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Remsen Central School District, NY (3624360)
  -- DP2 Social Characteristics

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This section provides a summary of social characteristics for Remsen Central School District, NY based on the 2009 American Community Survey. See related sections General Demographics, Economic Characteristics and Housing Characteristics. See usage notes located at the bottom of the report.

    -- Table/Item --ValuePercent
Total households 1,315 100.0
    Family households (families) 938 71.3
        With own children under 18 years 398 30.3
    Married-couple family 725 55.1
        With own children under 18 years 288 21.9
    Male householder, no wife present, family 67 5.1
        With own children under 18 years 41 3.1
    Female householder, no husband present, family 146 11.1
        With own children under 18 years 69 5.2
    Nonfamily households 377 28.7
    Householder living alone 301 22.9
        65 years and over 122 9.3
Households with one or more people under 18 years 434 33.0
Households with one or more people 65 years and over 348 26.5
Average household size 2.47
Average family size 2.92
Population in households 3,248 100.0
    Householder 1,315 40.5
        Spouse 738 22.7
        Child 937 28.8
        Other relatives 129 4.0
    Nonrelatives 129 4.0
        Unmarried partner 74 2.3
Males 15 years and over 1,296 100.0
    Never married 326 25.2
    Now married, except separated 782 60.3
    Separated 3 0.2
    Widowed 38 2.9
    Divorced 147 11.3
Females 15 years and over 1,370 100.0
    Never married 282 20.6
    Now married, except separated 799 58.3
    Separated 33 2.4
    Widowed 150 10.9
    Divorced 106 7.7
Number of women 15 to 50 years old who had a birth in past 12 mo 31 100.0
    Unmarried women (widowed, divorced, and never married) 12 38.7
        Per 1,000 unmarried women 34
    Per 1,000 women 15 to 50 years old 39
        Per 1,000 women 15 to 19 years old 0
        Per 1,000 women 20 to 34 years old 158
        Per 1,000 women 35 to 50 years old 0
Number of grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years 55 100.0
    Responsible for grandchildren 28 50.9
Years responsible for grandchildren
        Less than 1 year 7 12.7
        1 or 2 years 9 16.4
        3 or 4 years 12 21.8
        5 or more years 0 0.0
    Number of grandparents resp for own grandchildren under 18 yrs 28 50.9
        Who are female 16 29.1
        Who are married 19 34.5
Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 745 100.0
        Nursery school, preschool 41 5.5
        Kindergarten 28 3.8
        Elementary school (grades 1-8) 309 41.5
        High school (grades 9-12) 224 30.1
        College or graduate school 143 19.2
Population 25 years and over 2,255 100.0
        Less than 9th grade 37 1.6
        9th to 12th grade, no diploma 196 8.7
        High school graduate (includes equivalency) 947 42.0
        Some college, no degree 429 19.0
        Associate's degree 265 11.8
        Bachelor's degree 237 10.5
        Graduate or professional degree 144 6.4
Percent high school graduate or higher 89.7
Percent bachelor's degree or higher 16.9
Civilian population 18 years and over 2,487 100.0
    Civilian veterans 298 12.0
Population 1 year and over 3,220 100.0
    Same house 2,989 92.8
    Different house in the U.S. 228 7.1
        Same county 145 4.5
        Different county 83 2.6
            Same state 67 2.1
            Different state 16 0.5
    Abroad 3 0.1
Total population 3,248 100.0
    Native 3,165 97.4
        Born in United States 3,150 97.0
            State of residence 2,840 87.4
            Different state 310 9.5
        Born in P.R, U.S. Island areas, or abroad to American parent(s) 15 0.5
    Foreign born 83 2.6
Foreign-born population 83 100.0
    Naturalized U.S. citizen 73 88.0
    Not a U.S. citizen 10 12.0
Population born outside the United States 98 100.0
    Native 15 15.3
        Entered 2000 or later 3 3.1
        Entered before 2000 12 12.2
    Foreign born 83 84.7
        Entered 2000 or later 30 30.6
        Entered before 2000 53 54.1
Foreign-born population, excluding population born at sea 83 100.0
    Europe 52 62.7
    Asia 28 33.7
    Africa 0 0.0
    Oceania 0 0.0
    Latin America 0 0.0
    Northern America 3 3.6
Population 5 years and over 3,066 100.0
    English only 2,983 97.3
    Language other than English 83 2.7
            Speak English less than "very well" 32 1.0
        Spanish 12 0.4
            Speak English less than "very well" 0 0.0
        Other Indo-European languages 28 0.9
            Speak English less than "very well" 9 0.3
        Asian and Pacific Islander languages 43 1.4
            Speak English less than "very well" 23 0.8
        Other languages 0 0.0
            Speak English less than "very well" 0 0.0
Total population 3,248 100.0
    American 220 6.8
    Arab 39 1.2
    Czech 4 0.1
    Danish 9 0.3
    Dutch 120 3.7
    English 379 11.7
    French (except Basque) 292 9.0
    French Canadian 84 2.6
    German 842 25.9
    Greek 0 0.0
    Hungarian 6 0.2
    Irish 758 23.3
    Italian 308 9.5
    Lithuanian 16 0.5
    Norwegian 16 0.5
    Polish 296 9.1
    Portuguese 14 0.4
    Russian 28 0.9
    Scotch-Irish 34 1.0
    Scottish 79 2.4
    Slovak 4 0.1
    Subsaharan African 0 0.0
    Swedish 22 0.7
    Swiss 56 1.7
    Ukrainian 38 1.2
    Welsh 467 14.4
    West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) 0 0.0
Developed by ProximityOne; Census Bureau ACS 2009 Estimates

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Proximity develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Contact Proximity (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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