 37 NC 089 00000 00000 Hoke County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 093 99990 00000 Raeford 37 NC 093 54580 00000 Iredell County 37 NC 097 00000 00000 Benson town 37 NC 101 05040 00000 Clayton town 37 NC 101 12860 00000 Four Oaks town 37 NC 101 24520 00000 Johnston County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 101 99990 00000 Lee County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 105 99990 00000 Sanford 37 NC 105 59280 00000 McDowell County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 111 99990 00000 Mecklenburg County 37 NC 119 00000 00000 Aberdeen town 37 NC 125 00160 00000 Moore County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 125 99990 00000 Pinehurst village 37 NC 125 51940 00000 Kure Beach town 37 NC 129 36220 00000 New Hanover County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 129 99990 00000 Holly Ridge town 37 NC 133 32180 00000 Jacksonville 37 NC 133 34200 00000 North Topsail Beach town 37 NC 133 47845 00000 Onslow County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 133 99990 00000 Swansboro town 37 NC 133 66360 00000 Carrboro town 37 NC 135 10620 00000 Chapel Hill town 37 NC 135 11800 00000 Orange County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 135 99990 00000 Person County 37 NC 145 00000 00000 Farmville town 37 NC 147 22820 00000 Greenville 37 NC 147 28080 00000 Asheboro 37 NC 151 02080 00000 Randolph County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 151 99990 00000 Red Springs town 37 NC 155 55660 00000 Eden 37 NC 157 20080 00000 Madison town 37 NC 157 40560 00000 Reidsville 37 NC 157 55900 00000 Rockingham County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 157 99990 00000 Monroe 37 NC 179 43920 00000 Union County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 179 99990 00000 Waxhaw town 37 NC 179 71460 00000 Vance County 37 NC 181 00000 00000 Apex town 37 NC 183 01520 00000 Cary town 37 NC 183 10740 00000 Fuquay-Varina town 37 NC 183 25300 00000 Garner town 37 NC 183 25480 00000 Holly Springs town 37 NC 183 32260 00000 Knightdale town 37 NC 183 36080 00000 Morrisville town 37 NC 183 44520 00000 Raleigh 37 NC 183 55000 00000 Rolesville town 37 NC 183 57640 00000 Wake County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 183 99990 00000 Wake Forest town 37 NC 183 70540 00000 Wendell town 37 NC 183 71860 00000 Zebulon town 37 NC 183 76220 00000 Wilson 37 NC 195 74540 00000 Wilson County Unincorporated Area 37 NC 195 99990 00000 Sibley 38 ND 003 72820 72820 Bismarck 38 ND 015 07200 07200 Burleigh County Unincorporated Area 38 ND 015 99990 00000 Lincoln 38 ND 015 46640 46640 Regan 38 ND 015 65980 65980 Addison township 38 ND 017 00000 00500 Alice 38 ND 017 01420 01420 Amenia 38 ND 017 01940 01940 Amenia township 38 ND 017 00000 01980 Argusville 38 ND 017 03020 03020 Arthur 38 ND 017 03300 03300 Arthur township 38 ND 017 00000 03340 Berlin township 38 ND 017 00000 06260 Briarwood 38 ND 017 09320 09320 Buffalo 38 ND 017 10420 10420 Casselton 38 ND 017 12700 12700 Casselton township 38 ND 017 00000 12740 Davenport 38 ND 017 18180 18180 Dows township 38 ND 017 00000 20220 Durbin township 38 ND 017 00000 21100 Eldred township 38 ND 017 00000 22860 Empire township 38 ND 017 00000 24140 Everest township 38 ND 017 00000 25020 Fargo 38 ND 017 25700 25700 Frontier 38 ND 017 28720 28720 Gardner 38 ND 017 29220 29220 Grandin 38 ND 017 32300 32300 Harwood 38 ND 017 35940 35940 Hill township 38 ND 017 00000 38060 Horace 38 ND 017 38900 38900 Hunter 38 ND 017 39460 39460 Kindred 38 ND 017 42780 42780 Kinyon township 38 ND 017 00000 42980 Leonard 38 ND 017 45980 45980 Maple River township 38 ND 017 00000 50540 Mapleton 38 ND 017 50580 50580 Mapleton township 38 ND 017 00000 50620 North River 38 ND 017 58120 58120 Page 38 ND 017 60500 60500 Pleasant township 38 ND 017 00000 63100 Prairie Rose 38 ND 017 64320 64320 Reile's Acres 38 ND 017 66040 66040 Tower City 38 ND 017 79340 79340 Tower township 38 ND 017 00000 79300 Warren township 38 ND 017 00000 83500 Watson township 38 ND 017 00000 83940 West Fargo 38 ND 017 84780 84780 Wheatland township 38 ND 017 00000 85220 Elgin township 38 ND 019 00000 22980 Munich 38 ND 019 55020 55020 Crosby 38 ND 023 16940 16940 Killdeer 38 ND 025 42700 00000 Fairfield township 38 ND 035 00000 25260 Falconer township 38 ND 035 00000 25540 Grand Forks 38 ND 035 32060 32060 Thompson 38 ND 035 78660 78660 Grant County Unincorporated Area 38 ND 037 99990 00000 Mott 38 ND 041 54620 54620 Gackle 38 ND 047 28860 28860 Logan County Unincorporated Area 38 ND 047 99990 00000 Deering 38 ND 049 18620 18620 McHenry County Part Unincorporated Area 38 ND 049 99990 00000 North Prairie township 38 ND 049 00000 58100 Watford City 38 ND 053 83860 83860 McLean County Unincorporated Area 38 ND 055 99990 00000 Beulah 38 ND 057 06660 00000 Stanton 38 ND 057 75420 00000 Flasher 38 ND 059 26660 26660 Hebron 38 ND 059 36860 36860 Mandan 38 ND 059 49900 49900 Morton County Unincorporated Area 38 ND 059 99990 00000 New Salem 38 ND 059 56700 56700 Stanley 38 ND 061 75380 75380 Devils Lake 38 ND 071 19420 19420 Fairmount township 38 ND 077 00000 25340 Mooreton 38 ND 077 54220 54220 Nansen township 38 ND 077 00000 55340 Viking township 38 ND 077 00000 82140 Wahpeton 38 ND 077 82660 82660 Gwinner 38 ND 081 34020 34020 Rutland 38 ND 081 69340 69340 Rutland township 38 ND 081 00000 69380 Goodrich 38 ND 083 31500 31500 Martin 38 ND 083 51060 51060 Dickinson 38 ND 089 19620 00000 Gladstone 38 ND 089 30460 00000 Hope 38 ND 091 38860 38860 Bloom township 38 ND 093 00000 07740 Buchanan 38 ND 093 10060 10060 Cando 38 ND 095 11860 11860 Cando township 38 ND 095 00000 11900 Elm River township 38 ND 097 00000 23740 Lindaas township 38 ND 097 00000 46860 Mayville township 38 ND 097 00000 51540 Viking township 38 ND 097 00000 82180 Edinburg 38 ND 099 22260 22260 Forest River 38 ND 099 27100 27100 Grafton 38 ND 099 31820 31820 Minto 38 ND 099 53540 53540 Park River 38 ND 099 60900 60900 Pisek 38 ND 099 62780 62780 Walsh County Part Unincorporated Area 38 ND 099 99990 00000 Minot 38 ND 101 53380 53380 Surrey 38 ND 101 77180 77180 Ward County Part Unincorporated Area 38 ND 101 99990 00000 Fessenden 38 ND 103 26180 26180 Williams County Part Unincorporated Area 38 ND 105 99990 00000 Williston 38 ND 105 86220 86220 Adams County Part 39 OH 001 00000 00000 Allen County Part 39 OH 003 00000 00000 Bluffton village 39 OH 003 07426 66614 Harrod village 39 OH 003 34118 02988 Spencer township 39 OH 003 00000 73982 Ashland County Part 39 OH 005 00000 00000 Hayesville village 39 OH 005 34636 79758 Milton township 39 OH 005 00000 50610 Ashtabula County 39 OH 007 99990 00000 Athens County Part 39 OH 009 00000 00000 Auglaize County Part 39 OH 011 00000 00000 Goshen township 39 OH 011 00000 30954 Moulton township 39 OH 011 00000 52472 Pusheta township 39 OH 011 00000 65018 Belmont County Part 39 OH 013 00000 00000 St. Clairsville 39 OH 013 69526 66628 Brown County Part 39 OH 015 00000 00000 Brown County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 015 99990 00000 Butler County Part 39 OH 017 00000 00000 Butler County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 017 99990 00000 Fairfield 39 OH 017 25970 25970 Hamilton 39 OH 017 33012 33012 Jacksonburg village 39 OH 017 38192 82082 Middletown 39 OH 017 49840 49840 Monroe 39 OH 017 51310 43050 Oxford 39 OH 017 59234 59241 Trenton 39 OH 017 77322 77322 Carroll County Part 39 OH 019 00000 00000 Champaign County Part 39 OH 021 00000 00000 Clark County Part 39 OH 023 00000 00000 Clark County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 023 99990 00000 Springfield 39 OH 023 74118 74118 Clermont County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 025 99990 00000 Milford 39 OH 025 50176 50176 Clinton County Part 39 OH 027 00000 00000 Columbiana 39 OH 029 17036 25998 Columbiana County Part 39 OH 029 00000 00000 East Palestine village 39 OH 029 23940 78890 Hanoverton village 39 OH 029 33306 33264 Lisbon village 39 OH 029 44030 12910 Liverpool township 39 OH 029 00000 44226 Perry township 39 OH 029 00000 61798 Coshocton County Part 39 OH 031 00000 00000 Bucyrus 39 OH 033 10030 10030 Crawford County Part 39 OH 033 00000 00000 Jefferson township 39 OH 033 00000 38570 New Washington village 39 OH 033 55776 19134 Bay Village 39 OH 035 04416 04416 Beachwood 39 OH 035 04500 04500 Bedford 39 OH 035 04878 04878 Bedford Heights 39 OH 035 04920 04920 Bentleyville village 39 OH 035 05550 05550 Berea 39 OH 035 05690 05690 Bratenahl village 39 OH 035 08336 08336 Brecksville 39 OH 035 08364 08364 Broadview Heights 39 OH 035 09064 09064 Brook Park 39 OH 035 09288 09288 Brooklyn 39 OH 035 09246 09246 Brooklyn Heights village 39 OH 035 09274 09274 Chagrin Falls village 39 OH 035 13358 13372 Cleveland 39 OH 035 16000 16000 Cleveland Heights 39 OH 035 16014 16014 Cuyahoga County Part 39 OH 035 00000 00000 Cuyahoga Heights village 39 OH 035 19806 19806 East Cleveland 39 OH 035 23380 23380 Euclid 39 OH 035 25704 25704 Fairview Park 39 OH 035 26446 26446 Garfield Heights 39 OH 035 29428 29428 Gates Mills village 39 OH 035 29498 29498 Glenwillow village 39 OH 035 30632 30632 Highland Heights 39 OH 035 35252 35252 Highland Hills village 39 OH 035 35255 35255 Hunting Valley village 39 OH 035 36918 36918 Independence 39 OH 035 37240 37240 Lakewood 39 OH 035 41664 41664 Linndale village 39 OH 035 43918 43918 Lyndhurst 39 OH 035 45556 45556 Maple Heights 39 OH 035 47306 47306 Mayfield Heights 39 OH 035 48482 48482 Mayfield village 39 OH 035 48468 48468 Middleburg Heights 39 OH 035 49644 49644 Moreland Hills village 39 OH 035 52052 52052 Newburgh Heights village 39 OH 035 54250 54250 North Olmsted 39 OH 035 56882 56882 North Randall village 39 OH 035 56924 56924 North Royalton 39 OH 035 57008 57008 Oakwood village 39 OH 035 57750 57750 Olmsted Falls 39 OH 035 58422 58422 Orange village 39 OH 035 58604 58604 Parma 39 OH 035 61000 61000 Parma Heights 39 OH 035 61028 61028 Pepper Pike 39 OH 035 61686 61686 Richmond Heights 39 OH 035 66894 66894 Rocky River 39 OH 035 68056 68056 Seven Hills 39 OH 035 71416 71416 Shaker Heights 39 OH 035 71682 71682 Solon 39 OH 035 72928 72928 South Euclid 39 OH 035 73264 73264 Strongsville 39 OH 035 75098 75098 University Heights 39 OH 035 78932 78932 Valley View village 39 OH 035 79268 79268 Walton Hills village 39 OH 035 80738 80738 Warrensville Heights 39 OH 035 80990 80990 Westlake 39 OH 035 83622 83622 Woodmere village 39 OH 035 86394 86394 Darke County Part 39 OH 037 00000 00000 Defiance County Part 39 OH 039 00000 00000 Highland township 39 OH 039 00000 35196 Noble township 39 OH 039 00000 56014 Sherwood village 39 OH 039 72256 21420 Tiffin township 39 OH 039 00000 76772 Delaware 39 OH 041 21434 21448 Delaware County Part 39 OH 041 00000 00000 Delaware County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 041 99990 00000 Powell 39 OH 041 64486 43106 Sunbury village 39 OH 041 75602 75620 Berlin township 39 OH 043 00000 05802 Erie County Part 39 OH 043 00000 00000 Sandusky 39 OH 043 70380 70380 Vermilion 39 OH 043 79716 79716 Amanda township 39 OH 045 00000 01637 Baltimore village 39 OH 045 03758 43120 Berne township 39 OH 045 00000 05956 Bloom township 39 OH 045 00000 06950 Bremen village 39 OH 045 08392 69120 Carroll village 39 OH 045 12252 32060 Fairfield County Part 39 OH 045 00000 00000 Greenfield township 39 OH 045 00000 32060 Hocking township 39 OH 045 00000 35812 Lancaster 39 OH 045 41720 41740 Liberty township 39 OH 045 00000 43120 Lithopolis village 39 OH 045 44086 06950 Millersport village 39 OH 045 50400 80570 Pickerington 39 OH 045 62498 80206 Pleasant township 39 OH 045 00000 63240 Pleasantville village 39 OH 045 63716 80570 Richland township 39 OH 045 00000 66684 Rush Creek township 39 OH 045 00000 69120 Sugar Grove village 39 OH 045 75252 05956 Violet township 39 OH 045 00000 80206 Walnut township 39 OH 045 00000 80570 Bexley 39 OH 049 06278 06278 Brice village 39 OH 049 08532 77714 Canal Winchester 39 OH 049 11332 46410 Columbus 39 OH 049 18000 18000 Dublin 39 OH 049 22694 81242 Franklin County Part 39 OH 049 00000 00000 Franklin County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 049 99990 00000 Gahanna 39 OH 049 29106 50064 Grandview Heights 39 OH 049 31304 31304 Grove City 39 OH 049 32592 37772 Groveport 39 OH 049 32606 33026 Hilliard 39 OH 049 35476 57344 Marble Cliff village 39 OH 049 47474 47474 New Albany 39 OH 049 53970 62974 Obetz village 39 OH 049 57862 33026 Reynoldsburg 39 OH 049 66390 77714 Upper Arlington 39 OH 049 79002 79002 Westerville 39 OH 049 83342 83342 Whitehall 39 OH 049 84742 84742 Worthington 39 OH 049 86604 71787 Fulton County Part 39 OH 051 00000 00000 Gallia County Part 39 OH 053 00000 00000 Rio Grande village 39 OH 053 67258 65228 Geauga County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 055 99990 00000 South Russell village 39 OH 055 73684 73684 Cedarville village 39 OH 057 12784 12798 Fairborn 39 OH 057 25914 04724 Greene County Part 39 OH 057 00000 00000 Greene County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 057 99990 00000 Guernsey County Part 39 OH 059 00000 00000 Addyston village 39 OH 061 00436 49364 Arlington Heights village 39 OH 061 02428 02428 Blue Ash 39 OH 061 07300 07300 Cheviot 39 OH 061 14128 14128 Cincinnati 39 OH 061 15000 15000 Cleves village 39 OH 061 16028 84938 Deer Park 39 OH 061 21266 21266 Elmwood Place village 39 OH 061 25186 25186 Evendale village 39 OH 061 25802 25802 Forest Park 39 OH 061 27706 27706 Glendale village 39 OH 061 30380 30380 Greenhills village 39 OH 061 32158 32158 Hamilton County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 061 99990 00000 Harrison 39 OH 061 33838 33852 Loveland 39 OH 061 45108 45108 Madeira 39 OH 061 46312 46312 Mariemont village 39 OH 061 47600 47600 Montgomery 39 OH 061 51716 51716 Mount Healthy 39 OH 061 52752 52752 Newtown village 39 OH 061 55678 55678 North College Hill 39 OH 061 56322 56322 Norwood 39 OH 061 57386 57386 Reading 39 OH 061 65732 65732 Sharonville 39 OH 061 71892 71892 Springdale 39 OH 061 74104 74104 St. Bernard village 39 OH 061 69470 69470 Wyoming 39 OH 061 86730 86730 Hancock County Part 39 OH 063 00000 00000 Liberty township 39 OH 063 00000 43148 Ada village 39 OH 065 00198 43162 Dudley township 39 OH 065 00000 22736 Hardin County Part 39 OH 065 00000 00000 Harrison County Part 39 OH 067 00000 00000 Henry County Part 39 OH 069 00000 00000 McClure village 39 OH 069 45794 20016 Ridgeville township 39 OH 069 00000 67062 Highland County Part 39 OH 071 00000 00000 Leesburg village 39 OH 071 42476 26026 Hocking County Part 39 OH 073 00000 00000 Holmes County Part 39 OH 075 00000 00000 Greenwich township 39 OH 077 00000 32382 Greenwich village 39 OH 077 32368 32368 Huron County Part 39 OH 077 00000 00000 North Fairfield village 39 OH 077 56420 26040 Norwalk 39 OH 077 57302 57302 Jackson County Part 39 OH 079 00000 00000 Bloomingdale village 39 OH 081 07202 82180 Jefferson County Part 39 OH 081 00000 00000 Stratton village 39 OH 081 75000 70086 Howard township 39 OH 083 00000 36526 Knox County Part 39 OH 083 00000 00000 Mount Vernon 39 OH 083 53102 53102 Eastlake 39 OH 085 23618 23618 Lake County Part 39 OH 085 00000 00000 Lake County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 085 99990 00000 Mentor 39 OH 085 49056 49056 Wickliffe 39 OH 085 85036 85036 Willoughby 39 OH 085 85484 85484 Lawrence County Part 39 OH 087 00000 00000 South Point village 39 OH 087 73670 26782 Hanover village 39 OH 089 33292 33299 Hartford (Croton) village 39 OH 089 34202 34188 Licking County Part 39 OH 089 00000 00000 Licking County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 089 99990 00000 St. Louisville village 39 OH 089 69652 55580 De Graff village 39 OH 091 21378 49378 Logan County Part 39 OH 091 00000 00000 Logan County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 091 99990 00000 Amherst 39 OH 093 01798 01798 Avon 39 OH 093 03352 03352 Avon Lake 39 OH 093 03464 03464 Brighton township 39 OH 093 00000 08770 Brownhelm township 39 OH 093 00000 09568 Camden township 39 OH 093 00000 11010 Carlisle township 39 OH 093 00000 12140 Columbia township 39 OH 093 00000 16910 Eaton township 39 OH 093 00000 24220 Elyria 39 OH 093 25256 25256 Grafton township 39 OH 093 00000 31164 Grafton village 39 OH 093 31150 31150 Henrietta township 39 OH 093 00000 34972 Huntington township 39 OH 093 00000 36876 Kipton village 39 OH 093 40544 11010 LaGrange township 39 OH 093 00000 41244 LaGrange village 39 OH 093 41230 41244 Lorain 39 OH 093 44856 44856 Lorain County Part 39 OH 093 00000 00000 New Russia township 39 OH 093 00000 55446 North Ridgeville 39 OH 093 56966 56966 Oberlin 39 OH 093 57834 57834 Penfield township 39 OH 093 00000 61532 Pittsfield township 39 OH 093 00000 62960 Rochester township 39 OH 093 00000 67776 Rochester village 39 OH 093 67762 67776 Sheffield Lake 39 OH 093 72088 72088 Sheffield township 39 OH 093 00000 72067 Sheffield village 39 OH 093 72060 72060 South Amherst village 39 OH 093 73040 01812 Wellington township 39 OH 093 00000 82656 Wellington village 39 OH 093 82642 82656 Lucas County Part 39 OH 095 00000 00000 Lucas County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 095 99990 00000 Toledo 39 OH 095 77000 77000 London 39 OH 097 44674 44674 Madison County Part 39 OH 097 00000 00000 Madison County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 097 99990 00000 Mount Sterling village 39 OH 097 53046 63338 West Jefferson village 39 OH 097 83580 38696 Mahoning County Part 39 OH 099 00000 00000 Mahoning County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 099 99990 00000 Marion County Part 39 OH 101 00000 00000 Prospect township 39 OH 101 00000 64794 Brunswick 39 OH 103 09680 09680 Medina 39 OH 103 48790 87052 Medina County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 103 99990 00000 Wadsworth 39 OH 103 80304 80304 Meigs County Part 39 OH 105 00000 00000 Mercer County Part 39 OH 107 00000 00000 Miami County Part 39 OH 109 00000 00000 Miami County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 109 99990 00000 Monroe County Part 39 OH 111 00000 00000 Dayton 39 OH 113 21000 21000 Farmersville village 39 OH 113 26656 37912 Montgomery County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 113 99990 00000 Cardington township 39 OH 117 00000 12098 Cardington village 39 OH 117 12084 12098 Chester township 39 OH 117 00000 14030 Chesterville village 39 OH 117 14114 14030 Edison village 39 OH 117 24598 30128 Lincoln township 39 OH 117 00000 43680 Morrow County Part 39 OH 117 00000 00000 Morrow County Part Unincorporated Area 39 OH 117 99990 00000 Mount Gilead village 39 OH 117 52738 30128 South Bloomfield township 39 OH 117 00000 73061 Troy township 39 OH 117 00000 77602 Westfield township 39 OH 117 00000 83454 New Concord village 39 OH 119 54446 78498 Philo village 39 OH 119 62442 33936 Noble County Part 39 OH 121 00000 00000 Noble County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 121 99990 00000 Ottawa County Part 39 OH 123 00000 00000 Ottawa County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 123 99990 00000 Harrison township 39 OH 125 00000 33950 Paulding County Part 39 OH 125 00000 00000 Paulding County Part Unincorporated Area 39 OH 125 99990 00000 Crooksville village 39 OH 127 19456 33964 Hopewell township 39 OH 127 00000 36386 Perry County Part 39 OH 127 00000 00000 Pickaway County Part 39 OH 129 00000 00000 South Bloomfield village 39 OH 129 73068 33978 Beaver village 39 OH 131 04696 47824 Pike County Part 39 OH 131 00000 00000 Pike County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 131 99990 00000 Kent 39 OH 133 39872 39872 Portage County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 133 99990 00000 Columbus Grove village 39 OH 137 18014 63380 Continental village 39 OH 137 18504 51562 Fort Jennings village 39 OH 137 27818 38976 Greensburg township 39 OH 137 00000 32228 Jackson township 39 OH 137 00000 38024 Jennings township 39 OH 137 00000 38976 Leipsic village 39 OH 137 42602 79450 Miller City village 39 OH 137 50358 59612 Monterey township 39 OH 137 00000 51660 Ottawa township 39 OH 137 00000 58996 Ottawa village 39 OH 137 58982 58996 Palmer township 39 OH 137 00000 59612 Pandora village 39 OH 137 59738 67174 Perry township 39 OH 137 00000 62036 Putnam County Part 39 OH 137 00000 00000 Union township 39 OH 137 00000 78526 Van Buren township 39 OH 137 00000 79450 Ross County Part 39 OH 141 00000 00000 Bellevue 39 OH 143 05228 05228 Gibsonburg village 39 OH 143 30072 46592 Jackson township 39 OH 143 00000 38052 Sandusky County Part 39 OH 143 00000 00000 Portsmouth 39 OH 145 64304 64304 Scioto County Part 39 OH 145 00000 00000 Seneca County Part 39 OH 147 00000 00000 Shelby County Part 39 OH 149 00000 00000 Hartville village 39 OH 151 34328 41314 Massillon 39 OH 151 48244 48244 Navarre village 39 OH 151 53690 06180 Stark County Part 39 OH 151 00000 00000 Stark County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 151 