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State of the States -- Connecticut Situation & Outlook
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S&O Reports

.. Updated: 01/11/20 .. see recent updates .. go to table of contents

While 2020 should be a good year for the economy, there are many possible speed bumps. Uncertainty is a top consideration. Risk and opportunities will vary widely by sector and region. Regional economies will change at radically different paces. Success and growth will require an understanding of the "big picture" as well as what's happening at the neighborhood level.

Welcome to this State of the States Situation & Outlook (S&O) report. Updated weekly and as events occur, this subscription-based document and related data are unique in blending multi-sourced demographic-economic information. The S&O reports provide subscribers with demographic-economic knowledge that can help readers/users make better day-to-day and long-term decisions. More about this document below.

Recent Updates/Highlights .. more detail in Section 2. Overview & Comparative Analysis
Annual Population & Components of Change 2019 updates released 12/30/19
New 2010-19 annual population & components of change estimates with updated 2020 projections.
The Connecticut total population changed from 3,579,114 (7/1/10) to 3,565,287 (7/1/19) .. a change of -13,827 or -0.4%. The 2020 (7/1/20) projected population is 3,554,509.
See detail below. Updates with 07/01/20 estimates 12/30/20 ... concurrent with Census 2020 04/01/20 total population count.

Quarterly Real GDP 2019Q3 released 01/10/20. The Connecticut quarterly real GDP changed from $246,431 in 2018Q3 to $249,472 in 2019Q3 ( $3,041 or 1.2%) ... millions of 2012 dollars.
See details below. Updates with 2019Q4 data 04/07/20.

Annual Per Capita Real GDP. The Connecticut per capita real GDP changed from $68,184 in 2017 to $68,555 in 2018 ( $371 or 0.5%), while the U.S. per capita real GDP changed from $55,692 to $56,968 ( $1,276 or 2.3%). Connecticut ranked 77th among all states and DC based on 2018 per capita real GDP.
Based on 2012 dollars.
See details below. Updates with 2019 annual data on 04/07/20.

Annual Personal Income. Connecticut Per Capita Personal Income as a Percent of U.S.   

Illustrative Edition
In this lllustrative edition not all sections are populated. Subscribe to receive the full report. Subscribers have access to the S&O database and can access data in spreadsheet and other formats enabling comparative analysis. Contact us for more information. List names of areas of interest in text section.

Contents of this Report .. goto top
This document is organized into these sections:
1. Recent Trends & Outlook
1.1. Projections to 2030
2. Overview & Comparative Analysis
3. GIS & Visual Analysis -- Reference & Thematic Pattern Maps
3.1. Lay of the Land
3.2. Neighborhood Patterns of Economic Prosperity
4. Population Characteristics & Trends
4.1. Component City Characteristics
4.2. Component County Characteristics
4.3. Component Metro Characteristics
4.4. General Demographic Characteristics
5. Housing Characteristics & Trends
5.1. Total Housing Units
5.2. General Housing Characteristics
5.3. Residential Construction; Housing Units Authorized & Value
5.4. Housing Price Index
6. Economic Characteristics & Trends
6.1. Economic Profile
6.2. Establishments, Employment & Earnings by Sector (QCEW)
6.3. Establishments, Employment & Earnings by Sector (CBP)
6.4. General Economic Characteristics
6.5. Gross Domestic Product
6.6. Fortune 1000 Companies
6.7. Labor Market Characteristics & Trends
6.8. Cost of Living
6.9. Personal Consumption Expenditures
7. Social & Education Characteristics
7.1. General Social Characteristics
7.2. K-12 Education
7.3. PostSecondary Education
8. Government Revenue & Expenditure
9. GeoPolitics
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Recent Updates .. goto top
... this report updates frequently. Selected updates are listed below.

  • 01.11.20 Personal Consumption Expenditures; annual 2010-2018
    .. sections updated: 2. Overview .. 6.9. Personal Consumption Expenditures
  • 01.10.20 Economic Profile (Personal Income Coponents; annual 2010-2018
    .. sections updated: 2. Overview .. 6.1. Economic Profile
  • 01.03.20 2019 Population & Components of Change; annual 2010-2019
    .. sections updated: 2. Overview .. 4. Population Components of Change

More about schedule and upcoming events ... Calendar ... Upcoming Events ... Find Event

1. Recent Trends & Outlook - goto top
This section provides a summary of recent business, demographic, economic trends; year-ahead & outlook to 2030.

The Recent Trends & Outlook section narrative is updated quarterly and is published in the subscriber edition. The narrative covers topics about this metro such as .. assessing the implications of next jobs report, impact of the Fed's action on the interest rate, which sectors are expanding or contracting, how housing market conditions are changing and more on insights to help your planning and decision-making.

1.1. Projections to 2030. The following table presents the most recent ProximityOne population projections to 2030 by metro county and and the metro overall. ProximityOne develops annual population estimates and projections by single year of age by county to 2030. We also develop custom estimates and projections. Contact us for further information (leave message in text box). Or call us at 888.364.7656. These projections are updated periodically and make use of other demographic-economic data presented in this document. See terms of use.

Projections table not available this version.

2. Overview & Comparative Analysis - goto top

This section not fully developed in this illustrative edition.

Population. The total population of the Connecticut changed from 3,579,114 (7/1/10) to 3,565,287 (7/1/19); a change of -13,827 (-0.4%).

Births. Births during the year ended 7/1/11 were 37,634 compared to 34,567 during the year ended 7/1/19. There were 289,436 total births from 6/30/10 through 7/1/19, an annual average of 32,160.

Deaths. Deaths during the year ended 7/1/11 were 29,295 compared to 31,149 during the year ended 7/1/19. There were 240,656 total deaths from 6/30/10 through 7/1/19, an annual average of 26,740.

Natural Change. Natural Change (births less deaths) during the year ended 7/1/11 was 8,339 compared to 3,418 during the year ended 7/1/19. The natural change from 6/30/10 through 7/1/19 was 48,780, an annual average of 5,420.

Net Migration. The Net Migration during the year ended 7/1/11 was 869 compared to -9,736 during the year ended 7/1/19. The natural change from 6/30/10 through 7/1/19 was -56,735, an annual average of -6,304.

2.1. Comparative Analysis -- State of the States interactive table
  Compare states of interest by selected attribute.
  Click column header to sort; again to sort other direction.
  Click ShowAll button between queries to refresh.
  See related Interactive Tables
Show AllPopColsNetChgColsBirthColsDeathColsNatChgColsIntMigColsDomMigColsNetMigCols
Subscriber version features:
-   access/download selected/all states for extended comparative analysis.
-   content frequently updated as more current data become available.
-   wider range of content and indexes available.
3. GIS & Visual Analysis -- Reference & Thematic Pattern Maps - goto top

3.1. Lay of the Land - goto top

Patterns of Economic Prosperity by Neighborhood.
-- median household income by census tract based on ACS 2017.


