San Diego GeoDemographic Analysis

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This document provides illustrative examples and documentation for using CV geodemographic-economic analysis for a range of applications.  Knit your data together with these resources to get answers to questions ... and facilitate development and access to decision-making information solutions:


Join us in a Webinar -- Analyzing GeoDemographic-Economic Characteristics and Trends: San Diego
Join us in a 1-day workshop -- Analyzing GeoDemographic-Economic Characteristics and Trends: San Diego
Use the continuously updated San Diego CV project and related datasets


Analyzing GeoDemographic-Economic Characteristics and Trends: San Diego

This one hour, no cost, Webinar session provides a summary of resources included in the one-day computer hands-on workshop sessions (see below).  The Webinar provides a getting-started overview to using the San Diego project fileset on your computer.


About Webinars ... Register here.


Computer Hands-on Workshop in San Diego, February 25, 2010

Analyzing GeoDemographic-Economic Characteristics and Trends: San Diego


When: February 25, 2010, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Where: San Diego

Presenter: Warren Glimpse


Bring your laptop computer with CommunityViewer GIS and the CV GIS San Diego Project pre-installed.  Download/install information is sent when workshop registration is complete.  Download/install the software and datasets and get started in advance of the workshop.  In the workshop, we will go through an organized, informal session on the structure, content and use CV with the San Diego project and related datasets.  A partial list of topics is listed below ... Using the CV GIS San Diego Project.  Back at the office you will be able to use these analytical tools ... keep CV and the project datasets for your personal, perpetual use.  Optionally subscribe to the San Diego project monthly updates.  In the workshop, we will review related geographic and subject matter topics including Census 2010 data access and use and the American Community Survey 2005-2009 small area demographics.


Register here


Using the CV GIS San Diego Project

Start using the CV GIS San Diego Project and datasets.  This continuously updated fileset includes multi-sourced demographic-economic data for geographic areas ranging from state to intersection.  The geographic focus in on southern California and San Diego County.


Knit together characteristics of schools and school districts.
Geocode address data; add geocoded data to projects.
View road/street segments in context of any geography.
Site analysis of census block demographics; census blocks and neighborhood.
Relating city/places to school districts.
Examine what ACS 05-07 school district special tabulation demographic updates reveal about school districts of interest.
Use site analysis to examine trade/service/neighborhood areas using address-level and tax parcel data.
Analyzing patterns of percent high school graduates by census tract.
Examine the employment situation monthly updates with projections through 2010.
Assess the impact of county level projections by single year of age by gender and race/ethnicity projections to 2020.
Examine K-12 education patterns by congressional districts (and other areas).