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Open VDA Web GIS
    no login required; requires only Web browser
    this web page:

The Open VDA Web GIS is an alternative version of VDA Web GIS that does not require login. Click here to start Open VDA Web GIS. Open VDA Web GIS (OpenVDA) opens the "Base" project. Only the Base project is available to OpenVDA users. Map/analyze geography shown in these layers. See more about VDA GIS. See terms of use.

Optionally, providing more capability and speed, use the no fee Windows-based VDA Desktop GIS. Login to get your User ID (one-time). Then click here to install VDAD. With VDA Desktop GIS (VDAD) running use File>Open Server Project and select the Base project.

Start-up View
The start-up view shows a geographic extent encompassing the United States contiguous states.
.. county boundaries are shown with light gray outline.
.. the "Counties2" is checked-on in the legend panel at left (scroll down).
.. the "active layer" (upper left drop-down) is set to the "Tracts ACS 2022 $MHI" layer.
    - clicking anywhere in map highlights that tract; shows profile in lower left panel.
    - see these tracts/data in this interactive table.
.. enter a location, address in searchbar and press enter; map shows zoom-in view and locations marker.

VDA Framework
05.15.24 "Base" project updated. See about available layers.
04.08.24 Illustrative App 11 .. Examining Metropolitan Statistical Areas
04.05.24 For extended Metro-related appplications use MetroDynamics Project.
03.30.24 Illustrative App 10 .. Examining Educational Attainment by State Legislative District
03.29.24 VDAGIS Base Project updated with these layers/files
                .. vintage 2023 CBSAs with population & components of change annual data & trends
                .. state legislative districts (upper and lower) with ACS 2022 Itemset1 data
03.25.24 Vintage 2023 County Population Estimates added to Base Project
                .. examine county population & components of change annual data & trends
03.10.24 2023 Vintage CBSAs/Metros now included
02.20.24 Open VDA Web GIS -- Congressional Districts now available
02.02.24 VDAGIS_BASE project updated .. Congressional Districts updated with these new attributes
01.24.24 Illustrative App 09 .. Examining School District Characteristics
12.13.23 OVDAW "Base" and other projects now available via Remote Desktop Service.
11.20.23 Illustrative App 08 .. Examining State Legislative Districts
11.13.23 Illustrative App 07 .. Examining State Quarterly Personal income
10.14.23 Illustrative App 06 .. Using Table/Grid to Locate/MapView Selected Cities
10.10.23 Congressional District Demographic Change Layer added (about)
              .. see in gallery
10.10.23 Illustrative App 05 .. Using an iPhone -- 2 steps to find/view a census tract based on an address
10.09.23 Illustrative App 04 .. Using an iPhone to locate/View a Congressional Community based on an address
10.06.23 Illustrative App 03 .. Low & Moderate Income by Census Tract using FFIEC 2023 Data
10.05.23 Illustrative App 02 .. Mapping Congressional Communities & 118th Congressional Districts
10.04.23 Illustrative App 01 .. Mapping Census Tracts and ZIP Codes
10.04.23 User Levels and VDAD Feature Availability .. see recap of user levels
10.03.23 Adding Layers to the Base Project (using VDAD) .. see example below
10.02.23 Base Project Updated .. see Current Base Project Summary below
09.29.23 Congressional Community Diversity Layers added (about)
              compare diversity within & across congressional districts
09.26.23 Congressional District Diversity Layers added (about)
              State Legislative Districts (Upper SLD22U & Lower SLD22L) added
09.04.23 Tract Census 2020 DP1 Layers added
              .. see in gallery .. see metadata
08.26.23 State GDP Time Series added
              .. see in gallery .. see metadata (scroll down for GDP series)

Where do I start? .. getting started .. Current Base Project Summary

Gallery .. Make Maps Like These ... selected examples
How and Why County Population is Changing

Congressional Communities in context of Congressional District CA 47

Congressional District Percent Population Change 2020-2022
.. select 2020 items and ACS2022 items in this layer/shapefile
.. see related views

Census Tract %Population Age 65+ in Houston, TX city

Patterns of Economic Prosperity by Census Tract; Phoenix Area
.. with census tract codes

Attributes of a Congressional Community (CC); Phoenix Area
.. click CC then click HTML button lower left to view profile CC profile (xls)

Using Table/Grid Feature; 2020 Urban Areas in Texas Ranked on 2020 Population
.. Urban Areas the active layer; click Table view; use query"select NAME20, ST, POP where st='TX'"; sort descending order on POP

State Quarterly GDP
.. States the active layer; click Table view;

VDA Framework .. goto top

The Visual Data Analytics (VDA) Geographic Information System (GIS) is a multi-dimensional set of software, data and methodoligies designed to provide mapping, geospatial processing and analysis, data development and maintenance to meet wide-ranging learning, policy analysis and business intelligence needs. Learn more about Geographic Information Systems. VDA Desktop GIS and VDA Web GIS have similar features that can be used separately or together. Each is a decision-making information resource designed to help stakeholders create and apply insight. VDA Web GIS is accessed/used with only a Web browser; nothing to install; GIS experience not required. VDA Desktop GIS is installed on a Windows computer and provides a broader range of capabilities compared to VDA Web GIS. We have expanded the scope of VDA tools data development resources as summarized below. These harmonized tools now meet all user platforms and devices.

VDA GIS resources have been developed and are maintained by Warren Glimpse, ProximityOne (Alexandria, VA) and Takashi Hamilton, Tsukasa Consulting (Osaka, Japan).

1. Open VDA GIS Web (OVDAW)
.. similar to VDAW
- fewer features than VDAW
- provides only access to “Base” (comprehensive, frequently updated)
.. no login, no fee, nothing to install
.. see OVDAW step by step application examples

2. VDA Desktop GIS
.. the most powerful, capable tool
.. operates on Windows PC platform
.. for all users but specifically for those processing confidential data on a specific computer
.. more information

.. similar to VDA Desktop GIS
.. operates on Windows PC platform
.. for all users but specifically for those processing confidential data on a specific computer
.. more information

4. VDA Desktop GIS via RDS
.. the most powerful, capable tool
.. run online via Remote Desktop Service
.. operates using most platforms and devices (including Mac, iOS)
.. very fast even with Internet interface
.. enables access to existing VDAW web-based
.. more information

5. Demographic-Economic Data Explorer (DEDE
.. create custom GIS friendly data files
.. choose from multi-sourced Federal Statistical System
.. use your data with GIS tools, your own software, Excel, or other tools

6. Custom solutions

Getting Started -- VDA GIS Base Project using OVDAW
.. start-up view:

After installation and with start-up view above, there are many paths to take. Usage steps will vary depending on your objectives. There are two illustrative applications below. More generally, usage might start by thinking about an application objective. This might be like:
.. thematic map view of %pop 65+ by census tract in the Orange County, CA area
    with Congressional Communities labeled.
The steps might be (from start-up view):
.. key in "laguna beach" (no quotes) in search bar.
.. change active layer from "Tracts $MHI" to "Tracts DP1 %Age65+" (no quotes)
.. below map, click [-] twice (zoom out)
.. in legend panel click these checkboxes on:
    - Cong Comm Label
    - Cong Communities
    - Cong Comm Label
    - Cong District Label
    - Cong Districts Bold
    - Tracts DP1 %Age65+
.. zoom to adjust to obtain this view:

.. to view demographic profile for tract at pointer in graphic ...
    - click tract at pointer; profile shows in lower left panel
    - clicl HTML button below profile to open HTML profile view (new tab)

Orientation .. at start-up ..
The start-up view shows the U.S. contiguous states.
Counties and States layers are checked-on in the legend panel at left.
  .. this enables those layers to be shown in the map window.
Find (navigate to) an address or area of interest ..
  .. enter a ZIP code, address or location in search bar and press .

How OVDAW operation/features differ from VDAW and VDAD.
.. only the Base GIS project is available using OVDAW.
.. extended features on the top menu bar are not available using VDAW and VDAD.
.. custom structured profiles are not available with OVDAW (available using VDAW and VDAD)
.. layers cannot be edited using OVDAW (use VDAW or VDAD)

Menu .. top banner
Click "Menu" in the top banner to access the Menu dropdown shown below.

Selecting and Using the Active Layer
The "Active Layer" (layers are shown in the Legend Panel) is set by selecting a layer from the upper left dropdown.
.. the default setting is census tracts -- "Tracts $MHI"
.. the tracts layer is the default Active Layer to facilitate easily locating a census tract based on an address.

Role of the Active Layer
When you click on a shape/object in the map, a profile is shown in lower left, for the Active Layer object.
.. to view attributes and shape highlight for a Congressional Community (CC), you would:
    1) make Congressional Communities as the Active Layer, 2) click in the map to highlight/select a CC.
.. the selected Active Layer stays on/selected until it is changed or VDA Web Base/browser is closed/session ended.

Illustrative applications
Two steps to locate/map/view a census tract based on address
.. enter address, maybe only enter ZIP 85258 to illustrate (in Scottsdale, AZ)
.. at refreshed zoom view, click blue marker on map
.. tract boundary appears; see tract code & demographics in profile below map
.. the tract code is 04013216807

Where is my Congressional Community and what are its attributes?
Locate/map/view a Congressional Community (CC) based on address
.. make active layer Congressional Communities (select from upper left dropdown)
.. enter address, maybe only enter 85258 to illustrate (ZIP code in Scottsdale, AZ)
.. at refreshed zoom view, click blue marker on map
.. CC boundary appears; see CC code & demographics in profile below map
.. the CC code 0401010 .. CD118 AZ 01 010

Recap of VDA User Levels .. goto top

OVDAW users .. User Level does not apply.

Level 0 - install VDAD without VDAW signup and without VDAD File>Login
VDAD File>Login (sets features available; selection of other Level)
VDAD Open GIS project.
VDAD Search for location/address
VDAD Find shape
VDAD Selected object profile
VDAD use of legend and layer editor.
VDAD map navigation features
VDAD opening of and VDAGIS local project
VDAD settings

Level 1 - VDAW signup defaulting to Level 1, then with VDAD Level 1 with File>Login
Enables Level 0 plus:
VDAD adding layers to Base Server Project
VDAD opening Base Server Project
VDAD access to Database features

Level 2 - VDAW signup with Level 2 then with VDAD Level 2 with File>Login
Enables Level 1 plus:
VDAD open many server projects available
VDAD using Table/Grid
VDAD adding layers to Base Server Project
VDAD saving project

Level 3 - VDAW signup with Level 3 then with VDAD Level 3 with File>Login
Enables Level 2 plus:
VDAD Analytics>GeoSelect/SiteAnalysis
VDAD batch geocoding
VDAD Tools features

Base Project Updates 03/10/24: new 2023 Vintage CBSA Layers Added .. goto top

2023 Vintage CBSA (Core-based Statistical Areas) layers have been added to the project. The 2023 vintage is an updated delineation showing CBSA (MSAs/MISAs) as defined by OMB as of July 2023.

To view 2023 vintage MSAs, check-on the CBSA 2023 layer as shown in the graphic.

End of this Base Project Updates section.

Base Project Updates 02/02/24: new Congressional District layer attributes .. goto top
.. added subject matter fields
B01001_001E TotPopA22  Total Population
B01001_002E MPopA22    Male
B01001_026E FPopA22    Female
B02001_002E White1A22  White alone
B02001_003E Black1A22  Black or African American alone
B02001_004E AIAN1A22   American Indian and Alaska Native alone
B02001_005E Asian1A22  Asian alone
B02001_006E NHOPI1A22  Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
B02001_007E Other1A22  Some other race alone
B02001_008E MultiA22   Two or more races
B03002_012E HispA22    Hispanic (any race)
B01001_003E A0004MA22  Male: Under 5 years
B01001_004E A0509MA22  Male: 5 to 9 years
B01001_005E A1014MA22  Male: 10 to 14 years
B01001_006E A1517MA22  Male: 15 to 17 years
B01001_027E A0004FA22  Female: Under 5 years
B01001_028E A0509FA22  Female: 5 to 9 years
B01001_029E A1014FA22  Female: 10 to 14 years
B01001_030E A1517FA22  Female: 15 to 17 years
B09020_001E Pop65upA22 Population 65 years and over
B11002_001E PopHHA22   Population in Households
B11001_001E HHA22      Total Households
B11001_002E FamA22     Family Households
B15002_001E Pop25upA22 Population 25 years and over
B15002_011E EAHSMA22   Male: High school graduate (includes equivalency)
B15002_015E EABMA22    Male: Bachelor's degree
B15002_016E EAMMA22    Male: Master's degree
B15002_017E EAPMA22    Male: Professional school degree	
B15002_018E EADMA22    Male: Doctorate degree
B15002_028E EAHSFA22   Female: High school graduate (includes equivalency)
B15002_032E EABFA22    Female: Bachelor's degree
B15002_033E EAMFA22    Female: Master's degree
B15002_034E EAPFA22    Female: Professional school degree	
B15002_035E EADFA22    Female: Doctorate degree
B29001_001E VATOTA22   Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population
B29001_002E VA1829A22  Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 18 to 29 years
B29001_003E VA3044A22  Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 30 to 44 years
B29001_004E VA4564A22  Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 45 to 64 years
B29001_005E VA65UPA22  Total Citizen, Voting-Age Population 65 or more years
B25003_001E TotHsgA22  Total housing units
B25003_002E OwnOccA22  Owner occupied units 
B25003_003E RntOccA22  Renter occupied units
B25002_003E VacantA22  Vacant units
B25105_001E MDMTHHCA22 Median Monthly Housing Costs (Dollars)
B19013_001E MHIA22     Median Household Income
B19113_001E MFIA22     Median Family Income
B25077_001E MHVA22     Median housing value 
B25064_001E MdRentA22  Median gross rent
B19083_001E GiniA22    Gini Index of Income Inequality

End of this Base Project Updates section.

Open VDA Web GIS -- Congressional Districts .. goto top
Click to Start OVDAW CD

How OVDAW CD differs/is similar to OVDAW:
OVDAW CD and OVDAW have the same general features.
OVDAW CD and OVDAW use the same "Base" project; layers are the same.

OVDAW CD opening view shows Congressional Districts; OVDAW opening view shows counties.
OVDAW CD start active layer is Congressional Districts; OVDAW start active layer is census tracts.

With OVDAW CD, click in map to see CD highlight & show profile.
With OVDAW, click in map to see tract highlight & show profile.

The user can change either to mimic the other.

End of this OVDAW CD section.

