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Schools in context of
neighborhood economic prosperity
click graphic for larger view

Austin ISD, TX K-12 Analytics
  ... School District GeoDemographic Information System
  ... data analytics tools for K-12 schools & school districts

This section provides information about the structure and use of the Austin ISD, TX (AustinISD) K-12 Analytics tools and data. The AustinISD K-12 Analytics uses the School District GeoDemographic Information System (SDGIS) integrated software and database package. Using GIS technologies, SDGIS is developed for use by schools, school districts, education agencies and stakeholder organizations. ProximityOne develops, deploys and supports SDGIS tailored to the individual school/education agency structure and needs. Individual SDGIS packages are structured around a set of data that are unique in geographic scope and typically focused on one or a set of school districts.

  • SDGIS Start-up View
  • SDGIS GIS Project -- Structure & Layers
  • K-12 Schools Interactive Table
  • SDGIS Installation
    .. SDGIS Voter Precincts Installation -- add-on
  • Custom Settings
  • Optional Add-on Features
  • Related Resources
  • Things to Know & FAQ

Austin ISD SDGIS Start-up View
- Austin ISD shown with bold brown boundary, located in Travis County and Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA
- elementary schools: red markers; elementary attendance zones: black boundaries.
- Austin ISD, TX demographic-economic profile ... see profiles for other districts
- Austin city, TX demographic-economic profile ... see profiles for other cities

  -- view created using CVGIS and associated GIS Project

Additional Views - click link to view
  • Austin ISD in context of Austin-Round Rock, TX metro and component counties
  • Schools in context of neighborhood economic prosperity

U.S. National Scope K-12 Public Schools, 2014-15 -- Interactive Table
  Click ShowAll button between Find/Queries; click LEAID button below table to view only schools for Austin ISD.
  Use mouseover on column header to view column description.
  See usage notes below table. See related interactive tables.

Usage Notes
Click Show All/Refresh button between queries.
Click Show All/Refresh button ... then click LEAID button below table to select only Austin ISD schools
.. use any Federal school district geocode (7 characters) to view schools for that district (all U.S.).
Click Show All/Refresh button ... then click City button below table to select only Austin city schools
.. use any city Federal geocode (7 characters) to view schools for that city (all U.S.).
Click Show All/Refresh button ... then click StCty button below table to select only Travis county schools
.. use any State+County FIPS geocode (5 characters) to view schools for that county (all U.S.).
Click Show All/Refresh button ... then click ZIP button below table to select only schools in ZIP 78702
.. enter any ZIP code (5 characters) to view schools for that ZIP code (all U.S.).

See more information about these data and using the tools in the K-12 schools main section.
.. that page provides more details about codes, subject matter items and usage.

SDGIS GIS Project .. goto top
The SDGIS GIS project file is a text file that contains a list of layers that may be viewed when the GIS project file is opened using the CV XE GIS software.

Layers included is the Austin ISD, TX SDGIS are described below. Using the CV XE GIS software, layers may be removed, added or attributes modified.

2Primary Roads UStl_2016_us_primaryroads.shp
3CBSAs U.S.cb_2016_us_cbsa_500k.shp
4Counties U.S.cb_2016_us_county_500k_pop2016.shp
5Cities/places statewidecb_2016_48_place_500k.shp
6School districts state1sd1516_ussd1015_48.shp
7Schools state1sch1415_2017pts_48.shp
8Schools state2sch1415_2017pts_48.shp
9Schools state3sch1415_2017pts_48.shp
13Travis roadstl_2016_48029_edges.shp
14State blockstabblock2010_48_pophu.shp
15block groups statewidecb_2016_48_bg_500k.shp
16tracts statewide2cb_2016_48_tract_500k_acs15itemset1.shp
17tracts statewide1cb_2016_48_tract_500k_acs15itemset1.shp
19World countriesworld_countries.shp

Layer File Layout/Fields -- scroll section within master scroll section
Layer 1 -- LayerName: States1 -- LayerFileName: cb_2016_us_state_500k.shp
1-1 STATEFP C, 2, 0
1-2 STATENS C, 8, 0
1-3 AFFGEOID C, 11, 0
1-4 GEOID C, 2, 0
1-5 STUSPS C, 2, 0
1-6 NAME C, 100, 0
1-7 LSAD C, 2, 0
1-8 ALAND N, 14, 0
1-9 AWATER N, 14, 0

Layer 2 -- LayerName: Primary Roads US -- LayerFileName: tl_2016_us_primaryroads.shp
2-1 LINEARID C, 22, 0
2-2 FULLNAME C, 100, 0
2-3 RTTYP C, 1, 0
2-4 MTFCC C, 5, 0

Layer 3 -- LayerName: CBSAs U.S. -- LayerFileName: cb_2016_us_cbsa_500k.shp
3-1 CBSA C, 5, 0
3-2 NAMELSAD C, 100, 0
3-3 NAME C, 100, 0
3-4 LSAD C, 4, 0
3-5 TYPE C, 4, 0
3-6 CSAFP C, 3, 0
3-7 CBSAFP C, 5, 0
3-8 GEOID C, 5, 0
3-9 ALAND N, 14, 0
3-10 AWATER N, 14, 0
3-11 CEN2010 N, 9, 0
3-12 BASE2010 N, 9, 0
3-13 POP2010 N, 9, 0
3-14 POP2011 N, 9, 0
3-15 POP2012 N, 9, 0
3-16 POP2013 N, 9, 0
3-17 POP2014 N, 9, 0
3-18 POP2015 N, 9, 0
3-19 POP2016 N, 9, 0
3-20 CHG1016 N, 9, 0
3-21 CHG1016P N, 9, 1
3-22 RANK2016 N, 9, 0
3-23 RANK1016 N, 9, 0
3-24 RANK1016P N, 9, 0
3-25 NCHG2010 N, 9, 0
3-26 NCHG2011 N, 9, 0
3-27 NCHG2012 N, 9, 0
3-28 NCHG2013 N, 9, 0
3-29 NCHG2014 N, 9, 0
3-30 NCHG2015 N, 9, 0
3-31 NCHG2016 N, 9, 0
3-32 BIRTHS2010 N, 9, 0
3-33 BIRTHS2011 N, 9, 0
3-34 BIRTHS2012 N, 9, 0
3-35 BIRTHS2013 N, 9, 0
3-36 BIRTHS2014 N, 9, 0
3-37 BIRTHS2015 N, 9, 0
3-38 BIRTHS2016 N, 9, 0
3-39 DEATHS2010 N, 9, 0
3-40 DEATHS2011 N, 9, 0
3-41 DEATHS2012 N, 9, 0
3-42 DEATHS2013 N, 9, 0
3-43 DEATHS2014 N, 9, 0
3-44 DEATHS2015 N, 9, 0
3-45 DEATHS2016 N, 9, 0
3-46 NATINC2010 N, 9, 0
3-47 NATINC2011 N, 9, 0
3-48 NATINC2012 N, 9, 0
3-49 NATINC2013 N, 9, 0
3-50 NATINC2014 N, 9, 0
3-51 NATINC2015 N, 9, 0
3-52 NATINC2016 N, 9, 0
3-53 INTMIG2010 N, 9, 0
3-54 INTMIG2011 N, 9, 0
3-55 INTMIG2012 N, 9, 0
3-56 INTMIG2013 N, 9, 0
3-57 INTMIG2014 N, 9, 0
3-58 INTMIG2015 N, 9, 0
3-59 INTMIG2016 N, 9, 0
3-60 DOMMIG2010 N, 9, 0
3-61 DOMMIG2011 N, 9, 0
3-62 DOMMIG2012 N, 9, 0
3-63 DOMMIG2013 N, 9, 0
3-64 DOMMIG2014 N, 9, 0
3-65 DOMMIG2015 N, 9, 0
3-66 DOMMIG2016 N, 9, 0
3-67 NETMIG2010 N, 9, 0
3-68 NETMIG2011 N, 9, 0
3-69 NETMIG2012 N, 9, 0
3-70 NETMIG2013 N, 9, 0
3-71 NETMIG2014 N, 9, 0
3-72 NETMIG2015 N, 9, 0
3-73 NETMIG2016 N, 9, 0
3-74 REDID2010 N, 9, 0
3-75 REDID2011 N, 9, 0
3-76 REDID2012 N, 9, 0
3-77 REDID2013 N, 9, 0
3-78 REDID2014 N, 9, 0
3-79 REDID2015 N, 9, 0
3-80 REDID2016 N, 9, 0

