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Census Tract Demographic-Economic Patterns
  ... Census 2010, Census 2020, ACS, Current Estimates, Projections
  ... analytical tools and services

April 2024 .. updated U.S. census tract demographic-economic estimates and projections, annual 2020 through 2030 available in April 2024 .. updated, extended annually. Subject matter items include:
    general demographics .. social .. economic .. housing

.. E-mail us for more information, updates and briefs or call (888-364-7656).

Averaging 4,000 population, the most populous census tract as of 2020 was in San Diego County, CA -- tract 06073018700 (Camp Pendleton, 37,892 population). Use the interactive table below to view, rank, examine Census 2020 demographics by tract. Access 2020 tract data online use VDA Web GIS. The Neighborhoods Project includes ~600 subject matter items for 84,414 tracts based on ACS 2021 estimates.

How have trade/market areas, neighborhoods and other small area geographies changed since 2010? 2020? We develop geographic-demographic-economic data; integrate multi-sourced data for analysis and decision-making; and work with stakeholders to facilitate data access and analysis. We specialize in small area data and difficult to estimate populations. This section provides information on new developments and resources, and direct access to many tools, that can facilitate improved data-driven planning and analysis.

Illustrative Patterns of Diversity 2010 & 2020 by 2020 Tract Views ..
.. learn how and where diversity is changing
.. Los Angeles area; create your own views using VDA Web GIS
2010 Diversity by Tract

2020 Diversity by Tract

Census Tract Neighborhood GIS Project Illustrative Views ..
.. based on ACS 2021
.. choose from ~600 topics .. click graphic for larger views

DP1 Item List XLS
Economic Prosperity

DP3 Item List XLS

Educational Attainment

DP2 Item List XLS
Housing Value

DP4 Item List XLS

2020 Tract Data Resources
  • Download no fee ACS 2020 (xlsx) California tracts file (requires user group id)
    .. zip file includes metadata text file
  • 01 ACS 2020 Data Profile Datasets (4 files) fee based; one time download
  • 02 use Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW); map and view/analyze tract demographics (all U.S.)
    .. click here to start OVDAW; no login; no fee; only requires Web browser
    .. click here to learn more about using OVDAW.
  • 03 Census 2020 with Integrated ACS 2020 & Related Items
    .. 1 dBase or xlsx file; fee-based; one time download
    .. related items: housing price index, LMI measures, HUD QCT measures, other
  • 05 Item #03 as shapefile; fee-based
  • 07 Item #03 as annual subscription
    .. updates during year includes Census 2020 items not yet released
  • 09 Item #07 with DEDE annual subscription
    .. DEDE .. build your own custom files; use without restriction
  • 11 DEDE annual subscription
    .. build your own tract custom files (different vintages) ; use without restriction

Bank Locations in Context of %Majority-Minority Population by Census 2020 Tract
.. central Oklahoma; red-orange %MM patterns in Oklahoma city area
.. bank locations shown by green circle markers
.. %MM color patterns shown in legend at left of map
.. partial profile for tract 40-051-000901 (at pointer) shown at right of map

Patterns of Majority-Minority Population by Census 2020 Tract
.. click graphic for larger view with legend.
.. use the Visual Data Analytics VDA Web GIS .. create similar views
    zoom & label; integrate your data; knit with different geography.
.. nothing to install; use browser with most any device (desktop suggested).

Census Bureau ACS 2020 Tract "Richer Demographics" Delayed
.. until March 2022 .. the latest demographic-economic data for census tracts from the American Community Survey (ACS 2019) are estimates centric to mid-2017 for survey respondents over the 5-year period 2015-2019. Updated and extended annually, the ProximityOne annual time series tract estimates-projections are available for the period 2017 through 2026 (using Census 2020 geography). The scope of subject matter is broader that available from ACS. These data are the best resource for analyzing national scope small area demographic-economic-business characteristics, patterns and change. Corresponding subject matter at the county, metro, state and national levels enable wide ranging geographic comparisons.

Census Block, Block Group & Census Tract Pattern Analysis
  • Join us in an upcoming one-hour Data Analytics Lab session; information.

Census Tract Updates (scroll section)
Census Tract Demographic-Economic Projections to 2026
... Tract Estimates-Projections

11.16.21. HUD 2022 Low Income "Qualified Census Tracts"

11.10.21. Census ACS 2020 Data Delayed
    .. ACS 2020 1-year "experimental" estimates to be released November 2021
    .. ACS 2020 5-year estimates to be released March 2022 -- no subject matter or geographic level information available

09.15.20. 2021 Low & Moderate Income by Tract FFIEC/HMDA/CRA

07.05.20. ACS 2019 Demographic Characteristics
    .. 2019 Annual Update & Interactive Table

03.05.19. ACS 2017 Demographic-Economic Characteristics
    .. annual update
    .. 4 sections/tables .. General Demographics .. Social .. Economic .. Housing

05.11.18. Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities by Census Tract
... interactive table (all tracts) and GIS resources

03.19.18. Foreign Born Population by Country of Origin by Census Tract
... interactive table (all tracts) and GIS resources
... examine foreign born population for 162 countries/country groups by tract

03.15.18. Harris County/Houston & Texas Census Tract Data/Data Analytics
... wide-ranging demographic-economic subject matter
... Texas x tract interactive table

08.18.17. Census Tract Low & Moderate Income Characteristics
... with HMDA 2017 updates; interactive table, access/query all tracts

07.15.17. Evolution of Census Tracts: 1970-2010
... 100th anniversary of tracts; see how this geography has evolved

06.20.17. Census Tract ACS 2015 Demographic-Economic Interactive Tsbles
... 4 sections/files .. General Demographics .. Social .. Economic .. Housing
... access to table requires User Group ID. Join now.

