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Congressional District - State Legislative District Data Analytics -- face-to-face data analytics sessions
Join us in the Congressional District-State Legislative District Data Analytics sessions. These sessions are focused on tools, data and analytical methods relating to Congressional Districts (115th CDs) and State Legislative Districts (2016 cycle SLDs). We focus on national and Virginia CDs and SLDs in context of the total population, voting population, the Citizen Voting Age Population characteristics and patterns with drill down to census block, block group, census tract, election precinct, city/place, ZIP code, county, metro and other geography. View this document as pdf -- http://proximityone.com/cdsld/cdsld_vasessions.pdf. Learning Sessions, Data Analytics & GIS Projects for Other Areas While this section is focused on Virginia statewide applications with drill-down to census block level, similar face-to-face sessions and web sessions, with associated GIS projects, datasets and applications are available for the U.S., state, community or region. Contact us for more information. Key in message in text section or call us at 888.364.7656. About these Sessions Anyone may attend. There is no fee. There is no promotional content. Sessions are presented by Warren Glimpse an expert on the topics covered. Learn more about the potentials of using these tools, data and methods. Get answers to your questions to learn more about what data are available, options to access the data, how to integrate these data with other data and insights into how you can use and the data. Attend one or many sessions. While there are core topics, new related material and updates are covered in each session. Join in as a continuing program. Develop and extend data analytics skills. Upcoming Sessions Feb 3, 2018 (Sat); 1:00-3:00 pm; Alexandria, VA .. set reminder .. Alexandria sessions are at the Fairfax County Martha Washington Library Feb 19, 2018 (Mon); 1:00-3:00 pm; Richmond, VA Mar 31, 2018 (Sat); 10:00-12:00 pm; Alexandria, VA .. set reminder Register here .. space is limited, registration is required Session Topics Overview: Scope & Nomenclature Introduction to the CDSLD_VA GIS project and related data Brief on selected Voting Population topics Brief on accessing/using selected statistical resources (links reviewed in session) .. U.S. 115th Congressional District Demographic-Economic interactive tables .. U.S. State Legislative District Demographic-Economic interactive tables .. Virginia State Legislative District interactive table with incumbent, party, additional detail Predicting CD/SLD 2018 individual election outcomes .. current predictions reviewed .. predictive modeling; developing and using jointly dependent determinants Using the CDSLD_VA GIS project (30 minutes) .. developing VA state legislative district visual analyses; collaborating with these resources; examples: - Virginia House District 11 (Roanoke) - Virginia House District 44 (Fairfax County) - Virginia Senate District 36 (Fairfax- Prince William - Stafford Counties) .. integrating and analyzing voter registration data .. relating census block (Census 2010) and block group (ACS) geodemographics to election precincts .. integrating and analyzing election results data by precinct, SLD, CD .. census block geodemographics and redistricting .. incumbent/candidate use of these resources to better understand constituent needs Brief on reapportionment & redistricting .. see related section Promoting a successful, fair and accurate Census 2020 .. "hard-to-count" census block groups/tracts and implications for CDSLDs. Brief on related data access/analytics tools .. Interactive Tables .. API Tools Discussion (20 minutes) Congressional District/State Legislative District (CDSLD) Group The CDSLD Group, maintained by Warren Glimpse/ProximityOne, is a forum intended for individuals interested in accessing and using geodemographic data and analytical tools relating to voting districts, congressional districts & state legislative districts. Receive updates on these topics, data analytics and access to GIS-related resources. There is no fee. Join in! Support Using these Resources Learn more about accessing and using demographic-economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these one-hour Web sessions. Each informal session is focused on a specific topic. The open structure also provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants. Additional Information ProximityOne develops geodemographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. Contact us (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest. |