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McKinney, TX
-- demographic-economic characteristics and patterns

The Census 2010 population of McKinney, TX was 131,117 (2,109 persons per square mile). See more about this place in context of other places using the population estimates table. View, rank, compare demographic-economic data similar to data in profile below using this interactive table. See related America's Communities Program information resources.

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The table presented below shows demographic-economic characteristics for this place based on the American Community Survey (ACS). ACS provides post-Census 2010 annual updates for a wide array of demographic-economic data not available from Census 2010.

ACS estimates are available for all geographies (U.S. wall-to-wall) using the 5-year estimates. For areas of 65,000 population or more, 1-year estimates are available. See more about ACS. Estimates shown in this profile are based on ACS 1-year estimates. See more about comparing these data over time.

McKinney, TX Demographic-Economic Characteristics
  -- ACS 2012 1 year -- -- ACS 2014 1 year -- -- Change 2012-14 --
Total Population 143,216 100.00 156,753 100.00 13,537 9.45
  Male 70,862 49.48 74,082 47.26 3,220 4.54
  Female 72,354 50.52 82,671 52.74 10,317 14.26
    Under 5 years 9,779 6.83 13,152 8.39 3,373 34.49
    5-9 years 13,974 9.76 13,549 8.64 -425 -3.04
    10-14 years 13,782 9.62 12,719 8.11 -1,063 -7.71
    15-19 years 11,799 8.24 10,722 6.84 -1,077 -9.13
    20-24 years 6,804 4.75 8,964 5.72 2,160 31.75
    25-34 years 20,051 14.00 24,424 15.58 4,373 21.81
    35-44 years 26,224 18.31 27,365 17.46 1,141 4.35
    45-54 years 19,301 13.48 20,779 13.26 1,478 7.66
    55-59 years 5,746 4.01 5,635 3.59 -111 -1.93
    60-64 years 4,870 3.40 5,656 3.61 786 16.14
    65-74 years 6,644 4.64 8,285 5.29 1,641 24.70
    75-84 years 3,180 2.22 3,703 2.36 523 16.45
    85+ years 1,062 0.74 1,800 1.15 738 69.49
    Median age 32.70 33.30 0.60 1.83
  One Race 140,193 97.89 152,074 97.02 11,881 8.47
    White 117,866 82.30 123,936 79.06 6,070 5.15
    Black/African American 13,794 9.63 16,145 10.30 2,351 17.04
    American Indian/Alaska Native 713 0.50 410 0.26 -303 -42.50
    Asian 6,328 4.42 8,200 5.23 1,872 29.58
    Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 71 0.05 139 0.09 68 95.77
    Some other race 1,421 0.99 3,244 2.07 1,823 128.29
  Two or more races 3,023 2.11 4,679 2.98 1,656 54.78
  Hispanic (of any race) 26,740 18.67 26,075 16.63 -665 -2.49
Households by Type
  Total households 46,795 100.00 53,943 100.00 7,148 15.28
    Families 36,236 77.44 40,834 75.70 4,598 12.69
    Nonfamily households 10,559 22.56 13,109 24.30 2,550 24.15
    Average Household Size 3.01 2.88 -0.13 -4.32
    Average Family Size 3.45 3.35 -0.10 -2.90
  Population in households 140,822 98.33 155,131 98.97 14,309 10.16
School Enrollment
  Population 3 & over enrolled 45,270 100.00 45,381 100.00 111 0.25
    Nursery school, preschool 2,631 5.81 3,425 7.55 794 30.18
    Kindergarten 3,151 6.96 2,310 5.09 -841 -26.69
    Elementary school (grades 1-8) 21,562 47.63 21,494 47.36 -68 -0.32
    High school (grades 9-12) 10,714 23.67 9,208 20.29 -1,506 -14.06
    College or graduate school 7,212 15.93 8,944 19.71 1,732 24.02
Educational Attainment
  Population 25 years & over 87,078 100.00 97,647 100.00 10,569 12.14
    Less than 9th grade 4,555 5.23 3,452 3.54 -1,103 -24.22
    9th to 12th grade, no diploma 3,493 4.01 2,961 3.03 -532 -15.23