Census tracts are near equivalents to neighborhoods in urban areas. For other areas, tracts provide the best overall sub-county neighborhood equivalents .. geographically large in some areas.

Median household income levels and associated color patterns are shown in the inset legend. A standardized setting in used for each state/area to make the views comparable. Subscribers receive the ProximityOne CV XE GIS software and related GIS project to create drill-down, custom maps.

4. Population Characteristics & Trends - goto top

Connecticut Population & Components of Change
The following table shows annual time-series population and components of change for the state.
Use the scroll bar at the base of the table to view additional detail.

Natural Change2,6418,3397,7916,3866,4935,9465,7724,4333,6203,4183,216
Net Migration2,572869-1,471-6,007-6,980-13,488-14,824-9,356-5,478-9,736-13,994
Int1 Migration2,42012,89315,89011,02418,10616,47514,39514,36818,49812,3236,148
Domestic Migration152-12,024-17,361-17,031-25,086-29,963-29,219-23,724-23,976-22,059-20,142
Net Change9,1696,264294-317-7,402-8,981-4,844-1,777-6,233-10,778
%Net Change0.260.170.01-0.01-0.21-0.25-0.14-0.05-0.17-0.30

See the related interactive table to view, rank, compare all states.

4.1 City Characteristics (Largest 10 cities) - goto top

  Bridgeport city, CT (08000) 144,858 146,131 147,097 147,726 147,892 147,460 146,353 145,408 144,900
  New Haven city, CT (52000) 129,817 130,839 131,117 130,915 130,618 130,391 130,424 130,640 130,418
  Stamford city, CT (73000) 122,782 123,980 125,054 126,318 127,974 128,407 129,042 129,951 129,775
  Hartford city, CT (37000) 125,359 125,431 125,277 125,142 124,683 124,338 123,679 122,902 122,587
  Waterbury city, CT (80000) 110,371 110,086 110,035 109,751 109,551 109,018 108,473 108,277 108,093
  Norwalk city, CT (55990) 85,971 86,619 87,269 87,743 88,047 88,287 88,487 88,399 89,047
  Danbury city, CT (18430) 81,324 82,096 82,793 83,606 83,722 84,252 84,995 84,680 84,730
  New Britain city, CT (50370) 73,251 73,267 73,217 73,055 73,055 73,219 72,817 72,613 72,453
  Bristol city, CT (08420) 60,478 60,569 60,635 60,542 60,576 60,513 60,289 60,110 60,032
  Meriden city, CT (46450) 60,849 60,714 60,687 60,510 60,409 60,089 59,734 59,663 59,540
  West Haven city, CT (82800) 55,570 55,505 55,283 55,132 55,293 54,876 54,644 54,836 54,879

All places interactive tables General Demographics | Social | Economic | Housing
All places time series population estimates interactive table.

4.2. County Characteristics - goto top

  Fairfield, CT (09001) 919,330 927,897 935,097 939,991 944,355 945,301 944,802 943,457 943,823
  Hartford, CT (09003) 895,226 896,776 897,694 897,724 897,493 896,358 894,170 892,931 892,697
  New Haven, CT (09009) 863,382 863,827 864,589 862,889 862,996 860,292 857,991 857,794 857,620
  New London, CT (09011) 273,998 273,013 274,085 272,981 271,465 269,717 268,612 267,826 266,784
  Litchfield, CT (09005) 189,806 189,002 187,609 186,886 185,398 184,133 182,801 181,710 181,111
  Middlesex, CT (09007) 165,602 166,176 165,441 165,156 164,597 163,555 163,152 162,855 162,682
  Tolland, CT (09013) 153,236 153,027 151,963 151,783 151,710 151,685 151,094 150,933 150,921
  Windham, CT (09015) 118,545 118,305 117,917 117,505 116,769 116,468 116,052 116,374 117,027

All counties interactive tables General Demographics | Social | Economic | Housing
All counties time series population estimates interactive table.

4.3. Metro Characteristics - goto top

See related CBSA/metro interactive table to examine metro demographic change 2010-2018.

4.4. General Demographic Characteristics - goto top
    - based on American Community Survey 1-year estimates;
    - see related all ACS 2017 1 year General Demographic Characteristics interactive table:

Total population 3,576,452 3,588,184 11,732 0.3
    Male 1,745,153 1,750,647 5,494 0.3
    Female 1,831,299 1,837,537 6,238 0.3
    Under 5 years 185,029 182,194 -2,835 -1.5
    5 to 9 years 200,888 195,071 -5,817 -2.9
    10 to 14 years 224,010 224,082 72 0.0
    15 to 19 years 249,315 244,257 -5,058 -2.0
    20 to 24 years 249,473 248,726 -747 -0.3
    25 to 34 years 436,596 444,141 7,545 1.7
    35 to 44 years 424,492 421,380 -3,112 -0.7
    45 to 54 years 524,729 515,325 -9,404 -1.8
    55 to 59 years 265,460 268,023 2,563 1.0
    60 to 64 years 239,820 243,891 4,071 1.7
    65 to 74 years 323,635 339,078 15,443 4.8
    75 to 84 years 164,310 169,679 5,369 3.3
    85 years and over 88,695 92,337 3,642 4.1
    Median age (years) 40.9 40.9 0.0 0.0
    18 years and over 2,824,290 2,845,906 21,616 0.8
    21 years and over 2,666,866 2,690,570 23,704 0.9
    62 years and over 708,389 744,392 36,003 5.1
    65 years and over 576,640 601,094 24,454 4.2
    One race 3,464,928 3,470,681 5,753 0.2
        White 2,741,892 2,723,013 -18,879 -0.7
        Black or African American 378,932 380,578 1,646 0.4
        American Indian and Alaska Native 9,887 11,268 1,381 14.0
        Asian 161,950 163,924 1,974 1.2
        Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 1,259 525 -734 -58.3
        Some other race 171,008 191,373 20,365 11.9
    Two or more races 111,524 117,503 5,979 5.4
    Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 562,347 578,833 16,486 2.9
        Mexican 61,855 67,698 5,843 9.4
    Not Hispanic or Latino 3,014,105 3,009,351 -4,754 -0.2
        White alone  2,411,769 2,393,694 -18,075 -0.7
        Black or African American alone 352,345 354,320 1,975 0.6
  Citizen, 18 and over 2,602,785 2,611,667 8,882 0.3
    Male 1,248,029 1,252,709 4,680 0.4
    Female 1,354,756 1,358,958 4,202 0.3

5. Connecticut Housing Characteristics & Trends - goto top

5.1. Total Housing Units - Model-based estimates - goto top

  Total Housing Units 1,488,645 1,491,803 1,494,249 1,498,183 1,502,835 1,507,332 1,512,587 1,517,327 1,521,117

Housing units time series interactive table: Housing Units

5.2. General Housing Characteristics - goto top
    - based on American Community Survey 1-year estimates;
    - see related all ACS 2017 1 year Housing Characteristics interactive table:

Total housing units 1,499,145 1,517,495 18,350 1.2
    Occupied housing units (households) 1,357,269 1,356,762 -507 0.0
    Vacant housing units 141,876 160,733 18,857 13.3
Homeowner vacancy rate 2.20 2.00 -0.20 -9.1
Rental vacancy rate 5.60 7.00 1.40 25.0
Units in Structure
    1-unit, detached 873,350 900,627 27,277 3.1
    1-unit, attached 82,285 83,131 846 1.0
    2 units 126,683 119,504 -7,179 -5.7
    3 or 4 units 126,707 132,115 5,408 4.3
    5 to 9 units 85,880 80,228 -5,652 -6.6
    10 to 19 units 59,221 52,840 -6,381 -10.8
    20 or more units 131,801 137,718 5,917 4.5
    Mobile home 12,430 11,234 -1,196 -9.6
    Boat, RV, van, etc. 788 98 -690 -87.6
Year Structure Built
    Built 2014 or later 9,198 15,472 6,274 68.2
    Built 2010 or 2013 23,228 20,394 -2,834 -12.2
    Built 2000 to 2009 105,706 102,779 -2,927 -2.8
    Built 1990 to 1999 111,257 113,815 2,558 2.3
    Built 1980 to 1989 185,652 188,717 3,065 1.7
    Built 1970 to 1979 200,702 197,041 -3,661 -1.8
    Built 1960 to 1969 205,704 208,578 2,874 1.4
    Built 1950 to 1959 213,553 221,929 8,376 3.9
    Built 1940 to 1949 107,669 95,554 -12,115 -11.3
    Built 1939 or earlier 336,476 353,216 16,740 5.0
Total housing units - Median rooms 6 6 0 0.0
    Occupied housing units - Owner-occupied 879,073 898,234 19,161 2.2
    Occupied housing units - Renter-occupied 478,196 458,528 -19,668 -4.1
Average household size of owner-occupied unit 2.68 2.69 0.01 0.4
Average household size of renter-occupied unit 2.31 2.31 0.00 0.0
Year Moved into Unit; Occupied Housing Units
    Moved in 2015 or later 218,340 326,388 108,048 49.5
    Moved in 2010 to 2014 346,009 285,559 -60,450 -17.5
    Moved in 2000 to 2009 358,353 325,040 -33,313 -9.3
    Moved in 1990 to 1999 197,416 186,153 -11,263 -5.7
    Moved in 1980 to 1989 108,267 109,737 1,470 1.4
    Moved in 1979 or earlier 128,884 123,885 -4,999 -3.9
Year Vehicles; Occupied Housing Units
    No vehicles available 122,874 116,261 -6,613 -5.4
    1 vehicle available 452,293 449,806 -2,487 -0.5
    2 vehicles available 495,789 499,964 4,175 0.8
    3 or more vehicles available 286,313 290,731 4,418 1.5
House Heating; Occupied Housing Units
    Utility gas 476,852 478,136 1,284 0.3
    Bottled, tank, or LP gas 55,631 55,608 -23 0.0
    Electricity 230,532 219,208 -11,324 -4.9
    Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 554,283 562,247 7,964 1.4
    Coal or coke 1,538 1,523 -15 -1.0
    Wood 23,580 24,510 930 3.9
    Solar energy 900 1,029 129 14.3
    occupants per room - 1.00 or less 1,332,934 1,330,391 -2,543 -0.2
    occupants per room - 1.01 to 1.50 15,438 18,884 3,446 22.3
    occupants per room - 1.51 or more 8,897 7,487 -1,410 -15.8
Housing Value; Occupied Housing Units
    Less than $50,000 16,501 16,118 -383 -2.3
    $50,000 to $99,999 29,062 28,007 -1,055 -3.6
    $100,000 to $149,999 80,126 80,822 696 0.9
    $150,000 to $199,999 132,925 143,985 11,060 8.3
    $200,000 to $299,999 237,085 242,448 5,363 2.3
    $300,000 to $499,999 239,198 235,988 -3,210 -1.3
    $500,000 to $999,999 104,247 108,670 4,423 4.2
    $1,000,000 or more 39,929 42,196 2,267 5.7
    Median (dollars) 274,600 273,100 -1,500 -0.5
Mortgage Status; Owner-occupied units - total 879,073 898,234 19,161 2.2
    Occupied housing units -Housing units with a mortgage 597,176 611,242 14,066 2.4
    Occupied housing units - Housing units without a mortgage 281,897 286,992 5,095 1.8
Rent; Occupied units paying rent 457,455 439,295 -18,160 -4.0
    Less than $500 46,897 44,779 -2,118 -4.5
    $500 to $999 133,116 125,483 -7,633 -5.7
    $1,000 to $1,499 176,317 165,781 -10,536 -6.0
    $1,500 to $1,999 67,642 64,113 -3,529 -5.2
    $2,000 to $2,499 18,341 23,744 5,403 29.5
    $2,500 to $2,999 7,284 8,067 783 10.7
    $3,000 or more 7,858 7,328 -530 -6.7
    Median (dollars) 1,115 1,125 10 0.9
GRAPI; Occupied units paying rent (excl units where GRAPI not computed) 448,231 430,519 -17,712 -4.0
    Less than 15.0 percent 52,671 52,124 -547 -1.0
    15.0 to 19.9 percent 55,069 52,277 -2,792 -5.1
    20.0 to 24.9 percent 57,045 51,155 -5,890 -10.3
    25.0 to 29.9 percent 53,335 53,566 231 0.4
    30.0 to 34.9 percent 43,434 40,973 -2,461 -5.7
    35.0 percent or more 186,677 180,424 -6,253 -3.3

5.3. Residential Construction; Housing Units Authorized & Value - goto top

This section is not available for this area in this version.

5.4. Housing Price Index - goto top

This section is not available for this area in this version.

6. Connecticut Economic Characteristics & Trends - goto top

6.1. Economic Profile - goto top

The following table shows selected annual personal income and related measures time-series.
Use the scroll bar at the base of the table to view additional time periods/detail.

