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-- City & Regional Demographic Economic Characteristics & Patterns The America's Communities Program (ACP) provides organized, multi-sourced data and tools to facilitate planning and community development by individual communities. The ACP is comprised state by community programs. The ACP includes approximately 6,400 cities throughout the U.S. (generally 5,000 population or more). Stakeholder Benefits from ACP Participation ACP participants gain data-driven insights into the where and how of improvement. What is our city relatively good at ... or not so good? What might be our net advantages? Are we basing decisions on what we think or what the data are telling us? What is trending in our city we might take advantage of it? How might good trends be augmented? What might have changed over the past several years that could work to our advantage or disadvantage? Do we really know patterns of low and moderate income households by neighborhood? What areas might be most likely to improve based on better knowledge of patterns? Are we able to use GIS and data resources that might improve our chances at grant awards and funding? What data and information might we provide to prospective businesses locating here? Are we conveying those data in the right ways? How might population, employment and income change between now and 2030, patterns proceeding as they have? What tools and resources do we have that could change this? Interacting for Analysis, Strategy & Planning Community profiles Web sections are updated frequently. Join us in weekly decision-making information (DMI) sessions where we cover selected topics as well as Q&A relating to Community Profiles (more information). Examples California Los Angeles, CA Missouri Jefferson City, MO Kansas City, MO Nevada, MO New York Albany, NY Texas Houston, TX ProximityOne User Group A wide range of related data, software and analytical resources are provided as a part of the ProximityOne User Group. Participants may download and use selected resources on their own computers. Join now ... there is no fee to participate. City-Place Interactive Demographic Table Click ShowAll button between Find/Queries. See all U.S. cities demographic economic interactive tables Use mouseover on column header to view column description. Data based on ACS 2012 5-year estimates. See ranking table usage notes below ranking table. See related interactive tables; wide ranging geography & subject matter. ColSet1: Pop.W1.B1.AIAN1.Asn1.NHPI1.Hisp Usage Notes GeoType column is not active in this version. CBSA column is populated only for 2013 vintage CBSA principal cities. -- Get CBSA codes here: http://proximityone.com/metros2013.htm Click the PrincipalCities button to view only "principal cities." -- see more about principal cities here: http://proximityone.com/principalcities.htm All items are estimates centric to mid-2010. Click ShowAll button between specific area queries. Cells with -1 value could not be estimated (for this geography and this time frame). Demographic Items in Table
D001 Total population D002 Male D003 Female D004 Under 5 years D005 5 to 9 years D006 10 to 14 years D007 15 to 19 years D008 20 to 24 years D009 25 to 34 years D010 35 to 44 years D011 45 to 54 years D012 55 to 59 years D013 60 to 64 years D014 65 to 74 years D015 75 to 84 years D016 85 years and over D017 Median age (years) D018 18 years and over D019 21 years and over D020 62 years and over D021 65 years and over D022 18 years and over D023 Male D024 Female D025 65 years and over D026 Male D027 Female RACE D028 Total population D029 One race D030 Two or more races D031 One race D032 White D033 Black or African American D034 American Indian and Alaska Native D035 Cherokee tribal grouping D036 Chippewa tribal grouping D037 Navajo tribal grouping D038 Sioux tribal grouping D039 Asian D040 Asian Indian D041 Chinese D042 Filipino D043 Japanese D044 Korean D045 Vietnamese D046 Other Asian D047 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander D048 Native Hawaiian D049 Guamanian or Chamorro D050 Samoan D051 Other Pacific Islander D052 Some other race D053 Two or more races D054 White and Black or African American D055 White and American Indian and Alaska Native D056 White and Asian D057 Black or African American and American Indian and Alaska Native Race alone or in combination with one or more other races D058 Total population D059 White D060 Black or African American D061 American Indian and Alaska Native D062 Asian D063 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander D064 Some other race HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE D065 Total population D066 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) D067 Mexican D068 Puerto Rican D069 Cuban D070 Other Hispanic or Latino D071 Not Hispanic or Latino D072 White alone D073 Black or African American alone D074 American Indian and Alaska Native alone D075 Asian alone D076 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone D077 Some other race alone D078 Two or more races D079 Two races including Some other race D080 Two races excluding Some other race, and Three or more races D081 Total housing units Additional Information ProximityOne develops geographic-demographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at www.twitter.com/proximityone. Contact ProximityOne (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest. |