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Health Data Analytics -- health care business establishments by ZIP Code
Is the market served by your clinic, hospital or professional practice defined by who shows up at the door? Understanding healthcare market dynamics is one way these entities can improve their bottom line by using Health Data Analytics. Professionals skilled with Health Data Analytics (HDA) can help their organization, or clients, better achieve their vision and improve performance. See the HDA main section for a summary of related topics and sections. Healthcare Business Establishments by ZIP Code This section is focused on using tools and methods to analyze healthcare business establishments by ZIP Code. Participants in the Certificate in Data Analytics may optionally use the tools and resources described here. The Data Analytics Methods Guide provides extended detail on use of these tools, data and development of applications to meet participant interests. The Health Care and Social Assistance sector (NAICS 62) (about NAICS) comprises establishments providing health care and social assistance for individuals (details). Use the interactive table in this section to view/rank/compare the number of establishments in this sector by 5-digit ZIP code. Establishments are typically regarded by business establishments but can include government places of employment as well. Establishments are the places of employment that drive and characterize the economy. This section is one part of a ProximityOne focus on establishments. Related topics: • Establishment Patterns by ZIP Code • Establishment Database & Information System (EDIS) • Census of Employment & Wages (CEW) • Outlook Demographic-Economic Projections • Metro Situation & Outlook Reports • Digital Map Database (DMD) Health Care Business Establishments by ZIP Code -- Interactive Table - Click column header to sort; click again to sort other direction. - Click ShowAll button between queries. - Data in this table for 2011; updates & annual series available. - See related Ranking Tables Main Page. NAICS codes & titles ... http://proximityone.com/s&o/naics07.xls Usage notes ... Examples of use: 1. How many ZIP Codes have 1 or more General Medical and Surgical Hospitals? Click ShowAll button. Key in <622110> (no brackets) to the Find NAICS edit box. Click Find NAICS. The list appears. Scroll to bottom for count. 2. What ZIP Code has the largest number of General Medical and Surgical Hospitals? Perform operation 1. dbl-click the header cell on the Tot Est column. The largest number in one ZIP is shown in the first row. 3. Show only NAICS records for ZIP code 10022 (any ZIP code). Click ShowAll button. Key in <10022> (no brackets) to the Find ZIP edit box. Click Find ZIP. The list appears. 4. Browse a group of ZIPs in a city. Click ShowAll button. Select the State from left dropdown below table. Click City column header cell. The table sorts on City. Scroll down to the City of interest. Operations • Click ShowAll button between queries. • Use dropdown to select state. • Rank on a selected column by clicking header on that column. • Rank in other direction by clicking same header again. • Mouse-over on top/header row cell to view column/item description. • To expand column width, click on the top/header row, mouse-over on column divider and drag left or right. • Due to table size considerations, only total, 2-digit NAICS and 6-digit NAICS data are provided. • By design, the table shows only Total establishments (all establishments) and establishments in NAICS 62 group. -- i.e., establishments are not shown for manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or other NAICS categories. Columns/Items ... ZIP -- ZIP Code City -- City name for this ZIP Code ST -- State USPS abbreviation NAICS Code -- 2007 NAICS code NAICS Title -- title for this 2007 NAICS code Tot Est -- total establishments 1-4 -- Establishments with 1-4 employees 5-9 -- Establishments with 5-9 employees 10-19 -- Establishments with 10-19 employees 20-49 -- Establishments with 20-49 employees 50-99 -- Establishments with 50-99 employees 100-249 -- Establishments with 100-249 employees 250--499 -- Establishments with 250-499 employees 500-999 -- Establishments with 500-999 employees 1000+ -- Establishments with 1000+ employees" About NAICS The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the statistical standard used in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. NAICS was developed under the auspices of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and adopted in 1997 to replace the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. About the Health Care and Social Assistance Sector The Health Care and Social Assistance sector includes both health care and social assistance because it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the boundaries of these two activities. The industries in this sector are arranged on a continuum starting with those establishments providing medical care exclusively, continuing with those providing health care and social assistance, and finally finishing with those providing only social assistance. The services provided by establishments in this sector are delivered by trained professionals. All industries in the sector share this commonality of process, namely, labor inputs of health practitioners or social workers with the requisite expertise. Many of the industries in the sector are defined based on the educational degree held by the practitioners included in the industry. Ambulatory Health Care Services: NAICS 621 - Offices of Physicians: NAICS 6211 - Offices of Dentists: NAICS 6212 - Offices of Other Health Practitioners: NAICS 6213 - Outpatient Care Centers: NAICS 6214 - Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories: NAICS 6215 - Home Health Care Services: NAICS 6216 - Other Ambulatory Health Care Services: NAICS 6219 Hospitals: NAICS 622 - General Medical and Surgical Hospitals: NAICS 6221 - Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals: NAICS 6222 - Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals: NAICS 6223 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities: NAICS 623 - Nursing Care Facilities: NAICS 6231 - Residential Mental Retardation, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities: NAICS 6232 - Community Care Facilities for the Elderly: NAICS 6233 - Other Residential Care Facilities: NAICS 6239 Social Assistance: NAICS 624 - Individual and Family Services: NAICS 6241 - Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief Services: NAICS 6242 - Vocational Rehabilitation Services: NAICS 6243 - Child Day Care Services: NAICS 6244 Establishments Included/Not Included NAICS industries excluded from the establishments database (all outside NAICS 62): crop and animal production (NAICS 111,112), rail transportation (NAICS 482), Postal Service (NAICS 491), pension, health, welfare, and vacation funds (NAICS 525110, 525120, 525190), trusts, estates, and agency accounts (NAICS 525920), private households (NAICS 814), and public administration (NAICS 92). Most government establishments are excluded from the database, but these are included: government sponsored wholesale liquor establishments (NAICS 4248), retail liquor stores (NAICS 44531), book publishers (511130), federally-chartered savings institutions (NAICS 522120), federally-chartered credit unions (NAICS 522130), and hospitals (NAICS 622). ProximityOne User Group Join the ProximityOne User Group to keep up-to-date with new developments relating to metros and component geography decision-making information resources. Receive updates and access to tools and resources available only to members. Use this form to join the User Group. Support Using these Resources Learn more about accessing and using demographic-economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these one-hour Web sessions. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants. Additional Information ProximityOne develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at www.twitter.com/proximityone. Contact us (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest. |