Personal income (millions of dollars) 222,226 228,929 233,338 228,471 238,999 244,982 249,581 258,079 273,152
Net earnings by place of residence 154,199 157,203 157,087 153,017 157,410 160,422 162,268 167,992 175,608
Personal current transfer receipts 29,066 29,153 29,499 29,829 30,756 31,846 32,777 33,220 35,452
  Income maintenance benefits 1/ 2,357 2,421 2,420 2,516 2,590 2,597 2,539 2,525 2,481
  Unemployment insurance compensation 2,430 1,953 1,601 1,324 732 616 654 652 607
  Retirement and other 24,279 24,779 25,478 25,990 27,435 28,633 29,585 30,043 32,365
Dividends, interest, and rent 38,961 42,573 46,751 45,625 50,833 52,714 54,536 56,868 62,092
  Personal dividend income 10,071 12,007 14,243 13,230 16,844 17,057 17,455 17,806 19,307
  Personal interest income 22,098 22,352 23,675 23,053 24,513 25,850 26,923 28,884 32,090
    Imputed interest receipts 2/ 12,964 13,258 13,413 13,303 14,044 15,061 14,537 14,604 15,334
    Monetary interest receipts 9,134 9,094 10,262 9,751 10,469 10,790 12,386 14,280 16,756
  Rental income of persons 6,792 8,214 8,833 9,341 9,477 9,808 10,158 10,178 10,695
    Imputed rent 5,338 6,465 7,006 7,440 7,473 7,557 7,698 7,874 8,250
    Monetary rent 1,454 1,749 1,828 1,901 2,004 2,250 2,460 2,304 2,445
Population (persons) 3/ 3,579,125 3,588,023 3,594,395 3,594,915 3,594,783 3,587,509 3,578,674 3,573,880 3,572,665
Per capita personal income 4/ 62,089 63,804 64,917 63,554 66,485 68,288 69,741 72,213 76,456
Per capita net earnings 4/ 43,083 43,813 43,703 42,565 43,788 44,717 45,343 47,005 49,153
Per capita personal current transfer receipts 4/ 8,121 8,125 8,207 8,298 8,556 8,877 9,159 9,295 9,923
  Per capita income maintenance benefits 4/ 658 675 673 700 720 724 709 707 694
  Per capita unemployment insurance compensation 4/ 679 544 446 368 204 172 183 182 170
  Per capita retirement and other 4/ 6,784 6,906 7,088 7,230 7,632 7,981 8,267 8,406 9,059
Per capita dividends, interest, and rent 4/ 10,886 11,865 13,007 12,691 14,141 14,694 15,239 15,912 17,380
  Per capita dividends 4/ 2,814 3,346 3,962 3,680 4,686 4,754 4,878 4,982 5,404
  Per capita interest 4/ 6,174 6,230 6,587 6,413 6,819 7,206 7,523 8,082 8,982
  Per capita rent 4/ 1,898 2,289 2,458 2,599 2,636 2,734 2,838 2,848 2,994
Earnings by place of work 157,373 158,820 157,218 155,951 160,377 163,605 166,233 170,345 175,709
  Wages and salaries 97,782 101,499 104,235 105,454 109,000 112,394 113,212 114,637 117,073
  Supplements to wages and salaries 22,687 23,123 23,114 23,706 24,063 24,907 24,927 25,761 26,714
    Employer contributions for employee pension and insuranc 16,022 16,155 15,911 16,384 16,574 17,195 17,125 17,808 18,688
    Employer contributions for government social insurance 6,666 6,968 7,203 7,322 7,488 7,713 7,802 7,953 8,026
  Proprietors' income 36,904 34,198 29,869 26,791 27,314 26,304 28,094 29,947 31,922
    Farm proprietors' income 69 70 75 80 -3 27 -7 39 22
    Nonfarm proprietors' income 36,836 34,129 29,794 26,712 27,318 26,277 28,100 29,908 31,900
Total employment (number of jobs) 2,171,933 2,206,269 2,223,221 2,246,561 2,266,029 2,288,017 2,300,054 2,304,746 2,327,354
  Wage and salary employment 1,671,424 1,685,883 1,704,885 1,717,324 1,730,465 1,740,192 1,743,844 1,745,013 1,750,652
  Proprietors employment 500,509 520,386 518,336 529,237 535,564 547,825 556,210 559,733 576,702
    Farm proprietors employment 6/ 4,778 5,069 5,191 5,299 5,126 5,123 5,023 4,952 4,951
    Nonfarm proprietors employment 495,731 515,317 513,145 523,938 530,438 542,702 551,187 554,781 571,751
Average earnings per job (dollars) 72,458 71,986 70,716 69,418 70,774 71,505 72,274 73,910 75,497
  Average wages and salaries 58,502 60,205 61,139 61,406 62,989 64,587 64,921 65,694 66,874
  Average nonfarm proprietors' income 74,305 66,228 58,061 50,982 51,500 48,418 50,981 53,910 55,793

About these data
6.2. Establishments, Employment & Earnings by Sector (QCEW) - goto top

Not available this version.

6.2.1. Establishments, Employment & Earnings by Sector (QCEW)

6.2.2. Establishments, Employment & Earnings by Sector (QCEW) - Downloadable Detailed NAICS Files

Use the following links to access detailed QCEW data by detailed type of business (CSV files) .. See notes on using these files.

6.3. Establishments, Employment & Earnings by Sector (CBP) - goto top

Not available this version.

6.4. General Economic Characteristics - goto top
    - based on American Community Survey 1-year estimates;
    - see related all ACS 2017 1 year Economic Characteristics interactive table:

