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Examples of decision-making information provided by our products and services.


What will the enrollment in a district be in 5 years? A set of districts across a metro?
How will projected enrollment be distributed by grade and geography within a district?
What are attendance zone demographic patterns in my district?
When will which attendance areas change by how much in a district?
How to restructure attendance zones to meet building capacities?
What are census tract "school district community" demographics across a district?
How are census tract demographics changing?
How to map attendance zones and put this information on Google Web maps?
How to show our school districts/schools on Google Web maps with popup menu for more information?
Where to locate a new school to meet specific objectives?
What is the geographic pattern of students from a certain school/grade with certain scores/levels?
How do the demographics of selected district(s) compare with selected other districts?
What is the relationship between the school district boundaries and place/town boundaries?
How many students of certain grade(s) attending certain school(s) are located with N miles of a location?
Which streets and address ranges are within a certain attendance zone?
What are patterns of residential tax parcel change and household formation changing?
How can we evaluate the impact of Title I funds and potentially better allocate these funds?
How can we use GIS/visual-based resources to collaborate with the board of education?
How can we view/analyze school level performance?
How can we view/analyze school district level performance?
How can I put a demographics table and map of our school district in a grant application?
What is the size and trend in grade-relevant children not enrolled in school in a set of districts?
How can I develop a GIS for a school district?
Where can I view a school district boundary via interactive Google mapping? (click a link in Code column)


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