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-- understanding our community -- helping make our voices heard by policy-makers Welcome to this Pentagon City Congressional Community, VA Briefing Resource. An area including Reagan National Airport, within Arlington, in Northern Virginia. We are an area of with approximately 56,000 residents adjacent to the Nation's Capital. We are one of nearly 8,000 Congressional Communities covering the U.S. wall-to-wall which nest within and sub-divide the 118th Congressional Districts. This document is a briefing resource for Pentagon City CC stakeholders. Contact (Email) your Congressional Representative .. Congressman Don Beyer .. communicating with your Congressman .. below Our Issues .. below Our Collaborations .. below Your Participation .. below Our Benefits & Resources .. below New -- Comparative Demographic Analyses of CC 51-08-005 wuth CD 51-08 CCs nest within CDs, exhausting the CD land/water area. These reports provide a comparative analysis of demographic characteristics of a CC relative to its CD. Using the Demographic Analysis (DA) compare your CC with other CCs of CD. These are both HTML documents designed to optionally print to 8.5" x 11" dimensions. The tabular looks more like a spreadsheet while the narrative report provides a comparation more in a flowing narrative and adds contextual detail. Tabular Report Narratve Report For example, the narrative report tells us that the dependency ratio in 2020 was 28.27 for CC VA 08005 compared to 50.38 for CD118 VA 08 -- both compared 63.6 for the U.S. overall. Read the narrative report to see why this might be important to our CC. About Congressional Districts The U.S. 435 118th Congressional Districts (Jan 3, 2023 to Jan 3, 2025) have an average population of approximately 763,000 population, larger than three states. See related 118th CD demographics interactive table. The size and diversity of CDs can make it difficult to communicate effectively with Congress. Congressional Communities are subdivisions of Congressional Districts, can help Americans better have their voice heard by Congress. Patterns of Economic Prosperity by Congressional Community .. Washington, DC metro area; a focus on Virginia 118th CD 08 .. this is about where we are. The graphic below shows Congressional Communities (CCs) with black bold boundaries and labeled with CC code. Congressional Districts are shown with bold brown boundary and white boxed CD code label. Marker shows code for VA CD 08 and is located in CC 5108017. There are 18 CCs that comprise CD 118. Patterns of economic prosperity (median household income) by tract are shown by colors/intervals in the inset legend. ![]() Congressional Communities .. goto top The Congressional Communities program is an initiative of the nonprofit Congressional Communities organization. As a resident, constituent, of a congressional district, how do you make your voice heard on key issues affecting you, your household and your local living environment in Congress? Congressional Communities, subdivisions of Congressional Districts, can help Americans better have their voice heard by Congress. Congressional communities are developed by assembling 2020 census blocks and block groups by the Congressional Communities team. Congressional districts are sub-divided into CCs, sets of contiguous blocks/block groups, that are typically around 40,000 population based on a range of socioeconomic, geopolitical features, geographic and other factors. A set of Census 2020 and American Community Survey demographics are developed for each CC. These demographics help CC stakeholders better understand characteristics and needs of their CCs and other CCs. The sum of the total population (and other demographic attributes) for all CCs nesting in a CD equals the CD total population. The CD demographics are the aggregates of the associated CCs, yet the CCs have their own unique characteristics. Unlike census tracts, averaging 4,000 population, CCs nest within CDs and better reflect neighborhood-plus characteristics. Unlike cities, CCs include rural and suburban areas and sub-divide larger cities. The Pentagon City Congressional Community .. goto top We have used the VDA Web GIS to locate/view our CC. Here is a view of the "CC 5108005" .. the code that uniquely identifies the Pentagon City CC nationally. ![]() See in the profile that this is CC 5108005 (State 51 and 118th CD 08 and CC 005) .. also sse the Census 2020 population for this CC is 56,095. .. the Census 2020 percent majority-minority population is 47.5. Comparing Pentagon City CC to 118th Congressional District VA 08 Demographics .. goto top Examine how the demographics of a CC relate to the corresponding CD by clicking Tools>Profiles>CC Profile (VDA Web GIS). Using CC 5108005, the profile opens in a new page as shown here: ![]() Examining All CCs in a 118th CD VA 08 .. goto top The following graphic shows another way to examine how the Pentagon City CC relates to each other CC's in the District. This tabular view shows all CCs in VA 118th CD 08 as rows with demographics arrayed across columns. CC 5108005 is highlighted. ![]() Communicating with Your Congressman . goto top Considerations in communicating with your Congressman by Email When using the standard House.gov form, you will send a text message. .. shorter, concise, focused content might be most effective. .. consider preparing a draft message text in an editor then copying and pasting into the message text form. .. use positive messaging; a complaint might be involved but it can be stated in a positive way. Make it known that you are part of the Pentagon CC, that your voice is shared by our collaborative group. .. make your voice heard on a Pentagon CC collaborative topic(s) where applicable. Recurring, positive communications might be more effective. Contact us at Congressional Communities for informational assistance about a topic. .. dialog with us. More, under development Our Issues . goto top under development Our Collaborations . goto top under development Participation . goto top Click here to sign-up and participate in the Congressional Communities program. meetups --under development Benefits & Resources . goto top under development Examining More about the Pentagon City CC Start using the VDA Web GIS to examine the Pentagon City CC or any CC. Use VDA Web GIS with only a Web browser; nothing to install; GIS experience not required. Support Using these Resources .. goto top Learn more about accessing and using demographic-economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these one-hour Web sessions. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants. |