99990 00000 Summit County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 153 99990 00000 Trumbull County Part 39 OH 155 00000 00000 Trumbull County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 155 99990 00000 Lawrence township 39 OH 157 00000 42182 Stone Creek village 39 OH 157 74804 38836 Tuscarawas County Part 39 OH 157 00000 00000 Tuscarawas village 39 OH 157 77924 81060 Union County Part 39 OH 159 00000 00000 Union County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 159 99990 00000 Union township 39 OH 161 00000 78596 Van Wert County Part 39 OH 161 00000 00000 Vinton County Part 39 OH 163 00000 00000 Butlerville village 39 OH 165 10674 33474 Carlisle village 39 OH 165 12168 28490 Franklin 39 OH 165 28476 28490 Harveysburg village 39 OH 165 34384 48216 Lebanon 39 OH 165 42364 42364 Mason 39 OH 165 48188 48188 Springboro 39 OH 165 74076 15700 Warren County Part 39 OH 165 00000 00000 Warren County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 165 99990 00000 Lower Salem village 39 OH 167 45220 70002 Doylestown village 39 OH 169 22568 14240 Wayne County Part 39 OH 169 00000 00000 Wayne County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 169 99990 00000 Wooster 39 OH 169 86548 86548 Edon village 39 OH 171 24640 27530 Williams County Part 39 OH 171 00000 00000 Wood County Part 39 OH 173 00000 00000 Wood County Unincorporated Area 39 OH 173 99990 00000 Wyandot County Part 39 OH 175 00000 00000 Stilwell 40 OK 001 70350 00000 Elk City 40 OK 009 23500 00000 Durant 40 OK 013 22050 00000 Calumet town 40 OK 017 11050 00000 El Reno 40 OK 017 23700 00000 Mustang 40 OK 017 50100 00000 Piedmont 40 OK 017 58700 00000 Union City town 40 OK 017 75950 00000 Yukon 40 OK 017 82950 00000 Ardmore 40 OK 019 02600 00000 Hulbert town 40 OK 021 36400 00000 Tahlequah 40 OK 021 72100 00000 Lexington 40 OK 027 42700 00000 Moore 40 OK 027 49200 00000 Noble 40 OK 027 52150 00000 Norman 40 OK 027 52500 00000 Slaughterville town 40 OK 027 67950 00000 Coalgate 40 OK 029 15800 00000 Elgin 40 OK 031 23450 00000 Lawton 40 OK 031 41850 00000 Bristow 40 OK 037 08900 00000 Depew town 40 OK 037 20300 00000 Drumright 40 OK 037 21750 00000 Kiefer town 40 OK 037 39750 00000 Mannford town 40 OK 037 46200 00000 Mounds town 40 OK 037 49550 00000 Sapulpa 40 OK 037 65400 00000 Weatherford 40 OK 039 79450 00000 Breckenridge town 40 OK 047 08600 00000 Enid 40 OK 047 23950 00000 Garber 40 OK 047 28500 00000 North Enid town 40 OK 047 52600 00000 Waukomis town 40 OK 047 79200 00000 Pauls Valley 40 OK 049 57550 00000 Alex town 40 OK 051 01250 00000 Amber town 40 OK 051 01900 00000 Chickasha 40 OK 051 13950 00000 Minco 40 OK 051 48750 00000 Ninnekah town 40 OK 051 52100 00000 Rush Springs town 40 OK 051 64300 00000 Tuttle 40 OK 051 75450 00000 Verden town 40 OK 051 77000 00000 Mangum 40 OK 055 46050 00000 Holdenville 40 OK 063 35400 00000 Altus 40 OK 065 01700 00000 Poteau 40 OK 079 60350 00000 Chandler 40 OK 081 13500 00000 Davenport town 40 OK 081 19350 00000 Meeker town 40 OK 081 47450 00000 Prague 40 OK 081 60500 00000 Stroud 40 OK 081 71000 00000 Wellston town 40 OK 081 79900 00000 Crescent 40 OK 083 18250 00000 Guthrie 40 OK 083 31700 00000 Langston town 40 OK 083 41550 00000 Blanchard 40 OK 087 06700 00000 Goldsby town 40 OK 087 29850 00000 McClain County Unincorporated Area 40 OK 087 99990 00000 Newcastle 40 OK 087 51150 00000 Purcell 40 OK 087 61150 00000 Idabel 40 OK 089 36750 00000 Davis 40 OK 099 19450 00000 Muskogee 40 OK 101 50050 00000 Warner town 40 OK 101 78400 00000 Webbers Falls town 40 OK 101 79650 00000 Boley town 40 OK 107 07500 00000 Bethany 40 OK 109 05700 00000 Choctaw 40 OK 109 14200 00000 Del City 40 OK 109 19900 00000 Edmond 40 OK 109 23200 00000 Forest Park town 40 OK 109 26850 00000 Harrah 40 OK 109 32750 00000 Jones town 40 OK 109 38350 00000 Lake Aluma town 40 OK 109 40800 00000 Luther town 40 OK 109 44500 00000 Midwest City 40 OK 109 48350 00000 Nichols Hills 40 OK 109 51800 00000 Nicoma Park 40 OK 109 51850 00000 Oklahoma City 40 OK 109 55000 00000 Oklahoma County Unincorporated Area 40 OK 109 99990 00000 Spencer 40 OK 109 69200 00000 The Village 40 OK 109 73250 00000 Valley Brook town 40 OK 109 76500 00000 Warr Acres 40 OK 109 78500 00000 Woodlawn Park town 40 OK 109 82000 00000 Dewar town 40 OK 111 20500 00000 Henryetta 40 OK 111 33750 00000 Hoffman town 40 OK 111 35300 00000 Morris 40 OK 111 49400 00000 Okmulgee 40 OK 111 55150 00000 Avant town 40 OK 113 03500 00000 Barnsdall 40 OK 113 04250 00000 Fairfax town 40 OK 113 24850 00000 Hominy 40 OK 113 35850 00000 Osage County Unincorporated Area 40 OK 113 99990 00000 Pawhuska 40 OK 113 57600 00000 Skiatook 40 OK 113 67850 00000 Cleveland 40 OK 117 15350 00000 Pawnee 40 OK 117 57650 00000 Stillwater 40 OK 119 70300 00000 McAlester 40 OK 121 44800 00000 Ada 40 OK 123 00200 00000 Shawnee 40 OK 125 66800 00000 Tecumseh 40 OK 125 72650 00000 Catoosa 40 OK 131 12900 00000 Chelsea town 40 OK 131 13700 00000 Claremore 40 OK 131 14700 00000 Claremore-Rogers County Part Unincorporated Area 40 OK 131 99990 00000 Inola town 40 OK 131 37100 00000 Oologah town 40 OK 131 55750 00000 Talala town 40 OK 131 72200 00000 Verdigris town 40 OK 131 77050 00000 Roland town 40 OK 135 63800 00000 Duncan 40 OK 137 21900 00000 Optima town 40 OK 139 55850 00000 Bixby 40 OK 143 06400 00000 Broken Arrow 40 OK 143 09050 00000 Collinsville 40 OK 143 16350 00000 Glenpool 40 OK 143 29600 00000 Jenks 40 OK 143 37800 00000 Lotsee town 40 OK 143 44100 00000 Owasso 40 OK 143 56650 00000 Sand Springs 40 OK 143 65300 00000 Sperry town 40 OK 143 69300 00000 Tulsa 40 OK 143 75000 00000 Tulsa County Unincorporated Area 40 OK 143 99990 00000 Coweta 40 OK 145 17800 00000 Wagoner County Unincorporated Area 40 OK 145 99990 00000 Bartlesville 40 OK 147 04450 00000 Woodward 40 OK 153 82150 00000 Balance of State 41 OR 000 00000 00000 Corvallis 41 OR 003 15800 00000 Clackamas County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 005 99990 00000 Estacada 41 OR 005 23800 00000 Happy Valley 41 OR 005 32050 00000 Lake Oswego 41 OR 005 40550 00000 Milwaukie 41 OR 005 48650 00000 Oregon City 41 OR 005 55200 00000 Sandy 41 OR 005 65250 00000 West Linn 41 OR 005 80150 00000 Wilsonville 41 OR 005 82800 00000 Columbia City 41 OR 009 14750 00000 Columbia County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 009 99990 00000 Scappoose 41 OR 009 65500 00000 St. Helens 41 OR 009 64600 00000 Bend 41 OR 017 05800 00000 Deschutes County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 017 99990 00000 Redmond 41 OR 017 61200 00000 Sisters 41 OR 017 67950 00000 Douglas County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 019 99990 00000 Reedsport 41 OR 019 61300 00000 Grant County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 023 99990 00000 Harney County 41 OR 025 00000 00000 Hood River County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 027 99990 00000 Central Point 41 OR 029 12400 00000 Jackson County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 029 99990 00000 Jacksonville 41 OR 029 37000 00000 Medford 41 OR 029 47000 00000 Klamath County 41 OR 035 00000 00000 Lake County 41 OR 037 99990 00000 Eugene 41 OR 039 23850 00000 Florence 41 OR 039 26050 00000 Lane County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 039 99990 00000 Springfield 41 OR 039 69600 00000 Toledo 41 OR 041 74000 00000 Albany 41 OR 043 01000 00000 Brownsville 41 OR 043 09050 00000 Halsey 41 OR 043 31750 00000 Harrisburg 41 OR 043 32550 00000 Lebanon 41 OR 043 41650 00000 Linn County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 043 99990 00000 Lyons 41 OR 043 44300 00000 Mill City 41 OR 043 48150 00000 Scio 41 OR 043 65650 00000 Sweet Home 41 OR 043 71950 00000 Tangent 41 OR 043 72600 00000 Ontario 41 OR 045 54900 00000 Aurora 41 OR 047 03300 00000 Marion County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 047 99990 00000 Salem 41 OR 047 64900 00000 Boardman 41 OR 049 07200 00000 Fairview 41 OR 051 24250 00000 Gresham 41 OR 051 31250 00000 Multnomah County Part 2 Unincorporated Area 41 OR 051 99990 00000 Portland 41 OR 051 59000 00000 Troutdale 41 OR 051 74850 00000 Wood Village 41 OR 051 83950 00000 Tillamook County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 057 99990 00000 Wasco County 41 OR 065 99990 00000 Beaverton 41 OR 067 05350 00000 Cornelius 41 OR 067 15550 00000 Durham 41 OR 067 21250 00000 Forest Grove 41 OR 067 26200 00000 Hillsboro 41 OR 067 34100 00000 King City 41 OR 067 39150 00000 Sherwood 41 OR 067 67100 00000 Tigard 41 OR 067 73650 00000 Tualatin 41 OR 067 74950 00000 Washington County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 067 99990 00000 Dayton 41 OR 071 18250 00000 Dundee 41 OR 071 21050 00000 Lafayette 41 OR 071 40300 00000 McMinnville 41 OR 071 45000 00000 Newberg 41 OR 071 52100 00000 Yamhill County Unincorporated Area 41 OR 071 99990 00000 Adams County 42 PA 001 00000 00000 Blawnox borough 42 PA 003 07000 07000 Coraopolis borough 42 PA 003 16144 16144 Fawn township 42 PA 003 00000 25400 Harrison township 42 PA 003 00000 32832 Neville township 42 PA 003 00000 53136 Ohio township 42 PA 003 00000 56392 Penn Hills township 42 PA 003 00000 59032 Pine township 42 PA 003 00000 60272 Pittsburgh 42 PA 003 61000 61000 Pleasant Hills borough 42 PA 003 61328 61328 Reserve township 42 PA 003 00000 64240 Ross township 42 PA 003 00000 66264 West Homestead borough 42 PA 003 83200 83200 Boggs township 42 PA 005 00000 07416 Cowanshannock township 42 PA 005 00000 16728 Dayton borough 42 PA 005 18400 18400 Kiskiminetas township 42 PA 005 00000 39968 Madison township 42 PA 005 00000 46456 Mahoning township 42 PA 005 00000 46632 Manor township 42 PA 005 00000 46976 North Buffalo township 42 PA 005 00000 54856 Perry township 42 PA 005 00000 59440 Pine township 42 PA 005 00000 60280 Plumcreek township 42 PA 005 00000 61576 Rayburn township 42 PA 005 00000 63560 Rural Valley borough 42 PA 005 66720 66720 South Bend township 42 PA 005 00000 71968 Valley township 42 PA 005 00000 79528 Washington township 42 PA 005 00000 81176 Wayne township 42 PA 005 00000 81720 West Franklin township 42 PA 005 00000 83024 West Kittanning borough 42 PA 005 83248 83248 Aliquippa 42 PA 007 00820 00820 Bridgewater borough 42 PA 007 08632 08632 Center township 42 PA 007 00000 12016 Midland borough 42 PA 007 49184 49184 Patterson township 42 PA 007 00000 58375 Bedford borough 42 PA 009 04944 04944 Hyndman borough 42 PA 009 36640 36640 Liberty township 42 PA 009 00000 43072 Pavia township 42 PA 009 00000 58492 West Providence township 42 PA 009 00000 83920 Woodbury township 42 PA 009 00000 86136 Brecknock township 42 PA 011 00000 08344 Hereford township 42 PA 011 00000 34016 Longswamp township 42 PA 011 00000 44584 Muhlenberg township 42 PA 011 00000 52200 Womelsdorf borough 42 PA 011 86056 86056 Newry borough 42 PA 013 54024 54024 Alba borough 42 PA 015 00572 00572 Albany township 42 PA 015 00000 00596 Armenia township 42 PA 015 00000 03056 Athens borough 42 PA 015 03392 03392 Burlington borough 42 PA 015 10240 10240 Columbia township 42 PA 015 00000 15376 Granville township 42 PA 015 00000 30464 Leroy township 42 PA 015 00000 42856 Monroe borough 42 PA 015 50432 50432 New Albany borough 42 PA 015 53152 53152 Overton township 42 PA 015 00000 57448 Rome borough 42 PA 015 65944 65944 Sayre borough 42 PA 015 68096 68096 Sheshequin township 42 PA 015 00000 70208 Smithfield township 42 PA 015 00000 71312 South Creek township 42 PA 015 00000 72096 South Waverly borough 42 PA 015 72592 72592 Springfield township 42 PA 015 00000 73008 Standing Stone township 42 PA 015 00000 73632 Terry township 42 PA 015 00000 76408 Troy borough 42 PA 015 77584 77584 Troy township 42 PA 015 00000 77592 Tuscarora township 42 PA 015 00000 77936 Wells township 42 PA 015 00000 82144 West Burlington township 42 PA 015 00000 82656 Wilmot township 42 PA 015 00000 85544 Wyalusing borough 42 PA 015 86656 86656 Wysox township 42 PA 015 00000 86912 Bedminster township 42 PA 017 00000 04976 Bensalem township 42 PA 017 00000 05616 Bridgeton township 42 PA 017 00000 08592 Bristol borough 42 PA 017 08760 08760 Bristol township 42 PA 017 00000 08768 Buckingham township 42 PA 017 00000 09816 Chalfont borough 42 PA 017 12504 12504 Doylestown borough 42 PA 017 19784 19784 Doylestown township 42 PA 017 00000 19792 Dublin borough 42 PA 017 20104 20104 Durham township 42 PA 017 00000 20480 East Rockhill township 42 PA 017 00000 21760 Falls township 42 PA 017 00000 25112 Haycock township 42 PA 017 00000 33224 Hilltown township 42 PA 017 00000 34952 Hulmeville borough 42 PA 017 36192 36192 Ivyland borough 42 PA 017 37304 37304 Langhorne borough 42 PA 017 41392 41392 Langhorne Manor borough 42 PA 017 41416 41416 Lower Makefield township 42 PA 017 00000 44968 Lower Southampton township 42 PA 017 00000 45112 Middletown township 42 PA 017 00000 49120 Milford township 42 PA 017 00000 49384 Morrisville borough 42 PA 017 51144 51144 New Britain borough 42 PA 017 53296 53296 New Britain township 42 PA 017 00000 53304 New Hope borough 42 PA 017 53712 53712 Newtown borough 42 PA 017 54184 54184 Newtown township 42 PA 017 00000 54192 Nockamixon township 42 PA 017 00000 54576 Northampton township 42 PA 017 00000 54688 Penndel borough 42 PA 017 58936 58936 Perkasie borough 42 PA 017 59384 59384 Plumstead township 42 PA 017 00000 61616 Quakertown borough 42 PA 017 63048 63048 Richland township 42 PA 017 00000 64536 Richlandtown borough 42 PA 017 64584 64584 Riegelsville borough 42 PA 017 64856 64856 Sellersville borough 42 PA 017 69248 69248 Silverdale borough 42 PA 017 70744 70744 Solebury township 42 PA 017 00000 71752 Springfield township 42 PA 017 00000 73016 Tinicum township 42 PA 017 00000 76784 Trumbauersville borough 42 PA 017 77704 77704 Tullytown borough 42 PA 017 77744 77744 Upper Makefield township 42 PA 017 00000 79128 Upper Southampton township 42 PA 017 00000 79296 Warminster township 42 PA 017 00000 80952 Warrington township 42 PA 017 00000 81048 Warwick township 42 PA 017 00000 81144 West Rockhill township 42 PA 017 00000 83960 Wrightstown township 42 PA 017 00000 86624 Yardley borough 42 PA 017 86920 86920 Adams township 42 PA 019 00000 00300 Allegheny township 42 PA 019 00000 00860 Butler 42 PA 019 10464 10464 Cranberry township 42 PA 019 00000 16920 East Butler borough 42 PA 019 20904 20904 Eau Claire borough 42 PA 019 22128 22128 Jackson township 42 PA 019 00000 37344 Jefferson township 42 PA 019 00000 37848 Prospect borough 42 PA 019 62752 62752 Saxonburg borough 42 PA 019 68056 68056 Ashville borough 42 PA 021 03296 03296 Cambria township 42 PA 021 00000 10880 Conemaugh township 42 PA 021 00000 15552 Cresson borough 42 PA 021 17136 17136 Lower Yoder township 42 PA 021 00000 45160 Southmont borough 42 PA 021 72344 72344 Summerhill borough 42 PA 021 75136 75136 Vintondale borough 42 PA 021 80288 80288 Emporium borough 42 PA 023 23600 23600 Jim Thorpe borough 42 PA 025 38200 38200 Lausanne township 42 PA 025 00000 41888 Penn Forest township 42 PA 025 00000 58968 Summit Hill borough 42 PA 025 75248 75248 Bellefonte borough 42 PA 027 05256 05256 Benner township 42 PA 027 00000 05608 College township 42 PA 027 00000 15136 Ferguson township 42 PA 027 00000 25624 Haines township 42 PA 027 00000 31960 Halfmoon township 42 PA 027 00000 31992 Harris township 42 PA 027 00000 32792 Patton township 42 PA 027 00000 58440 Philipsburg borough 42 PA 027 60008 60008 State College borough 42 PA 027 73808 73808 Atglen borough 42 PA 029 03384 03384 Avondale borough 42 PA 029 03656 03656 Birmingham township 42 PA 029 00000 06544 Caln township 42 PA 029 00000 10824 Charlestown township 42 PA 029 00000 12744 Coatesville 42 PA 029 14712 14712 Downingtown borough 42 PA 029 19752 19752 East Bradford township 42 PA 029 00000 20824 East Brandywine township 42 PA 029 00000 20864 East Caln township 42 PA 029 00000 20920 East Coventry township 42 PA 029 00000 21008 East Fallowfield township 42 PA 029 00000 21104 East Goshen township 42 PA 029 00000 21192 East Marlborough township 42 PA 029 00000 21480 East Nantmeal township 42 PA 029 00000 21576 East Nottingham township 42 PA 029 00000 21624 East Pikeland township 42 PA 029 00000 21696 East Vincent township 42 PA 029 00000 22000 East Whiteland township 42 PA 029 00000 22056 Easttown township 42 PA 029 00000 21928 Elk township 42 PA 029 00000 23032 Elverson borough 42 PA 029 23440 23440 Franklin township 42 PA 029 00000 27376 Highland township 42 PA 029 00000 34448 Honey Brook borough 42 PA 029 35528 35528 Honey Brook township 42 PA 029 00000 35536 Kennett Square borough 42 PA 029 39352 39352 Kennett township 42 PA 029 00000 39344 London Britain township 42 PA 029 00000 44440 London Grove township 42 PA 029 00000 44480 Londonderry township 42 PA 029 00000 44456 Lower Oxford township 42 PA 029 00000 45040 Malvern borough 42 PA 029 46792 46792 Modena borough 42 PA 029 50232 50232 New Garden township 42 PA 029 00000 53608 New London township 42 PA 029 00000 53816 Newlin township 42 PA 029 00000 53784 North Coventry township 42 PA 029 00000 54936 Oxford borough 42 PA 029 57480 57480 Parkesburg borough 42 PA 029 58032 58032 Penn township 42 PA 029 00000 58808 Pennsbury township 42 PA 029 00000 59136 Phoenixville borough 42 PA 029 60120 60120 Pocopson township 42 PA 029 00000 61800 Sadsbury township 42 PA 029 00000 67080 Schuylkill township 42 PA 029 00000 68288 South Coatesville borough 42 PA 029 72072 72072 South Coventry township 42 PA 029 00000 72088 Spring City borough 42 PA 029 72920 72920 Thornbury township 42 PA 029 00000 76568 Tredyffrin township 42 PA 029 00000 77344 Upper Oxford township 42 PA 029 00000 79208 Upper Uwchlan township 42 PA 029 00000 79352 Uwchlan township 42 PA 029 00000 79480 Valley township 42 PA 029 00000 79544 Wallace township 42 PA 029 00000 80616 Warwick township 42 PA 029 00000 81160 West Bradford township 42 PA 029 00000 82544 West Brandywine township 42 PA 029 00000 82576 West Caln township 42 PA 029 00000 82664 West Chester borough 42 PA 029 82704 82704 West Fallowfield township 42 PA 029 00000 82936 West Goshen township 42 PA 029 00000 83080 West Grove borough 42 PA 029 83104 83104 West Marlborough township 42 PA 029 00000 83464 West Nantmeal township 42 PA 029 00000 83664 West Nottingham township 42 PA 029 00000 83712 West Pikeland township 42 PA 029 00000 83832 West Sadsbury township 42 PA 029 00000 83968 West Vincent township 42 PA 029 00000 84160 West Whiteland township 42 PA 029 00000 84192 Westtown township 42 PA 029 00000 84104 Willistown township 42 PA 029 00000 85352 Callensburg borough 42 PA 031 10792 10792 Elk township 42 PA 031 00000 23040 Foxburg borough 42 PA 031 27112 27112 Highland township 42 PA 031 00000 34456 Knox borough 42 PA 031 40272 40272 Monroe township 42 PA 031 00000 50464 Porter township 42 PA 031 00000 62144 Brady township 42 PA 033 00000 08120 Troutville borough 42 PA 033 77568 77568 Westover borough 42 PA 033 83736 83736 Woodward township 42 PA 035 00000 86448 Beaver township 42 PA 037 00000 04704 Benton borough 42 PA 037 05680 05680 Benton township 42 PA 037 00000 05688 Berwick borough 42 PA 037 05888 05888 Bloomsburg town 42 PA 037 07128 07128 Briar Creek borough 42 PA 037 08472 08472 Briar Creek township 42 PA 037 00000 08480 Catawissa borough 42 PA 037 11736 11736 Cleveland township 42 PA 037 00000 14184 Fishing Creek township 42 PA 037 00000 26056 Franklin township 42 PA 037 00000 27384 Greenwood township 42 PA 037 00000 31392 Hemlock township 42 PA 037 00000 33760 Jackson township 42 PA 037 00000 37360 Locust township 42 PA 037 00000 44208 Madison township 42 PA 037 00000 46472 Main township 42 PA 037 00000 46688 Mifflin township 42 PA 037 00000 49256 Millville borough 42 PA 037 49944 49944 Montour township 42 PA 037 00000 50704 Mount Pleasant township 42 PA 037 00000 51792 North Centre township 42 PA 037 00000 54880 Orange township 42 PA 037 00000 56896 Orangeville borough 42 PA 037 56912 56912 Pine township 42 PA 037 00000 60304 Roaring Creek township 42 PA 037 00000 65240 Scott township 42 PA 037 00000 68392 South Centre township 42 PA 037 00000 72040 Stillwater borough 42 PA 037 74184 74184 Sugarloaf township 42 PA 037 00000 75048 Meadville 42 PA 039 48360 48360 Saegertown borough 42 PA 039 67120 67120 South Shenango township 42 PA 039 00000 72472 Spartansburg borough 42 PA 039 72704 72704 Springboro borough 42 PA 039 72872 72872 Woodcock borough 42 PA 039 86160 86160 Camp Hill borough 42 PA 041 11000 11000 Carlisle borough 42 PA 041 11272 11272 Cooke township 42 PA 041 00000 15920 Dickinson township 42 PA 041 00000 19144 East Pennsboro township 42 PA 041 00000 21680 Hampden township 42 PA 041 00000 32296 Hopewell township 42 PA 041 00000 35672 Lemoyne borough 42 PA 041 42648 42648 Lower Allen township 42 PA 041 00000 44832 Lower Frankford township 42 PA 041 00000 44904 Lower Mifflin township 42 PA 041 00000 44984 Mechanicsburg borough 42 PA 041 48376 48376 Middlesex township 42 PA 041 00000 49072 Monroe township 42 PA 041 00000 