Labor Force; Population 16 years and over 2,919,678 2,937,891 18,213 0.6
    In labor force 1,943,614 1,931,298 -12,316 -0.6
    In labor force - Civilian labor force 1,935,653 1,922,383 -13,270 -0.7
    In labor force - Civilian labor force - Employed 1,811,769 1,805,023 -6,746 -0.4
    In labor force - Civilian labor force - Unemployed 123,884 117,360 -6,524 -5.3
    In labor force - Armed Forces 7,961 8,915 954 12.0
    Not in labor force 976,064 1,006,593 30,529 3.1
    In labor force - Civilian labor force 1,935,653 1,922,383 -13,270 -0.7
    In labor force - Unemployment Rate 6.4 6.1 -0.3 -4.7
Employment by Industry; Civilian employed population 16 years and over 1,811,769 1,805,023 -6,746 -0.4
    Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining 6,456 6,968 512 7.9
    Construction 106,712 108,949 2,237 2.1
    Manufacturing 188,175 189,837 1,662 0.9
    Wholesale trade 45,377 39,793 -5,584 -12.3
    Retail trade 193,166 191,446 -1,720 -0.9
    Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 64,284 76,972 12,688 19.7
    Information 41,784 41,444 -340 -0.8
    Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing 160,314 156,621 -3,693 -2.3
    Prof, scientific & management, & admine and waste mgmt services 215,874 205,663 -10,211 -4.7
    Educational services, and health care and social assistance 482,121 479,383 -2,738 -0.6
    Arts, entertainment, & recreation, & accommodation & food services 153,143 155,082 1,939 1.3
    Other services, except public administration 89,266 86,870 -2,396 -2.7
    Public administration 65,097 65,995 898 1.4
Class of Worker; Civilian employed population 16 years and over 1,811,769 1,805,023 -6,746 -0.4
    Private wage and salary workers 1,461,042 1,455,575 -5,467 -0.4
    Government workers 230,082 226,240 -3,842 -1.7
    Self-employed in own not incorporated business workers 118,006 119,948 1,942 1.6
    Unpaid family workers 2,639 3,260 621 23.5
Household Income; Total households 1,357,269 1,356,762 -507 0.0
    Less than $10,000 70,599 66,601 -3,998 -5.7
    $10,000 to $14,999 49,894 49,375 -519 -1.0
    $15,000 to $24,999 102,602 96,751 -5,851 -5.7
    $25,000 to $34,999 103,251 100,663 -2,588 -2.5
    $35,000 to $49,999 149,178 151,104 1,926 1.3
    $50,000 to $74,999 213,589 219,441 5,852 2.7
    $75,000 to $99,999 173,563 170,883 -2,680 -1.5
    $100,000 to $149,999 233,134 230,008 -3,126 -1.3
    $150,000 to $199,999 111,347 118,196 6,849 6.2
    $200,000 or more 150,112 153,740 3,628 2.4
Median household income (dollars) 73,433 74,168 735 1.0
Mean household income (dollars) 105,255 107,420 2,165 2.1
Earnings; Total households with earnings 1,077,352 1,067,402 -9,950 -0.9
    With earnings - Mean earnings (dollars) 107,472 109,713 2,241 2.1
    With Social Security 420,187 432,033 11,846 2.8
        Mean Social Security income (dollars) 20,132 20,274 142 0.7
    With retirement income 257,209 265,926 8,717 3.4
        Mean retirement income (dollars) 29,569 30,293 724 2.4
    With Supplemental Security Income 64,540 63,586 -954 -1.5
        Mean Supplemental Security Income (dollars) 10,171 8,961 -1,210 -11.9
    With cash public assistance income 52,558 55,629 3,071 5.8
        Mean cash public assistance income (dollars) 3,649 4,579 930 25.5
    With Food Stamp/SNAP benefits in the past 12 months 177,523 163,472 -14,051 -7.9
Familiy Income; Families 880,600 877,293 -3,307 -0.4
    Less than $10,000 27,682 24,607 -3,075 -11.1
    $10,000 to $14,999 14,524 15,556 1,032 7.1
    $15,000 to $24,999 42,832 38,283 -4,549 -10.6
    $25,000 to $34,999 53,144 51,369 -1,775 -3.3
    $35,000 to $49,999 79,550 85,122 5,572 7.0
    $50,000 to $74,999 129,852 129,001 -851 -0.7
    $75,000 to $99,999 116,714 120,657 3,943 3.4
    $100,000 to $149,999 188,402 180,655 -7,747 -4.1
    $150,000 to $199,999 94,768 97,212 2,444 2.6
    $200,000 or more 133,132 134,831 1,699 1.3
Median family income (dollars) 94,449 93,870 -579 -0.6
Mean family income (dollars) 127,843 129,913 2,070 1.6
Per capita income (dollars) 41,087 42,029 942 2.3
Per capita income (dollars) - Nonfamily households 476,669 479,469 2,800 0.6
Median nonfamily income (dollars) 41,608 44,532 2,924 7.0
Mean nonfamily income (dollars) 59,666 62,497 2,831 4.7
Median earnings for workers (dollars) 40,323 41,053 730 1.8
Median earnings for male full-time, year-round workers (dollars) 64,220 62,976 -1,244 -1.9
Median earnings for female full-time, year-round workers (dollars) 50,991 52,120 1,129 2.2
Insurance Coverage; Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population 3,525,154 3,536,522 11,368 0.3
    With health insurance coverage 3,352,940 3,342,726 -10,214 -0.3
    With private health insurance coverage  2,536,175 2,523,968 -12,207 -0.5
    With public health coverage  1,233,744 1,243,479 9,735 0.8
    No health insurance coverage 172,214 193,796 21,582 12.5

6.5. Gross Domestic Product - goto top

A comprehensive measure of the economies of each state and D.C., GDP estimates the value of the goods and services produced in a state. The data include breakdowns of industries' contributions to each state economy.

6.5.1. Quarterly Real GDP by sector (millions of chained 2012 dollars). Industry detail based on 2012 NAICS. goto top
- 2018Q2
- 2018Q3
- 2018Q4
- 2019Q1
- 2019Q1
All industry total 240,954 238,761 243,944 245,025 246,371 -0.9 2.2 0.4 0.5 2.2
.Private industries 217,083 215,390 219,644 220,759 222,196 -0.8 2.0 0.5 0.7 2.4
..Ag, forestry, fishing, hunting 398 407 446 457 430 2.3 9.6 2.3 -5.8 8.1
..Mining, quarrying, oil & gas ext 192 200 195 208 223 4.2 -2.4 6.3 7.3 16.0
..Utilities 4,063 3,802 3,708 3,728 3,734 -6.4 -2.5 0.5 0.1 -8.1
..Construction 6,317 6,356 6,328 6,314 6,316 0.6 -0.5 -0.2 0.0 0.0
..Manufacturing 27,481 26,865 27,846 28,280 28,492 -2.2 3.7 1.6 0.7 3.7
...Durable goods manufacturing 19,787 19,415 20,255 20,362 20,432 -1.9 4.3 0.5 0.3 3.3
...Nondurable goods manufacturing 7,705 7,465 7,617 7,926 8,062 -3.1 2.0 4.1 1.7 4.6
..Wholesale trade 16,691 16,823 16,831 17,103 17,032 0.8 0.0 1.6 -0.4 2.0
..Retail trade 13,323 13,206 13,513 13,406 13,707 -0.9 2.3 -0.8 2.2 2.9
..Transportation and warehousing 4,098 4,113 4,147 4,132 4,106 0.4 0.8 -0.4 -0.6 0.2
..Information 14,932 14,283 15,229 15,613 15,746 -4.3 6.6 2.5 0.9 5.5
..Finance and insurance 27,798 27,102 28,221 27,942 28,540 -2.5 4.1 -1.0 2.1 2.7
..Real estate & rental & leasing 34,399 34,833 34,951 35,176 35,047 1.3 0.3 0.6 -0.4 1.9
..Prof, scientific, technical services 17,589 17,570 17,979 18,115 18,239 -0.1 2.3 0.8 0.7 3.7
..Mgmt of companies & enterprises 6,836 6,265 6,670 6,683 6,782 -8.3 6.5 0.2 1.5 -0.8
..Admin & support & waste mgmt 6,732 6,801 7,103 7,191 7,124 1.0 4.4 1.2 -0.9 5.8
..Educational services 5,451 5,403 5,423 5,417 5,441 -0.9 0.4 -0.1 0.4 -0.2
..Health care and social assistance 19,719 19,997 19,853 19,935 20,216 1.4 -0.7 0.4 1.4 2.5
..Arts, entertainment, and recreation 2,244 2,270 2,266 2,238 2,231 1.2 -0.2 -1.2 -0.3 -0.6
..Accommodation and food services 5,200 5,278 5,285 5,288 5,318 1.5 0.1 0.0 0.6 2.3
..Other services (except gov/gov ent) 4,359 4,432 4,423 4,441 4,396 1.7 -0.2 0.4 -1.0 0.8
.Govt & govt enterprises 23,879 23,387 24,305 24,275 24,192 -2.1 3.9 -0.1 -0.3 1.3

U.S. & State quarterly GDP interactive table.

