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Kansas City, MO-KS MSA
  -- Establishments, Employment & Earnings

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The Kansas City, MO-KS MSA (CBSA code 28140) is one of 366 U.S. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). This report, updated quarterly, is focused on the MSA's establishments, employment and earnings infrastructure and patterns by high level economic sector and is part of the Situation & Outlook program. See usage notes located at the bottom of the report.

Census 2010 & ACS 2010 DemographicsPrivate Sector Industry Infrastructure Change 2010q1-2011q1
Census 2010 Population 2,035,334 IndustryEstablishmentsEmploymentAvgWklyEarn$
ACS 2010 Population 2,035,747 Total Private Sector 768 5,992 24
  16 Years & Over 1,572,648   Goods Producing -194 -548 40
    In Labor Force 1,088,777     Natural Resources & Mining 12 -32 61
      Civilian 1,085,002     Construction -152 -978 0
        Employed 991,303     Manufacturing -54 463 55
        Unemployed 93,699   Services Providing 962 6,539 22
      Armed Forces 3,775     Trans, Comm, Utilities 219 2,127 24
    Not in Labor Force 483,871     Information -3 -3,012 18
    Unemployment Rate 8.6     Financial Activities -55 -988 105
  Class of Worker      Professional & Business 254 3,670 19
    Priv Wage & Salary ... 804,608     Education & Health 59 2,711 33
    Government ... 131,868     Leisure & Hospitality 88 1,411 -16
    Self-employed ... 53,491     Other Services 400 619 5
    Unpaid family ... 1,336   Unclassified 0 0 0

Establishments, Employment & Earnings
  IndustryTime PeriodEstablishmentsEmploymentAvg Wkly $Avg Ann Pay
Total2010 56,701 927,745 869 45,179
2010Q1 56,328 912,979 851
2010Q2 56,356 936,026 842
2010Q3 56,874 925,014 847
2010Q4 57,244 936,960 935
2011Q1 57,092 916,722 872
  Federal2010 422 28,941 1,320 68,638
2010Q1 418 28,757 1,207
2010Q2 420 31,497 1,296
2010Q3 422 27,975 1,324
2010Q4 428 27,534 1,462
2011Q1 427 29,021 1,221
  State2010 228 0 0 0
2010Q1 228 0 0
2010Q2 228 0 0
2010Q3 228 0 0
2010Q4 228 0 0
2011Q1 232 0 0
  Local2010 1,268 0 0 0
2010Q1 1,278 0 0
2010Q2 1,279 0 0
2010Q3 1,258 0 0
2010Q4 1,257 0 0
2011Q1 1,261 0 0
  Private2010 54,783 776,531 870 45,232
2010Q1 54,404 759,703 860
2010Q2 54,429 777,976 828
2010Q3 54,966 782,666 848
2010Q4 55,331 785,778 942
2011Q1 55,172 765,695 884
Goods Producing2010 7,494 112,032 1,049 54,525
2010Q1 7,541 106,918 1,004
2010Q2 7,452 112,752 999
2010Q3 7,479 114,606 1,058
2010Q4 7,505 113,850 1,130
2011Q1 7,347 106,370 1,044
  Natural Resources & Mining2010 272 2,017 728 37,853
2010Q1 267 1,782 644
2010Q2 268 2,048 686
2010Q3 274 2,108 692
2010Q4 280 2,128 875
2011Q1 279 1,750 705
  Construction2010 5,158 37,183 1,023 53,187
2010Q1 5,203 33,350 984
2010Q2 5,119 37,866 978
2010Q3 5,143 39,361 993
2010Q4 5,165 38,156 1,132
2011Q1 5,051 32,372 984
  Manufacturing2010 2,065 72,832 1,071 55,671
2010Q1 2,071 71,786 1,023
2010Q2 2,065 72,839 1,018
2010Q3 2,062 73,136 1,104
2010Q4 2,060 73,565 1,137
2011Q1 2,017 72,249 1,078
Services Providing2010 47,288 664,499 840 43,665
2010Q1 46,863 652,786 836
2010Q2 46,977 665,224 799
2010Q3 47,487 668,060 812
2010Q4 47,826 671,928 910
2011Q1 47,825 659,325 858
  Trade, Transportation, Utilities2010 13,382 187,406 734 38,148
2010Q1 13,291 184,415 705
2010Q2 13,279 186,921 714
2010Q3 13,426 187,100 741
2010Q4 13,531 191,187 773
2011Q1 13,510 186,542 729
  Information2010 965 30,222 1,404 73,005
2010Q1 962 30,959 1,649
2010Q2 957 30,537 1,309
2010Q3 968 0 0
2010Q4 973 0 0
2011Q1 959 27,947 1,667
  Financial Activities2010 6,354 69,308 1,150 59,811
2010Q1 6,372 69,083 1,280
2010Q2 6,340 69,306 1,065
2010Q3 6,339 69,361 1,062
2010Q4 6,366 69,484 1,194
2011Q1 6,317 68,095 1,385
  Professional & Business2010 11,677 137,875 1,087 56,547
2010Q1 11,555 134,800 1,054
2010Q2 11,588 137,377 1,012
2010Q3 11,723 0 0
2010Q4 11,841 0 0
2011Q1 11,809 138,470 1,073
  Education & Health2010 5,368 120,887 833 43,306
2010Q1 5,345 120,566 755
2010Q2 5,342 119,827 821
2010Q3 5,388 120,628 839
2010Q4 5,396 122,527 914
2011Q1 5,404 123,277 788
  Leisure & Hospitality2010 4,280 91,979 360 18,710
2010Q1 4,228 86,715 343
2010Q2 4,253 94,334 344
2010Q3 4,303 95,287 364
2010Q4 4,337 91,578 388
2011Q1 4,316 88,126 327
  Other Services2010 5,263 26,822 546 28,406
2010Q1 5,110 26,248 524
2010Q2 5,218 26,920 538
2010Q3 5,340 27,089 540
2010Q4 5,382 27,031 582
2011Q1 5,510 26,867 529

