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Fiscal Year 2009
Elementary and Secondary Education Act/ESEA Title I FY 2010

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This section provides school district level data pertaining to Fiscal Year 2010 allocations under Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 (Title I). The ESEA Title I, the largest Federal elementary and secondary education program, supplements State and local funding for low-achieving children, especially in high-poverty schools. The program finances the additional academic support and learning opportunities that are often required to help disadvantaged students progress along with their classmates.

It is the intent that these funds will create improved educational opportunities for at-risk students and close the achievement gaps while also stimulating the economy. Among goals are to enable LEAs to help more at-risk students and boost the quality of teaching and learning.

How should these funds be expended to improve the primary goals (educational opportunities for at-risk students and close the achievement gaps)? In the past these funds have mainly been used for instruction-based intervention and augmentation (more/different teachers/aides, longer sessions, augmented teaching tools and processes, varied class structures/operations). See one results analysis here. The primary issue, however, is lacking interest, motivation, propensity/ability to participate in learning by the students. Analyzing where Title I objective students are located (residences) and developing neighborhood-based outreach programs to stimulate involvement may be a far better use of these funds.

Title I provisions specifically enable use of the funds for "Using longitudinal data systems to drive continuous improvement efforts focused on improving achievement in Title I schools." See Examples of potential uses of the Title I (find that text on the target page).

School District ESEA Title I FY 2010 Funding and Related Demographics
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Column Descriptions
Tot Pop -- total population for the district, 2008 1/
Pop5-17 -- population ages 5-17 years, 2008 1/
Pop5-17Pov -- population ages 5-17 years in poverty, 2008 1/
%Pop5-17Pov -- Percent population ages 5-17 years in poverty (% of Tot Pop) 1/
Tot ARRA$ -- Total FY10 Title I$ distribution to this district
AARA$/P517 -- Tot FY10 Title I$ per population ages 5-17 years
AARA$/P517Pov -- Tot FY10$ per population ages 5-17 years in poverty
  1/ as estimated by Census Bureau for Title I, released 12/09

Actual ARRA amounts received by school districts will be smaller than shown here due to State-level adjustments to Federal Title I allocations. The ARRA data reflect preliminary estimates based on currently available data. Allocations may be revised based on possible new data.

Additional Information
Proximity develops geodemographic data and analytical tools and methods relating to children, schools, school districts, and educational institutions and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Contact Proximity (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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