    High school graduate (incl equiv) 10,987 12.62 13,859 14.19 2,872 26.14
    Some college, no degree 18,761 21.55 24,864 25.46 6,103 32.53
    Associate's degree 8,363 9.60 10,834 11.10 2,471 29.55
    Bachelor's degree 28,125 32.30 27,933 28.61 -192 -0.68
    Graduate or professional degree 12,794 14.69 13,744 14.08 950 7.43
    Percent high school graduate or higher 90.80 93.40 2.60 2.86
    Percent bachelor's degree or higher 47.00 42.70 -4.30 -9.15
Residence 1 year ago 142,173 100.00 154,235 100.00 12,062 8.48
  Same house 117,773 82.84 127,942 82.95 10,169 8.63
  Different house in U.S. 24,105 16.95 26,192 16.98 2,087 8.66
    Same county 15,138 10.65 16,745 10.86 1,607 10.62
    Different county 8,967 6.31 9,447 6.13 480 5.35
      Same state 4,741 3.33 4,468 2.90 -273 -5.76
      Different state 4,226 2.97 4,979 3.23 753 17.82
  Abroad 295 0.21 101 0.07 -194 -65.76
Language Spoken at Home
  Population 5 years & over 133,437 100.00 143,601 100.00 10,164 7.62
    English only 111,757 83.75 116,145 80.88 4,388 3.93
    Language other than English 21,680 16.25 27,456 19.12 5,776 26.64
      Speak English less than very well 8,504 6.37 8,779 6.11 275 3.23
    Spanish 14,486 10.86 18,029 12.55 3,543 24.46
      Speak English less than very well 6,351 4.76 6,099 4.25 -252 -3.97
Employment Status
  Population 16 years & over 102,974 100.00 114,539 100.00 11,565 11.23
    In labor force 72,908 70.80 84,290 73.59 11,382 15.61
      Civilian labor force 72,908 70.80 84,182 73.50 11,274 15.46
        Employed 70,394 68.36 79,760 69.64 9,366 13.31
        Unemployed 2,514 2.44 4,422 3.86 1,908 75.89
      Armed forces 0 0.00 108 0.09 108 0.00
    Not in labor force 30,066 29.20 30,249 26.41 183 0.61
  Civilian labor force 72,908 70.80 84,182 73.50 11,274 15.46
    Percent unemployed 3.40 5.30 1.90 55.88
Employment by Industry
  Civilian employed population 16 years & over 70,394 100.00 79,760 100.00 9,366 13.31
    Agriculture, forestry, fishing & hunting, mining 391 0.56 629 0.79 238 60.87
    Construction 3,457 4.91 3,550 4.45 93 2.69
    Manufacturing 5,410 7.69 7,896 9.90 2,486 45.95
    Wholesale trade 1,477 2.10 2,416 3.03 939 63.57
    Retail trade 7,302 10.37 9,792 12.28 2,490 34.10
    Transportation, warehousing, utilities 2,260 3.21 2,517 3.16 257 11.37
    Information 2,097 2.98 2,455 3.08 358 17.07
    Finance, insurance, real estate 8,501 12.08 9,706 12.17 1,205 14.17
    Professional, scientific, management 11,498 16.33 11,988 15.03 490 4.26
    Education & health care 17,704 25.15 16,578 20.78 -1,126 -6.36
    Arts, entertainment, recreation 5,043 7.16 7,254 9.09 2,211 43.84
    Other services 2,667 3.79 2,664 3.34 -3 -0.11
    Public administration 2,587 3.68 2,315 2.90 -272 -10.51
Household Income
  Total households 46,795 100.00 53,943 100.00 7,148 15.28
    Less than $10,000 2,023 4.32 1,378 2.55 -645 -31.88
    $10,000 to $14,999 826 1.77 950 1.76 124 15.01
    $15,000 to $24,999 2,986 6.38 3,344 6.20 358 11.99
    $25,000 to $34,999 4,684 10.01 2,660 4.93 -2,024 -43.21
    $35,000 to $49,999 4,044 8.64 6,351 11.77 2,307 57.05
    $50,000 to $74,999 6,794 14.52 10,683 19.80 3,889 57.24
    $75,000 to $99,999 7,257 15.51 7,540 13.98 283 3.90
    $100,000 to $149,999 9,821 20.99 11,440 21.21 1,619 16.49
    $150,000 to $199,999 4,703 10.05 5,152 9.55 449 9.55
    $200,000 or more 3,657 7.81 4,445 8.24 788 21.55
    Median household income 79,171 79,346 175 0.22
    Mean household income 95,457 99,715 4,258 4.46
Percent Families & People in Poverty
  All families 6.30 5.70 -0.60 -9.52
