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ProximityOne Weekly Update -- 09.23.24

September 23, 2024 .. topic of the week .. in 2023 the unemployment rate among all congressional districts ranged from 2.0% (Wisconsin CD 05) to 10.5% (New York CD 13). See how congressional districts of interest are changing. Use the interactive table to view/rank congressional districts on many demographic items for 2022, 2023 and change 2022-2023. .. Read more.

Follow this weekly update to learn more about how, where, why and by how much geographic, demographic and economic change might impact you and your organization. Here we provide information on tools, data and collaborations that you can use to develop insights into an ever changing world.

Welcome to this ProximityOne weekly update .. register here to receive these weekly updates by e-mail.

Of note ..
  • CountyTrends
      - learn that there are 292 counties (and which ones) with 2023 population of 250,000 or more.
      - why does this matter?
  • Navigating the ProximityOne Website.
  • SiteMap
  • Mapping Statistical Data
  • User Group .. links to these weekly updates

  • VDAGIS Map Illustrating Patterns of ACS 2023 1 year Unemployment Rate by Congressional District

2023 American Community Survey (ACS) -- Released 9/12/24
  • see the new section on the ACS 2023 program
  • access and use these data using DEDE and VDAGIS

2024 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Annual Summary of Deposits -- Released 9/20/24
  • Examining banking deserts & competitive position
  • The 2024 FDIC Summary of Deposits data for all FDIC-insured institutions as of 6/30/24 was released 9/20/24.
  • Data provide deposit totals for each of 76,000+ domestic offices operated by more than 4,500 FDIC-insured
    commercial & savings banks, savings associations & U.S. branches of foreign banks.
  • Learn more about using these data covered in the 9/24/24 web session.
  • Access and use these data using DEDE and VDAGIS

School District Finances -- updated with 2022 fiscal year data -- 9/20/24
  • Sources and uses of funds by school district; interactive mapping and table
  • visit Web section
  • See more in context of K-12 topics below

  119th Congress Congressional District Geography
  • Voting Rights Act and Block Group Demographics
  • Hispanic Population by Specific Origin by ZIP Code
        - Using iVDA for Neighborhood Insights on Your Mobile Device
        - Examining Patterns & Trends of the Senior Population; U.S. by County

Learning & Collaboration .. goto top
Using GIS & GeoDemographics Short Course
- about .. amplify your skillset .. get your certificate .. no fee
- register
- 4 weekly online modules with face-to-face support start first Thursday of each month
- see details September 2024 module 4 (9/26/24 module 4)
- join us Web Session where we review this module

Weekly Web Sessions
09.24.24. Accessing & Using GeoDemographic-Economic Data Resources
Every Tuesday -- 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topics & Connectivity Link

09.25.24. Congressional District & Congressional Communities
. a ProximityOne & Congressional Communities collaborative program
Every Wednesday -- 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topics & Connectivity Link

09.26.24. GIS & GeoSpatial Analytics: Examining Geographies & Subject Matter
Every Thursday -- 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topics & Connectivity Link

Data Analytics Tools .. goto top
Visual Data Analytics Geographic Information Systems (VDAGIS) .. goto top
Click to Start VDA Web GIS
Software and enhancements
GIS projects, datasets and enhancements
- New this week: Los Angeles Neighborhoods VDAGIS project.
- New America's Cities illustrative city demographic change profiles developed using iVDA.
VDAGIS is developed, maintained and supported by ProximityOne and Tsukasa Consulting.

VDAGIS Projects & Datasets - Base Project updated weekly

Using iVDA -- Compare How Congressional District Geography Has Changed: 118th CDs to 119th CDs
.. 118th Congressional Districts -- January 2023 through December 2024
.. 119th Congressional Districts -- January 2025 through December 2026
.. changes in AL, GA, MS, NC, NY
.. Census 2020 demographics for the 119th CDs are expected in Deeember 2024.
.. ACS 2023 demographics for the 119th CDs are expected in January 2025.

118th & 119th CDs in Atlanta, GA Area
.. 118th black boundary
.. 119th orange boundary & CD code as label
Make maps similar to the graphic below for your areas of interest using iVDA .. about iVDA .. click to start now.

Demographic-Economic Data Explorer DEDE .. goto top
DEDE is an API-based software tool that enables the user to create GIS friendly datasets from a wide range of statistical programs for a wide-range of types of geographic areas.
New this week: updated quickstart.

Federal Statistical System .. goto top

Situation & Outlook .. goto top

Finance & Housing .. goto top

Workforce & Employment .. goto top

Income & Poverty .. goto top

Health, Energy & Environment .. goto top
  • new topics added 9/30/24

States, Metros, Counties, Cities .. goto top

Voting Rights, Congressional Districts, Legislative Districts & Congressional Communities .. goto top

Schools & School Districts .. goto top
  • Mapping Schools & School Districts .. VDAGIS Discvery
      .. locate schools, school districts based on address or location .. more options
  • School District Community .. composite
  • School District Population & Poverty .. SAIPE
  • School District Finances .. CCD
  • School Attendance Zones
  • Grade Relevant Children by School District .. ACS STSD
      .. grade relevant chidren not enrolled in school
  • School District Characteristics .. CCD
  • K-12 Public School Characteristics .. CCD

Geographic Relationship Tools & Data .. goto top

New/Recent Developments/Featured Resources .. goto top

Calendar & Upcoming .. goto top
  • Calendar .. using the calendar .. what's new
  • TIGER Digital Map Database Vintage 2024 .. projected access date .. Census 9/25/24
  • County Quarterly Establishments, Employment & Wages by Type of Industry .. BLS 9/5/24
  • Census 2020 Modified Age & Race Census File .. Census 9/25/24 revised
      National and county-level modified age and race data by single year of age, sex, race and Hispanic origin
  • American Community Survey 2023 1-Year Estimates .. Census 9/12/24
  • August 2024 Place/County Monthly Building Permits .. Census 9/25/24
  • State Quarterly Personal Income 2024Q1 .. BEA 9/27/24

Small Area Data Reference .. goto top
  • Census Blocks
  • Block Groups
  • Census Tracts

118th Congressional District 2022 & 2023 Demographics & Change .. goto top
In 2023 the unemployment rate among all congressional districts ranged from 2.0% (Wisconsin CD 05) to 10.5% (New York CD 13). See how congressional districts of interest are changing. Use the interactive table to view/rank congressional districts on many demographic items for 2022, 2023 and change 2022-2023.

Use the VDAGIS tools to create maps, like the one shown below, using any of the items in the table for any area. This graphic shows the Los Angeles and Orange County area. Congressional districts (CDs) are shown with a bold boundary and labeled with CD code (upper label) and 2023 unemployment rate (lower label).

ProximityOne User Group .. goto top
Join the ProximityOne User Group to keep up-to-date with new developments relating to metros and component geography decision-making information resources. Receive updates and access to tools and resources available only to members. Use this form to join the User Group.

Support Using these Resources .. goto top
Learn more about accessing and using demographic-economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Web session. No fee. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants.

Additional Information .. goto top
ProximityOne develops geographic-demographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Contact ProximityOne (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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