Layer 4 -- LayerName: Counties U.S. -- LayerFileName: cb_2016_us_county_500k_pop2016.shp
4-1 STATEFP C, 2, 0
4-2 COUNTYFP C, 3, 0
4-3 COUNTYNS C, 8, 0
4-4 AFFGEOID C, 14, 0
4-5 GEOID C, 5, 0
4-6 NAME C, 100, 0
4-7 LSAD C, 2, 0
4-8 ALAND N, 14, 0
4-9 AWATER N, 14, 0
4-10 CSAFP C, 3, 0
4-11 CBSAFP C, 5, 0
4-12 METDIVFP C, 5, 0
4-13 INTPTLAT C, 11, 0
4-14 INTPTLON C, 12, 0
4-15 CEN2010 N, 9, 0
4-16 POP2010 N, 9, 0
4-17 POP2011 N, 9, 0
4-18 POP2012 N, 9, 0
4-19 POP2013 N, 9, 0
4-20 POP2014 N, 9, 0
4-21 POP2015 N, 9, 0
4-22 POP2016 N, 9, 0
4-23 CHG1015 N, 9, 0
4-24 CHG1015P N, 9, 1
4-25 CHG1016 N, 9, 0
4-26 CHG1016P N, 9, 1
4-27 NCHG2010 N, 9, 0
4-28 NCHG2011 N, 9, 0
4-29 NCHG2012 N, 9, 0
4-30 NCHG2013 N, 9, 0
4-31 NCHG2014 N, 9, 0
4-32 NCHG2015 N, 9, 0
4-33 NCHG2016 N, 9, 0
4-34 BIRTHS2010 N, 9, 0
4-35 BIRTHS2011 N, 9, 0
4-36 BIRTHS2012 N, 9, 0
4-37 BIRTHS2013 N, 9, 0
4-38 BIRTHS2014 N, 9, 0
4-39 BIRTHS2015 N, 9, 0
4-40 BIRTHS2016 N, 9, 0
4-41 DEATHS2010 N, 9, 0
4-42 DEATHS2011 N, 9, 0
4-43 DEATHS2012 N, 9, 0
4-44 DEATHS2013 N, 9, 0
4-45 DEATHS2014 N, 9, 0
4-46 DEATHS2015 N, 9, 0
4-47 DEATHS2016 N, 9, 0
4-48 NATINC2010 N, 9, 0
4-49 NATINC2011 N, 9, 0
4-50 NATINC2012 N, 9, 0
4-51 NATINC2013 N, 9, 0
4-52 NATINC2014 N, 9, 0
4-53 NATINC2015 N, 9, 0
4-54 NATINC2016 N, 9, 0
4-55 NATINC1016 N, 9, 0
4-56 INTMIG2010 N, 9, 0
4-57 INTMIG2011 N, 9, 0
4-58 INTMIG2012 N, 9, 0
4-59 INTMIG2013 N, 9, 0
4-60 INTMIG2014 N, 9, 0
4-61 INTMIG2015 N, 9, 0
4-62 INTMIG2016 N, 9, 0
4-63 DOMMIG2010 N, 9, 0
4-64 DOMMIG2011 N, 9, 0
4-65 DOMMIG2012 N, 9, 0
4-66 DOMMIG2013 N, 9, 0
4-67 DOMMIG2014 N, 9, 0
4-68 DOMMIG2015 N, 9, 0
4-69 DOMMIG2016 N, 9, 0
4-70 NETMIG2010 N, 9, 0
4-71 NETMIG2011 N, 9, 0
4-72 NETMIG2012 N, 9, 0
4-73 NETMIG2013 N, 9, 0
4-74 NETMIG2014 N, 9, 0
4-75 NETMIG2015 N, 9, 0
4-76 NETMIG2016 N, 9, 0
4-77 NETMIG1016 N, 9, 0
4-78 RES2010 N, 9, 0
4-79 RES2011 N, 9, 0
4-80 RES2012 N, 9, 0
4-81 RES2013 N, 9, 0
4-82 RES2014 N, 9, 0
4-83 RES2015 N, 9, 0

Layer 5 -- LayerName: Cities/places statewide -- LayerFileName: cb_2016_48_place_500k.shp
5-1 STATEFP C, 2, 0
5-2 PLACEFP C, 5, 0
5-3 PLACENS C, 8, 0
5-4 AFFGEOID C, 16, 0
5-5 GEOID C, 7, 0
5-6 NAME C, 100, 0
5-7 LSAD C, 2, 0
5-8 ALAND N, 14, 0
5-9 AWATER N, 14, 0

Layer 6 -- LayerName: School districts state1 -- LayerFileName: sd1516_ussd1015_48.shp
6-1 STATEFP C, 2, 0
6-2 SDLEA C, 5, 0
6-3 GEOID C, 7, 0
6-4 NAME C, 100, 0
6-5 LSAD C, 2, 0
6-6 LOGRADE C, 2, 0
6-7 HIGRADE C, 2, 0
6-8 MTFCC C, 5, 0
6-9 SDTYP C, 1, 0
6-10 FUNCSTAT C, 1, 0
6-11 ALAND N, 14, 0
6-12 AWATER N, 14, 0
6-13 INTPTLAT C, 11, 0
6-14 INTPTLON C, 12, 0
6-15 TPOP_10 N, 9, 0
6-16 TPOP_11 N, 9, 0
6-17 TPOP_12 N, 9, 0
6-18 TPOP_13 N, 9, 0
6-19 TPOP_14 N, 9, 0
6-20 TPOP_15 N, 9, 0
6-21 TPOP N, 9, 0
6-22 PTPOP N, 9, 1
6-23 POP517_10 N, 9, 0
6-24 POP517_11 N, 9, 0
6-25 POP517_12 N, 9, 0
6-26 POP517_13 N, 9, 0
6-27 POP517_14 N, 9, 0
6-28 POP517_15 N, 9, 0
6-29 TPOP5 N, 9, 0
6-30 PPOP5 N, 9, 1
6-31 RCPOV_10 N, 9, 0
6-32 RCPOV_11 N, 9, 0
6-33 RCPOV_12 N, 9, 0
6-34 RCPOV_13 N, 9, 0
6-35 RCPOV_14 N, 9, 0
6-36 RCPOV_15 N, 9, 0
6-37 RCPOP N, 9, 0
6-38 PRCPOP N, 9, 1
6-39 PPOP517 N, 9, 1
6-40 PRCPOV517 N, 9, 1