Usage Notes
Layout. This document is organized into three sections, two at the top and the main body. The top left section provides selected demographics from Census 2010 and American Community Survey (ACS) 2010. The top right section shows the change in establishments, employment and earnings (E-E-E) from the most recent quarter one year earlier to the most recent quarter by high level economic sector. Note that zero values for employment and average weekly earnings often reflect that these items for this sector have been suppressed. Due to complimentary suppression, if data for one industry are suppressed then the data for at least one other industry are suppressed. Establishment data are always shown. See related details below regarding suppression. The main body section provides a summary of E-E-E annual and quarterly data by time period organized by high level economic sector.

About the E-E-E Data. The Establishments, Employment and Earnings (E-E-E) data are based on quarterly tax reports submitted to State Employment Security Agencies and then U.S. Bureau of Labort Statistics by over eight million employers subject to State unemployment insurance (UI) laws and from Federal agencies subject to the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program. This includes 99.7% of all wage and salary civilian employment. These reports provide information on the number of people employed and the wages paid to the employees each quarter. Data are tabulated by location and industrial activity of each reported establishment.

Suppression. E-E-E data the number of establishments. The employment and earnings data may be suppressed where there are a small number of employers to protect confidentiality. When suppression occurs, the number of establishments is shown but employment and earnings are shown as zero while, in fact, they are not zero.

Time Periods. The E-E-E data are summarized by quarter and year. 2010Q1 refers to data for the 1st quarter 2010, January-March. Quarterly data reflect averages for the quarter; annual data reflect averages for the calendar year.

Place of Work versus Residence. The E-E-E data are place-of-work based and reflect characteristics of the establishment and employment at the establishment location. This is in contrast to the Census 2010 and American Community Survey (ACS) data which are place of residence based data.

Comparing E-E-E Data with Other Sources. E-E-E data are shown by type of establishment ownership. E-E-E total private sector employment most resembles ACS private wage & salary employment shown in the report within the Class of Worker summary.

Additional Information
Proximity develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Contact Proximity (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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