03.15.17. Examining Census Tracts in Context of Google Maps API
.. Fort Bend County, TX by census tract & Sugar Land
.. Warren County, IA by census tract & Indianola
.. Warren County, MO by census tract & Warrenton
.. Washington, DC by census tract

10.19.16. Mapping Census Tract Demographics
... map any county by census tract; choose your own subject matter
     Patterns of Economic Prosperity by Census Tract; Dallas County, TX

07.18.16. Daytime Population & Commuter Flows by Census Tract
... tools to examine daytime population & commuter flows by census tract
... See
     Patterns of Daytime Population Census Tract

05.16.16. Census Tract-City-County Relationship Interactive Table
... 72,000+ tracts equivalenced to 29,000+ cities/places (and counties)
... interactive table: view, sort, query, locate geographic relationships & codes
... see:
05.10.16. Census Tract Data Analytics
... alternative methods & tools to access & use census tract geographic, demographic, economic data
... see:

12.30.15. Census Tract ACS 2014 5-year Estimates Tables & Datasets
... interactive tables, datasets & GIS projects
... General Demographics ... Social Characteristics
... Economic Characteristics ... Housing Characteristics
     Percent Population 65 Years & Over by Tract

08.19.15. 2014 Census Tract Population Estimates
... interactive table providing access to 2014 population estimates by census tract.
... See

08.04.15. Get Census Tract Profile based on Address
... key in an address and view profile for corresponding census tract.
... See

02.17.15. Financial Institutions & Neighborhood Characteristics
... examining relationships: FDIC-insured banks and savings institution locations
      and census tract demographic-economic characteristics
... visualizing patterns ... Houston area ...

02.14.15. ACS-Based Voting Rights Act Demographics
... ACS 2009-13 Special Tabulation Citizen Voting Age Population (CVAP) estimates by race/origin
... examining relationships between legislative districts, census tracts, voting districts & census blocks
... interactive table --
... visualizing patterns ... Los Angeles area ...

01.12.15. Arizona K-12 Schools & School Districts GIS Project
... using ACS 2013 census tract data: examining schools/school districts and neighborhood characteristics
... downloadable GIS project & related datasets; school/school districts & attributes
... see
        Patterns of economic prosperity by neighborhood; Mesa Unified in context of Mesa city:

01.02.15. Guide to Census Tract Geographic-Demographic-Economic Analysis

09.01.14. Census 2010 Census Tract Tallies by State
... interactive table:
... water and land area tracts; compare with blocks and block groups
... Warren Glimpse blog on this topic ... searchable list of blog posts

03.03.14. Neighborhood Patterns GIS Projects
... state by neighborhood/tract GIS projects; usergroup resources
... ready-to-use projects to analyze neighborhood demographic-economic patterns

12.30.12. Census Tract Demographic-Economic Interactive Tables
... ACS 2012 sourced; national scope; all Census 2010 census tracts; approximately 600 items for each tract; four subject matter groups:
... General Demographics --
... Social Characteristics --
... Economic Characteristics --
... Housing Characteristics --

10.07.13. Examining Low and Moderate Income Census Tract Patterns
... 2013 HMDA Census 2010 & ACS demographics
... GIS tools and national scope census tract shapefile with integrated data; no registration
... examples and getting started:

04.05.13. Examining Census Tract Boundaries & OpenStreetMap WMS
... options to examine boundaries in context of roads/ground coverage
... pros & cons of using roads shapefiles vs OpenStreetMap WMS
... GIS applications & tools

02.25.13. Examining Poverty Status by Age by Census Tract
... ACS 2011 5-year poverty status estimates; national scope census tracts
... population by age group with incomes above and below poverty level
... interactive ranking table ...

02.01.13. Citizen Voting Age Population Patterns by Census Tract
... ACS 2011 5-year special tabulation estimates
... citizens and citizen voting age population by race/ethnicity
... interactive ranking table ...