  All people 9.00 5.80 -3.20 -35.56
Housing Occupancy
  Total housing units 48,806 100.00 56,104 100.00 7,298 14.95
    Occupied housing units 46,795 95.88 53,943 96.15 7,148 15.28
    Vacant housing units 2,011 4.12 2,161 3.85 150 7.46
    Homeowner vacancy rate 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.00
    Rental vacancy rate 5.60 4.70 -0.90 -16.07
Units in Structure
  Total housing units 48,806 100.00 56,104 100.00 7,298 14.95
    1-unit, detached 38,328 78.53 42,182 75.19 3,854 10.06
    1-unit, attached 839 1.72 1,154 2.06 315 37.54
    2 units 340 0.70 439 0.78 99 29.12
    3 or 4 units 252 0.52 510 0.91 258 102.38
    5 to 9 units 2,564 5.25 2,524 4.50 -40 -1.56
    10 to 19 units 2,950 6.04 4,400 7.84 1,450 49.15
    20 or more units 3,172 6.50 4,243 7.56 1,071 33.76
    Mobile home, boat, RV etc. 361 0.74 652 1.16 291 80.61
Year Structure Built
  Total housing units 48,806 100.00 56,104 100.00 7,298 14.95
    2010 or later 2,756 5.65 6,642 11.84 3,886 141.00
    2000 to 2009 25,442 52.13 27,532 49.07 2,090 8.21
    1990 to 1999 11,199 22.95 11,095 19.78 -104 -0.93
    1980 to 1989 3,266 6.69 5,526 9.85 2,260 69.20
    1970 to 1979 2,768 5.67 2,656 4.73 -112 -4.05
    1960 to 1969 857 1.76 729 1.30 -128 -14.94
    1950 to 1959 911 1.87 1,157 2.06 246 27.00
    1940 to 1949 658 1.35 297 0.53 -361 -54.86
    1939 or earlier 949 1.94 470 0.84 -479 -50.47
Housing Tenure
  Occupied housing units 46,795 100.00 53,943 100.00 7,148 15.28
    Owner-occupied 32,109 68.62 35,582 65.96 3,473 10.82
    Renter-occupied 14,686 31.38 18,361 34.04 3,675 25.02
    Avg household size, owner-occupied 3.09 2.99 -0.10 -3.24
    Avg household size, renter-occupied 2.84 2.65 -0.19 -6.69
Year Householder Moved Into Unit
  Occupied housing units 46,795 100.00 53,943 100.00 7,148 15.28
    2010 or later 15,810 33.79 30,302 56.17 14,492 91.66
    2000 to 2009 24,434 52.21 19,907 36.90 -4,527 -18.53
    1990 to 1999 5,200 11.11 2,795 5.18 -2,405 -46.25
    1980 to 1989 610 1.30 444 0.82 -166 -27.21
    1970 to 1979 509 1.09 447 0.83 -62 -12.18
    1969 or earlier 232 0.50 48 0.09 -184 -79.31
Occupants per room
  1.00 or less 45,774 97.82NNNN
  1.01 to 1.50 997 2.13NNNN
  1.51 or more 24 0.05NNNN
Housing Value (owner occupied units) 32,109 100.00 35,582 100.00 3,473 10.82
  Less than $50,000 588 1.83 964 2.71 376 63.95
  $50,000 to $99,999 1,193 3.72 838 2.36 -355 -29.76
  $100,000 to $149,999 6,034 18.79 3,184 8.95 -2,850 -47.23
  $150,000 to $199,999 9,007 28.05 9,330 26.22 323 3.59
  $200,000 to $299,999 9,423 29.35 13,446 37.79 4,023 42.69
  $300,000 to $499,999 4,458 13.88 6,611 18.58 2,153 48.30
  $500,000 to $999,999 1,264 3.94 804 2.26 -460 -36.39
  $1,000,000 or more 142 0.44 405 1.14 263 185.21
  Median 194,900 221,700 26,800 13.75
Selected Monthly Owner Costs (SMOC)
  Housing units with a mortgage 26,394 100.00 28,531 100.00 2,137 8.10
    Less than $300 0 0.00 144 0.50 144 0.00
    $300 to $499 0 0.00 138 0.48 138 0.00
    $500 to $699 532 2.02 473 1.66 -59 -11.09
    $700 to $999 847 3.21 908 3.18 61 7.20
    $1,000 to $1,499 7,498 28.41 6,128 21.48 -1,370 -18.27
    $1,500 to $1,999 8,530 32.32 9,009 31.58 479 5.62
    $2,000 or more 8,987 34.05 11,731 41.12 2,744 30.53
    Median 1,734 1,831 97 5.59
Gross Rent
  Occupied units paying rent NNNNNN
    Less than $200 NNNNNN
    $200 to $299 NNNNNN
    $300 to $499 NNNNNN
    $500 to $749NNNNNN
    $750 to $999NNNNNN
    $1,000 to $1,499NNNNNN
    $1,500 or more NNNNNN
    Median 1,098 1,076 -22 -2.00

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