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  .. Manhattan, KS in context of Kansas
  .. updated 02/27/25

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Manhattan, KS compared to Kansas
After a historically low rate of change between 2020 and 2021, the U.S. resident population increased by 0.4%, or 1,256,003, to 333,287,557 in 2022. The 2020 total resident population in Manhattan, KS was 54,100 compared to 2,937,880 in Kansas.

Population by Gender
The total male population was 27,459 ( 50.8%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 1,462,305 ( 49.8%) for Kansas. The total female population was 26,641 ( 49.2%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 1,475,575 ( 50.2%) for Kansas.

Race/Origin Characteristics. Federal statistical data are collected and reported about race and origin/ethnicity following policies and standards set by OMB. Data are collected/estimated/tabulated on more than one race to indicate their racial mixture, such as "American Indian" and "White." Data are collected/estimated/tabulated, separately, origin/ethnicity such as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish and may be of any race.

The White alone Non-Hispanic population in 2020 was 39,680 ( 73.3%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 2,122,575 ( 72.2%) for Kansas. The total Hispanic population in 2020 was 4,980 ( 9.2%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 382,603 ( 13.0%) for Kansas.

Diversity Index. The Diversity Index tells us how likely two people chosen at random will be from different race and ethnicity groups. For example, in 2010, there was a 54.9% chance that two people chosen at random would be from different racial and ethnic groups, while in 2020 there was a 61.1% chance. People may have different perceptions of what it means for a population to be diverse. Here, the concept of racial and ethnic diversity refers to representation and the relative size of different racial and ethnic groups within a population. Diversity is maximized (a value of 100.0) when all groups are represented in an area and have equal shares of the population. Among states, the 2020 diversity index ranged from 18.5% (Maine) to 76% (Hawaii).

The diversity index in 2020 was 44.5% for Manhattan, KS compared to 45.4% for Kansas.

K-12 School Age Population -- Age 5 to 17 Years. In 2020, there were 54,705,765 children age 5 to 17 years ( 16.5% of the total U.S. population). The population ages 5 to 17 years in 2020 was 6,085 ( 11.2%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 529,118 ( 18.0%) for Kansas.

Population Under 18 Years. In 2020, there were over 73.1 million children under age 18 (22.1% of the total U.S. population), down 1.4% from 74.2 million in 2010. The population under 18 years in 2020 was 8,907 ( 16.5%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 708,564 ( 24.1%) for Kansas.

Population 18 to 64 Years. The U.S. labor force age population (18 to 64) in 2020 was over 202.5 population, 61.1% of the total population. The population ages 18 to 64 years in 2020 was 39,647 ( 73.3%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 1,738,926 ( 59.2%) for Kansas.

The Aging Population. How is the resident population in Manhattan, KS aging? The nation's median age increased by 0.2 years to 38.9 years between 2021 and 2022, as recently reported by the U.S. Census Bureau. Median age is the age at which half of the population is older and half of the population is younger. The 2020 median age of Manhattan, KS was 25.4 compared to 37.4 in Kansas.

As the nation's median age gets closer to 40, you can see how the aging of baby boomers, and now their children, echo boomers, is impacting the median age. The eldest of the echo boomers have started to reach or exceed the nation's median age of 38.9. While natural change nationally has been positive, as there have been more births than deaths, birth rates have gradually declined over the past two decades. Without a rapidly growing young population, the U.S. median age will likely continue its slow but steady rise.

There were 55.8 million U.S. residents 65 years and older in 2020 compared to 57.8 million as of July 1, 2022. The population age 65 and older was 5,546 for Manhattan, KS compared to 490,390 for Kansas.

Dependency Ratio. In 2020, the total dependency ratio in the U.S. was 63.6 .. children under age 18 and adults age 65 and older for every 100 working-age person ages 18 to 64. The total dependency ratio provides a rough approximation of economic dependency in a population by dividing the dependent-age populations (children and adults age 65 and older, who are not generally expected to work) by the working-age population (ages 18 to 64). In 2010, the dependency ratio for the nation as a whole was 49.0 .. the working-age population is not keeping pace with growth in older Americans.

The dependency ratio in 2020 was 36.45 for Manhattan, KS compared to 68.95 for Kansas

Relationships. Relationship characteristics provide insights in how the population lives in households or group quarters. Within households, key attributes include persons in households, heads of households, spouses/partners, children, relatives and non-relatives.

Households. The total number of households (occupied housing units) in 2020 was 21,414 for Manhattan, KS compared to 1,151,360 for Kansas. A household includes all the people who occupy a housing unit. People not living in households are classified as living in group quarters.

About two-thirds of all U.S. households in 2020 were family households, the same share as a decade earlier; married-couple households accounted for about 71% of these households. While married-couple households remained the majority of family households, those with their own children under 18 present decreased by 6%, reflecting the decade's aging of the population as well as the increasing age at first birth.

Population Living in Households versus Group Quarters. Population living group quarters such as dormitories, prisons, nursing homes and other non-household settings can have an outsize impact for small areas like cities and census tracts. The relative size and importance of group quarters population will proportionally increase over the next 15-to-20 years with increases in the aging population residing in non-household settings.

The U.S. population in households was 323,210,265 (97.5%) in 2020 compared to population in group quarters of 8,239,016 (2.5%). The institutional group quarters population was 3,753,401 (1.1%) compared to noninstitutional group quarters population of 4,485,615 (1.4%).

The population living in households was 47,351 ( 87.5%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 2,850,940 ( 97.0%) for Kansas.

The population living in group quarters was 6,749 ( 12.5%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 86,940 ( 3.0%) for Kansas.

The Housing Situation. There were 140,498,736 housing units in the U.S. based on Census 2020, up 6.7% from 2010. The total number of housing units in 2020 was 24,342 for Manhattan, KS compared to 1,275,689 for Kansas.

The number of owner-occupied housing units was 8,447 ( 39.4%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 751,943 ( 65.3%) for Kansas.

The number of renter-occupied housing units was 12,967 ( 60.6%) for Manhattan, KS compared to 399,417 ( 34.7%) for Kansas.

Vacancy Rates. Housing vacancy rates provide information on the rental and homeowner vacancy rates, and characteristics of units available for occupancy, providing insights into the need for new housing programs and initiatives. National vacancy rates in the 2023Q2 were 6.3 percent for rental housing and while the homeowner vacancy rate was 0.7%.

The 2020 homeowner vacancy rate was 2.9 for Manhattan, KS compared to 1.8 for Kansas
The 2020 renter vacancy rate was 11.4 for Manhattan, KS compared to 10.3 for Kansas
The homeowner vacancy rate is the proportion of the homeowner inventory that is vacant "for sale." It is computed by dividing the total number of vacant units "for sale only" by the sum of owner-occupied units, vacant units that are "for sale only," and vacant units that have been sold but not yet occupied; and then multiplying by 100.

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