Adding Layers to the Base Project .. goto top

By design, layers cannot be added to the Base Project using OVDAW. The following notes illustrate how the Combined Statistical Areas shapefile can be added to the Base project, as a server project, using VDAD. Other examples .. neigborhood shapefile .. client/member data .. census blocks for a county/area .. intersection to intersection streets shapefile .. results of a survey/poll as point or summary data, etc.

Combined Statistical Areas (CSAs) are geographic areas formed when two or more CBSAs have a shared boundary. A procedure is applied by the Census Bureau/OMB to determine which "sets" of CBSAs form CSAs.

1. click here to download the 2020 vintage CSA shapefile to a folder. Expand that zip file to (for example) d:\temp. The shapefile d:\temp\cb_2020_us_csa_500k.shp now exists.

2. With VDAD running on your Windows computer
  VDA Desktop GIS (VDAD) .. install and auto start
  Level 1 or higher; File>Login with VDAD running

3. Use VDAD File>Open Server Project to open the Base project.

4. Click [+] Add Layer on toolbar and open d:\temp\cb_2020_us_csa_500k.shp

VDAD nows shows the CSA layer as illustrated in the following graphic:

App 01 -- Mapping Tracts & ZIP Codes .. goto top

Consider an application where you want to view a few census tracts in context of ZIP Code areas.

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW)
Start OVDAW .. desktop recommended.

After the map view shows, enter a ZIP code, location or address in the Search bar and press enter.
.. to illustrate, enter 85258 (a ZIP code in Scottsdale, AZ) and press enter

A zoom-in then shows a blue triangle marker at the location.
.. in the legend panel at left, click checkbox on for each of these layers:
    - ZIP Codes Label (displays ZIP Code area labels/codes in map)
    - ZIP Codes (displays ZIP Code area red boundaries in map)
    - Tracts Label (displays Tract code and black tract boundaries in map)
.. navigate to preferred view (e.g., pan or zoom in/out)
.. use a screen capture tool to capture view meeting application objective

Pointer in graphic shows ZIP code 85258 with several tracts intersecting the 85258 ZIP code red boundary.

End of App 01.

App 02 -- Mapping Congressional Communities & 118th Congressional Districts .. goto top

Consider an application where you want to view a congressional community in context of the corresponding congressional district. See more about congressional communities

The objective of App 02 is to learn about congressional communities (CCs) in context of the Laguna Beach, CA area.
Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW) to meet this objective

1. Click here to start OVDAW .. desktop recommended.

2. After the map view shows, enter a ZIP code, location or address in the Search bar and press enter.
.. to illustrate, enter "Laguna Beach" (no quotes, in Orange County, CA) and press enter.

3. A zoom-in then shows a blue triangle marker at the location.
.. in the legend panel at left, click checkbox on for each of these layers:
    - Cong District Code (displays Congressional District code in map)
    - Cong District Bold (displays Congressional Districts with bold boundary in map)
    - Cong Comm Label (displays Congressional Community labels/codes in map)
    - Cong Communities (displays Congressional Communities with black CC boundaries in map)
.. navigate to preferred view (e.g., pan or zoom in/out)
.. use a screen capture tool to capture view meeting application objective

3. Make the "Cong Communities" layer the active layer by selecting "Cong Communities" from top left dropdown.

4. Click the blue marker and CC 0647001 highlights; a demographic profile shows in lower left panel.
.. see other CCs comprising this CD.
.. CCs are shown with a 7-character numeric code.
.. CC 0647001 is located in California (06), congressional district 47 (47) and is uniquely coded 001 in that CD.
.. see more about CCs

6. Examine CCs using the interactive table.
.. this is a separate operation not provided by OVDAW.
.. to examine CCs located in CD CA 47,
    - 1) click the ShowAll button below the table.
    - 2) click Find CD button below table; the table refreshes showing all CCs in this CD.
.. a similar operation can be performed using OVDAW.

End of App 02.

App 03 -- Low & Moderate Income by Census Tract using FFIEC 2023 Data .. goto top

Consider an application where you want to examine low & moderate income patterns by census tract.
(table on that page not yet updated with these data released Sep 2023)

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW)
Start OVDAW .. desktop recommended.

After the map view shows, enter a ZIP code, location or address in the Search bar and press enter.
.. to illustrate, enter "Laguna Beach" (no quotes, in Orange County, CA) and press enter

A zoom-in then shows a blue triangle marker at the location.
.. in the legend panel at left, click checkbox on for each of these layers (scroll down in legend at left):
    - Tracts Label (displays 11 character tracts code in map)
    - Tracts LMI23 Label (displays Tract LMIIndex 1 low, 2 moderate, 3 middle or 4 high in map)
    - Tracts LMI23 MFI Tract/MSA% (displays tract median family income as % of MSA MFI thematic pattern map)
.. navigate to preferred view (e.g., pan or zoom in/out)
.. use a screen capture tool to capture view meeting application objective

FFIEC Details about these data (XLS)

End of App 03.

App 04 -- Using an iPhone .. goto top

Consider an application where you want use an iPhone to view a congressional community in context of the corresponding congressional district.

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW)
.. ideally view this page in a different device (desktop maybe) and follow steps below operationally on phone.
.. note that phone user interface differs slightly from VDAGIS desktop/other platforms.

Using an iPhone with Safari .. Start OVDAW

The start-up screen appears:

After the map view shows, enter a ZIP code, location or address in the Search bar and press enter.
.. to illustrate, enter "Laguna Beach" (no quotes, in Orange County, CA) and press enter

Next, the zoom-in view:

After zoom view above, click Menu>Tools>Legend Panel(on/off) -- select on
.. in the legend panel at left, click checkbox on for each of these layers:
    - Cong District Code (displays Congressional District code in map)
    - Cong District Bold (displays Congressional Districts with bold boundary in map)
    - Cong Comm Label (displays Congressional Community labels/codes in map)
    - Cong Communities (displays Congressional Communities with black CC boundaries in map)

In the top left drop-down above the legend, select the "Cong Comm Label" (see in graphic below.

.. navigate to preferred view (e.g., pan or zoom in/out)
.. use a screen capture tool to capture view meeting application objective

Click the blue marker and a profile for Congressional Community 0647001 displays below the map.
.. CC 0647001 displays as selected (cross-hatched)
.. click any CC to select that CC and show profile

The next view shows the cumulative result:

Scroll down the tabular display to view more demographic characteristics.

Optionally click the HTML button (lower left) to view the tabular data in HTML format.

Optionally ctrl-C then ctrl-A on the HTML profile page and copy/paste the data into a blank Excel sheet.

Another area? Enter any address in search bar and follow similar steps above to view those CCs.

End of App 04.

App 05 -- Using an iPhone .. 2 steps to get tract code for address .. goto top

Consider an application where you want use an iPhone to find/view a census tract based on an address.

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW)
.. ideally view this page in a different device (desktop maybe) and follow steps below operationally on phone.
.. note that phone user interface differs slightly from VDAGIS desktop/other platforms.

Using an iPhone with Safari .. Start OVDAW

The start-up screen appears:

Step 1. After the map view shows, enter ZIP code 85258 (Scottsdale, AZ) optionally enter an address in the Search bar and press enter.
.. the zoom-in view appears

Step 2. click the blue marker
.. the tract containing the ZIP code/address appears.
.. the demographic profile for the tract shows below the map.
.. see value of GEOID (census tract code) is 04013216807.

Optionally click the HTML button (lower left) to view the tabular data in HTML format.

Optionally ctrl-C then ctrl-A on the HTML profile page and copy/paste the data into a blank Excel sheet.

Another area? Enter any address in search bar and follow similar steps above to view the tract.

End of App 05.

App 06 -- Using Table/Grid to Locate/TableMapView Selected Cities .. goto top

Consider an application where you want to find selected cities/places and show them in the Table/Grid and highlight in Map Window.

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW)
Start OVDAW .. desktop recommended.
.. ideally view this mini section page in one one window and follow steps below operationally in a different window.

This example shows how to select and compare Laguna Beach, CA (place code 0639178) with Irvine, CA (place code 0636770). This operation could be one or more cities/places anywhere in the U.S. In this example, place codes, geocodes, are used in a query. City/place codes are found in this table or users might have the codes(s) otherwise.

Step 1. After the map view shows, select the Cities layer in the top left dropdown.

Step 2. On the toolbar, click the rightmost SQL button. The table then shows in a grid displayed below the map window. Each row corresponds to a city/place in the Cities layer dataset.

Step 3. Enter filter/query in the "SQL Filter" edit box at the top left of the Table form.
.. enter "geoid='0639178' or geoid='0636770'" (no double quotes) in the SQL Filter edit box.
.. then click query button; view refreshes showing just the two cities rows in table.
.. click rightmost button below table "Highlight all that meet query"
.. map refreshes with view similar graphic shown below; navigate to this specific map view.

Laguna Beach, CA (place code 0639178) with Irvine, CA (place code 0636770)

Optionally click the HTML button (lower left) to view the tabular data in HTML format.

Optionally ctrl-C then ctrl-A on the HTML profile page and copy/paste the data into a blank Excel sheet.

Other areas? Enter different SQL Filter and click Query button.

End of App 06.

App 07 -- Examining State Quarterly Personal income .. goto top

Consider an application where you want to examine characteristics and patterns in state quarterly personal income. See more about these data and personal income. Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW) provides the capabilities of examining these data in context of other subject matter and geography.

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW)
Start OVDAW .. desktop recommended.
.. ideally view this mini section page in one one window and follow steps below operationally in a different window.

Step 1. After the map view shows, click-on the two State PCPI layers as shown in the graphic below

Step 2. Getting the Grid view. On the toolbar, click the rightmost SQL button. The table then shows in a grid displayed below the map window. Each row corresponds to a state.

Patterns of State Quarterly Per Capita Personal Income
.. see legend at left showing colors and intervals corresponding to 2023Q2 state per capita personal income.
.. states are labeled with percent change in state PCPI 2022Q2 to 2023Q3.

Optionally click the HTML button (lower left) to view the tabular data in HTML format.

Optionally ctrl-C then ctrl-A on the HTML profile page and copy/paste the data into a blank Excel sheet.

Other areas? Enter different SQL Filter and click Query button.

End of App 07.

App 08 -- Examining State Legislative Districts .. goto top

Consider an application where you want to examine characteristics and patterns state legislative districts. See more about State Legilative Districts, 2022 Cycle. Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW) provides the capabilities of examining these data in context of other subject matter and geography.

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW)
Start OVDAW .. desktop recommended.
.. ideally view this mini section page in one one window and follow steps below operationally in a different window.

Step 1. After the map view shows, click-on the two State PCPI layers as shown in the graphic below

Step 2. Getting the Grid view. On the toolbar, click the rightmost SQL button. The table then shows in a grid displayed below the map window. Each row corresponds to a state.

Patterns of State Quarterly Per Capita Personal Income
.. see legend at left showing colors and intervals corresponding to 2023Q2 state per capita personal income.
.. states are labeled with percent change in state PCPI 2022Q2 to 2023Q3.

Optionally click the HTML button (lower left) to view the tabular data in HTML format.

Optionally ctrl-C then ctrl-A on the HTML profile page and copy/paste the data into a blank Excel sheet.

Other areas? Enter different SQL Filter and click Query button.

End of App 08.

App 09 -- Examining School District Characteristics .. goto top

Consider an application where you want to examine characteristics and patterns of a school district. See the School District Interactive Table for a list of school districts. Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW) provides the capabilities of examining these data in context of other subject matter and geography.

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW)
Click here to start OVDAW .. desktop recommended.
.. ideally view this mini section page in one window and follow steps below operationally in a different window.

Step 1. After the map view shows, use the upper left drop-down to set/select "School Districts" as the "active layer"

Step 2. Locate the school district of interest. In the Searchbar above the map window, key in the address or location name. Use "Vernon ISD, TX" (no quotes) in this example. Then press enter. The map view zooms to that location and shows a blue marker.

Step 3. View/examine the district demographic profile
.. click the blue marker.
.. the school district shows with a blue crosshatch pattern. Navigate, zoom out to view the entire district.

.. optionally click on the checkbox for the School District Label and School Districts layers
    in the Legend Panel to view district boundaries and names.

.. a demographic profile for the school district shows in the lower left panel.
.. optionally click the HTML button (lower left) to view the tabular data in HTML format.
    in the HTML page, see that Vernon ISD, TX has an ACS 2021 total population of 12,281.
    scrolling to the bottom of the HTML page, see the total area is 1464583501 square meters.
    or 1464583501/2589988 = 565.5 square miles
.. optionally ctrl-C then ctrl-A on the HTML profile page and copy/paste the data into a blank Excel sheet.

Step 4. Examining this district in context of others -- getting the Grid view.
.. on the toolbar at bottom, click the rightmost SQL button.
.. the table then shows in a grid displayed below the map window.
.. each row corresponds to a school district.

Paste this filter into the SQL Filter edit box:
  totpopa21>12000 and totpopa21<12500 and stusps='TX'
then click the Query button to view that Vernon ISD has a peer group of five Texas school districts with population 12,000 to 12,500.

End of App 09.

App 10 -- Examining Educational Attainment by State Legislative District .. goto top

Consider an application where you want to examine characteristics and patterns of state legislative districts in a state (or all states). Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW) provides the capabilities of examining these data in context of other subject matter and geography.

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW)
Click here to start OVDAW .. desktop recommended.
.. ideally view this mini section page in one window and follow steps below operationally in a different window.

Follow the steps below to make a view as shown in the following graphic. This view shows a map of Virginia with the upper chamber state legislative districts (SLDs) having a percent high school educational attainment (S067) of more that 95 percent. There are 3 Senate SLDs that meet this criteria. These Senate SLDs are shown in the table below the map. The table also includes median household income, many other attributes can be selected

Simply change the state in the query to examine any state. This graphic shows Michigan:

Step 1. After the map view shows, use the upper left drop-down to set/select "St Leg Dist Upper Code" as the "active layer"

Step 2. Click the "A" button below the map view and at right to view the data table for all U.S. SLDs.

Step 3. Copy the following SQL Filter and paste it into the SQL Filter edit box:
select geoid, name, d001, e062, s067 where stab='VA' and s067>95

Step 4. Copy the following Sort setting and paste it into the SORT edit box:
s067 desc

Step 5. Click the Query button. The view shows the table populated with districts that meet the query.

Step 6. Click the "Highlight all that meet query button" below the table at right.

The map view now shows these SLDs crosshatched. Navigate, zoom-out to view all districts meeting criteria.