Layer 7 -- LayerName: Schools state1 -- LayerFileName: sch1415_2017pts_48.shp
7-1 NCESSCH C, 12, 0
7-2 FIPST C, 2, 0
7-3 STABR C, 2, 0
7-4 STATENAME C, 24, 0
7-5 SEANAME C, 59, 0
7-6 LEAID C, 7, 0
7-7 ST_LEAID C, 14, 0
7-8 LEA_NAME C, 60, 0
7-9 SCHID C, 5, 0
7-10 ST_SCHID C, 20, 0
7-11 FEDSCHID C, 12, 0
7-12 SCH_NAME C, 60, 0
7-13 MSTREET C, 30, 0
7-14 MCITY C, 26, 0
7-15 MSTATE C, 2, 0
7-16 MZIP C, 5, 0
7-17 MZIP4 C, 4, 0
7-18 PHONE C, 10, 0
7-19 LSTREET C, 30, 0
7-20 LCITY C, 26, 0
7-21 LSTATE C, 2, 0
7-22 LZIP C, 5, 0
7-23 LZIP4 C, 4, 0
7-24 UNION C, 3, 0
7-25 OUTOFST C, 1, 0
7-26 SCH_TYPEC C, 28, 0
7-27 SCH_TYPE C, 1, 0
7-28 RECON_STA C, 3, 0
7-29 GSLO C, 2, 0
7-30 GSHI C, 2, 0
7-31 LEVEL C, 1, 0
7-32 VIRTUAL C, 7, 0
7-33 BIES C, 1, 0
7-34 SY_STAT C, 1, 0
7-35 CHARTERTYP C, 14, 0
7-36 PKOFFERED C, 1, 0
7-37 KGOFFERED C, 1, 0
7-38 G1OFFERED C, 1, 0
7-39 G2OFFERED C, 1, 0
7-40 G3OFFERED C, 1, 0
7-41 G4OFFERED C, 1, 0
7-42 G5OFFERED C, 1, 0
7-43 G6OFFERED C, 1, 0
7-44 G7OFFERED C, 1, 0
7-45 G8OFFERED C, 1, 0
7-46 G9OFFERED C, 1, 0
7-47 G10OFFERE C, 1, 0
7-48 G11OFFERE C, 1, 0
7-49 G12OFFERE C, 1, 0
7-50 G13OFFERE C, 1, 0
7-51 AEOFFERED C, 1, 0
7-52 UGOFFERED C, 1, 0
7-53 NOGRADES C, 1, 0
7-54 IGOFFERED C, 1, 0
7-55 TOTFRL C, 4, 0
7-56 FRELCH C, 4, 0
7-57 REDLCH C, 4, 0
7-58 PK C, 4, 0
7-59 KG C, 3, 0
7-60 G01 C, 3, 0
7-61 G02 C, 3, 0
7-62 G03 C, 3, 0
7-63 G04 C, 3, 0
7-64 G05 C, 4, 0
7-65 G06 C, 4, 0
7-66 G07 C, 4, 0
7-67 G08 C, 4, 0
7-68 G09 C, 4, 0
7-69 G10 C, 4, 0
7-70 G11 C, 4, 0
7-71 G12 C, 4, 0
7-72 G13 C, 2, 0
7-73 UG C, 4, 0
7-74 AE C, 4, 0
7-75 TOTAL C, 5, 0
7-76 MEMBER C, 5, 0
7-77 AM C, 4, 0
7-78 AMALM C, 3, 0
7-79 AMALF C, 3, 0
7-80 AS C, 4, 0
7-81 ASALM C, 4, 0
7-82 ASALF C, 4, 0
7-83 HI C, 4, 0
7-84 HIALM C, 4, 0
7-85 HIALF C, 4, 0
7-86 BL C, 4, 0
7-87 BLALM C, 4, 0
7-88 BLALF C, 4, 0
7-89 WH C, 5, 0
7-90 WHALM C, 4, 0
7-91 WHALF C, 4, 0
7-92 HP C, 4, 0
7-93 HPALM C, 3, 0
7-94 HPALF C, 3, 0
7-95 TR C, 4, 0
7-96 TRALM C, 3, 0
7-97 TRALF C, 3, 0
7-98 TITLEI_STA C, 1, 0
7-99 TITLEI C, 1, 0
7-100 STITLEI C, 1, 0
7-101 SHAREDTIME C, 7, 0
7-102 MAGNET1 C, 14, 0

Layer 8 -- LayerName: Schools state2 -- LayerFileName: sch1415_2017pts_48.shp
8-1 NCESSCH C, 12, 0
8-2 FIPST C, 2, 0
8-3 STABR C, 2, 0
8-4 STATENAME C, 24, 0
8-5 SEANAME C, 59, 0
8-6 LEAID C, 7, 0
8-7 ST_LEAID C, 14, 0
8-8 LEA_NAME C, 60, 0
8-9 SCHID C, 5, 0
8-10 ST_SCHID C, 20, 0
8-11 FEDSCHID C, 12, 0
8-12 SCH_NAME C, 60, 0
8-13 MSTREET C, 30, 0
8-14 MCITY C, 26, 0
8-15 MSTATE C, 2, 0
8-16 MZIP C, 5, 0
8-17 MZIP4 C, 4, 0
8-18 PHONE C, 10, 0
8-19 LSTREET C, 30, 0
8-20 LCITY C, 26, 0
8-21 LSTATE C, 2, 0
8-22 LZIP C, 5, 0
8-23 LZIP4 C, 4, 0
8-24 UNION C, 3, 0
8-25 OUTOFST C, 1, 0
8-26 SCH_TYPEC C, 28, 0
8-27 SCH_TYPE C, 1, 0
8-28 RECON_STA C, 3, 0
8-29 GSLO C, 2, 0
8-30 GSHI C, 2, 0
8-31 LEVEL C, 1, 0
8-32 VIRTUAL C, 7, 0
8-33 BIES C, 1, 0
8-34 SY_STAT C, 1, 0
8-35 CHARTERTYP C, 14, 0
8-36 PKOFFERED C, 1, 0
8-37 KGOFFERED C, 1, 0
8-38 G1OFFERED C, 1, 0
8-39 G2OFFERED C, 1, 0
8-40 G3OFFERED C, 1, 0
8-41 G4OFFERED C, 1, 0
8-42 G5OFFERED C, 1, 0
8-43 G6OFFERED C, 1, 0
8-44 G7OFFERED C, 1, 0
8-45 G8OFFERED C, 1, 0
8-46 G9OFFERED C, 1, 0
8-47 G10OFFERE C, 1, 0
8-48 G11OFFERE C, 1, 0
8-49 G12OFFERE C, 1, 0
8-50 G13OFFERE C, 1, 0
8-51 AEOFFERED C, 1, 0
8-52 UGOFFERED C, 1, 0
8-53 NOGRADES C, 1, 0
8-54 IGOFFERED C, 1, 0
8-55 TOTFRL C, 4, 0
8-56 FRELCH C, 4, 0
8-57 REDLCH C, 4, 0
8-58 PK C, 4, 0
8-59 KG C, 3, 0
8-60 G01 C, 3, 0
8-61 G02 C, 3, 0
8-62 G03 C, 3, 0
8-63 G04 C, 3, 0
8-64 G05 C, 4, 0
8-65 G06 C, 4, 0
8-66 G07 C, 4, 0
8-67 G08 C, 4, 0
8-68 G09 C, 4, 0
8-69 G10 C, 4, 0
8-70 G11 C, 4, 0
8-71 G12 C, 4, 0
8-72 G13 C, 2, 0
8-73 UG C, 4, 0
8-74 AE C, 4, 0
8-75 TOTAL C, 5, 0
8-76 MEMBER C, 5, 0
8-77 AM C, 4, 0
8-78 AMALM C, 3, 0
8-79 AMALF C, 3, 0
8-80 AS C, 4, 0
8-81 ASALM C, 4, 0
8-82 ASALF C, 4, 0
8-83 HI C, 4, 0
8-84 HIALM C, 4, 0
8-85 HIALF C, 4, 0
8-86 BL C, 4, 0
8-87 BLALM C, 4, 0
8-88 BLALF C, 4, 0
8-89 WH C, 5, 0
8-90 WHALM C, 4, 0
8-91 WHALF C, 4, 0
8-92 HP C, 4, 0
8-93 HPALM C, 3, 0
8-94 HPALF C, 3, 0
8-95 TR C, 4, 0
8-96 TRALM C, 3, 0
8-97 TRALF C, 3, 0
8-98 TITLEI_STA C, 1, 0
8-99 TITLEI C, 1, 0
8-100 STITLEI C, 1, 0
8-101 SHAREDTIME C, 7, 0
8-102 MAGNET1 C, 14, 0

