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Certificate in Data Analytics

Visual analysis with ProximityOne tools
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visually analyze clients/markets
site analysis using 1 mile radius


$median household income
patterns by census tract - Houston

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113th Congressional Districts

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US Asian Indian population 2010

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geocoded students and school
McKinney ISD, TX

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geocoded students and school
with tax parcels & streets

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high school attendance zones
with schools by type

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%high school graduates by
census tract - Puerto Rico

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Austin, TX MSA counties &
places 10K+ population markers

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Appalachia counties (green) &
coalfield counties (orange)

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China provinces percent urban &
cities (markers) by state plan

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Honolulu census tracts (red)
& census blocks

Central Park area NYC

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Kansas City Metro & Counties
Home Depot locations (markers)

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World Cities; focus on Spain

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Data Analytics Blog
Power of Combining Maps with Data

Support & Technical Assistance
help using these resources

ProximityOne Custom Services

This section summarizes some areas where we might help with your data development, access, integration and analytical need ... or tools that enable some part of that.

Click a link to view more about a topic.

  • Strategic Planning -- applying analytical methods to help you plan: when to do what, where
  • Demographic Studies -- examining diverse data/conditions; determining how the future
  • Advisory Services -- providing external viewpoints on how change will impact you
  • Webinars; Training -- sessions to develop improved collaborative data and data analytics

  • Site Studies; Site Reports -- determining how locations relate to the area served

  • Geocoding Services -- converting your addresses to geocodes (.e.g., census blocks)
  • Custom Mapping -- developing maps visually depicting your market areas
  • Custom GIS Projects -- creating GIS projects to meet your specific needs
  • Custom GIS Software -- developing GIS software to meet specific purposes
  • Custom Shapefiles -- creating custom geography for your areas

  • Custom API Software -- using existing technology tools in more effective ways
  • Census/ACS Extracts -- getting the data you need in a form you can use it
  • Estimate & Projections -- overcoming limitations of old data
  • Forecasting Models -- how, when and where change might affect you

Hard-to-Estimate Populations
We specializes in hard-to-estimate populations. We have developed estimates and analyses related to Native American populations ranging from Idaho to Oklahoma. We have developed estimates and projections of Native Hawaiians to meet educational planning needs. We have developed estimates and projections college-age population by type of enrollment by census tract in Georgia to help assess underserved college-age population by the Georgia state university system.

Strategic Planning
Having current data on hard-to-estimate populations is one part of broader planning and evaluation. Strategic planning requires knowing which data best fit a planning or evaluation need.

Demographic Studies
How will your market or service area change in the next five years? We can help you develop an analytical framework and take the next steps. We can obtain the data needed to develop custom projections to determine growth, assess competition, areas of opportunity and alternative scenarios. We can summarize these findings, relationships and data in a report.

Advisory Services
You might prefer to do you own study and use our advisory services to help you develop an analytical framework and recommend next steps. We can help you identify the data needed and assist with developing custom projections to determine growth, assess competition, areas of opportunity and alternative scenarios.

Webinars; Speaking
How does your team or audience best access and integrate data about your industry and market? We can develop and present a webinar online, custom to your group and topics, on topics such as determining geography and subject matter options for analysis, data analytics and implementing a program for continuity.

Site Studies
We sell site reports and site report software. That meets the needs of some users. Others would prefer that someone else develop the data and reports and summarize the findings. We can help you with part or all of site studies and analyses to best meet your needs.

Geocoding Services
Need to convert your address data to latitude-longitude values? Assign census block codes to your addresses? We provide address coding software to geocode address data. But using geocoding software is not for everyone, particularly if you have one time or infrequent applications. We can use our geocoding tools to geocode your address data.

Custom Mapping
Need a map of your neighborhood showing addresses of interest as markers? Your store locations in context demographic patterns? We provide Geographic Information System (GIS) software so that you can develop maps, and perform geospatial analyses. You might prefer to have a custom map made. Tell us about your needs. Use the contact us form to describe your map needs in the text section (or call 888.364.7656).

Custom GIS Projects
Geographic Information System (GIS) projects are comprised of a GIS project file and associated shapefiles (and other geography files). We make many ready-to-use GIS project files available at no cost via the Mapping Statistical Data section. Do you need a variation on one of these to meet your needs? It might be easy for us to add and save you time. We also develop GIS projects from scratch to meet your specific needs -- at the intersection level or world by country level.

Custom GIS Software
Do you have a specialized logistical application that requires a custom solution? Our Geographic Information System (GIS) software has many features that might provide a solution. But there might be a better way or a different user interface (or none) required for you application. We develop GIS software to meet your unique needs.

Custom Geography & Shapefiles
Are your market or service areas unique and non-conforming to regional, county or sub-county geography? Using our Geographic Information System (GIS) software you can develop your own custom geography. Creating custom geographic area shapefiles can be time consuming and specialized skills. We can create custom geography (points, lines, polygons) to meet your specific needs. Add these custom geographies to a mix of other types of data in a GIS project.

Custom API Software
Do you need a data file that can be developed using API software but cannot get everything to work together? The Census Bureau, many Federal statistical agencies and other statistical data providers make API tools available. But using API tools to create a data file that you can use in an application might be too time consuming or technically involved. We develop custom API software tailored to meet your needs.

Census/ACS Extracts
You may have sought to acquire or download data from the Census Bureau FactFinder website -- and know how time consuming, error prone and generally challenging this can be. We are specialists in extracting and integrating diverse data. We develop custom decennial census, ACS and other data extracts and integrate those data into the form and structure that you can use effectively. Contact us ... describe your needs in the text section or call us at 888.364.7656.

Estimates & Projections
Federal statistical data are often too old to meet many applications. It takes time to collect statistical survey data or even summarize administratively reported data. This can sometimes make the most current available data several years old. Many economic data have are perishabie. Employment characteristics two years old can be of little value for many applications. We develop custom current-valued estimates and projections to meet your geographic, time frame and subject matter needs.

Forecasting Models
Is your market rapidly changing? How will your market change in the next five years? How to evaluate alternative scenarios. Using our Interactive Analysis System (IAS) software and Situation & Outlook (S&O) data, we are uniquely able to develop and use alternative scenario outcomes -- based on differing assumptions and actions taken. We develop custom forecasting models that include cause and effect attributes of your market .. helping you better assess change and how it might affect you.

Support Using these Resources
Learn more about accessing and using demographic-economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these one-hour Web sessions. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants.

ProximityOne User Group
Join the ProximityOne User Group to keep up-to-date with new developments relating to geographic-demographic-economic decision-making information resources. Receive updates and access to tools and resources available only to members. Use this form to join the User Group.

Additional Information
ProximityOne develops geographic-demographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at Contact ProximityOne (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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