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Power of Combining Maps with Data

TIGER 2024 Digital Map Database
    .. resources to build maps and perform geoanalytics
    .. TIGER 2024 digital map database (annual update) released September 2024

September 2024 .. the Census Bureau TIGER digital map database, released annually, is a set of shapefiles and related files (details below) that provide a unique resource to map and geospatially analyze geography covering the U.S. wall-to-wall. Use these geographic data resources with the ProximityOne CV XE GIS desktop and the Visual Data Analytics (VDA) Web GIS -- a resource of ProximityOne and Tsukasa Consulting (Osaka, Japan).

Learning to Accees & Use the Digital Map Database
Join us in the no fee, self-paced
Using GIS & GeoDemographics where you will learn about using the TIGER digital map database.

Using VDA Web GIS to Examine TIGER-based Roads
The following graphic illustrates use of VDA Web GIS with the Digital Map Database project to query/show "W Sunset Blvd" in Los Angeles County (371 street segments) highlighted in green; see pointer. Table shows tabular view of road segments. This application uses the TIGER-based roads/edges layer, part of this GIS project.

TIGER 2024 .. goto top
The Census Bureau TIGER 2024 digital map database was released in September 2024. The 2024 TIGER/Line Shapefiles contain current geographic extent and boundaries of both legal and statistical entities for the states, D.C., Puerto Rico and island areas. This vintage includes boundaries of governmental units that match data from the surveys that use 2022 geography (e.g., the 2024 American Community Survey). TIGER files contain only geographic data. Use the Demographic Economic Data Explorer (DEDE) to extract subject matter data and integrate into your downloaded TIGER shapefiles. Make thematic pattern maps.

The Census Bureau TIGER shapefiles contain data that can be used to represent different types of point, line, and polygon geography covering the U.S. earth surface. More about TIGER. The TIGER shapefiles, and related derivative products, play an important role in wide-ranging geospatial analyses and decision-making information solutions. Warren Glimpse, founder of ProximityOne, developed the Columbia, MO GBF/DIME file used as the prototype for the TIGER/Line program and is developer of CV XE GIS desktop and Web-based GIS applications/tools that facilitate use of the TIGER/Line data with other wide-ranging data in applications such as pattern/trend analysis, geospatial processing and location-based operations.

Augmented TIGER 2024 Streets Database

The 2024 Streets Digital Map Database (SDMD) is an augmented version of the TIGER 2024 streets (edges) shapefile. The SDMD covers the U.S. and states. The SDMD includes all records and fields from the TIGER 2024 database.

The Edges dbf record "fullname" field is reduced from 100 to 50 characters. The ZIP code/ZCTA code left and right is updated as sourced right and left side address file. The right and left side block code are included in the streets record.

When, where possible, the SDMD has primary names added and street address ranges updated. New, modified records, street segments, are add reflected updates not included in the TIGER 2024 data.

TIGER 2024 -- More Detailed Look .. goto top
The 2024 TIGER/Line Shapefiles contain current geographic extent and boundaries of both legal and statistical entities, like census tracts, for the U.S. This vintage includes boundaries of governmental units that match the data from the surveys that use 2024 geography (e.g., the 2024 American Community Survey). In addition to geographic boundaries, the 2024 TIGER/Line Shapefiles also include geographic feature shapefiles and relationship files. Feature shapefiles represent the point, line, and polygon features in the MAF/TIGER System (e.g., roads and rivers). Relationship files contain additional attribute information users can join to the shapefiles. Both the feature shapefiles and relationship files reflect updates made in the database through May 2024. View how the geographic entities, relate to one another, See this graphic.