End of App 10.

App 11 -- Examining Metropolitan Statistical Areas .. goto top

Consider an application where you want to examine characteristics and patterns of a metropolitan statistical area (or all metros). Open VDA Web GIS (OVDAW) provides the capabilities of examining these data in context of other subject matter and geography.

Steps below illustrate use of the Open VDA Web GIS (OpenVDA)
Click here to start OpenVDA .. desktop recommended.
.. ideally view this mini section page in one window and follow steps below operationally in a different window.

Follow the steps below to make a view as shown in the following graphic. This view shows a map of the contiguous 48 states with the largest 10 metropolitan statistical areas highlighted in the map.

Step 1. After the map view shows, use the upper left drop-down to set/select "CBSA2023" as the "active layer"
.. CBSAs: Core-Based Statistical Areas; MSAs: Metropolitan Statistical Areas: MSAs

Step 2. Click the "A" button below the map view and at right to view the data table for all CBSAs.

Step 3. Copy the following SQL Filter and paste it into the SQL Filter edit box:
(this says to select any metro with a 2023 population greater than 5 million)

Step 4. Copy the following Sort setting and paste it into the SORT edit box:
popest23 desc

Step 5. Click the Query button. The view shows the table populated with metros that meet the query.

Step 6. Click the "Highlight all that meet query button" below the table at right.

The map view now shows these metros crosshatched. Navigate, zoom-out to view all metros meeting the criteria.

End of App 11.

Current Base Project Summary .. goto top

Usage notes
The "Base project" is a VDAGIS "GIS Project". A GIS project is text file that references several layers. Layers are typically shapefiles but for VDA Web operations converted to SQLite format.

The Base project may be accessed by:
1. anyone using Open VDA Web GIS
    -- start -- no login, no fee, only browser needed, nothing to install
2. VDA Web GIS (VDAW) users
    -- start -- extended features, no fee option, other projects, signup required, nothing to install
3. VDA Desktop GIS (VDAD) users
    – register -- install and auto start -- File>Open Server Project -- Windows based, requires installation, no fee option

For Windows users, VDAD is always recommended. It can open the Base project as server project.
.. the layers may be repositioned in the legend panel by click-hold-slide.
.. layer attributes are easily modified.
.. shapefiles from other sources are easily added.

Content (Layers)
This update adds these layers:
.. Interstate/primary roads
.. State $PCPI %Change 2022Q2-2023Q2 as label
.. State $PCPI 2023Q2 thematic pattern
.. K-12 schools by school level; one shapefile, three queries.
.. updated/extended school district layer
Previous update .. all 160 Census 2020 Demographic Profile 1 (DP1) items are included in these layers (same shapefile)
- Cong Communities Div Lbl
- Cong Communities Diversity
Among other things, this enables viewing, sorting, querying these demographic data in table mode.
.. and interactively using table lookups to view corresponding CC shapes in the map view.

Layer list:
Caption Description
States States
Interstate/primary roads  
State $PCPI %Change 2022Q2-2023Q2 as label  
State $PCPI 2023Q2 thematic pattern  
States RealGDP perCap 2023Q1 States GDP
K-12 Schools, Elementary  
K-12 Schools, Middle  
K-12 Schools, High  
CBSAs/Metros/MSAs Label CBSAs/Metros/MSAs Label
- all 2020 CBSAs but query applied to show only MSAs
CBSAs/Metros/MSAs CBSAs/Metros/MSAs
- all 2020 CBSAs but query applied to show only MSAs
Cong District Code Congressional Districts Code
Cong Districts Congressional Districts Boundary
Cong Districts Bold Congressional Districts Bold Boundary
Cong Comm Label Congressional Communities CC/CD Compare Code
Cong Communities Congressional Communities CC/CD Compare Boundary
Cong Communities Div Lbl Congressional Communities DP1 Diversity Label (all DP1 items)
Cong Communities Diversity Congressional Communities DP1 Diversity Thematic Pattern (all DP1 items)
Cong District Diversity Label Congressional Districts DP1 Diversity Label (DP1 items)
Cong District Diversity Congressional Districts DP1 Diversity Thematic Pattern (DP1 items)
CD 118 PopChg% 2020-22 Congressional Districts PopChg% 2020-22 Thematic Pattern (Cen 2020 & ACS 2022 items)
St Leg Dist Upper State Legislative Districts Upper Chamber/Senate
St Leg Dist Lower State Legislative Districts Lower Chamber/House
School Districts Label School Districts Code
School Districts School District extended attributes
Urban Areas Label Urban Areas Code
Urban Areas Urban Areas fill pattern
ZIP Codes Label ZIP Code (ZCTAs) Code
ZIP Codes ZIP Code (ZCTAs) Boundary+
County Name County Name
Counties1 County Boundary 1
Counties2 County Boundary 2
Cities/Places Label Cities/Places Label (Pop 2022)
Cities/Places Cities/Places Boundary (Pop 2022)
Cty Population Gain 2020-22 County Population Change Gain
Cty Population Loss 2020-22 County Population Change Loss
Tracts Label Census Tracts Code
Tracts DP1 Label Census Tracts DP1 %Age 65+ Label (all DP1 items)
Tracts DP1 %Age 65+ Census Tracts DP1 %Age 65+ Thematic Pattern (all DP1 items)
Tracts ACS $MHI Census Tracts ACS $MHI Thematic Pattern
Tracts LMI23 Label Census Tracts Low & Moderate Income; LMI Index
Tracts LMI23 MFI Tract/MSA% Census Tracts Low & Moderate Income
Tract Median Family Income as %MSA Median Family Income Thematic Pattern
BaseLayer Open Streets Map Topology
States1 States Base

Base Project Layers .. these fieldname lists may not be up-to-date ..goto top
The Base Project includes layers listed below.
.. a project (GIS project) is a set of layers with with settings that show determine how that layer is shown in Map Window.
    settings .. such as area/marker attributes including outline, label/label depiction, query if any.
.. a layer is a reference to a shapefile, SQLite, or other file that can be shown in the Map Window.
.. layer names are shown in the Legend Panel at left of Map Window.
.. most layers in this project are shown twice, once to accomodate label only.
    this is a convenience to "click-on" a layer to show label only.
    the same underlying shapefile/SQLite file is used.
                                                    about .. click checkbox on to show tract code as label      
  Layer name  Description & Use
  States  metadata
  State Real GDP Time Series  metadata
  CBSAs/Metros/MSAs Label  metadata .. about .. click checkbox on to show Metro name as label
  CBSAs/Metros/MSAs  about .. MSAs .. metropolitan statisitcal areas
  Congressional Communities  about .. Congressional Community (CC) code
  Congressional Communities  about .. Congressional Community (CC) with no code
  Congressional Districts Label  about .. click checkbox to on to show CD as label
  Congressional Districts  about
  Congressional Districts Bold  about .. a bolded boundary for zoom in use
  School Districts Label  about .. click checkbox on to show district name as label
  School Districts  about
  Urban Areas Label  about .. click checkbox on to show UA name as label
  Urban Areas  about
  ZIP Codes Label  about .. click checkbox on to show ZIP Code as label
  ZIP Codes 
  County Name  about .. click checkbox on to show county name as label
  Counties1  about .. bolder boundary
  Counties2  about .. checked on as default .. light boundary
  Cities/Places Label  about .. click checkbox on to show city name as label
  Cities/Places  about
  Cty Population Gain 2020-22  How & Why County Population is Changing -- gaining population
  Cty Population Loss 2020-22  How & Why County Population is Changing -- losing population
  Tracts Code  about .. click checkbox on to show tract code as label
  Tracts DP1 Label  metadata .. about .. click checkbox on to show Tracts
  Tracts DP1 Age 65+  metadata .. about .. click checkbox on to show patterns of 2020 Census %population 65 years and over
  Tracts ACS $MHI  patterns of median household income
  BaseLayer  .. OpenStreetMaps topology

States layer metadata .. goto layers

Layer 1 -- LayerName: cb_2020_us_state_so51.SHP4 -- LayerFileName: cb_2020_us_state_so51.shp
  fieldname   title
  AREANAME   Area Name
  STAB   USPS State abbreviation
  GEOID   Unique geocode
  AREALAND   Land area SqMt
  AREAWATR   Water area SqMt
  APPPOP20   Apportionment population, 2020
  REPS20   Representatives, 2020
  APPOP10   Apportionment population, 2010
  REPS10   Representatives, 2021
  POP10   Total population, Census 2010
  POP110   Population, one race, Census 2010
  WH10   White, one race, Census 2010
  BL10   Black, one race, Census 2010
  AI10   American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2010
  AS10   Asian, one race, Census 2010
  NH10   Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2010
  OR10   Other, one race, Census 2010
  MR10   Multirace, Census 2010
  HS10   Hispanic, Census 2010
  WHNH10   White, NonHispanic, one race, Census 2010
  BLNH10   Black, NonHispanic, one race, Census 2010
  GQ10   Group Quarters, Census 2010
  GQI10   Group Quarters, Institutional, Census 2010
  GQN10   Group Quarters, Non-Institutional, Census 2010
  HSGUNIT10   Housing units, Census 2010
  OCCUNIT10   Households, Census 2010
  VACUNIT10   Vacant Units, Census 2010
  POP20   Total population, Census 2020
  POP120   Population, one race, Census 2020
  WH20   White, one race, Census 2020
  BL20   Black, one race, Census 2020
  AI20   American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
  AS20   Asian, one race, Census 2020
  NH20   Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
  OR20   Other, one race, Census 2020
  MR20   Multirace, Census 2020
  HS20   Hispanic, Census 2020
  WHNH20   White, NonHispanic, one race, Census 2020
  BLNH20   Black, NonHispanic, one race, Census 2020
  GQ20   Group Quarters, Census 2020
  GQI20   Group Quarters, Institutional, Census 2020
  GQN20   Group Quarters, Non-Institutional, Census 2020
  HSGUNIT20   Housing units, Census 2020
  OCCUNIT20   Households, Census 2020
  VACUNIT20   Vacant Units, Census 2020
  MHIA20   Median Household Income, ACS20
  MFIA20   Median Family Income, ACS20
  MHVA20   Median Housing Value, ACS20
  MDRENTA20   Median Rent, ACS20
  GINIA20   GINI Index, ACS20
  PCE_PC10   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2010
  PCE_PC11   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2011
  PCE_PC12   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2012
  PCE_PC13   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2013
  PCE_PC14   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2014
  PCE_PC15   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2015
  PCE_PC16   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2016
  PCE_PC17   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2017
  PCE_PC18   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2018
  PCE_PC19   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2019
  PCE_PC20   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2010
  PCEPC1920   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2019-20 Change
  PCEPC1920P   Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2019-20 Change
  POP2020   Population 4/1/20 base
  POPEST20   Population estimate 7/1/20
  POPEST21   Population estimate 7/1/21
  POPEST22   Population estimate 7/1/22
  PCHG2122   Population estimate change 21-22
  PCHG2122P   Population estimate percent change 21-22
  NPOPCHG20   Population Net Change 2020 (3 months)
  NPOPCHG21   Population Net Change 2021
  NPOPCHG22   Population Net Change 2022
  BIRTHS20   Births 2020 (3 months)
  BIRTHS21   Births 2021
  BIRTHS22   Births 2022
  DEATHS20   Deaths 2020 (3 months)
  DEATHS21   Deaths 2021
  DEATHS22   Deaths 2022
  NATCHG20   Population Natural Change 2020 (3 months)
  NATCHG21   Population Natural Change 2021
  NATCHG22   Population Natural Change 2022
  INTMIG20   International Migration 2020 (3 months)
  INTMIG21   International Migration Change 2021
  INTMIG22   International Migration Change 2022
  DOMMIG20   Domestic Migration 2020 (3 months)
  DOMMIG21   Domestic Migration Change 2021
  DOMMIG22   Domestic Migration Change 2022
  NETMIG20   Net Migration 2020 (3 months)
  NETMIG21   Net Migration Change 2021
  NETMIG22   Net Migration Change 2022
  GDPR19Q1   Real GDP 2019Q1
  GDPR19Q2   Real GDP 2019Q2
  GDPR19Q3   Real GDP 2019Q3
  GDPR19Q4   Real GDP 2019Q4
  GDPR20Q1   Real GDP 2020Q1
  GDPR20Q2   Real GDP 2020Q2
  GDPR20Q3   Real GDP 2020Q3
  GDPR20Q4   Real GDP 2020Q4
  GDPR21Q1   Real GDP 2021Q1
  GDPR21Q2   Real GDP 2021Q2
  GDPR21Q3   Real GDP 2021Q3
  GDPR21Q4   Real GDP 2021Q4
  GDPR22Q1   Real GDP 2022Q1
  GDPR22Q2   Real GDP 2022Q2
  GDPR22Q3   Real GDP 2022Q3
  GDPR22Q4   Real GDP 2022Q4
  GDPR23Q1   Real GDP 2023Q1
  GDPR22231   Real GDP 2022Q1-2023Q1 change
  GDPR22231P   Real GDP 2022Q1-2023Q1 percent change
  GDPX19Q1   Real GDP Index 2019Q1
  GDPX19Q2   Real GDP Index 2019Q2
  GDPX19Q3   Real GDP Index 2019Q3
  GDPX19Q4   Real GDP Index 2019Q4
  GDPX20Q1   Real GDP Index 2020Q1
  GDPX20Q2   Real GDP Index 2020Q2
  GDPX20Q3   Real GDP Index 2020Q3
  GDPX20Q4   Real GDP Index 2020Q4
  GDPX21Q1   Real GDP Index 2021Q1
  GDPX21Q2   Real GDP Index 2021Q2
  GDPX21Q3   Real GDP Index 2021Q3
  GDPX21Q4   Real GDP Index 2021Q4
  GDPX22Q1   Real GDP Index 2022Q1
  GDPX22Q2   Real GDP Index 2022Q2
  GDPX22Q3   Real GDP Index 2022Q3
  GDPX22Q4   Real GDP Index 2022Q4
  GDPX23Q1   Real GDP Index 2023Q1
  GDPX22231   Real GDP Index 2022Q1-2023Q1 change
  GDPX22231P   Real GDP Index 2022Q1-2023Q1 percent change
  GDPC19Q1   Current GDP 2019Q1
  GDPC19Q2   Current GDP 2019Q2
  GDPC19Q3   Current GDP 2019Q3
  GDPC19Q4   Current GDP 2019Q4
  GDPC20Q1   Current GDP 2020Q1
  GDPC20Q2   Current GDP 2020Q2
  GDPC20Q3   Current GDP 2020Q3
  GDPC20Q4   Current GDP 2020Q4
  GDPC21Q1   Current GDP 2021Q1
  GDPC21Q2   Current GDP 2021Q2
  GDPC21Q3   Current GDP 2021Q3
  GDPC21Q4   Current GDP 2021Q4
  GDPC22Q1   Current GDP 2022Q1
  GDPC22Q2   Current GDP 2022Q2
  GDPC22Q3   Current GDP 2022Q3
  GDPC22Q4   Current GDP 2022Q4
  GDPC23Q1   Current GDP 2023Q1
  GDPC22231   Current GDP 2022Q1-2023Q1 change
  GDPC22231P   Current GDP 2022Q1-2023Q1 percent change