50472 Mount Holly Springs borough 42 PA 041 51592 51592 New Cumberland borough 42 PA 041 53464 53464 Newburg borough 42 PA 041 53344 53344 Newville borough 42 PA 041 54320 54320 North Middleton township 42 PA 041 00000 55216 North Newton township 42 PA 041 00000 55248 Penn township 42 PA 041 00000 58824 Shippensburg borough 42 PA 041 70352 70352 Shippensburg township 42 PA 041 00000 70360 Shiremanstown borough 42 PA 041 70384 70384 Silver Spring township 42 PA 041 00000 70792 South Middleton township 42 PA 041 00000 72336 South Newton township 42 PA 041 00000 72384 Southampton township 42 PA 041 00000 71904 Upper Allen township 42 PA 041 00000 78736 Upper Frankford township 42 PA 041 00000 79032 Upper Mifflin township 42 PA 041 00000 79152 West Pennsboro township 42 PA 041 00000 83800 Wormleysburg borough 42 PA 041 86528 86528 Berrysburg borough 42 PA 043 05856 05856 Conewago township 42 PA 043 00000 15640 Dauphin borough 42 PA 043 18272 18272 Derry township 42 PA 043 00000 18936 East Hanover township 42 PA 043 00000 21208 Elizabethville borough 42 PA 043 23024 23024 Gratz borough 42 PA 043 30600 30600 Halifax borough 42 PA 043 32032 32032 Halifax township 42 PA 043 00000 32040 Harrisburg 42 PA 043 32800 32800 Highspire borough 42 PA 043 34664 34664 Hummelstown borough 42 PA 043 36232 36232 Jackson township 42 PA 043 00000 37368 Jefferson township 42 PA 043 00000 37864 Londonderry township 42 PA 043 00000 44464 Lower Paxton township 42 PA 043 00000 45056 Lower Swatara township 42 PA 043 00000 45120 Lykens borough 42 PA 043 45592 45592 Lykens township 42 PA 043 00000 45600 Middle Paxton township 42 PA 043 00000 49040 Middletown borough 42 PA 043 49128 49128 Mifflin township 42 PA 043 00000 49264 Millersburg borough 42 PA 043 49680 49680 Paxtang borough 42 PA 043 58504 58504 Penbrook borough 42 PA 043 58712 58712 Pillow borough 42 PA 043 60264 60264 Reed township 42 PA 043 00000 63928 Royalton borough 42 PA 043 66560 66560 Rush township 42 PA 043 00000 66744 South Hanover township 42 PA 043 00000 72200 Steelton borough 42 PA 043 73888 73888 Susquehanna township 42 PA 043 00000 75528 Swatara township 42 PA 043 00000 75672 Upper Paxton township 42 PA 043 00000 79216 Washington township 42 PA 043 00000 81216 Wayne township 42 PA 043 00000 81744 West Hanover township 42 PA 043 00000 83128 Wiconisco township 42 PA 043 00000 84976 Williams township 42 PA 043 00000 85232 Williamstown borough 42 PA 043 85320 85320 Aldan borough 42 PA 045 00676 00676 Aston township 42 PA 045 00000 03336 Bethel township 42 PA 045 00000 06024 Brookhaven borough 42 PA 045 09080 09080 Chadds Ford township 42 PA 045 00000 12442 Chester 42 PA 045 13208 13208 Chester Heights borough 42 PA 045 13232 13232 Chester township 42 PA 045 00000 13212 Clifton Heights borough 42 PA 045 14264 14264 Collingdale borough 42 PA 045 15232 15232 Colwyn borough 42 PA 045 15432 15432 Concord township 42 PA 045 00000 15488 Darby borough 42 PA 045 18152 18152 Darby township 42 PA 045 00000 18160 East Lansdowne borough 42 PA 045 21384 21384 Eddystone borough 42 PA 045 22296 22296 Edgmont township 42 PA 045 00000 22584 Folcroft borough 42 PA 045 26408 26408 Glenolden borough 42 PA 045 29720 29720 Haverford township 42 PA 045 00000 33144 Lansdowne borough 42 PA 045 41440 41440 Lower Chichester township 42 PA 045 00000 44888 Marcus Hook borough 42 PA 045 47344 47344 Marple township 42 PA 045 00000 47616 Media borough 42 PA 045 48480 48480 Middletown township 42 PA 045 00000 49136 Millbourne borough 42 PA 045 49504 49504 Morton borough 42 PA 045 51176 51176 Nether Providence township 42 PA 045 00000 53104 Newtown township 42 PA 045 00000 54224 Norwood borough 42 PA 045 55664 55664 Parkside borough 42 PA 045 58176 58176 Prospect Park borough 42 PA 045 62792 62792 Radnor township 42 PA 045 00000 63264 Ridley Park borough 42 PA 045 64832 64832 Ridley township 42 PA 045 00000 64800 Rose Valley borough 42 PA 045 66192 66192 Rutledge borough 42 PA 045 66928 66928 Sharon Hill borough 42 PA 045 69752 69752 Springfield township 42 PA 045 00000 73032 Swarthmore borough 42 PA 045 75648 75648 Thornbury township 42 PA 045 00000 76576 Tinicum township 42 PA 045 00000 76792 Trainer borough 42 PA 045 77288 77288 Upland borough 42 PA 045 78712 78712 Upper Chichester township 42 PA 045 00000 78776 Upper Darby township 42 PA 045 00000 79000 Upper Providence township 42 PA 045 00000 79248 Yeadon borough 42 PA 045 86968 86968 Cranesville borough 42 PA 049 16960 16960 Edinboro borough 42 PA 049 22608 22608 Erie 42 PA 049 24000 24000 Girard borough 42 PA 049 29232 29232 Girard township 42 PA 049 00000 29240 Greenfield township 42 PA 049 00000 31008 LeBoeuf township 42 PA 049 00000 42208 McKean borough 42 PA 049 46216 46216 Millcreek township 42 PA 049 00000 49548 North East township 42 PA 049 00000 54960 Washington township 42 PA 049 00000 81224 Connellsville 42 PA 051 15776 15776 Fayette County Part Unincorporated Area 42 PA 051 99990 00000 Henry Clay township 42 PA 051 00000 33896 Ohiopyle borough 42 PA 051 56408 56408 Stewart township 42 PA 051 00000 74080 Antrim township 42 PA 055 00000 02696 Chambersburg borough 42 PA 055 12536 12536 Fannett township 42 PA 055 00000 25176 Greencastle borough 42 PA 055 30896 30896 Greene township 42 PA 055 00000 30944 Guilford township 42 PA 055 00000 31720 Hamilton township 42 PA 055 00000 32152 Letterkenny township 42 PA 055 00000 42888 Lurgan township 42 PA 055 00000 45496 Mercersburg borough 42 PA 055 48704 48704 Metal township 42 PA 055 00000 48888 Mont Alto borough 42 PA 055 50544 50544 Montgomery township 42 PA 055 00000 50616 Orrstown borough 42 PA 055 57112 57112 Peters township 42 PA 055 00000 59600 Quincy township 42 PA 055 00000 63200 Southampton township 42 PA 055 00000 71912 St. Thomas township 42 PA 055 00000 67400 Warren township 42 PA 055 00000 80992 Washington township 42 PA 055 00000 81240 Waynesboro borough 42 PA 055 81824 81824 Belfast township 42 PA 057 00000 05144 Greene township 42 PA 059 00000 30952 Jackson township 42 PA 059 00000 37376 Morris township 42 PA 059 00000 51064 Richhill township 42 PA 059 00000 64512 Birmingham borough 42 PA 061 06560 06560 Juniata township 42 PA 061 00000 38608 Union township 42 PA 061 00000 78328 White township 42 PA 063 00000 84472 Jefferson County 42 PA 065 00000 00000 Greenwood township 42 PA 067 00000 31424 Spruce Hill township 42 PA 067 00000 73504 Archbald borough 42 PA 069 02832 02832 Blakely borough 42 PA 069 06928 06928 Moosic borough 42 PA 069 50880 50880 Taylor borough 42 PA 069 76184 76184 Thornhurst township 42 PA 069 00000 76601 Denver borough 42 PA 071 18888 18888 East Drumore township 42 PA 071 00000 21040 Mount Joy township 42 PA 071 00000 51664 Paradise township 42 PA 071 00000 57848 Strasburg borough 42 PA 071 74712 74712 Strasburg township 42 PA 071 00000 74720 West Donegal township 42 PA 071 00000 82816 Ellwood City borough 42 PA 073 23304 23304 Mahoning township 42 PA 073 00000 46648 New Beaver borough 42 PA 073 53184 53184 Union township 42 PA 073 00000 78368 Wilmington township 42 PA 073 00000 85504 Lebanon County Part Unincorporated Area 42 PA 075 99990 00000 Coplay borough 42 PA 077 16128 16128 Fountain Hill borough 42 PA 077 27008 27008 Upper Macungie township 42 PA 077 00000 79104 Washington township 42 PA 077 00000 81280 Whitehall township 42 PA 077 00000 84528 Edwardsville borough 42 PA 079 22672 22672 Exeter township 42 PA 079 00000 24400 Freeland borough 42 PA 079 27744 27744 Nescopeck borough 42 PA 079 52984 52984 Nuangola borough 42 PA 079 55752 55752 Pittston township 42 PA 079 00000 61056 Plains township 42 PA 079 00000 61120 West Pittston borough 42 PA 079 83856 83856 Wright township 42 PA 079 00000 86584 Fairfield township 42 PA 081 00000 24592 Jackson township 42 PA 081 00000 37408 Loyalsock township 42 PA 081 00000 45224 Montoursville borough 42 PA 081 50720 50720 Ceres township 42 PA 083 00000 12408 French Creek township 42 PA 085 00000 27824 Sandy Lake borough 42 PA 085 67848 67848 Burnham borough 42 PA 087 10256 10256 Juniata Terrace borough 42 PA 087 38640 38640 Union township 42 PA 087 00000 78392 Chestnuthill township 42 PA 089 00000 13328 Middle Smithfield township 42 PA 089 00000 49080 Pocono township 42 PA 089 00000 61728 Stroud township 42 PA 089 00000 74880 Tobyhanna township 42 PA 089 00000 76960 Abington township 42 PA 091 00000 00156 Ambler borough 42 PA 091 02264 02264 Bridgeport borough 42 PA 091 08568 08568 Bryn Athyn borough 42 PA 091 09696 09696 Cheltenham township 42 PA 091 00000 12968 Collegeville borough 42 PA 091 15192 15192 Conshohocken borough 42 PA 091 15848 15848 Douglass township 42 PA 091 00000 19672 East Greenville borough 42 PA 091 21200 21200 East Norriton township 42 PA 091 00000 21600 Franconia township 42 PA 091 00000 27280 Green Lane borough 42 PA 091 31088 31088 Hatboro borough 42 PA 091 33088 33088 Hatfield borough 42 PA 091 33112 33112 Hatfield township 42 PA 091 00000 33120 Horsham township 42 PA 091 00000 35808 Jenkintown borough 42 PA 091 38000 38000 Lansdale borough 42 PA 091 41432 41432 Limerick township 42 PA 091 00000 43312 Lower Frederick township 42 PA 091 00000 44912 Lower Gwynedd township 42 PA 091 00000 44920 Lower Merion township 42 PA 091 00000 44976 Lower Moreland township 42 PA 091 00000 45008 Lower Pottsgrove township 42 PA 091 00000 45072 Lower Providence township 42 PA 091 00000 45080 Lower Salford township 42 PA 091 00000 45096 Marlborough township 42 PA 091 00000 47592 Montgomery township 42 PA 091 00000 50640 Narberth borough 42 PA 091 52664 52664 New Hanover township 42 PA 091 00000 53664 Norristown borough 42 PA 091 54656 54656 North Wales borough 42 PA 091 55512 55512 Pennsburg borough 42 PA 091 59120 59120 Perkiomen township 42 PA 091 00000 59392 Plymouth township 42 PA 091 00000 61664 Pottstown borough 42 PA 091 62416 62416 Red Hill borough 42 PA 091 63808 63808 Rockledge borough 42 PA 091 65568 65568 Royersford borough 42 PA 091 66576 66576 Salford township 42 PA 091 00000 67528 Schwenksville borough 42 PA 091 68328 68328 Skippack township 42 PA 091 00000 71016 Souderton borough 42 PA 091 71856 71856 Springfield township 42 PA 091 00000 73088 Telford borough 42 PA 091 76304 76304 Towamencin township 42 PA 091 00000 77152 Trappe borough 42 PA 091 77304 77304 Upper Dublin township 42 PA 091 00000 79008 Upper Frederick township 42 PA 091 00000 79040 Upper Gwynedd township 42 PA 091 00000 79056 Upper Hanover township 42 PA 091 00000 79064 Upper Merion township 42 PA 091 00000 79136 Upper Moreland township 42 PA 091 00000 79176 Upper Pottsgrove township 42 PA 091 00000 79240 Upper Providence township 42 PA 091 00000 79256 Upper Salford township 42 PA 091 00000 79280 West Conshohocken borough 42 PA 091 82736 82736 West Norriton township 42 PA 091 00000 83696 West Pottsgrove township 42 PA 091 00000 83912 Whitemarsh township 42 PA 091 00000 84624 Whitpain township 42 PA 091 00000 84888 Worcester township 42 PA 091 00000 86496 Cooper township 42 PA 093 00000 16048 Danville borough 42 PA 093 18136 18136 Derry township 42 PA 093 00000 18952 Limestone township 42 PA 093 00000 43360 Mahoning township 42 PA 093 00000 46656 Montour County Part Unincorporated Area 42 PA 093 99990 00000 Valley township 42 PA 093 00000 79552 West Hemlock township 42 PA 093 00000 83144 Palmer township 42 PA 095 00000 57672 Tatamy borough 42 PA 095 76144 76144 Williams township 42 PA 095 00000 85256 East Chillisquaque township 42 PA 097 00000 20976 Lower Augusta township 42 PA 097 00000 44856 Northumberland borough 42 PA 097 55456 55456 Point township 42 PA 097 00000 61832 Shamokin 42 PA 097 69600 69600 Sunbury 42 PA 097 75304 75304 Upper Augusta township 42 PA 097 00000 78744 Upper Mahanoy township 42 PA 097 00000 79112 Duncannon borough 42 PA 099 20240 20240 Penn township 42 PA 099 00000 58856 Perry County Part Unincorporated Area 42 PA 099 99990 00000 Rye township 42 PA 099 00000 66976 Wheatfield township 42 PA 099 00000 84368 Philadelphia 42 PA 101 60000 60000 Blooming Grove township 42 PA 103 00000 07088 Delaware township 42 PA 103 00000 18704 Dingman township 42 PA 103 00000 19272 Greene township 42 PA 103 00000 30976 Lackawaxen township 42 PA 103 00000 40776 Lehman township 42 PA 103 00000 42512 Matamoras borough 42 PA 103 48048 48048 Milford borough 42 PA 103 49400 49400 Milford township 42 PA 103 00000 49408 Palmyra township 42 PA 103 00000 57728 Porter township 42 PA 103 00000 62192 Shohola township 42 PA 103 00000 70496 Westfall township 42 PA 103 00000 82928 Oswayo township 42 PA 105 00000 57288 Stewardson township 42 PA 105 00000 74072 Sweden township 42 PA 105 00000 75720 West Branch township 42 PA 105 00000 82568 Foster township 42 PA 107 00000 26944 Hegins township 42 PA 107 00000 33584 Kline township 42 PA 107 00000 40096 Shenandoah borough 42 PA 107 70056 70056 Beaver township 42 PA 109 00000 04736 McClure borough 42 PA 109 45992 45992 Middlecreek township 42 PA 109 00000 49016 Shamokin Dam borough 42 PA 109 69616 69616 West Beaver township 42 PA 109 00000 82464 Addison township 42 PA 111 00000 00404 Confluence borough 42 PA 111 15680 15680 Jefferson township 42 PA 111 00000 37920 Lower Turkeyfoot township 42 PA 111 00000 45136 New Centerville borough 42 PA 111 53416 53416 Somerset township 42 PA 111 00000 71784 Stoystown borough 42 PA 111 74672 74672 Summit township 42 PA 111 00000 75232 Windber borough 42 PA 111 85632 85632 Davidson township 42 PA 113 00000 18296 Hillsgrove township 42 PA 113 00000 34840 Hop Bottom borough 42 PA 115 35624 35624 Middletown township 42 PA 115 00000 49152 Brookfield township 42 PA 117 00000 09072 Charleston township 42 PA 117 00000 12728 Farmington township 42 PA 117 00000 25296 Liberty township 42 PA 117 00000 43136 Middlebury township 42 PA 117 00000 48968 Richmond township 42 PA 117 00000 64624 Rutland township 42 PA 117 00000 66912 Sullivan township 42 PA 117 00000 75104 Tioga borough 42 PA 117 76808 76808 Union township 42 PA 117 00000 78416 New Berlin borough 42 PA 119 53200 53200 Cornplanter township 42 PA 121 00000 16232 Irwin township 42 PA 121 00000 37200 Pinegrove township 42 PA 121 00000 60472 Sandycreek township 42 PA 121 00000 67824 Sugarcreek borough 42 PA 121 75000 75000 Victory township 42 PA 121 00000 80168 Warren 42 PA 123 81000 81000 Watson township 42 PA 123 00000 81584 Cokeburg borough 42 PA 125 14896 14896 McDonald borough 42 PA 125 46072 46072 New Eagle borough 42 PA 125 53496 53496 North Bethlehem township 42 PA 125 00000 54800 North Franklin township 42 PA 125 00000 55040 Union township 42 PA 125 00000 78432 West Finley township 42 PA 125 00000 83000 West Middletown borough 42 PA 125 83504 83504 Oregon township 42 PA 127 00000 57000 Bolivar borough 42 PA 129 07480 07480 Donegal borough 42 PA 129 19472 19472 Export borough 42 PA 129 24432 24432 Greensburg 42 PA 129 31200 31200 Irwin borough 42 PA 129 37208 37208 Jeannette 42 PA 129 37784 37784 Madison borough 42 PA 129 46488 46488 Municipality of Murrysville borough 42 PA 129 52432 52432 New Alexandria borough 42 PA 129 53160 53160 New Florence borough 42 PA 129 53544 53544 North Huntingdon township 42 PA 129 00000 55128 Rostraver township 42 PA 129 00000 66376 Seward borough 42 PA 129 69368 69368 Smithton borough 42 PA 129 71424 71424 Sutersville borough 42 PA 129 75584 75584 West Leechburg borough 42 PA 129 83328 83328 Youngwood borough 42 PA 129 87232 87232 Meshoppen borough 42 PA 131 48856 48856 Meshoppen township 42 PA 131 00000 48864 Monroe township 42 PA 131 00000 50496 Noxen township 42 PA 131 00000 55736 Carroll township 42 PA 133 00000 11432 East Hopewell township 42 PA 133 00000 21296 Hopewell township 42 PA 133 00000 35704 Loganville borough 42 PA 133 44416 44416 Peach Bottom township 42 PA 133 00000 58560 Shrewsbury borough 42 PA 133 70568 70568 Spring Grove borough 42 PA 133 73192 73192 Stewartstown borough 42 PA 133 74104 74104 Warrington township 42 PA 133 00000 81056 Wrightsville borough 42 PA 133 86640 86640 York township 42 PA 133 00000 87056 Barrington town 44 RI 001 00000 05140 Bristol town 44 RI 001 00000 09280 Warren town 44 RI 001 00000 73760 Coventry town 44 RI 003 00000 18640 East Greenwich town 44 RI 003 00000 22240 Warwick 44 RI 003 74300 74300 West Greenwich town 44 RI 003 00000 77720 West Warwick town 44 RI 003 00000 78440 Jamestown town 44 RI 005 00000 36820 Little Compton town 44 RI 005 00000 42400 Middletown town 44 RI 005 00000 45460 Newport 44 RI 005 49960 49960 Portsmouth town 44 RI 005 00000 57880 Tiverton town 44 RI 005 00000 70880 Burrillville town 44 RI 007 00000 11800 Central Falls 44 RI 007 14140 14140 Cranston 44 RI 007 19180 19180 Cumberland town 44 RI 007 00000 20080 East Providence 44 RI 007 22960 22960 Foster town 44 RI 007 00000 27460 Glocester town 44 RI 007 00000 30340 Johnston town 44 RI 007 00000 37720 Lincoln town 44 RI 007 00000 41500 North Providence town 44 RI 007 00000 51760 North Smithfield town 44 RI 007 00000 52480 Pawtucket 44 RI 007 54640 54640 Providence 44 RI 007 59000 59000 Scituate town 44 RI 007 00000 64220 Smithfield town 44 RI 007 00000 66200 Woonsocket 44 RI 007 80780 80780 Charlestown town 44 RI 009 00000 14500 Exeter town 44 RI 009 00000 25300 Hopkinton town 44 RI 009 00000 35380 Narragansett town 44 RI 009 00000 48340 New Shoreham town 44 RI 009 00000 50500 North Kingstown town 44 RI 009 00000 51580 Richmond town 44 RI 009 00000 61160 South Kingstown town 44 RI 009 00000 67460 Westerly town 44 RI 009 00000 77000 Aiken 45 SC 003 00550 00000 Aiken County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 003 99990 00000 North Augusta 45 SC 003 50695 00000 Fairfax town 45 SC 005 24370 00000 Anderson County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 007 99990 00000 Bamberg County 45 SC 009 00000 00000 Barnwell 45 SC 011 04060 00000 Beaufort 45 SC 013 04690 00000 Beaufort County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 013 99990 00000 Berkeley County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 015 99990 00000 Bonneau town 45 SC 015 07525 00000 Goose Creek 45 SC 015 29815 00000 Hanahan 45 SC 015 32065 00000 Jamestown town 45 SC 015 36475 00000 Moncks Corner town 45 SC 015 47275 00000 St. Stephen town 45 SC 015 62755 00000 Calhoun County 45 SC 017 00000 00000 Charleston 45 SC 019 13330 00000 Charleston County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 019 99990 00000 Folly Beach 45 SC 019 26035 00000 Isle of Palms 45 SC 019 36115 00000 Kiawah Island town 45 SC 019 38162 00000 Mount Pleasant town 45 SC 019 48535 00000 North Charleston 45 SC 019 50875 00000 Sullivan's Island town 45 SC 019 70090 00000 Cherokee County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 021 99990 00000 Smoaks town 45 SC 029 67165 00000 Society Hill town 45 SC 031 67435 00000 Dorchester County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 035 99990 00000 Reevesville town 45 SC 035 59380 00000 Ridgeville town 45 SC 035 60370 00000 St. George town 45 SC 035 62530 00000 Summerville town 45 SC 035 70270 00000 Edgefield County 45 SC 037 00000 00000 Fairfield County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 039 99990 00000 Florence 45 SC 041 25810 00000 Florence County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 041 99990 00000 Andrews town 45 SC 043 01450 00000 Georgetown County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 043 99990 00000 Fountain Inn 45 SC 045 27070 00000 Greenville 45 SC 045 30850 00000 Greenville County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 045 99990 00000 Greer 45 SC 045 30985 00000 Mauldin 45 SC 045 45115 00000 Simpsonville 45 SC 045 66580 00000 Travelers Rest 45 SC 045 72430 00000 Hampton County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 049 99990 00000 Yemassee town 45 SC 049 79450 00000 Atlantic Beach town 45 SC 051 03205 00000 Aynor town 45 SC 051 03430 00000 Conway 45 SC 051 16405 00000 Horry County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 051 99990 00000 Loris 45 SC 051 42730 00000 Myrtle Beach 45 SC 051 49075 00000 North Myrtle Beach 45 SC 051 51280 00000 Surfside Beach town 45 SC 051 70585 00000 Hardeeville 45 SC 053 32245 00000 Camden 45 SC 055 10855 00000 Elgin town 45 SC 055 23245 00000 Kershaw County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 055 99990 00000 Lancaster County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 057 99990 00000 Clinton 45 SC 059 15295 00000 Laurens 45 SC 059 40615 00000 Laurens County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 059 99990 00000 Batesburg Leesville town 45 SC 063 04300 00000 Cayce 45 SC 063 12655 00000 Gaston town 45 SC 063 28780 00000 Lexington County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 063 99990 00000 Lexington town 45 SC 063 41335 00000 Pelion town 45 SC 063 55420 00000 South Congaree town 45 SC 063 67705 00000 Springdale town 45 SC 063 68425 00000 West Columbia 45 SC 063 75850 00000 Marion County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 067 99990 00000 Bennettsville 45 SC 069 05680 00000 Oconee County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 