Layer 9 -- LayerName: Schools state3 -- LayerFileName: sch1415_2017pts_48.shp
9-1 NCESSCH C, 12, 0
9-2 FIPST C, 2, 0
9-3 STABR C, 2, 0
9-4 STATENAME C, 24, 0
9-5 SEANAME C, 59, 0
9-6 LEAID C, 7, 0
9-7 ST_LEAID C, 14, 0
9-8 LEA_NAME C, 60, 0
9-9 SCHID C, 5, 0
9-10 ST_SCHID C, 20, 0
9-11 FEDSCHID C, 12, 0
9-12 SCH_NAME C, 60, 0
9-13 MSTREET C, 30, 0
9-14 MCITY C, 26, 0
9-15 MSTATE C, 2, 0
9-16 MZIP C, 5, 0
9-17 MZIP4 C, 4, 0
9-18 PHONE C, 10, 0
9-19 LSTREET C, 30, 0
9-20 LCITY C, 26, 0
9-21 LSTATE C, 2, 0
9-22 LZIP C, 5, 0
9-23 LZIP4 C, 4, 0
9-24 UNION C, 3, 0
9-25 OUTOFST C, 1, 0
9-26 SCH_TYPEC C, 28, 0
9-27 SCH_TYPE C, 1, 0
9-28 RECON_STA C, 3, 0
9-29 GSLO C, 2, 0
9-30 GSHI C, 2, 0
9-31 LEVEL C, 1, 0
9-32 VIRTUAL C, 7, 0
9-33 BIES C, 1, 0
9-34 SY_STAT C, 1, 0
9-35 CHARTERTYP C, 14, 0
9-36 PKOFFERED C, 1, 0
9-37 KGOFFERED C, 1, 0
9-38 G1OFFERED C, 1, 0
9-39 G2OFFERED C, 1, 0
9-40 G3OFFERED C, 1, 0
9-41 G4OFFERED C, 1, 0
9-42 G5OFFERED C, 1, 0
9-43 G6OFFERED C, 1, 0
9-44 G7OFFERED C, 1, 0
9-45 G8OFFERED C, 1, 0
9-46 G9OFFERED C, 1, 0
9-47 G10OFFERE C, 1, 0
9-48 G11OFFERE C, 1, 0
9-49 G12OFFERE C, 1, 0
9-50 G13OFFERE C, 1, 0
9-51 AEOFFERED C, 1, 0
9-52 UGOFFERED C, 1, 0
9-53 NOGRADES C, 1, 0
9-54 IGOFFERED C, 1, 0
9-55 TOTFRL C, 4, 0
9-56 FRELCH C, 4, 0
9-57 REDLCH C, 4, 0
9-58 PK C, 4, 0
9-59 KG C, 3, 0
9-60 G01 C, 3, 0
9-61 G02 C, 3, 0
9-62 G03 C, 3, 0
9-63 G04 C, 3, 0
9-64 G05 C, 4, 0
9-65 G06 C, 4, 0
9-66 G07 C, 4, 0
9-67 G08 C, 4, 0
9-68 G09 C, 4, 0
9-69 G10 C, 4, 0
9-70 G11 C, 4, 0
9-71 G12 C, 4, 0
9-72 G13 C, 2, 0
9-73 UG C, 4, 0
9-74 AE C, 4, 0
9-75 TOTAL C, 5, 0
9-76 MEMBER C, 5, 0
9-77 AM C, 4, 0
9-78 AMALM C, 3, 0
9-79 AMALF C, 3, 0
9-80 AS C, 4, 0
9-81 ASALM C, 4, 0
9-82 ASALF C, 4, 0
9-83 HI C, 4, 0
9-84 HIALM C, 4, 0
9-85 HIALF C, 4, 0
9-86 BL C, 4, 0
9-87 BLALM C, 4, 0
9-88 BLALF C, 4, 0
9-89 WH C, 5, 0
9-90 WHALM C, 4, 0
9-91 WHALF C, 4, 0
9-92 HP C, 4, 0
9-93 HPALM C, 3, 0
9-94 HPALF C, 3, 0
9-95 TR C, 4, 0
9-96 TRALM C, 3, 0
9-97 TRALF C, 3, 0
9-98 TITLEI_STA C, 1, 0
9-99 TITLEI C, 1, 0
9-100 STITLEI C, 1, 0
9-101 SHAREDTIME C, 7, 0
9-102 MAGNET1 C, 14, 0

Layer 10 -- LayerName: SAZ2 -- LayerFileName: saz1314nad83_austinisd.shp
10-1 FEDSCHID C, 12, 0
10-2 NAME C, 100, 0
10-3 LEAID C, 7, 0
10-4 GSLO C, 2, 0
10-5 GSHI C, 2, 0
10-6 STABBREV C, 2, 0
10-7 SLEVEL C, 1, 0
10-8 OPENENROLL C, 1, 0

Layer 11 -- LayerName: SAZ1 -- LayerFileName: saz1314nad83_austinisd.shp
11-1 FEDSCHID C, 12, 0
11-2 NAME C, 100, 0
11-3 LEAID C, 7, 0
11-4 GSLO C, 2, 0
11-5 GSHI C, 2, 0
11-6 STABBREV C, 2, 0
11-7 SLEVEL C, 1, 0
11-8 OPENENROLL C, 1, 0

Layer 12 -- LayerName: SAZ -- LayerFileName: saz1314nad83_austinisd.shp
12-1 FEDSCHID C, 12, 0
12-2 NAME C, 100, 0
12-3 LEAID C, 7, 0
12-4 GSLO C, 2, 0
12-5 GSHI C, 2, 0
12-6 STABBREV C, 2, 0
12-7 SLEVEL C, 1, 0
12-8 OPENENROLL C, 1, 0