Legal entity shapefiles
  • American Indian Off-Reservation Trust Lands
  • American Indian Reservations - Federal
  • American Indian Reservations - State
  • American Indian Tribal Subdivisions (within legal American Indian areas)
  • Alaska Native Regional Corporations
  • Congressional Districts - 119th Congress
  • Consolidated Cities
Consolidated cities are a unit of government for which the functions of an incorporated place and its parent county or MCD have merged. Consolidated cities include: Athens-Clark County, GA; Augusta-Richmond County, GA; Butte-Silver Bow, MT; Greeley County, KS; Indianapolis, IN; Louisville/Jefferson County, KY; Milford, CT; and Nashville-Davidson, TN. Estimates also are produced for the semi-independent places which together with the "balance record," sum to the entire territory of the consolidated city.
  • Counties and Equivalent Entities (except census areas in Alaska)
  • Estates (U.S. Virgin Islands only)
  • Hawaiian Home Lands
  • Incorporated Places
  • Minor Civil Divisions
  • School Districts - Administrative
  • School Districts - Elementary
  • School Districts - Secondary
  • School Districts - Unified
  • States and Equivalent Entities
  • State Legislative Districts - Upper - 2024 cycle
  • State Legislative Districts - Lower - 2024 cycle
  • Subminor Civil Divisions (Subbarrios in Puerto Rico)

Statistical entity shapefiles
  • Alaska Native Village Statistical Areas
  • American Indian/Alaska Native Statistical Areas
  • American Indian Tribal Subdivisions (within Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Areas)
  • Block Groups
  • Census Areas
  • Census Blocks
  • Census County Divisions (Census Subareas in Alaska)
  • Unorganized Territories (statistical county subdivisions)
  • Census Designated Places (CDPs)
  • Census Tracts
  • Combined Statistical Areas 2023 vintage
  • Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) 2023 vintage
  • Metropolitan Divisions (of qualifying CBSAs) 2023 vintage
  • Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Areas
  • Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs)
  • State Designated Tribal Statistical Areas
  • Tribal Designated Statistical Areas
  • Urban Areas
  • ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs)

Feature shapefiles
  • Address Range-Feature
  • All Lines (called Edges)
  • All Roads
  • Area Hydrography
  • Area Landmark
  • Coastline
  • Linear Hydrography
  • Military Installation
  • Point Landmark
  • Primary Roads
  • Primary and Secondary Roads
  • Topological Faces (polygons with all geocodes)

Relationship Files
  • Address Range-Feature Name
  • Address Ranges
  • Feature Names
  • Topological Faces - Area Landmark
  • Topological Faces - Area Hydrography
  • Topological Faces - Military Installations

2024 TIGER/Line Shapefile file name definitions -- organized by name

File Name Shapefile/Relationship File
ADDR Address Range Relationship File
ADDRFEAT Address Range Feature
ADDRFN Address Range-Feature Name Relationship
AIANNH American Indian / Alaska Native / Native Hawaiian Areas
AITSN American Indian Tribal Subdivision National
ANRC Alaska Native Regional Corporation
AREALM Area Landmark
AREAWATER Area Hydrography
BG Block Group
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area
CD119 119th Congressional District
CONCITY Consolidated City
COUSUB County Subdivision
CSA Combined Statistical Area
EDGES All Lines
ELSD Elementary School District
FACES Topological Faces (Polygons with All Geocodes)
FACESAH Topological Faces-Area Hydrography Relationship File
FACESAL Topological Faces-Area Landmark Relationship File
FACESMIL Topological Faces-Military Installation Relationship File
FEATNAMES Feature Names Relationship File
INTERNATIONALBOUNDARY International Boundaries
LINEARWATER Linear Hydrography
METDIV Metropolitan Division
MIL Military Installation
POINTLM Point Landmark
PRISECROADS Primary and Secondary Roads
PUMA20 2020 Public Use Microdata Area
ROADS All Roads
SCSD Secondary School Districts
SDADM Administrative School Districts
SLDL State Legislative District – Lower Chamber
SLDU State Legislative District – Upper Chamber
STATE State and Equivalent
SUBBARRIO SubMinor Civil Division (Subbarios in Puerto Rico)
TABBLOCK20 2020 Tabulation (Census) Block
TABBLOCKSUFX Current Suffixed Tabulation (Census) Block
TBG Tribal Block Group
TRACT Census Tract
TTRACT Tribal Census Tract
UAC20 2020 Urban Area/Urban Cluster
UNSD Unified School District
ZCTA520 2020 5-Digit ZIP Code Tabulation Area

Additional Information .. goto top
ProximityOne develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Contact us (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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