073 99990 00000 Central town 45 SC 077 13015 00000 Clemson 45 SC 077 14950 00000 Easley 45 SC 077 21985 00000 Liberty 45 SC 077 41380 00000 Pickens County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 077 99990 00000 Arcadia Lakes town 45 SC 079 02125 00000 Blythewood town 45 SC 079 07255 00000 Columbia 45 SC 079 16000 00000 Forest Acres 45 SC 079 26305 00000 Richland County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 079 99990 00000 Saluda County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 081 99990 00000 Saluda town 45 SC 081 63250 00000 Spartanburg County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 083 99990 00000 Sumter County 45 SC 085 00000 00000 Clover town 45 SC 091 15355 00000 Fort Mill town 45 SC 091 26890 00000 Rock Hill 45 SC 091 61405 00000 Tega Cay 45 SC 091 71417 00000 York 45 SC 091 79630 00000 York County Unincorporated Area 45 SC 091 99990 00000 Huron 46 SD 005 31060 31060 Martin 46 SD 007 41100 00000 Aurora town 46 SD 011 02780 02780 Brookings 46 SD 011 07580 07580 Aberdeen 46 SD 013 00100 00100 Westport town 46 SD 013 70540 70540 Belle Fourche 46 SD 019 04380 04380 Charles Mix County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 023 99990 00000 Clark County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 025 99990 00000 Clay County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 027 99990 00000 Vermillion 46 SD 027 66700 66700 Watertown 46 SD 029 69300 69300 Custer County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 033 99990 00000 Mitchell 46 SD 035 43100 43100 Gary 46 SD 039 23860 23860 Isabel town 46 SD 041 32140 00000 Bowdle 46 SD 045 06540 06540 Faulk County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 049 99990 00000 Philip 46 SD 055 49300 00000 Hayti town 46 SD 057 27820 27820 St. Lawrence town 46 SD 059 57180 57180 Hanson County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 061 99990 00000 Pierre 46 SD 065 49600 49600 Kadoka 46 SD 071 33180 33180 Central City 46 SD 081 11140 11140 Lawrence County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 081 99990 00000 Spearfish 46 SD 081 60020 60020 Harrisburg 46 SD 083 27260 27260 Lincoln County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 083 99990 00000 Tea 46 SD 083 63100 63100 Eureka 46 SD 089 20180 20180 McPherson County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 089 99990 00000 Faith 46 SD 093 20980 20980 Meade County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 093 99990 00000 Brandon 46 SD 099 06840 06840 Hartford 46 SD 099 27540 27540 Minnehaha County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 099 99990 00000 Sherman town 46 SD 099 58580 58580 Sioux Falls 46 SD 099 59020 59020 Valley Springs 46 SD 099 66260 66260 Egan 46 SD 101 18460 18460 Box Elder 46 SD 103 06620 06620 Pennington County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 103 99990 00000 Rapid City 46 SD 103 52980 52980 Sanborn County 46 SD 111 00000 00000 Redfield 46 SD 115 53460 53460 Stanley County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 117 99990 00000 Davis town 46 SD 125 15540 15540 Jefferson 46 SD 127 32700 32700 Union County Unincorporated Area 46 SD 127 99990 00000 Yankton 46 SD 135 73060 73060 Anderson County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 001 99990 00000 Clinton 47 TN 001 15580 00000 Norris 47 TN 001 53600 00000 Oak Ridge 47 TN 001 55120 00000 Rocky Top 47 TN 001 40240 00000 Shelbyville 47 TN 003 67760 00000 Alcoa 47 TN 009 00540 00000 Blount County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 009 99990 00000 Friendsville 47 TN 009 28060 00000 Maryville 47 TN 009 46380 00000 Rockford 47 TN 009 64160 00000 Townsend 47 TN 009 74860 00000 Cleveland 47 TN 011 15400 00000 Jacksboro town 47 TN 013 37600 00000 Woodbury town 47 TN 015 81560 00000 Clarksburg town 47 TN 017 15140 00000 Ashland City town 47 TN 021 02180 00000 Cheatham County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 021 99990 00000 Kingston Springs town 47 TN 021 39660 00000 Pegram town 47 TN 021 57480 00000 Pleasant View 47 TN 021 59560 00000 Tullahoma 47 TN 031 75320 00000 Belle Meade 47 TN 037 04620 00000 Berry Hill 47 TN 037 05140 00000 Forest Hills 47 TN 037 27020 00000 Goodlettsville 47 TN 037 29920 00000 Nashville-Davidson 47 TN 037 52006 00000 Oak Hill 47 TN 037 54780 00000 Alexandria town 47 TN 041 00620 00000 Burns town 47 TN 043 09880 00000 Dickson 47 TN 043 20620 00000 Dickson County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 043 99990 00000 White Bluff town 47 TN 043 79980 00000 Dyer County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 045 99990 00000 Braden town 47 TN 047 07840 00000 Fayette County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 047 99990 00000 Gallaway 47 TN 047 28560 00000 La Grange town 47 TN 047 40200 00000 Moscow 47 TN 047 50300 00000 Oakland town 47 TN 047 54920 00000 Piperton 47 TN 047 58840 00000 Rossville town 47 TN 047 65240 00000 Somerville town 47 TN 047 69620 00000 Allardt 47 TN 049 00660 00000 Tusculum 47 TN 059 75560 00000 Chattanooga 47 TN 065 14000 00000 Hamilton County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 065 99990 00000 Soddy-Daisy 47 TN 065 69560 00000 Whiteville town 47 TN 069 80540 00000 Savannah 47 TN 071 66720 00000 Church Hill 47 TN 073 14980 00000 Centerville town 47 TN 081 12420 00000 Hickman County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 081 99990 00000 Farragut town 47 TN 093 25760 00000 Knox County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 093 99990 00000 Knoxville 47 TN 093 40000 00000 Ripley 47 TN 097 63340 00000 Lenoir City 47 TN 105 41760 00000 Loudon 47 TN 105 43780 00000 Loudon County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 105 99990 00000 Niota 47 TN 107 53380 00000 Macon County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 111 99990 00000 Jackson 47 TN 113 37640 00000 Marshall County 47 TN 117 99990 00000 Spring Hill 47 TN 119 70580 00000 Decatur town 47 TN 121 19880 00000 Clarksville 47 TN 125 15160 00000 Montgomery County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 125 99990 00000 Union City 47 TN 131 75940 00000 Benton town 47 TN 139 05040 00000 Polk County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 139 99990 00000 Algood 47 TN 141 00640 00000 Baxter town 47 TN 141 03680 00000 Monterey town 47 TN 141 49760 00000 Putnam County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 141 99990 00000 Coopertown town 47 TN 147 16980 00000 Cross Plains 47 TN 147 18420 00000 Greenbrier town 47 TN 147 30960 00000 Ridgetop 47 TN 147 63140 00000 Robertson County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 147 99990 00000 Springfield 47 TN 147 70500 00000 White House 47 TN 147 80200 00000 Eagleville 47 TN 149 22360 00000 La Vergne 47 TN 149 41200 00000 Murfreesboro 47 TN 149 51560 00000 Rutherford County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 149 99990 00000 Smyrna town 47 TN 149 69420 00000 Oneida town 47 TN 151 55860 00000 Dunlap 47 TN 153 22000 00000 Sevier County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 155 99990 00000 Bartlett 47 TN 157 03440 00000 Collierville town 47 TN 157 16420 00000 Shelby County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 157 99990 00000 Carthage town 47 TN 159 11280 00000 Gordonsville town 47 TN 159 30120 00000 Smith County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 159 99990 00000 South Carthage town 47 TN 159 69680 00000 Cumberland City town 47 TN 161 18820 00000 Dover 47 TN 161 21400 00000 Gallatin 47 TN 165 28540 00000 Hendersonville 47 TN 165 33280 00000 Millersville 47 TN 165 48980 00000 Mitchellville 47 TN 165 49460 00000 Portland 47 TN 165 60280 00000 Sumner County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 165 99990 00000 Westmoreland town 47 TN 165 79420 00000 Atoka town 47 TN 167 02340 00000 Brighton town 47 TN 167 08500 00000 Covington 47 TN 167 17680 00000 Mason town 47 TN 167 46420 00000 Munford 47 TN 167 51540 00000 Tipton County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 167 99990 00000 Hartsville-Trousdale County 47 TN 169 00000 00000 Maynardville 47 TN 173 46700 00000 Union County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 173 99990 00000 Spencer town 47 TN 175 70240 00000 Johnson City 47 TN 179 38320 00000 Collinwood 47 TN 181 16480 00000 Gleason town 47 TN 183 29300 00000 Brentwood 47 TN 187 08280 00000 Fairview 47 TN 187 25440 00000 Franklin 47 TN 187 27740 00000 Thompsons Station town 47 TN 187 73900 00000 Williamson County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 187 99990 00000 Lebanon 47 TN 189 41520 00000 Mount Juliet 47 TN 189 50780 00000 Wilson County Unincorporated Area 47 TN 189 99990 00000 Huntington 48 TX 005 35492 00000 Rockport 48 TX 007 62804 00000 Holliday 48 TX 009 34532 00000 Charlotte 48 TX 013 14404 00000 Jourdanton 48 TX 013 38116 00000 Lytle 48 TX 013 45288 00000 Pleasanton 48 TX 013 58280 00000 Poteet 48 TX 013 59084 00000 Bellville 48 TX 015 07432 00000 Brazos Country 48 TX 015 10090 00000 San Felipe town 48 TX 015 65372 00000 Sealy 48 TX 015 66464 00000 Wallis 48 TX 015 76240 00000 Bandera 48 TX 019 05528 00000 Bastrop 48 TX 021 05864 00000 Elgin 48 TX 021 23044 00000 Smithville 48 TX 021 68456 00000 Beeville 48 TX 025 07192 00000 Belton 48 TX 027 07492 00000 Harker Heights 48 TX 027 32312 00000 Holland town 48 TX 027 34508 00000 Killeen 48 TX 027 39148 00000 Little River-Academy 48 TX 027 43066 00000 Morgans Point Resort 48 TX 027 49392 00000 Nolanville 48 TX 027 51708 00000 Rogers town 48 TX 027 62924 00000 Salado village 48 TX 027 64268 00000 Temple 48 TX 027 72176 00000 Troy 48 TX 027 73748 00000 Alamo Heights 48 TX 029 01600 00000 Balcones Heights 48 TX 029 05384 00000 Bexar County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 029 99990 00000 Castle Hills 48 TX 029 13276 00000 China Grove town 48 TX 029 14716 00000 Converse 48 TX 029 16468 00000 Elmendorf 48 TX 029 23272 00000 Fair Oaks Ranch 48 TX 029 25168 00000 Grey Forest 48 TX 029 31100 00000 Helotes 48 TX 029 33146 00000 Hill Country Village 48 TX 029 33968 00000 Hollywood Park town 48 TX 029 34628 00000 Kirby 48 TX 029 39448 00000 Leon Valley 48 TX 029 42388 00000 Live Oak 48 TX 029 43096 00000 Olmos Park 48 TX 029 53988 00000 San Antonio 48 TX 029 65000 00000 Selma 48 TX 029 66704 00000 Shavano Park 48 TX 029 67268 00000 Somerset 48 TX 029 68708 00000 St. Hedwig town 48 TX 029 64172 00000 Terrell Hills 48 TX 029 72296 00000 Universal City 48 TX 029 74408 00000 Windcrest 48 TX 029 79672 00000 Meridian 48 TX 035 47760 00000 Wake Village 48 TX 037 76096 00000 Alvin 48 TX 039 02272 00000 Angleton 48 TX 039 03264 00000 Baileys Prairie village 48 TX 039 05288 00000 Brazoria 48 TX 039 10072 00000 Brazoria County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 039 99990 00000 Brookside Village 48 TX 039 10648 00000 Clute 48 TX 039 15652 00000 Danbury 48 TX 039 19120 00000 Freeport 48 TX 039 27420 00000 Hillcrest village 48 TX 039 33980 00000 Holiday Lakes town 48 TX 039 34502 00000 Jones Creek village 48 TX 039 37984 00000 Lake Jackson 48 TX 039 40588 00000 Manvel 48 TX 039 46500 00000 Oyster Creek 48 TX 039 54528 00000 Pearland 48 TX 039 56348 00000 Quintana town 48 TX 039 60164 00000 Richwood 48 TX 039 61904 00000 Surfside Beach 48 TX 039 71384 00000 Sweeny 48 TX 039 71492 00000 West Columbia 48 TX 039 77416 00000 Bryan 48 TX 041 10912 00000 College Station 48 TX 041 15976 00000 Caldwell 48 TX 051 11836 00000 Somerville 48 TX 051 68720 00000 Caldwell County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 055 99990 00000 Lockhart 48 TX 055 43240 00000 Luling 48 TX 055 45096 00000 Martindale 48 TX 055 46848 00000 Calhoun County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 057 99990 00000 Bayview town 48 TX 061 06140 00000 Brownsville 48 TX 061 10768 00000 Cameron County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 061 99990 00000 Anahuac 48 TX 071 03144 00000 Beach City 48 TX 071 06200 00000 Chambers County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 071 99990 00000 Mont Belvieu 48 TX 071 49068 00000 Cuney town 48 TX 073 18152 00000 Allen 48 TX 085 01924 00000 Anna 48 TX 085 03300 00000 Blue Ridge 48 TX 085 08872 00000 Celina 48 TX 085 13684 00000 Fairview town 48 TX 085 25224 00000 Farmersville 48 TX 085 25488 00000 Frisco 48 TX 085 27684 00000 Josephine 48 TX 085 38068 00000 Lavon 48 TX 085 41800 00000 Lowry Crossing 48 TX 085 44308 00000 Lucas 48 TX 085 45012 00000 McKinney 48 TX 085 45744 00000 Melissa 48 TX 085 47496 00000 Murphy 48 TX 085 50100 00000 Nevada 48 TX 085 50760 00000 New Hope town 48 TX 085 51036 00000 Parker 48 TX 085 55152 00000 Plano 48 TX 085 58016 00000 Princeton 48 TX 085 59576 00000 Prosper town 48 TX 085 59696 00000 St. Paul town 48 TX 085 64220 00000 Weston 48 TX 085 77740 00000 Wylie 48 TX 085 80356 00000 Bulverde 48 TX 091 11224 00000 Comal County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 091 99990 00000 Garden Ridge 48 TX 091 28248 00000 New Braunfels 48 TX 091 50820 00000 Copperas Cove 48 TX 099 16624 00000 Gatesville 48 TX 099 29168 00000 Crosbyton 48 TX 107 17768 00000 Lorenzo 48 TX 107 44032 00000 Ralls 48 TX 107 60356 00000 Addison town 48 TX 113 01240 00000 Balch Springs 48 TX 113 05372 00000 Carrollton 48 TX 113 13024 00000 Cedar Hill 48 TX 113 13492 00000 Cockrell Hill 48 TX 113 15796 00000 Coppell 48 TX 113 16612 00000 Dallas 48 TX 113 19000 00000 DeSoto 48 TX 113 20092 00000 Duncanville 48 TX 113 21628 00000 Farmers Branch 48 TX 113 25452 00000 Garland 48 TX 113 29000 00000 Glenn Heights 48 TX 113 29840 00000 Grand Prairie 48 TX 113 30464 00000 Highland Park town 48 TX 113 33824 00000 Hutchins 48 TX 113 35612 00000 Irving 48 TX 113 37000 00000 Lancaster 48 TX 113 41212 00000 Mesquite 48 TX 113 47892 00000 Richardson 48 TX 113 61796 00000 Rowlett 48 TX 113 63572 00000 Sachse 48 TX 113 64064 00000 Seagoville 48 TX 113 66428 00000 Sunnyvale town 48 TX 113 71156 00000 University Park 48 TX 113 74492 00000 Wilmer 48 TX 113 79576 00000 Cooper 48 TX 119 16564 00000 Argyle 48 TX 121 03768 00000 Aubrey 48 TX 121 04600 00000 Bartonville town 48 TX 121 05768 00000 Copper Canyon town 48 TX 121 16636 00000 Corinth 48 TX 121 16696 00000 Denton 48 TX 121 19972 00000 Denton County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 121 99990 00000 DISH town 48 TX 121 20540 00000 Double Oak town 48 TX 121 21028 00000 Flower Mound town 48 TX 121 26232 00000 Hackberry town 48 TX 121 31715 00000 Hebron town 48 TX 121 33020 00000 Hickory Creek town 48 TX 121 33476 00000 Highland Village 48 TX 121 33848 00000 Justin 48 TX 121 38332 00000 Krugerville 48 TX 121 39916 00000 Krum 48 TX 121 39928 00000 Lake Dallas 48 TX 121 40516 00000 Lewisville 48 TX 121 42508 00000 Little Elm 48 TX 121 43012 00000 Northlake town 48 TX 121 52212 00000 Oak Point 48 TX 121 53130 00000 Pilot Point 48 TX 121 57476 00000 Ponder town 48 TX 121 58664 00000 Roanoke 48 TX 121 62504 00000 Sanger 48 TX 121 65408 00000 Shady Shores town 48 TX 121 67100 00000 The Colony 48 TX 121 72530 00000 Trophy Club town 48 TX 121 73710 00000 Yorktown 48 TX 123 80584 00000 Odessa 48 TX 135 53388 00000 Bardwell 48 TX 139 05612 00000 Ellis County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 139 99990 00000 Ennis 48 TX 139 24348 00000 Ferris 48 TX 139 25752 00000 Garrett town 48 TX 139 29036 00000 Italy town 48 TX 139 37072 00000 Maypearl 48 TX 139 47268 00000 Midlothian 48 TX 139 48096 00000 Milford town 48 TX 139 48408 00000 Oak Leaf 48 TX 139 53115 00000 Ovilla 48 TX 139 54444 00000 Palmer town 48 TX 139 54744 00000 Pecan Hill 48 TX 139 56485 00000 Red Oak 48 TX 139 61196 00000 Waxahachie 48 TX 139 76816 00000 Anthony town 48 TX 141 03432 00000 Clint town 48 TX 141 15544 00000 El Paso 48 TX 141 24000 00000 Horizon City 48 TX 141 34832 00000 Socorro 48 TX 141 68636 00000 Vinton village 48 TX 141 75668 00000 Marlin 48 TX 145 46740 00000 Ector 48 TX 147 22516 00000 Carmine 48 TX 149 12916 00000 La Grange 48 TX 149 40276 00000 Beasley 48 TX 157 06272 00000 Fort Bend County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 157 99990 00000 Fulshear 48 TX 157 27876 00000 Kendleton 48 TX 157 38848 00000 Meadows Place 48 TX 157 47337 00000 Missouri City 48 TX 157 48804 00000 Needville 48 TX 157 50628 00000 Orchard 48 TX 157 54192 00000 Richmond 48 TX 157 61892 00000 Rosenberg 48 TX 157 63284 00000 Simonton 48 TX 157 67964 00000 Stafford 48 TX 157 69908 00000 Sugar Land 48 TX 157 70808 00000 Fairfield 48 TX 161 25104 00000 Pearsall 48 TX 163 56384 00000 Bayou Vista 48 TX 167 06060 00000 Clear Lake Shores 48 TX 167 15328 00000 Dickinson 48 TX 167 20344 00000 Friendswood 48 TX 167 27648 00000 Galveston 48 TX 167 28068 00000 Galveston County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 167 99990 00000 Hitchcock 48 TX 167 34220 00000 Jamaica Beach 48 TX 167 37252 00000 Kemah 48 TX 167 38776 00000 La Marque 48 TX 167 41116 00000 League City 48 TX 167 41980 00000 Santa Fe 48 TX 167 65726 00000 Texas City 48 TX 167 72392 00000 Tiki Island village 48 TX 167 72989 00000 Longview 48 TX 183 43888 00000 Navasota 48 TX 185 50472 00000 Cibolo 48 TX 187 14920 00000 Marion 48 TX 187 46692 00000 New Berlin 48 TX 187 50796 00000 Schertz 48 TX 187 66128 00000 Seguin 48 TX 187 66644 00000 Hamilton 48 TX 193 31952 00000 Hico 48 TX 193 33548 00000 Gruver 48 TX 195 31412 00000 Spearman 48 TX 195 69476 00000 Hardin County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 199 99990 00000 Baytown 48 TX 201 06128 00000 Bellaire 48 TX 201 07300 00000 Bunker Hill Village 48 TX 201 11300 00000 Deer Park 48 TX 201 19624 00000 El Lago 48 TX 201 23164 00000 Galena Park 48 TX 201 27996 00000 Harris County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 201 99990 00000 Hedwig Village 48 TX 201 33068 00000 Hilshire Village 48 TX 201 34148 00000 Houston 48 TX 201 35000 00000 Humble 48 TX 201 35348 00000 Hunters Creek Village 48 TX 201 35480 00000 Jacinto City 48 TX 201 37156 00000 Jersey Village 48 TX 201 37612 00000 Katy 48 TX 201 38476 00000 La Porte 48 TX 201 41440 00000 Morgans Point 48 TX 201 49380 00000 Nassau Bay 48 TX 201 50376 00000 Pasadena 48 TX 201 56000 00000 Piney Point Village 48 TX 201 57800 00000 Seabrook 48 TX 201 66392 00000 Shoreacres 48 TX 201 67688 00000 South Houston 48 TX 201 69020 00000 Southside Place 48 TX 201 69272 00000 Spring Valley Village 48 TX 201 69830 00000 Taylor Lake Village 48 TX 201 71960 00000 Tomball 48 TX 201 73316 00000 Webster 48 TX 201 76948 00000 West University Place 48 TX 201 77956 00000 Buda 48 TX 209 11080 00000 Dripping Springs 48 TX 209 21424 00000 Hays County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 209 99990 00000 Kyle 48 TX 209 39952 00000 San Marcos 48 TX 209 65600 00000 Woodcreek 48 TX 209 80058 00000 Canadian 48 TX 211 12412 00000 Berryville town 48 TX 213 07852 00000 Brownsboro 48 TX 213 10756 00000 Alamo 48 TX 215 01576 00000 Alton 48 TX 215 02212 00000 Donna 48 TX 215 20884 00000 Edcouch 48 TX 215 22528 00000 Edinburg 48 TX 215 22660 00000 Elsa 48 TX 215 24036 00000 Granjeno 48 TX 215 30608 00000 Hidalgo 48 TX 215 33560 00000 Hidalgo County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 215 99990 00000 La Joya 48 TX 215 40384 00000 La Villa 48 TX 215 41788 00000 McAllen 48 TX 215 45384 00000 Mercedes 48 TX 215 47700 00000 Mission 48 TX 215 48768 00000 Palmhurst 48 TX 215 54780 00000 Palmview 48 TX 215 54804 00000 Penitas 48 TX 215 56696 00000 Pharr 48 TX 215 57200 00000 Progreso 48 TX 215 59636 00000 Progreso Lakes 48 TX 215 59642 00000 San Juan 48 TX 215 65516 00000 Sullivan City 48 TX 215 70868 00000 Weslaco 48 TX 215 77272 00000 Sulphur Springs 48 TX 223 70904 00000 Caddo Mills 48 TX 231 11716 00000 Celeste 48 TX 231 13672 00000 Commerce 48 TX 231 16240 00000 Greenville 48 TX 231 30920 00000 Hawk Cove 48 TX 231 32810 00000 Lone Oak 48 TX 231 43636 00000 Quinlan 48 TX 231 60140 00000 West Tawakoni 48 TX 231 77896 00000 Borger 48 TX 233 09556 00000 Beaumont 48 TX 245 07000 00000 Groves 48 TX 245 31328 00000 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 245 99990 00000 Port Arthur 48 TX 245 58820 00000 Taylor Landing 48 TX 245 71966 00000 Orange Grove 48 TX 249 54168 00000 Alvarado 48 TX 251 02260 00000 Briaroaks 48 TX 251 10216 00000 Burleson 48 TX 251 11428 00000 Cleburne 48 TX 251 15364 00000 Cross Timber town 48 TX 251 17917 00000 Godley 48 TX 251 29972 00000 Grandview 48 TX 251 30512 00000 Joshua 48 TX 251 38080 00000 Keene 48 TX 251 38548 00000 Rio Vista 48 TX 251 62240 00000 Venus town 48 TX 251 75236 00000 Anson 48 TX 253 03372 00000 Combine 48 TX 257 16216 00000 Cottonwood 48 TX 257 17200 00000 Crandall 48 TX 257 17504 00000 Forney 48 TX 257 26604 00000 Grays Prairie village 48 TX 257 30752 00000 Kaufman 48 TX 257 38488 00000 Kemp 48 TX 257 38788 00000 Mabank town 48 TX 257 45324 00000 Oak Grove town 48 TX 257 52902 00000 Oak Ridge town 48 TX 257 53160 00000 Post Oak Bend City town 48 TX 257 59066 00000 Talty 48 TX 257 71756 00000 Terrell 