CBSA/Metros/MSAs metadata .. goto layers

Layer 2 -- LayerName: cb_2020_us_cbsa_500k.shp18 -- LayerFileName: cb_2020_us_cbsa_500k.shp
Core-Based Statistical Areas/Metros
2-1 CSAFP C, 3, 0 Combined Statistical Area Code
2-2 CBSAFP C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
2-3 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
2-4 NAME C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
2-5 NAMELSAD C, 50, 0 LSAD Name
2-6 SHORTNAME C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
2-7 LSAD C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
2-8 ALANDSQMI N, 12, 3 Land Area, SqMt
2-9 AWATERSQMI N, 12, 3 Water Area, SqMt
2-10 POP20 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2020
2-11 POP120 N, 9, 0 Population, one race, Census 2020
2-12 WH20 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
2-13 BL20 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
2-14 AI20 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
2-15 AS20 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
2-16 NH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
2-17 OR20 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
2-18 MR20 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
2-19 HS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
2-20 WHNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
2-21 BLNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
2-22 GQ20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
2-23 GQI20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Institutional, Census 2020
2-24 GQN20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Non-Institutional, Census 2020
2-25 HSGUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Housing units, Census 2020
2-26 OCCUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Households, Census 2020
2-27 VACUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Vacant Units, Census 2020
2-28 MHIA20 N, 9, 0 MHIA20
2-29 MFIA20 N, 9, 0 MFIA20
2-30 MHVA20 N, 9, 0 MHVA20
2-31 MDRENTA20 N, 9, 0 MDRENTA20

CBSA/Metros/MSAs metadata .. goto layers

Layer 3 -- LayerName: cb_2020_us_cbsa_500k.shp5 -- LayerFileName: cb_2020_us_cbsa_500k.shp
Core-Based Statistical Areas/Metros
3-1 CSAFP C, 3, 0 Combined Statistical Area Code
3-2 CBSAFP C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
3-3 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
3-4 NAME C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
3-5 NAMELSAD C, 50, 0 LSAD Name
3-6 SHORTNAME C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
3-7 LSAD C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
3-8 ALANDSQMI N, 12, 3 Land Area, SqMt
3-9 AWATERSQMI N, 12, 3 Water Area, SqMt
3-10 POP20 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2020
3-11 POP120 N, 9, 0 Population, one race, Census 2020
3-12 WH20 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
3-13 BL20 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
3-14 AI20 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
3-15 AS20 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
3-16 NH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
3-17 OR20 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
3-18 MR20 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
3-19 HS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
3-20 WHNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
3-21 BLNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
3-22 GQ20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
3-23 GQI20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Institutional, Census 2020
3-24 GQN20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Non-Institutional, Census 2020
3-25 HSGUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Housing units, Census 2020
3-26 OCCUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Households, Census 2020
3-27 VACUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Vacant Units, Census 2020
3-28 MHIA20 N, 9, 0 MHIA20
3-29 MFIA20 N, 9, 0 MFIA20
3-30 MHVA20 N, 9, 0 MHVA20
3-31 MDRENTA20 N, 9, 0 MDRENTA20

Congressional Communities metadata .. goto layers

Layer 4 -- LayerName: cc20_us_012723cd -- LayerFileName: cc20_us_012723cd.shp
4-1 CCN20 C, 7, 0 Congressional District Code 2020
4-2 GEOID C, 7, 0 Unique geocode
4-3 STCD C, 4, 0 Congressional District Code
4-4 STFIPS C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
4-5 STAB C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
4-6 POP20 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2020
4-8 POP120 N, 9, 0 Population, one race, Census 2020
4-9 WH20 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
4-10 BL20 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
4-11 AI20 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
4-12 AS20 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
4-13 NH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
4-14 OR20 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
4-15 MR20 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
4-16 WHNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
4-17 BLNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
4-18 HS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
4-19 GQ20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
4-20 GQI20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Institutional, Census 2020
4-21 GQN20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Non-Institutional, Census 2020
4-22 HSGUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Housing units, Census 2020
4-23 OCCUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Households, Census 2020
4-24 VACUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Vacant Units, Census 2020
4-25 MAJMIN N, 9, 1 MAJMIN
4-26 TOTPOP N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
4-27 TOTPOP1 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
4-28 WHITE1 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
4-29 WHITE1P N, 9, 1 White, one race, Census 2020
4-30 BLACK1 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
4-31 BLACK1P N, 9, 1 Black, one race, Census 2020
4-32 AIAN1 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
4-33 AIAN1P N, 9, 1 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
4-34 ASIAN1 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
4-35 ASIAN1P N, 9, 1 Asian, one race, Census 2020
4-36 NHOPI1 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
4-37 NHOPI1P N, 9, 1 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
4-38 OTHER1 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
4-39 MLTRACE1 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
4-40 WHITE1NH N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
4-41 BLACK1NH N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
4-42 HISPANIC N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
4-44 TOTPOP18 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
4-45 TOTPOP118 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
4-46 WHITE118 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
4-47 BLACK118 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
4-48 AIAN118 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
4-49 ASIAN118 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
4-50 NHOPI118 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
4-51 OTHER118 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
4-52 MLTRACE118 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
4-53 WHITE1NH18 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
4-54 BLACK1NH18 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
4-55 HISPANIC18 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
4-56 GRPQTR N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
4-57 GRPQTRINST N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
4-58 GRPQTRNIST N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
4-59 TOT_HSG N, 9, 0 Housing units, Census 2020
4-60 OCC_UNITS N, 9, 0 Households, Census 2020
4-61 VAC_UNITS N, 9, 0 Vacant Units, Census 2020
4-62 D001 N, 9, 0 Total population
4-63 D002 N, 9, 0 Male population
4-64 D003 N, 9, 0 Female population
4-65 D004 N, 9, 1 D004
4-66 D005 N, 9, 0 D005
4-67 D006 N, 9, 0 D006
4-68 D007 N, 9, 0 D007
4-69 D008 N, 9, 0 D008
4-70 D009 N, 9, 0 D009
4-71 D010 N, 9, 0 D010
4-72 D011 N, 9, 0 D011
4-73 D012 N, 9, 0 D012
4-74 D013 N, 9, 0 D013
4-75 D014 N, 9, 0 D014
4-76 D015 N, 9, 0 D015
4-77 D016 N, 9, 0 D016
4-78 D017 N, 9, 0 D017
4-79 D018 N, 9, 1 D018
4-80 D019 N, 9, 0 D019
4-81 D020 N, 9, 0 D020

Congressional Districts metadata .. goto layers

Layer 5 -- LayerName: tl_rd22_us_cd118_clipped.shp22 -- LayerFileName: tl_rd22_us_cd118_clipped.shp
5-1 STCD118 C, 4, 0 Congressional District Code
5-2 NAME C, 120, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
5-3 PARTY C, 2, 0 PARTY
5-4 NOTE C, 2, 0 NOTE
5-5 GEOID C, 4, 0 Unique geocode
5-6 STAB C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
5-7 STFIPS C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
5-8 CD118 C, 2, 0 Congressional District Code
5-9 GEOID20 C, 4, 0 Unique geocode
5-10 MAJMIN N, 9, 1 MAJMIN
5-11 TOTPOP N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
5-12 TOTPOP1 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
5-13 WHITE1 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
5-14 WHITE1P N, 9, 1 White, one race, Census 2020
5-15 BLACK1 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
5-16 BLACK1P N, 9, 1 Black, one race, Census 2020
5-17 AIAN1 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
5-18 AIAN1P N, 9, 1 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
5-19 ASIAN1 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
5-20 ASIAN1P N, 9, 1 Asian, one race, Census 2020
5-21 NHOPI1 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
5-22 NHOPI1P N, 9, 1 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
5-23 OTHER1 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
5-24 MLTRACE1 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
5-25 WHITE1NH N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
5-26 BLACK1NH N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
5-27 HISPANIC N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
5-29 TOTPOP18 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
5-30 TOTPOP118 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
5-31 WHITE118 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
5-32 BLACK118 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
5-33 AIAN118 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
5-34 ASIAN118 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
5-35 NHOPI118 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
5-36 OTHER118 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
5-37 MLTRACE118 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
5-38 WHITE1NH18 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
5-39 BLACK1NH18 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
5-40 HISPANIC18 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
5-41 GRPQTR N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
5-42 GRPQTRINST N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
5-43 GRPQTRNIST N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
5-44 TOT_HSG N, 9, 0 Housing units, Census 2020
5-45 OCC_UNITS N, 9, 0 Households, Census 2020
5-46 VAC_UNITS N, 9, 0 Vacant Units, Census 2020

Congressional Districts metadata .. goto layers

Layer 6 -- LayerName: tl_rd22_us_cd118_clipped1 -- LayerFileName: tl_rd22_us_cd118_clipped.shp
6-1 STCD118 C, 4, 0 Congressional District Code
6-2 NAME C, 120, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
6-3 PARTY C, 2, 0 PARTY
6-4 NOTE C, 2, 0 NOTE
6-5 GEOID C, 4, 0 Unique geocode
6-6 STAB C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
6-7 STFIPS C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
6-8 CD118 C, 2, 0 Congressional District Code
6-9 GEOID20 C, 4, 0 Unique geocode
6-10 MAJMIN N, 9, 1 MAJMIN
6-11 TOTPOP N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
6-12 TOTPOP1 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
6-13 WHITE1 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
6-14 WHITE1P N, 9, 1 White, one race, Census 2020
6-15 BLACK1 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
6-16 BLACK1P N, 9, 1 Black, one race, Census 2020
6-17 AIAN1 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
6-18 AIAN1P N, 9, 1 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
6-19 ASIAN1 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
6-20 ASIAN1P N, 9, 1 Asian, one race, Census 2020
6-21 NHOPI1 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
6-22 NHOPI1P N, 9, 1 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
6-23 OTHER1 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
6-24 MLTRACE1 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
6-25 WHITE1NH N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
6-26 BLACK1NH N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
6-27 HISPANIC N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
6-29 TOTPOP18 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
6-30 TOTPOP118 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
6-31 WHITE118 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
6-32 BLACK118 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
6-33 AIAN118 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
6-34 ASIAN118 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
6-35 NHOPI118 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
6-36 OTHER118 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
6-37 MLTRACE118 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
6-38 WHITE1NH18 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
6-39 BLACK1NH18 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
6-40 HISPANIC18 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
6-41 GRPQTR N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
6-42 GRPQTRINST N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
6-43 GRPQTRNIST N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
6-44 TOT_HSG N, 9, 0 Housing units, Census 2020
6-45 OCC_UNITS N, 9, 0 Households, Census 2020
6-46 VAC_UNITS N, 9, 0 Vacant Units, Census 2020

Congressional Districts metadata .. goto layers

Layer 7 -- LayerName: tl_rd22_us_cd118_clipped2 -- LayerFileName: tl_rd22_us_cd118_clipped.shp
7-1 STCD118 C, 4, 0 Congressional District Code
7-2 NAME C, 120, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
7-3 PARTY C, 2, 0 PARTY
7-4 NOTE C, 2, 0 NOTE
7-5 GEOID C, 4, 0 Unique geocode
7-6 STAB C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
7-7 STFIPS C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
7-8 CD118 C, 2, 0 Congressional District Code
7-9 GEOID20 C, 4, 0 Unique geocode
7-10 MAJMIN N, 9, 1 MAJMIN
7-11 TOTPOP N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
7-12 TOTPOP1 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
7-13 WHITE1 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
7-14 WHITE1P N, 9, 1 White, one race, Census 2020
7-15 BLACK1 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
7-16 BLACK1P N, 9, 1 Black, one race, Census 2020
7-17 AIAN1 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
7-18 AIAN1P N, 9, 1 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
7-19 ASIAN1 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
7-20 ASIAN1P N, 9, 1 Asian, one race, Census 2020
7-21 NHOPI1 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
7-22 NHOPI1P N, 9, 1 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
7-23 OTHER1 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
7-24 MLTRACE1 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
7-25 WHITE1NH N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
7-26 BLACK1NH N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
7-27 HISPANIC N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
7-29 TOTPOP18 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
7-30 TOTPOP118 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
7-31 WHITE118 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
7-32 BLACK118 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
7-33 AIAN118 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
7-34 ASIAN118 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
7-35 NHOPI118 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
7-36 OTHER118 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
7-37 MLTRACE118 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
7-38 WHITE1NH18 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
7-39 BLACK1NH18 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
7-40 HISPANIC18 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
7-41 GRPQTR N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
7-42 GRPQTRINST N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
7-43 GRPQTRNIST N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
7-44 TOT_HSG N, 9, 0 Housing units, Census 2020
7-45 OCC_UNITS N, 9, 0 Households, Census 2020
7-46 VAC_UNITS N, 9, 0 Vacant Units, Census 2020