6.5.2. Annual Real GDP by sector (millions of chained 2012 dollars). Industry detail based on 2012 NAICS - goto top
All industry total 247,461 242,020 243,801 241,081 237,558 241,916 241,447 239,884 242,171
.Private industries 222,543 217,236 219,551 216,892 213,398 217,572 217,198 215,799 218,219
..Agriculture, forestry, fishing, & 503 387 409 415 372 471 455 456 427
...Farms 445 338 359 369 316 411 395 408 -1
...Forestry, fishing, & related act 59 50 51 47 55 61 60 54 -1
..Mining, quarrying, & oil & gas ex 166 130 156 160 192 294 409 258 199
...Oil & gas extraction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
...Mining (except oil & gas) 159 120 148 152 183 290 410 255 -1
...Support activities for mining 7 10 8 8 9 6 3 5 -1
..Utilities 4,396 4,172 4,792 4,694 4,613 4,154 3,945 3,797 3,825
..Construction 6,764 6,562 6,630 6,432 6,214 6,375 6,460 6,411 6,329
..Manufacturing 30,594 29,309 28,980 29,661 28,134 27,632 25,362 26,341 27,618
...Durable goods 20,299 19,866 20,446 20,673 19,641 19,581 18,370 19,146 19,955
....Wood product 50 63 68 72 63 73 73 73 -1
....Nonmetallic mineral product 191 231 252 206 212 208 208 207 -1
....Primary metal 435 451 474 526 452 457 529 475 -1
....Fabricated metal product 3,150 3,402 3,578 3,805 3,397 3,336 3,324 3,664 -1
....Machinery 1,748 1,598 1,958 2,088 2,013 1,687 1,528 1,593 -1
....Computer & electronic product 1,608 1,614 1,721 1,910 2,260 2,172 2,063 2,071 -1
....Electrical equipment, appliance 1,754 1,836 1,718 1,933 1,785 1,446 1,383 1,227 -1
....Motor vehicles, bodies & traile 322 413 387 408 411 394 380 386 -1
....Other transportation equipment 8,842 8,019 8,303 7,357 6,580 7,615 6,500 6,949 -1
....Furniture & related product 164 167 162 171 181 168 179 185 -1
....Miscellaneous 2,032 2,074 1,826 2,206 2,316 2,047 2,255 2,328 -1
...Nondurable goods 10,333 9,456 8,534 8,988 8,494 8,058 7,010 7,217 7,678
....Food & beverage & tobacco produ 1,288 1,313 1,258 1,404 1,256 1,304 1,228 1,285 -1
....Textile mills & textile product 141 121 126 135 172 169 190 190 -1
....Apparel, leather, & allied prod 45 68 74 85 87 94 96 88 -1
....Paper 377 478 435 517 444 378 279 274 -1
....Printing & related support acti 509 541 472 446 436 441 445 440 -1
....Petroleum & coal products 240 153 171 226 355 301 356 359 -1
....Chemical 7,196 6,197 5,344 5,594 5,287 4,827 3,944 4,073 -1
....Plastics & rubber products 587 584 655 583 489 569 540 573 -1
..Wholesale trade 15,327 15,331 16,060 16,191 16,437 17,148 16,719 16,633 16,862
..Retail trade 12,002 12,132 12,464 12,535 12,622 12,721 12,797 13,009 13,362
..Transportation & warehousing 3,754 3,803 3,839 3,849 4,002 4,400 4,106 4,014 4,122
...Air transportation 381 412 395 363 371 382 389 384 -1
...Rail transportation 22 42 47 48 45 50 54 47 -1
...Water transportation 244 275 248 246 256 379 229 170 -1
...Truck transportation 657 702 687 675 685 691 711 729 -1
...Transit & ground passenger trans 781 794 837 838 886 892 766 739 -1
...Pipeline transportation 89 73 108 183 190 361 301 278 -1
...Other transportation & support a 1,029 928 910 886 931 956 954 976 -1
...Warehousing & storage 560 578 607 608 636 680 711 706 -1
..Information 10,466 10,422 10,056 11,570 11,624 13,520 14,318 13,997 15,014
...Publishing industries (except In 1,929 2,039 1,909 2,232 2,209 2,312 2,527 2,555 -1
...Motion picture & sound recording 1,109 1,042 1,092 1,466 1,384 1,645 1,561 1,621 -1
...Broadcasting (except Internet) & 5,720 5,618 5,745 6,521 6,806 8,004 8,462 7,990 -1
...Data processing, hosting, & othe 1,708 1,722 1,310 1,352 1,222 1,568 1,775 1,810 -1
..Finance, insurance, real estate, 75,974 71,765 70,261 66,001 62,323 64,068 65,731 63,637 62,534
...Finance & insurance 36,236 32,391 33,270 30,599 28,317 30,630 31,923 29,492 27,766
....Monetary Authorities- central b 4,756 5,188 5,579 4,936 4,958 5,010 4,650 4,191 -1
....Securities, commodity contracts 10,870 8,551 10,567 9,468 7,073 6,803 8,067 7,419 -1
....Insurance carriers & related ac 19,908 18,344 16,921 16,124 16,158 19,148 19,585 18,290 -1
....Funds, trusts, & other financia 862 277 202 71 445 145 41 24 -1
...Real estate & rental & leasing 39,787 39,357 36,991 35,410 34,042 33,381 33,722 34,134 34,840
....Real estate 32,821 33,575 33,431 32,804 31,995 30,945 30,319 30,292 -1
....Rental & leasing services & les 6,961 5,778 3,561 2,602 2,033 2,449 3,532 4,041 -1
..Professional & business services 26,573 26,940 28,681 28,595 30,143 30,385 30,542 30,709 31,424
...Professional, scientific, & tech 15,418 15,610 15,881 15,677 16,608 16,819 17,073 17,368 17,813
....Legal services 2,650 2,619 2,544 2,465 2,452 2,405 2,419 2,407 -1
....Computer systems design & relat 3,099 3,426 3,724 3,703 4,062 4,217 4,237 4,444 -1
....Miscellaneous professional, sci 9,687 9,570 9,613 9,510 10,108 10,222 10,442 10,564 -1
...Management of companies & enterp 5,386 5,510 6,438 6,602 7,001 6,952 7,008 6,560 6,613
...Administrative & support & waste 5,769 5,820 6,362 6,316 6,536 6,613 6,469 6,751 6,957
....Administrative & support servic 4,903 5,061 5,640 5,618 5,809 5,848 5,668 5,908 -1
....Waste management & remediation 868 759 722 698 728 764 798 840 -1
..Educational services, health care 24,268 24,372 24,859 24,807 25,171 24,909 24,928 25,021 25,297
...Educational services 5,369 5,347 5,394 5,329 5,462 5,383 5,358 5,399 5,424
...Health care & social assistance 18,900 19,026 19,465 19,479 19,708 19,526 19,571 19,623 19,876
....Ambulatory health care services 8,391 8,514 8,619 8,788 8,979 9,245 9,537 9,748 -1
....Hospitals 5,720 5,836 6,045 5,878 5,859 5,483 5,326 5,259 -1
....Nursing & residential care faci 3,068 3,015 3,092 3,088 3,123 3,047 2,958 2,858 -1
....Social assistance 1,722 1,660 1,711 1,726 1,750 1,767 1,781 1,804 -1
..Arts, entertainment, recreation, 7,262 7,496 7,871 7,619 7,221 7,365 7,460 7,584 7,521
...Arts, entertainment, & recreatio 2,279 2,335 2,543 2,424 2,412 2,196 2,191 2,266 2,254
....Performing arts, spectator spor 1,306 1,358 1,513 1,474 1,412 1,222 1,122 1,125 -1
....Amusement, gambling, & recreati 974 977 1,030 949 1,000 974 1,071 1,144 -1
...Accommodation & food services 4,983 5,162 5,329 5,195 4,811 5,164 5,264 5,314 5,263
....Accommodation 908 1,034 1,178 1,120 846 1,167 1,255 1,116 -1
....Food services & drinking places 4,077 4,128 4,151 4,075 3,965 3,998 4,010 4,196 -1
..Other services (except government 4,541 4,437 4,492 4,403 4,484 4,445 4,344 4,347 4,414
.Government & government enterprise 24,919 24,783 24,250 24,188 24,153 24,343 24,249 24,085 23,962
..Federal civilian 2,557 2,449 2,467 2,447 2,530 2,626 2,654 2,677 -1
..Military 2,823 2,669 2,691 2,754 2,736 2,763 2,797 2,905 -1
..State & local 19,537 19,666 19,092 18,987 18,891 18,962 18,810 18,524 -1
Natural resources & mining 668 517 565 574 560 759 864 705 615
Trade 27,329 27,464 28,524 28,726 29,059 29,869 29,515 29,638 30,217
Transportation & utilities 8,151 7,967 8,630 8,542 8,609 8,528 8,026 7,787 7,925
Private goods-producing industries 38,015 36,387 36,176 36,664 34,909 34,746 32,666 33,466 34,556
Private services-providing industri 184,538 180,851 183,375 180,228 178,491 182,838 184,585 182,365 183,682