48 TX 257 72284 00000 Boerne 48 TX 259 09160 00000 Brackettville 48 TX 271 09868 00000 Reno 48 TX 277 61592 00000 Amherst 48 TX 279 03084 00000 Earth 48 TX 279 21928 00000 Kempner 48 TX 281 38800 00000 Lampasas 48 TX 281 41188 00000 Cleveland 48 TX 291 15436 00000 Dayton 48 TX 291 19432 00000 Hardin 48 TX 291 32240 00000 Liberty 48 TX 291 42568 00000 Liberty County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 291 99990 00000 Mexia 48 TX 293 47916 00000 Idalou 48 TX 303 35732 00000 Lubbock 48 TX 303 45000 00000 New Deal town 48 TX 303 50916 00000 Ransom Canyon town 48 TX 303 60672 00000 Shallowater 48 TX 303 67136 00000 Slaton 48 TX 303 68180 00000 Wolfforth 48 TX 303 79972 00000 Tahoka 48 TX 305 71708 00000 Waco 48 TX 309 76000 00000 Bay City 48 TX 321 05984 00000 Eagle Pass 48 TX 323 21892 00000 Castroville 48 TX 325 13312 00000 Devine 48 TX 325 20152 00000 Hondo 48 TX 325 34676 00000 LaCoste 48 TX 325 40108 00000 Natalia 48 TX 325 50400 00000 Midland 48 TX 329 48072 00000 Conroe 48 TX 339 16432 00000 Magnolia 48 TX 339 46056 00000 Montgomery 48 TX 339 49128 00000 Montgomery County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 339 99990 00000 Oak Ridge North 48 TX 339 53190 00000 Panorama Village 48 TX 339 55008 00000 Roman Forest 48 TX 339 63044 00000 Shenandoah 48 TX 339 67400 00000 Stagecoach town 48 TX 339 69932 00000 Willis 48 TX 339 79408 00000 Woodbranch 48 TX 339 80044 00000 Woodloch town 48 TX 339 80144 00000 Blooming Grove town 48 TX 349 08788 00000 Rice 48 TX 349 61736 00000 Corpus Christi 48 TX 355 17000 00000 West Orange 48 TX 361 77752 00000 Aledo 48 TX 367 01744 00000 Annetta town 48 TX 367 03336 00000 Hudson Oaks 48 TX 367 35254 00000 Reno 48 TX 367 61604 00000 Sanctuary town 48 TX 367 65066 00000 Springtown 48 TX 367 69800 00000 Weatherford 48 TX 367 76864 00000 Willow Park 48 TX 367 79492 00000 Polk County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 373 99990 00000 Amarillo 48 TX 375 03000 00000 Big Lake 48 TX 383 08212 00000 Camp Wood 48 TX 385 12388 00000 Clarksville 48 TX 387 15160 00000 Calvert 48 TX 395 11992 00000 Franklin 48 TX 395 27288 00000 Hearne 48 TX 395 32972 00000 Robertson County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 395 99990 00000 Fate 48 TX 397 25572 00000 Heath 48 TX 397 32984 00000 McLendon-Chisholm 48 TX 397 45804 00000 Rockwall 48 TX 397 62828 00000 Royse City 48 TX 397 63668 00000 Pineland 48 TX 403 57644 00000 San Jacinto County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 407 99990 00000 Shepherd 48 TX 407 67424 00000 San Patricio County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 409 99990 00000 San Saba 48 TX 411 65648 00000 Tyler 48 TX 423 74144 00000 Arlington 48 TX 439 04000 00000 Azle 48 TX 439 05168 00000 Bedford 48 TX 439 07132 00000 Benbrook 48 TX 439 07552 00000 Blue Mound 48 TX 439 08860 00000 Colleyville 48 TX 439 15988 00000 Crowley 48 TX 439 17960 00000 Dalworthington Gardens 48 TX 439 19084 00000 Edgecliff Village town 48 TX 439 22588 00000 Euless 48 TX 439 24768 00000 Everman 48 TX 439 24912 00000 Forest Hill 48 TX 439 26544 00000 Fort Worth 48 TX 439 27000 00000 Grapevine 48 TX 439 30644 00000 Haltom City 48 TX 439 31928 00000 Haslet 48 TX 439 32720 00000 Hurst 48 TX 439 35576 00000 Keller 48 TX 439 38632 00000 Kennedale 48 TX 439 38896 00000 Lake Worth 48 TX 439 41056 00000 Lakeside town 48 TX 439 40744 00000 Mansfield 48 TX 439 46452 00000 North Richland Hills 48 TX 439 52356 00000 Pantego town 48 TX 439 55020 00000 Richland Hills 48 TX 439 61844 00000 River Oaks 48 TX 439 62384 00000 Saginaw 48 TX 439 64112 00000 Sansom Park 48 TX 439 65660 00000 Southlake 48 TX 439 69032 00000 Watauga 48 TX 439 76672 00000 Westlake town 48 TX 439 77620 00000 Westover Hills town 48 TX 439 77788 00000 Westworth Village 48 TX 439 78076 00000 White Settlement 48 TX 439 78544 00000 Abilene 48 TX 441 01000 00000 Merkel town 48 TX 441 47796 00000 San Angelo 48 TX 451 64472 00000 Austin 48 TX 453 05000 00000 Bee Cave 48 TX 453 07156 00000 Creedmoor 48 TX 453 17612 00000 Jonestown 48 TX 453 38020 00000 Lago Vista 48 TX 453 40264 00000 Lakeway 48 TX 453 40984 00000 Manor 48 TX 453 46440 00000 Mustang Ridge 48 TX 453 50200 00000 Pflugerville 48 TX 453 57176 00000 Point Venture village 48 TX 453 58586 00000 Rollingwood 48 TX 453 63008 00000 San Leanna village 48 TX 453 65552 00000 Sunset Valley 48 TX 453 71324 00000 The Hills village 48 TX 453 72578 00000 Travis County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 453 99990 00000 Volente village 48 TX 453 75752 00000 West Lake Hills 48 TX 453 77632 00000 Uvalde 48 TX 463 74588 00000 Huntsville 48 TX 471 35528 00000 Brookshire 48 TX 473 10636 00000 Hempstead 48 TX 473 33200 00000 Pattison 48 TX 473 56108 00000 Prairie View 48 TX 473 59336 00000 Waller 48 TX 473 76228 00000 Wickett town 48 TX 475 79036 00000 Laredo 48 TX 479 41464 00000 Wharton 48 TX 481 78136 00000 Wharton County Unincorporated Area 48 TX 481 99990 00000 Pleasant Valley town 48 TX 485 58400 00000 Bartlett 48 TX 491 05732 00000 Cedar Park 48 TX 491 13552 00000 Florence 48 TX 491 26136 00000 Georgetown 48 TX 491 29336 00000 Granger 48 TX 491 30548 00000 Hutto 48 TX 491 35624 00000 Jarrell 48 TX 491 37396 00000 Leander 48 TX 491 42016 00000 Liberty Hill 48 TX 491 42664 00000 Round Rock 48 TX 491 63500 00000 Taylor 48 TX 491 71948 00000 Thrall 48 TX 491 72824 00000 Weir 48 TX 491 77056 00000 Floresville 48 TX 493 26160 00000 La Vernia 48 TX 493 41764 00000 Poth town 48 TX 493 59096 00000 Stockdale 48 TX 493 70376 00000 Wink 48 TX 495 79768 00000 Alvord town 48 TX 497 02284 00000 Aurora 48 TX 497 04672 00000 Boyd town 48 TX 497 09748 00000 Bridgeport 48 TX 497 10264 00000 Chico 48 TX 497 14620 00000 Decatur 48 TX 497 19528 00000 Lake Bridgeport 48 TX 497 40450 00000 Newark 48 TX 497 50772 00000 Paradise 48 TX 497 55056 00000 Rhome 48 TX 497 61700 00000 Runaway Bay 48 TX 497 63782 00000 Quitman 48 TX 499 60188 00000 Logan 49 UT 005 45860 00000 North Logan 49 UT 005 54990 00000 Manila town 49 UT 009 47620 00000 Bountiful 49 UT 011 07690 00000 Centerville 49 UT 011 11980 00000 Clearfield 49 UT 011 13850 00000 Clinton 49 UT 011 14290 00000 Davis County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 011 99990 00000 Farmington 49 UT 011 24740 00000 Fruit Heights 49 UT 011 27490 00000 Kaysville 49 UT 011 40360 00000 Layton 49 UT 011 43660 00000 North Salt Lake 49 UT 011 55210 00000 South Weber 49 UT 011 71180 00000 Sunset 49 UT 011 74480 00000 Syracuse 49 UT 011 74810 00000 West Bountiful 49 UT 011 82840 00000 West Point 49 UT 011 83390 00000 Woods Cross 49 UT 011 85370 00000 Moab 49 UT 019 50700 00000 Iron County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 021 99990 00000 Eureka 49 UT 023 24080 00000 Juab County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 023 99990 00000 Levan town 49 UT 023 44650 00000 Mona 49 UT 023 51140 00000 Nephi 49 UT 023 54220 00000 Rocky Ridge town 49 UT 023 64590 00000 Orderville town 49 UT 025 57080 00000 Millard County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 027 99990 00000 Oak City town 49 UT 027 55430 00000 Morgan 49 UT 029 51910 00000 Morgan County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 029 99990 00000 Garden City town 49 UT 033 27930 00000 Alta town 49 UT 035 00650 00000 Bluffdale 49 UT 035 06810 00000 Cottonwood Heights 49 UT 035 16270 00000 Draper 49 UT 035 20120 00000 Herriman 49 UT 035 34970 00000 Holladay 49 UT 035 36070 00000 Midvale 49 UT 035 49710 00000 Millcreek 49 UT 035 50150 00000 Murray 49 UT 035 53230 00000 Riverton 49 UT 035 64340 00000 Salt Lake City 49 UT 035 67000 00000 Salt Lake County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 035 99990 00000 Sandy 49 UT 035 67440 00000 South Jordan 49 UT 035 70850 00000 South Salt Lake 49 UT 035 71070 00000 Taylorsville 49 UT 035 75360 00000 West Jordan 49 UT 035 82950 00000 West Valley City 49 UT 035 83470 00000 Monticello 49 UT 037 51580 00000 Sanpete County 49 UT 039 00000 00000 Coalville 49 UT 043 14840 00000 Francis 49 UT 043 26940 00000 Henefer town 49 UT 043 34640 00000 Kamas 49 UT 043 39810 00000 Oakley 49 UT 043 55650 00000 Park City 49 UT 043 58070 00000 Summit County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 043 99990 00000 Grantsville 49 UT 045 31120 00000 Stockton town 49 UT 045 73050 00000 Tooele 49 UT 045 76680 00000 Tooele County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 045 99990 00000 Wendover 49 UT 045 82730 00000 Naples 49 UT 047 53560 00000 Uintah County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 047 99990 00000 Vernal 49 UT 047 80090 00000 Alpine 49 UT 049 00540 00000 American Fork 49 UT 049 01310 00000 Cedar Fort town 49 UT 049 11430 00000 Cedar Hills 49 UT 049 11440 00000 Eagle Mountain 49 UT 049 20810 00000 Elk Ridge 49 UT 049 22370 00000 Fairfield town 49 UT 049 24410 00000 Goshen town 49 UT 049 30130 00000 Highland 49 UT 049 35190 00000 Lehi 49 UT 049 44320 00000 Lindon 49 UT 049 45090 00000 Mapleton 49 UT 049 47950 00000 Orem 49 UT 049 57300 00000 Payson 49 UT 049 58730 00000 Pleasant Grove 49 UT 049 60930 00000 Provo 49 UT 049 62470 00000 Salem 49 UT 049 65770 00000 Santaquin 49 UT 049 67770 00000 Saratoga Springs 49 UT 049 67825 00000 Spanish Fork 49 UT 049 71290 00000 Springville 49 UT 049 72280 00000 Utah County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 049 99990 00000 Vineyard town 49 UT 049 80420 00000 Woodland Hills 49 UT 049 85050 00000 Heber 49 UT 051 34200 00000 Hildale 49 UT 053 35300 00000 St. George 49 UT 053 65330 00000 Washington 49 UT 053 81960 00000 Washington County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 053 99990 00000 Farr West 49 UT 057 24850 00000 Harrisville 49 UT 057 33540 00000 Hooper 49 UT 057 36400 00000 Huntsville town 49 UT 057 37060 00000 Marriott Slaterville 49 UT 057 48300 00000 North Ogden 49 UT 057 55100 00000 Ogden 49 UT 057 55980 00000 Plain City 49 UT 057 60710 00000 Pleasant View 49 UT 057 61150 00000 Riverdale 49 UT 057 64010 00000 Roy 49 UT 057 65110 00000 South Ogden 49 UT 057 70960 00000 Uintah town 49 UT 057 77890 00000 Washington Terrace 49 UT 057 82070 00000 Weber County Unincorporated Area 49 UT 057 99990 00000 West Haven 49 UT 057 82930 00000 Middlebury town 50 VT 001 00000 44350 Monkton town 50 VT 001 00000 45550 Weybridge town 50 VT 001 00000 83275 Bennington town 50 VT 003 00000 04825 Manchester village 50 VT 003 42700 42850 Peru town 50 VT 003 00000 55000 Sandgate town 50 VT 003 00000 62875 Sunderland town 50 VT 003 00000 71425 Burke town 50 VT 005 00000 10450 Lyndon town 50 VT 005 00000 41725 St. Johnsbury town 50 VT 005 00000 62200 Charlotte town 50 VT 007 00000 13300 Colchester town 50 VT 007 00000 14875 Essex Junction village 50 VT 007 24400 24175 Essex town 50 VT 007 00000 24175 Hinesburg town 50 VT 007 00000 33475 Milton town 50 VT 007 00000 45250 Shelburne town 50 VT 007 00000 64300 South Burlington 50 VT 007 66175 66175 St. George town 50 VT 007 00000 62050 Williston town 50 VT 007 00000 84475 Fairfax town 50 VT 011 00000 24925 Fletcher town 50 VT 011 00000 26500 Georgia town 50 VT 011 00000 27700 Highgate town 50 VT 011 00000 33025 St. Albans 50 VT 011 61675 61675 St. Albans town 50 VT 011 00000 61750 Morristown town 50 VT 015 00000 46675 Stowe town 50 VT 015 00000 70525 Braintree town 50 VT 017 00000 07600 Newbury town 50 VT 017 00000 48175 Randolph town 50 VT 017 00000 58075 Thetford town 50 VT 017 00000 72400 Washington town 50 VT 017 00000 76750 Jay town 50 VT 019 00000 36325 Newport town 50 VT 019 00000 48925 Westmore town 50 VT 019 00000 81700 Castleton town 50 VT 021 00000 11950 Hubbardton town 50 VT 021 00000 34450 Killington town 50 VT 021 00000 37685 Mendon town 50 VT 021 00000 44125 Pittsford town 50 VT 021 00000 55600 Wallingford town 50 VT 021 00000 75925 West Rutland town 50 VT 021 00000 82300 Barre town 50 VT 023 00000 03250 Marshfield town 50 VT 023 00000 43600 Warren town 50 VT 023 00000 76525 Waterbury village 50 VT 023 76900 76975 Londonderry town 50 VT 025 00000 40225 Marlboro town 50 VT 025 00000 43375 Putney town 50 VT 025 00000 57700 Wardsboro town 50 VT 025 00000 76225 Whitingham town 50 VT 025 00000 83950 Wilmington town 50 VT 025 00000 84700 Springfield town 50 VT 027 00000 69550 Albemarle County 51 VA 003 00000 00000 Amelia County 51 VA 007 00000 00000 Amherst County 51 VA 009 00000 00000 Arlington County 51 VA 013 00000 00000 Augusta County 51 VA 015 00000 00000 Bedford County 51 VA 019 00000 00000 Caroline County 51 VA 033 99990 00000 Charles City County 51 VA 036 00000 00000 Charlotte County 51 VA 037 00000 00000 Chesterfield County 51 VA 041 00000 00000 Clarke County 51 VA 043 00000 00000 Cumberland County 51 VA 049 00000 00000 Dickenson County 51 VA 051 99990 00000 Dinwiddie County 51 VA 053 00000 00000 Fairfax County Unincorporated Area 51 VA 059 99990 00000 Herndon town 51 VA 059 36648 00000 Fauquier County Unincorporated Area 51 VA 061 99990 00000 Warrenton town 51 VA 061 83136 00000 Frederick County 51 VA 069 99990 00000 Gloucester County 51 VA 073 00000 00000 Goochland County 51 VA 075 00000 00000 Hanover County 51 VA 085 00000 00000 Henrico County 51 VA 087 00000 00000 Isle of Wight County 51 VA 093 00000 00000 James City County 51 VA 095 00000 00000 King and Queen County 51 VA 097 00000 00000 King George County 51 VA 099 00000 00000 King William County Unincorporated Area 51 VA 101 99990 00000 Hamilton town 51 VA 107 34240 00000 Hillsboro town 51 VA 107 37288 00000 Leesburg town 51 VA 107 44984 00000 Loudoun County Unincorporated Area 51 VA 107 00000 00000 Lovettsville town 51 VA 107 47208 00000 Middleburg town 51 VA 107 51448 00000 Purcellville town 51 VA 107 65008 00000 Round Hill town 51 VA 107 69168 00000 Louisa County 51 VA 109 00000 00000 Mathews County 51 VA 115 00000 00000 Mecklenburg County Unincorporated Area 51 VA 117 99990 00000 Blacksburg town 51 VA 121 07784 00000 New Kent County 51 VA 127 00000 00000 Page County 51 VA 139 00000 00000 Powhatan County 51 VA 145 00000 00000 Prince George County 51 VA 149 00000 00000 Dumfries town 51 VA 153 23760 00000 Prince William County Unincorporated Area 51 VA 153 99990 00000 Rockingham County 51 VA 165 00000 00000 Smyth County Unincorporated Area 51 VA 173 99990 00000 Southampton County 51 VA 175 00000 00000 Spotsylvania County 51 VA 177 00000 00000 Stafford County 51 VA 179 00000 00000 Surry County 51 VA 181 00000 00000 Sussex County 51 VA 183 00000 00000 Warren County 51 VA 187 00000 00000 Abingdon town 51 VA 191 00148 00000 York County 51 VA 199 00000 00000 Alexandria 51 VA 510 01000 00000 Charlottesville 51 VA 540 14968 00000 Chesapeake 51 VA 550 16000 00000 Colonial Heights 51 VA 570 18448 00000 Covington 51 VA 580 19728 00000 Fairfax 51 VA 600 26496 00000 Falls Church 51 VA 610 27200 00000 Fredericksburg 51 VA 630 29744 00000 Hampton 51 VA 650 35000 00000 Harrisonburg 51 VA 660 35624 00000 Hopewell 51 VA 670 38424 00000 Lynchburg 51 VA 680 47672 00000 Manassas 51 VA 683 48952 00000 Manassas Park 51 VA 685 48968 00000 Newport News 51 VA 700 56000 00000 Norfolk 51 VA 710 57000 00000 Petersburg 51 VA 730 61832 00000 Poquoson 51 VA 735 63768 00000 Portsmouth 51 VA 740 64000 00000 Richmond 51 VA 760 67000 00000 Suffolk 51 VA 800 76432 00000 Virginia Beach 51 VA 810 82000 00000 Williamsburg 51 VA 830 86160 00000 Clarkston 53 WA 003 12630 00000 Benton City 53 WA 005 05560 00000 Benton County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 005 99990 00000 Kennewick 53 WA 005 35275 00000 Prosser 53 WA 005 56450 00000 Richland 53 WA 005 58235 00000 West Richland 53 WA 005 77665 00000 Chelan County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 007 99990 00000 Wenatchee 53 WA 007 77105 00000 Clallam County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 009 99990 00000 Port Angeles 53 WA 009 55365 00000 Battle Ground 53 WA 011 04475 00000 Camas 53 WA 011 09480 00000 Clark County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 011 99990 00000 La Center 53 WA 011 36710 00000 Ridgefield 53 WA 011 58410 00000 Vancouver 53 WA 011 74060 00000 Washougal 53 WA 011 76405 00000 Yacolt town 53 WA 011 79975 00000 Cowlitz County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 015 99990 00000 Bridgeport 53 WA 017 07870 00000 Douglas County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 017 99990 00000 East Wenatchee 53 WA 017 20155 00000 Mansfield town 53 WA 017 42800 00000 Waterville town 53 WA 017 76510 00000 Connell 53 WA 021 14485 00000 Franklin County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 021 99990 00000 Kahlotus 53 WA 021 34575 00000 Mesa 53 WA 021 45180 00000 Pasco 53 WA 021 53545 00000 Pomeroy 53 WA 023 55120 00000 Grant County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 025 99990 00000 Hartline town 53 WA 025 29920 00000 Moses Lake 53 WA 025 47245 00000 Quincy 53 WA 025 57115 00000 Wilson Creek town 53 WA 025 79135 00000 Grays Harbor County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 027 99990 00000 Montesano 53 WA 027 46895 00000 Ocean Shores 53 WA 027 50570 00000 Coupeville town 53 WA 029 15185 00000 Island County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 029 99990 00000 Oak Harbor 53 WA 029 50360 00000 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 031 99990 00000 Port Townsend 53 WA 031 55855 00000 Algona 53 WA 033 01290 00000 Auburn 53 WA 033 03180 00000 Beaux Arts Village town 53 WA 033 04895 00000 Bellevue 53 WA 033 05210 00000 Black Diamond 53 WA 033 06330 00000 Bothell 53 WA 033 07380 00000 Burien 53 WA 033 08850 00000 Carnation 53 WA 033 10215 00000 Clyde Hill 53 WA 033 13365 00000 Covington 53 WA 033 15290 00000 Des Moines 53 WA 033 17635 00000 Duvall 53 WA 033 19035 00000 Enumclaw 53 WA 033 22045 00000 Federal Way 53 WA 033 23515 00000 Hunts Point town 53 WA 033 32755 00000 Issaquah 53 WA 033 33805 00000 Kenmore 53 WA 033 35170 00000 Kent 53 WA 033 35415 00000 King County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 033 99990 00000 Kirkland 53 WA 033 35940 00000 Lake Forest Park 53 WA 033 37270 00000 Maple Valley 53 WA 033 43150 00000 Medina 53 WA 033 44725 00000 Mercer Island 53 WA 033 45005 00000 Newcastle 53 WA 033 48645 00000 Normandy Park 53 WA 033 49415 00000 North Bend 53 WA 033 49485 00000 Pacific 53 WA 033 52495 00000 Redmond 53 WA 033 57535 00000 Renton 53 WA 033 57745 00000 Sammamish 53 WA 033 61115 00000 Seatac 53 WA 033 62288 00000 Seattle 53 WA 033 63000 00000 Shoreline 53 WA 033 63960 00000 Skykomish town 53 WA 033 64855 00000 Snoqualmie 53 WA 033 65205 00000 Tukwila 53 WA 033 72625 00000 Woodinville 53 WA 033 79590 00000 Yarrow Point town 53 WA 033 80150 00000 Bainbridge Island 53 WA 035 03736 00000 Bremerton 53 WA 035 07695 00000 Kitsap County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 035 99990 00000 Port Orchard 53 WA 035 55785 00000 Poulsbo 53 WA 035 55995 00000 Cle Elum 53 WA 037 12945 00000 Ellensburg 53 WA 037 21240 00000 Kittitas County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 037 99990 00000 Klickitat County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 039 99990 00000 Centralia 53 WA 041 11160 00000 Lewis County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 041 99990 00000 Lincoln County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 043 99990 00000 Mason County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 045 99990 00000 Brewster 53 WA 047 07835 00000 Okanogan County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 047 99990 00000 Omak 53 WA 047 51340 00000 Riverside town 53 WA 047 58795 00000 Winthrop town 53 WA 047 79380 00000 Pacific County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 049 99990 00000 Pend Oreille County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 051 99990 00000 Bonney Lake 53 WA 053 07170 00000 Buckley 53 WA 053 08570 00000 Carbonado town 53 WA 053 09970 00000 DuPont 53 WA 053 18965 00000 Eatonville town 53 WA 053 20260 00000 Edgewood 53 WA 053 20645 00000 Fife 53 WA 053 23795 00000 Fircrest 53 WA 053 23970 00000 Gig Harbor 53 WA 053 26735 00000 Lakewood 53 WA 053 38038 00000 Milton 53 WA 053 46020 00000 Orting 53 WA 053 52005 00000 Pierce County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 053 99990 00000 Puyallup 53 WA 053 56695 00000 Roy 53 WA 053 60160 00000 Ruston 53 WA 053 60510 00000 South Prairie town 53 WA 053 66045 00000 Steilacoom town 53 WA 053 67770 00000 Sumner 53 WA 053 68435 00000 Tacoma 53 WA 053 70000 00000 University Place 53 WA 053 73465 00000 Wilkeson town 53 WA 053 78925 00000 Friday Harbor town 53 WA 055 25615 00000 San Juan County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 055 99990 00000 Anacortes 53 WA 057 01990 00000 Mount Vernon 53 WA 057 47560 00000 Skagit County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 057 99990 00000 North Bonneville 53 WA 059 49555 00000 Skamania County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 059 99990 00000 Stevenson 53 WA 059 67875 00000 Arlington 53 WA 061 02585 00000 Brier 53 WA 061 07940 00000 Darrington town 53 WA 061 16690 00000 