School Districts metadata .. goto layers

Layer 8 -- LayerName: cb_2021_us_sd_500k.shp17 -- LayerFileName: cb_2021_us_sd_500k.shp
8-1 NAME C, 100, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
8-2 STUSPS C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
8-3 GEOID C, 7, 0 Unique geocode
8-4 STCOUNTY C, 5, 0 County FIPS Code
8-5 LSAD C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
8-6 ALAND N, 14, 0 Land Area, SqMt
8-7 AWATER N, 14, 0 Water Area, SqMt
8-8 TOTPOPA21 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
8-9 MPOPA21 N, 9, 0 MPOPA21
8-10 FPOPA21 N, 9, 0 FPOPA21
8-11 WHITE1A21 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
8-12 BLACK1A21 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
8-13 AIAN1A21 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
8-14 ASIAN1A21 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
8-15 NHOPI1A21 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
8-16 OTHER1A21 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
8-17 MULTIA21 N, 9, 0 MULTIA21
8-18 HISPA21 N, 9, 0 HISPA21
8-19 POP65UPA21 N, 9, 0 POP65UPA21
8-20 POPHHA21 N, 9, 0 POPHHA21
8-21 HHA21 N, 9, 0 HHA21
8-22 FAMA21 N, 9, 0 FAMA21
8-23 POP25UPA21 N, 9, 0 POP25UPA21
8-24 HSGRADMA21 N, 9, 0 HSGRADMA21
8-25 HSGRADFA21 N, 9, 0 HSGRADFA21
8-26 TOTHSGA21 N, 9, 0 TOTHSGA21
8-27 OWNOCCA21 N, 9, 0 OWNOCCA21
8-28 RNTOCCA21 N, 9, 0 RNTOCCA21
8-29 VACANTA21 N, 9, 0 VACANTA21
8-30 MHIA21 N, 9, 0 MHIA21
8-31 MFIA21 N, 9, 0 MFIA21
8-32 MHVA21 N, 9, 0 MHVA21
8-33 MDRENTA21 N, 9, 0 MDRENTA21
8-34 GINIA21 N, 9, 4 GINIA21

School Districts metadata .. goto layers

Layer 9 -- LayerName: cb_2021_us_sd_500k.shp26 -- LayerFileName: cb_2021_us_sd_500k.shp
9-1 NAME C, 100, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
9-2 STUSPS C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
9-3 GEOID C, 7, 0 Unique geocode
9-4 STCOUNTY C, 5, 0 County FIPS Code
9-5 LSAD C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
9-6 ALAND N, 14, 0 Land Area, SqMt
9-7 AWATER N, 14, 0 Water Area, SqMt
9-8 TOTPOPA21 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
9-9 MPOPA21 N, 9, 0 MPOPA21
9-10 FPOPA21 N, 9, 0 FPOPA21
9-11 WHITE1A21 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
9-12 BLACK1A21 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
9-13 AIAN1A21 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
9-14 ASIAN1A21 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
9-15 NHOPI1A21 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
9-16 OTHER1A21 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
9-17 MULTIA21 N, 9, 0 MULTIA21
9-18 HISPA21 N, 9, 0 HISPA21
9-19 POP65UPA21 N, 9, 0 POP65UPA21
9-20 POPHHA21 N, 9, 0 POPHHA21
9-21 HHA21 N, 9, 0 HHA21
9-22 FAMA21 N, 9, 0 FAMA21
9-23 POP25UPA21 N, 9, 0 POP25UPA21
9-24 HSGRADMA21 N, 9, 0 HSGRADMA21
9-25 HSGRADFA21 N, 9, 0 HSGRADFA21
9-26 TOTHSGA21 N, 9, 0 TOTHSGA21
9-27 OWNOCCA21 N, 9, 0 OWNOCCA21
9-28 RNTOCCA21 N, 9, 0 RNTOCCA21
9-29 VACANTA21 N, 9, 0 VACANTA21
9-30 MHIA21 N, 9, 0 MHIA21
9-31 MFIA21 N, 9, 0 MFIA21
9-32 MHVA21 N, 9, 0 MHVA21
9-33 MDRENTA21 N, 9, 0 MDRENTA21
9-34 GINIA21 N, 9, 4 GINIA21

Urban Areas metadata .. goto layers

Layer 10 -- LayerName: tl_rd22_us_uac20_clipped.shp19 -- LayerFileName: tl_rd22_us_uac20_clipped.shp
10-1 NAME20 C, 100, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
10-2 ST C, 3, 0 USPS State abbreviation
10-3 UACE20 C, 5, 0 Urbanized Area Code
10-4 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
10-5 NAMELSAD20 C, 100, 0 LSAD Name
10-6 LSAD20 C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
10-7 MTFCC20 C, 5, 0 Feature Class Code
10-8 UATYP20 C, 1, 0 Urbanized Area Code
10-9 FUNCSTAT20 C, 1, 0 USPS State abbreviation
10-10 ALAND20 N, 14, 0 Land Area, SqMt
10-11 AWATER20 N, 14, 0 Water Area, SqMt
10-12 INTPTLAT20 C, 11, 0 Internal Point Latitude
10-13 INTPTLON20 C, 12, 0 Internal Point Longitude
10-14 POP N, 9, 0 POP
10-16 ALANDSQMI N, 12, 2 Land Area, SqMt
10-18 POPDEN N, 12, 2 POPDEN

Urban Areas metadata .. goto layers

Layer 11 -- LayerName: tl_rd22_us_uac20_clipped.shp20 -- LayerFileName: tl_rd22_us_uac20_clipped.shp
11-1 NAME20 C, 100, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
11-2 ST C, 3, 0 USPS State abbreviation
11-3 UACE20 C, 5, 0 Urbanized Area Code
11-4 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
11-5 NAMELSAD20 C, 100, 0 LSAD Name
11-6 LSAD20 C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
11-7 MTFCC20 C, 5, 0 Feature Class Code
11-8 UATYP20 C, 1, 0 Urbanized Area Code
11-9 FUNCSTAT20 C, 1, 0 USPS State abbreviation
11-10 ALAND20 N, 14, 0 Land Area, SqMt
11-11 AWATER20 N, 14, 0 Water Area, SqMt
11-12 INTPTLAT20 C, 11, 0 Internal Point Latitude
11-13 INTPTLON20 C, 12, 0 Internal Point Longitude
11-14 POP N, 9, 0 POP
11-16 ALANDSQMI N, 12, 2 Land Area, SqMt
11-18 POPDEN N, 12, 2 POPDEN

ZIP Code Areas metadata .. goto layers

Layer 12 -- LayerName: cb_2020_us_zcta520_500k.shp20 -- LayerFileName: cb_2020_us_zcta520_500k.shp
ZIP Code Areas (ZCTA)
12-1 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
12-2 ZIPCODE C, 5, 0 ZIP Code
12-3 TOTPOPA21 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
12-4 MPOPA21 N, 9, 0 MPOPA21
12-5 FPOPA21 N, 9, 0 FPOPA21
12-6 WHITE1A21 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
12-7 BLACK1A21 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
12-8 AIAN1A21 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
12-9 ASIAN1A21 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
12-10 NHOPI1A21 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
12-11 OTHER1A21 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
12-12 MULTIA21 N, 9, 0 MULTIA21
12-13 HISPA21 N, 9, 0 HISPA21
12-14 POP65UPA21 N, 9, 0 POP65UPA21
12-15 POPHHA21 N, 9, 0 POPHHA21
12-16 HHA21 N, 9, 0 HHA21
12-17 FAMA21 N, 9, 0 FAMA21
12-18 POP25UPA21 N, 9, 0 POP25UPA21
12-19 HSGRADMA21 N, 9, 0 HSGRADMA21
12-20 HSGRADFA21 N, 9, 0 HSGRADFA21
12-21 TOTHSGA21 N, 9, 0 TOTHSGA21
12-22 OWNOCCA21 N, 9, 0 OWNOCCA21
12-23 RNTOCCA21 N, 9, 0 RNTOCCA21
12-24 VACANTA21 N, 9, 0 VACANTA21
12-25 MHIA21 N, 9, 0 MHIA21
12-26 MFIA21 N, 9, 0 MFIA21
12-27 MHVA21 N, 9, 0 MHVA21
12-28 MDRENTA21 N, 9, 0 MDRENTA21
12-29 GINIA21 N, 9, 4 GINIA21
12-30 HPI2010 N, 9, 2 HPI2010
12-31 HPI2011 N, 9, 2 HPI2011
12-32 HPI2012 N, 9, 2 HPI2012
12-33 HPI2013 N, 9, 2 HPI2013
12-34 HPI2014 N, 9, 2 HPI2014
12-35 HPI2015 N, 9, 2 HPI2015
12-36 HPI2016 N, 9, 2 HPI2016
12-37 HPI2017 N, 9, 2 HPI2017
12-38 HPI2018 N, 9, 2 HPI2018
12-39 HPI2019 N, 9, 2 HPI2019
12-40 HPI2020 N, 9, 2 HPI2020
12-41 HPI2021 N, 9, 2 HPI2021
12-42 COUNTY C, 5, 0 County FIPS Code
12-43 ZIPNAME C, 60, 0 ZIP Code
12-44 ZIPCTYP20 N, 9, 0 ZIP Code
12-45 ZIPCTYPART N, 12, 4 ZIP Code
12-46 CTYNAME C, 100, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
12-47 CTYLSAD C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
12-49 MTFCC C, 5, 0 Feature Class Code
12-50 CSAFP C, 3, 0 Combined Statistical Area Code
12-51 CBSAFP C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
12-53 CBSANAME C, 100, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
12-54 CBSALSAD C, 2, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
12-55 CBSAMEMI C, 1, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code

ZIP Code Areas metadata .. goto layers

Layer 13 -- LayerName: cb_2020_us_zcta520_500k.shp27 -- LayerFileName: cb_2020_us_zcta520_500k.shp
ZIP Code Areas (ZCTA)
13-1 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
13-2 ZIPCODE C, 5, 0 ZIP Code
13-3 TOTPOPA21 N, 9, 0 Population, Census 2020
13-4 MPOPA21 N, 9, 0 MPOPA21
13-5 FPOPA21 N, 9, 0 FPOPA21
13-6 WHITE1A21 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
13-7 BLACK1A21 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
13-8 AIAN1A21 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
13-9 ASIAN1A21 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
13-10 NHOPI1A21 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
13-11 OTHER1A21 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
13-12 MULTIA21 N, 9, 0 MULTIA21
13-13 HISPA21 N, 9, 0 HISPA21
13-14 POP65UPA21 N, 9, 0 POP65UPA21
13-15 POPHHA21 N, 9, 0 POPHHA21
13-16 HHA21 N, 9, 0 HHA21
13-17 FAMA21 N, 9, 0 FAMA21
13-18 POP25UPA21 N, 9, 0 POP25UPA21
13-19 HSGRADMA21 N, 9, 0 HSGRADMA21
13-20 HSGRADFA21 N, 9, 0 HSGRADFA21
13-21 TOTHSGA21 N, 9, 0 TOTHSGA21
13-22 OWNOCCA21 N, 9, 0 OWNOCCA21
13-23 RNTOCCA21 N, 9, 0 RNTOCCA21
13-24 VACANTA21 N, 9, 0 VACANTA21
13-25 MHIA21 N, 9, 0 MHIA21
13-26 MFIA21 N, 9, 0 MFIA21
13-27 MHVA21 N, 9, 0 MHVA21
13-28 MDRENTA21 N, 9, 0 MDRENTA21
13-29 GINIA21 N, 9, 4 GINIA21
13-30 HPI2010 N, 9, 2 HPI2010
13-31 HPI2011 N, 9, 2 HPI2011
13-32 HPI2012 N, 9, 2 HPI2012
13-33 HPI2013 N, 9, 2 HPI2013
13-34 HPI2014 N, 9, 2 HPI2014
13-35 HPI2015 N, 9, 2 HPI2015
13-36 HPI2016 N, 9, 2 HPI2016
13-37 HPI2017 N, 9, 2 HPI2017
13-38 HPI2018 N, 9, 2 HPI2018
13-39 HPI2019 N, 9, 2 HPI2019
13-40 HPI2020 N, 9, 2 HPI2020
13-41 HPI2021 N, 9, 2 HPI2021
13-42 COUNTY C, 5, 0 County FIPS Code
13-43 ZIPNAME C, 60, 0 ZIP Code
13-44 ZIPCTYP20 N, 9, 0 ZIP Code
13-45 ZIPCTYPART N, 12, 4 ZIP Code
13-46 CTYNAME C, 100, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
13-47 CTYLSAD C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
13-49 MTFCC C, 5, 0 Feature Class Code
13-50 CSAFP C, 3, 0 Combined Statistical Area Code
13-51 CBSAFP C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
13-53 CBSANAME C, 100, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
13-54 CBSALSAD C, 2, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
13-55 CBSAMEMI C, 1, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code

Counties metadata .. goto layers

Layer 14 -- LayerName: cb_2021_us_county_500knewct.shp10 -- LayerFileName: cb_2021_us_county_500knewct.shp
14-1 CTYNAME C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
14-2 STAB C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
14-3 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
14-4 CBSAFP C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
14-5 ESTBASE20 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
14-6 POPEST20 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
14-7 POPEST21 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
14-8 POPEST22 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
14-9 PCHG21_22 N, 9, 0 PCHG21_22
14-10 PCHG21_22P N, 9, 1 PCHG21_22P
14-11 PCHG20_22 N, 9, 0 PCHG20_22
14-12 PCHG20_22P N, 9, 1 PCHG20_22P
14-13 POPCHG20 N, 9, 0 POPCHG20
14-14 POPCHG21 N, 9, 0 POPCHG21
14-15 POPCHG22 N, 9, 0 POPCHG22
14-16 BIRTHS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
14-17 BIRTHS21 N, 9, 0 BIRTHS21
14-18 BIRTHS22 N, 9, 0 BIRTHS22
14-19 DEATHS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
14-20 DEATHS21 N, 9, 0 DEATHS21
14-21 DEATHS22 N, 9, 0 DEATHS22
14-22 NATCHG20 N, 9, 0 NATCHG20
14-23 NATCHG21 N, 9, 0 NATCHG21
14-24 NATCHG22 N, 9, 0 NATCHG22
14-25 INTMIG20 N, 9, 0 INTMIG20
14-26 INTMIG21 N, 9, 0 INTMIG21
14-27 INTMIG22 N, 9, 0 INTMIG22
14-28 DOMMIG20 N, 9, 0 DOMMIG20
14-29 DOMMIG21 N, 9, 0 DOMMIG21
14-30 DOMMIG22 N, 9, 0 DOMMIG22
14-31 NETMIG20 N, 9, 0 NETMIG20
14-32 NETMIG21 N, 9, 0 NETMIG21
14-33 NETMIG22 N, 9, 0 NETMIG22
14-34 RESID20 N, 9, 0 RESID20
14-35 RESID21 N, 9, 0 RESID21
14-36 RESID22 N, 9, 0 RESID22
14-37 GQBASE20 N, 9, 0 GQBASE20
14-38 GQ20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
14-39 GQ21 N, 9, 0 GQ21
14-40 GQ22 N, 9, 0 GQ22
14-41 RBIRTH21 N, 12, 3 RBIRTH21
14-42 RBIRTH22 N, 12, 3 RBIRTH22
14-43 RDEATH21 N, 12, 3 RDEATH21
14-44 RDEATH22 N, 12, 3 RDEATH22
14-45 RNATCHG21 N, 12, 3 RNATCHG21
14-46 RNATCHG22 N, 12, 3 RNATCHG22
14-47 RINTMIG21 N, 12, 3 RINTMIG21
14-48 RINTMIG22 N, 12, 3 RINTMIG22
14-49 RDOMMIG21 N, 12, 3 RDOMMIG21
14-50 RDOMMIG22 N, 12, 3 RDOMMIG22
14-51 RNETMIG21 N, 12, 3 RNETMIG21
14-52 RNETMIG22 N, 12, 3 RNETMIG22

