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America's Cities Demographic Change
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May 2024 .. did you know .. that 801 of the 19,474 U.S. cities have 2023 population that exceeds 50,000 population. How many and which of these cities gained or lost population between 2020 and 2023? Find out for your areas of interest. Use the interactive ranking table below to examine population size and change, 2020 through 2023, America's cities for areas of interest. The total 2023 population of all of 19,474 cities was 210,685,203, or 62.9 percednt of the total U.S. population (334,914,895). More about these data. Extended data for cities. Terms of Use.

Largest 10 U.S. Cities based on 2023 Population
As shown in the graphic below, 5 of largest 10 cities lost population during the period from 2020 through 2023. Create this graphic, or variations of it, using the interactive ranking table below.

Examining Patterns of Population Growth by City within Metros
ExUrban population growth rates are outpacing suburban area population growth rates for many metros. Neither suburban or exurban (the further out geography in a metro) geographies have formally defined geographic boundaries. But by examining city population growth in the exurbs reveals that exurban population is growing faster than cities in the suburbs. This is illustrated in the Dallas metro area graphic (blue colored cities outpacing green colored cities) shown below. Make maps similar to this one for your areas of interest using VDA GIS resources.

Use VDA GIS Tools to Examine City Population Size and Trends
Use OpenVDA to create similar views:
  • Click to start OpenVDA
  • Click for more information about OpenVDA

City Population & Population Change 2020-2023 -- interactive table .. goto top
  use mouse-over on header column to view extended item/column name.
  see usage notes below table.

Usage Notes
  Use mouse-over on header column to view extended item/column name.
  Click ShowAll button to reset table.

  • View "Up to 5 Cities"
    .. enter 5 City codes in the 5 edit boxes then click button "Up to 5 Cities"
    .. the default selection of cities are in the north Dallas MSA; shown in graphic.
      4827684 Frisco
      4819972 Denton
      4843012 Little Elm
      4859696 Prosper
      4813684 Celina

Zoom-in to North Dallas MSA

Column Descriptions
- CityName
- State USPS
- GeoID
- City Type
- Population Base2020
- Population 2020
- Population 2021
- Population 2022
- Population 2023
- PopChg 22_23
- %PopChg 22_23P
- PopChg 20_23
- %PopChg 20_23P

About these Data .. goto top
Data used in this section are based on annual city population estimates developed by the Census Bureau using model-based methods. A city as used here relates to incorpoerated cities and do not include census designated places. These data are updated/extended annually creating a time series. The estimates are current annual estimates as of July 1 in the data year referenced. The 2024 Census Bureau sourced city estimates are scheduled to be released in May 2025.

Extended Data For Cities .. goto top
Data used in this section are the total scope of subject matter for cities from this statistical program. Richer demographics are available for cities from the American Community Survey (ACS 2022) .. a companion but different statistical program and mmethodology.

Illustrative America's Demographic Profiles for Selected Cities
.. ACS 2022 1 year estimates
Frisco, TX
Denton, TX
Lansing, MI
Detroit, MI

Patterns of 2020-23 Population and Population Change by City .. goto top
Create maps of 2020-23 population and population change by city for areas of interest using the VDAGIS tools with only a web browser. No registration, no fee, no login, nothing to install.

Use OpenVDA to create similar views:
  • Click to start OpenVDA
  • Click for more information about OpenVDA

Terms of Use .. goto top
There is no warranty about any aspect of the data or information presented in this section or related sections. The user of these data and information is solely responsible for any use.

Support Using these Resources .. goto top
Learn more about demographic economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these Web sessions. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants.

ProximityOne User Group .. goto top
Join the ProximityOne User Group to keep up-to-date with new developments relating to geographic-demographic-economic decision-making information resources. Receive updates and access to tools and resources available only to members. Use this form to join the User Group.

Additional Information .. goto top
ProximityOne develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at Contact us (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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