Edmonds 53 WA 061 20750 00000 Everett 53 WA 061 22640 00000 Gold Bar 53 WA 061 27365 00000 Granite Falls 53 WA 061 27995 00000 Lake Stevens 53 WA 061 37900 00000 Lynnwood 53 WA 061 40840 00000 Marysville 53 WA 061 43955 00000 Mill Creek 53 WA 061 45865 00000 Monroe 53 WA 061 46685 00000 Mountlake Terrace 53 WA 061 47490 00000 Mukilteo 53 WA 061 47735 00000 Snohomish 53 WA 061 65170 00000 Snohomish County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 061 99990 00000 Stanwood 53 WA 061 67455 00000 Sultan 53 WA 061 68260 00000 Woodway 53 WA 061 79835 00000 Airway Heights 53 WA 063 00905 00000 Cheney 53 WA 063 11825 00000 Deer Park 53 WA 063 17320 00000 Fairfield town 53 WA 063 22990 00000 Liberty Lake 53 WA 063 39335 00000 Medical Lake 53 WA 063 44690 00000 Millwood 53 WA 063 45985 00000 Rockford town 53 WA 063 59145 00000 Spokane 53 WA 063 67000 00000 Spokane County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 063 99990 00000 Spokane Valley 53 WA 063 67167 00000 Waverly town 53 WA 063 76720 00000 Chewelah 53 WA 065 12140 00000 Stevens County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 065 99990 00000 Lacey 53 WA 067 36745 00000 Olympia 53 WA 067 51300 00000 Thurston County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 067 99990 00000 Tumwater 53 WA 067 72905 00000 Yelm 53 WA 067 80220 00000 Cathlamet town 53 WA 069 10635 00000 Waitsburg 53 WA 071 75565 00000 Walla Walla 53 WA 071 75775 00000 Walla Walla County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 071 99990 00000 Bellingham 53 WA 073 05280 00000 Blaine 53 WA 073 06505 00000 Ferndale 53 WA 073 23620 00000 Lynden 53 WA 073 40805 00000 Whatcom County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 073 99990 00000 Pullman 53 WA 075 56625 00000 Grandview 53 WA 077 27925 00000 Moxee 53 WA 077 47665 00000 Yakima 53 WA 077 80010 00000 Yakima County Unincorporated Area 53 WA 077 99990 00000 Berkeley County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 003 99990 00000 Martinsburg 54 WV 003 52060 00000 Boone County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 005 99990 00000 Sylvester town 54 WV 005 78964 00000 Barboursville village 54 WV 011 04276 00000 Cabell County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 011 99990 00000 Huntington 54 WV 011 39460 00000 Milton town 54 WV 011 54484 00000 Clay County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 015 00000 00000 Clay town 54 WV 015 15676 00000 Ansted town 54 WV 019 01996 00000 Fayette County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 019 99990 00000 Fayetteville town 54 WV 019 27028 00000 Gauley Bridge town 54 WV 019 30364 00000 Meadow Bridge town 54 WV 019 52780 00000 Montgomery 54 WV 019 55468 00000 Mount Hope 54 WV 019 56404 00000 Oak Hill 54 WV 019 60028 00000 Smithers 54 WV 019 74740 00000 Gilmer County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 021 99990 00000 Grant County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 023 99990 00000 Petersburg 54 WV 023 62956 00000 Greenbrier County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 025 99990 00000 Lewisburg 54 WV 025 46636 00000 Quinwood town 54 WV 025 66412 00000 Ronceverte 54 WV 025 70156 00000 Capon Bridge town 54 WV 027 13108 00000 Hampshire County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 027 99990 00000 Hardy County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 031 99990 00000 Anmoore town 54 WV 033 01900 00000 Bridgeport 54 WV 033 10180 00000 Harrison County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 033 99990 00000 Lost Creek town 54 WV 033 48748 00000 Stonewood 54 WV 033 77188 00000 Bolivar town 54 WV 037 08932 00000 Charles Town 54 WV 037 14610 00000 Harpers Ferry town 54 WV 037 35284 00000 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 037 99990 00000 Ranson corporation 54 WV 037 66988 00000 Shepherdstown town 54 WV 037 73468 00000 Charleston 54 WV 039 14600 00000 Kanawha County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 039 99990 00000 Pratt town 54 WV 039 65356 00000 South Charleston 54 WV 039 75292 00000 Logan 54 WV 045 48148 00000 McDowell County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 047 99990 00000 Farmington town 54 WV 049 26932 00000 Keyser 54 WV 057 43492 00000 Mineral County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 057 99990 00000 Ridgeley town 54 WV 057 68260 00000 Matewan town 54 WV 059 52324 00000 Granville town 54 WV 061 32932 00000 Morgantown 54 WV 061 55756 00000 Star City town 54 WV 061 76516 00000 Morgan County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 065 99990 00000 Richwood 54 WV 067 68116 00000 Wheeling 54 WV 069 86452 00000 Pendleton County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 071 99990 00000 Putnam County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 079 99990 00000 Beckley 54 WV 081 05332 00000 Lester town 54 WV 081 46468 00000 Mabscott town 54 WV 081 49492 00000 Raleigh County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 081 99990 00000 Sophia town 54 WV 081 75172 00000 Elkins 54 WV 083 24580 00000 Ellenboro town 54 WV 085 24844 00000 Summers County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 089 99990 00000 Thomas 54 WV 093 80020 00000 Upshur County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 097 99990 00000 Wayne County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 099 99990 00000 Addison town 54 WV 101 00364 00000 Parkersburg 54 WV 107 62140 00000 Wood County Unincorporated Area 54 WV 107 99990 00000 Adams County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 001 99990 00000 Ashland 55 WI 003 03225 03225 Ashland town 55 WI 003 00000 03250 Marengo town 55 WI 003 00000 49200 Morse town 55 WI 003 00000 54400 White River town 55 WI 003 00000 86850 Barron County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 005 99990 00000 Chetek 55 WI 005 14325 14325 Chetek town 55 WI 005 00000 14350 Bayfield County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 007 99990 00000 Ashwaubenon village 55 WI 009 03425 03425 Bellevue village 55 WI 009 06350 06350 De Pere 55 WI 009 19775 19775 Denmark village 55 WI 009 19700 19700 Green Bay 55 WI 009 31000 31000 Hobart village 55 WI 009 35150 35150 Howard village 55 WI 009 35950 35950 Lawrence town 55 WI 009 00000 42900 Ledgeview town 55 WI 009 00000 43090 Scott town 55 WI 009 00000 72200 Suamico village 55 WI 009 00000 77975 Wrightstown town 55 WI 009 00000 89175 Wrightstown village 55 WI 009 00000 89150 Blaine town 55 WI 013 00000 08025 Burnett County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 013 99990 00000 Calumet County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 015 99990 00000 Harrison village 55 WI 015 32790 32790 Potter village 55 WI 015 64675 64675 Rantoul town 55 WI 015 00000 66275 Chippewa County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 017 99990 00000 Chippewa Falls 55 WI 017 14575 14575 Cornell 55 WI 017 17100 17100 Foster town 55 WI 019 00000 26775 Green Grove town 55 WI 019 00000 31275 Hendren town 55 WI 019 00000 33900 Hewett town 55 WI 019 00000 34200 Sherwood town 55 WI 019 00000 73550 Arlington village 55 WI 021 02800 02800 Cambria village 55 WI 021 12200 12200 Columbia County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 021 99990 00000 Columbus 55 WI 021 16450 16450 Doylestown village 55 WI 021 20775 20775 Fall River village 55 WI 021 25150 25150 Friesland village 55 WI 021 28000 28000 Lodi 55 WI 021 45350 45350 Pardeeville village 55 WI 021 61100 61100 Portage 55 WI 021 64100 64100 Poynette village 55 WI 021 64900 64900 Rio village 55 WI 021 68100 68100 Wisconsin Dells 55 WI 021 00000 88150 Wyocena village 55 WI 021 00000 89300 Bell Center village 55 WI 023 06225 06225 Soldiers Grove village 55 WI 023 74550 74550 Belleville village 55 WI 025 06300 06300 Black Earth village 55 WI 025 07800 07800 Blue Mounds village 55 WI 025 08475 08475 Brooklyn village 55 WI 025 10075 10075 Cambridge village 55 WI 025 12225 12225 Cottage Grove village 55 WI 025 17175 17175 Cross Plains village 55 WI 025 17775 17775 Dane County Unincorporated Area 55 WI 025 99990 00000 Dane village 55 WI 025 18700 18700 Deerfield village 55 WI 025 19250 19250 DeForest village 55 WI 025 19350 19350 Fitchburg 55 WI 025 25950 25950 Madison 55 WI 025 48000 48000 Maple Bluff village 55 WI 025 48750 48750 Marshall village 55 WI 025 49575 49575 Mazomanie village 55 WI 025 50225 50225 McFarland village 55 WI 025 46850 46850 Middleton 55 WI 025 51575 51575 Monona 55 WI 025 53675 53675 Mount Horeb village 55 WI 025 54725 54725 Oregon village 55 WI 025 60200 60200 Rockdale village 55 WI 025 68725 68725 Shorewood Hills village 55 WI 025 73750 73750 Stoughton 55 WI 025 00000 77675 Sun Prairie 55 WI 025 00000 78600 Verona 55 WI 025 00000 82600 Waunakee village 55 WI 025 00000 84350 Windsor village 55 WI 025 87725 87725 Beaver Dam 55 WI 027 05900 05900 Fox Lake town 55 WI 027 00000 27025 Hubbard town 55 WI 027 00000 36100 Kekoskee village 55 WI 027 38900 38900 Door County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 029 99990 00000 Sister Bay village 55 WI 029 74225 74225 Douglas County Unincorporated Area 55 WI 031 99990 00000 Lake Nebagamon village 55 WI 031 41725 41725 Oliver village 55 WI 031 59800 59800 Poplar village 55 WI 031 63975 63975 Solon Springs village 55 WI 031 74575 74575 Superior 55 WI 031 00000 78650 Superior village 55 WI 031 00000 78660 Dunn County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 033 99990 00000 New Haven town 55 WI 033 00000 56775 Altoona 55 WI 035 01550 01550 Eau Claire 55 WI 035 22300 22300 Eau Claire County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 035 99990 00000 Fall Creek village 55 WI 035 25125 25125 Ludington town 55 WI 035 00000 46275 Florence County 55 WI 037 99990 00000 Empire town 55 WI 039 00000 24050 Fond du Lac 55 WI 039 26275 26275 Fond du Lac town 55 WI 039 00000 26300 Metomen town 55 WI 039 00000 51450 Ripon 55 WI 039 68175 68175 Blackwell town 55 WI 041 00000 07950 Forest County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 041 99990 00000 Nashville town 55 WI 041 00000 55575 Grant County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 043 99990 00000 Montfort village 55 WI 043 53950 53950 Muscoda village 55 WI 043 55200 55200 Platteville 55 WI 043 63250 63250 Albany village 55 WI 045 00750 00750 Green County Unincorporated Area 55 WI 045 99990 00000 Arena village 55 WI 049 02550 02550 Avoca village 55 WI 049 04025 04025 Barneveld village 55 WI 049 04775 04775 Cobb village 55 WI 049 15975 15975 Dodgeville 55 WI 049 20350 20350 Highland village 55 WI 049 34450 34450 Hollandale village 55 WI 049 35400 35400 Iowa County Unincorporated Area 55 WI 049 99990 00000 Linden village 55 WI 049 44625 44625 Mineral Point 55 WI 049 53100 53100 Rewey village 55 WI 049 67100 67100 Ridgeway village 55 WI 049 67875 67875 Hurley 55 WI 051 36525 36525 Jackson County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 053 99990 00000 Jefferson County Unincorporated Area 55 WI 055 99990 00000 Johnson Creek village 55 WI 055 38350 38350 Germantown town 55 WI 057 00000 28850 Marion town 55 WI 057 00000 49375 Seven Mile Creek town 55 WI 057 00000 72625 Brighton town 55 WI 059 00000 09635 Bristol village 55 WI 059 00000 09825 Kenosha 55 WI 059 39225 39225 Paddock Lake village 55 WI 059 60975 60975 Paris town 55 WI 059 00000 61175 Pleasant Prairie village 55 WI 059 63300 63300 Randall town 55 WI 059 00000 66125 Salem Lakes village 55 WI 059 00000 71125 Somers town 55 WI 059 00000 74650 Somers village 55 WI 059 74625 74625 Twin Lakes village 55 WI 059 00000 81250 Wheatland town 55 WI 059 00000 86500 Holmen village 55 WI 063 35450 35450 La Crosse 55 WI 063 40775 40775 La Crosse County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 063 99990 00000 Onalaska 55 WI 063 59925 59925 West Salem village 55 WI 063 00000 86275 Langlade County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 067 99990 00000 Birch town 55 WI 069 00000 07500 Lincoln County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 069 99990 00000 Merrill 55 WI 069 51250 51250 Pine River town 55 WI 069 00000 62950 Manitowoc 55 WI 071 48500 48500 Manitowoc County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 071 99990 00000 Berlin town 55 WI 073 00000 06975 Day town 55 WI 073 00000 18950 Edgar village 55 WI 073 22550 22550 Halsey town 55 WI 073 00000 32150 Marathon County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 073 99990 00000 Rib Mountain town 55 WI 073 00000 67325 Stettin town 55 WI 073 00000 77150 Wausau 55 WI 073 00000 84475 Beecher town 55 WI 075 00000 06000 Porterfield town 55 WI 075 00000 64275 Pound town 55 WI 075 00000 64775 Endeavor village 55 WI 077 24075 24075 Bayside village 55 WI 079 05450 05450 Brown Deer village 55 WI 079 10375 10375 Cudahy 55 WI 079 17975 17975 Fox Point village 55 WI 079 27075 27075 Franklin 55 WI 079 27300 27300 Glendale 55 WI 079 29400 29400 Greendale village 55 WI 079 31125 31125 Greenfield 55 WI 079 31175 31175 Hales Corners village 55 WI 079 32075 32075 Milwaukee 55 WI 079 53000 53000 Oak Creek 55 WI 079 58800 58800 River Hills village 55 WI 079 68325 68325 Shorewood village 55 WI 079 73725 73725 South Milwaukee 55 WI 079 75125 75125 St. Francis 55 WI 079 00000 70650 Wauwatosa 55 WI 079 00000 84675 West Allis 55 WI 079 00000 85300 West Milwaukee village 55 WI 079 00000 85875 Whitefish Bay village 55 WI 079 00000 86700 Monroe County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 081 99990 00000 Oakdale village 55 WI 081 58850 58850 Sparta 55 WI 081 00000 75325 Tomah 55 WI 081 00000 80075 Wilton village 55 WI 081 00000 87525 Oconto County Unincorporated Area 55 WI 083 99990 00000 Oconto Falls 55 WI 083 59400 59400 Oneida County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 085 99990 00000 Appleton 55 WI 087 02375 02375 Buchanan town 55 WI 087 00000 10750 Combined Locks village 55 WI 087 16500 16500 Ellington town 55 WI 087 00000 23425 Grand Chute town 55 WI 087 00000 30075 Greenville town 55 WI 087 00000 31550 Kaukauna 55 WI 087 38800 38800 Kimberly village 55 WI 087 39650 39650 Seymour 55 WI 087 72725 72725 Belgium town 55 WI 089 00000 06175 Belgium village 55 WI 089 06150 06150 Cedarburg 55 WI 089 13375 13375 Cedarburg town 55 WI 089 00000 13400 Fredonia town 55 WI 089 00000 27575 Fredonia village 55 WI 089 27550 27550 Grafton town 55 WI 089 00000 30025 Grafton village 55 WI 089 30000 30000 Mequon 55 WI 089 51150 51150 Port Washington 55 WI 089 64450 64450 Port Washington town 55 WI 089 00000 64475 Saukville town 55 WI 089 00000 71725 Saukville village 55 WI 089 71700 71700 Thiensville village 55 WI 089 00000 79475 Durand town 55 WI 091 00000 21250 Bay City village 55 WI 093 05325 05325 Ellsworth village 55 WI 093 23525 23525 Elmwood village 55 WI 093 23700 23700 Maiden Rock village 55 WI 093 48175 48175 Pierce County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 093 99990 00000 Plum City village 55 WI 093 63600 63600 Prescott 55 WI 093 65375 65375 River Falls 55 WI 093 68275 68275 River Falls town 55 WI 093 00000 68300 Spring Valley village 55 WI 093 00000 76300 Clam Falls town 55 WI 095 00000 14837 Georgetown town 55 WI 095 00000 28725 Lorain town 55 WI 095 00000 45775 Polk County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 095 99990 00000 St. Croix Falls town 55 WI 095 00000 70575 Park Ridge village 55 WI 097 61325 61325 Plover village 55 WI 097 63525 63525 Portage County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 097 99990 00000 Price County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 099 99990 00000 Elmwood Park village 55 WI 101 23725 23725 Mount Pleasant village 55 WI 101 54875 54875 Racine 55 WI 101 66000 66000 Racine County Unincorporated Area 55 WI 101 99990 00000 Raymond village 55 WI 101 66350 66350 Union Grove village 55 WI 101 00000 81775 Bradford town 55 WI 105 00000 09175 Clinton village 55 WI 105 15625 15625 Edgerton 55 WI 105 22575 22575 Footville village 55 WI 105 26400 26400 Janesville 55 WI 105 37825 37825 Johnstown town 55 WI 105 00000 38450 Rock County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 105 99990 00000 Rock town 55 WI 105 00000 68600 Big Bend town 55 WI 107 00000 07175 Hawkins village 55 WI 107 33275 33275 Rusk County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 107 99990 00000 Weyerhaeuser village 55 WI 107 00000 86450 Baldwin town 55 WI 109 00000 04425 Baldwin village 55 WI 109 04400 04400 Cady town 55 WI 109 00000 11775 Cylon town 55 WI 109 00000 18300 Deer Park village 55 WI 109 19325 19325 Eau Galle town 55 WI 109 00000 22400 Emerald town 55 WI 109 00000 23925 Erin Prairie town 55 WI 109 00000 24275 Forest town 55 WI 109 00000 26525 Glenwood City 55 WI 109 29625 29625 Glenwood town 55 WI 109 00000 29600 Hammond town 55 WI 109 00000 32350 Hammond village 55 WI 109 32325 32325 Hudson 55 WI 109 36250 36250 Hudson town 55 WI 109 00000 36275 Kinnickinnic town 55 WI 109 00000 39825 New Richmond 55 WI 109 57100 57100 North Hudson village 55 WI 109 58050 58050 Pleasant Valley town 55 WI 109 00000 63425 Richmond town 55 WI 109 00000 67650 Roberts village 55 WI 109 68475 68475 Rush River town 55 WI 109 00000 70200 Somerset town 55 WI 109 00000 74700 Somerset village 55 WI 109 74675 74675 Springfield town 55 WI 109 00000 75950 St. Joseph town 55 WI 109 00000 70825 Stanton town 55 WI 109 00000 76675 Star Prairie town 55 WI 109 00000 76850 Star Prairie village 55 WI 109 00000 76825 Troy town 55 WI 109 00000 80800 Warren town 55 WI 109 00000 83400 Wilson village 55 WI 109 00000 87475 Woodville village 55 WI 109 00000 89025 Reedsburg 55 WI 111 66800 66800 Rock Springs village 55 WI 111 68975 68975 Sauk City village 55 WI 111 71650 71650 Sauk County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 111 99990 00000 Couderay village 55 WI 113 17225 17225 Hayward 55 WI 113 33450 33450 Radisson village 55 WI 113 66050 66050 Sawyer County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 113 99990 00000 Spider Lake town 55 WI 113 00000 75450 Winter village 55 WI 113 00000 87975 Mattoon village 55 WI 115 50000 50000 Shawano County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 115 99990 00000 Random Lake village 55 WI 117 66200 66200 Rhine town 55 WI 117 00000 67150 Medford town 55 WI 119 00000 50450 Rib Lake town 55 WI 119 00000 67300 Trempealeau County Unincorporated Area 55 WI 121 99990 00000 Bergen town 55 WI 123 00000 06900 Liberty town 55 WI 123 00000 43900 Lac du Flambeau town 55 WI 125 00000 40687 Vilas County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 125 99990 00000 Bloomfield village 55 WI 127 08265 08265 Darien village 55 WI 127 18825 18825 Walworth County Unincorporated Area 55 WI 127 99990 00000 Spooner 55 WI 129 00000 75625 Washburn County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 129 99990 00000 Addison town 55 WI 131 00000 00425 Barton town 55 WI 131 00000 05050 Erin town 55 WI 131 00000 24225 Farmington town 55 WI 131 00000 25375 Germantown town 55 WI 131 00000 28900 Germantown village 55 WI 131 28875 28875 Hartford 55 WI 131 33000 33000 Hartford town 55 WI 131 00000 33025 Jackson town 55 WI 131 00000 37700 Jackson village 55 WI 131 37675 37675 Kewaskum town 55 WI 131 00000 39325 Kewaskum village 55 WI 131 39300 39300 Newburg village 55 WI 131 56450 56450 Polk town 55 WI 131 00000 63875 Richfield village 55 WI 131 67475 67475 Slinger village 55 WI 131 74400 74400 Trenton town 55 WI 131 00000 80575 Wayne town 55 WI 131 00000 84900 West Bend 55 WI 131 00000 85350 West Bend town 55 WI 131 00000 85375 Big Bend village 55 WI 133 07200 07200 Brookfield 55 WI 133 10025 10025 Brookfield town 55 WI 133 00000 10050 Butler village 55 WI 133 11475 11475 Chenequa village 55 WI 133 14225 14225 Delafield 55 WI 133 19400 19400 Delafield town 55 WI 133 00000 19425 Dousman village 55 WI 133 20550 20550 Eagle town 55 WI 133 00000 21450 Eagle village 55 WI 133 21425 21425 Elm Grove village 55 WI 133 23575 23575 Genesee town 55 WI 133 00000 28487 Hartland village 55 WI 133 33100 33100 Lac La Belle village 55 WI 133 40750 40750 Lannon village 55 WI 133 42450 42450 Lisbon town 55 WI 133 00000 44850 Menomonee Falls village 55 WI 133 51000 51000 Merton town 55 WI 133 00000 51400 Merton village 55 WI 133 51375 51375 Mukwonago town 55 WI 133 00000 55075 Muskego 55 WI 133 55275 55275 Nashotah village 55 WI 133 55550 55550 New Berlin 55 WI 133 56375 56375 North Prairie village 55 WI 133 58400 58400 Oconomowoc 55 WI 133 59250 59250 Oconomowoc Lake village 55 WI 133 59300 59300 Oconomowoc town 55 WI 133 00000 59275 Ottawa town 55 WI 133 00000 60700 Pewaukee 55 WI 133 62240 62240 Pewaukee village 55 WI 133 62250 62250 Summit village 55 WI 133 78375 78375 Sussex village 55 WI 133 00000 78750 Vernon village 55 WI 133 82575 82575 Wales village 55 WI 133 00000 83175 Waukesha 55 WI 133 00000 84250 Waukesha County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 133 99990 00000 Waukesha village 55 WI 133 84275 84275 Big Falls village 55 WI 135 