Counties metadata .. goto layers

Layer 15 -- LayerName: cb_2020_us_county_500kx3142.shp23 -- LayerFileName: cb_2020_us_county_500kx3142.shp
15-1 NAME C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
15-2 NAME1 C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
15-3 STAB C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
15-4 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
15-5 STATE C, 2, 0 State FIPS Code
15-6 REGION C, 1, 0 REGION
15-8 CBSA C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
15-9 CSA C, 3, 0 Combined Statistical Area Code
15-10 MEGA C, 1, 0 MEGA
15-11 ALAND C, 14, 0 Land Area, SqMt
15-12 AWATER C, 14, 0 Water Area, SqMt
15-13 ALANDSQMI N, 12, 3 Land Area, SqMt
15-15 POP2000 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2020
15-16 POP10 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2010
15-17 POP20 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2020
15-18 POP120 N, 9, 0 Population, one race, Census 2020
15-19 WH20 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
15-20 BL20 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
15-21 AI20 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
15-22 AS20 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
15-23 NH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
15-24 OR20 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
15-25 MR20 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
15-26 WHNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
15-27 BLNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
15-28 HS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
15-29 GQ20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
15-30 GQI20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Institutional, Census 2020
15-31 GQN20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Non-Institutional, Census 2020
15-32 HSGUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Housing units, Census 2020
15-33 OCCUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Households, Census 2020
15-34 VACUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Vacant Units, Census 2020
15-35 POP1020C N, 9, 0 Total population change, 2010 to 2020

Counties metadata .. goto layers

Layer 16 -- LayerName: cb_2020_us_county_500kx3142.SHP14 -- LayerFileName: cb_2020_us_county_500kx3142.shp
16-1 NAME C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
16-2 NAME1 C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
16-3 STAB C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
16-4 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
16-5 STATE C, 2, 0 State FIPS Code
16-6 REGION C, 1, 0 REGION
16-8 CBSA C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
16-9 CSA C, 3, 0 Combined Statistical Area Code
16-10 MEGA C, 1, 0 MEGA
16-11 ALAND C, 14, 0 Land Area, SqMt
16-12 AWATER C, 14, 0 Water Area, SqMt
16-13 ALANDSQMI N, 12, 3 Land Area, SqMt
16-15 POP2000 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2020
16-16 POP10 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2010
16-17 POP20 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2020
16-18 POP120 N, 9, 0 Population, one race, Census 2020
16-19 WH20 N, 9, 0 White, one race, Census 2020
16-20 BL20 N, 9, 0 Black, one race, Census 2020
16-21 AI20 N, 9, 0 American Indian/Alaska Native, one race, Census 2020
16-22 AS20 N, 9, 0 Asian, one race, Census 2020
16-23 NH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
16-24 OR20 N, 9, 0 Other, one race, Census 2020
16-25 MR20 N, 9, 0 Multirace, Census 2020
16-26 WHNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
16-27 BLNH20 N, 9, 0 Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, one race, Census 2020
16-28 HS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
16-29 GQ20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
16-30 GQI20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Institutional, Census 2020
16-31 GQN20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Non-Institutional, Census 2020
16-32 HSGUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Housing units, Census 2020
16-33 OCCUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Households, Census 2020
16-34 VACUNIT20 N, 9, 0 Vacant Units, Census 2020
16-35 POP1020C N, 9, 0 Total population change, 2010 to 2020

Counties2 metadata .. goto layers

Layer 17 -- LayerName: cb_2022_us_place_500k_pop2022.shp21 -- LayerFileName: cb_2022_us_place_500k_pop2022.shp
17-1 CITYNAME C, 60, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
17-2 USPS C, 2, 0 USPS
17-3 GEOID C, 7, 0 Unique geocode
17-4 LSADGAZ C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
17-5 ALAND_SQMI N, 12, 3 Land Area, SqMt
17-7 CTYNAME C, 60, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
17-8 STCTY C, 5, 0 USPS State abbreviation
17-9 CSAFP C, 3, 0 Combined Statistical Area Code
17-10 CBSAFP C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
17-12 POPES20 N, 9, 0 POPES20
17-13 POPEST21 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
17-14 POPEST22 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
17-15 POP20_22 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2020
17-16 POP20_22P N, 9, 1 Total population, Census 2020

Counties2 metadata .. goto layers

Layer 18 -- LayerName: cb_2022_us_place_500k_pop2022.shp16 -- LayerFileName: cb_2022_us_place_500k_pop2022.shp
18-1 CITYNAME C, 60, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
18-2 USPS C, 2, 0 USPS
18-3 GEOID C, 7, 0 Unique geocode
18-4 LSADGAZ C, 2, 0 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code
18-5 ALAND_SQMI N, 12, 3 Land Area, SqMt
18-7 CTYNAME C, 60, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
18-8 STCTY C, 5, 0 USPS State abbreviation
18-9 CSAFP C, 3, 0 Combined Statistical Area Code
18-10 CBSAFP C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
18-12 POPES20 N, 9, 0 POPES20
18-13 POPEST21 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
18-14 POPEST22 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
18-15 POP20_22 N, 9, 0 Total population, Census 2020
18-16 POP20_22P N, 9, 1 Total population, Census 2020

Counties metadata .. goto layers

Layer 19 -- LayerName: cb_2021_us_county_500knewct.shp8 -- LayerFileName: cb_2021_us_county_500knewct.shp
19-1 CTYNAME C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
19-2 STAB C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
19-3 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
19-4 CBSAFP C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
19-5 ESTBASE20 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
19-6 POPEST20 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
19-7 POPEST21 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
19-8 POPEST22 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
19-9 PCHG21_22 N, 9, 0 PCHG21_22
19-10 PCHG21_22P N, 9, 1 PCHG21_22P
19-11 PCHG20_22 N, 9, 0 PCHG20_22
19-12 PCHG20_22P N, 9, 1 PCHG20_22P
19-13 POPCHG20 N, 9, 0 POPCHG20
19-14 POPCHG21 N, 9, 0 POPCHG21
19-15 POPCHG22 N, 9, 0 POPCHG22
19-16 BIRTHS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
19-17 BIRTHS21 N, 9, 0 BIRTHS21
19-18 BIRTHS22 N, 9, 0 BIRTHS22
19-19 DEATHS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
19-20 DEATHS21 N, 9, 0 DEATHS21
19-21 DEATHS22 N, 9, 0 DEATHS22
19-22 NATCHG20 N, 9, 0 NATCHG20
19-23 NATCHG21 N, 9, 0 NATCHG21
19-24 NATCHG22 N, 9, 0 NATCHG22
19-25 INTMIG20 N, 9, 0 INTMIG20
19-26 INTMIG21 N, 9, 0 INTMIG21
19-27 INTMIG22 N, 9, 0 INTMIG22
19-28 DOMMIG20 N, 9, 0 DOMMIG20
19-29 DOMMIG21 N, 9, 0 DOMMIG21
19-30 DOMMIG22 N, 9, 0 DOMMIG22
19-31 NETMIG20 N, 9, 0 NETMIG20
19-32 NETMIG21 N, 9, 0 NETMIG21
19-33 NETMIG22 N, 9, 0 NETMIG22
19-34 RESID20 N, 9, 0 RESID20
19-35 RESID21 N, 9, 0 RESID21
19-36 RESID22 N, 9, 0 RESID22
19-37 GQBASE20 N, 9, 0 GQBASE20
19-38 GQ20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
19-39 GQ21 N, 9, 0 GQ21
19-40 GQ22 N, 9, 0 GQ22
19-41 RBIRTH21 N, 12, 3 RBIRTH21
19-42 RBIRTH22 N, 12, 3 RBIRTH22
19-43 RDEATH21 N, 12, 3 RDEATH21
19-44 RDEATH22 N, 12, 3 RDEATH22
19-45 RNATCHG21 N, 12, 3 RNATCHG21
19-46 RNATCHG22 N, 12, 3 RNATCHG22
19-47 RINTMIG21 N, 12, 3 RINTMIG21
19-48 RINTMIG22 N, 12, 3 RINTMIG22
19-49 RDOMMIG21 N, 12, 3 RDOMMIG21
19-50 RDOMMIG22 N, 12, 3 RDOMMIG22
19-51 RNETMIG21 N, 12, 3 RNETMIG21
19-52 RNETMIG22 N, 12, 3 RNETMIG22

Counties metadata .. goto layers

Layer 20 -- LayerName: cb_2021_us_county_500knewct.shp9 -- LayerFileName: cb_2021_us_county_500knewct.shp
20-1 CTYNAME C, 50, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name
20-2 STAB C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
20-3 GEOID C, 5, 0 Unique geocode
20-4 CBSAFP C, 5, 0 Core-Based Statistical Area Code
20-5 ESTBASE20 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
20-6 POPEST20 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
20-7 POPEST21 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
20-8 POPEST22 N, 9, 0 USPS State abbreviation
20-9 PCHG21_22 N, 9, 0 PCHG21_22
20-10 PCHG21_22P N, 9, 1 PCHG21_22P
20-11 PCHG20_22 N, 9, 0 PCHG20_22
20-12 PCHG20_22P N, 9, 1 PCHG20_22P
20-13 POPCHG20 N, 9, 0 POPCHG20
20-14 POPCHG21 N, 9, 0 POPCHG21
20-15 POPCHG22 N, 9, 0 POPCHG22
20-16 BIRTHS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
20-17 BIRTHS21 N, 9, 0 BIRTHS21
20-18 BIRTHS22 N, 9, 0 BIRTHS22
20-19 DEATHS20 N, 9, 0 Hispanic, Census 2020
20-20 DEATHS21 N, 9, 0 DEATHS21
20-21 DEATHS22 N, 9, 0 DEATHS22
20-22 NATCHG20 N, 9, 0 NATCHG20
20-23 NATCHG21 N, 9, 0 NATCHG21
20-24 NATCHG22 N, 9, 0 NATCHG22
20-25 INTMIG20 N, 9, 0 INTMIG20
20-26 INTMIG21 N, 9, 0 INTMIG21
20-27 INTMIG22 N, 9, 0 INTMIG22
20-28 DOMMIG20 N, 9, 0 DOMMIG20
20-29 DOMMIG21 N, 9, 0 DOMMIG21
20-30 DOMMIG22 N, 9, 0 DOMMIG22
20-31 NETMIG20 N, 9, 0 NETMIG20
20-32 NETMIG21 N, 9, 0 NETMIG21
20-33 NETMIG22 N, 9, 0 NETMIG22
20-34 RESID20 N, 9, 0 RESID20
20-35 RESID21 N, 9, 0 RESID21
20-36 RESID22 N, 9, 0 RESID22
20-37 GQBASE20 N, 9, 0 GQBASE20
20-38 GQ20 N, 9, 0 Group Quarters, Census 2020
20-39 GQ21 N, 9, 0 GQ21
20-40 GQ22 N, 9, 0 GQ22
20-41 RBIRTH21 N, 12, 3 RBIRTH21
20-42 RBIRTH22 N, 12, 3 RBIRTH22
20-43 RDEATH21 N, 12, 3 RDEATH21
20-44 RDEATH22 N, 12, 3 RDEATH22
20-45 RNATCHG21 N, 12, 3 RNATCHG21
20-46 RNATCHG22 N, 12, 3 RNATCHG22
20-47 RINTMIG21 N, 12, 3 RINTMIG21
20-48 RINTMIG22 N, 12, 3 RINTMIG22
20-49 RDOMMIG21 N, 12, 3 RDOMMIG21
20-50 RDOMMIG22 N, 12, 3 RDOMMIG22
20-51 RNETMIG21 N, 12, 3 RNETMIG21
20-52 RNETMIG22 N, 12, 3 RNETMIG22