Layer 13 -- LayerName: Travis roads -- LayerFileName: tl_2016_48029_edges.shp
13-1 STATEFP C, 2, 0
13-2 COUNTYFP C, 3, 0
13-3 TLID N, 10, 0
13-4 TFIDL N, 10, 0
13-5 TFIDR N, 10, 0
13-6 MTFCC C, 5, 0
13-7 FULLNAME C, 50, 0
13-8 SMID C, 22, 0
13-9 LFROMADD C, 12, 0
13-10 LTOADD C, 12, 0
13-11 RFROMADD C, 12, 0
13-12 RTOADD C, 12, 0
13-13 ZIPL C, 5, 0
13-14 ZIPR C, 5, 0
13-15 FEATCAT C, 1, 0
13-16 HYDROFLG C, 1, 0
13-17 RAILFLG C, 1, 0
13-18 ROADFLG C, 1, 0
13-19 OLFFLG C, 1, 0
13-20 PASSFLG C, 1, 0
13-21 DIVROAD C, 1, 0
13-22 EXTTYP C, 1, 0
13-23 TTYP C, 1, 0
13-24 DECKEDROAD C, 1, 0
13-25 ARTPATH C, 1, 0
13-26 PERSIST C, 1, 0
13-27 GCSEFLG C, 1, 0
13-28 OFFSETL C, 1, 0
13-29 OFFSETR C, 1, 0
13-30 TNIDF N, 10, 0
13-31 TNIDT N, 10, 0

Layer 14 -- LayerName: State blocks -- LayerFileName: tabblock2010_48_pophu.shp
14-1 STATEFP10 C, 2, 0
14-2 COUNTYFP10 C, 3, 0
14-3 TRACTCE10 C, 6, 0
14-4 BLOCKCE C, 4, 0
14-5 BLOCKID10 C, 15, 0
14-6 PARTFLG C, 1, 0
14-7 HOUSING10 N, 9, 0
14-8 POP10 N, 9, 0
14-9 UR10 C, 1, 0
14-10 UACE10 C, 5, 0
14-11 UATYPE C, 1, 0
14-12 ALAND10 N, 14, 0
14-13 AWATER10 N, 14, 0
14-14 INTPTLAT10 C, 11, 0
14-15 INTPTLON10 C, 12, 0

Layer 15 -- LayerName: block groups statewide -- LayerFileName: cb_2016_48_bg_500k.shp
15-1 STATEFP C, 2, 0
15-2 COUNTYFP C, 3, 0
15-3 TRACTCE C, 6, 0
15-4 BLKGRPCE C, 1, 0
15-5 AFFGEOID C, 21, 0
15-6 GEOID C, 12, 0
15-7 NAME C, 100, 0
15-8 LSAD C, 2, 0
15-9 ALAND N, 14, 0
15-10 AWATER N, 14, 0
15-11 B02001_001 N, 12, 0
15-12 B02001_002 N, 12, 0
15-13 B02001_003 N, 12, 0
15-14 B02001_004 N, 12, 0
15-15 B02001_005 N, 12, 0
15-16 B02001_006 N, 12, 0
15-17 B02001_007 N, 12, 0
15-18 B02001_008 N, 12, 0
15-19 B03002_012 N, 12, 0
15-20 B19013_001 N, 12, 0
15-21 B25077_001 N, 12, 0
15-22 B11001_001 N, 12, 0
15-23 B11001_002 N, 12, 0
15-24 B11001_003 N, 12, 0
15-25 B11001_004 N, 12, 0
15-26 B11001_005 N, 12, 0
15-27 B11001_006 N, 12, 0
15-28 B11001_007 N, 12, 0
15-29 B11001_008 N, 12, 0
15-30 B11001_009 N, 12, 0
15-31 B15003_001 N, 12, 0
15-32 B15003_002 N, 12, 0
15-33 B15003_003 N, 12, 0
15-34 B15003_004 N, 12, 0
15-35 B15003_005 N, 12, 0
15-36 B15003_006 N, 12, 0
15-37 B15003_007 N, 12, 0
15-38 B15003_008 N, 12, 0
15-39 B15003_009 N, 12, 0
15-40 B15003_010 N, 12, 0
15-41 B15003_011 N, 12, 0
15-42 B15003_012 N, 12, 0
15-43 B15003_013 N, 12, 0
15-44 B15003_014 N, 12, 0
15-45 B15003_015 N, 12, 0
15-46 B15003_016 N, 12, 0
15-47 B15003_017 N, 12, 0
15-48 B15003_018 N, 12, 0
15-49 B15003_019 N, 12, 0
15-50 B15003_020 N, 12, 0
15-51 B15003_021 N, 12, 0
15-52 B15003_022 N, 12, 0
15-53 B15003_023 N, 12, 0
15-54 B15003_024 N, 12, 0
15-55 B15003_025 N, 12, 0