U.S. & State annual GDP interactive table.

Real GDP is in millions of chained 2012 dollars. Industry detail is based on the 2012 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Calculations are performed on unrounded data. Chained (2012) dollar series are calculated as the product of the chain-type quantity index and the 2012 current-dollar value of the corresponding series, divided by 100. Because the formula for the chain-type quantity indexes uses weights of more than one period, the corresponding chained-dollar estimates are usually not additive. The difference between the United States and sum-of-states reflects federal military and civilian activity located overseas, as well as the differences in source data used to estimate GDP by industry and the expenditures measure of real GDP.
6.6. Fortune 1000 Companies with Headquarters in State - goto top

Not available this version.

6.7. Labor Market Characteristics & Trends go top

Based on BLS Local Area Unemployment Statistics (, these data are updated monthly and feature only a 2 month lag between the date of availability and month reference date. See related annual labor force characteristics in section 6.4. See related interactive table to compare areas. The table shows most recent six months and data (not seasonally adjusted) for month one year earlier than most recent month.

Employment Situation; Annual 2010-2018 - goto top
Civilian NonInstitutional Population 2,798,152 2,828,685 2,845,028 2,856,497 2,866,979 2,871,759 2,874,209 2,877,892 2,882,568
Civilian Labor Force 1,911,712 1,914,775 1,887,419 1,863,337 1,887,428 1,888,878 1,891,275 1,896,938 1,905,312
.. as percent of CNP 68.3 67.7 66.3 65.2 65.8 65.8 65.8 65.9 66.1
Employment 1,737,449 1,745,967 1,729,838 1,717,764 1,762,564 1,780,840 1,793,904 1,807,506 1,827,070
.. as percent of CLF 62.1 61.7 60.8 60.1 61.5 62.0 62.4 62.8 63.4
Unemployment 174,263 168,808 157,581 145,573 124,864 108,038 97,371 89,432 78,242
.. as percent of CLF 9.1 8.8 8.3 7.8 6.6 5.7 5.1 4.7 4.1

Monthly data not available this version.

6.8. Cost of Living go top

Not available this version.

6.9. Personal Consumption Expenditures - goto top

Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), consumer spending, is a key part of the economy. The table below shows selected annual personal consumption expenditure time-series. Millions of current dollars. This section updates with 2019 U.S. and state level PCE by category in October 2020. Use the scroll bar at the base of the table to view additional time periods/detail.

Personal consumption expenditures 149,077 153,965 157,529 161,747 167,846 172,192 176,126 181,887 189,141
  Goods 44,627 46,560 47,316 48,821 50,501 50,844 51,447 53,086 54,377
    Durable goods 13,818 14,211 14,569 15,164 15,728 16,023 16,553 17,042 17,609
      Motor vehicles and parts 4,369 4,572 4,797 4,974 5,175 5,311 5,374 5,496 5,713
      Furnishings and durable household equipment 3,352 3,387 3,449 3,641 3,798 3,842 4,022 4,152 4,320
      Recreational goods and vehicles 3,815 3,879 3,894 4,106 4,256 4,316 4,616 4,871 4,985
      Other durable goods 2,282 2,373 2,429 2,443 2,499 2,554 2,540 2,523 2,591
    Nondurable goods 30,809 32,350 32,748 33,657 34,773 34,822 34,894 36,044 36,769
      Food and beverages purchased for off-premises consumption 10,206 10,636 10,915 11,093 11,454 11,703 11,765 12,065 12,147
      Clothing and footwear 4,296 4,332 4,468 4,474 4,559 4,648 4,689 4,656 4,674
      Gasoline and other energy goods 4,140 4,899 4,688 4,649 4,563 3,486 2,878 3,148 3,574
      Other nondurable goods 12,168 12,483 12,677 13,441 14,198 14,986 15,562 16,174 16,374
  Services 104,451 107,405 110,213 112,926 117,345 121,348 124,679 128,801 134,764
    Household consumption expenditures (for services) 99,475 102,262 104,536 107,061 111,293 115,189 118,217 122,075 127,567
      Housing and utilities 30,361 30,815 31,197 31,807 33,138 34,643 35,709 36,828 38,235
      Health care 23,279 23,968 24,661 25,166 26,044 26,217 26,835 27,156 28,186
      Transportation services 5,060 5,386 5,452 5,796 6,060 6,298 6,427 6,535 6,671
      Recreation services 5,785 5,825 5,923 6,136 6,268 6,540 6,730 6,925 7,212
      Food services and accommodations 7,397 7,662 8,014 8,221 8,634 9,098 9,415 9,739 10,182
      Financial services and insurance 13,079 13,779 14,223 14,798 15,289 15,985 15,876 16,966 18,159
      Other services 14,514 14,826 15,067 15,137 15,859 16,409 17,224 17,927 18,921
    Final consumption expenditures of nonprofits serving households 4,976 5,143 5,676 5,865 6,052 6,158 6,462 6,726 7,196
      Gross output of nonprofits 19,532 20,193 21,222 21,722 22,505 22,563 23,279 24,211 25,425
      Less: Receipts from sales of goods and services by nonprofits 14,556 15,050 15,545 15,856 16,453 16,405 16,817 17,485 18,229