01.23.13. Impact of Census 2010 Census Tract Codes Changes
... changes made to Census 2010 census tract codes/areas by Census Bureau; details in scroll section below
... impact ACS 2011 & future ACS estimates and related post Census 2010 data
... changes affect structure and number of census tracts in New York state only

01.09.13. Comparing Census Tract Demographics to ZIP Code Demographics
... Census 2010 geography tallies: 73,057 census tracts; 32,989 ZIP Code areas
... equivalencing census tract & ZIP Code area geography:
... using census tract demographics vs to ZIP Code area demographics:
... census tract-ZIP Code demographic profiles; comparative analysis:

12.14.12. Census Tract Demographic-Economic Ranking Tables
... ACS 2011 sourced; national scope; all Census 2010 census tracts; approximately 600 items for each tract; four subject matter groups:
... General Demographics --
... Social Characteristics --
... Economic Characteristics --
... Housing Characteristics --

Analyzing Census Tract GeoDemographic Change 2000-2010-2012
... view/analyze Census 2000 tracts and corresponding Census 2010 tracts
... compare 2000 & 2010 tracts side-by-side with associated demographics
... associate ACS 2010 5-year estimates with Census 2000 & Census 2010 tracts

ACS 2010 Demographics for Census 2010 Census Tracts
  interactive ranking table --

Census 2010 Demographics for Census 2000 Census Tracts
  interactive ranking table --

Census 2010 Census Tract Street Index

State by Tract Visual Analysis Patterns and ACS Demographics Ranking Tables
ALPatterns|ALTracts ... AKPatterns|AKTracts ... AZPatterns|AZTracts ... ARPatterns|ARTracts
CAPatterns|CATracts ... COPatterns|COTracts ... CTPatterns|CTTracts ... DEPatterns|DETracts
DCPatterns|DCTracts ... FLPatterns|FLTracts ... GAPatterns|GATracts ... HIPatterns|HITracts
IDPatterns|IDTracts ... ILPatterns|ILTracts ... INPatterns|INTracts ... IAPatterns|IATracts
KSPatterns|KSTracts ... KYPatterns|KYTracts ... LAPatterns|LATracts ... MEPatterns|METracts
MDPatterns|MDTracts ... MAPatterns|MATracts ... MIPatterns|MITracts ... MNPatterns|MNTracts
MSPatterns|MSTracts ... MOPatterns|MOTracts ... MTPatterns|MTTracts ... NEPatterns|NETracts
NVPatterns|NVTracts ... NHPatterns|NHTracts ... NJPatterns|NJTracts ... NMPatterns|NMTracts
NYPatterns|NYTracts ... NCPatterns|NCTracts ... NDPatterns|NDTracts ... OHPatterns|OHTracts
OKPatterns|OKTracts ... ORPatterns|ORTracts ... PAPatterns|PATracts ... RIPatterns|RITracts
SCPatterns|SCTracts ... SDPatterns|SDTracts ... TNPatterns|TNTracts ... TXPatterns|TXTracts
UTPatterns|UTTracts ... VTPatterns|VTTracts ... VAPatterns|VATracts ... WAPatterns|WATracts
WVPatterns|WVTracts ... WIPatterns|WITracts ... WYPatterns|WYTracts

Census Tract Demographic Characteristics: 2020 Geography & Demographics .. goto top
  .. Interactive Table .. see related interactive tables
  .. 84,122 tracts in states & D.C.; total population: 331,449,281.
  .. access via VDA Web GIS in map or grid/table with SQL features.
  .. click column header to sort; click again to sort other direction.
  .. initial load may require 10 seconds.

Table Usage Notes
.. click ShowAll button between queries
.. find all tracts in a county; use Find GeoID with only 5 state+county code
    default is 06019 -- Fresno County, CA
.. find all tracts in a CBSA; use Find CBSA with 5 character CBSA code
    default is 19100 -- Dallas CBSA
See state, county, CBSA codes

Column Headers; Subject Matter Items

  - GeoID -- 11 character unique Census 2020 tract code
  - St
  - St1
  - StCty
  - Tract
  - CBSA
  - CSA
  - Land Area sqmt
  - Water Area sqmt

  - Population One Race 2020
  - White alone 2020
  - Black alone 2020
  - AIAN alone 2020
  - Asian alone 2020
  - NHOPI alone 2020
  - Other alone 2020
  - Multi Race 2020
  - White NonHisp 2020
  - Black NonHisp 2020
  - Hispanic (any race) 2020

  - Population 18+ 2020
  - Population 18+ One Race 2020
  - White alone 18+ 2020
  - Black alone 18+ 2020
  - AIAN alone 18+ 2020
  - Asian alone 18+ 2020
  - NHOPI alone 18+ 2020
  - Other alone 18+ 2020
  - Multi Race 18+ 2020
  - White 18+ NonHisp 2020
  - Black 18+ NonHisp 2020
  - Hispanic 18+ (any race) 2020

  - Group Quarters 2020
  - Group Quarters Inst 2020
  - Group Quarters NonInst 2020

  - Total Housing Units 2020
  - Occupied Units 2020
  - Vacant Units 2020

About Census Tract Geography and Codes
.. see about census tract geography

ProximityOne User Group
Join the ProximityOne User Group to keep up-to-date with new developments relating to metros and component geography decision-making information resources. Receive updates and access to tools and resources available only to members. Use this form to join the User Group.

Support Using these Resources
Learn more about census tract demographic economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these one-hour Web sessions. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants.

Additional Information
ProximityOne develops geographic-demographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at Contact ProximityOne (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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