Layer 16 -- LayerName: tracts statewide2 -- LayerFileName: cb_2016_48_tract_500k_acs15itemset1.shp
16-1 STATEFP C, 2, 0
16-2 COUNTYFP C, 3, 0
16-3 TRACTCE C, 6, 0
16-4 AFFGEOID C, 20, 0
16-5 GEOID C, 11, 0
16-6 NAME C, 100, 0
16-7 LSAD C, 2, 0
16-8 ALAND N, 14, 0
16-9 AWATER N, 14, 0
16-10 D001 N, 9, 0
16-11 D002 N, 9, 0
16-12 D003 N, 9, 0
16-13 D004 N, 9, 0
16-14 D005 N, 9, 0
16-15 D006 N, 9, 0
16-16 D007 N, 9, 0
16-17 D008 N, 9, 0
16-18 D009 N, 9, 0
16-19 D010 N, 9, 0
16-20 D011 N, 9, 0
16-21 D012 N, 9, 0
16-22 D013 N, 9, 0
16-23 D014 N, 9, 0
16-24 D015 N, 9, 0
16-25 D016 N, 9, 0
16-26 D017 N, 9, 1
16-27 D018 N, 9, 0
16-28 D019 N, 9, 0
16-29 D020 N, 9, 0
16-30 D021 N, 9, 0
16-31 D031 N, 9, 0
16-32 D032 N, 9, 0
16-33 D033 N, 9, 0
16-34 D034 N, 9, 0
16-35 D039 N, 9, 0
16-36 D047 N, 9, 0
16-37 D052 N, 9, 0
16-38 D053 N, 9, 0
16-39 D066 N, 9, 0
16-40 D067 N, 9, 0
16-41 D071 N, 9, 0
16-42 D072 N, 9, 0
16-43 D073 N, 9, 0
16-44 D082 N, 9, 0
16-45 D083 N, 9, 0
16-46 D084 N, 9, 0
16-47 S001 N, 9, 0
16-48 S002 N, 9, 0
16-49 S010 N, 9, 0
16-50 S011 N, 9, 0
16-51 S015 N, 9, 2
16-52 S016 N, 9, 2
16-53 S017 N, 9, 0
16-54 S052 N, 9, 0
16-55 S053 N, 9, 0
16-56 S054 N, 9, 0
16-57 S055 N, 9, 0
16-58 S056 N, 9, 0
16-59 S057 N, 9, 0
16-60 S058 N, 9, 0
16-61 S059 N, 9, 0
16-62 S060 N, 9, 0
16-63 S061 N, 9, 0
16-64 S062 N, 9, 0
16-65 S063 N, 9, 0
16-66 S064 N, 9, 0
16-67 S065 N, 9, 0
16-68 S066 N, 9, 1
16-69 S067 N, 9, 1
16-70 S077 N, 9, 0
16-71 S078 N, 9, 0
16-72 S079 N, 9, 0
16-73 S080 N, 9, 0
16-74 S081 N, 9, 0
16-75 S082 N, 9, 0
16-76 S083 N, 9, 0
16-77 S084 N, 9, 0
16-78 S085 N, 9, 0
16-79 S087 N, 9, 0
16-80 S088 N, 9, 0
16-81 S089 N, 9, 0
16-82 S090 N, 9, 0
16-83 S091 N, 9, 0
16-84 S092 N, 9, 0
16-85 S093 N, 9, 0
16-86 S094 N, 9, 0
16-87 S095 N, 9, 0
16-88 S110 N, 9, 0
16-89 S111 N, 9, 0
16-90 S112 N, 9, 0
16-91 S113 N, 9, 0
16-92 S114 N, 9, 0
16-93 S115 N, 9, 0
16-94 S150 N, 9, 0
16-95 S151 N, 9, 0
16-96 S152 N, 9, 0
16-97 E001 N, 9, 0
16-98 E002 N, 9, 0
16-99 E003 N, 9, 0
16-100 E004 N, 9, 0
16-101 E005 N, 9, 0
16-102 E006 N, 9, 0
16-103 E007 N, 9, 0
16-104 E008 N, 9, 0
16-105 E009 N, 9, 1
16-106 E032 N, 9, 0
16-107 E033 N, 9, 0
16-108 E034 N, 9, 0
16-109 E035 N, 9, 0
16-110 E036 N, 9, 0
16-111 E037 N, 9, 0
16-112 E038 N, 9, 0
16-113 E039 N, 9, 0
16-114 E040 N, 9, 0
16-115 E041 N, 9, 0
16-116 E042 N, 9, 0
16-117 E043 N, 9, 0
16-118 E044 N, 9, 0
16-119 E045 N, 9, 0
16-120 E046 N, 9, 0
16-121 E047 N, 9, 0
16-122 E048 N, 9, 0
16-123 E049 N, 9, 0
16-124 E050 N, 9, 0
16-125 E051 N, 9, 0
16-126 E052 N, 9, 0
16-127 E053 N, 9, 0
16-128 E054 N, 9, 0
16-129 E055 N, 9, 0
16-130 E056 N, 9, 0
16-131 E057 N, 9, 0
16-132 E058 N, 9, 0
16-133 E059 N, 9, 0
16-134 E060 N, 9, 0
16-135 E061 N, 9, 0
16-136 E062 N, 9, 0
16-137 E063 N, 9, 0
16-138 E064 N, 9, 0
16-139 E065 N, 9, 0
16-140 E066 N, 9, 0
16-141 E067 N, 9, 0
16-142 E068 N, 9, 0
16-143 E069 N, 9, 0
16-144 E070 N, 9, 0
16-145 E071 N, 9, 0
16-146 E072 N, 9, 0
16-147 E073 N, 9, 0
16-148 E074 N, 9, 0
16-149 E075 N, 9, 0
16-150 E076 N, 9, 0
16-151 E077 N, 9, 0
16-152 E078 N, 9, 0
16-153 E079 N, 9, 0
16-154 E080 N, 9, 0
16-155 E081 N, 9, 0
16-156 E082 N, 9, 0
16-157 E083 N, 9, 0
16-158 E084 N, 9, 0
16-159 E085 N, 9, 0
16-160 E086 N, 9, 0
16-161 E087 N, 9, 0
16-162 E088 N, 9, 0
16-163 E089 N, 9, 0
16-164 E090 N, 9, 0
16-165 E091 N, 9, 0
16-166 E092 N, 9, 0
16-167 E093 N, 9, 0
16-168 E094 N, 9, 0
16-169 E095 N, 9, 0
16-170 E096 N, 9, 0
16-171 E097 N, 9, 0
16-172 E098 N, 9, 0
16-173 E099 N, 9, 0
16-174 E119 N, 9, 1
16-175 E120 N, 9, 1
16-176 E121 N, 9, 1
16-177 E128 N, 9, 1
16-178 H001 N, 9, 0
16-179 H002 N, 9, 0
16-180 H003 N, 9, 0
16-181 H004 N, 9, 1
16-182 H005 N, 9, 1
16-183 H007 N, 9, 0
16-184 H008 N, 9, 0
16-185 H009 N, 9, 0
16-186 H010 N, 9, 0
16-187 H011 N, 9, 0
16-188 H012 N, 9, 0
16-189 H013 N, 9, 0
16-190 H014 N, 9, 0
16-191 H015 N, 9, 0
16-192 H017 N, 9, 0
16-193 H018 N, 9, 0
16-194 H019 N, 9, 0
16-195 H020 N, 9, 0
16-196 H021 N, 9, 0
16-197 H022 N, 9, 0
16-198 H023 N, 9, 0
16-199 H024 N, 9, 0
16-200 H025 N, 9, 0
16-201 H026 N, 9, 0
16-202 H037 N, 9, 1
16-203 H046 N, 9, 0
16-204 H047 N, 9, 0
16-205 H048 N, 9, 2
16-206 H049 N, 9, 2
16-207 H051 N, 9, 0
16-208 H052 N, 9, 0
16-209 H053 N, 9, 0
16-210 H054 N, 9, 0
16-211 H055 N, 9, 0
16-212 H056 N, 9, 0
16-213 H058 N, 9, 0
16-214 H059 N, 9, 0
16-215 H060 N, 9, 0
16-216 H061 N, 9, 0
16-217 H063 N, 9, 0
16-218 H064 N, 9, 0
16-219 H065 N, 9, 0
16-220 H066 N, 9, 0
16-221 H067 N, 9, 0
16-222 H068 N, 9, 0
16-223 H069 N, 9, 0
16-224 H077 N, 9, 0
16-225 H078 N, 9, 0
16-226 H079 N, 9, 0
16-227 H081 N, 9, 0
16-228 H082 N, 9, 0
16-229 H083 N, 9, 0
16-230 H084 N, 9, 0
16-231 H085 N, 9, 0
16-232 H086 N, 9, 0
16-233 H087 N, 9, 0
16-234 H088 N, 9, 0
16-235 H089 N, 9, 0
16-236 H090 N, 9, 0
16-237 H091 N, 9, 0
16-238 H092 N, 9, 0
16-239 H126 N, 9, 0
16-240 H127 N, 9, 0
16-241 H128 N, 9, 0
16-242 H129 N, 9, 0
16-243 H130 N, 9, 0
16-244 H131 N, 9, 0
16-245 H132 N, 9, 0
16-246 H133 N, 9, 0
16-247 H134 N, 9, 0
16-248 H136 N, 9, 0
16-249 H137 N, 9, 0
16-250 H138 N, 9, 0
16-251 H139 N, 9, 0
16-252 H140 N, 9, 0
16-253 H141 N, 9, 0
16-254 H142 N, 9, 0