Tracts metadata .. goto layers

Layer 21 -- LayerName: tracts21_itemset1.shp25 -- LayerFileName: tracts21_itemset1.shp
Census Tracts
21-1 GEOID C, 11, 0 Unique geocode
21-2 ALANDSQMI N, 12, 3 Land Area, SqMt
21-4 D001 N, 9, 0 Total population
21-5 D002 N, 9, 0 Male population
21-6 D003 N, 9, 0 Female population
21-7 D005 N, 9, 0 D005
21-8 D006 N, 9, 0 D006
21-9 D007 N, 9, 0 D007
21-10 D008 N, 9, 0 D008
21-11 D009 N, 9, 0 D009
21-12 D010 N, 9, 0 D010
21-13 D011 N, 9, 0 D011
21-14 D012 N, 9, 0 D012
21-15 D013 N, 9, 0 D013
21-16 D014 N, 9, 0 D014
21-17 D015 N, 9, 0 D015
21-18 D016 N, 9, 0 D016
21-19 D017 N, 9, 0 D017
21-20 D018 N, 9, 1 D018
21-21 D019 N, 9, 0 D019
21-22 D020 N, 9, 0 D020
21-23 D021 N, 9, 0 D021
21-24 D022 N, 9, 0 D022
21-25 D023 N, 9, 0 D023
21-26 D024 N, 9, 0 D024
21-27 D036 N, 9, 0 D036
21-28 D037 N, 9, 0 D037
21-29 D038 N, 9, 0 D038
21-30 D039 N, 9, 0 D039
21-31 D044 N, 9, 0 D044
21-32 D052 N, 9, 0 D052
21-33 D057 N, 9, 0 D057
21-34 D058 N, 9, 0 D058
21-35 D071 N, 9, 0 D071
21-36 D072 N, 9, 0 D072
21-37 D076 N, 9, 0 D076
21-38 D077 N, 9, 0 D077
21-39 D078 N, 9, 0 D078
21-40 D087 N, 9, 0 D087
21-41 D088 N, 9, 0 D088
21-42 D089 N, 9, 0 D089
21-43 S001 N, 9, 0 S001
21-44 S002 N, 9, 0 S002
21-45 S004 N, 9, 0 S004
21-46 S008 N, 9, 0 S008
21-47 S012 N, 9, 0 S012
21-48 S016 N, 9, 2 S016
21-49 S017 N, 9, 2 S017
21-50 S018 N, 9, 0 S018
21-51 S053 N, 9, 0 S053
21-52 S054 N, 9, 0 S054
21-53 S055 N, 9, 0 S055
21-54 S056 N, 9, 0 S056
21-55 S057 N, 9, 0 S057
21-56 S058 N, 9, 0 S058
21-57 S059 N, 9, 0 S059
21-58 S060 N, 9, 0 S060
21-59 S061 N, 9, 0 S061
21-60 S062 N, 9, 0 S062
21-61 S063 N, 9, 0 S063
21-62 S064 N, 9, 0 S064
21-63 S065 N, 9, 0 S065
21-64 S066 N, 9, 0 S066
21-65 S067 N, 9, 1 S067
21-66 S068 N, 9, 1 S068
21-67 S079 N, 9, 0 S079
21-68 S080 N, 9, 0 S080
21-69 S081 N, 9, 0 S081
21-70 S082 N, 9, 0 S082
21-71 S083 N, 9, 0 S083
21-72 S084 N, 9, 0 S084
21-73 S085 N, 9, 0 S085
21-74 S087 N, 9, 0 S087
21-75 S089 N, 9, 0 S089
21-76 S090 N, 9, 0 S090
21-77 S091 N, 9, 0 S091
21-78 S092 N, 9, 0 S092
21-79 S093 N, 9, 0 S093
21-80 S094 N, 9, 0 S094
21-81 S095 N, 9, 0 S095
21-82 S096 N, 9, 0 S096
21-83 S097 N, 9, 0 S097
21-84 S112 N, 9, 0 S112
21-85 S113 N, 9, 0 S113
21-86 S114 N, 9, 0 S114
21-87 S115 N, 9, 0 S115
21-88 S116 N, 9, 0 S116
21-89 S117 N, 9, 0 S117
21-90 S152 N, 9, 0 S152
21-91 S153 N, 9, 0 S153
21-92 S154 N, 9, 0 S154
21-93 E001 N, 9, 0 E001
21-94 E002 N, 9, 0 E002
21-95 E003 N, 9, 0 E003
21-96 E004 N, 9, 0 E004
21-97 E005 N, 9, 0 E005
21-98 E006 N, 9, 0 E006
21-99 E007 N, 9, 0 E007
21-100 E008 N, 9, 0 E008
21-101 E009 N, 9, 1 E009
21-102 E026 N, 9, 0 E026
21-103 E027 N, 9, 0 E027
21-104 E028 N, 9, 0 E028
21-105 E029 N, 9, 0 E029
21-106 E030 N, 9, 0 E030
21-107 E031 N, 9, 0 E031
21-108 E033 N, 9, 0 E033
21-109 E034 N, 9, 0 E034
21-110 E035 N, 9, 0 E035
21-111 E036 N, 9, 0 E036
21-112 E037 N, 9, 0 E037
21-113 E038 N, 9, 0 E038
21-114 E039 N, 9, 0 E039
21-115 E040 N, 9, 0 E040
21-116 E041 N, 9, 0 E041
21-117 E042 N, 9, 0 E042
21-118 E043 N, 9, 0 E043
21-119 E044 N, 9, 0 E044
21-120 E045 N, 9, 0 E045
21-121 E047 N, 9, 0 E047
21-122 E048 N, 9, 0 E048
21-123 E049 N, 9, 0 E049
21-124 E050 N, 9, 0 E050
21-125 E052 N, 9, 0 E052
21-126 E053 N, 9, 0 E053
21-127 E054 N, 9, 0 E054
21-128 E055 N, 9, 0 E055
21-129 E056 N, 9, 0 E056
21-130 E057 N, 9, 0 E057
21-131 E058 N, 9, 0 E058
21-132 E059 N, 9, 0 E059
21-133 E060 N, 9, 0 E060
21-134 E061 N, 9, 0 E061
21-135 E062 N, 9, 0 E062
21-136 E063 N, 9, 0 E063
21-137 E064 N, 9, 0 E064
21-138 E065 N, 9, 0 E065
21-139 E066 N, 9, 0 E066
21-140 E067 N, 9, 0 E067
21-141 E068 N, 9, 0 E068
21-142 E069 N, 9, 0 E069
21-143 E070 N, 9, 0 E070
21-144 E071 N, 9, 0 E071
21-145 E072 N, 9, 0 E072
21-146 E073 N, 9, 0 E073
21-147 E074 N, 9, 0 E074
21-148 E075 N, 9, 0 E075
21-149 E076 N, 9, 0 E076
21-150 E077 N, 9, 0 E077
21-151 E078 N, 9, 0 E078
21-152 E079 N, 9, 0 E079
21-153 E080 N, 9, 0 E080
21-154 E081 N, 9, 0 E081
21-155 E082 N, 9, 0 E082
21-156 E083 N, 9, 0 E083
21-157 E084 N, 9, 0 E084
21-158 E085 N, 9, 0 E085
21-159 E086 N, 9, 0 E086
21-160 E087 N, 9, 0 E087
21-161 E088 N, 9, 0 E088
21-162 E089 N, 9, 0 E089
21-163 E090 N, 9, 0 E090
21-164 E091 N, 9, 0 E091
21-165 E092 N, 9, 0 E092
21-166 E093 N, 9, 0 E093
21-167 E094 N, 9, 0 E094
21-168 E095 N, 9, 0 E095
21-169 E096 N, 9, 0 E096
21-170 E097 N, 9, 0 E097
21-171 E098 N, 9, 0 E098
21-172 E099 N, 9, 0 E099
21-173 E119 N, 9, 1 E119
21-174 E128 N, 9, 1 E128
21-175 H001 N, 9, 0 Total housing units
21-176 H002 N, 9, 0 Occupied housing units
21-177 H003 N, 9, 0 Vacant housing units
21-178 H004 N, 9, 1 H004
21-179 H005 N, 9, 1 H005
21-180 H007 N, 9, 0 H007
21-181 H008 N, 9, 0 H008
21-182 H009 N, 9, 0 H009
21-183 H010 N, 9, 0 H010
21-184 H011 N, 9, 0 H011
21-185 H012 N, 9, 0 H012
21-186 H013 N, 9, 0 H013
21-187 H014 N, 9, 0 H014
21-188 H015 N, 9, 0 H015
21-189 H016 N, 9, 0 H016
21-190 H017 N, 9, 0 H017
21-191 H018 N, 9, 0 H018
21-192 H019 N, 9, 0 H019
21-193 H020 N, 9, 0 H020
21-194 H021 N, 9, 0 H021
21-195 H022 N, 9, 0 H022
21-196 H023 N, 9, 0 H023
21-197 H024 N, 9, 0 H024
21-198 H025 N, 9, 0 H025
21-199 H026 N, 9, 0 H026
21-200 H037 N, 9, 1 H037
21-201 H046 N, 9, 0 H046
21-202 H047 N, 9, 0 H047
21-203 H048 N, 9, 2 H048
21-204 H049 N, 9, 2 H049
21-205 H051 N, 9, 0 H051
21-206 H052 N, 9, 0 H052
21-207 H053 N, 9, 0 H053
21-208 H054 N, 9, 0 H054
21-209 H055 N, 9, 0 H055
21-210 H056 N, 9, 0 H056
21-211 H058 N, 9, 0 H058
21-212 H059 N, 9, 0 H059
21-213 H060 N, 9, 0 H060
21-214 H061 N, 9, 0 H061
21-215 H063 N, 9, 0 H063
21-216 H064 N, 9, 0 H064
21-217 H065 N, 9, 0 H065
21-218 H066 N, 9, 0 H066
21-219 H067 N, 9, 0 H067
21-220 H068 N, 9, 0 H068
21-221 H069 N, 9, 0 H069
21-222 H077 N, 9, 0 H077
21-223 H078 N, 9, 0 H078
21-224 H079 N, 9, 0 H079
21-225 H081 N, 9, 0 H081
21-226 H082 N, 9, 0 H082
21-227 H083 N, 9, 0 H083
21-228 H084 N, 9, 0 H084
21-229 H085 N, 9, 0 H085
21-230 H086 N, 9, 0 H086
21-231 H087 N, 9, 0 H087
21-232 H088 N, 9, 0 H088
21-233 H089 N, 9, 0 H089
21-234 H090 N, 9, 0 H090
21-235 H091 N, 9, 0 H091
21-236 H092 N, 9, 0 H092
21-237 H126 N, 9, 0 H126
21-238 H127 N, 9, 0 H127
21-239 H128 N, 9, 0 H128
21-240 H129 N, 9, 0 H129
21-241 H130 N, 9, 0 H130
21-242 H131 N, 9, 0 H131
21-243 H132 N, 9, 0 H132
21-244 H133 N, 9, 0 H133
21-245 H134 N, 9, 0 H134
21-246 STPUMA20 C, 7, 0 USPS State abbreviation

Tracts DP1 metadata .. goto layers
The dataset/fields described below include the 160 Census 2020 DP1 fields.
The demographic fields are named like Dxxxyyyyyy where xxx is the sequence number as assigned by Census.
.. the yyyyyy portion of the name is a short abbreviation for this subject matter item.

  GEOID  Geocode
  ALANDSQMI  Land area SqMi
  AWATRSQMI  Water areas SqMi
  D001TPOP ......Total population
  D0020004 ........ Under 5 years
  D0030509 ........ 5 to 9 years
  D0041014 ........ 10 to 14 years
  D0051519 ........ 15 to 19 years
  D0062024 ........ 20 to 24 years
  D0072529 ........ 25 to 29 years
  D0083034 ........ 30 to 34 years
  D0093539 ........ 35 to 39 years
  D0104044 ........ 40 to 44 years
  D0114549 ........ 45 to 49 years
  D0125054 ........ 50 to 54 years
  D0135559 ........ 55 to 59 years
  D0146064 ........ 60 to 64 years
  D0156569 ........ 65 to 69 years
  D0167074 ........ 70 to 74 years
  D0177579 ........ 75 to 79 years
  D0188084 ........ 80 to 84 years
  D01985UP ........ 85 years and over
   ...... Selected Age Categories
  D02016UP ..........16 years and over
  D02118UP ..........18 years and over
  D02221UP ..........21 years and over
  D02362UP ..........62 years and over
  D02465UP ..........65 years and over
  D025MALE ......Male population
  D0260004M ........ Under 5 years
  D0270509M ........ 5 to 9 years
  D0281014M ........ 10 to 14 years
  D0291519M ........ 15 to 19 years
  D0302024M ........ 20 to 24 years
  D0312529M ........ 25 to 29 years
  D0323034M ........ 30 to 34 years
  D0333539M ........ 35 to 39 years
  D0344044M ........ 40 to 44 years
  D0354549M ........ 45 to 49 years
  D0365054M ........ 50 to 54 years
  D0375559M ........ 55 to 59 years
  D0386064M ........ 60 to 64 years
  D0396569M ........ 65 to 69 years
  D0407074M ........ 70 to 74 years
  D0417579M ........ 75 to 79 years
  D0428084M ........ 80 to 84 years
  D04385UPM ........ 85 years and over
   ...... Selected Age Categories
  D04416UPM ..........16 years and over
  D04518UPM ..........18 years and over
  D04621UPM ..........21 years and over
  D04762UPM ..........62 years and over
  D04865UPM ..........65 years and over
  D049FEMALE ......Female population
  D0500004F ........ Under 5 years
  D0510509F ........ 5 to 9 years
  D0521014F ........ 10 to 14 years
  D0531519F ........ 15 to 19 years
  D0542024F ........ 20 to 24 years
  D0552529F ........ 25 to 29 years
  D0563034F ........ 30 to 34 years
  D0573539F ........ 35 to 39 years
  D0584044F ........ 40 to 44 years
  D0594549F ........ 45 to 49 years
  D0605054F ........ 50 to 54 years
  D0615559F ........ 55 to 59 years
  D0626064F ........ 60 to 64 years
  D0636569F ........ 65 to 69 years
  D0647074F ........ 70 to 74 years
  D0657579F ........ 75 to 79 years
  D0668084F ........ 80 to 84 years
  D06785UPF ........ 85 years and over
   ...... Selected Age Categories
  D06816UPF ..........16 years and over
  D06918UPF ..........18 years and over
  D07021UPF ..........21 years and over
  D07162UPF ..........62 years and over
  D07265UPF ..........65 years and over
  D073MDAGE ......Both sexes
  D074MDAGEM ......Male
  D075MDAGEF ......Female
  D076TPOP ......Total population
  D0771RACE ........ One Race
  D078WHITE1 ..........White
  D079BLACK1 ..........Black or African American
  D080AIAN1 ..........American Indian and Alaska Native
  D081ASIAN1 ..........Asian
  D082NHOPI1 ..........Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander
  D083OTHER1 ..........Some Other Race
  D084MULTI ........ Two or More Races
  D085TRTALL ......Total races tallied
  D086TRWC ........ White alone or in combination with one or more other races
  D087TRBC ........ Black or African American alone or in combination with one or more other races
  D088TRAA ........ American Indian and Alaska Native alone or in combination with one or more other races
  D089TRAS ........ Asian alone or in combination with one or more other races
  D090TRNH ........ Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with one or more other
  D091TROT ........ Some Other Race alone or in combination with one or more other races
  D092TPOP ......Total population
  D093HISP ........ Hispanic or Latino (of any race)
  D094NHISP ........ Not Hispanic or Latino
  D095TPOP ......Total population
  D096HISP ........ Hispanic or Latino
  D097HW1 ..........White alone
  D098HB1 ..........Black or African American alone
  D099HAI1 ..........American Indian and Alaska Native alone
  D100HAS1 ..........Asian alone
  D101HNH1 ..........Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
  D102HOTH1 ..........Some Other Race alone
  D103HMULT ..........Two or More Races
  D104NHISP ........ Not Hispanic or Latino
  D105NHW1 ..........White alone
  D106NHB1 ..........Black or African American alone
  D107NHAI1 ..........American Indian and Alaska Native alone
  D108NHAS1 ..........Asian alone
  D109NHNH1 ..........Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone
  D110NHOTH1 ..........Some Other Race alone
  D111NHMULT ..........Two or More Races
  D112TPOP ......Total population
  D113RPINHH ........ In households
  D114RHHLDR ..........Householder
  D115ROSHHR ..........Opposite-sex spouse
  D116RSSHHR ..........Same-sex spouse
  D117ROSPTR ..........Opposite-sex unmarried partner
  D118RSSPTR ..........Same-sex unmarried partner
  D119RCHILD ..........Child [2]
  D120RCHU18 .......... Under 18 years
  D121RGCCHD ..........Grandchild
  D122RGCH18 .......... Under 18 years
  D123ROREL ..........Other relatives
  D124RNREL ..........Nonrelatives
  D125GQQTR ........ In group quarters
  D126GQI ..........Institutionalized population:
  D127GQIM .......... Male
  D128GGIF .......... Female
  D129GQNI ..........Noninstitutionalized population:
  D130GQNIM .......... Male
  D131GQNIF .......... Female
  D132HHTOT ......Total households
  D133HHMARR ........ Married couple household
  D134HHMARC ..........With own children under 18 [3]
  D135HHCOH ........ Cohabiting couple household
  D136HHCOHC ..........With own children under 18 [3]
  D137HHM ........ Male householder, no spouse or partner present:
  D138HHMA ..........Living alone
  D139HHMA65 .......... 65 years and over
  D140HHMAC ..........With own children under 18 [3]
  D141HHF ........ Female householder, no spouse or partner present:
  D142HHFA ..........Living alone
  D143HHFA65 .......... 65 years and over
  D144HHFAC ..........With own children under 18 [3]
  D145HHW18 ..........Households with individuals under 18 years
  D146HHW65 ..........Households with individuals 65 years and over
  D147HUNITS ......Total housing units
  D148OCCHSG ........ Occupied housing units
  D149VACHSG ........ Vacant housing units
  D150V4RNT ..........For rent
  D151VRNTNO ..........Rented, not occupied
  D152V4SALE ..........For sale only
  D153VSOLDN ..........Sold, not occupied
  D154VSEAS ..........For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use
  D155VOTHR ..........All other vacants
  D156HVACR ......Homeowner vacancy rate (percent) [4]
  D157RVACR ......Rental vacancy rate (percent) [5]
  D158OCCHU ......Occupied housing units
  D159OCCHUO ........ Owner-occupied housing units
  D160OCCHUR ........ Renter-occupied housing units
  DP165UPPCT  Percent population age 65 and over