07250 07250 Clintonville 55 WI 135 15725 15725 Embarrass village 55 WI 135 23850 23850 Manawa 55 WI 135 48350 48350 Waupaca County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 135 99990 00000 Coloma village 55 WI 137 16375 16375 Plainfield village 55 WI 137 63150 63150 Waushara County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 137 99990 00000 Wild Rose village 55 WI 137 00000 87075 Fox Crossing village 55 WI 139 00000 50850 Menasha 55 WI 139 50825 50825 Neenah 55 WI 139 55750 55750 Oshkosh 55 WI 139 60500 60500 Utica town 55 WI 139 00000 82175 Winnebago County Part Unincorporated Area 55 WI 139 99990 00000 Arpin town 55 WI 141 00000 03050 Auburndale village 55 WI 141 03775 03775 Rock town 55 WI 141 00000 68625 Wood town 55 WI 141 00000 88575 Albany County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 001 99990 00000 Laramie 56 WY 001 45050 00000 Byron town 56 WY 003 11700 00000 Cowley town 56 WY 003 17645 00000 Campbell County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 005 99990 00000 Gillette 56 WY 005 31855 00000 Carbon County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 007 99990 00000 Riverside town 56 WY 007 66075 00000 Douglas 56 WY 009 21125 00000 Lander 56 WY 013 44760 00000 Riverton 56 WY 013 66220 00000 Torrington 56 WY 015 77530 00000 Cheyenne 56 WY 021 13900 00000 Laramie County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 021 99990 00000 Lincoln County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 023 99990 00000 Bar Nunn town 56 WY 025 05245 00000 Casper 56 WY 025 13150 00000 Mills town 56 WY 025 53460 00000 Natrona County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 025 99990 00000 Van Tassell town 56 WY 027 79705 00000 Cody 56 WY 029 15760 00000 Meeteetse town 56 WY 029 51720 00000 Park County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 029 99990 00000 Powell 56 WY 029 62450 00000 Sheridan 56 WY 033 69845 00000 Sheridan County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 033 99990 00000 Marbleton town 56 WY 035 50415 00000 Pinedale town 56 WY 035 61580 00000 Sublette County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 035 99990 00000 Green River 56 WY 037 33740 00000 Rock Springs 56 WY 037 67235 00000 Superior town 56 WY 037 74775 00000 Sweetwater County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 037 99990 00000 Jackson town 56 WY 039 40120 00000 Teton County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 039 99990 00000 Evanston 56 WY 041 25620 00000 Uinta County Unincorporated Area 56 WY 041 99990 00000 Counties Not all counties submit monthly data. The following scroll section provides a list of counties that issue monthly building permits. Autauga County AL 01001 Bibb County AL 01007 Blount County AL 01009 Chilton County AL 01021 Jefferson County AL 01073 Lee County AL 01081 Limestone County AL 01083 Madison County AL 01089 Russell County AL 01113 St. Clair County AL 01115 Shelby County AL 01117 Walker County AL 01127 Aleutians East Borough AK 02013 Aleutians West Census Area AK 02016 Anchorage Municipality AK 02020 Bethel Census Area AK 02050 Bristol Bay Borough AK 02060 Dillingham Census Area AK 02070 Fairbanks North Star Borough AK 02090 Haines Borough AK 02100 Hoonah-Angoon Census Area AK 02105 Juneau City and Borough AK 02110 Kenai Peninsula Borough AK 02122 Ketchikan Gateway Borough AK 02130 Kodiak Island Borough AK 02150 Matanuska-Susitna Borough AK 02170 Nome Census Area AK 02180 North Slope Borough AK 02185 Northwest Arctic Borough AK 02188 Petersburg Borough AK 02195 Prince of Wales-Hyder Census A AK 02198 Sitka City and Borough AK 02220 Skagway Municipality AK 02230 Valdez-Cordova Census Area AK 02261 Wrangell City and Borough AK 02275 Yakutat City and Borough AK 02282 Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area AK 02290 Maricopa County AZ 04013 Pima County AZ 04019 Pinal County AZ 04021 Calhoun County AR 05013 Crittenden County AR 05035 Drew County AR 05043 Faulkner County AR 05045 Grant County AR 05053 Lonoke County AR 05085 Madison County AR 05087 Miller County AR 05091 Perry County AR 05105 Pulaski County AR 05119 Searcy County AR 05129 Washington County AR 05143 Alameda County CA 06001 Contra Costa County CA 06013 El Dorado County CA 06017 Fresno County CA 06019 Los Angeles County CA 06037 Marin County CA 06041 Orange County CA 06059 Placer County CA 06061 Plumas County CA 06063 Sacramento County CA 06067 San Benito County CA 06069 San Bernardino County CA 06071 San Diego County CA 06073 San Francisco County CA 06075 San Mateo County CA 06081 Santa Clara County CA 06085 Sierra County CA 06091 Yolo County CA 06113 Adams County CO 08001 Arapahoe County CO 08005 Broomfield County CO 08014 Chaffee County CO 08015 Clear Creek County CO 08019 Denver County CO 08031 Douglas County CO 08035 Elbert County CO 08039 El Paso County CO 08041 Gilpin County CO 08047 Jefferson County CO 08059 Larimer County CO 08069 Mesa County CO 08077 Park County CO 08093 Pueblo County CO 08101 Teller County CO 08119 Fairfield County CT 09001 Hartford County CT 09003 Middlesex County CT 09007 Tolland County CT 09013 Kent County DE 10001 New Castle County DE 10003 Sussex County DE 10005 Washington DC DC 11001 Baker County FL 12003 Clay County FL 12019 Dixie County FL 12029 Duval County FL 12031 Escambia County FL 12033 Hernando County FL 12053 Hillsborough County FL 12057 Lafayette County FL 12067 Lee County FL 12071 Leon County FL 12073 Manatee County FL 12081 Miami-Dade County FL 12086 Nassau County FL 12089 Okaloosa County FL 12091 Orange County FL 12095 Osceola County FL 12097 Pasco County FL 12101 Pinellas County FL 12103 St. Johns County FL 12109 Santa Rosa County FL 12113 Sarasota County FL 12115 Seminole County FL 12117 Sumter County FL 12119 Wakulla County FL 12129 Walton County FL 12131 Washington County FL 12133 Baker County GA 13007 Barrow County GA 13013 Bartow County GA 13015 Bibb County GA 13021 Bryan County GA 13029 Burke County GA 13033 Butts County GA 13035 Carroll County GA 13045 Chatham County GA 13051 Cherokee County GA 13057 Clarke County GA 13059 Clayton County GA 13063 Cobb County GA 13067 Columbia County GA 13073 Coweta County GA 13077 Dawson County GA 13085 Dougherty County GA 13095 Douglas County GA 13097 Fannin County GA 13111 Fayette County GA 13113 Floyd County GA 13115 Forsyth County GA 13117 Fulton County GA 13121 Glynn County GA 13127 Gwinnett County GA 13135 Haralson County GA 13143 Harris County GA 13145 Heard County GA 13149 Henry County GA 13151 Jasper County GA 13159 Lamar County GA 13171 Lee County GA 13177 Liberty County GA 13179 McDuffie County GA 13189 Meriwether County GA 13199 Miller County GA 13201 Monroe County GA 13207 Muscogee County GA 13215 Newton County GA 13217 Pickens County GA 13227 Pike County GA 13231 Pulaski County GA 13235 Richmond County GA 13245 Rockdale County GA 13247 Spalding County GA 13255 Thomas County GA 13275 Union County GA 13291 Hawaii County HI 15001 Honolulu County HI 15003 Kauai County HI 15007 Maui County HI 15009 Ada County ID 16001 Boise County ID 16015 Canyon County ID 16027 Gem County ID 16045 Owyhee County ID 16073 Bond County IL 17005 Calhoun County IL 17013 Cook County IL 17031 DeKalb County IL 17037 De Witt County IL 17039 DuPage County IL 17043 Grundy County IL 17063 Jersey County IL 17083 Kendall County IL 17093 Lake County IL 17097 McHenry County IL 17111 Madison County IL 17119 Monroe County IL 17133 Will County IL 17197 Allen County IN 18003 Boone County IN 18011 Brown County IN 18013 Clark County IN 18019 Franklin County IN 18047 Hamilton County IN 18057 Hancock County IN 18059 Harrison County IN 18061 Hendricks County IN 18063 Huntington County IN 18069 Jasper County IN 18073 Johnson County IN 18081 Lagrange County IN 18087 Lake County IN 18089 Marion County IN 18097 Monroe County IN 18105 Morgan County IN 18109 Newton County IN 18111 Ohio County IN 18115 Owen County IN 18119 Porter County IN 18127 Putnam County IN 18133 Shelby County IN 18145 Steuben County IN 18151 Tippecanoe County IN 18157 Vanderburgh County IN 18163 Vigo County IN 18167 Washington County IN 18175 Whitley County IN 18183 Dallas County IA 19049 Harrison County IA 19085 Mills County IA 19129 Polk County IA 19153 Warren County IA 19181 Geary County KS 20061 Johnson County KS 20091 Leavenworth County KS 20103 Linn County KS 20107 Miami County KS 20121 Wyandotte County KS 20209 Anderson County KY 21005 Boone County KY 21015 Bourbon County KY 21017 Boyle County KY 21021 Bullitt County KY 21029 Calloway County KY 21035 Campbell County KY 21037 Casey County KY 21045 Christian County KY 21047 Clark County KY 21049 Fayette County KY 21067 Fleming County KY 21069 Gallatin County KY 21077 Grant County KY 21081 Hancock County KY 21091 Hart County KY 21099 Henderson County KY 21101 Henry County KY 21103 Jefferson County KY 21111 Jessamine County KY 21113 Johnson County KY 21115 Kenton County KY 21117 Knox County KY 21121 Larue County KY 21123 Lincoln County KY 21137 McCracken County KY 21145 Madison County KY 21151 Marshall County KY 21157 Mason County KY 21161 Meade County KY 21163 Mercer County KY 21167 Morgan County KY 21175 Nelson County KY 21179 Oldham County KY 21185 Pendleton County KY 21191 Scott County KY 21209 Shelby County KY 21211 Simpson County KY 21213 Spencer County KY 21215 Trigg County KY 21221 Woodford County KY 21239 Ascension Parish LA 22005 Bossier Parish LA 22015 Caddo Parish LA 22017 De Soto Parish LA 22031 East Baton Rouge Parish LA 22033 East Feliciana Parish LA 22037 Iberville Parish LA 22047 Jefferson Parish LA 22051 Lafayette Parish LA 22055 Livingston Parish LA 22063 Orleans Parish LA 22071 Plaquemines Parish LA 22075 Pointe Coupee Parish LA 22077 St. Bernard Parish LA 22087 St. Charles Parish LA 22089 St. Helena Parish LA 22091 St. John the Baptist Parish LA 22095 St. Martin Parish LA 22099 St. Tammany Parish LA 22103 Terrebonne Parish LA 22109 West Baton Rouge Parish LA 22121 West Feliciana Parish LA 22125 Maine Unorganized Territory ME 23000 Anne Arundel County MD 24003 Baltimore County MD 24005 Calvert County MD 24009 Carroll County MD 24013 Cecil County MD 24015 Charles County MD 24017 Frederick County MD 24021 Garrett County MD 24023 Harford County MD 24025 Howard County MD 24027 Montgomery County MD 24031 Prince George County MD 24033 Queen Anne County MD 24035 St. Marys County MD 24037 Somerset County MD 24039 Wicomico County MD 24045 Baltimore (Independent City) MD 24510 Bristol County MA 25005 Essex County MA 25009 Middlesex County MA 25017 Norfolk County MA 25021 Plymouth County MA 25023 Suffolk County MA 25025 Michigan Balance of State MI 26000 Benzie County MI 26019 Charlevoix County MI 26029 Leelanau County MI 26089 Livingston County MI 26093 Luce County MI 26095 Macomb County MI 26099 Marquette County MI 26103 Otsego County MI 26137 St. Clair County MI 26147 Wayne County MI 26163 Anoka County MN 27003 Carver County MN 27019 Chisago County MN 27025 Clay County MN 27027 Dakota County MN 27037 Hennepin County MN 27053 Isanti County MN 27059 Ramsey County MN 27123 Scott County MN 27139 Sherburne County MN 27141 Washington County MN 27163 Wright County MN 27171 DeSoto County MS 28033 Greene County MS 28041 Hancock County MS 28045 Harrison County MS 28047 Jones County MS 28067 Smith County MS 28129 Tate County MS 28137 Tunica County MS 28143 Union County MS 28145 Warren County MS 28149 Bates County MO 29013 Bollinger County MO 29017 Boone County MO 29019 Clinton County MO 29049 Dent County MO 29065 Franklin County MO 29071 Jackson County MO 29095 Jefferson County MO 29099 Laclede County MO 29105 Lafayette County MO 29107 Lincoln County MO 29113 Platte County MO 29165 St. Clair County MO 29185 St. Louis County MO 29189 Warren County MO 29219 Washington County MO 29221 St. Louis (Independent City) MO 29510 Cascade County MT 30013 Garfield County MT 30033 Missoula County MT 30063 Silver Bow County MT 30093 Adams County NE 31001 Cass County NE 31025 Cheyenne County NE 31033 Douglas County NE 31055 Kimball County NE 31105 Sarpy County NE 31153 Sioux County NE 31165 Washington County NE 31177 Churchill County NV 32001 Clark County NV 32003 Douglas County NV 32005 Elko County NV 32007 Humboldt County NV 32013 Lander County NV 32015 Lincoln County NV 32017 Lyon County NV 32019 Mineral County NV 32021 Pershing County NV 32027 Storey County NV 32029 Washoe County NV 32031 White Pine County NV 32033 Carson City (Independent City) NV 32510 Rockingham County NH 33015 Strafford County NH 33017 Atlantic County NJ 34001 Bergen County NJ 34003 Burlington County NJ 34005 Camden County NJ 34007 Cape May County NJ 34009 Cumberland County NJ 34011 Essex County NJ 34013 Gloucester County NJ 34015 Hudson County NJ 34017 Hunterdon County NJ 34019 Mercer County NJ 34021 Middlesex County NJ 34023 Monmouth County NJ 34025 Morris County NJ 34027 Ocean County NJ 34029 Passaic County NJ 34031 Salem County NJ 34033 Somerset County NJ 34035 Sussex County NJ 34037 Union County NJ 34039 Warren County NJ 34041 New Mexico Balance of State NM 35000 Bernalillo County NM 35001 Chaves County NM 35005 Curry County NM 35009 Dona Ana County NM 35013 Eddy County NM 35015 Grant County NM 35017 Lea County NM 35025 Lincoln County NM 35027 Los Alamos County NM 35028 Luna County NM 35029 McKinley County NM 35031 Otero County NM 35035 Roosevelt County NM 35041 Sandoval County NM 35043 San Juan County NM 35045 San Miguel County NM 35047 Santa Fe County NM 35049 Sierra County NM 35051 Taos County NM 35055 Valencia County NM 35061 Albany County NY 36001 Bronx County NY 36005 Erie County NY 36029 Kings County NY 36047 Livingston County NY 36051 Monroe County NY 36055 Nassau County NY 36059 New York County NY 36061 Niagara County NY 36063 Ontario County NY 36069 Orleans County NY 36073 Putnam County NY 36079 Queens County NY 36081 Rensselaer County NY 36083 Richmond County NY 36085 Rockland County NY 36087 Saratoga County NY 36091 Schenectady County NY 36093 Schoharie County NY 36095 Seneca County NY 36099 Suffolk County NY 36103 Wayne County NY 36117 Westchester County NY 36119 Anson County NC 37007 Avery County NC 37011 Bertie County NC 37015 Cabarrus County NC 37025 Caswell County NC 37033 Chatham County NC 37037 Cumberland County NC 37051 Currituck County NC 37053 Davie County NC 37059 Durham County NC 37063 Franklin County NC 37069 Gaston County NC 37071 Granville County NC 37077 Guilford County NC 37081 Henderson County NC 37089 Hoke County NC 37093 Iredell County NC 37097 Johnston County NC 37101 Mecklenburg County NC 37119 Onslow County NC 37133 Orange County NC 37135 Person County NC 37145 Randolph County NC 37151 Rockingham County NC 37157 Union County NC 37179 Vance County NC 37181 Wake County NC 37183 Wilson County NC 37195 Ashtabula County OH 39007 Brown County OH 39015 Butler County OH 39017 Clermont County OH 39025 Delaware County OH 39041 Franklin County OH 39049 Geauga County OH 39055 Lake County OH 39085 Licking County OH 39089 Lorain County OH 39093 Madison County OH 39097 Medina County OH 39103 Morrow County OH 39117 Union County OH 39159 Warren County OH 39165 Adair County OK 40001 Canadian County OK 40017 Cherokee County OK 40021 Cleveland County OK 40027 Coal County OK 40029 Creek County OK 40037 Grady County OK 40051 Greer County OK 40055 Lincoln County OK 40081 Logan County OK 40083 McClain County OK 40087 Oklahoma County OK 40109 Okmulgee County OK 40111 Osage County OK 40113 Pawnee County OK 40117 Rogers County OK 40131 Tulsa County OK 40143 Wagoner County OK 40145 Oregon Balance of State OR 41000 Clackamas County OR 41005 Deschutes County OR 41017 Douglas County OR 41019 Harney County OR 41025 Klamath County OR 41035 Multnomah County OR 41051 Wasco County OR 41065 Washington County OR 41067 Yamhill County OR 41071 Adams County PA 42001 Bucks County PA 42017 Chester County PA 42029 Columbia County PA 42037 Cumberland County PA 42041 Dauphin County PA 42043 Delaware County PA 42045 Franklin County PA 42055 Montgomery County PA 42091 Montour County PA 42093 Perry County PA 42099 Philadelphia County PA 42101 Pike County PA 42103 Bristol County RI 44001 Kent County RI 44003 Newport County RI 44005 Providence County RI 44007 Washington County RI 44009 Aiken County SC 45003 Bamberg County SC 45009 Berkeley County SC 45015 Calhoun County SC 45017 Charleston County SC 45019 Dorchester County SC 45035 Edgefield County SC 45037 Fairfield County SC 45039 Greenville County SC 45045 Horry County SC 45051 Kershaw County SC 45055 Laurens County SC 45059 Lexington County SC 45063 Pickens County SC 45077 Richland County SC 45079 Saluda County SC 45081 Sumter County SC 45085 York County SC 45091 Bennett County SD 46007 Haakon County SD 46055 Jackson County SD 46071 Sanborn County SD 46111 Anderson County TN 47001 Cannon County TN 47015 Cheatham County TN 47021 Davidson County TN 47037 Dickson County TN 47043 Fentress County TN 47049 Hickman County TN 47081 Knox County TN 47093 Loudon County TN 47105 Montgomery County TN 47125 Polk County TN 47139 Rutherford County TN 47149 Sequatchie County TN 47153 Shelby County TN 47157 Smith County TN 47159 Stewart County TN 47161 Sumner County TN 47165 Tipton County TN 47167 Trousdale County TN 47169 Union County TN 47173 Van Buren County TN 47175 Wilson County TN 47189 Atascosa County TX 48013 Austin County TX 48015 Bandera County TX 48019 Bastrop County TX 48021 Bee County TX 48025 Bell County TX 48027 Bexar County TX 48029 Burleson County TX 48051 Caldwell County TX 48055 Collin County TX 48085 Comal County TX 48091 Coryell County TX 48099 Crosby County TX 48107 Dallas County TX 48113 Delta County TX 48119 Ector County TX 48135 Ellis County TX 48139 El Paso County TX 48141 Fort Bend County TX 48157 Galveston County TX 48167 Grimes County TX 48185 Guadalupe County TX 48187 Hamilton County TX 48193 Hansford County TX 48195 Harris County TX 48201 Hemphill County TX 48211 Hidalgo County TX 48215 Hutchinson County TX 48233 Johnson County TX 48251 Kaufman County TX 48257 Kendall County TX 48259 Kinney County TX 48271 Lampasas County TX 48281 Liberty County TX 48291 Lubbock County TX 48303 Maverick County TX 48323 Medina County TX 48325 Midland County TX 48329 Montgomery County TX 48339 Parker County TX 48367 Potter County TX 48375 Reagan County TX 48383 Real County TX 48385 Robertson County TX 48395 Rockwall County TX 48397 San Jacinto County TX 48407 San Saba County TX 48411 Tom Green County TX 48451 Travis County TX 48453 Waller County TX 48473 Williamson County TX 48491 Wilson County TX 48493 Wise County TX 48497 Davis County UT 49011 Juab County UT 49023 Morgan County UT 49029 Salt Lake County UT 49035 Sanpete County UT 49039 Summit County UT 49043 Weber County UT 49057 Albemarle County VA 51003 Amelia County VA 51007 Amherst County VA 51009 Arlington County VA 51013 Augusta County VA 51015 Bedford County VA 51019 Caroline County VA 51033 Charles City County VA 51036 Charlotte County VA 51037 Chesterfield County VA 51041 Clarke County VA 51043 Cumberland County VA 51049 Dickenson County VA 51051 Dinwiddie County VA 51053 Fairfax County VA 51059 Fauquier County VA 51061 Frederick County VA 51069 Gloucester County VA 51073 Goochland County VA 51075 Hanover County VA 51085 Henrico County VA 51087 Isle of Wight County VA 51093 James City County VA 51095 King and Queen County VA 51097 King George County VA 51099 Loudoun County VA 51107 Louisa County VA 51109 Mathews County VA 51115 New Kent County VA 51127 Page County VA 51139 Powhatan County VA 51145 Prince George County VA 51149 Prince William County VA 51153 Rockingham County VA 51165 Southampton County VA 51175 Spotsylvania County VA 51177 Stafford County VA 51179 Surry County VA 51181 Sussex County VA 51183 Warren County VA 51187 York County VA 51199 Alexandria (Independent City) VA 51510 Charlottesville (Independent C VA 51540 Chesapeake(Independent City) VA 51550 Colonial Heights (Independent VA 51570 Covington (Independent City) VA 51580 Fairfax (Independent City) VA 51600 Falls Church (Independent City VA 51610 Fredericksburg(Independent Cit VA 51630 Hampton (Independent City) VA 51650 Harrisonburg (Independent City VA 51660 Hopewell (Independent City) VA 51670 Lynchburg (Independent City) VA 51680 Manassas (Independent City) VA 51683 Manassas Park (Independent Cit VA 51685 Newport News (Independent City VA 51700 Norfolk (Independent City) VA 51710 Petersburg (Independent City) VA 51730 Poquoson (Independent City) VA 51735 Portsmouth (Independent City) VA 51740 Richmond (Independent City) VA 51760 Suffolk (Independent City) VA 51800 Virginia Beach (Independent Ci VA 51810 Williamsburg (Independent City VA 51830 Benton County WA 53005 Clark County WA 53011 Franklin County WA 53021 Jefferson County WA 53031 King County WA 53033 Kitsap County WA 53035 Pierce County WA 53053 San Juan County WA 53055 Skamania County WA 53059 Snohomish County WA 53061 Cabell County WV 54011 Clay County WV 54015 Fayette County WV 54019 Jefferson County WV 54037 Raleigh County WV 54081 Dane County WI 55025 Douglas County WI 55031 Florence County WI 55037 Iowa County WI 55049 Kenosha County WI 55059 Milwaukee County WI 55079 Ozaukee County WI 55089 Pierce County WI 55093 St. Croix County WI 55109 Washington County WI 55131 Park County WY 56029 Teton County WY 56039 Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages .. goto data resources http://proximityone.com/qcewa.htm ... concepts These data are accessible via DEDE from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Quarterly Census of Employment & Wages (QCEW) program for the years 2014 through and is extended/updated on a quarterly basis. These data provide detailed *quarterly* information on the number of establishments, employment and first quarter and annual payroll at the national, state, metropolitan/micropolitan statistical area, combined statistical area, and county levels for up to 6-digit type of business detail defined by the 2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). These data are compiled based on Employer's QUARTERLY 941 Federal Tax Return. These data provided monthly and quarterly data with only a 6-month lag from the reporting date to the data access date. Local concentration of an industry Location quotients are included in the QCEW output record. Where is industry X concentrated? How dependent is my area on industry Y? QCEW can answer this question via the use of Location Quotients (LQ). This is made possible by the great amount of industry detail published by QCEW at the county, MSA, state, and national levels. Location Quotients Explain Local Concentration A location quotient (LQ) is a ratio that explains an industry's share of local jobs as compared to the national total. For example, a LQ of 1.0 indicates that the local industry has a normal concentration, that is, a concentration that matches the U.S. total. A LQ of 2.0 indicates that the industry has twice the share of local jobs compared to the national economy. A LQ of 0.5 shows that the local industry has only half the share of jobs as it does at the national level. DEDE Processing handled differently for QCEW 1. Statistical Program selection The DEDE timeframe is normally specified by the selection of the Statistical Program dropdown. For QCEW, there is only one entry for the Statistical Program: QCEW. The time period selection is set using the Year/Qtr edit box to the right of the Statistical Program dropdown. It important that this value be provided in the form yyQq where yy is the year 2 digit (14-20) and q is the calendar quarter. 2. Geographic Level selection It is required that the Geographic Level dropdown be set to County. The actual retrieval and development of the initial grid and output file is for all geographic levels: states (agglev 58), MSAs (agglev 48), Counties (agglev 58). The MSA code has a value of "C" in the first digit. To get the official OMB CBSA code, remove the C and add a 0 (zero) at end of code. QCEW - C3310 Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL MSA refers to OMB CBSA 33100 Items in QCEW Data Record