Layer 17 -- LayerName: tracts statewide1 -- LayerFileName: cb_2016_48_tract_500k_acs15itemset1.shp
17-1 STATEFP C, 2, 0
17-2 COUNTYFP C, 3, 0
17-3 TRACTCE C, 6, 0
17-4 AFFGEOID C, 20, 0
17-5 GEOID C, 11, 0
17-6 NAME C, 100, 0
17-7 LSAD C, 2, 0
17-8 ALAND N, 14, 0
17-9 AWATER N, 14, 0
17-10 D001 N, 9, 0
17-11 D002 N, 9, 0
17-12 D003 N, 9, 0
17-13 D004 N, 9, 0
17-14 D005 N, 9, 0
17-15 D006 N, 9, 0
17-16 D007 N, 9, 0
17-17 D008 N, 9, 0
17-18 D009 N, 9, 0
17-19 D010 N, 9, 0
17-20 D011 N, 9, 0
17-21 D012 N, 9, 0
17-22 D013 N, 9, 0
17-23 D014 N, 9, 0
17-24 D015 N, 9, 0
17-25 D016 N, 9, 0
17-26 D017 N, 9, 1
17-27 D018 N, 9, 0
17-28 D019 N, 9, 0
17-29 D020 N, 9, 0
17-30 D021 N, 9, 0
17-31 D031 N, 9, 0
17-32 D032 N, 9, 0
17-33 D033 N, 9, 0
17-34 D034 N, 9, 0
17-35 D039 N, 9, 0
17-36 D047 N, 9, 0
17-37 D052 N, 9, 0
17-38 D053 N, 9, 0
17-39 D066 N, 9, 0
17-40 D067 N, 9, 0
17-41 D071 N, 9, 0
17-42 D072 N, 9, 0
17-43 D073 N, 9, 0
17-44 D082 N, 9, 0
17-45 D083 N, 9, 0
17-46 D084 N, 9, 0
17-47 S001 N, 9, 0
17-48 S002 N, 9, 0
17-49 S010 N, 9, 0
17-50 S011 N, 9, 0
17-51 S015 N, 9, 2
17-52 S016 N, 9, 2
17-53 S017 N, 9, 0
17-54 S052 N, 9, 0
17-55 S053 N, 9, 0
17-56 S054 N, 9, 0
17-57 S055 N, 9, 0
17-58 S056 N, 9, 0
17-59 S057 N, 9, 0
17-60 S058 N, 9, 0
17-61 S059 N, 9, 0
17-62 S060 N, 9, 0
17-63 S061 N, 9, 0
17-64 S062 N, 9, 0
17-65 S063 N, 9, 0
17-66 S064 N, 9, 0
17-67 S065 N, 9, 0
17-68 S066 N, 9, 1
17-69 S067 N, 9, 1
17-70 S077 N, 9, 0
17-71 S078 N, 9, 0
17-72 S079 N, 9, 0
17-73 S080 N, 9, 0
17-74 S081 N, 9, 0
17-75 S082 N, 9, 0
17-76 S083 N, 9, 0
17-77 S084 N, 9, 0
17-78 S085 N, 9, 0
17-79 S087 N, 9, 0
17-80 S088 N, 9, 0
17-81 S089 N, 9, 0
17-82 S090 N, 9, 0
17-83 S091 N, 9, 0
17-84 S092 N, 9, 0
17-85 S093 N, 9, 0
17-86 S094 N, 9, 0
17-87 S095 N, 9, 0
17-88 S110 N, 9, 0
17-89 S111 N, 9, 0
17-90 S112 N, 9, 0
17-91 S113 N, 9, 0
17-92 S114 N, 9, 0
17-93 S115 N, 9, 0
17-94 S150 N, 9, 0
17-95 S151 N, 9, 0
17-96 S152 N, 9, 0
17-97 E001 N, 9, 0
17-98 E002 N, 9, 0
17-99 E003 N, 9, 0
17-100 E004 N, 9, 0
17-101 E005 N, 9, 0
17-102 E006 N, 9, 0
17-103 E007 N, 9, 0
17-104 E008 N, 9, 0
17-105 E009 N, 9, 1
17-106 E032 N, 9, 0
17-107 E033 N, 9, 0
17-108 E034 N, 9, 0
17-109 E035 N, 9, 0
17-110 E036 N, 9, 0
17-111 E037 N, 9, 0
17-112 E038 N, 9, 0
17-113 E039 N, 9, 0
17-114 E040 N, 9, 0
17-115 E041 N, 9, 0
17-116 E042 N, 9, 0
17-117 E043 N, 9, 0
17-118 E044 N, 9, 0
17-119 E045 N, 9, 0
17-120 E046 N, 9, 0
17-121 E047 N, 9, 0
17-122 E048 N, 9, 0
17-123 E049 N, 9, 0
17-124 E050 N, 9, 0
17-125 E051 N, 9, 0
17-126 E052 N, 9, 0
17-127 E053 N, 9, 0
17-128 E054 N, 9, 0
17-129 E055 N, 9, 0
17-130 E056 N, 9, 0
17-131 E057 N, 9, 0
17-132 E058 N, 9, 0
17-133 E059 N, 9, 0
17-134 E060 N, 9, 0
17-135 E061 N, 9, 0
17-136 E062 N, 9, 0
17-137 E063 N, 9, 0
17-138 E064 N, 9, 0
17-139 E065 N, 9, 0
17-140 E066 N, 9, 0
17-141 E067 N, 9, 0
17-142 E068 N, 9, 0
17-143 E069 N, 9, 0
17-144 E070 N, 9, 0
17-145 E071 N, 9, 0
17-146 E072 N, 9, 0
17-147 E073 N, 9, 0
17-148 E074 N, 9, 0
17-149 E075 N, 9, 0
17-150 E076 N, 9, 0
17-151 E077 N, 9, 0
17-152 E078 N, 9, 0
17-153 E079 N, 9, 0
17-154 E080 N, 9, 0
17-155 E081 N, 9, 0
17-156 E082 N, 9, 0
17-157 E083 N, 9, 0
17-158 E084 N, 9, 0
17-159 E085 N, 9, 0
17-160 E086 N, 9, 0
17-161 E087 N, 9, 0
17-162 E088 N, 9, 0
17-163 E089 N, 9, 0
17-164 E090 N, 9, 0
17-165 E091 N, 9, 0
17-166 E092 N, 9, 0
17-167 E093 N, 9, 0
17-168 E094 N, 9, 0
17-169 E095 N, 9, 0
17-170 E096 N, 9, 0
17-171 E097 N, 9, 0
17-172 E098 N, 9, 0
17-173 E099 N, 9, 0
17-174 E119 N, 9, 1
17-175 E120 N, 9, 1
17-176 E121 N, 9, 1
17-177 E128 N, 9, 1
17-178 H001 N, 9, 0
17-179 H002 N, 9, 0
17-180 H003 N, 9, 0
17-181 H004 N, 9, 1
17-182 H005 N, 9, 1
17-183 H007 N, 9, 0
17-184 H008 N, 9, 0
17-185 H009 N, 9, 0
17-186 H010 N, 9, 0
17-187 H011 N, 9, 0
17-188 H012 N, 9, 0
17-189 H013 N, 9, 0
17-190 H014 N, 9, 0
17-191 H015 N, 9, 0
17-192 H017 N, 9, 0
17-193 H018 N, 9, 0
17-194 H019 N, 9, 0
17-195 H020 N, 9, 0
17-196 H021 N, 9, 0
17-197 H022 N, 9, 0
17-198 H023 N, 9, 0
17-199 H024 N, 9, 0
17-200 H025 N, 9, 0
17-201 H026 N, 9, 0
17-202 H037 N, 9, 1
17-203 H046 N, 9, 0
17-204 H047 N, 9, 0
17-205 H048 N, 9, 2
17-206 H049 N, 9, 2
17-207 H051 N, 9, 0
17-208 H052 N, 9, 0
17-209 H053 N, 9, 0
17-210 H054 N, 9, 0
17-211 H055 N, 9, 0
17-212 H056 N, 9, 0
17-213 H058 N, 9, 0
17-214 H059 N, 9, 0
17-215 H060 N, 9, 0
17-216 H061 N, 9, 0
17-217 H063 N, 9, 0
17-218 H064 N, 9, 0
17-219 H065 N, 9, 0
17-220 H066 N, 9, 0
17-221 H067 N, 9, 0
17-222 H068 N, 9, 0
17-223 H069 N, 9, 0
17-224 H077 N, 9, 0
17-225 H078 N, 9, 0
17-226 H079 N, 9, 0
17-227 H081 N, 9, 0
17-228 H082 N, 9, 0
17-229 H083 N, 9, 0
17-230 H084 N, 9, 0
17-231 H085 N, 9, 0
17-232 H086 N, 9, 0
17-233 H087 N, 9, 0
17-234 H088 N, 9, 0
17-235 H089 N, 9, 0
17-236 H090 N, 9, 0
17-237 H091 N, 9, 0
17-238 H092 N, 9, 0
17-239 H126 N, 9, 0
17-240 H127 N, 9, 0
17-241 H128 N, 9, 0
17-242 H129 N, 9, 0
17-243 H130 N, 9, 0
17-244 H131 N, 9, 0
17-245 H132 N, 9, 0
17-246 H133 N, 9, 0
17-247 H134 N, 9, 0
17-248 H136 N, 9, 0
17-249 H137 N, 9, 0
17-250 H138 N, 9, 0
17-251 H139 N, 9, 0
17-252 H140 N, 9, 0
17-253 H141 N, 9, 0
17-254 H142 N, 9, 0