Layer 22 -- LayerName: tracts213b -- LayerFileName: tracts21_itemset1.shp
Census Tracts
22-1 GEOID C, 11, 0 Unique geocode
22-2 ALANDSQMI N, 12, 3 Land Area, SqMt
22-4 D001 N, 9, 0 Total population
22-5 D002 N, 9, 0 Male population
22-6 D003 N, 9, 0 Female population
22-7 D005 N, 9, 0 D005
22-8 D006 N, 9, 0 D006
22-9 D007 N, 9, 0 D007
22-10 D008 N, 9, 0 D008
22-11 D009 N, 9, 0 D009
22-12 D010 N, 9, 0 D010
22-13 D011 N, 9, 0 D011
22-14 D012 N, 9, 0 D012
22-15 D013 N, 9, 0 D013
22-16 D014 N, 9, 0 D014
22-17 D015 N, 9, 0 D015
22-18 D016 N, 9, 0 D016
22-19 D017 N, 9, 0 D017
22-20 D018 N, 9, 1 D018
22-21 D019 N, 9, 0 D019
22-22 D020 N, 9, 0 D020
22-23 D021 N, 9, 0 D021
22-24 D022 N, 9, 0 D022
22-25 D023 N, 9, 0 D023
22-26 D024 N, 9, 0 D024
22-27 D036 N, 9, 0 D036
22-28 D037 N, 9, 0 D037
22-29 D038 N, 9, 0 D038
22-30 D039 N, 9, 0 D039
22-31 D044 N, 9, 0 D044
22-32 D052 N, 9, 0 D052
22-33 D057 N, 9, 0 D057
22-34 D058 N, 9, 0 D058
22-35 D071 N, 9, 0 D071
22-36 D072 N, 9, 0 D072
22-37 D076 N, 9, 0 D076
22-38 D077 N, 9, 0 D077
22-39 D078 N, 9, 0 D078
22-40 D087 N, 9, 0 D087
22-41 D088 N, 9, 0 D088
22-42 D089 N, 9, 0 D089
22-43 S001 N, 9, 0 S001
22-44 S002 N, 9, 0 S002
22-45 S004 N, 9, 0 S004
22-46 S008 N, 9, 0 S008
22-47 S012 N, 9, 0 S012
22-48 S016 N, 9, 2 S016
22-49 S017 N, 9, 2 S017
22-50 S018 N, 9, 0 S018
22-51 S053 N, 9, 0 S053
22-52 S054 N, 9, 0 S054
22-53 S055 N, 9, 0 S055
22-54 S056 N, 9, 0 S056
22-55 S057 N, 9, 0 S057
22-56 S058 N, 9, 0 S058
22-57 S059 N, 9, 0 S059
22-58 S060 N, 9, 0 S060
22-59 S061 N, 9, 0 S061
22-60 S062 N, 9, 0 S062
22-61 S063 N, 9, 0 S063
22-62 S064 N, 9, 0 S064
22-63 S065 N, 9, 0 S065
22-64 S066 N, 9, 0 S066
22-65 S067 N, 9, 1 S067
22-66 S068 N, 9, 1 S068
22-67 S079 N, 9, 0 S079
22-68 S080 N, 9, 0 S080
22-69 S081 N, 9, 0 S081
22-70 S082 N, 9, 0 S082
22-71 S083 N, 9, 0 S083
22-72 S084 N, 9, 0 S084
22-73 S085 N, 9, 0 S085
22-74 S087 N, 9, 0 S087
22-75 S089 N, 9, 0 S089
22-76 S090 N, 9, 0 S090
22-77 S091 N, 9, 0 S091
22-78 S092 N, 9, 0 S092
22-79 S093 N, 9, 0 S093
22-80 S094 N, 9, 0 S094
22-81 S095 N, 9, 0 S095
22-82 S096 N, 9, 0 S096
22-83 S097 N, 9, 0 S097
22-84 S112 N, 9, 0 S112
22-85 S113 N, 9, 0 S113
22-86 S114 N, 9, 0 S114
22-87 S115 N, 9, 0 S115
22-88 S116 N, 9, 0 S116
22-89 S117 N, 9, 0 S117
22-90 S152 N, 9, 0 S152
22-91 S153 N, 9, 0 S153
22-92 S154 N, 9, 0 S154
22-93 E001 N, 9, 0 E001
22-94 E002 N, 9, 0 E002
22-95 E003 N, 9, 0 E003
22-96 E004 N, 9, 0 E004
22-97 E005 N, 9, 0 E005
22-98 E006 N, 9, 0 E006
22-99 E007 N, 9, 0 E007
22-100 E008 N, 9, 0 E008
22-101 E009 N, 9, 1 E009
22-102 E026 N, 9, 0 E026
22-103 E027 N, 9, 0 E027
22-104 E028 N, 9, 0 E028
22-105 E029 N, 9, 0 E029
22-106 E030 N, 9, 0 E030
22-107 E031 N, 9, 0 E031
22-108 E033 N, 9, 0 E033
22-109 E034 N, 9, 0 E034
22-110 E035 N, 9, 0 E035
22-111 E036 N, 9, 0 E036
22-112 E037 N, 9, 0 E037
22-113 E038 N, 9, 0 E038
22-114 E039 N, 9, 0 E039
22-115 E040 N, 9, 0 E040
22-116 E041 N, 9, 0 E041
22-117 E042 N, 9, 0 E042
22-118 E043 N, 9, 0 E043
22-119 E044 N, 9, 0 E044
22-120 E045 N, 9, 0 E045
22-121 E047 N, 9, 0 E047
22-122 E048 N, 9, 0 E048
22-123 E049 N, 9, 0 E049
22-124 E050 N, 9, 0 E050
22-125 E052 N, 9, 0 E052
22-126 E053 N, 9, 0 E053
22-127 E054 N, 9, 0 E054
22-128 E055 N, 9, 0 E055
22-129 E056 N, 9, 0 E056
22-130 E057 N, 9, 0 E057
22-131 E058 N, 9, 0 E058
22-132 E059 N, 9, 0 E059
22-133 E060 N, 9, 0 E060
22-134 E061 N, 9, 0 E061
22-135 E062 N, 9, 0 E062
22-136 E063 N, 9, 0 E063
22-137 E064 N, 9, 0 E064
22-138 E065 N, 9, 0 E065
22-139 E066 N, 9, 0 E066
22-140 E067 N, 9, 0 E067
22-141 E068 N, 9, 0 E068
22-142 E069 N, 9, 0 E069
22-143 E070 N, 9, 0 E070
22-144 E071 N, 9, 0 E071
22-145 E072 N, 9, 0 E072
22-146 E073 N, 9, 0 E073
22-147 E074 N, 9, 0 E074
22-148 E075 N, 9, 0 E075
22-149 E076 N, 9, 0 E076
22-150 E077 N, 9, 0 E077
22-151 E078 N, 9, 0 E078
22-152 E079 N, 9, 0 E079
22-153 E080 N, 9, 0 E080
22-154 E081 N, 9, 0 E081
22-155 E082 N, 9, 0 E082
22-156 E083 N, 9, 0 E083
22-157 E084 N, 9, 0 E084
22-158 E085 N, 9, 0 E085
22-159 E086 N, 9, 0 E086
22-160 E087 N, 9, 0 E087
22-161 E088 N, 9, 0 E088
22-162 E089 N, 9, 0 E089
22-163 E090 N, 9, 0 E090
22-164 E091 N, 9, 0 E091
22-165 E092 N, 9, 0 E092
22-166 E093 N, 9, 0 E093
22-167 E094 N, 9, 0 E094
22-168 E095 N, 9, 0 E095
22-169 E096 N, 9, 0 E096
22-170 E097 N, 9, 0 E097
22-171 E098 N, 9, 0 E098
22-172 E099 N, 9, 0 E099
22-173 E119 N, 9, 1 E119
22-174 E128 N, 9, 1 E128
22-175 H001 N, 9, 0 Total housing units
22-176 H002 N, 9, 0 Occupied housing units
22-177 H003 N, 9, 0 Vacant housing units
22-178 H004 N, 9, 1 H004
22-179 H005 N, 9, 1 H005
22-180 H007 N, 9, 0 H007
22-181 H008 N, 9, 0 H008
22-182 H009 N, 9, 0 H009
22-183 H010 N, 9, 0 H010
22-184 H011 N, 9, 0 H011
22-185 H012 N, 9, 0 H012
22-186 H013 N, 9, 0 H013
22-187 H014 N, 9, 0 H014
22-188 H015 N, 9, 0 H015
22-189 H016 N, 9, 0 H016
22-190 H017 N, 9, 0 H017
22-191 H018 N, 9, 0 H018
22-192 H019 N, 9, 0 H019
22-193 H020 N, 9, 0 H020
22-194 H021 N, 9, 0 H021
22-195 H022 N, 9, 0 H022
22-196 H023 N, 9, 0 H023
22-197 H024 N, 9, 0 H024
22-198 H025 N, 9, 0 H025
22-199 H026 N, 9, 0 H026
22-200 H037 N, 9, 1 H037
22-201 H046 N, 9, 0 H046
22-202 H047 N, 9, 0 H047
22-203 H048 N, 9, 2 H048
22-204 H049 N, 9, 2 H049
22-205 H051 N, 9, 0 H051
22-206 H052 N, 9, 0 H052
22-207 H053 N, 9, 0 H053
22-208 H054 N, 9, 0 H054
22-209 H055 N, 9, 0 H055
22-210 H056 N, 9, 0 H056
22-211 H058 N, 9, 0 H058
22-212 H059 N, 9, 0 H059
22-213 H060 N, 9, 0 H060
22-214 H061 N, 9, 0 H061
22-215 H063 N, 9, 0 H063
22-216 H064 N, 9, 0 H064
22-217 H065 N, 9, 0 H065
22-218 H066 N, 9, 0 H066
22-219 H067 N, 9, 0 H067
22-220 H068 N, 9, 0 H068
22-221 H069 N, 9, 0 H069
22-222 H077 N, 9, 0 H077
22-223 H078 N, 9, 0 H078
22-224 H079 N, 9, 0 H079
22-225 H081 N, 9, 0 H081
22-226 H082 N, 9, 0 H082
22-227 H083 N, 9, 0 H083
22-228 H084 N, 9, 0 H084
22-229 H085 N, 9, 0 H085
22-230 H086 N, 9, 0 H086
22-231 H087 N, 9, 0 H087
22-232 H088 N, 9, 0 H088
22-233 H089 N, 9, 0 H089
22-234 H090 N, 9, 0 H090
22-235 H091 N, 9, 0 H091
22-236 H092 N, 9, 0 H092
22-237 H126 N, 9, 0 H126
22-238 H127 N, 9, 0 H127
22-239 H128 N, 9, 0 H128
22-240 H129 N, 9, 0 H129
22-241 H130 N, 9, 0 H130
22-242 H131 N, 9, 0 H131
22-243 H132 N, 9, 0 H132
22-244 H133 N, 9, 0 H133
22-245 H134 N, 9, 0 H134
22-246 STPUMA20 C, 7, 0 USPS State abbreviation

Layer 23 -- LayerName: cb_2017_us_state48 -- LayerFileName: cb_2017_us_state48.shp
23-1 GEOID C, 2, 0 Unique geocode
23-2 STUSPS C, 2, 0 USPS State abbreviation
23-3 NAME C, 100, 0 Area, Line or Marker Name

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About VDA GIS .. goto top
The Visual Data Analytics (VDA) Geographic Information System (GIS) is a multi-dimensional set of software, data and methodoligies designed to provide mapping, geospatial processing and analysis, data development and maintenance to meet wide-ranging learning, policy analysis and business intelligence needs. Learn more about Geographic Information Systems. VDA Desktop GIS and VDA Web GIS have similar features that can be used separately or together. Each is a decision-making information resource designed to help stakeholders create and apply insight. VDA Web GIS is accessed/used with only a Web browser; nothing to install; GIS experience not required. VDA Desktop GIS is installed on a Windows computer and provides a broader range of capabilities compared to VDA Web GIS. VDA GIS resources have been developed and are maintained by Warren Glimpse, ProximityOne (Alexandria, VA) and Takashi Hamilton, Tsukasa Consulting (Osaka, Japan).

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