About these data
7. Connecticut Social & Education Characteristics - goto top

7.1. General Social Characteristics - goto top
    - based on American Community Survey 1-year estimates;
    - see related all ACS 2017 1 year Social Characteristics interactive table:

Total households 1,357,269 1,356,762 -507 0.0
    Family households (families) 880,600 877,293 -3,307 -0.4
    Nonfamily households 476,669 479,469 2,800 0.6
    Nonfamily households - Householder living alone 389,271 393,209 3,938 1.0
Average household size 2.55 2.56 0.01 0.4
Average family size 3.17 3.18 0.01 0.3
Population in households 3,461,496 3,473,646 12,150 0.4
Enrolled in School; Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 914,755 898,609 -16,146 -1.8
    Nursery school, preschool 57,620 53,459 -4,161 -7.2
    Kindergarten 41,218 35,155 -6,063 -14.7
    Elementary school (grades 1-8) 343,954 338,916 -5,038 -1.5
    High school (grades 9-12) 195,934 195,883 -51 0.0
    College or graduate school 276,029 275,196 -833 -0.3
Educational Attainment; Population 25 years and over 2,467,737 2,493,854 26,117 1.1
    Less than 9th grade 100,513 102,064 1,551 1.5
    9th to 12th grade, no diploma 133,422 137,225 3,803 2.9
    High school graduate (includes equivalency) 678,776 676,911 -1,865 -0.3
    Some college, no degree 415,150 411,854 -3,296 -0.8
    Associate's degree 186,288 201,193 14,905 8.0
    Bachelor's degree 541,369 533,791 -7,578 -1.4
    Graduate or professional degree 412,219 430,816 18,597 4.5
    Percent high school graduate or higher 90.5 90.4 -0.1 -0.1
    Percent bachelor's degree or higher 38.6 38.7 0.1 0.3
Mobility/Migration; Residence one year age - Population 1 year and over 3,541,758 3,556,297 14,539 0.4
    Same house 3,116,440 3,136,666 20,226 0.6
    Different house in the U.S. 398,902 395,051 -3,851 -1.0
        Same county 256,713 243,216 -13,497 -5.3
        Different county 142,189 151,835 9,646 6.8
        Different county - Same state 66,603 68,510 1,907 2.9
        Different county - Different state 75,586 83,325 7,739 10.2
    Abroad 26,416 24,580 -1,836 -7.0
    Native 3,062,402 3,057,939 -4,463 -0.1
        Born in United States 2,930,685 2,926,323 -4,362 -0.1
        Born in United States - State of residence 1,975,117 1,944,602 -30,515 -1.5
        Born in United States - Different state 955,568 981,721 26,153 2.7
        Born in PR, U.S. Island or born abroad to Americans 131,717 131,616 -101 -0.1
    Foreign born 514,050 530,245 16,195 3.2
Foreign-born population 514,050 530,245 16,195 3.2
    Naturalized U.S. citizen 270,273 272,795 2,522 0.9
    Not a U.S. citizen 243,777 257,450 13,673 5.6
Language Sooken at Home; Population 5 years and over 3,391,423 3,405,990 14,567 0.4
    English only 2,622,432 2,641,553 19,121 0.7
    Language other than English 768,991 764,437 -4,554 -0.6
    Language other than English - Speak English less than "very well" 268,640 294,322 25,682 9.6
    Spanish 403,977 414,663 10,686 2.6
    Spanish - Speak English less than "very well" 147,495 174,259 26,764 18.1
Computer Access; Total households 1,357,269 1,356,762 -507 0.0
    With a computer 1,211,810 1,233,494 21,684 1.8
    With a computer - With a broadband Internet subscription 1,141,859 1,160,434 18,575 1.6

7.2. K-12 Education Characteristics - goto top

This section is not available this version.
See about school enrollment and educational attainment in section 7.1..

7.3. PostSecondary Education Characteristics - goto top

This section is not available this version.
See about school enrollment and educational attainment in section 7.1..

8. Connecticut Government Revenue & Expenditure - goto top

This section is not available this version.

9. Connecticut GeoPolitcal - goto top

This section is not available this version.

See related:
  - Congressional Districts main page.
  - State Legislative Districts.

Selected Upcoming Updates .. goto top
.. not available this version.

About this Document .. goto top
This document is an information resource developed by ProximityOne. It provides insights into demographic, economic & business characteristics. It is updated daily/weekly on trends, what's changing where & when and assessing what's ahead. It organizes disparate Federal statistical data and presents those data in an organized, consumable manner. A resource to help determine how change might affect you, it is an indispensable resource for investors, leaders, policymakers, researcher and decision-makers.

Part of a multi-dimensional information resource, this report has been derived from the Situation & Outlook (S&O) database, updated daily. ProximityOne uses the historical S&O database to develop current demographic-economic estimate and projections.

Terms of Use .. goto top
This document is a proprietary resource developed by ProximityOne and is licensed to the subscriber/licensee for their own use. This document may be used in any manner except that it may not be distributed whole or in part. Any use of the document should reference the source as ProximityOne and include a link to the S&O Main Page. There is no warranty of any type associated with any aspect of this report. The user of this document is solely responsible for any use, direct or indirect, that might be made of this document.

Using this Document .. goto top
This document to provides data and information to assess geographic, demographic, economic characteristics and trends for this metro ... and component geographic areas including cities and counties. There are several aspects important to effective use of this document.

Accessing and Consuming the Information. The HTML document is designed for use with any browser using a tablet, laptop or desktop. The nature of the material is not intended for optimal use via cellphone.

Organization & Navigation. Use the Table of Contents at the top of the document to select a section by hyperlink.

Subject matter. Data presented here are derived from many sources. Some subject matter, such as employment, are included from multiple sources. Which are the "best" employment (for example) data to use and why are multi-sourced employment data useful?

Interpretation; developing your own narrative. This document may be only the start of your intended use. Create your own narrative for presentations to groups. Add your own data. Add charts and maps.

Printing the Document; alternative file structures. The HTML page has built-in, invisible page breaks. Print the document in portrait mode.

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Learn more about accessing and using demographic-economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these one-hour Web sessions. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants.

Additional Information
ProximityOne develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at Contact us (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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