Layer 18 -- LayerName: State2 -- LayerFileName: cb_2015_us_state_500k.shp
18-1 STATEFP C, 2, 0
18-2 STATENS C, 8, 0
18-3 GEOID C, 2, 0
18-4 STUSPS C, 2, 0
18-5 NAME C, 100, 0
18-6 LSAD C, 2, 0
18-7 ALAND N, 14, 0
18-8 AWATER N, 14, 0
18-9 CEN2010 N, 9, 0
18-10 POP2010 N, 9, 0
18-11 POP2011 N, 9, 0
18-12 POP2012 N, 9, 0
18-13 POP2013 N, 9, 0
18-14 POP2014 N, 9, 0
18-15 POP2015 N, 9, 0

Layer 19 -- LayerName: World countries -- LayerFileName: world_countries.shp
19-1 TYPE C, 17, 0
19-2 ADMIN C, 40, 0
19-3 ADM0_A3 C, 3, 0
19-4 GEOUNIT C, 40, 0
19-5 GU_A3 C, 3, 0
19-6 SUBUNIT C, 40, 0
19-7 SU_A3 C, 3, 0
19-8 NAME C, 36, 0
19-9 NAME_LONG C, 40, 0
19-10 BRK_A3 C, 3, 0
19-11 BRK_NAME C, 36, 0
19-12 BRK_GROUP C, 30, 0
19-13 ABBREV C, 13, 0
19-14 POSTAL C, 4, 0
19-15 FORMAL_EN C, 52, 0
19-16 FORMAL_FR C, 35, 0
19-17 NAME_SORT C, 36, 0
19-18 NAME_ALT C, 38, 0
19-19 POP_EST N, 13, 2
19-20 POP_EST_LB N, 13, 1
19-21 GDP_MD_EST N, 11, 2
19-22 POP_YEAR N, 7, 2
19-23 LASTCENSUS N, 7, 2
19-24 GDP_YEAR N, 7, 2
19-25 ECONOMY C, 26, 0
19-26 INCOME_GRP C, 23, 0

SDGIS Installation .. goto top
Installation requirements include:
  • Windows computer with Internet connection
  • Userid and password provided separately

Follow these steps to install the SDGIS GIS project and related data files.
1. Install the CV XS GIS software
... run the CV XE GIS installer
... take all defaults during installation
2. Install the SDGIS project fileset
... unzip AustinISD1 GIS project files to local folder c:\k12analytics
3. Open the c:\k12analytics\austinisd1.gis project
... after completing the above steps, click File>Open>Dialog
... open the file named c:\k12analytics\austinisd1.gis
4. Done. The start-up view is the default view for all CV XE GIS installations.

Supplemental GIS Project & Voter Precinct Files
Adding the Voter Precinct (more about precincts) GIS project file and shapefile
... requires installation of above basic resources.
1. Unzip the supplemental SDGIS project fileset
... unzip AustinISD2 GIS project files to local folder c:\k12analytics
2. Open the c:\k12analytics\austinisd2.gis project
... after completing the above steps, click File>Open>Dialog
... open the file named c:\k12analytics\austinisd2.gis
3. Done. The start-up view of the AustinISD2 GIS project is shown below.

Using Austin ISD SDGIS with Voter Precincts
The following AustinISD2 project view shows the addition of the Travis County voter precinct file.
The following zoom-in shows the University of Texas with green fill pattern.
- Precincts shown with bold blank boundary; labeled with precinct code.
- Elementary schools shown as red markers; labeled with school name.
- Elementary school attendance zones shown with red boundary.
- View shows intersection-to-intersection road segment detail.
Pointer is located in Maplewood El attendance zone which includes all of precinct 152 and parts precincts 132 and 153. The SDGIS project also includes census blocks enabling demographic analysis of precinct/attendance area component geography based Census 2010 census block data. It is easy to conceptualize the analysis of voter patterns and turnout in relationship to schools, neighborhoods and attendance zones.
  -- view created using CV XE GIS and associated GIS Project

Custom Settings .. goto top
After completing the installation steps, add customized settings as described below. With the CV XE GIS software running, click Settings>Start-up INI. The Setting form appears as shown in this section of the User Guide. Modify the Key edit box and the Start-up GIS project. The values for these two settings are provided separately. After adding the two values, click the Apply Update and Save Settings buttons and close the Settings form. Now, when the CV XE GIS software is started the correct authorized CV software features are enabled and the custom GIS project automatically opens when CV starts.

Optional Add-on Features .. goto top
Student Analytics and Predictive Analytics are available as optional additional features. Software features are enabled in the CV software.

Student Analytics
The Student Analytic features enables geospatial analysis of students by location. Student addresses are geocoded and the corresponding point shapefile is added to the GIS project. A range of student attributes are included in the data record (demographics, school, grade, performance data). Analytical reports supplement the GIS analyses. Student location data are important in applications that include school attendance zone realignment. Student characteristics may be analyzed over time. Student geocoding may be done internally without releasing confidential data.

Predictive Analytics
The Predictive Analytics feature enables development of projected enrollment by school and grade with selected demographic breakdowns. Standard 5 year annual projections may be extended to 10 years. Projections may be done internally using a modeling feature without releasing confidential data. Alternative scenario projections may be developed with different assumptions. Projections may be integrated into the school (point) and/or school attendance zone (polygon) shapefiles, mapped and geospatially analyzed.

Related Resources .. goto top
  • CV XE GIS User Guide
  • K-12 Schools interactive table
    .. view/compare/sort/query all U.S. K-12 public schools.
  • School District Demographic Trends interactive table
    .. view/compare/sort/query all U.S. school district annual demographic trend data.
  • ACS 2015 School District Demographic-Economic Characteristics interactive tables
    .. view/compare/sort/query all U.S. school district characteristics.
  • ACS 2015 5-year estimates
  • ACS 2015 "Itemset1" metadata XLS

  • Geographic Reference
    .. Census Blocks
    .. Block Groups
    .. Census Tracts
    .. Digital Map Database; Roads
    .. Glossary

Things to Know & FAQ .. goto top
  • Codes for this school district:
    .. Federal school district code: 4808940
    .. Federal state+county code: Travis County -- 48029
    .. CBSA/metro code: Austin-Round Rock, TX MSA -- 12420

Support Using these Resources [goto top]
Learn more about demographic economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these Web sessions. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants.

ProximityOne User Group [goto top]
Join the ProximityOne User Group to keep up-to-date with new developments relating to geographic-demographic-economic decision-making information resources. Receive updates and access to tools and resources available only to members. Use this form to join the User Group.

Additional Information
ProximityOne develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at Contact us (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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