own_code industry_code agglvl_code size_code year qtr disclosure_code qtrly_estabs month1_emplvl month2_emplvl month3_emplvl total_qtrly_wages taxable_qtrly_wages qtrly_contributions avg_wkly_wage lq_disclosure_code lq_qtrly_estabs lq_month1_emplvl lq_month2_emplvl lq_month3_emplvl lq_total_qtrly_wages lq_taxable_qtrly_wages lq_qtrly_contributions lq_avg_wkly_wage oty_disclosure_code oty_qtrly_estabs_chg oty_qtrly_estabs_pct_chg oty_month1_emplvl_chg oty_month1_emplvl_pct_chg oty_month2_emplvl_chg oty_month2_emplvl_pct_chg oty_month3_emplvl_chg oty_month3_emplvl_pct_chg oty_total_qtrly_wages_chg oty_total_qtrly_wages_pct_chg oty_taxable_qtrly_wages_chg oty_taxable_qtrly_wages_pct_chg oty_qtrly_contributions_chg oty_qtrly_contributions_pct_chg oty_avg_wkly_wage_chg oty_avg_wkly_wage_pct_chg County Business Patterns .. goto data resources http://proximityone.com/cbp.htm These data are accessible via DEDE from the Census Bureau County Business Patterns (CBP) program for the years 2017, 2018, 2019, and will be extended/updated with 2020 data access in June 2022. These data provide detailed annual information on the number of establishments, employment and first quarter and annual payroll at the national, state, metropolitan/micropolitan statistical area, combined statistical area, county and congressional district levels for 970 industries defined by the 2017 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). CBP Disclosure Codes
001: All establishments
204: Establishments with no paid employees 205: Establishments with paid employees 207: Establishments with less than 10 employees 209: Establishments with less than 20 employees 210: Establishments with less than 5 employees 211: Establishments with less than 4 employees 212: Establishments with 1 to 4 employees 213: Establishments with 1 employee 214: Establishments with 2 employees 215: Establishments with 3 or 4 employees 219: Establishments with 0 to 4 employees 220: Establishments with 5 to 9 employees 221: Establishments with 5 or 6 employees 222: Establishments with 7 to 9 employees 223: Establishments with 10 to 14 employees 230: Establishments with 10 to 19 employees 231: Establishments with 10 to 14 employees 232: Establishments with 15 to 19 employees 235: Establishments with 20 or more employees 240: Establishments with 20 to 99 employees 241: Establishments with 20 to 49 employees 242: Establishments with 50 to 99 employees 243: Establishments with 50 employees or more 249: Establishments with 100 to 499 employees 250: Establishments with 100 or more employees 251: Establishments with 100 to 249 employees 252: Establishments with 250 to 499 employees 253: Establishments with 500 employees or more 254: Establishments with 500 to 999 employees 260: Establishments with 1,000 employees or more 261: Establishments with 1,000 to 2,499 employees 262: Establishments with 1,000 to 1,499 employees 263: Establishments with 1,500 to 2,499 employees 270: Establishments with 2,500 employees or more 271: Establishments with 2,500 to 4,999 employees 272: Establishments with 5,000 to 9,999 employees 273: Establishments with 5,000 employees or more 280: Establishments with 10,000 employees or more 281: Establishments with 10,000 to 24,999 employees 282: Establishments with 25,000 to 49,999 employees 283: Establishments with 50,000 to 99,999 employees 290: Establishments with 100,000 employees or more 298: Covered by administrative records Comparing ACS, CBP, QCEW Data .. goto data resources Not a complete comparision, these notes may be useful in comparing/using data from ACS, CBP and QCEW. These statistical programs are all U.S. national scope. All three programs provide data "down to" at least at the county level. ACS is a household statistical survey. The estimates have a computable margin of error. CBP & QCEW are administrative data tabulated from employer reports. ACS data are by place of residence; CBP & QCEW data are by place of establishment. ACS data are collected/tabulated annually; often referred to as the "rolling" census. .. ACS 2019 data are the most recent data available as of 6/25/21. .. ACS data are tabulated/released as 1-year and 5-year estimates. .. ACS 2019 1-year estimates are for the 2019 calender year and available for areas with population 65,000+. .. ACS 2019 5-year estimates are for the 2015-19 years and centric to 2015. .. ACS 5-year estimates are available for subcounty areas; QCEW data are not; CBP data are available by ZIP code. .. ACS data have the limitations of no establishment data; no earnings by type of business (except microdata). .. ACS data have the advatage of being able to associate employment with many other types of related measures. CBP have a long lag from reference date to access date. The CBP 2019 data became available in May 2021. Among these data, only QCEW provides quarterly data. Among these data, QCEW has the shortest lag time from reference date to access date. Compare the following illustrative data for Fresno County, CA for NAICS 522390; most recent data as of 6/24/21: This subsection not fully developed. CBP -- 2019 Est Emp Pay 112 333 17628000 QCEW -- 2020 quarterly Qtr Est Emp Pay 1 87 321 4275933 2 95 297 4464869 3 93 278 5426390 4 90 285 6699559 Regional Economic Information System .. goto data resources http://proximityone.com/reis.htm Application: Using Database Features with ACS C24010 Occupational Data .. goto top Based on ACS 2019, there are 117 ZIP Code areas in the U.S. where the number of "Health technologists and technicians" is greater then 20 percent of the total employment. Obtaining this list of ZIP codes and related employment by occupation data are among the results of the following DEDE application. This application illustrates how to develop an extract file containing employment by occupation data for all ZIP Code areas in the U.S. A first step is to determine and select the subject matter from the ACS options (the only source of these data). It is determined that table C24010 provides detailed occupational data by gender (C24020 provides more detailed occupational data). With DEDE running, view the content of Table C24010 by using the "ACS Metatdata Query" feature. Enter the value "at('C24010',tableid)>0" (no quotes, see more about query operators) in the edit box and click "View ACS Metadata". The grid refreshes with the view of the Table C24010 table structure as shown below. ![]() Step 2. This table contains 73 data items. The capacity of the Census API (used by DEDE for ACS data) is 50 items per call. Twp subject matter item files have been developed to extract these data. These file are provided by the DEDE installer. api_items_acs_occupation01_37.txt .. items 1 to 37 (total and male) api_items_acs_occupation38_73.txt .. items 38 to 73 (femail) These subject matter item files will be used in the next step. Note that once these subject matter files have been developed, they can be used with any ACS tabulation geography available. Step 3. Run the extract/file development for each of the subject matter items: set geographic level to 860 ZIP Code Area. open Subject Matter Items file "C:\dede\api_items_acs_occupation01_37.txt" set Output File Path/Name to "C:\dede\acs2019_zip_c24010.dbf" (this is the file that will be created) ![]() click Start button. Processing starts, run ~60 seconds. File generated and displayed in grid (if data are not displayed in grid, click the close button by the ACS Metadata View( as shown in graphic, the total employment in ZIP code 00601 is 3,657 (based on ACS 2019 5-year estimates) other subject matter items are displayed for each ZIP code in columns arrayed to right in grid ![]() The file "C:\dede\acs2019_zip_c24010.dbf" has been generated and may be used with any software that can open a dbf file (optionally save the file as XLS) Next, develop the female occupational data file/ Repeat Step 3 for Subject Matter Items file "C:\dede\api_items_acs_occupation38_73.txt" generating the file "C:\dede\api_items_acs_occupation38_73.dbf" open Subject Matter Items file "C:\dede\api_items_acs_occupation38_73.txt" set Output File Path/Name to "C:\dede\api_items_acs_occupation38_73.dbf" (the default name) click Start button. Processing starts, run ~60 seconds. File generated and displayed in grid Step 4. Using Datatbase>dBMerge. Optional. Development of the two files has been completed. Use Explorer to copy "C:\dede\api_items_acs_occupation01_37.txt" to "C:\dede\acs2019_zip_c24010.dbf" Start Database>dBMerge: ![]() With dBMerge form open, make settings as shown in graphic and click Merge button (top right): ![]() dBMerge steps for this application: - Open File 1 as "C:\dede\acs2019_zip_c24010.dbf" - Open File 2 as "C:\dede\api_items_acs_occupation38_73.dbf" - File 1 Select & Move all items to output - File 2 Select all items except GEOID & Move remaining items (blue highlight) to output - caution: do not click Move Selected twice - File 1 set match key to GEOID - File 2 set match key to GEOID - verify settings; verify (scroll down) items in Output File are as intended. - click Merge button (top right) - watch progress bar as the files merge. At end of process, the dBMerge form closes. "C:\dede\acs2019_zip_c24010.dbf" now contains all 73 items. Step 5. Insights. From these data, it can be determined that there are 117 ZIP code areas where the ACS 2019 estimate of the combined: occmmgmt15 .. Male Health technologists and technicians and occfmgmt15 .. Female Health technologists and technicians are greater than 20 percent of the total employment: TotEmp .. Total civilian employed population 16 years and over One way to determine this is to use the file generated in Step 4 with the Database>dBrowse feature C:\dede\acs2019_zip_c24010.dbf (removing 0 totemp ZIPs) and setting the filter to "100*(occmmgmt15+occfmgmt15)/totemp>=20". ![]() Download the resulting file acs2019_zip_c24010_ht20.dbf. -- optionally, follow similar steps to identify the set of BGs, tracts, cities, counties, metros or states. This completes this application illustration. Application: Integrating DEDE Output with GIS .. goto top This application reviews steps to: 1. Use DEDE to develop a U.S. by county dataset using the EstEmp19 data resource for the 6-digit NAICS code 522390. 2. Integrate/merge those data into a GIS U.S. by county shapefile. 3. Use that shapefile with GIS tools to create map views and perform geospatial analyses. The 6-digit NAICS code 522390 comprises these types of business: 522390 Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in facilitating credit intermediation (except mortgage and loan brokerage; and financial transactions processing, reserve, and clearinghouse activities). Illustrative Examples: Check cashing services Money order issuance services Loan servicing Travelers' check issuance services Money transmission services Payday lending services 1. Use DEDE to develop a U.S. by county dataset using the EstEmp19 data resource for the 6-digit NAICS code 522390. With DEDE running ... change the 3 selections as shonw by the following graphic: ![]() - select Statistical Progran as EstEmpEarn19 - select GeoLevel as 050 County - key in NAICS code "522390" (no quotes) - click Start button the above steps create the file c:\dede\EstEmpEarn19.dbf; the grid displays with the retrieved content - Filter the output file with FilterOutput button: - Enter the filter value "empsize='001'" (no quotes) then click FilterOutput button - The grid refreshes (only EMPSIZE='001') and the output file is restructured ![]() 2. Integrate/merge those data into a GIS U.S. by county shapefile. With CV XE GIS running .. click File>Close. Click File>Database .. then dBMerge from dropdown. In Source File 1 edit box paste c:\cvxe\1\cb_2019_us_county_500k_pop19.dbf In Source File 2 edit box paste c:\dede\EstEmpEarn19.dbf Click Create button, top center; item panels populate Below Source File 1 items panel click Select All button then click Move Selected button. In Source File 2 items panel click select items as shown below then click Move Selected button. The Output File items panel is now staged for the merge. Key in the Key 1 and Key values in edit boxes. They happen to be the same -- "GEOID" (no quotes) Now ready to merge, review settings then click Megre button at top of form. At end of merge, reply Yes to "allow overwrite?" prompt. The merge is complete; proceed to Step 3 ![]() 3. Use that shapefile with GIS tools to create map views and perform geospatial analyses. With CV XE GIS running and default project open, click the + (add layer) button on toolbar Select the file c:\cvxe\1\cb_2019_us_county_500k_pop19.shp; the layer is added at top of legend panel. Use File>Save ProjectAs with the project file name c:\cvxe\1\us1_dede.gis Uncheck Cty Pop Gain and Cty Pop Loss layers. Use layer editor to create two intervals/sections as shown below. ![]() Installation .. goto top Run DEDE installer to install DEDE on a Windows computer. .. requires user ID .. Contact us (888-364-7656) for more information. DEDE can be installed on any Windows computer. Internet is required. The installer defaults to drive c: and folder dede (c:\dede) - the default settings are recommended to be consistent with documentation. - DEDE may be be installed on any drive and in any folder. - the configuration file (dede.ini) is created by the installer. .. the drive and folder settings in the ini file must agree with the actual file locations. - if DEDE is installed to "D:\dede" the drive and folder would appear as shown below. - if DEDE is installed elsewhere, like "u:\dede", references to d:\dede must be replaced with "U:\dede". .. changes may be done with the Settings>Startup Settings feature from the main menu toolbar. .. drive and folder names are not case sensitive. See more about Settings>Startup Settings Join in on an every Tuesday Web meeting session to learn more about using DEDE. Terms of Use .. goto top There is no warranty, express or implied, for any aspect of use of the DEDE installer or software. The user is solely responsible for any use made of the DEDE installer, software or use of resulting output. The user agrees not to distribute the DEDE installer or software. ACS Tables with Race/Origin Iteration .. goto top Selected tables with B or C first character 01 Age and Sex 02 Race 03 Hispanic Origin 04 Ancestry 05 Foreign Born; Citizenship; Year or Entry; Nativity 06 Place of Birth 07 Residence 1 Year Ago; Migration 08 Journey to Work; Workers' Characteristics; Commuting 09 Children; Household Relationship 10 Grandparents; Grandchildren 11 Household Type; Family Type; Subfamilies 12 Marital Status and History 13 Fertility 14 School Enrollment 15 Educational Attainment 16 Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English 17 Poverty 18 Disability 19 Income (Households and Families) 20 Earnings (Individuals) 21 Veteran Status 22 Transfer Programs (Public Assistance) 23 Employment Status; Work Experience; Labor Force (e.g., C23002C) 24 Industry; Occupation; Class of Worker 25 Housing Characteristics 26 Group Quarters 27 Health Insurance 28 Computer and Internet Use 29 Citizen Voting-age Population Race/Origin Iteration Group Code .. goto top ACS tables iterated by race/origin have race/oricide as listed below. If a table code ends in a letter from A-I, that code indicates that the table universe is restricted to that universe. .. using example for table 23002 Sex by Age by Employment Status C23002A White alone C23002B Black or African American Alone C23002C American Indian and Alaska Native Alone C23002D Asian Alone C23002E Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Alone C23002F Some Other Race Alone C23002G Two or More Races C23002H White Alone, Not Hispanic or Latino C23002I Hispanic or Latino Income Measures .. goto top Data are presented in this report for median household income (MHI) and per capita personal income (PCPI) among other income measures. Per capita personal income is total personal income divided by the total population. Personal income is the income from all sources including both monetary and in-kind sources. Per capita personal income is generally considered the best measure of personal economic well-being. Personal income is estimated within the Federal statistical system by primarily the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Median household income is the income of the mid-point household income distribution when household incomes are ranked from lowest to highest. Half of all incomes are below and half are above the median. Household income is monetary income accruing to each/all members of the household. MHI is generally considered the best measure of household buying power. MHI is estimated within the Federal statistical system by primarily the Census Bureau. MHI is estimated using various methods and for many different statistical programs. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions .. goto top Q. How locate state-county codes? A. See http://proximityone.com/stcty.txt There is also link to this and related geo-reference pages under the Help main menu item. Q. Where is a Glossary of Terms & Definitions? A. See http://proximityone.com/glossary.htm ProximityOne User Group Join the ProximityOne User Group to keep up-to-date with new developments relating to metros and component geography decision-making information resources. Receive updates and access to tools and resources available only to members. Use this form to join the User Group. Support Using these Resources Learn more about accessing and using demographic-economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Web session. No fee. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants. Additional Information ProximityOne develops geographic-demographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at Contact ProximityOne (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest. |